automation in drupal

Automation in Drupal by Bozhidar Boshnakov

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Post on 22-Jun-2015




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In this session we will cover as much as possible the following topics: - Quick intro to TDD (Test-Driven Development) and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) - Gherkin - Behat - Mink - Drupal extension with Drush integration - Acceptance criteria - Demonstrations and show cases


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Automation in Drupalby Bozhidar Boshnakov

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About me

• Bozhidar Boshnakov• Team leader @ ProPeople• [email protected]• Skype: bo6nakov• – bboshnakov•

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Table of contents• TDD – Test-Driven Development• BDD – Behavior-Driven Development• Gherkin• Behat• Mink• Drupal extension• Acceptance criteria• Demonstrations and show cases

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Can make progress …… without process

This is not a good thing !!!

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Professionals• Design, plan and prepare first• …then do the work

• This produces better results FASTER !!!

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Process is the difference between

Software Engineering & Programming

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In order to verify application behaviorAs a software developer

I need tests

Preferably automated tests

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Test-Driven Development

• Write a test• Ensure the new test fails• Write code to satisfy the test• Ensure all tests pass• Refactor• Repeat

…is an iterative design process

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Behavior-Driven Development

• Write test cases in a natural language– Understood by developers and business folks alike– Helps relate domain language of requirements to

the code• Do this with user stories and scenarios– User stories describe a feature’s benefit in context– Scenarios are executable acceptance criteria

…builds upon TDD

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GherkinGherkin is a Business Readable, Domain Specific Language created especially for behavior descriptions. It gives you the

ability to remove logic details from behavior tests.

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Gherkin Syntax

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Gherkin Syntax

Feature: Banana CalculatorAs Bob the Banana merchant,I want a calculator that can add the amount of bananas so that I can know how many bananas I currently haveScenario: Will add 2 banana amounts Given I have 3 Bananas When I add 5 Bananas Then I should have 8 Banana

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This is where

and come in

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Behat is an open source behavior-driven development framework for

PHP 5.3 and 5.4.

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The simplest way to install Behat is through


Before you begin, ensure that you have at least PHP 5.3.1 installed.

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Composer.json{ "require": { "behat/mink": "*", "behat/mink-goutte-driver": "*", "behat/behat": "*", "behat/mink-extension": "*", "drupal/drupal-extension": "*" }, "minimum-stability": "dev", "config": { "bin-dir": "bin/" }}

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Then download composer.phar and run install command:

$ curl | php$ php composer.phar install

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Behat.ymldefault: extensions: Behat\MinkExtension\Extension: base_url: goutte: ~ selenium2: ~ paths: features: features bootstrap: features/bootstrap

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And the last step…

php bin/behat --init

And now you have your Features folder where you can create the magic!!!

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What are the features?

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Let's Have Behat Analyze Our Feature

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Behat Creates the Glue...but the rest is up to you

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Not so fast. What about Mink?

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Understanding Mink

One of the most important parts in the web is a browser. A browser is the window through which web application users interact with the application and other users.

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Headless browser

emulatorsVS Browser


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• Control the Browser – Session• Cookies and Headers management• HTTP Authentication• Traverse the Page - Selectors• Manipulate the Page

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Mink Context Defines Steps...for making requests

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Mink Context Defines Steps...for interacting with forms

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Mink Context Defines Steps...for querying the DOM

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Mink Context Defines Steps...for examining responses

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Now…Let’s get away from the theory and show some


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TagsTags are a great way to organize your features and scenarios:

A Scenario or Feature can have as many tags as you like, just separate them with spaces:

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TagsHow to execute the tags?

If a tag exists on a Feature, Behat will assign that tag to all child

Scenarios and Scenario Outlines too!

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All configuration happens inside a single configuration file in the

YAML format.

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Imports…or share your feature configurations

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$bin/behat –p google features/feature1

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The Drupal extension• Overrides default behaviors:

– Snippets follow Drupal coding standards– Mink Extension steps get synonyms for readability

• Provides drivers to facilitate data setup– Blackbox– Drush– Drupal API

• Adds support for Drupal:– Regions– Node types– Users and Roles– Taxonomy– Subcontexts for Contributed Modules

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Provides drivers for data set up

• Works with Drupal 6, 7, and 8• Connect with no privileges (local or remote)• Connect with Drush (local or remote)• Connect with the Drupal API (local only)

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About data setup• Every scenario must be able to run

independent of other scenarios• Often work with a fresh copy of the

production database• Can’t always assume the database has specific

content• Separate architectural elements from content

elements• Insert data to get reliable checks

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Drush: alias file

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Drush: behat.yml

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Drupal API: behat.yml

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Region map: behat.yml

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RegionsRequires a map in the behat.yml file

• label => css selector• This means regions don’t have to map directly to

Drupal theme regions

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Structure > Blocks > (Theme) > Demonstrate block regions

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Users, roles and taxonomies

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Relational data

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Relational data

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If you have any questions or you want access for the full installation guideline feel

free to contact me on my email address:[email protected]

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Special thanks to:

• Nikolay Ignatov• Boyan Borisov• Miroslav Banov• Toni Kolev

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Thank you!!!

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