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  • 8/13/2019 b _ Topic-prominent language.doc


    Topic-prominent language

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article needs additional citationsforverification.

    Please helpimprove this articleby adding reliable references. Unsourced material may bechallengedandremoved.(November 2008)

    A topic-prominent languageis a language that organizes its syntato emphasize thetopic!commentstructure of the sentence. The term is best kno"n in American linguistics

    from #harles $. %i and &andra Thompson, "ho distinguished topic-prominent

    languages, like 'apanese, from subject-prominentlanguages, like (nglish.

    )n %i and Thompson*s +-/0 vie", topic1prominent languages have morphology orsynta that highlights the distinction bet"een the topicand the comment +"hat is said

    about the topic0. Topic1comment structure may be independent of the syntactic ordering

    of sub2ect, verband ob2ect.



    #ommon features of topic1prominent languages

    5 (amples

    6 &ee also

    7 8eferences

    [edit] Common features of topic-prominent languages

    This section needs additional citationsforverification.Please helpimprove this articleby adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be

    challengedandremoved.(April 2009)

    9any topic1prominent languages share several syntactic features that have arisen

    because, in these languages, sentences are structured around topics rather than sub2ects

    and ob2ects:

    They tend to do"nplay the role of thepassive voice,if a passive construction

    eists at all, since the main idea of passivization is to turn an ob2ect into a sub2ect

    in languages "here the sub2ect is understood to be the topic by default.

    They usually don*t haveepletivesor ;dummy sub2ects; +pleonastic pronouns0

    like (nglish itinIt's raining.

    They often have sentences "ith so1called ;double sub2ects;, actually a topic plus a

    sub2ect. For eample, the follo"ing sentence patterns are common in topic

    prominent languages:

  • 8/13/2019 b _ Topic-prominent language.doc


    +'apanese0Sono yashi-wa happa-ga ookii

    ;That palm tree (topi!)leaves (s"b#e!t)are big.;

    +9andarin0$h%ge r&n g%i hn go.

    ;This person (topi!)height (s"b#e!t)tall.;

    They do not have articles,"hich are another "ay of indicating old vs. ne"


    The distinction bet"een sub2ect and ob2ect is not reliably marked

    The %olo1n= kh? 1a

    @loss: people topic dog bite 1declarative

    Translation: a. ;People, they bite dogs.;

    b. ;People, dogs bite them.;

    [edit] Examples

    (amples of topic1prominent languages include (ast Asian languagessuch as the

    #hinese languages, 'apanese,orean,Bietnamese,9alay, )ndonesian,&ingaporean(nglishand 9alaysian (nglish. Cungarian,the &omali language,andAmerindian

    tongues like the &iouan languagesare also topic1prominent.American &ign %anguageisalso considered to be topic1prominent.364

    [edit] Mandarin Chinese




    Snw* y+#ing


    g"le Transcription: w* y+#ing





    @loss: hang&an

    ) already see1(GP

    8(& @loss: ) already see1(GP

    8(& hang&an.

    Translation:+As for0 hang &an, )*ve

    seen +him0 already.Translation: )*ve already seen hang &an.

    [edit] Japanese

  • 8/13/2019 b _ Topic-prominent language.doc


    Transcription: Sakana-wa tai-ga oishi-i .es"

    @loss: ;fish;1TEP ;red snapper;1$E9 ;delicious;1$P&T ;it is;1B

    Translation:;Among fish, red snapper is 3most4 delicious; or ;8ed snapper is the mostdelicious fish,; idiomatic 'apanese for ;8ed snapper is my favorite fish;

    +because oishiiis a sub2ective observation, not a statement of fact0.

    [edit] a!ota

    9iye uHka"a aH eya o"iIabluspe yelo.

    Pronunciation: miyJ sKu$k>"aka$ ey> o"Lchabluspe yelM.


    &@horse N(T.P%



    Translation:+As for0 me, some horses: ) caught them. 1D )t "as me "ho caught some

    horses +) caught some horses0

    [edit] "ee also

    Topic particle

    [edit] #eferences

    . K ab%i, #harles $.O Thompson, &andra A. +-/0. ;&ub2ect and Topic: A

    $e" Typology of %anguage;. )n #harles $. %i. S"b#e!t an. /opi!. $e" ork:Academic Press. p. 7Q.5. $ 8osen, &ara Thomas +5RR0. ;&tructured (vents, &tructured Niscourse;.

    )n 8amchand S 8eiss. /he 1or. 3an.book o 4ing"isti! Intera!es. Eford:

    Eford University Press.6. $ &chick,

  • 8/13/2019 b _ Topic-prominent language.doc


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