axus employee requitment system

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  • 7/23/2019 Axus Employee Requitment System




    This report is submitted in partial fu lfillm ent o f the requirements for theBachelor o Computer Science Database Management)


  • 7/23/2019 Axus Employee Requitment System



    Axus Employee Recruitment System AERS) is a web-based systemdevelopment project. The primary purpose to develop this system is to optimize the needof computer and internet n employee recruitment process at Axus Company. Besides,the qualified applicants could be sort by this system based on their qualifications andcompany requirements. This system will be used by any people who are interested toapply for a job at Axus Company and also for Human Resource group to post a new jobat the site and to process the applications to select for the qualified applicants. Thissystem could also solve the problems of the manual system that had been used atcompany before. To develop this system, SSADM approach is used and SDLC modelh d been chosen as a methodology. Results get from this application development ishoped to enhance the performance of Human Resource group to process the applicationsin order to select for the qualified applicants. Meanwhile, this system could alsofacilitate the applicants to apply for the job at Axus Company.

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    BSTR K

    Sistem Pengambilan Pekerja Axus atau xus Employee Recruitment SistemAERT) ini merupakan sistem yang berasaskan web. Tujuan utarna AERS dibangunkanadalah untuk mengaplikasikan penggunaan komputer dan internet untuk prosespengambilan pekerja di syarikat Axus Selain itu sistem ini juga dapat menyaring prosespemilihan pemohon yang layak berdasarkan kelayakan dan syarat yang telah ditetapkan.Sistem ini akan digunakan oleh mana-mana individu yang berminat untuk memohonpekerjaan di syarikat Axus dan bagi pihak Human Resource mengiklankan jawatan-jawtan kosong di syarikat Axus serta melakukan kerja-kerja penyaringan dan pemilihan.Sistem ini dapat mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi oleh pemohon-pemohon yang masihmenggunakan cara manual untuk memohon pekerjaan. AERS juga dapat mengatasimasalah yang dihadapi oleh pihak Human Resource yang masih menggunakan caramanual untuk meneliti setiap borang permohonan agar lengkap diisi dan memilihpermohonan yang layak. Untuk membangunkan sistem ini teknik SSADM digunakan.Metodologi pembangunan sistem n ialah dengan menggunakan model SDLC. Hasildaripada pembangunan projek ini diharapkan dapat mem bantu para pemohon m embuatpermohonan cl n memudahkan pihak Human Resource menguruskan jawatan kosongyang d dengan setiap permohonan.

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    1 1 Project ackground

    Axus Technology has been one of the leading companies in the equipmentmanufacturing since 1977. With a young and dynamic team, Axus Technology is well-positioned in many Asia markets including Malaysia. However, without a good systemon hiring an employee, it is impossible to achieve new target market. Therefore, withthis new develop system; employee recruitment process will be more systematic byreplacing manual process in this company. According to Francisco J Mata 2000),information technology has helped to computerize the business process thusstreamlining businesses to make them extremely cost effective money making machines.This in turn increases productivity which ultimately gives rise to profits that meansbetter pay and less strenuous working conditions. This opinion suitably describe thatinformation system might be usefbl in Axus Technology to manage their employeerecruitment process.

    Axus Employee Recruitment System AERS) by overall is aims to facilitate theapplicant to apply for the job vacancies online. Indirectly, it is also to facilitate thehuman resource group for an easy and systematic employee recruitment process. AERSin manufacturing environment will address the issue of managing employee recruitment

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    which is difficult to be done manually. It is because a lot of employees need to be hiredalmost everyday at the production line.

    This system is capable to capture and store data of applicants and managementteam, Human Resource HR) group could retrieve back the data. The applicants and HRgroup could also check any information by querying the data according to theirrequirements. Additional h c t i o n s like login and password verification will also befocused on to provide adequate security of AERS. Report could be generating by thissystem to provide report or statistical information on applicants based on job level,month and others.

    With this AERS, Axus will be able to monitor, check, verify and validateinformation from each applicant who is interested to apply for the job offered by Axus.In addition, each applicant will be able to update the ir data online.

    1 2 Problem Statement

    This system is developed based on the problems that occur from the currentmanual system. The problems re stated as below:

    1 2 1 Manual current system

    Based on the cu rrent system of Axus em ployee recruitment process, we can seethat applicant have to be present at the com pany themselves to obtain the form s and fillin the form manually. Same goes to HR group which have to m ake a selection processfor qualified applicant manually. There is no appropriate computerized system tomanage all this process.

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    Axus HR groups have to manually advertise the job vacancies anywhere andpublish it on the newspaper. There is no appropriate and specific place or site toannounce and g ive information about the job vacancies. Any potential applicant couldunnotice this good opportun ity if there is no proper way to publish it.

    The difficulty from the manual selection is for HR group itself they have to dealwith a lot of applicant form in order to make two selections. The first selection is tocheck whether all of the forms completely filled. The second selection is to sort andselect the eligible applicant based on their qualifications and company requirements.After that they have to inform the applicants about the application result manually byphone or offered letter. There will be possibility that the applicants could not be reachedby the telephone or the applicants did not get the letter due to careless or human error.So they need one application that will select the eligible applicant systematically andcould inform the applicants about the result by assigning the application status to them.

    1 2 2 Inefficient information retrieval

    All of the data are written in paper based form and kept in cabinet using fillingsystem. There is no appropriated computerized system to manage all this data.Unsecured data can be easily obtained by unauthorized person. Using manual systemthe workers at HR department store the forms anywhere as they like that could lead towaste of time to search and look one by one of the form.

    1 23 Unable to generatea report

    Report or statistical information of the job application progress has to be createdmanually in paper based format such as using the log book. HR group will check theform manually one by one to count the number of applicant based on job level ormonthly period. T his could lead to human e rror in order to count the application forms.

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    1 2 4 No facility for Database Adm inistrator DBA)

    There is no DBA for Axus Technology Company. So the HR group needs toperform the management task such as manage all the data and report themselves. Thiscould cause difficulties in maintaining all the enormous data using manual system.Meanwhile they still got other clerical jobs to do. This will lead them to time-consuming and management problems that could also effect the company performance.Administrator could also create database create tables backup the database and importor export the data using this system.

    1 3 Objectives

    AERS is implemented in order to achieve the objectives that benefit the HRgroup management. The objectives of this project are stated s below.

    1 3 1 To develop a com puterize system

    AERS is a web-based information system that will facilitate applicants withonline application forms. Applicants could apply for the job offered by AxusTechnology Company by fill in the form com pletely online. HR group could select theeligible applicants by filled in the requirements into the system. System will sort theapplicants based on the requirements needed. All of this process could be done bysystematic com puter system to increase performance.

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    1 3 2 Efficient inform ation retrieval

    Only authorize user can access the information in this system. In order to accessthis information, users have to provide the system with their MyKad number ICnumber) and password. By using MyKad number and password, applicants could updatetheir information easily and HR group could view the required information or select theeligible applicants based on applicant s information.

    13 3 To generate report automatically

    This system could generate the report automatically for management purpose.The administrator or manager could view the statistic of the application s informationmonthly, yearly or based on jobs applied.

    13 4 To provide facility for DBA

    This system is developed with a h c t io n that enables DBA which is HR groupof the company itself to create table based on data given through the system interface.The required data are table name, attributes, data type and constraints. This will providea convenient way for DBA to create the table whenever needed. With this features, evenwithout strong SQL or database concept knowledge, they could easily upgrade thesystem.

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    1 4 Scopes

    The scope for the employee recruitment systems can be determined from variousaspects of categories. With the scope of the employee recruitment system issystematically classified as the sub-chapters below, the requirements to this system arewell defined as the details in this section.

    1 4 1 Scopes of System Functionalities

    Login: Login is a necessity as the abstract security to form the security system toavoid from being breach.

    Applicant Registration: Prior utilize the system; registration needed for eachapplicant to use the system. Applicants are capable to access to the online serviceto fill in the form to apply for the job after registration.

    Post New Job: Administrator will e able to post, update or delete a new jobvacancy for applicant s view.

    Job Application: In this new system, users are able to apply the job via internetby filled in the required forms. They can select any job to reply based on theirqualifications and job requirements.

    Applicant evaluation: The system should be able to provide evaluation functiondone by human resource group to determine the qualified applicant. The systemshould be able to display the status of the applicant assigned by administratorwhich is R group.

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    Information Retrieval: The system should be able to perform a search hnctionbased on key or unique attribute to enable human resource group to get accessthe applicant data or other data easily.

    Report: Various statistical reports can e generated for analysis for numerouspurposes.

    1 4 2 Scope of System Users

    There are two types of system users, which are.

    Type : Type user consists of normal user which are any person who want toapply for the job. They can view vacancies information, make an application byfill in the form, view his or her details and modify it and get help from thesystem.

    Type 2: Type 2 user consists of HR group which are the administrator. They canpost new job vacancy so that users can view it, select an applicant based on theirqualification and job requirement, and reject o r delete applicant s data that is notqualified for the jobs.

    1 5 Project Significant

    The new system helps Axus HR group in handling the important task ofemployee recruitment process. Users which are applicant can access the system usingany computer at any place. In place of request the application form and submitting itmanually from HR group, now they can apply for the job vacancies via internet andcheck their app lication status easily.

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    Applicant s data are kept in the database system that is more secure as the paperfiles are not only wasting spaces and resources but exposure the data to the other partiesretrieved it straightforwardly. The system enables the process like update, edit and addnew data to be easier and faster. Instead of record data in a paper, pressing the updatebutton is much easier and can reduce careless mistake made by human.

    In addition to this, AERS could generate a report for management purpose to don analysis of the applicant acceptance. Thus, conserving and cut down paper usage

    from the system will increase the productivity of the company as the funds can becontributed into other area of development. Besides, with the facility for DBA to createtable could save times and provide convenient method for DBA.

    1 6 xpected Output

    Expected output for this project is to computerize all the manual process and thetasks of employee recruitment process management and expected to be a web site thatcontains job vacancies advertisement as well as n online job application. This systemshould provide an easy way for HR group to make a selection of the eligible applicantsbased on their qualifications and company requirements. HR group could also assign thestatus to every applicant that eligible for the interview. Proper and secure data storageshould be provided in order to manage all related data. Only authorized users couldaccess this system and all the data.

    This system is expected to generate a report of the applicants that apply for thejob monthly or yearly. By using this system, DBA should e able to create table throughthe interface by providing the necessary information.

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    1 7 onclusion

    This chapter is to determine the overall background of Employee RecruitmentSystem. To reiterate the aim for developing this application is to provide the systemwhich able to facilitate applicants and HR group to perform their specific task.

    This chapter describes project background problem statement; objective scopeproject significant as well as expected output which will enable understanding of theproject and in planning to develop the system. The next chapter will describe about theliterature review and the project methodology.

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    2 1 Introduction

    The main focus of literature review for ERS is to study and understand othersystem methodology or approach which this diverse resource will be congregated anduse as a guidance to develop a new system. As for this intention various resources suchas internet resources journals books articles and others provide to great extentimperative ideas for the foundations. Therefore the following sub-chapters are facts andfindings domain existing system technique project methodology project requirementsand as well the project schedule and milestones. With the following amplification thepreliminary ideas will be incorporated into the system but not all.

    2 2 Facts and Findings

    For this section the current and existing systems that have the samecharacteristic will be review and study. Other researches for the specific applications areas well included and studied such as technique being used and others.

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    2 2 1 Domain

    Due to the many general terms used for these sub-chapters, domain for thisLulalysis eferences might be defined as a realm or range of knowledge. After someresearch and finding process, the domain of this project is more concentrate on jobapplication system and online employee recruitment process. Salary calculation,interview scheduling and staff information system wouldn t e covered in this review.

    Even though some of the topics selected inapplicable to the newly developedsystem, it is still used as the source references that might be practical to some of themodules in the system.

    2 2 2 Existing System

    In this section, the current, existing system or similar system will be study andcan e a source of reference to produce the newly built system. With this, variousapproaches to the system of past researches, readings, case study or findings are relatedto the current development of the system.

    2 2 2 1 ase Study

    This article is depicted from Wikipedia, the online fiee encyclopedia(

    Before proceed to the development of the system, it is essential to look up for theonline recruitment web that famously approaches by most of the applicants. Job Street isone of the most frequently visited web sites for job application throughhtt~: /m, eb site address. Job Street is being used as an external serviceprovider in recruitment process outsourcing (RPO). RPO is a form of business process

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    outsourcing (BPO) where an employer outsource or transfers all or part of itsrecruitment activities to an external service provider

    RPO may involve the outsourcing of all or just part of recruitment functions andprocess. In this case, Job Street may serve as a virtual recruiting department byproviding a complete package of skills, tools, technologies and activities. It is the sourcefor in-scope recruitment activity. The biggest distinction between RPO and the system tobe developing is the process itself. In RPO, Job Street assumes ownership of the process,while in AERS, all part of a process controlled by the organization itself, which is Axus.

    The pro of using this kind of system is that the solution offers improvement inquality, cost, service and speed. RPO provider claim that an economy of scale enablesthem to offer recruitment processes at lower cost while economies of scope allow themto operate as high-quality specialists. Economies of scale and scope are said to arisefiom a larger staff of recruiters, databases of candidate resumes, and investment inrecruitment tools and networks.

    The cons of using this system is if a company failed to define its overallrecruitment strategy and hiring objectives, then any recruiting program may fail to meetthe company s needs. RPO is a tool for executing tactical plans and can only succeed inthe context of a well defined corporate strategy. As with any program, a company mustmanage its RPO activities. A company must provide initial direction and continuedmonitoring to assure the desired results. Overall, providing guidance to externalactivities can present a significant management challenge. Moreover, placing allrecruitment in the hands of a single outside provider may discourage the competitionthat would arise if multiple recruitment agencies were used.

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    l l l l Y V l. r m u r r L OINGIN RING,p brn I-.-.-.- rumon 3

    . ..Yo,. rap a r*( WD . . . WALK-tNINT RVI W

    igure 2 1: Job Street Main Page

    Figure 2.1 above shows Job Street main page which is one of the recruitmentprocess outsourcing RPO) system. By using Job Street user can search jobs upload andmanage their resume online apply any jobs offered by number of company and others.

    Advancod Job Search

    igure 2 2: Search Job Page

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    Figure 2.2 above shows search job page for Job Street. User can search for anyjob advertised by company based on their skills company name job title locationspecialization and others.

    n m r owe7u

    Figure 2 3: ob pplication Page

    Figure 2 3 above shows the job application page in Job Street. New windowcontaining job specification and requirement appears after user select any job advertisedat the previous page.

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    Table 2 1 below show s comparisons that have been recognized from AERS and~ o btreet system. Both sys tems got their pros and cons. But the most important thing isboth systems still deliver the sam e objective in providing company and applicants a siteto advertise their job vacancies and applies for the job advertised.

    Table 2 1: Com parison of ER S and Job Street System

    SecurityFlexible and C ustomizab leSmart Usability FeaturesSearching FunctionAccessible FromAnywhere AnytimePricingProvide The Q uality OrVolume Of S taff RequiredDirect Job RecruitmentProcess From CompanyChances For Applicants ToGet Noticed By Company






    Job StreetYesYesHighYesYes




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    2 23 echnique

    In this day and age, data has become the most valuable asset of a company.Managers and em ployees rely on this data to be highly accurate and quickly accessible.performance tuning is one of the most important database administration (DBA)responsibilities, and DBA are o ften called forward to resolve and prevent performanceproblems whenever they arise. But the problem is, not all company could hire DBA thatinvolve a lot of money. So, SQL tuning could be the best and cheapest way to solve thisproblem.

    SQL tuning is a major and primary task for the developer, and identifyingproblematic SQL statement has the highest priority for the system developer. Byimplementing this approach, the best and most efficient plan will be choose, whichmeans the plan uses minimal resources and executes as fast as possible. The followingapproach could be performing when evaluating SQL statements, which are:

    Evaluates the expression and conditions contained in the SQL statem entTransform com plex queries into an equivalent join query

    a Determines the order of table joins for statements involving more thantwo tableChoose the best typ of join to be performed for each pair

    In order to stabilize the database performance, SQL standard is quite important.SQL standard do not enhance SQL performance, but not having them could degradeexecution queries. Standard provides consistency, and consistency leads to stability, thatis execution stability. By applying a standard, a set of differen t statem ents that retrievingthe same data could parse four different times. But, it could develop into a very bigproblem if more statement that do not apply a certain standard implement into a databasethat contain a huge data. Each developer that using different standard could lead toinconsistency. The following section present several standard issues that should beconsidered as a part of company s developm ent.

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    2 2 3 1 Syntax Convention

    All developers should follow the same conventions when writing SQLstatements. Use o f lowercase and uppercase must consistent. One com mon SQ formatis illustrated in the following query. All SQL keywords are left justified and uppercasewhereas user code such a s table names and colum n are lowercase.

    SELECT c.customer-id, c.first-name, c.last-nameF R O M customers c,

    SELECT supplier-id, supplier-nameF R O M suppliersWHERE city LIKE ' N') SWHERE;

    Table liasing

    Table aliasing is the act of using a temporary synonym for a table in SQLstatement. Alias table name should be use even if the column names specified in theSELECT statement are not common in the tables. For example examine the codesegment that follows:



    By adding table aliasing could reduce the amount of typing. Even moreimportant is column aliasing which tells DBMS which table each column is comingfrom rather than w asting time determining the table to which it belongs.

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    Bind VariablesUsing bind variables rather than literals reduces unnecessary parsing:

    The following query s not recommended because it does not use bindvariables instead it uses a date literalSELECT ORDER-ID, CUSTOMER-ID, PAlD

    FROM ORDERSWHERE ORDER-DATE '01 JAN-00' date literalThe following query s recommended because it s using a bind variable


    Using Table Join Instead of Simple Sub queriesMost simple sub queries in SQL statement can be converted to a join molewhich improves query execution.




    Using the NOT EQU L ( =) or NOT IN Operator Instead of NOT EXISTSOperator

    Here is another example. By rewriting the following query replacing NOTXISTS wit NOT IN the query im proves dramatically:

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    Using NOT EXISTSSELECT product-id, product-nameFROM products pWHERE NOT EXISTS SELECT xFROM order-linesWHERE product-id = p.product-idAND total-amount < 100 );

    replacing NOT EXISTSwit NOT INSELECT product-id, product-nameFROM products pWHERE product-id NOT IN SELECT product-idFROM order-linesWHERE total-amount < 100 );

    Using an Indexed olumn When ounting Rows

    In many situations the number of rows for a table needs to be count. Manydevelopers are unaware that they can improve the performance of the simple COUNTstatement by including an indexed column in the COU NT function.

    The following COU NT statement was issued using the CUSTOMER-ID colum nthat is not indexed. When the CUSTOM ER-ID column is replaced with the ORDER-IDcolumn that is indexed it gives less elapsed time.

    Using CUSTOEMR ID column in the COUNT function which is not indexedSELECT COUNT CUSTOMER-ID)FROM ORDERS;Elapsed: 00:00:00.04

    Using ORDER ID column in the COUNT function which s indexedSELECT COUNT ORDER-ID)FROM ORDERS:Elapsed: 00:00:00.03

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    Using PL SQL unction or Procedure

    It is better for developers to use PLISQL function or procedures rather thanm c t io n in web programming language like PHP, ASP, JavaScript and others. Thiscould enhance performance and efficiency. For better performance, replace normal datatype of parameters into TYPE which will refer to previously declared variable ordatabase column. The parameter of the h c t i o n would not be change when there redatabase changes. For exam ple:

    Wng PL/SQL function for login purposeCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn-login (p-userid VARCHARP(PO),p-pswd VARCHARP(20) :RETURN VARCHARS ASv-role login.role TYPEBeginSELECT role into v-roleFROM loginWHERE user-id = p-useridAND password p-pswd;RETURN v-role;END;

    Replace normal data type into TYPECREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fn-login (p-userid login.user-id TYPE,login.password TY PE);RETURN login.role TYPE ASv-role login.role TYPEBeginSELECT role into v-roleFROM loginWHERE user-id = p-useridAND password p-pswd;RETURN v-role;END;

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    2 2 3 2 Preventing Slow SQL Execution

    To m ake sure a SQL statement is not the bottleneck of application performance,the following tips is very useh l for avoiding problematic queries:

    Cartesian product statement As a rule of thumb, if the FROM clause containsn tables, there should be at least n 1 conditions in the WHERE clause. Manytimes a Cartesian product is caused by an oversight, especially when writing aquery that involves joining many tables.

    Use SQL standards and convention to reduce parsing As explained earlier,standard and conventions prevent unnecessary parsing which can slow downexecution o f the query.

    Lack of indexes Most of the time, the slow running of a query is caused by thelack of indexes on columns contained in the WHRE clause.

    Avoid joining too many tables A query involving join of many tables causesa slowdown because Oracle needs to get a record set fiom each table and thenneed to join them using an access method. Usually, when many tables arenecessary, you should think about materialized views to speed up performance.Having to join many tables could also be the result of over-normalizing. Ratherthan normalizing the data model at 3NF, some over-achievers go to 4NF andeven 5NF)

    Order of table in FROM clause Select the correct driving table. Use the orderof the table in the FROM clause. Select the driving table with the smallest rowset. In the example that follows, the driving table is DEP because it is the firsttable listed from right to the left. The developer picked the DEP table s thedriving table because it con tains fewer rows than the EMP table.

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    Avoid unnecessary sorting: In many instances developers perform sortingoperations on the database by including the ORDER BY clause, UNION, andDISTINCT when they could avoid them by sorting on the application side.

    Compound indexes: Compound indexes with many colum ns should e carefullycreated especially if som e of the individual columns in the com pound index areused in a WHERE clause. Including columns in more than one index mayinfluence the optimizer to se lect the wrong index.

    Use different tablespace for tables and indexes: It is a good practice to placetables and their indexes in different tabiespace, it will reduce 110 contention.

    Use literals in the WH R clause: Bind variables encourage to e used toavoid excessive parsing.

    3 Project Methodology

    Systems Development Life Cycle SDLC) is a software developm ent process,although it is also a distinct process independent of software or other informationtechnology considerations. It is used by a systems analyst to develop an informationsystem, including requirements, validation, training, and user ownership throughinvestigation, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance. SDLC is also knowns information systems development or app lication development. An SDLC should

    result in a high quality system that m eets or exceeds customer expectations, within timeand cost estimates, works effectively and efficiently in the current and planned

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    information technology infrastructure, and is cheap to maintain and cost-effective toenhance. SDLC is a systematic approach to problem solving.

    There are several methodologies or models that can be used to guide the softwaredevelopment lifecycle such s Structured Systems Analysis and Design MethodologySSADM), Object Oriented Analysis and Design OOA D), the linear or waterfall modelwhich was the original SDLC method), rapid application development RA D) and joint

    application developm ent JAD).

    The project methodology that is used in the development of the system isSSADM that composed of several phases illustrated in Figure 2 4 below:

    Figure 2.4: Structured System Analysis and Design SSADM)

    2.3.1 Planning

    The first step in this phase is to plan and identify a need for the newsystem. This will include determining whether a business problem or opportunity exists,

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    conducting a feasibility study to determine if the proposed solution is cost effective, anddeveloping a project plan.

    This process may involve end users who come up with an idea for improvingtheir work or may only involve information system people. Ideally, the process occursin cycle with a review of the organization s strategic plan to ensure that informationtechnology is being used to help the organization achieve its strategicobjectives. Management may need to approve concept ideas before any money isbudgeted for its development.

    23 2 Requirement Analysis

    Requirements analysis is the process of analyzing the information needs of theend users, the organizational environment, and any system presently being used,developing the functional requirements of a system that can meet the needs of theusers. Also, the requirements should be recorded in a document, email, user interfacestoryboard, executable prototype, or some other form. The requirements documentationshould be referred to throughout the rest of the system development process to ensurethe developing project aligns with user needs and requirements. Developers mustinvolve end users in this process to ensure that the new system will hnction adequatelynd meets their needs and expectations.

    2 3 3 Architectural Design

    After the requirements have been determined, the necessary specifications for thehardware, software, people, and data resources, and the information products that willsatisfy the hnctional requirements of the proposed system can be determined. Thedesign will serve as a blueprint for the system and helps detect problems before these