autoscaling spark on aws ec2 - 11th spark london meetup

Autoscaling Spark for Fun and Profit Rafal Kwasny 11th Spark London Meetup 2015-11-26

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Autoscaling Spark for Fun and Profit

Rafal Kwasny11th Spark London Meetup


Who am I

•DevOPS•Build a few platforms in my life•mostly adtech, in-game analytics for Sony Playstation

•Currently advising Investment Banks•CTO Entropy Investments

How do you run spark?

•Who runs on AWS?

•Who uses EMR?

So how to use autoscaling on AWS?


•typical architecture for AWS

•How autoscaling works

•Scripts to make your life easier

Typical architecture for AWS

Typical architecture for AWS

Generate some data

Typical architecture for AWS

Store it in S3

Typical architecture for AWS

or store it in a message queue

Typical architecture for AWS

Use your favourite tool for ETL

Typical architecture for AWS

Ship it back to S3

Typical architecture for AWS

Or send it somewhere

Typical architecture for AWS

- EMR- spark-ec2- build cluster from scratch

Map-reduce is about quickly writing very inefficient code and then running it at massive scale

(C) Someone


•EC2 is a pay-for-what-you-use model

•You just have to decide how much resources you want to use before starting a cluster


Most common problems while running on EC2

Scaling up•My team needs a new cluster, how big it should be?

Scaling down•Did I shut down the DEV cluster before leaving the office on Friday evening?

How to automate scaling?

Types of scaling

Vertical scaling - „Let’s get a bigger box”

•Change instance type•Change EBS parameters

Horizontal scaling - „Just add more nodes”


•Automatic resizing based on demand•Define minimum/maximum instance count•Define when scaling should occur•Use metrics•Run your jobs and don’t worry about infrastructure

Architecture with autoscaling

Using RAM/local SSDs for caching

Only saving output into S3

Fault recovery

Autoscaling components

•AMI - machine image with installed spark•Launch configuration - defines:

•AMI•instance type•instance storage •public IP•security groups

Autoscaling components

•Autoscaling group•launch configuration•availability zones•VPC details•min/max servers•when to scale•metrics/health checks

Putting it all together

Then you can run your job


•AWS provides a lot of services


• Better scripts to start spark clusters on EC2

• Alpha version


What’s inside spark-cloud

Building AMI’s through packer

Packer is a tool for creating machine and container images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.

Supports AWS, DigitalOcean, Docker, OpenStack, Parallels, QEMU, VirtualBox, VMware

Current functionality

•Start cluster

•Shutdown cluster

•But more to come :)

Spot instances

•Spot instances

Spot instances

–On-Demand: $1.400

–Spot: $0.15–89% cheaper


•Spark and EC2 is a very common combination•Because it makes your life easier•And cheaper•spark-cloud script will help you•You can just worry about writing good Spark code!

Amazon S3 Tips

•Don’t use s3n://•Use s3a:// with hadoop 2.6

–Parallel rename, especially important for committing output–Supports IAM authentication–no „xyz_$folder$" files–input seek–multipart upload ( no 5GB limit )–Error recovery and retry

More info

Why not EMR?

•Why pay for EMR? It costs more than a spot instance

•vendor lock-in and proprietary libraries•netlib-java