aws for start-ups - introduction & aws overview

89 AWS for startups

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A detailed overview of AWS including how you can get started quickly, deliver agility and reduced time to market. By Ryan Shuttleworth, AWS Technical Evangelist


Page 1: Aws for Start-ups  - Introduction & AWS Overview

AWS for startups

Page 2: Aws for Start-ups  - Introduction & AWS Overview

A bit of background Introduction & AWS overview

Page 3: Aws for Start-ups  - Introduction & AWS Overview

Consumer Business

Tens of millions of active customer


Eight countries: US, UK, Germany,

Japan, France, Canada, China, Italy

Seller Business

Sell on Amazon websites

Use Amazon technology for your own retail website

Leverage Amazon’s massive fulfillment

center network

IT Infrastructure Business

Cloud computing infrastructure for hosting web-scale


Hundreds of thousands of

registered customers in over 190 countries

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Deep experience in building

and operating global web

scale systems

About Amazon Web Services


…get into cloud computing?

How did Amazon…

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Over 10 years in the making

Enablement of sellers on Amazon

Internal need for scalable deployment environment

Early forays proved developers were hungry for more

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AWS Mission

Enable businesses and developers to use web services* to build scalable,

sophisticated applications.

*What people now call “the cloud”

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Not excess capacity!

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Powering the Most Popular Internet Businesses

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Trusted by Enterprises

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We’ve been doing big for a while…

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Each day AWS adds the equivalent server

capacity to power Amazon when it was a

global, $5B enterprise

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Each day AWS adds the equivalent server

capacity to power Amazon when it was a

global, $5B enterprise

$5.2B retail business

7,800 employees

A whole lot of servers


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And it keeps getting bigger

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1.3 Trillion

835k peak transactions per second

Objects in S3

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EMR Jobs










3.7 M clusters launched since May 2010

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Customer focus

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Innovation on behalf of our customers:

158 new features and services in 11months of 2012

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Keep updated & grab a feed:

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What we do in a nutshell

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Utility computing

On demand Pay as you go

Uniform Available

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On demand Pay as you go

Uniform Available

Utility computing

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Utility computing

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Security Scaling


Networking Monitoring




Load Balancing

Backup CDN

On demand Pay as you go

Uniform Available

Utility computing

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On a global footprint


US-WEST (N. California) EU-WEST (Ireland)

ASIA PAC (Tokyo)

ASIA PAC (Singapore)

US-WEST (Oregon)


US-EAST (Virginia)


ASIA PAC (Sydney)

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Availability Zone

On a global footprint

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Edge Locations




Jacksonville Los Angeles (2)

Palo Alto




New York (2)








Hong Kong


Sao Paulo

South Bend

San Jose

Osaka Milan


On a global footprint

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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Variable expense


vs $0 to get started Pay as you go

Replace capital expenditure with variable expense

Capital investment & physical installation

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Economies of scale Lower variable expense than companies can achieve


Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Saved $34m on SmartHub application

10’s of millions of $ saved with first 12 apps

migrated to AWS

50% reduction in analytics


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Economies of scale Lower variable expense than companies can achieve


Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Reduced Prices

More Customers

More AWS Usage

More Infra-structure

Economies of Scale

Lower Costs

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Economies of scale Lower variable expense than companies can achieve


Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Reduced Prices

More Customers

More AWS Usage

More Infra-structure

Economies of Scale

Lower Costs

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Economies of scale Lower variable expense than companies can achieve


Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Reduced Prices

More Customers

More AWS Usage

More Infra-structure

Economies of Scale

Lower Costs

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Economies of scale Lower variable expense than companies can achieve


Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Reduced Prices

More Customers

More AWS Usage

More Infra-structure

Economies of Scale

Lower Costs

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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Elastic capacity No need to guess capacity requirements and over-provision

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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Actual demand

Predicted demand

Customer dissatisfaction




Elastic capacity No need to guess capacity requirements and over-provision

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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Elastic capacity No need to guess capacity requirements and over-provision

Elastic capacity



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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Speed and agility Infrastructure in minutes not weeks

Add New Dev Environment

Add New Production Environment

Add New Environment in Japan

Add 1,000 Servers

Remove 1,000 servers

Number of Instances 1,000

Instance Type M3 Extra Large

Availability Zone US-West-2b


Infrastructure in Minutes Old World: Infrastructure in Weeks

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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Speed and agility Infrastructure in minutes not weeks

“We reduced application

deployment times from 2 months to 3


“Time to deploy from went weeks

to hours.”

“We can double server capacity in

20 seconds”

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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Speed and agility Infrastructure in minutes not weeks

Experiment Often

Fail quickly at a

low cost

More Innovation

$00’s Experiment


Failure is


Less Innovation


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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Global Reach Go global in minutes and reach a global audience


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Why are customers adopting cloud computing?

Global Reach Go global in minutes and reach a global audience


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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Typical weekly traffic to

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November traffic to


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November traffic to Provisioned capacity


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November traffic to 76%


Provisioned capacity


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November 10th 2010 Turned off last physical web server of

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November 10th 2010 Turned off last physical web server of

October 31st 2011 Turned off last web servers supporting

European business

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November traffic to


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of E

C2 I



4/12/2008 4/14/2008 4/15/2008 4/16/2008 4/18/2008 4/19/2008 4/20/2008 4/17/2008 4/13/2008

40 servers to 5000 in 3 days

EC2 scaled to peak of 5000 instances


Launch of Facebook modification

Steady state of ~40 instances

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The Toolbox

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Regions An independent collection of AWS resources in a

defined geography

A solid foundation for meeting location-dependent

privacy and compliance requirements

Global infrastructure

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Availability Zones Designed as independent failure zones

Physically separated within a typical metropolitan


Global infrastructure

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Edge Locations To deliver content to end users with lower latency

A global network of edge locations

Supports global DNS infrastructure (Route53) and

Cloud Front CDN

Global infrastructure

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


Direct Connect Dedicated connection to AWS

VPN Connection Secure internet connection to AWS

Virtual Private Cloud Private, isolated section of the AWS Cloud

Route 53 Highly available and scalable Domain Name System

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Vertical Scaling

From $0.02/hr

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Basic unit of compute capacity

Range of CPU, memory & local disk options

Wide range of instance types available, from micro to cluster


Feature Details

Flexible Run windows or Linux distributions

Scalable Wide range of instance types from micro to cluster compute

Machine Images Configurations can be saved as machine images (AMIs) from which new instances can be created

Full control Full root or administrator rights

Secure Full firewall control via Security Groups

Monitoring Publishes metrics to Cloud Watch

Inexpensive On-demand, Reserved and Spot instance types

VM Import/Export Import and export VM images to transfer configurations in and out of EC2


Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Auto-scaling Automatic re-sizing of compute clusters based upon demand

Trigger auto-scaling policy

Feature Details

Control Define minimum and maximum instance pool sizes and when scaling and cool down occurs

Integrated to CloudWatch

Use metrics gathered by CloudWatch to drive scaling

Instance types Run auto scaling for on-demand instances and spot. Compatible with VPC

as-create-auto-scaling-group MyGroup

--launch-configuration MyConfig

--availability-zones eu-west-1a

--min-size 4

--max-size 200


Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Elastic Load Balancing Create highly scalable applications

Distribute load across EC2 instances in multiple

availability zones

Feature Details

Auto-scaling Automatically scales to handle request volume

Available Load balance across instances in multiple availability zones

Health checks Automatically checks health of instances and takes them in or out of service

Session stickiness Route requests to the same instance

Secure sockets layer Supports SSL offload from web and application servers with flexible cipher support

Monitoring Publishes metrics to Cloud Watch


Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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S3 - Durable storage, any object 99.999999999% durability of objects

Unlimited storage of objects of any type

Up to 5TB size per object

Feature Details

Flexible object store Buckets act like drives, folder structures within

Access control Granular control over object permissions

Server-side encryption 256bit AES encryption of objects

Multi-part uploads Improved throughput & control

Object versioning Archive old objects and version new ones

Object expiry Automatically remove old objects

Access logging Full audit log of bucket/object actions

Web content hosting Serve content as web site with built in page handling

Notifications Receive notifications on key events

Import/Export Physical device import/export service


Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Elastic Block Store High performance block storage device

1GB to 1TB in size

Mount as drives to instances

Feature Details

High performance file system

Mount EBS as drives and format as required

Flexible size Volumes from 1GB to 1TB in size

Secure Private to your instances

Performance Use provisioned IOPS to get desired level of IO performance

Available Replicated within an Availability Zone

Backups Volumes can be snapshotted for point in time restore

Monitoring Detailed metrics captured via Cloud Watch


Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Glacier Low-cost storage service

Secure and durable storage for backup and archive

For data that is infrequently accessed

Feature Details

Low cost $0.01/GB/month with no up-front capital commitments

Durable Same 99.999999999% durability as S3

Flexible Store any amount of data on-demand. Eliminate the need for capacity planning

Secure Leverage AWS’ robust security platform. Control access to your data.

API REST-based API to send and receive data

Import/Export Optionally use portable storage devices to import/export mass data

Vault inventory Index for real-time view of the contents of the vault


Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Relational Database Service Database-as-a-Service

No need to install or manage database instances

Scalable and fault tolerant configurations

Feature Details

Platform support Create MySQL, SQL Server and Oracle RDBMS

Preconfigured Get started instantly with sensible default settings

Automated patching Keep your database platform up to date automatically

Backups Automatic backups and point in time recovery and full DB backups

Provisioned IOPS Specify IO throughput depending on requirements

Failover Automated failover to slave hosts in event of a failure

Replication Easily create read-replicas of your data and seamlessly replicate data across availability zones


Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) databases stores forum threads, site content, and project configuration data. High availability Multi-AZ database deployment to handle live game metadata and user-generated content. Enterprise-grade fault tolerance for protecting customer data. By managing time-consuming database administration tasks, Amazon RDS allows SEGA to focus on business critical applications.


Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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DynamoDB Provisioned throughput NoSQL database

Fast, predictable performance

Fully distributed, fault tolerant architecture

Feature Details

Provisioned throughput Dial up or down provisioned read/write capacity

Predictable performance

Average single digit millisecond latencies from SSD backed infrastructure

Strong consistency Be sure you are reading the most up to date values

Fault tolerant Data replicated across availability zones

Monitoring Integrated to Cloud Watch

Secure Integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Elastic MapReduce Integrates with Elastic MapReduce for complex analytics on large datasets


Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Amazon SQS


task/processing trigger

Processing results

Amazon SQS Reliable, highly scalable, queue service

for storing messages as they travel

between instances

Feature Details

Reliable Messages stored redundantly across multiple availability zones

Simple Simple APIs to send and receive messages

Scalable Unlimited number of messages

Secure Authentication of queues to ensure controlled access

Application Services

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Task A

Task B


Task C




Feature Details

Process state Maintain application state across complex workflows in a reliable and available manner

Tracking Tracks executions and log process for audit purposes

Consistency Ensures processing tasks are executed and duplicity of events does not occur

Simple Simple Decider and Task programming model for rapid integration

Simple Workflow Reliably coordinate processing steps across


Integrate AWS and non-AWS resources

Manage distributed state in complex


Application Services

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Cloud Search Elastic search engine based upon

Amazon A9 search engine

Fully managed service with sophisticated

feature set

Scales automatically

Document Server


Search Server

Feature Details

Auto-scaling Automatically scales based upon request volumes and data volumes

High performance In memory operation means consistently low latency for search results

Sophisticated features Support for faceting, stemming, synonyms, stop words and custom rank expressions

Low cost Elastic service, pay for what you use

Application Services

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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CloudFront World-wide content distribution network

Easily distribute content to end users with low latency,

high data transfer speeds, and no commitments.

Feature Details

Fast Multiple world-wide edge locations to serve content as close to your users as possible

Integrated with other services

Works seamlessly with S3 and EC2 origin servers

Dynamic content Supports static and dynamic content from origin servers

Streaming Supports rtmp from S3 and includes support for live streaming from Adobe FMS and Microsoft Media Server




Served from S3



Served from EC2



Single CNAME


Application Services

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Elastic MapReduce Managed, elastic Hadoop cluster

Integrates with S3 & DynamoDB

Leverage Hive & Pig analytics scripts

Integrates with instance types such as spot

Application Services

Feature Details

Scalable Use as many or as few compute instances running Hadoop as you want. Modify the number of instances while your job flow is running

Integrated with other services

Works seamlessly with S3 as origin and output. Integrates with DynamoDB

Comprehensive Supports languages such as Hive and Pig for defining analytics, and allows complex definitions in Cascading, Java, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP, R, or C++

Cost effective Works with Spot instance types

Monitoring Monitor job flows from with the management console

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Elastic Beanstalk One-click deployment from Eclipse, Visual Studio and Git

Rapid deployment of applications

All AWS resources automatically created

Feature Details

Platform support Containers for Java, .NET and PHP

Resource creation Creates load balancer, instances, auto scaling and monitoring automatically

Monitoring & Logs Integrated with Cloud Watch and consolidates server logs

Versioning Manage versions of applications and easily rollback deployments

Notifications Receive alerts on key events

Full resource access Access all underlying AWS resources as necessary

Deployment & Admin

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Cloud Formation Automate creation of ‘stacks’ in a repeatable way

Scripting framework for AWS resource creation

Feature Details

Platform support Support for AWS resources from EC2 to IAM

Resource creation Creates AWS resources behind the scenes and reports on progress

Declarative Specify stacks in JSON format and source control your environments

Customizable Drive stack creation with parameters

Deployment & Admin

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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Identity & Access Management Granular control of user rights with AWS

Automated granting of EC2 service rights

Software Developer Kits Comprehensive support of programming models for using

AWS services

Deployment & Admin

Compute Storage

AWS Global Infrastructure


App Services

Deployment & Administration


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+ others Simple Email Service

Simple Notification Service ElastiCache CloudWatch

Storage Gateway

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Introducing Amazon Redshift

Data Warehousing the AWS Way

Easily and rapidly analyze

petabytes of data

1/10 the cost of traditional data


Automated deployment &


Compatible with popular BI tools

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Internal Testing: At Least 10X Faster for a Fraction of the Cost

2 billion row data set & 6 most complex

queries 32 nodes, 4.2 TB of RAM, 1.6 PB of disk

Several million dollars

Two 16 TB / 128 GB RAM nodes

$3.65 / hour

Amazon Redshift

Our Test

On-premises retail data warehouse

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AWS Data Pipeline

AWS Data PipelineYour Analytics

Orchestration service for data-driven workflows

Create automated and scheduled data flows

Pre-integrated with AWS data sources

Easily connect with 3rd party & on-premises sources

Your analysis

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Amazon S3 Input Bucket

Amazon Elastic Transcoder

Amazon S3 Input Bucket

Amazon S3 Output Bucket

Amazon S3 Output Bucket

Amazon S3 Output Bucket

Transcoding Pipeline 1

Transcoding Pipeline 2

Transcoding Pipeline 4

Kindle Fire HD

720p Custom

Inside a Transcoding Pipeline

Transcoding Job n Transcoding Job 2 Transcoding Job 1

NEW! Amazon Elastic Transcoder

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The Toolbox

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The Toolbox

A toybox for dev-ops

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The Toolbox

With grown up certifications

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Security is Our #1 Priority

People &









FIPS 140-2

MPAA ISO 27001



FISMA Moderate

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Many Customers’ Security Posture Improves In

the Cloud

“The improved computer security

includes, but is not limited to,

greater protection against

network attacks and real time

detection of system tampering.”

Earl E. Devaney, Chairman

“You basically turn yourself into a

polymorphic surface to which the

attack guy has a much tougher

time getting at. That, ultimately, is

the real key advantage to drive

security and make things much

better for us across the board.”

Gus Hunt, CTO

Central Intelligence Agency