axsem rf june14

AXSEM SoC: The Sub-1-GHz Lowest-Power-Radio Platform for the Internet of Things! Dr. Thomas Sailer Chief System Architect Fortronic Show June 2014

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Axsem SoC presentation


AXSEM SoC: The Sub-1-GHz Lowest-Power-Radio Platform for the Internet of Things!r" Thomas SailerChief S#stem Ar$hite$t%ortroni$ Sho&'une ()1*&&&"a+sem"$omAbout AXSEMA fab-less semiconductor manufacturer %oun,e, in ())) %o$us on lo&--o&er high--erforman$e S./-01E-GHz ra,io IC an, mi$ro-$ontrollerWorldwide Presence Hea,2uarters in 34ri$h5S&itzerlan, 0&n test fa$tor# ("6775month test $a-a$it#Privately held by !r" Thomas 8olff !r" Thomas Sailer Moni7a /rogleM2M !" !E A #$ %A"AM2M & o"' (intelli)ent everythin)* as the essence of survival!" + M2MS0CIET9/.SI1ESS:;E? /illion -eo-le@ ()A onlineB"6 /illion -eo-le@ ?)A online2,-, 2,2,!" by numbers2,-.( /illion $onne$te, ,eCi$es2,2,D /illion $onne$te, ,eCi$es/01 bn2ome 34onsumer5-06 bn4ities 3ndustry5-01 bn#uildin)s3nfrastructure5,0. bn#ody 32ealth5,0. bn"rans7ort 3Mobility5E numbers ,iffer@ e+-onential gro&th sta#s :sour$e: $is$o@ eri$sson>())D())F()1)()11()1(()1G()1*()16()1?()1B()1D()1F()()IoT - M(MPC@ $onsoles@ et$Cell Phones1) billion6) billionf you loo8 at other 7redictions9 Lowest-Power-Radio!" a77lications/HTEEno$ean!ASHB!ECTI1X1%C8i-%i Sigfo+3ig/ee 8ireless-M/.S3&aCe ?Ho8PA1(G@ GG@ *G0-ti$al %iberSatelliteHA1Lowest-7ower-R:F)A 1)A8eb-serCi$e5APPClou, serCi$e !atabaseClou,!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$e!eCi$eGate&a#8HA1/T-HELowest-Power-RadioLast Milevs0Last -,,m!" structureR: !" StandardsM4; < Radio Stan,b# =e$eiCe TransmitJ =ea$tion time )"1s 1) 7b-s 1* ,/m TX -o&er G( b#te -a$7et Pattern mat$h)")))1)"))1)")1)"111)1))St,b# Km8LTX Km8L=X Km8LA ty7ical Lowest-Power-Radioener)y bud)et)")))1)"))1)")1)"111)1)))")))1)"))1)")1)"111)1))St,b# Km8LTX Km8L=X Km8L1)) 7b-s 17b-sRSSf reaction time )oes u7= Standby becomes dominant2ow does it loo8 at the e>tremePut it into 7ro7ortionLowest-Power-Radio vs0 #" LE G) bn ne& 8i%i-no,es re2uire ()-G) ne& nu$lear -o&er -lants It is still 1 for /T-HE an, insignifi$ant for Lowest-Power-Radios ignoring the -ro,u$tion 1) #ears batter# life@ energ# harCestingor &ireless $harging are an, o-tion &ith LPR"his means000;ltra-wide-band Hess -ressure on fre2uen$# sour$e;ltra-narrow-band Hess usage of s-e$tral resour$es Hess sensitiCe to interferen$e Hess -o&er $onsum-tion;ltra-wide-band vs0;ltra-narrow-band#oth wor8 but with the )rowth 9 "he solution High sensitiCit# -1*) ,/m in .1/ mo,e .8/ use, onl# for s-e$ial a--li$ations Ho& =X -o&er $onsum-tion 1) mA a$tiCe T#-i$al A $urrent $onsum-tion in =X 80= 6)A PAE from ) M 1D ,/m Performan$e at 1"D< su--l#AXSEM So4Lowest-Power-Radios Sensor no,es Ho& -o&er $onsum-tion AXD)6(@ PIC@ A=M M)@ E Same C ,eCelo-ment tool Gate&a#s G( bit?* bitWhich M4;?"he best way to 7redict the future is to create it4onclusionThan7 9ou for #our attention!r" Thomas SailerChief S#stem Ar$hite$t%ortroni$ Sho&'une ()1*