awaken - how to use


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Post on 11-Mar-2016




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Test Opening Sample of Awaken Human Potential


Page 1: Awaken - How To Use
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I How to Approach

No answer is also an answer

This section is to clarify the intention and the unique presentation of this book and

how to approach it. Upon first approach to this read there may be a natural

adjustment of comprehension or familiarity to be gained before the depth of the

material is revealed. It’s not necessary to directly understand the meaning of the

words but to receive the opening of understanding and availability of self-reflection.

The words are only pointers. Realize the treasures within the words are not in the

deciphering and ownership of the language but rather accessed through an

intention behind the words that transfers wisdom and truth. This deeper exchange

and information arises from the nameless field that persists and we all share as the

source of life and human potential. Here within lies a space of openness and clarity,

an expansive perspective of true love of the human condition as we explore

All things and All that things arise from…

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Here within is the substance to stir and awaken a joyful enthusiasm for further

exploration and revealing of liberated Self. Awaken is best used as a source of

reflection and to provide keys for individual expansion and growth. It is intended as

a gateway to contemplation and allowing inner potential rather than attempting to

provide set answers when the very process of exploration itself provides relevant

answers to each individual’s position. Answers may also come outside of language by

presenting themselves as acceptance, a trusted knowing or arrive by grace.

The insight within these pages entices the reader and invites opening to a new

paradigm of intelligence, connection, priority and position (location) of self. The very

format of the book supports this message in that the content is given in a flowing

and non-linear style compared to the more traditional style with its strict geometric

and self-validating structure of introduction, body, conclusion or answer. What is

gained by embracing the concepts to come are:

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o greater connection to clearer reality

o a lessening of physical tension, anxiety and emotional unease

o grace in action & speech, lightness in body

o release from a cycle of disappointment of attachment to outcomes

o avoidance of regret and release of fear

o letting go of the illusion of control while gaining a deep trust we can all share

(support in alignment with totality over individual perspective)

o dissolution of worry through realization of support within totality

o sensations of possibilities & natural purpose

o a relaxing of mental and physical heaviness and entrapment

o genuine and deeper relationships

o radiant energy

o vast lasting happiness and liberation

The intention here is that all the answers are not plainly given: Concepts are not

always just summarized in a neat package. The sharing of perspectives and

perceptions elicits introspection and self-exploration within the reader that allows

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growth into temporary conclusions that are aligned with your experience, your

intellect, your heart and your openness. Contemplation and realization shifts within

each individual from the point of any particular reading. What one reads and

experiences today is not what one will perceive several years in the future.

When inner peace, reflection, radiance

connection, expansion or silence comes,

follow that gift,

be with it

close the book to honor the inner state and arisings

You may view this writing as an expanded version of a Zen koan (saying) where the

question itself provides no hard answer in language, but rather opens a portal to

inner silence, essence and self-reflection. This perception of openness or space from

thought is a strong pointer to the concept of and connection with the “primary

perspective” which is the main principle to be explored.

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Unless you come with emptiness, how can you expect to receive?

Simply put: feel the essence of these words to follow from aliveness, with your

conscious being [your heart] instead of thinking about it in your head. This is the

path of the heart, not the reduced anatomical heart that is only a muscle that pumps

blood but the metaphorical center of love and aliveness (life). Images, quotes and

creative text are meant to provide support to the reader by reminding you that the

viewing should stem from a place of humility, openness and lightness that allows the

beauty to be seen and new ideas to be entertained. If heaviness, irresolution or

furrowed brow persists, it is best to laugh it off, connect with beauty around you

(music, art, loved one, nature, anything) smile or go outside and play!

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The reader is not simply asked to gain ownership over the concepts given here, rather

you are empowered to decide for yourself and provided an opening for introspection.

Some content is best left unanswered and only heard and felt or as a wise man once

said, “Just let the words hit your being and sink in as they may”. Everyone is allowed

to believe what they will and walk through the World the way they will.

Daily Reflection

Breathe inspiration

This teaching may also be used in a browsing fashion where the text is just randomly

opened, perused and that area is illuminated. This is akin to when we put aside

controlled thought for trust (with amazing results) as in being in the “zone,”

painting, listening to music, intimacy and other timeless experiences. Often it is

found that whatever you open to at a particular time is exactly what was needed to be

heard. As each phrase, quote, image and even some words are sources of inspiration

and illumination if they are so received and honored.

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When the approach is OPEN

The available depth is VAST

Using this book as daily inspiration for a simple self-reflection spark will provide the

reader with acknowledgement and encouragement for adding greater depth into

your way of being. This light use is highly recommended when macro (cover to cover)

reading becomes laborious, the mind resists or time to read feels short. Approach the

content in smaller sections and close the book often while you allow and witness what

arises and honor it with silence and awareness or contemplation.

As new material, this penetrates the comfort zone of preconceptions. Whenever one

mentally comes to a conclusion or ownership of a concept, in a sense another “brick

of limitation” has been added to the structure of yourself (the self). This brick

structure is normal and natural; however, human potential is not the house but the

space within and without the house. This is like considering the universe that

contains the land that supports the house where the miraculous energy, action and

life unfolded to build it.

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Any mental structure or object allows for the awareness of space because the form

itself could not exist without the space for it to be. This mirrors how the human mind

(structure) allows for perception /awareness of a space or short lapse in time before

language and thought come in. An example is when you view something beautiful

like a rainbow, wave, sunset or wild animal; there is an intense and timeless moment

of connection between you and the subject before distractive thoughts, labels, time

pressure, distance and ownership come into the mind.

The sky does not need the clouds nor does it create or destroy them.

They arise within its all-encompassing, boundless space.

The sky does not judge, retaliate or punish clouds.

The sky provides equality to all clouds as well as the context

for their formation of

perceptual appearance and disappearance.

Dr David Hawkins

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Resistance to allowing the inherent human sun of our full potential to blaze fully and

naturally can stem from the cloud of unknowing, fear of change or fear of loss of

control and cognition (or lack of belief more potential is available). Anyone who has

had these awakening and expanding experiences will relate this is not the case.

Nothing is lost by allowing in trusting totality and treating our mental structures

with humility and some space from personal attachment and identification with

those thoughts. What is allowed is as natural as breath; actions are automatic and

graceful with just the right amount of energy required without the control of

thought. Expanded awareness dissolves limitations, problems, pain, confusion and

disconnect, and reunites us with a loving that cannot be believed was ever lost.

And so begins an exploration of self and ways to find yourself shifting into lightness,

coming home and expanding beyond the previous limits of the shell of your body.

Expanded access or being in the flow (with a greater reality) is truly the goal here: If

you desire to know more of your True Self, be free of judgment, limitation and

suffering, have clarity of thought and action, access to collective or universal wisdom

and freedom from emotional upheaval, no matter what the World around you looks

like; read on with openness and humility.

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The Sun is always shining

even if partially or completely obscured by environmental conditions.

The same can be said for the human condition

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