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Do you ‘INTEND’ to be successful? Use of this simple, low cost instrument puts targeted focus on your desired end result to manifest the life you truly want. Available at Vervante Bookstore and Amazon. BobbieCThompson.com

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Do you ‘INTEND’ to be successful?

Use of this simple, low cost instrument puts targeted focus

on your desired end resultto manifest

the life you truly want.

Available at Vervante Bookstore and Amazon.


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Line It Up – Daily Intentions Planner

The Meaning Behind The Title

I woke up from a dream one morning feeling absolutely giddy over three simple words … Line

It Up. I had no idea why I felt such elation over these words, but I couldn’t get them off my mind. I

knew they were important words, but in that moment, I had no idea how or why they were important.

I knew I’d received a ‘message,’ even though I had no understanding of the meaning … but I felt

assured the meaning was forthcoming. I didn’t know when or how it would arrive, but I knew

something exciting was on its way.

A few days later it was as if the light bulb in my mind switched on. I understood the message.

It is an explanation of how we create our lives … we, ‘Line It Up.’ The lower case ‘i’ represents the

‘individual’ or physical-self. The capital ‘I’ represents the individual higher-self, (your soul or spirit),

and the capital ‘U’ stands for Universal consciousness.

The words Line It Up explains we create our own life as we ‘line it up’ (or create) with our

thoughts, words, and actions.

Even the arrows connecting the i, I, and U in the title have significance. When the individual-

self has a thought or desire, that desire is conveyed to the higher-self. The desire is then created in

universal consciousness, the evidence of which manifests as our physical life.

Another significant understanding of the arrows is ‘connection’ … we are all connected to

universal consciousness through our higher-self.

When I woke from that dream feeling so giddy I knew something very important, very exciting

was coming, and I was right!

Copyright 2020 -- self-published by BobbieCThompson.com

ISBN: 978-0-9914753-3-9

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Line It Up – Daily Intentions Planner

About the Daily Intentions Planner Thank you for purchasing the “Line It Up - Daily Intentions Planner.” Not a calendar, nor a

to-do list, but a 365-day intention planner for putting targeted focus on the outcome you desire for

the next day’s scheduled events by segment intending, or ‘getting out ahead of it’ based on the

teachings of Abraham-Hicks and the Law of Attraction. Use of this simple planner achieves your

desired outcome while avoiding ‘knee jerk’ responses which often results in an outcome exactly the

opposite of your desire.

‘Thoughts-become-things’ has long been a spiritual belief (Proverbs 4:23 NCV – Be careful

what you think, because your thoughts run your life). Of late, the results of many scientific

experiments show that, yes, your thoughts (and your words) actually do influence outcomes.

For example, let’s say you have the thought to go to the dry cleaners later this afternoon and

decide to ask a friend to help you remember. Which phrase is best suited for the outcome you desire

…which is to remember? Should you say, “Don’t let me forget to go to the dry cleaners today” or

would it be best to say, “Help me remember to go to the dry cleaners today”?

If you choose the phrase containing the words ‘forget to go’ then the focus is on ‘forgetting.’

The likelihood of both you and your friend forgetting is good because forgetting is the message your

words convey and your mind receives. However, by saying ‘help me remember’ you are conveying a

message of ‘remembering’ which is your intended outcome.

There are very few things in life you have total control over, but your thoughts and your words

are controlled by YOU ALONE. You can have the life you desire when you set your intentions today

for a better tomorrow. Line It Up … you got this.

Enjoy ... may your life be exactly as you intend.

Bobbie C Thompson BobbieCThompson.com

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Line It Up – Daily Intentions Planner

Completion example:


6:00 am ___get out of bed_______________ __feel refreshed & renewed___ morning meditation/prayer _ ____eager to start my day_____ 7:00 am __________________________________ __________________________________ ___drive to work _______________ _____enjoy the safe drive______ 8:00 am ___start my workday__________ __smile throughout my day__ __________________________________ __________________________________ 9:00 am __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 10:00 am ___weekly mgmt. meeting ____ __proud of my contribution__ __________________________________ __________________________________ 11:00 am __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 12:00 pm ___lunch with Bobbie__________ __ enjoy our time together __

__________________________________ __________________________________ 1:00 pm __________________________________ __________________________________ __do team project research __ _find the exact info I need___ 2:00 pm __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 3:00 pm _conference call on project __ appreciate the collaboration_ __________________________________ __________________________________ 4:00 pm __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 5:00 pm __________________________________ __________________________________ ___go to grocery _______________ __quickly find items I need__ 6:00 pm __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 7:00 pm __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ 8:00 pm __________________________________ __________________________________ _read bedtime story to kids _ _____bask in the love___________ 9:00 pm __________________________________ __________________________________ complete planner for tomorrow __it’s going to be a good day_

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Line It Up – Daily Intentions Planner

Drawings, Ideas, Thoughts

The planner contains several ‘blank’ pages to record drawings, ideas, and thoughts. It’s also a good place to record your dreams.

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Line It Up – Daily Intentions Planner


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Line It Up – Daily Intentions Planner


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Line It Up – Daily Intentions Planner


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Line It Up – Daily Intentions Planner

My Positive Words

Write words that resonate with you using the letter indicated. Use your chosen positive words in your daily intentions/feelings when completing your planner.

A _________________________________________________________________________ B _________________________________________________________________________ C _________________________________________________________________________ D _________________________________________________________________________ E _________________________________________________________________________ F _________________________________________________________________________ G _________________________________________________________________________ H ________________________________________________________________________ I _________________________________________________________________________ J _________________________________________________________________________ K _________________________________________________________________________ L _________________________________________________________________________ M _________________________________________________________________________ N _________________________________________________________________________ O _________________________________________________________________________ P _________________________________________________________________________ Q _________________________________________________________________________ R _________________________________________________________________________ S _________________________________________________________________________ T _________________________________________________________________________ U _________________________________________________________________________ V _________________________________________________________________________ W _________________________________________________________________________ X _________________________________________________________________________ Y _________________________________________________________________________ Z _________________________________________________________________________

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Line It Up – Daily Intentions Planner

Imaginings and Affirmations

Imagining, or visualizing, is a great tool for manifesting the things you desire. Write imagining sentences such as: “Wouldn’t it be nice if I won the lottery” then be sure write your reason why the outcome would be nice, such as: “because winning the lottery would give me freedom to purchase my dream home, travel, and help others.” As you imagine, feel the feelings of purchasing your dream home, traveling, and helping others.