b muckum..thü cauvokma j ahome lichte alkil'sn ......bxi^lm-" muckum..thü i/lim'm'« ml'ski'm lain...

B Xi^lM-" MUCKUM..Thü i/lIM'M'« Ml'SKi'M lain y***~mw .U-v W Vi.. !)f Rawfog*. ."P*" »I * om.pon. 1 RswKnfs Ten jjjf I harlea? ev-rtine* that ¦ <>/ Ui« LINK of ¦t in (wo by the J ni"ed tketn to m- vV, Berne, aa the B*» tint hl* Um >f Chart**'owuj.u »urrha.ed by Irr. Hl of the OcereJ .-Mitva by D. A. k Leslie . Newa. PANK. V. IN.- lilF - r PARLOR I'll AM ATI At ÜOLUBI ( E AttoVlork THIS K A IN Mb.NT. ALI.. CÜont». LADY, nat *d in TV I nlted Stetes Mail. StaalkM E. 711 PRAM'AlsE. AWOMAN, No. IST» CkMirV«.., I,rw»klvn, BJC». RES to do ti>« WASHING an.i IKo.MNO ties'lernen or Fciuilire. Tb* work n Iii he Wob done. Ap,>lj M ».'- A~ßlTl'ATION W \ \ i i.ii. Ag C<M)K «ai LALNL'Kk'.S». or OKM.lt AI. >ER \ AN"!, by an eape rv-ntee. faithful tlirl; U economical ami n< »t, a id hig'ilv r-vm- awnili d. Can at .Nu. je At .antu et., Brooklyn. ?V11 L'A'l JON WAM tU st* COOK, an I '. , - VJ in the W..RHINO and RON .'NU, by a Wo:uan who I- eva.p.tei,t to do bo:b. Koti-nrwd apply but private fa:uii.*a Beal "I Uly tele rin - g i.' n. Ap,.y «;.... .'< j.st t r.i etf td av. Can aeeu for two Java. WASTE I'.By a hirxhlv rvupeftnbl.- Prntmtnrtt yourv VAomau, aaitoatiou It I OOK, VVA^U and IRON k> a «ood « eck, Ua-her and Iruner, will do Onneri.1 I. work, le Loneat. clean and willing. Apply at No. 4M broad- way, i.p Maua. AGENTS an- WANTED to rauvaaa for two of Ike MMfl pepaiar work. erer aotd by Agent». Bead for a MroaJaf. a. CLOI OH A t.« PaMndki ra, _ Providence, It. I. (^.OMI'OSIJOK WANTED-One n" J log upon Ri'HK WMIiK. Apply... _KRAM IS HART h '. .... No. 63 l^mtlandl-at. I^KENCH ~rEA(JHEÜ~\\ AMi.l>. . WaUhtW A tor three day» a week, in a young Ladies' School, a few anile* from New-1 oik ny taiiroad, a Prcm-b Lady, tb rr > wbly eempet. i.t to learl. her own language, lue mo.i r*Hahie ra Burners a» io cepabihty will he daatrwd. Adire.a RnoK- aUC'rta.," cere oi AI r uut, «I Irunii Co.'«, No. A>4 broad- way, staling where an mterU.w may be had on Saturday. Dm. Mk_ / J KEA'l ( I IO«»Ml A . i'iini^i,lam w-ttt inf.. \J Agenta wantr-d. SHAW k I LARK, Biddeford, Me. MAGAZINE. .WAN J. ED, a pri'iun to TAKE AN INT KRKST lull.-. .f a Monthly Mag./ au.« »eil oatabliibed. Addree* Mai.a/.. NIJ. 'IT-ioune other.. 1">K00E-I£EADP;K..An i x\h -rieiiced J'iJtNJE. HEADER, a. cu.tou.cd to the best claaa ul rinukwork, uo- .tree an engagement ci'lo r a< Proof Reeder or Kore nau ol a HcA>k Odne. Audreta I'ltlNirit, boa KiU tribune Oibcv. C A1 .E*M EN~WÄlä Ö prvmpt-pay mg traue. Apply to WAIiNP.R k LOOP. Nu. it Park plaee. t'EK VÄNT8 in UMEA1 ÄliiJMlM^ijk.. 7 ranch, Oerman, Scotch, and Iriab, together witli Knglian greai :. and Herman nrat-cbua C'OOriS, with good rer«ren.**, aaay be citteu.ed at the room, of the P'.MPLOV M EN I BO Cif TY.No*. and 14 Bible Hotwe, (tb-»l., between ltd and 4tn A lauy in attendance. The Oetoian, liauan and Breucb langnap. a »poken. Pl^WO Eti-Tic:if.- , SALESMEN WAM P.D.1 n A a Silk Ooo.la JoDbuai llnu»e , one who baa been in Hm H a bve »I d ."-II ,.. e ,v to -,. >e-J ... a wtoleeaie I loak and Jdantllla houae. None n.-eJ apply uulcaa khe) can control a r<-*»ouat>le aiuount of trade ot tneii o»u. An.., VV ANTr :i, a r ORt.tv OMAN competent totekc charge ef i. iing op a Mantilla and Cloak .lock. Addrea* 1'. O. Box »o. < !.'. A VI ED.IW M IT and 8H<Tl H<A iTllsM EN «hu can lurliiebre a large trade Apply at "'t Broadway. \\'AN'1EI)..X jrottug man, who lias had IliriH< ¦ r yeeaV expenan« e a* tlookk«»-per by double entry. «ri >Ua» a HI 11 AilON in that ot «Jiy kindn d auipl j Uatai. Would lie content wllb a moderate aalary, aud can luiuiab Uie beat of ref¬ erence. Aodrraa a note to A. Y. /., ribuue Driice. tost uitö /ounö._ FOl'ND.Nut inr fron Tbn TribtikM) Hu'itlin«rt, a PiX KK'i-K.Nim. Inouire, before » a. m., Hex SO, at No. to V aiidrwater-it. Co i'armero auo vOiljcro. WEslltKOOK'" I'AIKNJ HUTTEK MILL, or KABMKR'S CHLUN.The only cheap »c ... tkuae and labor aavitig I trim e,er iuventeA It make* lh-beat ot better, out ot aweet uiila, iu live mluutea, leaving tue luilk per- kaeUy »»eel. It epeiete* e., iail> well witb aour nnla M tiieaum In olaeepoe»*, aimpucity, ana enicioncy. it challenges the world. " it and aee it tu u|aaiaUoii, every uay, at IV a. m. and I p. un ir liattet Milh at wboleaaie aad retail, for State, County, and ¦mtaarax; Rigbta or Agrnt iea, oail on of addreea ISAAC V\ MoKRElaL, No. M4 Broadway, N. T. do il)t]om U Ailurj Concirn. Advertuement lYmn The Lou Jon 1 tinea of Nor. II, lrlW>. 'OLLI..All aioiii,; ou well. Write iiinnt>tlLately, M fermrrly, and give addreea. Truat mallera require your algaature. INtOhMAIlON WaANTEl>.Of Mrs. ANN il an Ali AN, a ho left home ou the 1Mb day of November; nod on a ted calico dre»» audapltid woolen ebewT. a urown abrcAid bond, aud a peii of ationg abooa, ia about oil year* of age, amali tire, blrck hair, blue eyes; is aou.ewbat |>oc.kmatked; has a earl on one »' :e o! not face. Any Luiurmallou ieaatiug to hau diaiovi ry, either alive or dead, wul be tbauklully received aavd itbeiaaiy lewaxded by ber aihirtod buabaud and family, I k«.M'M eat 4f.h st. lt.U WARU HANAU IN. Albany papera pleaxe copy. VOilLE to l.AStUNM ML lift.. A * ..AS Mr . 1 K.» rREVENik.li rilo.M ElUEZUfO, a>d tba atoal anuoynaco* of the wet uactei dispe.uaad with by ke Use of OANOEMBIUCs PATENT NON-PREEZINO AMI ISO.N-r \ APORATINO OAS METER KLl'ID. We aiene» prepaied to ail the wet uaeteia in the eitle« of Bra tola, tiuuii.n. Jeia.-y telt*i Brad lloboken at leaa tü..n "ie coat ol alcoi.ci." 1 be pratlicafinty ol I Ins rljid baa Dex>u riuonatialvd lu irveial ol our tulea wiieta It has been adopted, and U kudo aed by PleMMM ioiry, txruaulting ctieuust ol tbo ksaJ.nAit.il l.aa night I ..inpany i lu. Haid wuiatajj I a te.uper aim. ol 4o d. i r kwMW a»ro without fr.-. /.ng it als., pre- eeait. ion.. n-» i..u ll.e p.p.*. and correct regtalraiiou is so- cured by ita aonevapuia»iu| properttoe. A meter rcquiioe bia- Uag bat onae as n.ug aa .1 ii'sauu. In uae. OidrisabouKI Le tcre.r led enliout delav to the office of the OAb-METER AM) i.l li.si.b toMPANY, No. >fi HlMdagJ, Sole r m lor*. rT'<) Uio l.ICVt OU DLALLHS t.l the CITY of X. MAvi , iiKn...Tee BOARD ot EXl'IaE ef tbn any will hold the bflielb and laal mea ting ol trie present year ou tlae 6in day oi nee, MMk m taa t ku nail oi mwt tmj *. m o e*Mft a . bu the CaaltTl otHn Part So. II of the Couiuiou Pleaa, for trie pajxpoae ef i.ltAN i IkiU Ul r NbJ kV. l alllicu». enl te received at any time daring busiuesa hear, in the ott.rta «I tue t ommuaioner». Nu«. Si a.eouaid si., 7 CAeii.Oeiset. and iJ l oailte-.t. WM JA1 Ii Asri ET I', In. II, levlk Pleaideniof lite Hoard. Cljurutw lot aUuüuicoB Men. A~~'COMaMISSl< >N IK TSE. with ub.Kit »J I.MR »,t KH) ot denrabie bu.Uae.., ealraetii.g lb* choice ul lb.- Jobouag Trada ot the varioue aa<.ioua ol ti.e country, aud very Cavutably attnatea aa atote iihidi, lel.tbl fonw, AC in ordei tu liier, aae MMB ka* BM BBM. ttIII anlT I*Tt~' te.n.a wiib any large Ma.ni- Btaiauing l.onreia wi iSew-i.ugland ta.muiusiou I loose. Having a avge an.uoal ol sWsuraule goods lu sell in mi. maraet, and wtsh- kba an k.Xl l.l slY K AHt.NCY to do their business wubojt gas....1} 11« puise. tunnelling a cleia or saiesu.au ol Hi. u awn, le lake apca ial cLaige oi tbeir couaigu.n.nt. if they ao .eeiie Ao.-r. .. connoeul.s!.y, 1. O. a-, No. 4M leeMM Oflaee, hea-tvik._ HIJkNET" PATENT OAST-IKON COAL aHOk M.S..T wu years bava auw peased .mc» tba nr.: tn- Uodrl. u.a. o tl.u new and sMJsM lauj-iemenl, Doriug Isis Hum BBwia laaaii naif a mu... u of tnem nave been auli. and the de- Baand as lonslauill) lu.lca.iiig. I be enllr» Dual u.s.. luciu.lio. tbe iwe pateuts under w lala u tbey are laumulau lured, w bow ucered fur aale, »lloidii.g au opportunity f-r a permanent and pfci.tabi* buOBris svi joi to b«. uaei »lib. Eor lull parlica.su-a, adwiiaa »\ i>l.....l.l 1. in. e4 i.aal l.'iu »t .Sew i u'a._ 1\ik s LLE.PAKT of* PATENT b* i»»u.sl k>( Oi.-al Britain, iu MaMMM operation here. Ap,.iy to a Ali i'ONOl Uli, t h.d Spnu., i'uuaaua I k, Pk k EX)]] ftALE.A Ll-vatabliahed country NEW8- M. I Ai i i., OAong a good baatueae. Apply to M- i HcMAS kL ROOkkvK, toren.au el Taa Tribune i iiutiag Oltvoe._ PpO GENTLEMEN SEEKING a HESINE^S A Lot AT iOr< .A kioirAani wul SELL tu* entire S I'Ol R mt OOoDS (aii »aukfclel at a bargain, and Rant his larao Stare ol to tear.' standing). w..h tuse out baEdi'iga, for a term ol year*, In a beeotxlui be^ilhy vsslaaye wtlkin M ua e. ol .New-York by Railioed. e .V. i»*i » ortii of f ods ran be aoM yearly tor caab, at a probi «I to pet oeai. kVaaaon for sei. nag, narotker busuaeaa, aad ni.ot give bis per.oxiaaeitection lo it, >r a .1. lax- aa e> lire BaviwaW. with a caaaB eaxAnai of »u.uov, and give hkal tAe autira aiuatae. Addr.m, tor U data, Mr.Ri IIA.v i care ol the Hoo. V. . t,t a i M- l AUereey at Law No. ais Broadway, revuf Me. rr_'_ ik*\i Ml TO *i**Ju~VAJ£TX£R WAN J ED - V'aV-lrTF i. asnava; of cash. < aa luvet the osuue ia a who ruaae c jb axsniswa, whb-L Is now payiu< ever g>a" i>ti dear pi .on per auuuiu. atar areaae* ctven and rerjuired. Apply thka day, freru to II a nx., v£o Sporiwiticn. I/Nfr! ISH SKATES (,1NS, IMS1-OL8, 6U., »>a»l*«aia and retail. «l ALERKD W OODUaVM'a Spo.-te- u,.n t ,.t No. Ca Bivadw*). Hooting. PATENT .MICA aud I- IHKOia t I MKNT P.OOEINO Adap«er! to every rail, ty of Ruo' new or old. and MlfialtdJ Si,''.1?!-1' ^^ ..Po*y by ia aaa. * a-atk-N 1 lor SAI.K by taa barrel, wfih printed .u.tractioan for awtk. ;OfcEPH DITTO k U.( h«. Yt Broadway, N. K ilnirnrial. Ott*»»* or tub Momr l**tBA*ra ruarmj D. Nrw-Yoag No*. ID, Ilk* | IVIDKND..Ther Board oi Director* ha** thin . *V d*HEHI-ANNUAf. Di» IDFND 0f | wil,Vt AND X IIAI.C PER CENT «pro th* Capital 1-toek of (bit Oott-paay »**»*^ tb«»r office, an ud after MONDAY, Deo, Mjgj_Mjr>RY^A_UAK.I.Kr, Sectary Paaa Fraa. I*»r»A»ca To. No. Vn RanxnwtT. \ n.___ Cob. Paux i-i.At a. Naw-Ynaa. Dee. IS. ltt.il. J iVIDEND.-TUL BOARD < »i ÜLREOTt >Bfl «. *ompe*>y Kara declared a arm! annual D.VIDEND .i i EN (IGj p«i veal, pay.ole an and aftei the M January Beit. Tb* trauah-r-hooka wu] he alow d from th- *Hh mat. to the 3d Wjaahdw._WM. J AFFRAY, Secretary. T*_»^£J Baa a, Naw Yoaa, Dee.7:, l»».~ WKNiII ,11 DIVIDEND..A 1SKMI-AN- KL'AI. DIVIDEND of FIVE <4> PER ( ENI on tho capital atock of luu Dank, from the pro«.. of the currom tlx will be paid or; .u.d after the ad of January enauing. Ihe 1 rarafer I ool. will he doted from the «th liiat. until day "{ I»? "r arlrr_J. L. KV'EBITT. Cathiox. Omca op th* Iixi>oi» Caaraat Railroad Cobpabt. I' Nan \ ok*. Dec k, |*X. ) Al A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DI- iiH loll* of the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILRi>AD COM PAN Y, held thia day. it wit K**oU<.'.. T hat an aueaament upon the Capital Stock of tk* Coir.pet > ol 'i en Doiiara per ahare he, and the lama la btrer-v, celled jijal. e the l.t day of February, lawk, and tuat the tame be payable oa the Stock regi.t. red ui the City of Near- \ ork, at t) c office of the t ompany in that City, and on the Stock icgutei, d m London at the offioe ol Meura. Rohort Ben- aoa h Co and that partie* de.iriug to pay their inrUhnent ha London may pay the .aim- at the rate cf 4,1 per dollar. f'*J«ed, i hat the i reu.'.r 11 oak. he cloaed on the Zfkh of Ja.ua-7 nil. tnd remain rl. ted until the Ut day of Febroary thereafter, and thai Dot raii.fr r be permitted 4fter that date of ahare« apon aLick auch aaa.Mu.ent trail n-.t hate paid, that bitereat at the rate of tetrrn per oent per anuum be aLowed apon a,; bjm .amn.ta paid pr*viou* lo the lit Of February to that dale, from the time of tuch payment. By order of the Board. _J. N PERKINS, Treeeurax. AT it Mwting of Hip Hoard nf Director, of THE NEW JERSEY /.INC COM! AN i, heidlhiiday^SEMI- aVNMAl. DIV IDEND ol FOUR PAR CENT waa declared on tho Cou.uion ai d Preferred Stock, payahle on and after Iho >d of January next, at the Tian.fer Offiet o'tk* ( ompany, No. IS} V\ a.l.'j.gton at., New Yoik. Tbe trantler book* aii bo el owed oTom I'll. fcaoA to the .'J January. The following gentlemen ware rt«"Iectcd officer, of the Com¬ pany, vir: Hr ."> ff Y Al I K EN, Pie.idenl: WILLIAM RED¬ MOND N ice-Fretldeut; A M PARLIN. Trevaror and Seore- Urv - Jcr- j ( ny. Dee, h, llig_A. LI. PARLIN. Seo'y. MARINERS' SAVINGS HANK, No. l ;id-av. eomerof 7th-*t., OPEN DAILY from !l a m to 1 p. ai., tnd OB W ED.NE8DAY and SATURDAY EV ENI NOS from to . o cloak. Mon*y depotited on or before January lit. w'U rorr.rneneo bearing ti.leiett from that date, al the rate of *. per cent on tuiat of < b". and under, and at S. per cent on larger amount*. THOMAS U. 6HLLMA.N, Preaidaat. P W. Eae*. 1... . Cit*4. Milb*. rea._1. T. Sarra, Saaratary. ITNION dime savings hank.No. ÄtJ I Cn.ai «t r«,n er Vtrick open dally from 10 a m. to t p. B... aud 1cm S to 7 p. m. Six pel cent iutere.t paid. Mcoiey de; .iitd on or bo!. 10 'an. ifi. will draw intei.iet at if dopoaUed Jan. 1. Money to loan an bond and uiortzaa-e. B. V. BJtUOHVVoUT, PreaidenL GARDNER S. (1IAPIN, Secietary. Joub McLban. I S i(*-rte.ident*. Sou>at>H L. Ut i r., Atton ey und Cotinael. Tb«a»i-b»* t Ornea or tub Htatb or Illiboi*, 1 N oa em her 111, MSR ) 1>CBLIC NOTIf'e u h.-r.-by ^iven Umt ttve Trruurer of tho State of Ill-nolt will on the l.t day o> JANUARY, I860. ai,d trou; da* to day thereafter fcr thirty dayt, at the An.ertcan Ei'hanfe Hank, in the CHt ',f New-York pay the INTEREST on tbe PahMc Debt of th* Baak« of Ikancla _^ LI.i a M BUTLER. '.'reuorei. KEW-YOEK AM) EKih KAlI.k<J»TjM3ÖM- PAN Y..1 be bolde.ra of the Bond. ,and Stock ofthlt Com¬ pany a:e hi rehy notlhed that the ttnu to lirn the eontrtwt for the rt o.-jibi .it: n of the t omptny oxpiret on tbe l.t of Janaary next. TTinte wl.hiug to become partie. lo It »rr- re.pectful)t urged to end than aaaentt without d* lay to DURATION. OT lb, No. *b Wall it., .New-York, or to the tiibtcriber* Formt fcr the ***ent. a. well ga hl.nk rontr*«U. may be bad at the other of the ( o.npoi y, No to W .1 at The uud.-rticned Ml be pn-pared, on and after the IMh kntt., lo receive tho liouda arid reriih. atet thai are to b* *x*hacged for **rip.- New-Yoik, D. r 1. 1 iSÜ. DUDLEY B. ORMOaXT. 1 ~_, _J. e. BANCROFT DAVIS ? rru«»***- Ma. »AOn i. a, Cm af Piiiijip4cJ-iiia, i De*. 12, lt»9. I PKOrClFALS for Ixian of the Citl ol 1'l.iladfl- pbis, aiitl.onxed by ordinance xpp oved Dee. 10. A. D. 1*.'«. PropoaaJ., to be indornert I'ropoault lor City Loan," will be received at the Mavur't Olli. e. in the I iiy of Philadelphia, Li.i:l: atiirday. Doc. gg, A. D. laMI, at iZ o'clock, m lor loauing tothelilyol Phdadelpiii* teveu hundred t'lou.and doiiara, for which ( ertiheatea ol Loan of tr lOt' aud upward will he ittu»d, bearing mteriat *t til per cent per «nimm, free fr nu taxation, ami re te« mahle iu thiity yakra frtoi'dale. Propota'. will be i a t. ived lor any turn, but not in liaction. of *>li>>. T he PiopoHlt will he opened on the 'J4th day of D*o., 1RMI. by the Mayor of the *ily. in the preaence of tue City i'raaaurer, a id the C nuimittee ol ciuaneo T he higlie.i odei will be age eepted the aity reaervlur the right to accept or deelmt- lbs Waco*44"BBS part thereof. Payn.«nt will be required on tho lilt djy of fl.a., A. D, IHM». Inter*.t to romineiice on the hitt c»y of J*m, A D. lbbO. ALEXANDER HENIIJ _M«yor of Philadelphia. DBOPOeAI^ for #416,600 " CENTRAL PARK I IMPROt EME.NT U ND STOCK OK l*in."-SEALED PKOl'OSAlS will oe received at the Controller'» Ot&ce, uuitl the 7th day of Jam.ary, litbO. at Z n'elork, p. m when the Mine will bo publicly opeaod. for the whole or any yart ol th* amouat af four hnndied >ixteoa thouaand tlx boadred d.dlara of tko " t entral Park Improvement Fund Stock." authorited hy chap¬ ter 771 of the Law* of IMS7, tod chaptei .108 of tbe Law* «f 1*M>. tnd by 4u ordinance of tb* (animnn Connrll. 4pproved by the Mayor, Nov. lu, 11MI, for the improvement of tho Central Park. T he t*id ttock will *onti>t nf four thouaand on* hundred and tlx'.* «Ii .bute. "I c:.e h 4 tred dollar, each, and B4aV interett at the rate of tlx per rent p. ¦ auu in. payable quarter yearly from taxation the principal redeemable Aug. I, IKH7, f.om tk* " Sink- lux Fund fol lli* Redemption ol tbo City Debt " 1 he p:otH »al« wall «tat« ihe au.ouut of atock detired, an.I iho p; ii c ¦ r «bare, aad tbe pertout whea« pr.po»ale are arnepted will required to dopant with the 'Cban.brrlaiu of tho o.tv within baa d4yt after tne opening of th* hi.lt, the «am twariod to thrni retpectivrly. im ludtug Iho pre.mumt on Iho tamo. On pre.entiug the receipt, ol the t Lambi ilaiu to tbe Control- krr, biedert wnl be entitled t rec«lve certincttet for ..pit. Atnoiiutt of lb* par value of th« Kock, beaiiug iutei*it (rom .ho date* of I »vidi MB E»ch proportion thould be aotled aad inJurted, " Propoaal* for Central V*ik Improveuieut Fund Stork," and the propoaal, D.u. aaaded tnd indorted, put bu a tecoud «nvelopa, addiaaaad t* the Controller. l ie lit it reterved on th* riart of lb* Controller to rojoot any or all nf the hi It if conaidered naca««ary to protest oi pro¬ mote the iutrirttt of the aity. ROBT. T HAWS, Coutrolhjr. City of N*w-York, D*partmeut of Paakaa *, ( oaUollar i Oftieo, December 7, jMR _ m ( U U I tU It i HANNIBA L AND ST. ©.AI\F*UV/\" JOSEPH RAILROAD OOMPANY BO* Dtl -i HE HANNIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH RAILROAD COMPANY will. untU WEDNESDAY, D*c. *». 1*4«», at noon, receive, at theoftioeol the F'l.eal Axaiicy aflaw) I ompany ia Boa- loii, Sealed PropoaaJ. Tor a LOAN of RbtaiOUl, or anv part thereof, upon the lollowmg .mimic*; Om-tlurd of each bid mutt be for the becciid Mortgtge 7 per Cent Boudt of the Company, in tum* of + '«. and S>Aio4ch, dated July 1. lkWt. htiown*4tke Con¬ vertible lo udt of th» Company, payali'.e Z4 y**rt aemi-aunatl .oaj ,aiil arfaieipal pay all* in New-York, and being «o*ur*d under a Sinking t *uu Mortgage to II. 11. Hunn*weil, Sidu*v Pail.all and Henry P. Kid ier. Truatoe*. Two Ibirdt of eooh hid for Thi'd Moilgaje 7 pat Ceait B..tj la of the Company in tun.i ol *l.i«l au.i evm eaah. cfatad Nov. IS. IcMt. payaule in At. vant. .emi annual touponi and pnucipiJ parable in how- I ork. a. c-red by . mortgage ou tho road to l. II. IIunit*well, Sidnet Hartictt. *nd Nathmir! Tb»y*r. Truitoo, whiah pro- vij». iot a mi lint F'uud cut of Ihr oaruinj« of tue road cauku* leted n eititifui.li them at maturity or *oou*r. The aaid mort¬ gage . . tor g> i,N«..,i»«j. U pel cent of eaih rubacrintioa will be payahle on th* Id of Jkuuary, lot*, and will bo retained aa ee*urity tberefot aatil lb* Whole uf kach tuhtcnptioii it paid ap. 10 per c. nt on lb* Bah diy of January. JO pei i. nt ou lb* IU-.h day ol February. I* per cent on tbo K*tb day of March. 10 per *ent on the liHh day of ApriL .0 p. r caut on the Kith day of May. baa For each h.»tt!!. ant. eioept the drat. Brinl« In the proporktoa above Homed » Ut be laauod. with proper adjuatmant of tutor**! .«luodwbon «uih payment* aie made; or paymeuU mayo* mat'.* earlier, allowing a ditcoont of 7 per oent per aniiorn apon the mouev paiA Upon the above r«med oondMloni tbo Loan will be awarded bo tie highctt rotpoutihie biddera, the Coyipony reanrvmx bo tbeu..rbe. the r.-l t bwa**4B>1 (lie raepotuiLolity of the biibhari at well 4t ihe raieodoreA, , Saa*d propoaal* liiould be *Jdre<**d to Ik* un Urii/nod, K. S. WATSON. 1 r»*mirer of th* r"iacal Aganey, Doc II M B*l 4-s t By r.A4i.aug». Bi'tt 'u. Maaa Baaa tot SATiatt*. No. fl BWooker-ab.. Oct. Id, IM*. NOl lCE U> DEl'tltilTORS..lu ordt r to avo.e and *orr«et laafdaobal error«, and bo rondib Infurnutkioa that . wanted tbe 1 roobeo* request the Depoaitora in thia Inatitutio* htTtjbf acooant* *ot acted on for more than aevec yoara, to toad lL*lr »a*e book* to the BarJi. to be wnttea up. By dlrooktoo af th* Trartrr- JAMES Oh I'BYSTKR OPPEN, Seorotory. IhWA INTEREST..Tbt-Iiitrrewt duo l*t prox. 1 oa the BONDS OP THE STATE <>F IOWA »II! bo paid, Bpi'ti pieeantatioa ol the proj>or Counona, oa »ad after tBat date Gat Jm.oarv. !8*»i|. at our olhee, No. lot Broadway Naw Auk De*. I*. 18*. AT WOOD k Ca_ Orviv-a or tu* t lbvbi aar. tan PtTraaraoa It «llc 1 uoAii Paaiiiai i lh.i.oh». i»oa 1.1**>. 5 THE Aotiua! MfOtini: of tbe StookholJor* of the CLEVELAND AND FaTTSBUKOH K.kl LROAD COM¬ PANY for tk. ELECTTOS of TWELVE DIRECTORS, aad trai ia ttoti of othai bntive**. wtll b* hold at the *fhca of the Comioay. ia Cleveland. *a W EDNESDaY. la* «U d»y of Jaa- a*ry P*at *! 10 * tiM k a to. Tho traa.ler book* wih be 4o***d on tb* 1Mb tuet., and remain oeaaed till Jan A R. ROC h,WELL. Or* a or tbb Ci ava i*n PaiaaafhaUJ . I <»«r . o- LR . Raii uoao i .¦!-.*t liimti». N- v. M. ii**X I ?».Fl I III U i . l'h<)l'<»SAL.s will be rotMNTed ©»THP.iK t\fo by th* UBdoraiguW. ia CUva.and (W jLi ta* .'eibdav of Deoeethai -.. xCfot W of tb* F K--+T iTsiV t'ND MORTGAGE BONDS of Uw t^o.paay for th* Jgduag Fond._¦* SiO»tat, jr.. Pro-idaat. riEKV! WANTED. FIERY! if rital 1NSI RANCE rtOOLi -I ******* or Bnooklya i.tv at tair priwrw. in oia-h*age (la part) f»rgood Improve-i ' J, "their iaMh. Ttb.oiHlthWorda of Br.v^lyn. lu- I W HUI1 IHnlag Salooa. No. M Fulkoa Market, Lrekoatrtt. aide. New York._ AUGU1BT BaaLMONT d> Co.. BAVKERI». No t* WaS^t kaaaa LETTKttftrfCF - DIT t*r trxre^aW. ah*tr ooii*ia*aal»»ita CNHICAOO CITY B CR S D H.SEWERAGE pal ,-.rp«-e*. Fol aakt by . ^cjjantrylaat. CAUVOKMA STATT] and SAN FRANL'Id- CU C«y kuUreari COUPONS porrktvad by dctScan, sherma* a r*> Baits htj «Anrnrm AlKil'Sn ^ s. IiYNARD.AurtM>nn-i-«-MAi >. NIED ENT HOUSEHOLD PtTRNlTr/RE strnh.ie ,.r- ttei. .On ntlM DAY st tbe elegant mioa-tu- No -\. .t Jub«'... um Mh »v. Pale rotrjmrrxeiug at w . .lo-. DRAW IM.-RotlM. CHAMBER .SI. L»lN M»-R(> |J| Fl RMTLRK. Kor farther psj-tir ulsr. ore Herald Uiit d»y a M Mi«As-tis-«*r £>* BAJX08, MF.KWIN 4t Co., Trad« LR teems M«. U Psrk-rew. MONDAY, tuesday, »nd WEDNES.IAT EVR.v l>-t \t. JIL and 1\ at Mo'riocA. MARI-», ei K. 'I .¦> ru-d VALUABLE BOOKS.Jest r*> solved fron. Mr KdwirJ l.en.iey of London, beist t very large aecrmbsage of book« (new ar.d old, in min«* .eagjage«. too> prising the writing* of inrim t *nd modern aethora,Ta sil UM *B- no*i Branche« including many thai *r* very starre Aiso tiii«- arated book» of Scenery and t »stonie, hae etitTsvasfi. Ac, Ac Cetilo*er* ere Bow ready. THL'RSDaY E> r.N'IWO, Dec 22, at o'cloak, OIL PAiNlNu* AND KAM V OOODA.A are eel Wtloa .f Modem Oil Paintings, inelodiBg nnaWn tri ad original* of great mar it by s. .brited artists. Ab*. * vir»et t of tan-y art flea, mm priatng Stereoaeopir .'ivitrariioatt of van au» at*ran, and an assortment of \ lewi; Kapier Marti. \V"ark Taoles. Stauda. "ort- fr.lioa and ra*e». and a variety of Saucy Stationery. Ac, and aleo a valuable '1 e.e«copr, to bo aoid at i o duck. KRIDA) FAENINo Dee at «j orWvk. ILI.l'Sl R A'J t.i< AND STANDARD L'Mr> A eh-iee aoUeetlob of valuable Standard Worhainnit* biodinrs. and rtettry Illustrated Hookt. Incluoinx Am a.* for 1Mb, ai.d a iarg« .*» .rt mei.t *f l.n.l.cllnhed Juveniles, he . »o. A Lbavitt Auctloaeer. 0£0. A. LEAVITT «fc Co. ß TRADE IAXJ1R0OMS. No* m and BROADWAY run THk a*lb M BOOKS, STATIONERY W( RK° Of ART, he. HE" Conilgrmenti toLV'ted. _aVJ THIS DAY*, and fo.iow.i.t: dan, rou.ur»u tag each day at 4 o » bale extraordinary oe enolish boors. Tbe n.oit inagtrihernt esweinblag» o' B .k» ever offer**! by A action, b* rag a rnoire and eotuy c..!lecrio3 of rare and vaJaabfo Boaki in ein.o.t every deputraer.t of l.i'.«rature. both Ancient sad Modern, romprioi.t the beat editions of tbe beet aatbori, nearly all of which are in tbe tmest cmditiou and fit for tbe ¦l.a vea of a (entleman, tbe whole being a coBsigrunent from aa BaBhaBWt laatädow kaaac Cataogne» aew ready, and may be had el tbe Auctioneer* xUKbDAY jlv ENINO, Dec SO, rnnamenttaai'at 61 o'clock. SAl.r f f.AROK INVOK ES of St HO H. BiMKS ar,d bTATii'Ni KY. half and fj.Tbound Bi. t.Nri ROOK-1. MEM¬ ORANDUMS, DIARIES, kc, in ouantitie», alao, t choice a*- aortment f library books in p a n and eipe .ai.e ktoaj- iugi, ma»y of them finely illuitrated an otu: wnl-bmar he f und the work* of living, l-eoper, Marryatt. lue tsrorita Eoeta, Sr. tt l.iblc, I tola., Juvemie Book* a good /«riety ol l'ockct Hii.lea. I'rajer Book*, kc., kc. THURSDAY Et r.MNo. Dmm. tt, c ..ntnepiiag rtMo'eU-Jt. BOOKS AT AL'f TTON..Sale of b Hoo-aeHer** Stock, all new and treib and bonnd in a variety o. elegant itylea. compris¬ ing Etat.da.'d Worki in th" iario.> de|.s ... .st rated Bcoki. Juveniles. Krayer b(h)ks, kc, luitahls f^r presentation. I.1 r. SNOW Auctioneer..THIS I)AT(Taatw \Jm day) at II o'clock, at No »7 Bowery. v>i. oe nld a auc¬ tion, to lo.e »eversl er.n.iinmeiita. 25 table*, ,i Stools, li ( hair* I Co.inters, 5 Stoves, Homus. Bedstead*. VY ardrobea, l'iauo-r t. oi, 3 ronnteri. Uu M imported ( igan, (locks. Side¬ board, Ofl.ce ClwaBt arid Deaki. Toy*, ooap. bWl roil* House Paper, Ac. Alto, at 12 o'clock, 1 new Spring W«ut:.u. and I (.rocer'i Wagon. IPERKY LEASES at A LOTION..Ry fTrtaja of the aotbonty vested Id him >¦. Bag i.eaialature of abe Stake of Nee-York, and reaolatiom of the Common Council of ike (Ity of New Y ork the rabeeriber Controller of said atiy, will tail, at PI LL1C Al t IO.S, to tne kiabest huder. with ede.|Bhf sernrity, at the (ity IlaJI, ob s.tit'HDAY, De «m ber h lg», at 1 o eloek p m .l.N UNI. i.K.A>R, the Femes known as the K( '.TON. SOKTH, It AMILT'tlN- a V ENlTR, v\ all-STREET, an 1 t ATI! A it iN k--I RBE1T r-RRRlMd, for the trim of Ten i ears from tiie r ir>t day of May, a. D. lakT, wi>h all the righta. pririlegei. and advantaurea there'f. bel ingmg to the t or|rcraiiou ol the ( ity of New-York. Said Kernes to b* run to sr from the slips, ikr..liars and premise! b. and from a aii b they ire now run. io far ai auch sJTpi. Uiiduifs and prem¬ ises are owned by the Corporation, or are. or have l.eea reserved and appropriated fur ferry purpose*, eroapt that the Isuading at tbe foot of Hkmiltou-BTsaiii*, Brooklyn, may beat the foot af raid avanu*. or in the Tlcmt'y tlieiaof. and in the aaie or aaaai B whitn tbe Coi(*iaii n are uat th* owners of the ilipa, land- big. *r tani.lnatioBi bow uaed by said Kei riet, or an v p.otioa thereof,'.be laadingi or tern.inarioiis u.sy u* u au . ai in tkrir ?icmity, II the lesaeeaball ao elect, at hi* own oust and «ipn.f*. Ab rtprra* itipalatlon will be embodied In the leaae, that tb* lesa. r snail run the laid earveraJ ferries at a uuifTu rate of fare, aot Ble eding the present rate*, and the diieoi.tlnu ince of any .urof ti e said ferries, durii.i lag term of aaid lease, snail be desn ed and krld to be a feifri'ure of tbeBaBaa, ank tt s sal* ieaia the.-vhy beceti * at'toluteiy aall .iad void. T ( uirhaisr or leaiae. otl.ar than the pretehf i-«*ee*, will b* required to parehaeH at a Bur apprised ral'iiti .u, tbe boats baildingi, and other lorry property ot tue preseut lessen as s.. ly necenary for the purposes of s.cb ferry grant, or franablae such valuation to be aacrrtalned by three cobipatent disinterest¬ ed pert in one to be choaen hy IM present laSBB) s BM by LB* pural.aaer or lasse* ander thi* tale, and tbe third by the Iwe thus holen. 1 he 11 use in made in the oinal form of ferry leaaei and t* BOBfunn to the retiaueu.aut* of the charter and ordinances aug reaoli.ti. ns of the Coinnion Cunnril; and no eipenae whatevet la to be incurred by the ( urporati .n for or io robueetiuu with tbe pirn, ilip*, bulkheads, or premises propoaed to he leaaed, daring the tin.e thereof. The lease of said ferr.rs wul uot be .old at an annual rent leu than tbe aggregate ainuant of aunaal rent now reeeired far tbe Muse. The purchaser of the leaae of the ferriei and their apper. Isars« will he required to |.«y at th* time ol tele to th* Collector if ni City Kesenue a sum rrjual te twenty per cent of tbe atnuuut bid far the annual rent, to be applied cn the rent of the first year, la oaee t eeirrutri a lease with the asuai eofeaants. otherwise t* be forfaited to th* Corporation. He will at the isiiia tune, alia, be leqnlred te furnish an obligation, to be aigiaed by at least two .aretiea, to the ettect that he will sxecut* a bond, witb s nettea to be approved by the Controller, for the pnurtnal payment et ti e rent q iarteily, and for tbe faitbfal eieauliou of the rovi-uanl* .f the leaae. 1 l.e feet of the auctioneer and the expense of the leaae te a. paid kj tlie pnr.-haarr 1 be leaae will alto centals a covenant, requiring each ferry, boat to hare attached to it! engine a tire apparatus or fur e. pump with not lets than 4M faet of boae, of the q icity sad di¬ mensions ui used tiy the Eire Department of this city, te Be oaed for the ritinguiiliuierit of bret e benerer reqaired by the Chief Engineer, or hit Atsntaati, far which eerviraw the rears «rtP reeeive twenty dollars per hoar for each ho ir so engaged ROili r. HAWS, CantrakVar. Ctty of New Y'ork. DrpaatBient of Einanre. I Contrciler'i Oftic*. Nov. lü, 18AM I Tksiale.f lbs shove BseaJlMSg PetriM is pottponad antil WEDNESDAY. Dacrmbrr II. ItSS, at the tame hour and place. Robi. 1. MAWS, ConuoUar. OSKl'H HEOEMAX..WEOXESDAY and THL rsday. Dec II and 22, at 10 o lad! | m. esvh day. st the tC re of Mesrrt. Revuoldt A Tomruels. N». i't Kalt m- tt I ro..kI> n. Lkrge tale of eirgaot new esbiurt KCRNITCRK, sll manufactured in the be.t manner and of the heat materials l.i rosewood, mahogsnv. wainat, and oak, kc. comprising Suites of Parlor. Chan ber i.ibiarv, Hall and Dlolnrroom fVm N'l TL'rk, in bro stel. rep*, and hair-cloth. The sale is well worthy the attention of buyert, aa the wall established reputation of the boose Is .Bttirieut guaranty a* to the quality af the Kuruiture. A. J. Hi in in. AurtinLeer. IABOE BALE OF 149 LOTH <»N BTH AND J KTH-AAS., ll.'TH, 113111. AND ! 14 IH-STS.-A. J. BLEECKKR, SON A Co. will teilst suction on THt'R>DAY, Drc. .J, at la* n'rlu. k at thr Mr -nan a Ex.-lixmre: Oat EiilHTH a»..is lota W. ».. between 1:2th and I14tb-*ta Ok Ni»Td-xv..6 lota e. s.. between 112th and I13tb-*tc On oh hi VOHIU a»t> Twilitb IT..17 lot* N. and S. S-, beiarrn Ml *ad nth-ava. Ok OKE HfM'klt'-aMr TUikiik.sTH »t .42 lot* M. and s. S.. between Hth snd SHh-evi. I'ti On HI BDB«H XJIlr-rolBTEtllTU-tT..17 sut* M. U.d 8. s. brtweeu 8th snd iftb-ava. Mapt, termi, kc. at No. 1 Pine-tC_[1.781] N'OTICE i" hereby fpven, that in pursuance of tb* deed of trust axcrated oa Iba 1'th day of Aagaat, a. D 1U47. tb* undertigtiod Trustee* will sell at pubHe Medjet on Tl ESDAY. tbe loth of January next at 1 e'cioek a. m., ui th<- Rotaada of the Mtrebantt' Exchaui^re Haw I rs 5liy. the fcllowlrg named steariiihipa, Wiretber with the Taeatle, sxparel > i.raifjro, snd sal ether sppua-testras* ttssreoasU be- kalrar' i Id mtL llaUMOIl EMPIRE CITT. 8TAÜ UP THE WEST MO.-,kS TAYLOR, PHILA0ELEH1A. frnr.a of sale.esab. Datrdxn the City of New-Tork. tki* Mh day ef Nov., A. d., tva. MARSH ALL O. ROBUlTda HORACE P. Cl^arjx, . TrxaAeec f \s tt s :c KI'.R-oN *? .1 A. J Hi.aar'KBa. Aactioueer. H \ IIAQN1EICEN1 L0T8 and GORES on fAar eTb-AV., UiTH aad - WITHOUT RE- »r RYE.-A. J. Bl.tk CKER, Si IN k Co. will tell at auction on 1 l EsDAY He*. **, st 12 o caotk, st th* Me^tdiAataV kU- ehsner: , Ob «TB AT .k Sne lot* n. E. corner of 115th *t Ob lllTB-*T..1 kua gore n. S 100 feet east from Ka-ev. Bbivkeb IUih ABi' llbTd sTs..II gore Iota, comtaancing 11» tret eaat ol ttlb-av. Ob 114TB §T.H lot*. »oBlh tide *X 'eet cast of 8th are. Ob IIPtm *t lad;oiuing above) It bne g- re lots. II» litre «i. -.u nur gore lo'.*, noith als, near 7kh-ev end adjoining Harlem lane The above property adjoin* the baraatu**! groaad* *f tb" 'Wood E*tsle," is s u^nilieent ga-dea apo'., o.' im »od and feed grade t Iii* perfeat snd sale abac.ate. 60 per rent can raxnaia on hend aad D^rtaage. If dVanred. Map», he ai No. 7 I'inwe*. li.****!_ Profreeional Jfotupf. OkVe fer IVoeenna ^MEBICAN and EOitEION PATENTi. J. F. PIR8SON, No. 5 WAIaTa-ST^ N. Y. A pamphlet of in/oiaaiioa sent free by tnaiL DTSEASEO ETEfl ciirt^i by MLlUt'.M'KO H UK I aad V AioRS. avoidusg aU paia aad irrsistiosM erode drugs and secsiir.g iii« fa. beua-f of BV-dirinea. SlireMBl 11 nil Tr ^-.* T ' PRANR. M. 0.. -K-ixa**. _N - t'tss East -.aa-et. DR. CILAKI.ES SWEET n be in Sew- York at the Ns-.ioas: '.'... N I lOg -r ... it .1 isextraa*»». t>nn Lit-my-W i on Taeaoayt aleI V\ ev'nesOevt tsiefojirtb weak la eseh osanil. renimrnamc Deeaanber. ISM. ta arerexd ta Roar *rtriBg. Hip aad St-taal Disease., Pever B»ra* .^r*** sad Rh«»lean* damecluei. Contracted Cerdc and lln-oaM Diseaeec_. 1EDWARD H D1X0N, M. D.. Sarfom, Editg>r J of THE SCALPEL, artaadt te the were ooeoare dB»e«**» »f vkr Pasvlc \ e:a aad DakWattaaa of the Eye and Ksre- OnVa kourt from g to 0. 1 to I. and 7 to » eveaiaara. at No. 43 XiV«v H. PLATT, ATTORNEi A I I Sm. 47 a TlrireVet.. St. Lewie. Mo.-i (IMMISSIONI R for NI-V*- Y <»t K OillOloAAA CONNPt TICt'T. aad the .MherStstsw. As a Mevcaatile Agency f. r the i astern and "tar: u ^Latrs partu uiar atirnti g «U be gtvrn to the prompt oollre^n rr aa claims entru*s>d to his rar. in th:« State and Seatbera ILiuoss, and by i«ejpuauuble correspondents at all point* along the Misessv pi and BiaaoLrl nrrrs ibi >. ' ir.riBBSti. . [araafcB.Bs: Hon. Eraslat ( ortxine. Al.sny Jsiae* Horaer. n..-ela.-.: y .»rs Mart:: a Smith W'.n Kent. E H. Rluihai., AA biting A I lark W E Neve. Win AI E.^s At- . - .. ...¦se.ors New York, Jo H. raar «al Dsiuel M. W usoti. rtflbfRl-. gaMd UvTK« VHSea»i , .V*w 1 <*». v :'J- ConTÖ anh Boome. AHOME \VAN IKl'.-i"»..ur tiiBOOMS, with «OAkiffor GENT, Ull i and MAID, wilaia Ar* mu<< M ' keei I ride ./* ill HaiL * permanent arra .gv.rjent >. de«i*d wttb a pjtAa uunly. Vi a oWirmba ioeaii BBt An«w*e* i -* eaa tr.ru«, arkkch uia.l oa moderate. Addr*«« H W r.u\ No. 1», Tnbaae t -tRr*._ 117 ''; 1'- Bj .' Iian Wl*-- t f I OARD In ¦ at-ietly private fomi'y on* from New- England preferred. If raited. . dl be piruv*>(. Trrmo not to rxread *-W per calendar uionth. Are and ita iacuded Add.-ee* for three da««, 1E. P C .'' f/nonu* Ofi>*. aWfr.-eoee* ex- (tum fed. Sonore to tel. DRlG sit»i.k t. LET, with gr (riefe«! th«- hx'er**: an old «taad and a;. «ir-oe-t place-for » phy.i- r'.an r draafiat, earaer a/ 4th and li*nh-*te. Rent of weot* hoar- *><»>. or ator* 4nd calUi 4)11«*. Apply toJNO ROSS, No. «JUh aT. LET.A' the? Md<ii«<»ti-»tiatirv Hofft, rnrnT J. of Broadway «adZlrt-et a fee family MTPTH of Rt>. iMS ear the h -at floor. r~-wfrftaa; *f Ptrtat aad tare Bedroom*, with prttale tati* or usir aV hote, a* a.aj he preferred. A more do »frtbl* ant plegaeut «aite of ap*rt.i.eat4 cannot t-e fouod Lu too cii«._ r) LEASE.lias ITPElTpTaf^ More armta n.erb.e BUILDING No. bit Broadwar. Apply . WILLIAM TAli.oR No US »rodriw.y or to JOHN. *Af LOR, No obi Broatway._ rr<» LET.OFFICES in tu.- mm BtiiJaiiBf N<». M. Vf Broadway, caw, Fuhonat., «aitaKe lot benkinx laaor- ance Bedhead t «mp«mr>. Broken. I.awvera. j**.ie-a. B.c. Appiy on the preiniee*. to J. M. J AQU Ad, Room No 7. treuere anb /anno iütintcö. I/AIv'M WANTED..An EiikIi*L(.eutirnmii >»3iiU to HIRE, fur e4p>ilineu'al parpooe*, a I ARM of from On* Hundred to Two li-judod Arie*, with ;r...!rc* of I'L R<H AMNO. ih» * ;.i u* iieeitny and raay >l ac- roa«. with good Ol T-bL'l LI'lNGs an.l an iurxp*u>ive hut com¬ fortable |A\ ELLINO-HOt >E. Nrw lort State prefer.-d Add.-- a*, witb particular!. M. A., box 4,11*. t'oet-Ofb. e, N. t. Ural Rotate tot Bale. DIJT< HESS COl KTY ka KM for SALE.. The Farm of the lute CwL George Vaaderbilt (loa area), iituateoa the H .d«.n River. 4 intlea comb of Pourhaeepaie, having 4 river front of near it half a mil*. U quire of S. II. MILLS, No. ixt t hambe-nt. li'OK sale.TW rawrawff 3-atoiJ ifa.nr-front Ja? HOTTSE, No Ifin Wert ttd at tJJxSö. with an iuclo*..d aa> ten'ion ib it* rear: baaemen'. and lob-reilar dumo waiter. gaa and water tbrougnout; fircaie baa r.fia'.rr* on three rloor«, kit. h< n »eiy la;fe, ,.rv eonvnlein e i.repUce» and iraiea in every room. Apply to Da.N'L R. si t .'AM No. lu". Wert »t. '< 1^ sale.a liUl >l an.i - I.' »Tfl of l.ROUNI» 4t Toi.k.ra. ou the HuJ.mi Ri-er. Fifteen train* of car* eaeu a y ,1 my. liio.ae i. i-r: 'juut, e n; a.ri* II Ro> D.i. Oaa. Range, ll.'a'rr.'fcc. l^ant.: u.y «it .*r.-.L ... ing 4 new of toe Riter Cr J" mile*. Barn. Stahle. Sh »de and Fiuit Tree*. Fart"! the piircbaae money can re: naiu. Apply tot A PL A>F. i .No. «ad l»roadw4j, N. \. I FOK SAL! 1,1-; \tm UOl SEd on ^th. 29tb. '".tlatth, «th, m.th i7tn. 38th I th. 40th «Id. 44th, 4oth, and 47th at*., r. nging in price from to *m'.»«J. the following property boiweeu Broadway aod Loaingtoava«. aiao. hr»t claa* property in f*h-av.. Madia..n-a* and Loäl <too BT., tu pii.4lrtm »>/«,lt*)to »>:t).tloe. V\ ARN Fit Pt-API No. 4ViV«t btbav , bet* cea S3lh aad aath-eta Fll.sl class pa KAI I nu lands in IOWA will be given iv eg.-h<ngef.>r Stock*of ehandi**. Where he amount .uth:ientiy large p»rt ea.b wilib-paid Latter* xu.he.-ed to Box No. J.ul7, N-w Vork Poat Onice, will rec lv* lii.r..diate attention. htASO.N, BlsliOP 4 ( O 'e hut.- for sale, a I.-ry eUcitrlfl Plaw ti LOT.1» (or lii«eatn.eut, lltu .ted on 4 h ndre.l t .: -t in the upeer part of tha city. Will be a.id t HEAP for ('ASM, i' applied for Imnie« lately. Alao, aeroral de*ir*ole Plot* near the CENTRAL PARK. SAMUEL BE MAN k CO N. |0?S i'.r.vadway. DINGEE, IIULIG.N k ( O .No. tf .Na*aau aod 13 Pirn- .t. A I EK-l'0\f EKai.il EACKHiV foe b\Ai*E.- A never faidcg Wat. r I u«,i and ttoue Factory. iS by 30 (ret, four ttone*. with one «tory ouilding 4dioimug Ij I./ J3 Ifat, all inporloct order, on the broux River, Ik mile* from Nrw- \ ork. at Tackaboe Uepct. on the Harlem Katlroa I lB4J*4Va of H. HOUUM.kN, No. 17 Maideu iau». Jnetrociion. FC>K'I EDWAJtD ÜffiTJ III K N. T..#25 fcr It, aid, tarn'.lied room, wa«l..ug fuel, and common EngUah, Horn Jan i lo < -* » f V\ inter Toti.i. BupeiO brick building* for ladl*« and gemlt n i u Addier« Rev. JoaepU E King. Fart Ed ward, N. i., lor a catalogue, or con»uit a tea i.et at >,i i«7 j>tb av MK. ÖEÖ. C. AN THON"* fftTTf.1 Er.-noh and fagtlali Ighnal Ialtt [J^aaaaataaa), No. rrt Broadway, mruer Iktb ot. Cirtula/a at the ScbooL OUKT WASHINGTON COLLEGIATE IN- ST1TI TE, en V\ a*hiugtot.aaaaM No. 4U 4tu «t., coruot afMacdoi.gal ikle..r. t '.AllM. gad PANNING, Prin. ipala). Male pupiia iat all age* received at any time ami prepared fur Hu.ineaa or College. Bobool qoarter« Oegin Not. W, Fab. 6, aad April A K. F. L «40 THE WINTER TERM af Lhe Rot KLAND PEMAIJt iNBTITt'TE, at NyaoA, on the Hudaon, will coaiiauH Nov. II. for idmkaaina, or ehaular* contalniog tail panicuLara, addraex l ii. t c p. Mansfield, PrWpaie. riVJ PARENTS and Gl'AKDIANS. JL The School Othrara of the \\Ulli Ward take plemur* la .nnauaruig tL* ccmp.etien of Ihe new achool bailding for the ***0f ward-SCHOOL No I«, . iniatrd lu 14-h-at near l*t av and thai the «ame will he for¬ mally ciencd and dedicated to ai hool purpo^a on WEDNES¬ day lee Zlatday of Decmber mat., at l> o'clock, at The building ii ouo of the Inert hi the city, tdording «uporiog Boeomrondatinu« for 4 lege aambei ol pupüa The 1 rather* are well known f>r their rthrieuey and *ap44tty. aad are, hi av> ry roped, quaiiaod fur thou reapoaaiblo po- 4itiona I'l, i.« deairoo* of adiui4*ion to citn«r deparu cut may be re gtalored prior to the opening of lb* aehool in I4lh-«t. by uaah- [ng application, any iUy pr> viou4 lo tla lr*n*ler on tho Zl*t aaaA, at the r4hooi aornel 11 M *t. aid lit a* or at the «oaooi La kith -I alter the upeniug. to \\ M hMCA'tON, rrinripal of Male Department Mi«* I AHol.iNF HAUL NE, Prim ol Female Dop't Ml** bA K A11 B !l> RBEE, I'rui. Piiiaary D.partiueug. COBBUMIOVkB*. JAMES tl 'sHING.ir., o A M L E L CAN I BELL* laartiT'.u*. WM. UIÜB\RD. JOHN c CliamBERLAU*. WM H TANDERHOOP, OEO. A JPRPMIAH, JOHN LLOi D. SMI ill ELY. ir., FL1SHA R BF.LCHFR, JOHN J DYMOND, FRANC Ia DUNCAN, THOS. B. BARNASY. Mew York.Doc. 1<», ltSA_ JAKUABY '1 the next Won (ipru of the HUDSON RIVEB INSTITOTE, at Clavawaak, "rFR It vlumuiaCouu'y. New-York. TERM, i Ret k. PLACE A.M. P'inalpal Oj*i*) -^.11 A&ll la N 11 I n ^ i 11 I I V. (irt»*?D* PO*> »-jHi|('o., n. Y. Tho It. v titl.r. j. pox A M Principal. Student* le.lher tea; re- fER UUARIERJcetved any tlma. Circular* at law Water-**. Danring Arabrmies. "a DOÜWüKl'H . DANCING ACADEMIES, Sm.» No Fhtj Broadw.y New York, No. IE! Mactag ie-piac*. Brooklya. MONDAY* aad THURSDAYS, TUESDAYS tag FRIDTAR a kWnaklya. .ri)A>fOyS an* aiTl'RtiATI, Ln New York. CLASSES OPEN AT ALL TIMES fob BKOIHNhTEAV QBarter commeacao from the arat leoaon taken. Private tiaaa (or i adle« at 11 a m. Seventh edition of Dod arortk a work on Daaetng, and for tho a* of at* pugd**, paatk *a*A Prvat* Family er ttehoel I inn atteadod. Cirvaavra at aatlar A ;*aemy. Älnoirai Inetrnmente. a MAGNL ICEJi r M)UBLE-St7UN0 BET- J\ f\i OCTAVO. ROaVRWOOU PIANO-PORTE FoR BALI .TRa*raat*atawtaydBI; made by boat city maker*; ta. iahed in the b.ort elaborate etyW, wub rirgaat leai ^arv jg aL loaad) baa roand eoraota; back buiaaed aai^o a* the f.out **> iiLi-iteiich tone, «bort time In awe. and without a fcieiuian, and warranted. I eat *>*od. fnca *1U. N. B .An abjaal male f. roub. t all and j"dg* thia -nperb I'taao, at tae dwei.uag No. *'.g Mb-**., near totk-at next d'/or to the Murray iiU tlrt Apply for four day. da* or evening. At T1K »MESON, No. iää llrnadwdY, offorg k . tae aaaortmoat of foil-toned PIANO.*, very low fag ea Each Puvku Mb g iaraat**A Mclodoono aad aeotad hj Plana« abrap. Plane, la bat. ALARGE AS.-OK I'MENT OP HklNFs BkoTHBRb' PIANO PORTS A Wat aaao low at their a*w Wararoocaa Ha oka Broadway (neat deer m Lear* kaeee'a Tkaatvri PIANOS TO RENT. LAKOa. bTOCK of BAKM()RE'« ee!tbt-*4k»! A Precdam PIANOS, pgBBiniigid aarlvalad by sag**, and warranted in all raape^u at \katb Mar.i>cu>ry aad War.rocm No kef Bleocaer av A ipliaall Phaao for Rlku. 4 aaotiiad bargakp- Ale*. *ae at Ran. 3 a H. BAJtMORJA 1.I1EK1 WEBER. Piano Porte Manufi^Diror, ha Iii VYawt Broadway, near Canal *t. A ip.cudid ainrt- aaact of lloLIDAt PlANoS.w*xT*«*>diorthj»-*ye*r4u«*T*jry roapev-t. vary law for.an Secaad baad Puma* tagen ia airharap* CU I C K E KING m\ 80NS, a**tr.cTTa»a« of GRAND SvlUAR) 4od UPRIOHT PI ANOR WareTooaM No RH Broadway. C. h ftec* k.t* been awarded Ttirty are Prix« Medal* "im Baa oapeateniy af thou maniuV tare for tho p**t la year*. Al»o. Foa Salb: MAJK < k Hiw .:n> *i .'F.tiOR ¦ ELUDE Rf h '"MB Por Parlor*.-at no* and Lodgaa, A4 M 4*eraa.« aad ietail P1ANOB TO RENT_ " B. IK1DWORTH, Mi;tic S*r.re. at} 3tn4 a OR»ee. No I Aater pl4ce PabUahar aad Pooler U M.at* muiueLj. and M laica. Merckandi** _ Hi /.lit. 11 'N'pR't Pi.iii.uK..rt.- M iuHVm- ... No. ** PHc-e-rt **er * A-ie aaaortnaerit nf brllRaJt aad fall lotted PIANO*, at I be low eel rate*. Eeco Piaaowur- iw.-.'S ma-'v* rkAktlaair}.', #- . r*wBwW*gt*Wafl I JM. FELTON, . Km. H4I ud J*W ¦.ninwiT. !»fW TOU. Ftrst-caxs. PIANOS, MELoDEONS, an/ HARMO*H'kf-«, ferry w.-rrax7te4, at the low*** r.M. PI AX US and ME LO- OlONs la let, at ktU M InslauWota,_, LICHTE A BRADBI KYH, MaiufasrteUwn of GrsBdeiWS-,eBr* PIANOS >R'r;*. eon*meted with afl the improvement* readrxeive to lapr.-ionty af tone toarJt, aa*l daratn.ity. ao«l required Myl* of fcrnitava. As extenci»* uaa ¦asm i-a*yiön sale, at tbctt Warrroooi* and Odkce, No. 4SI Broon *-rt- al*e at their Depot. No XX Cee.-t endt it. PIANOS an,! MELODEONS,<rtroperi r quality, arw and second hand. rOR 5 ALP or TO ÄFNT at redeced arvnra. K. al allo**d if purchased Month'* ptvtaebt* received aw Piano* an« Ma.cdeen*. at No SM R roeCwav _HORACE WATERS. Ajjoat, PIANOS frr the HOl/llTAVS^^iw>rit»rt4»nt.J, Bew-eeeie. "«U'i PIANOS. Ine'etant rjeew rod o«ns, at ».*» g-fn *;». *ao *r3. *»*> e ta . *"*», he. .eiond-hand Pianos.at fjs. *¦»<, * 5 ei», one rase* d -Chi lark f m :ti. Bxreal* r-y T H chambers, ' Bio e Htwee.* eor-.r of *tfc it and 1th its RAVEN. BACON A Co7~~ (Saacaaaori to HA'ON A RAVENi rSar,>f?rte carers Wrrrreeina No. IK Grande*., near droedwiy. akWB a faC ii artaiaat of Iaetrr-neata may ke found, a I oiled i all of mm rat Biaaufaeture. Vt ai reeled lb every reaped. THE DRIGGS PATENT PlANO-iXJRTaw, (or the V;oaa Plan« ) The k». 14." Prem The N. Y. Dally Trlbaaa. ****** "la eommo* with a., fm sect, we raBBf alaed the wonderful eeeal p. wer o' trte** newly lava-ated Piano* -that lympetbetic. kuaiea ju*l<ty of lone which perj.ru the piaaUt to 'aV on an aaaaCal i->««i-uu.-uA. sad maae at eao- (b«ut and passionate aader hiatnoefc." Minoiartared and for aale .7 the DaVfcfl PIANO COM- PANT at the wane store of W M HALL k SON. No. »41 Broadway one hlocs shoe* the St. Mr ho lea JAMES f H ALL. Secretary and General Manager. I^HE OREATEST BARGAINS. Etoant and Plaia PIANOS full Iron frame. Patent Dainp>.ra. and ail Bjodeih improvements The heat PIANOS In the cut fufky warranted Mrlodeoua at lew than wholesale price. . ISo tor a 7-ortsv« PIANO, nearly new. CIK ENHO\ EN MI SIC STORE. _No. mm Broadway, near 14th-et. WoNDERFI L IMPROVFMF.XT in f r QatJkND PTAjrOrt STEINWAV k «ON> invite arti.O ar i the pnbMe In eeieraj te esll and examine their newly invented OA r.RSTRCNtJ ORANH PIANO, whicn, for power si, i .; ,«..ry of loae. i* pre- aouueed aopetior to any other Oiaitd Plann by all who have ear .mined it; among whom are the beat mu.n-xi i.lgee of the coaa try. toed: u R Geldhrek, Ph. Hägen Editor of the Mu.loal Review I, V. C Hill. W 4 h ». U ilsxon. ii. C. Tirxun. H. A. W oocnbai.pl, A. H. Wood, and many others. - E NW.AY k SON". Msnsfactaren. Noe. g? ami S4 Walaer it., New York. .5onDc-/nrniot)ing ©ooöb. ACKNOWLEDGED aa BEST..FOREMAN"* Arch Spruu bed BOTTOMS sell f t #1 50 to *Mk Mat- tre.iei at wbol. aaie price.. On Iron Bedstead. Si>rlns*i. and Mattr. ceuiplrte. No. g tit. Joue. st., ccr of Broadway. H~~AVE you*., b t MMiM.s i PATENT SAX.P-Al riNtr toA^ A.-H >ir ter? NO labor. NO DI"ST. A' Hi nse e'.;n.|.h<ni xnd Stove Storea generrJlT V. B .Mam.fsr»ntm* Right for sale. A i I MM1NOS. Patentee. Noa. 420and 412 tth-av. I) R E U I U M LIQIIT! The UNION LIGHT AND BAJfKTY Sblb-Obbsratimu Oaa Laar aas received Fixht Pirat PranxlasnA krag aarraa Medals and Pour Diplomas, from aevea dtderent Stales, and a Sh.er Medai ko: the Auieriean Institute of this 'ity. Cast and bbb it at Ns. 4M Broadway, or senJ for Circular*. Address W. B. ell l.l.I S,IS. Prxt-Off.ce Box No. 2.M9. Ii ling iliBip jDniloing fllatenala. spIIIiM?,EY~TrjipS.Plain and Oruauifntal.Al style, and patterns. Also, beat Atueriraa V itribed Drata Pipe. Lang aland Pottery. Depot, No. 75 Nassau at.. M. T. EDW D H. U!"fNN. IfNCACOTIC TILES for FLOORS..Minton'i J Tile* for Veatthnle*. Ha !*, Distng-Roonu ConserTatorte* dearths, and for pabba bulldinga of every kind, as laid by eta* rob sen hen in the Capitol at Washington, and in rrany chocche* **xmf*. betel* and dwe.lings in » very part of the country. Also, (aaraklrk Chimney Top*, Drain Pip*, ho- for sale Sj MILLER k OOATKI No. 279 Pearl «t., New York. JERSEY CITY MOLDING AND PLANINO MILL, r of Oreenand Vlergau its. WOOD MOLDINOS BkaADS. Alte Iii i KAVES. PBW. tAi'S, Rtll.S AND HANDRAILS. NEWELS, BALUSTERS, BRACKETS, TRUSSES, ko OofimxTLt on at.vD, xao axt.a To uaoaa. AH kiirfii of berod and Straight Sawinr, Turning, ke done at) uealaeas and dispatch. Alee, Planing, with the celebrated Woodworth Planere. J. « r i.l.ER, _IProptietM. MILLER" PATENT CHIMNEY CAP and VENTILATOR, cure* «rnoky chimneyi or ventilates rooms thoroughly. B F. MILLER, asaawaka'r, W'aat U'way /nrmtare. BEST EXTENSION TAHLE8. NEW IMPROVIMRPff. WM HEERDT, Manufacturer, No. 150 AVooeter st., betweea Prime and Honatoa-et*., N*w-T*rk. A large aaaortmrt.t *( **k, walaat, mahogany, and ether Take** ajwayr oa hand. Ij1 NAMEiTTTt) CHAMBER SLU ES of FCR- J KCl IRE, mall colon and style*, whole-.nl* or re-en at »1.5 and upward. Al.o. ktATTHESSES and PAJLLABSIUL warren wahd, No itt fandst.. Four doors east of Broadway, N. T. CDcran Sieanwrfl, &t. o LD MAIL LINE rug CALIFORNIA, rls PANAMA RAILROAD. Eitra Steaxneri at Panama and Acapaloo, fUOULAR DAYS, STH aad MTU of EACH MONTTcL On TUESDAY, DeeemberJO, The Berth AtiaaiM st. arnahip Company wll dlspatck, at 1 Velock p. ox, mom the wbe/f, foot of Catxal st, the splendid .transship a ATI./VNTIC " A H. reanoa. reo. Cnmmsnder. for aSPINWa LL sttreot. and aria aonnect, rta PANAMA RAILROAD, with the Paolao Mafl aVjeainsl :p Company'! itramer "OOLDEN OATE." R. L. fV hiring, a*q., Cemiiaander, and proceed dirsot to IAM PRAM ISCO. For Freight, apply at tke office of the Company. No. M Wafi-et, Per Passage, appiy at the offica over the rat* oa the wharf, foot of Ümal et., to_WM. H. WJCRMAJdL ATXANTIC AND PACIFIC STEAJj-JiffllP COMPANY B. S. MAIL ..NE (tonrxerly the Vaaeerbltt Ltoe"L From ike *id aatsbliahed wharf, loot of TFarraa-gi, North River. FIFTH AND TWENTIETH OF EACH MONTH. the favorite ateaxuahip NORTH STAR Capt Jonee, wfB Vaave-M shave an TL'EnDAY, Dec 20, at 1 o'clock a. aa.,*aa- aertlng via Parxasus Raiirosd with the staaniaklp UNCLE iAM. Extra iteamer of tat* Una always at Panama, insuring prompt seen reLion st the isthmus The No&THEkN LIGHT roaaeed* the NORTH STAR, ieevLa« Mew Tor* January 5. CAl IlO.N TO THAI PCBUC. Bewari of TVXst Swind.cn. B^ jcs Passage OfAee* aad oaa- serax falsely styling themeelvea " Mai;" Ceiopanlec Urxiaa* yoa ke an year guard yen will do deeeised aad defraaded. This is the on.y line carrying the l olled States Malik oa tkd* rotate, under contract with the (iovemnaeac For fi.igai »r pass*** app.y at the only odJLs« or' the Mac bj see Uiy of R.w Vura" Pia. 177 Westat-, comer af W arrea-ev D. B ALLEM, Agseaa. H ¦ .All piwiaa arc forbid traatlag any ca* es aaeaarat «I the ahorv* ahtpa *r owner*. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL, L05U0N, and OLASCOW, calling at QL EE.SSTO WN, Ireland, te land aad aashexk passengers and d;sp*t.:iie«. The Liverpool. New York and Pbl'uvie.pfiU Steaaasalp Cora paay'a apleadid Cylde-brxiU Irea Screw Bteamaaip* are Intaadr i to Ball a* failow*: raoa us tout rea nrraareaki CITY OF WASUINOTON.SATI RDaY, Docaokerll. 11" i OP BALTIMORE .o.ATt RDAY, JcBccry 14. 1MB. L^iSbi Ri>H.SATURDAY, Janxary 24. Aad each alternate Saturday at noon, from Pier Ma 44 N it. raoa iiv tvit roa etauow: RAJSOAROO.SATURDAY, Jansary 7, Imm, CHI <»# MAN' 11* .TP«? SATt'R DA Y. FsbroaryA. and *«*b tneath la WTnt-r. and «ach aatarwall Mann key la akianr wac, fram Pser hi. 44 .s .n_ H.t r kxraaur - s fa Ma. ta Ueeaatewa, Liverpool tar Uiaigaw.|74 ( *Bux te Lea dee (via Liverpeo.;. M Third Class to Qa-suKowa. Liverpool, (»laafow. M I kid Claas te Leeden. Ml 1 kard Class Return TL k«ts, aval labs* for atx axoBtha, frosa Liverpool or Ulasgaa. t> faasekgen ferwardwd te Havrs, Paris, Haxanag. Brexnea, Md ALtarerp at taroafk rated. I rtitoaxee af taaaag* issasd »atn Idrarpeaa aad Jlaiaaw M stew I erk. Tkeae Steeaner* bare ruperter ac«sMim*«attoa« for Pasaweagara, an aaaiuiicied with wster-txgau r>rapartiaaexvta, aad oarry aa> parkaaci d Sargeonc fm fre rkt er PaseefB aveiy st aar Odbre .' the Company. JOHN O. DALE, No. It Broadway, N-w York, ' Is I .Tarpoo. to W M INMaN TewsV BuUdinsa. la Gleag e to WM :.UC No .1 »txc .t I'OB ALEXANDRIA. VTASHINOTOX, and GEORGETOWN-The New-York'and Virgiois Screw .¦tean.si.ip ( mpaay 'i new and ini fasaai stvaoub p MONTE- i Pi.^o E. A. Oager. Coauumdrr wi.l leave Pier No. 11 North Breer. for the shoe* Ports. tYUtV SaTL'RDaY, at . p. w. ' akia ps-exg- wuc cr-surpvaw-.' . -ore».viali mi, «7 M Frc'gkt I Beats prr fco« on mrasnrment rrod* other artirlea La praeaertioa an.i received oa Elide- . sad Satar Uy*. >o cxn- ibi il a gkaiggd f r forwwdiag. No bil's of lading lignad after deL.rc.-r . i i'.su-er. Frr trragkt or passas* apply to _Ii B. t U-t.Mt^ LLL At...-. ... at, West 1. I^VIR 8AVÄNNAH aad FLORIDA.F. S. MAIL LINE.The favorite .teaauhip Al .CiTA. Csat- M g Av,0. .uU. a::i Irav.oaSATT RDAY. Dec «4. a*> a ax, trera PVr Na. 4 North hirer T bro>igk tv**U cireix to Moat- 1 xriT Ceicmbie, Atlanta. A.bsny, and Ms, .n Bid. of Lading .ignrdrnly.aboarA » or frvtrhi or uaaeage apply te iaUUi^. ir ..lai'.^ii.Li 4. *J, H y.-wlwvjr^ T'I'K.KOKTII GERMAN IXOYD'» »Vati«.* p A BRFMfN II n !.,, .. Commander, earrrtaath* Uahwaa Wm*m Maid, will »ul pern* y . SATf RDA., Dee. II. oi 11 oa, IM BRJXjrjTll, TT» SOUTHAMPTON, Taking ?V »engen far LONDON HAVES, SOUTH 1MPTOS and BREMEN, at lb* tWI*wi»>g rate*: Pint (Via R)«*: Smm| CahU, .>«.; SR. !***¦, Ret. For freight "i r<4ui ,«rN OEI>£Xe\ EECTOEN At REICHE LT. M*. »4 Broadway, PORTLAND tvnd CANADA SE1IU-WEXKLT line, via VICTORIA BRIDGE. Too tm- 'Lww *erew rtanaabtp*. chesapeake.Cap*. RtRcary CroweO, patatsco.cm. l. r wl£ Ware Pie* No. II North River Now York, BroroVt Wharf. Portland, orory WEDNESDAY too SATURDAY, ok I O'clock, p. m. BonoAnlM-. MkA"* r>m<r in-!jdfng .nr«li end rteieroora RA fWee atooiDora connect with Grand T- iak Railway eaa hm tk* -fc»..p*.i aad uwt »ipr^iiAoa» fre**** am* to MowUtwi ooR Skww» Apply to H R. CROtaWPJ. R Bo.. Wo. W W*»»*A tX)R SAVANNAH a^XORlDA.TbR ARawtt* A? ewo Atlantic *rr»w «:*aa-.ehlp t'omooaT't aow tad Avorite Purl. O __-*;» III NTS\ ILL*., - to Plor No UN R- on Tf\lRSDA., Doe. R dl< p 03 loufn to Savannah, wiih jojjrpaaood _. RIA Throng* ticket* to Now Oriean» .*» u> kloUle RH» ¦ jt.üron-arv IX, Aihaay. Ok RH Cefumbe* IM. AtlawRB Rtl. Mac-oa SIL A agnate RkR. Aleo to prfneigeJ place* ia Florida at ItTHi race Preigkt 10 cent* par f.>*t laaaraaoo one hat per o*at No rtak taken ander RMo. Apply to H F I ROkJU XIX k . a N*. M Weerat, AUbuoi. H 1'MPH KEYS'" SPKtlFlC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES EOR THE PEOPLE. HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE BAT. The nneer.igned baring aoed Prellroaor HI MPHRE Y.TS SPaV CIPIC HOMEOPATHIC REMElHESiaourfoMlioowitbtAw me«l *atu:a. tory ie«ulu, and heviag full ooandeace in tbeag raeea, pomy. and enWocy. cheerfully recommend Ikwan kB all p*r*on* who wiek to hare aeie. le.ieel*. and eaacacioen reoao- dic« at hand for private or dotueetic do*. Tie Kct \S in. Hi am r editor of The Northern ledeaeav- « kakam, NY.; hha Raw. 1 H i n-wrj, L). D., Recto* of .rch, Aahum, N. Y., the Rot. B. I. lvee Chap¬ lain of the Ai.hnrn State Prieoa the Rot, Spruce* hi. Rioe, Rector Nr» Bi dfoid, Mora, the Ree. Allen Steol... New \ orh rfatRnowi 11 the Rev. Sera .el Niohola, Eaot Oeneeoe Ceo- f*reoce, New-York the Ree. P S. Pratt, Dorsot, V.i-Liit; the Rev. John S. Robte. Botfalei A C Hart, roe, I . N I |l .* Hon. Neel Dow. Ponltnd, Ma ; the Hen Srb rylef t ollax. South Bend, lad the linn. Oeorae Hi raph.-. . n t Henry D. Cook. eaq.. Editor of The Ohm Bute J.-uriw:. Colooibu*. Ohio: the Hon. R. H. Orahoai, Mö¬ lln/-, in ti,, |i0n. Thuonaa J. Chaee, Monticcllo. Pia the Hen. Joaepk Benedict. I'tica, N. Y . Wm. Briatol. ooo.. I'tlca. N. T > A B l oud, eeq., Itica, N. Y.; Jatae* Plankett, eaa., "aaAviakt, Tcna. i i<r ow SPECIFIC RPMEnrp.s. Ki i-F Fotoi i "tiarati.-n, and (anainuMtlon. No. 1 F r Worm Fever, Worm CoRc We'iim the Bed. No i. For Colic, Crying, Taethiag, and Wakefüiieaa of la* Ruit a. Vo 4 .Fot Piarrbea, Cholera Iadhatum, tad Suuime* C«a> plaiota Na .V -For Celle, Otipinga. Dytentery, or Bloody Flui. So. I For I in Icra ( h*.c;o Marbua, Voanitlng. No. Pit I'tatha, ColJa, InAtenaa. and Sore Throat ho F r Tooth-ache, Face ache. »nd Neuralgia No. v. .For Headache, Vertigo, Heat and Fa'Jtieet of UM BkaaA No in. DTtrarau Piua.For Weak and DartaaReR Rloaaaah, Ci laallwlkj. and Llrer Complaint. So II -Pea Kaana laaautLtaiTiaa, Saautyv PwiuruL or Snppn*a»ed Prrioda No I.' Kor Li äcoikea, Profuae Menaea, and B»artig Down of Feat* . N». 18 -For Cronp. Hoarae Coogk. Bad Breathlag. 14g.ir Haava Piixa. For Erytipola*. Kruptlena, Pin.I lea oa the Face. Nj 18 -Khbibath P tin.For Pain, Leinene*», or Sere- ne.a In the i heat. Bock. I.otn*. or I lanba A.- t or F*ti rand Ague. I hill Fever, Darak Agwa Old kilo- nianaged Ajruea. r 1 af Pi aa, Blind or Bleediag. inlernal or EiUraaL «L~For Sore. Weak, or iutlainod Eye* aad Eyeli i., Faddraj, Vt.ak.or Biuired 4i«kt. ('..For Catarrh, of l*ng itandiog or recent, either wRh *b- atr tati"ti or profhee diachargo. M Fat W. ha* pmj t ongk, ohatiog lU violence and .kort- oniog iti court*. In all Boat* .iieraaee, auch aa FeT*ra, InlUminattona, Dtanhoa, It,.-,:. i Kleuuiatiam, and auch eruptive diaeaae* oa -i orlet Fever. Meaalee. and Kryaipeloa. the otlvantog* of giving 'I e p per rcoxi.ie* promptly '. obvioua, and In oll taeb aaaee tl.e vre. irii-t act like a charm. The entire diaeaae I* often or- reetod at ace, and in all iwiea the violence of the attack hi atodb eraird the diteane ahortaned,and rendered l*»a dangerooa > "", i aad olda, whlcb ore of auch frequent oocurrenre, and] which to ortru lay tti* foundation of dkmaaad lung*, iirenrbitai . ion. may all Le at once aired by the F*v«i ana Ca gfi PRka In all rhreale diaeaae*, auch a* Dyapepei», Weak Stnauwh, C*iiiti;>otioB, Liver Complatat, Pile*. Female Debility, and ir- irg-iiaritli a. , id Headache*. Sore *r Weak Pye*, Catarrh, Saht HI. um. and other old erapllon*. the ***e ha* apex-iae* a boa* r-..p.r k|'plii-a'ion will tilord a cur* ia aim ¦«' ererv Inatanea. Iftea lb* cure af a ttngi* ehroaie dialculty, auch aa Ilyapepaia, IM.-, hi atarih. II«...lache or Female Waahnea*, ha* av*ge thaw paid lor the oaae leu time* over. PRICE. Caa* of W vitli complete, In oroeeo, gad Book.Rl Co** *f . and Book, plain. 4 t aa* uf II nnmhered boxea, and Book.<. S Co** of k bt-iea. m.i..bered. and Book. 1 Bkgtl g ;> d tioiea, with dlieetloui.W aenta Single lettered box**, with oHrectione .10 aeolo Large caae of t aa viali lor plaaler* aad phyvteuuia.R at Al.lt>, SPECIPTCfi Fob AgTBaa oa Patataic..Oppreaaed, DlAcnlt, LaSoreR Breathing, attended with Cough and Ejpectoratiea. Priee, AOreataper boi. Fob Ea* Pia<-b«*ea* a**> Duma.-Dlachargea from the Ear, the reeult of Searlot Favor, Moaal**, or Mereurlala. For Noiaee in the Head, Hkrdnea* of Hearing, and Ringing in the Ear*, and Farecha Priee, SO cent* per bot. Fob BcBort a Enlarged Olauda, Fnlarged and Indurated). Tooatl«, hwaiknp and Old t'Icera, Seroruioa* Oaahexy of i Lildi. n Pri«e,Hc«at*p*rbog. Fo*(<kk**aL DaaitiTT..Pbyrieal or Norvoe* Woakaa**, either the rcai.lt af blokneea, Kieeaeive Madteation, or Fa- hautting Uiaebargee. Priee, Ml rent* per hot. Fob flBorav -Floid A*oumaletion*. Tamid Swelling**, wkvh Soonty Seeretinna. Price. !wi rent* per bog. Fob Sba Su aagaa Deathly Sicku***, Vertigo, Nenoaa Vomiting. Siakur** boa riding or motion. Priee. to iiali per bog. Fob CaiaaaT Dnaa«aa.-PorOr*vel. Ranal Cal*-iU. DuwoaJA, PaiafiU L nualiou, Uueaaea of toe Eithaeyt. Prioa, 40 *aau peg boz. Foa Saaipai. Eartaioa*. lovdunurr Discharge* aad Cotv .rnaent 1're.tration aad D*btnty. Bad Raralt« *f Evil Habits. The nut rurceeaful grid «Sit lent remedy known, aud may ha reiird upon aa ¦ eu.-n. Eric«, with fall direct lone. Rl par bog. Periou* who wi.h t* plao* tbemeelve« aader the prefe*ah>nal aar«, or to a.ok advice of Prot Hraraaai*, eaa do ao, at hi* nfliee No. M0 Broadway, daily from I am. to t p. m., ar ay laiur. OCR REMEDIES BY MAIL. Look over the riot; make up * eaae of whet kind yoa *koo*e( and iiiaiooe the ameamt lo a current not* er «tarnpa by mail to oar addteaa, at No. KI Broadway. New York, and the rnaalata* oRj be dal r returned by mail or ezprra«, free of (barge. AGENTS WAhTED.-We deetr* aa actlv., ednoient A goat for th« aal* of oor Remadla* in every towa o- community ia the luiled Statra Addiee* Dr. P. UI MPHRE YS k Co.. Nc b*9 Broadway, New-York. MILLION BOTTLES HUNT1" LINIMENT Sold, and ¦ mack greater number of the haanen family aaary fisd inalant relief, aad hid deOeite* to Hhoamatiam aad ail the) ilia ahlch Ae*h ia heir lo, requiriag aa eilerual applieattoa. The Lame and Holt have been made aownd. The Cripoled and Daftrmod have been mode «traigt.t, bv u«iag thbt greet Reauady, known aU over the world for the aat TWENTY yoar* aa HUNT'S LINIMENT, or STANTON'S EXTERN A L MRM- KDY Price 2s and to «enta terorgiata and Couotry Merchant* all art! it. Depot No. la* Mal*wa-laaa. A. NORTHROP. B"llÄT)DOCK'" i3m>blrmimicbVQll MUTUatl W **ld by A. B. R ». SANDS, BARNES R PARR, C. W. WELLS h Co., (Ity of New Y*rA DAME* COUGH Li'/I'NGES.EstikMiaheeJ ISyeara-cnre CH RONH COUGHS, COLDS, aad oil Af. FKCTIOha of -he THROAT end LUNGS. Depot iQf Water et^ JR. BIRD8ALL« CELEBRATED ARNICA * LINIMENT-BEWARF, of COUNTERFEITS, aad bay boo* hot BI BlrSALL'H ORIGINAL ARTICLE, the repute Reo of which baa eecaaaened the predoatioa of aevaral article* hoarina . loaxe* hat ainaUar aamo, aa well a* aetae wm. <. are oiere CeoaterBtit« ef the Oiaata* Sold by the Btiailaakl ÜTuggleU aad general Rier«k«aaara. Price » IBata._ ^JOKr-AT* LIFE PILLH and BI ITER8.~I« l..r»ogea»ewt»oftho Dayakli* raarflati, aad af the) rohl Kidney*. Bledaer and priuotpal Vtioera, there la otklag to beooenoer.d with theat Sold overrwhero UEEL"* COD UVEE OIL JELL?, approved by the A^aaMraiy of ModMaa, to the »aly tore Far CONsTlixTION. ASTHMA, and all kind* of COUGHR Mb* karte* mere *Rxaarioa« tbaa the llaetd otL QUERD'B PATENT 7ELI.I 7IF.D CARTOR Ota, firmi -I; RaTorod, aad taken witkoot unit aad doe* Boat sauae *ooatip*tlon after aa*. It to the boat pejeaatlve tor -ihtV Rrea. To b* had at the laveator** No. It* oth-av., and all at* gaggtiHi dragojieat PENFOLD, PA REER A MOWER, Ne. Bookman-**.. Who-wale Agent*. tcqal Notirew. SITREME COI RT.-PETEB VAN ANT- WFHP eg*. JAM KB CAM MAR.To tna PoRjalpat. JAXES 4M.MAR: Yoa are ber*ky auinmooru aad reaaazaal toeuawertberrmpiaiat ia tkd* aettaa, whu-a area tu* dm that oft. . of .«rk of the «Tty aad Ceaaty of New Ye*k, et tea* i ity Hail, in the ( Ity of New York, oa the twettta day of S*T*ea* bar LtM, aad to aorve . copy of year oinwer to the aoid oaaa* plaint on the .nbacriber, at but gal jg, Ra. tRR Broadway, m th*> city af New 1 or a, wit hi* twenty day . aAea th* aaarv law ef Lhb* aummon* on yu*. ogclartve of the day of «ucb *erv - * end if Jfiu fail U aaiwer the aaid ceHnpiaiut within the time aforeaaid, the plalatitf iu thia action will take iodfinent again** yoa lor the) .am of three l -mdredand aeveaty-ave dollar*, wit/, uorreat from the Utk day of S*at»mbar, labt», baatdi the ooou ei -f [- rrllia. -Hated N.vrmbor T, UfcR, THOS D. JAJaSaU, alS lawtwT*_Pain til . Auvavaey. CUPKEME COIHT.«'ity «nd OmntT «f Now- k5 York. EDWARD GALLAGHER aaaaavt DENNIS HOOAN..iFnmajra« Sor t money oVaaaand oa contract-, to the aber* aaiued dirtaaaat, Denai* Hogjan: Yen or* bavehy aorr.ni.med aa, required to anaw*r tbo ^naiptaint to tlaht arktam, of wLu hae-py i* kariwith ogrved apoa yaa. and to ogee*) oopy of joJr *a*wer to the add eongphdat *a ro* at toy ****., nnoibrr Tbtrty -feux PiaaeUeart, m the City of New -1 erk. wllaka twenty day* al'-ev the aaraice bauot aarludv* ef the dorr of ¦ach .erne*; aad tf /oa fail to aaewer the aaid t imglrta« watMa the lau* afwraaid, the puatcthT it thia twtteo wtU takeja ' agalaat you'f.r the mta of on* haadiad BafhBB *rRa> from the brat dag af October, one Uoaaatad «ij|bt h*aaoawR !*7l^r tRlTTS^LO^^Ä 1 be **»m*laiiit iu tail artiow wa» *Vd h* the edtea tef lh* L of the I Uy aud t Jttary of New-York, la the ^tovlt CRy of New York, on the lotk der of Hae«aahea%t*J»V Utü lkwtwla IMWI XWe°yt P^itr.Altajrnaj. Hai. of tue

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Post on 29-Jan-2021




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  • BXi^lM-" MUCKUM..Thüi/lIM'M'« Ml'SKi'M lain y***~mw

    .U-v WVi.. !)f

    Rawfog*. ."P*" »I * om.pon.1 RswKnfs Tenjjjf I harlea?

    ev-rtine* that¦ / Ui« LINK of¦t in (wo by the Jni"ed tketn to m-vV, Berne, aa theB*» tint hl* Um>f Chart**'owuj.u»urrha.ed by Irr.

    Hl of the OcereJ.-Mitva by D. A.k Leslie . Newa.

    PANK. V. IN.- lilF -r PARLOR I'll AM ATIAt ÜOLUBI ( E

    AttoVlork THIS K

    A IN Mb.NT.ALI..

    CÜont».LADY, nat *d in TV

    I nlted Stetes Mail. StaalkM E.711PRAM'AlsE.

    AWOMAN, No. IST» CkMirV«.., I,rw»klvn,BJC». RES to do ti>« WASHING an.i IKo.MNOties'lernen or Fciuilire. Tb* work n Iii he Wob done. Ap,>ljM ».'-

    A~ßlTl'ATION W \ \ i i.ii.Ag CER \ AN"!, by an eaperv-ntee. faithful tlirl; U economical ami n< »t, a id hig'ilv r-vm-awnili d. Can at .Nu. je At .antu et., Brooklyn.?V11 L'A'l JON WAM tU st* COOK, an I '. , -VJ in the W..RHINO and RON .'NU, by a Wo:uan who I-eva.p.tei,t to do bo:b. Koti-nrwd apply but private fa:uii.*aBeal "I Uly tele rin - g i.' n. Ap,.y «;.... .'< j.st t r.ietf td av. Can b« aeeu for two Java.

    WASTE I'.By a hirxhlv rvupeftnbl.- Prntmtnrttyourv VAomau, aaitoatiou It I OOK, VVA^U and IRONk> a «ood « eck, Ua-her and Iruner, will do Onneri.1 I.work, le Loneat. clean and willing. Apply at No. 4M broad-way, i.p Maua.

    AGENTS an- WANTED to rauvaaa for two ofIke MMfl pepaiar work. erer aotd by Agent». Bead for aMroaJaf. a. CLOI OH A t.« PaMndki ra,

    _Providence, It. I.

    (^.OMI'OSIJOK WANTED-One n"J log upon Ri'HK WMIiK. Apply..._KRAM IS HART h '. .... No. 63 l^mtlandl-at.

    I^KENCH ~rEA(JHEÜ~\\ AMi.l>.. WaUhtWA tor three day» a week, in a young Ladies' School, a fewanile* from New-1 oik ny taiiroad, a Prcm-b Lady, tb rr > wblyeempet. i.t to learl. her own language, lue mo.i r*Hahie raBurners a» io cepabihty will he daatrwd. Adire.a RnoK-aUC'rta.," cere oi AI r uut, «I Irunii Co.'«, No. A>4 broad-way, staling where an mterU.w may be had on Saturday.Dm. Mk_/ J KEA'l ( I IO«»Ml A.i'iini^i,lam w-ttt inf..\J Agenta wantr-d. SHAW k I LARK, Biddeford, Me.

    MAGAZINE..WAN J. ED, a pri'iun to TAKEAN INT KRKST lull.-. .f a Monthly Mag./au.« »eil oatabliibed. Addree* Mai.a/.. NIJ. 'IT-ioune other..

    1">K00E-I£EADP;K..An i x\h -rieiiced J'iJtNJE.HEADER, a. cu.tou.cd to the best claaa ul rinukwork, uo-.tree an engagement ci'lo r a< Proof Reeder or Kore nau ol aHcA>k Odne. Audreta I'ltlNirit, boa KiU tribune Oibcv.

    CA1 .E*MEN~WÄläÖ prvmpt-pay mg traue. Apply toWAIiNP.R k LOOP.Nu. it Park plaee.

    t'EKVÄNT8 in UMEA1 ÄliiJMlM^ijk..7 ranch, Oerman, Scotch, and Iriab, together witli Kngliangreai :. and Herman nrat-cbua C'OOriS, with good rer«ren.**,aaay be citteu.ed at the room, of the P'.MPLOV M EN I BOCif TY.No*. 1» and 14 Bible Hotwe, (tb-»l., between ltd and4tn A lauy in attendance. The Oetoian, liauan andBreucb langnap. a »poken.

    Pl^WO Eti-Tic:if.- , SALESMEN WAM P.D.1 nA a Silk Ooo.la JoDbuai llnu»e , one who baa been in Hm H abve »I d ."-II ,.. e ,v to -,. >e-J ...a wtoleeaie I loak and Jdantllla houae. None n.-eJ apply uulcaakhe) can control a rle aiuount of trade ot tneii o»u.

    An.., VV ANTr :i, a r ORt.tv OMAN competent totekc chargeef i. iing op a Mantilla and Cloak .lock. Addrea* 1'. O. Box»o. < !.'.

    A VI ED.IW M IT and 8H well witb aour nnla M tiieaumIn olaeepoe»*, aimpucity, ana enicioncy. it challenges the world." it and aee it tu u|aaiaUoii, every uay, at IV a. m. and I p. un

    ir liattet Milh at wboleaaie aad retail, for State, County, and¦mtaarax; Rigbta or Agrnt iea, oail on of addreea

    ISAAC V\ MoKRElaL, No. M4 Broadway, N. T.

    do il)t]om U Ailurj Concirn.Advertuement lYmn The LouJon 1 tinea of Nor. II, lrlW>.'OLLI..All aioiii,; ou well. Write iiinnt>tlLately,M fermrrly, and give addreea. Truat mallera require your


    INtOhMAIlON WaANTEl>.Of Mrs. ANNil an Ali AN, a ho left home ou the 1Mb day of November;nod on a ted calico dre»» audapltid woolen ebewT. a urownabrcAid bond, aud a peii of ationg abooa, ia about oil year* ofage, amali tire, blrck hair, blue eyes; is aou.ewbat |>oc.kmatked;has a earl on one »' :e o! not face. Any Luiurmallou ieaatiug tohau diaiovi ry, either alive or dead, wul be tbauklully receivedaavd itbeiaaiy lewaxded by ber aihirtod buabaud and family, Ik«.M'M eat 4f.h st. lt.UWARU HANAU IN.Albany papera pleaxe copy.VOilLE to l.AStUNM ML lift..

    A * ..AS Mr . 1 K.»rREVENik.li rilo.M ElUEZUfO,

    a>d tba atoal anuoynaco* of the wet uactei dispe.uaad with byke Use of

    OANOEMBIUCs PATENT NON-PREEZINOAMI ISO.N-r \ APORATINO OAS METER KLl'ID.We aiene» prepaied to ail the wet uaeteia in the eitle« of

    Bra tola, tiuuii.n. Jeia.-y telt*i Brad lloboken at leaa tü..n"ie coat ol alcoi.ci." 1 be pratlicafinty ol I Ins rljid baa Dex>uriuonatialvd lu irveial ol our tulea wiieta It has been adopted,

    and U kudo aed by PleMMM ioiry, txruaulting ctieuust ol tboksaJ.nAit.il l.aa night I ..inpany i lu. Haid wuiatajj I a te.uperaim. ol 4o d. i r kwMW a»ro without fr.-. /.ng it als., pre-eeait. ion.. n-» i..u ll.e p.p.*. and correct regtalraiiou

    is so-

    cured by ita aonevapuia»iu| properttoe. A meter rcquiioe bia-Uag bat onae as n.ug aa .1 ii'sauu. In uae.OidrisabouKI Le tcre.r led enliout delav to the office of the

    OAb-METER AM) i.l li.si.b toMPANY,No. >fi HlMdagJ, Sole r m lor*.

    rT'ti dear pi .on per auuuiu. atarareaae* ctven and rerjuired. Apply thka day, freru I« to II a nx.,

    v£o Sporiwiticn.I/Nfr! ISH SKATES (,1NS, IMS1-OL8, 6U.,

    »>a»l*«aia and retail. «l ALERKD W OODUaVM'a Spo.-te-u,.n t ,.t No. Ca Bivadw*).

    Hooting.PATENT .MICA aud I- IHKOiat I MKNT P.OOEINOAdap«er! to every rail, ty of Ruo' new or old. and I» MlfialtdJSi,''.1?!-1' ^^ ..Po*y byia aaa.* a-atk-N 1 lor SAI.K by taa barrel, wfih printed .u.tractioan forawtk. ;OfcEPH DITTO k U.( h«. Yt Broadway, N. K

    ilnirnrial.Ott*»»* or tub Momr l**tBA*ra ruarmj

    D.Nrw-Yoag No*. ID, Ilk* |

    IVIDKND..Ther Board oi Director* ha** thin. *V d*HEHI-ANNUAf. Di» IDFND 0f | wil,VtAND X IIAI.C PER CENT «pro th* Capital 1-toek of (bit

    Oott-paay »**»*^ .» tb«»r office, an ud after MONDAY, Deo,Mjgj_Mjr>RY^A_UAK.I.Kr, SectaryPaaa Fraa. I*»r»A»ca To. No. Vn RanxnwtT. \

    n.___ Cob. Paux i-i.At a. Naw-Ynaa. Dee. IS. ltt.il. JiVIDEND.-TUL BOARD < »i ÜLREOTt >Bfl«. *ompe*>y Kara declared a arm! annual D.VIDEND

    .i i EN (IGj p«i veal, pay.ole an and aftei the M January Beit.Tb* trauah-r-hooka wu] he alow d from th- *Hh mat. to the 3dWjaahdw._WM. JAFFRAY, Secretary.

    T*_»^£J Baa a, Naw Yoaa, Dee.7:, l»».~WKNiII ,11 DIVIDEND..A 1SKMI-AN-KL'AI. DIVIDEND of FIVE PER ( ENI on tho

    capital atock of luu Dank, from the pro«.. of the currom tlxwill be paid or; .u.d after the ad of January enauing.

    Ihe 1 rarafer I ool. will he doted from the «th liiat. until day"{ I»? "r arlrr_J. L. KV'EBITT. Cathiox.Omca op th* Iixi>oi» Caaraat Railroad Cobpabt. I'

    Nan \ ok*. Dec k, |*X. )

    Al A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DI-iiH loll* of the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILRi>ADCOM PAN Y, held thia day. it wit

    K**oUd ofJanuary next, at the Tian.fer Offiet o'tk* ( ompany, No. IS}V\ a.l.'j.gton at., New Yoik. Tbe trantler book* aii bo elowedoTom I'll. fcaoA to the .'J January.The following gentlemen ware rt«"Iectcd officer, of the Com¬

    pany, vir: Hr ."> ff Y Al I K EN, Pie.idenl: WILLIAM RED¬MOND N ice-Fretldeut; A M PARLIN. Trevaror and Seore-Urv - Jcr- j ( ny. Dee, h, llig_A. LI. PARLIN. Seo'y.

    MARINERS' SAVINGS HANK, No. l ;id-av.eomerof 7th-*t., OPEN DAILY from !l a m to 1 p. ai.,tnd OB W ED.NE8DAY and SATURDAY EV ENI NOS from to. o cloak.Mon*y depotited on or before January lit. w'U rorr.rneneo

    bearing ti.leiett from that date, al the rate of *. per cent on tuiatof < b". and under, and at S. per cent on larger amount*.

    THOMAS U. 6HLLMA.N, Preaidaat.P W. Eae*. 1... .Cit*4. Milb*. rea._1. T. Sarra, Saaratary.ITNION dime savings hank.No. ÄtJI Cn.ai «t r«,n er Vtrick open dally from 10 a m. tot p. B... aud 1cm S to 7 p. m. Six pel cent iutere.t paid. Mcoieyde; .iitd on or bo!. 10 'an. ifi. will draw intei.iet at if dopoaUedJan. 1. Money to loan an bond and uiortzaa-e.

    B. V. BJtUOHVVoUT, PreaidenLGARDNER S. (1IAPIN, Secietary.

    Joub McLban. I S i(*-rte.ident*.Sou>at>H L. Ut i r., Atton ey und Cotinael.

    Tb«a»i-b»* t Ornea or tub Htatb or Illiboi*, 1N oa em her 111, MSR )

    1>CBLIC NOTIf'e u h.-r.-by ^iven Umt ttveTrruurer of tho State of Ill-nolt will on the l.t day o>JANUARY, I860. ai,d trou; da* to day thereafter fcr thirtydayt, at the An.ertcan Ei'hanfe Hank, in the CHt ',f New-Yorkpay the INTEREST on tbe PahMc Debt of th* Baak« of Ikancla

    _^ LI.i aM BUTLER. '.'reuorei.KEW-YOEK AM) EKih KAlI.kixteoa thouaand tlx boadred d.dlara of tko" t entral Park Improvement Fund Stock." authorited hy chap¬ter 771 of the Law* of IMS7, tod chaptei .108 of tbe Law* «f 1*M>.tnd by 4u ordinance of tb* (animnn Connrll. 4pproved by theMayor, Nov. lu, 11MI, for the improvement of tho CentralPark.T he t*id ttock will *onti>t nf four thouaand on* hundred and

    tlx'.* «Ii .bute. "I c:.e h 4 tred dollar, each, and B4aV interett atthe rate of tlx per rent p. ¦ auu in. payable quarter yearly fromtaxation the principal redeemable Aug. I, IKH7, f.om tk*

    " Sink-lux Fund fol lli* Redemption ol tbo City Debt "

    1 he p:otH »al« wall «tat« ihe au.ouut of atock detired, an.I ihop; ii c ¦ r «bare, aad tbe pertout whea« pr.po»ale are arneptedwill h« required to dopant with the 'Cban.brrlaiu of tho o.tvwithin baa d4yt after tne opening of th* hi.lt, the «am twariodto thrni retpectivrly. im ludtug Iho pre.mumt on Iho tamo.On pre.entiug the receipt, ol the t Lambi ilaiu to tbe Control-

    krr, biedert wnl be entitled t rec«lve certincttet for ..pit.Atnoiiutt of lb* par value of th« Kock, beaiiug iutei*it (rom .hodate* of I »vidi MBE»ch proportion thould be aotled aad inJurted,

    " Propoaal*for Central V*ik Improveuieut Fund Stork," and the propoaal,D.u. aaaded tnd indorted, put bu a tecoud «nvelopa, addiaaaad t*the Controller.

    l ie lit it reterved on th* riart of lb* Controller to rojootany or all nf the hi It if conaidered naca««ary to protest oi pro¬mote the iutrirttt of the aity. ROBT. T HAWS, Coutrolhjr.City of N*w-York, D*partmeut of Paakaa *, ( oaUollar i Oftieo,

    December 7, jMR _m ( U U I tU It i HANNIBA L AND ST.©.AI\F*UV/\" JOSEPH RAILROAD OOMPANYBO* Dtl -i HE HANNIBAL AND ST. JOSEPH RAILROADCOMPANY will. untU WEDNESDAY, D*c. *». 1*4«», at noon,receive, at theoftioeol the F'l.eal Axaiicy aflaw) I ompany ia Boa-loii, Sealed PropoaaJ. Tor a LOAN of RbtaiOUl, or anv part thereof,upon the lollowmg .mimic*; Om-tlurd

    of each bid mutt be forthe becciid Mortgtge 7 per Cent Boudt of the Company, in tum*of + '«. and S>Aio4ch, dated July 1. lkWt. htiown*4tke Con¬vertible lo udt of th» Company, payali'.e Z4 y**rt aemi-aunatl.oaj ,aiil arfaieipal pay all* in New-York, and being «o*ur*dunder a Sinking t *uu Mortgage to II. 11. Hunn*weil, Sidu*vPail.all and Henry P. Kid ier. Truatoe*. Two Ibirdt of eoohhid for Thi'd Moilgaje 7 pat Ceait B..tj la of the Company intun.i ol *l.i«l au.i evm eaah. cfatad Nov. IS. IcMt. payaule inAt. vant. .emi annual touponi and pnucipiJ parable in how-I ork. a. c-red by . mortgage ou tho road to l. II. IIunit*well,Sidnet Hartictt. *nd Nathmir! Tb»y*r. Truitoo, whiah pro-vij». iot a mi lint F'uud cut of Ihr oaruinj« of tue road cauku*leted n eititifui.li them at maturity or *oou*r. The aaid mort¬gage . . tor g> i,N«..,i»«j.

    U pel cent of eaih rubacrintioa will be payahle on th* Id ofJkuuary, lot*, and will bo retained aa ee*urity tberefot aatil lb*Whole uf kach tuhtcnptioii it paid ap.

    10 per c. nt on lb* Bah diy of January.JO pei i. nt ou lb* IU-.h day ol February.I* per cent on tbo K*tb day of March.10 per *ent on the liHh day of ApriL.0 p. r caut on the Kith day of May.baaFor each h.»tt!!. ant. eioept the drat. Brinl« In the proporktoa

    above Homed » Ut be laauod. with proper adjuatmant of tutor**!.«luodwbon «uih payment* aie made; or paymeuU mayo*mat'.* earlier, allowing a ditcoont of 7 per oent per aniiorn aponthe mouev paiAUpon the above r«med oondMloni tbo Loan will be awarded

    bo tie highctt rotpoutihie biddera, the Coyipony reanrvmx botbeu..rbe. the r.-l t bwa**4B>1 (lie raepotuiLolity of the biibhariat well 4t ihe raieodoreA, ,Saa*d propoaal* liiould be *Jdre Co.. BAVKERI».No t* WaS^t kaaaa LETTKttftrfCF - DIT t*r trxre^aW.ah*tr ooii*ia*aal»»ita


    pal ,-.rp«-e*. Fol aakt by . ^cjjantrylaat.

    CAUVOKMA STATT] and SAN FRANL'Id-CU C«y kuUreari COUPONS porrktvad bydctScan, sherma* a r*>Baits htj «Anrnrm

    AlKil'Sn ^ s. IiYNARD.AurtM>nn-i-«-MAi >.NIED ENT HOUSEHOLD PtTRNlTr/RE strnh.ie ,.r-ttei. .On ntlM DAY st tbe elegant mioa-tu- No -\. .tJub«'... um Mh »v. Pale rotrjmrrxeiug at w . .lo-.DRAW IM.-RotlM. CHAMBER .SI. L»lN M»-R(> |J|Fl RMTLRK. Kor farther psj-tir ulsr. ore Herald Uiit d»y

    a M Mi«As-tis-«*r£>* BAJX08, MF.KWIN 4t Co., Trad«LR teems M«. U Psrk-rew.MONDAY, tuesday, »nd WEDNES.IAT EVR.v

    l>-t \t. JIL and 1\ at Mo'riocA.MARI-», ei K. 'I .¦> ru-d VALUABLE BOOKS.Jest r*>

    solved fron. Mr KdwirJ l.en.iey of London, beist t very largeaecrmbsage of book« (new ar.d old, in min«* .eagjage«. too>prising the writing* of inrim t *nd modern aethora,Ta sil UM *B-no*i Branche« including many thai *r* very starre Aiso tiii«-arated book» of Scenery and t »stonie, hae etitTsvasfi. Ac, AcCetilo*er* ere Bow ready.

    THL'RSDaY E> r.N'IWO, Dec 22, at o» o'cloak,OIL PAiNlNu* AND KAM V OOODA.A are eelWtloa

    .f Modem Oil Paintings, inelodiBg nnaWn tri ad original* of greatmar it by s. .brited artists. Ab*. * vir»et t of tan-y artflea,mm priatng Stereoaeopir .'ivitrariioatt of van au» at*ran, and anassortment of \ lewi; Kapier Marti. \V"ark Taoles. Stauda. "ort-fr.lioa and ra*e». and a variety of Saucy Stationery. Ac, and aleoa valuable '1 e.e«copr, to bo aoid at i o duck.

    KRIDA) FAENINo Dee t» at «j orWvk.ILI.l'Sl R A'J t.i< AND STANDARD L'Mr> A eh-iee

    aoUeetlob of valuable Standard Worhainnit* biodinrs. and rtettryIllustrated Hookt. Incluoinx Am a.* for 1Mb, ai.d a iarg« .*» .rtmei.t *f l.n.l.cllnhed Juveniles, he

    . »o. A Lbavitt Auctloaeer.0£0. A. LEAVITT «fc Co.ß

    TRADE IAXJ1R0OMS. No* m and r« BROADWAYrun THk a*lb M

    BOOKS, STATIONERY W( RK° Of ART, he.HE" Conilgrmenti toLV'ted. _aVJ

    THIS DAY*, and fo.iow.i.t: dan, rou.ur»u tag each dayat 4 o »

    bale extraordinary oe enolish boors.Tbe n.oit inagtrihernt esweinblag» o' B.k» ever offer**! by

    A action, b* rag a rnoire and eotuy c..!lecrio3 of rare and vaJaabfoBoaki in ein.o.t every deputraer.t of l.i'.«rature. both Ancientsad Modern, romprioi.t the beat editions of tbe beet aatbori,nearly all of which are in tbe tmest cmditiou and fit for tbe¦l.a vea of a (entleman, tbe whole being a coBsigrunent from aaBaBhaBWt laatädow kaaac Cataogne» aew ready, and may behad el tbe Auctioneer*xUKbDAY jlv ENINO, Dec SO, rnnamenttaai'at 61 o'clock.SAl.r f f.AROK INVOK ES of St HO H. BiMKS ar,d

    bTATii'Ni KY. half and fj.Tbound Bi. t.Nri ROOK-1. MEM¬ORANDUMS, DIARIES, kc, in ouantitie», alao, t choice a*-aortment f library books in p a n and eipe .ai.e ktoaj-iugi, ma»y of them finely illuitrated an otu: wnl-bmar he f undthe work* of living, l-eoper, Marryatt. lue tsrorita Eoeta,Sr. tt l.iblc, I tola., Juvemie Book* a good /«riety ol l'ockctHii.lea. I'rajer Book*, kc., kc.THURSDAY Et r.MNo. Dmm. tt, c ..ntnepiiag rtMo'eU-Jt.BOOKS AT AL'f TTON..Sale of b Hoo-aeHer** Stock, all

    new and treib and bonnd in a variety o. elegant itylea. compris¬ing Etat.da.'d Worki in th" iario.> de|.s ... .st ratedBcoki. Juveniles. Krayer b(h)ks, kc, luitahls f^r presentation.I.1 r. SNOW Auctioneer..THIS I)AT(Taatw\Jm day) at II o'clock, at No »7 Bowery. v>i. oe nld a auc¬tion, to lo.e »eversl er.n.iinmeiita. 25 table*, ,i Stools, li( hair* I Co.inters, 5 Stoves, Homus. Bedstead*. VY ardrobea,l'iauo-r t. oi, 3 ronnteri. Uu M imported ( igan, (locks. Side¬board, Ofl.ce ClwaBt arid Deaki. Toy*, ooap. bWl roil* HousePaper, Ac. Alto, at 12 o'clock, 1 new Spring W«ut:.u. and I(.rocer'i Wagon.

    IPERKY LEASES at ALOTION..Ry fTrtaja ofthe aotbonty vested Id him >¦. Bag i.eaialature of abe Stakeof Nee-York, and reaolatiom of the Common Council of ike(Ity of New Y ork the rabeeriber Controller of said atiy,will tail, at PI LL1C Al t IO.S, to tne kiabest huder. withede.|Bhf sernrity, at the (ity IlaJI, ob s.tit'HDAY, De «mber h lg», at 1 o eloek p m .l.N UNI. i.K.A>R, the Femesknown as the K( '.TON. SOKTH, It AMILT'tlN- a V ENlTR,v\ all-STREET, an 1 t ATI! A it iN k--I RBE1T r-RRRlMd,for the trim of Ten i ears from tiie r ir>t day of May, a. D. lakT,wi>h all the righta. pririlegei. and advantaurea there'f. bel ingmgto the t or|rcraiiou ol the ( ity of New-York. Said Kernes to b*run to sr from the slips, ikr..liars and premise! b. and froma aii b they ire now run. io far ai auch sJTpi. Uiiduifs and prem¬ises are owned by the Corporation, or are. or have l.eea reservedand appropriated fur ferry purpose*, eroapt that the Isuading attbe foot of Hkmiltou-BTsaiii*, Brooklyn, may beat the foot afraid avanu*. or in the Tlcmt'y tlieiaof. and in the aaie or aaaaiB whitn tbe Coi(*iaii n are uat th* owners of the ilipa, land-big. *r tani.lnatioBi bow uaed by said Kei riet, or an v p.otioathereof,'.be laadingi or tern.inarioiis u.sy u* u au . aiin tkrir ?icmity, II the lesaeeaball ao elect, at hi* own oust and«ipn.f*.Ab rtprra* itipalatlon will be embodied In the leaae, that tb*

    lesa. r snail run the laid earveraJ ferries at a uuifTu rate of fare,aot Ble eding the present rate*, and the diieoi.tlnu ince of any.urof ti e said ferries, durii.i lag term of aaid lease, snail bedesn ed and krld to be a feifri'ure of tbeBaBaa, ank tt s sal*ieaia the.-vhy beceti * at'toluteiy aall .iad void.

    T h« ( uirhaisr or leaiae. otl.ar than the pretehf i-«*ee*, will b*required to parehaeH at a Bur apprised ral'iiti .u, tbe boatsbaildingi, and other lorry property ot tue preseut lessen as s..ly necenary for the purposes of s.cb ferry grant, or franablaesuch valuation to be aacrrtalned by three cobipatent disinterest¬ed pert in one to be choaen hy IM present laSBB) s BM by LB*pural.aaer or lasse* ander thi* tale, and tbe third by the Iwethus holen.

    1 he 11 use in 1» made in the oinal form of ferry leaaei and t*BOBfunn to the retiaueu.aut* of the charter and ordinances augreaoli.ti. ns of the Coinnion Cunnril; and no eipenae whatevetla to be incurred by the ( urporati .n for or io robueetiuu withtbe pirn, ilip*, bulkheads, or premises propoaed to he leaaed,daring the tin.e thereof. The lease of said ferr.rs wul uot be.old at an annual rent leu than tbe aggregate ainuant of aunaalrent now reeeired far tbe Muse.The purchaser of the leaae of the ferriei and their apper. Isars«

    will he required to |.«y at th* time ol tele to th* Collector if niCity Kesenue a sum rrjual te twenty per cent of tbe atnuuut bidfar the annual rent, to be applied cn the rent of the first year, laoaee t eeirrutri a lease with the asuai eofeaants. otherwise t*be forfaited to th* Corporation. He will at the isiiia tune, alia,be leqnlred te furnish an obligation, to be aigiaed by at least two.aretiea, to the ettect that he will sxecut* a bond, witb s netteato be approved by the Controller, for the pnurtnal payment etti e rent q iarteily, and for tbe faitbfal eieauliou of the rovi-uanl*.f the leaae.

    1 l.e feet of the auctioneer and the expense of the leaae te a.paid kj tlie pnr.-haarr1 be leaae will alto centals a covenant, requiring each ferry,boat to hare attached to it! engine a tire apparatus or fur e.pump with not lets than 4M faet of boae, of the q icity sad di¬mensions ui used tiy the Eire Department of this city, te Be oaedfor the ritinguiiliuierit of bret e benerer reqaired by the ChiefEngineer, or hit Atsntaati, far which eerviraw the rears «rtPreeeive twenty dollars per hoar foreach ho ir so engagedROili r. HAWS, CantrakVar.Ctty of New Y'ork. DrpaatBient of Einanre. I

    Contrciler'i Oftic*. Nov. lü, 18AM ITksiale.f lbs shove BseaJlMSg PetriM is pottponad antil

    WEDNESDAY. Dacrmbrr II. ItSS, at the tame hour and place.Robi. 1. MAWS, ConuoUar.

    OSKl'H HEOEMAX..WEOXESDAY andTHL rsday. Dec II and 22, at 10 o lad! | m. esvh day.

    st the tC re of Mesrrt. Revuoldt A Tomruels. N». i't Kalt m-tt I ro..kI> n. Lkrge tale of eirgaot new esbiurt KCRNITCRK,sll manufactured in the be.t manner and of the heat materials l.irosewood, mahogsnv. wainat, and oak, kc. comprising Suites ofParlor. Chan ber i.ibiarv, Hall and Dlolnrroom fVm N'l TL'rk,in bro stel. rep*, and hair-cloth. The sale is well worthy theattention of buyert, aa the wall established reputation of theboose Is .Bttirieut guaranty a* to the quality af the Kuruiture.

    A. J. Hi in in. AurtinLeer.

    IABOE BALE OF 149 LOTH DAY,Drc. .J, at la* n'rlu. k at thr Mr -nan a Ex.-lixmre:Oat EiilHTH a»..is lota W. ».. between 1:2th and I14tb-*taOk Ni»Td-xv..6 lota e. s.. between 112th and I13tb-*tcOn oh hi VOHIU a»t> Twilitb IT..17 lot* N. and S. S-,

    beiarrn Ml *ad nth-ava.Ok OKE HfM'klt'-aMr TUikiik.sTH »t .42 lot* M. and s.

    S.. between Hth snd SHh-evi.I'ti On HI BDB«H XJIlr-rolBTEtllTU-tT..17 sut* M. U.d 8.

    s. brtweeu 8th snd iftb-ava.Mapt, termi, kc. at No. 1 Pine-tC_[1.781]

    N'OTICE i" hereby fpven, that in pursuance oftb* deed of trust axcrated oa Iba 1'th day of Aagaat,a. D 1U47. tb* undertigtiod Trustee* will sell at pubHeMedjet on Tl ESDAY. tbe loth of January next at 1 e'cioeka. m., ui thd to his rar. in th:« State and SeatberaILiuoss,

    and by i«ejpuauuble correspondents at all point* along the Misessvpi and BiaaoLrl nrrrs ibi >. ' ir.riBBSti. .[araafcB.Bs: Hon. Eraslat ( ortxine. Al.sny Jsiae* Horaer.

    n..-ela.-.: y .»rs Mart:: a Smith W'.n Kent. E H. Rluihai.,AA biting A I lark W E Neve. Win AI E.^s At-

    .- ..

    ...¦se.ors New York, Jo H. raar «al Dsiuel M.W usoti.

    rtflbfRl-. gaMd UvTK« VHSea»i , .V*w 1 F. i .No. «ad l»roadw4j, N. \.


    FOK SAL! 1,1-; \tm UOl SEd on ^th.29tb. '".tlatth, «th, m.th i7tn. 38th I th. 40th «Id. 44th,4oth, and 47th at*., r. nging in price from to *m'.»«J. thefollowing property boiweeu Broadway aod Loaingtoava«. aiao.hr»t claa* property in f*h-av.. Madia..n-a* and Loäl /«,lt*)to »>:t).tloe. V\ ARN Fit Pt-APINo. 4ViV«t btbav , bet* cea S3lh aad aath-eta

    Fll.sl class pa KAI I nu lands in IOWAwill be given iv eg.-hr Stock*of M» ehandi**. Wherehe amount i« .uth:ientiy large p»rt ea.b wilib-paid Latter*xu.he.-ed to Box No. J.ul7, N-w Vork Poat Onice, will rec lv*lii.r..diate attention. htASO.N, BlsliOP 4 ( O

    'e hut.- for sale, a I.-ry eUcitrlfl Plaw tiLOT.1» (or lii«eatn.eut, lltu .ted on 4 h ndre.l t .: -t

    in the upeer part of tha city. Will be a.id t HEAP for ('ASM,i' applied for Imnie« lately. Alao, aeroral de*ir*ole Plot* nearthe CENTRAL PARK.

    SAMUEL BEMAN k CO N. |0?S i'.r.vadway.DINGEE, IIULIG.N k ( O .No. tf .Na*aau aod 13 Pirn- .t.

    A I EK-l'0\f EKai.il EACKHiV foe b\Ai*E.-A never faidcg Wat. r I u«,i and ttoue Factory. iS by 30

    (ret, four ttone*. with one «tory ouilding 4dioimug Ij I./ J3Ifat, all inporloct order, on the broux River, Ik mile* from Nrw-\ ork. at Tackaboe Uepct. on the Harlem Katlroa I lB4J*4Va of

    H. HOUUM.kN, No. 17 Maideu iau».


    FC>K'I EDWAJtD ÜffiTJ III K N. T..#25 fcrIt, aid, tarn'.lied room, wa«l..ug fuel, and common EngUah,Horn Jan i lo < -* » f V\ inter Toti.i. BupeiO brick building* forladl*« and gemlt n i u Addier« Rev. JoaepU E King. Fart Edward, N. i., lor a catalogue, or con»uit a tea i.et at >,i i«7 j>tb av

    MK. ÖEÖ. C. ANTHON"* fftTTf.1 Er.-noh andfagtlali Ighnal Ialtt [J^aaaaataaa), No. rrt Broadway,mruer Iktb ot. Cirtula/a at the ScbooL

    OUKT WASHINGTON COLLEGIATE IN-ST1TI TE, en V\ a*hiugtot.aaaaM No. 4U 4tu «t., coruot

    afMacdoi.gal ikle..r. t '.AllM. gad PANNING, Prin. ipala).Male pupiia iat all age* received at any time ami prepared furHu.ineaa or College. Bobool qoarter« Oegin Not. W, Fab. 6, aadApril A

    K. F. L


    THE WINTER TERM af Lhe Rot KLAND PEMAIJtiNBTITt'TE, at NyaoA, on the Hudaon, will coaiiauH Nov. II.for idmkaaina, or ehaular* contalniog tail panicuLara, addraex

    l ii. t c p. Mansfield, PrWpaie.

    riVJ PARENTS and Gl'AKDIANS.JL The School Othrara of the \\Ulli Ward take plemur* la.nnauaruig tL* ccmp.etien of Ihe new achool bailding for the***0f ward-SCHOOL No I«,. iniatrd lu 14-h-at near l*t av and thai the «ame will he for¬mally ciencd and dedicated to ai hool purpo^a on WEDNES¬day lee Zlatday of Decmber mat., at l> o'clock, atThe building ii ouo of the Inert hi the city, tdording «uporiog

    Boeomrondatinu« for 4 lege aambei ol pupüaThe 1 rather* are well known f>r their rthrieuey and *ap44tty.

    aad are, hi av> ry roped, quaiiaod fur thou reapoaaiblo po-4itiona

    I'l, i.« deairoo* of adiui4*ion to citn«r deparu cut may be regtalored prior to the opening of lb* aehool in I4lh-«t. by uaah-[ng application, any iUy pr> viou4 lo tla lr*n*ler on tho Zl*t aaaA,at the r4hooi aornel 11 M *t. aid lit a* or at the «oaooi Lakith -I alter the upeniug. to

    \\ M hMCA'tON, rrinripal of Male DepartmentMi«* I AHol.iNF HAUL NE, Prim ol Female Dop'tMl** bA K A11 B !l> RBEE, I'rui. Piiiaary D.partiueug.


    laartiT'.u*.WM. UIÜB\RD. JOHN c CliamBERLAU*.

    WM H TANDERHOOP, OEO. A JPRPMIAH,JOHN LLOi D. SMI ill ELY. ir.,FL1SHA R BF.LCHFR, JOHN J DYMOND,FRANC Ia DUNCAN, THOS. B. BARNASY.Mew York.Doc. 1R'r;*. eon*meted with aflthe improvement* readrxeive to lapr.-ionty af tone toarJt, aa*ldaratn.ity. ao«l required Myl* of fcrnitava. As extenci»* uaa¦asm i-a*yiön sale, at tbctt Warrroooi* and Odkce, No. 4SIBroon *-rt- al*e at their Depot. No XX Cee.-t endt it.

    PIANOS an,! MELODEONS,A B l oud, eeq., Itica, N. Y.; Jatae* Plankett, eaa., "aaAviakt,Tcna.

    i i "", i aad olda, whlcb ore of auch frequent oocurrenre, and]which to ortru lay tti* foundation of dkmaaad lung*, iirenrbitai. ion. may all Le at once aired by the F*v«i anaCa gfi PRka

    In all rhreale diaeaae*, auch a* Dyapepei», Weak Stnauwh,C*iiiti;>otioB, Liver Complatat, Pile*. Female Debility, and ir-irg-iiaritli a. , id Headache*. Sore *r Weak Pye*, Catarrh, SahtHI. um. and other old erapllon*. the ***e ha* apex-iae* a boa*

    r-..p.r k|'plii-a'ion will tilord a cur* ia aim¦«' ererv Inatanea.

    Iftea lb* cure af a ttngi* ehroaie dialculty, auch aa Ilyapepaia,IM.-, hi atarih. II«...lache or Female Waahnea*, ha* av*ge thawpaid lor the oaae leu time* over.PRICE.Caa* of W vitli complete, In oroeeo, gad Book.RlCo** *f . and Book, plain. 4t aa* uf II nnmhered boxea, and Book. d tioiea, with dlieetloui.W aentaSingle lettered box**, with oHrectione .10 aeoloLarge caae of t aa viali lor plaaler* aad phyvteuuia.R atAl.lt>, SPECIPTCfiFob AgTBaa oa Patataic..Oppreaaed, DlAcnlt, LaSoreR

    Breathing, attended with Cough and Ejpectoratiea. Priee,AOreataper boi.Fob Ea* Pia Duma.-Dlachargea from the

    Ear, the reeult of Searlot Favor, Moaal**, or Mereurlala. ForNoiaee in the Head, Hkrdnea* of Hearing, and Ringing in theEar*, and Farecha Priee, SO cent* per bot.Fob BcBort a Enlarged Olauda, Fnlarged and Indurated).

    Tooatl«, hwaiknp and Old t'Icera, Seroruioa* Oaahexy ofi Lildi. n Pri«e,Hc«at*p*rbog.Fo*(