avoiding fraud settlement agents in perth


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Post on 15-Aug-2015




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A very alarming news regarding

fraudulent real property settlement have

shocked the whole real estate industry and

of Western Australia as well in 2011.

A Perth homeowner was shocked to

learn that upon coming back from a trip overseas,

his house had been sold without his knowledge by

fraud settlement agents and was learned that the

whole incident was a part of an elaborate

overseas scam.

John Samykannu, the owner of LJ Hooker

real estate agency in Mirrabooka was charged

with appropriate legal proceedings in the

State Administrative Tribunal by

Consumer Protection WA.

It was found out that the agency of

Samykannu breached the real estate agents’

Code of Conduct when they failed to properly

scrutinise the request to sell the

property in Ballajura.

What happened was the identity of

the homeowner (who is also the victim) had been

stolen by scammers from Nigeria. The total contract

price was believed to be at $400,000.

If you are looking for a house to buy

and you have bought a “hot” property, you

could also be in “hot water”.

You should try to learn how to avoid

fraudulent settlement transactions as well as

deceitful property settlement

agents in Perth.

It’s true that what happened in Ballajura

was done by Nigerian scammers and the real

estate agency was in the middle.

However, there are some fraud

settlement agents that deliberately

do some illegal transactions.


Demand a license from settlement agents.

There’s nothing better than seeing that the settlement

representative that is in front of you is a

licensed settlement agent.

Upon demand, he should be able to show

to you the different licenses that he or his company

has to prove that they are licensed, reliable

and not fraudulent.

Ask around.

If you are really in doubt, you should

ask around for some answers and don’t

hesitate to find some answers.

Many people fall into fraudulent

traps in real estate because they either think

they know what they are doing and

who they are dealing with.

Remember, if it was found out

that the property you have bought is not

for sale and was offered to you by a scammer,

you are also going to be in trouble.

Always choose wisely for a

trustworthy professional settlement agent.

You should call the state regulator to make sure

that the agent’s license is current.

But, you have to check twice

because nearly all the bad ones were

licensed and were even members

of a trade association.

If his offer is too good to be true,

then, have some second thoughts in

buying a house.

The best thing you should do

first in order to prevent this is to have the

knowledge of the current pricing of homes

or properties in your area.

If a settlement agent is offering

you something that has a lower price which

is lower than the average, be very

careful in dealing with them.

Go online and look for a website

of a settlement company.

The fact of the matter is it’s

not really that difficult and time

consuming nowadays to find

something you need.

In the world of real estate, whenever

you want to know if that settlement agent is

really what he claims he is, then, go to the

website of his company and try to see if he

really is telling the truth.

Sometimes, the fault is not in the company

but in the individual. That settlement agent may

belong with the company but he has records

of fraud and scams.

Furthermore, if he is a “bad egg”, the

company can confirm to you if that person

is still in connection with them or not.

Fraud settlement agents in Perth

are everywhere nowadays.

Since you might want to go online

so it would be convenient and easier for you to

find the best and most trusted settlement agents

in Perth, it’s best to take a look first at


In Perth, this company is the most

trusted settlement company in Perth today.

Transacting with them will really give you a peace of

mind knowing that every transaction that you

give to them is 100% genuine.


Advantage Settlements

Phone: +61 8 9221 2600

Fax: +61 8 9221 2612

Email: [email protected]

Post: PO Box 5396 East Victoria Park WA 6981

Opening hours: 9.00am to 5.00pm - Monday to Friday

In person: Suite 2, First Floor, 896 Albany Highway,East Victoria Park 6101 WA