aweber review >>> is it really the best autoresponder in the market?

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Aweber is the name you hear when you lookout for email autoresponder services. Is it really the best email autoresponder in the market? Can you choose Aweber for your business? Read this review to find out about it!


Page 2: Aweber Review >>> Is It Really The Best Autoresponder In The Market? Jane Sheeba

Aweber is the name you hear every time you

Think about getting the best email autoresponder

for your business. Am I right?

OK, before talking about Aweber, let me quickly

touch an important point.

Email marketing – this one’s a biggie! And it’s

mostly ignored by the newbies, which is

indeed a shame.

Why? Because people think its old school.

Because they think that there are far more

advanced techniques or avenues to reach out to

their readers/followers/customers (like social media or blogging).

Review of: Aweber email marketing solution

Email Marketing Solution: Aweber

Reviewed by: Jane Sheeba

Rating: Summary: Aweber is the name you hear when you

lookout for email autoresponder services.

Is it really the best email autoresponder in

the market? Can you choose Aweber for

your business? Read this review to find

out about it!

Try Aweber for just $1

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Because they don’t understand its importance.

Because they’re ignorant!

…And I would really blame them (and no one else) for that.

I know that could have sounded little harsh – but that’s the truth.

Time and time again, I see so many top bloggers insist on building a list (I

know Derek Halpern from Social Triggers really stresses this point).

And time and time again we all read those great blog reports by those

biggies and … what do we do? We appreciate the blogger for writing an

awesome report and move on to read another blog report or watch a

Youtube video!

Do you take action? If you answered “yes”, then you’re a blessed kind! And

you can survive!

If not, then, may be I should take the privilege of twisting your arm and

make you do it (I hope you don’t mind ).

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To start with – read this report to help you build an email list FAST

Well, Aweber is the email autoresponder service that I use to build my list

and to keep in touch with my subscribers.

Basically my online business is built on that email list I am building,

and Aweber helps me with that (well, actually I can’t do this

without Aweber).

Email list building: A 3 step working strategy to build email list


This is the point I’m trying to convey: I took action

and I am reaping benefits. If you want to reap benefits, I

want you to be bold and take ACTION.

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Well, you can pretty much choose any autoresponder service – there are

many in the market.

But why Aweber?

That’s the point of this report here. Read through this report till the end

and go figure if Aweber is for you or not!

If you are in the blogging business you would have already heard the

importance of autoresponders. They make your lives much easier.

Can you think about manually collecting the email ids of your blog visitors

who are interested in your content? Well, I’m not sure if a manual

procedure for the same even exists.

And if you manage to collect those emails, do you think that you can send

bulk email autoresponders in an orderly fashion so as to use it as a funnel

and as fodder to your email subscribers? I don’t think so!

And here comes email autoresponder services that help you seamlessly

collect people’s email ids (ethically, of course) by putting up nice web

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forms, check boxes, pop ups whatever; and then help us craft a set of

automatic emails to be sent at regular intervals to those subscribers.

So it doesn’t matter if a subscriber joins today or a month later, you can

ensure that they will be supplied with good quality content at regular

intervals with autoresponders.

But OK, yes I hear you. You don’t have to choose to send autoresponder

(canned) emails if you don’t like to send the same.

However I’d personally suggest a combination of autoresponder (canned)

and broadcast (live) emails. That works great for me.

OK so why Aweber?

Aweber review: The email autoresponder


This one is a show stealer; you don’t pay a penny extra for having more

than one lists. If I have an Aweber account I can simply create unlimited


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If you have one or more blogs/websites, niche sites etc. for which you want

to build an email list, this option comes in cool.

And even if you just have one blog/website, you might want to create

different lists for different purposes. Say, a list for blog updates, one for the

newsletter and one for the free course you’re offering.

For instance I have 5 websites and I have lists for each of them, plus on

Problogging Success, I have two lists – one for the newsletter and one for

the Write Killer Content course (by the way, don’t forget to sign up for

this awesome free course).

Not just raw lists, but you will be able to segment the lists into specific

groups. This can be used for sending targeted emails to a particular group

of people.

Say if your analytics show that your last email (which was about email

marketing) was opened by a group of people.

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You can create a segment of this specific group of people who were

interested in opening your “email marketing” related email and you can

target a specific (related) product or an idea to that group of people.

If all those nice emails you write don’t get to your subscriber’s inbox, what’s

the whole point? Aweber ensures that 99+% of your emails get delivered


Aweber maintains a good relationship with the ISPs. Plus they have a

strong anti-spam policy. Aweber lets you “see” if your email smells spam

even before you send them.

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Including a text version in your email ensures that your emails are safe –

this is very reasonable since not all email clients won’t display HTML

messages properly.

This makes sending blog updates so easy. More on how you can effectively

do it here -

or watch this video

Blog broadcast: Aweber gives you enhanced

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Aweber has over 150 email templates, helping you create professional

emails just like that.

Plus you can easily brand your emails by either altering the already

available email templates or create your own template.

Aweber’s analytics gives you in-depth insights of your subscriber activity

and your email campaign performance.

Apart from that, find out how you can track your page and form


Aweber makes it dead easy for you to share your email marketing

campaigns. A tutorial on how to do this here –

Aweber Tutorial: Track your page and form

Aweber clubs social media with email marketing

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or watch this video

This one is a very important feature for any autoresponder

and Aweber makes it dead easy for you. What can you split test?

Length of your emails, personalization, company name, wordings,

appearance, subject lines etc. Just about anything, actually.

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Aweber’s interface makes it extremely easy for it use even by newbies (like

me when I started out). Be it creating web (sign up) forms, creating email

campaigns, scheduling, social integration etc.

Aweber makes them all quite easy to implement. Most of the stuff comes in

handy with a few clicks.

Aweber makes is quite easy to embed your sign up forms anywhere to your

website – you can opt to

(a) copy paste a javascript code to your site, or

(b) have the form code emailed to your designer or

(c) have aweber host the form for you.

I always go for (a), which is fine for me. You can also choose to have your

web form to pop up.

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Plus Aweber is easily integrable with most of the popular plugins that help

you with list building – Immediate List Building Pro, Popup

Domination, Optin Skin, Subscribers Magnet, to name a few.

Aweber has a decent collection of apps that you can integrate with.

To name a few, Paypal, Rapportive, Zendesk, Eventbrite, Shopify, Google

Checkout, 2Checkout, Magento Shopping Cart, 123Contact form

integration, Prestashop, and more.

This is where most people panic, especially newbies who have thin pockets

and who aren’t ready to spend on their businesses yet.

But I must say that list building and email marketing are two of the most

important fundamental aspects on which you build your business; plus

your email list is your asset.

Therefore I wouldn’t have a second thought to invest in a good email

marketing solution as that of Aweber.

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In any case here is the pricing structure for Aweber:

Start trial $1 for 1 month and then….

I hear you. You can read my feature comparison of Aweber and the rest of

the popular email autoresponders:

$19/mo – up to 500 subscribers

$29/mo – 501 – 2500 subscribers

$49/mo – 2501 – 5000 subscribers

$69/mo – 5,001 – 10,000 subscribers

$149/mo – 10,001 – 25,000 subscribers

Aweber Vs Mailchimp

Aweber Vs Constant Contact

Aweber Vs GetResponse

Aweber Vs iContact

Page 15: Aweber Review >>> Is It Really The Best Autoresponder In The Market? Jane Sheeba

There you go – all the features of Aweber at a glance.

These are the features I LOVE with Aweber (yes I love their pricing

structure as well given the features at my disposal).

In my honest opinion, you need this tool to build your business!

Aweber is the name you hear when you lookout for email

autoresponder services. Is it really the best email autoresponder in

the market? Can you choose Aweber for your business? Read this

review to find out about it!

Jane’s rating

Try Aweber for just $1

Page 16: Aweber Review >>> Is It Really The Best Autoresponder In The Market? Jane Sheeba

Disclaimer: Some links in this report are affiliate

links, which means I will earn a commission if you

purchase the product through my link. You will never be

paying extra when you buy products through my link.

And be rest assured, I only recommend products that I've

used personally and am happy with! If you have any

questions, feel free to contact me


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