ba ^mma ^^^^wmmm ^mmmmmw...

ammmmnn ^nnnm , T I 1 Tm mmwnnmnmsmmanmnm mn ¦ ' !flk Amml ' __P_ffl sk'^s_k^s_^^s_ ^^ l ¦ ' ^^ S—I US VJ K Ssts—rVB'' ' 1 fl'' - '^- '* %' ' ' " \ i^ |V^ jgQ U -- ^[ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ L flH " ^L A X W^-^L—X flflfll^k^l^l^F ! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ;** , -/ LOT- 50xl42, Lincoln street, Babyl?* estates. Bargain for quick buyer. Address Thiele, Amityville, N. T. Phone 88 R. " f \ U. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—I hatt many choice propositions la att year round and summer properties; also building lots, farms eto * see me if you want to buy, sell or relit.. W. B. Sprague. FOR SALE- MISCELl ANEOUS RANGB—Good second-hand, douib oven. Apply W. P. Ketcham, Dear Park Avenue. . ' " ' •/ I r& j. LUMBER^-Will shortly bave on hahd 60, 000 feet of lumber, 3 x4 . sla to nipe feet long, al so a larg© lot -oT stone wash tubs and some heavy timber. Write or phone for prices. Dittman Brothers, Lindenhurst. ' - ' . ' ' * ¦ LOTS, 5 near R. R. station in Urittea- hurst; lot 31 aad 32, block 49, stUet- 8; lot 59 and 60, block 49, shs*jfc: .% lot 40, block 54, sheet 2. George _ - . Flake, Manasquan , N. J. BUILDING, small, 10 xlO. suititte- for woodbouse or could be enlarged for garage. Apply to Benjamin* B. Wood , Carll Ave. li < ARC . light second hand for sale. In- perfect condition. Apply Signal b^- . fice. ,./•• . .' - i i FOR SALE-A horse to be sold cfaeapv ' A. Potter , Deer Park Ave. ' HOUSE, For Sale, 5 rooms, ail im- provements. Inquire^ Charles Baaa- ler, Lindenhurst , N. Y. STEVENS-DURYEA five ' ' passebgijtf touring car; Cadallac body-self-start- er; fiast-class condition ; all improve- ments; original cost $3,800; remodel-: and additional equipment §1, 800; will sell for $800 , Phone Babylon, 211 P. O. Box 651. j* PIANO, For Sale mahogany, upright, cheap. Miss Anna Keller , Linden- hurs t, L. I. MAXWELL, 1915, taxi body, ranntnr order, bargain, $135. J. W. Sohols. Arlington Road, West Babyloa. POPLAR TREES , six, large . 18 tt> 20 feeti high. George W. Keyser, Mer- ist, Tei. 202 W. FRESH cow, 4 years old. Edwin* Northam, Farmingdale road, Weat Babylon. FRESH cow. L. Feustel , Lindenhurst , N. Y. WHITE silk poodle dog. Cheap. Mre. W. Bauman, Wellwood avenne , Lift*- denhurst , L. I. MISCELLANEOUS ¦ , ¦ t^ Furnished room to let; phone 2i!l«- R. Babylon. N. Y. It. ROOM and BOARD wan ted by young man; preferably in West Babyloa.. ' Write, Board, care Signal. LAUNDRY work wanted to be dona out. Apply Laundress Signal offlcs. Wanted dump cart for single horse , must be in good condition and reason- able for cash. Imperial Machine «fe Foundry Corporation, Lindenbnrst , L. I.. N. Y. TRACTOR for rent, would also share products for work or plant on sharer apply Jobn F. Maroney, Babykm Tel. 441. HELP WANTED MAUI MEN with ability to handle weed* worker ' s tools. Steady work all year round and good chance for advance- ment for the right men. J. T. Can- trell & Co. , Body Builders, Hunting- ton, L. I. BELL BOY wanted. Apply Watson Honse. , HELP WANTED FEMALE STENOGRAPAER sad typewriter wanted, bright young beninnoy. Steady, position and advancement* to right party. Apply personally or by* letter, stating age, nationality,, education and lowest salarg to eon- Imperial Machinb aad Foundry Cor- poration, Lindenhurst , L. L , N. Y. £ - - - --- ' ' ' ' ¦ ' _ ! " COOK wanted—Must be eompetant , Address Upjohn & de Kay. CHAMBERMAIDand waitress wanted, mnst be competent. Address Upjoha &de Kay. ' L - . . ' ¦ , i . » . THE MOTT STUDIO wants a young lady who would, like to learn the Photographic , ; Profession. '/ ¦ ' , ¦/ -J/J/ A fine opptirtnnltf for a Boons teJa aha ' ¦ ¦ , . - Is willing to itudti and adeancs hetsdf - ' . ¦ lo a. good pa ving position. * - -'i ' - ' * ¦ - . .* Jr - CEORGEJ. MO TI M ' tam—mmmmmmatmn —mnmat—mmmmn—mmmmmnwmttmm,- Delivering the New. Suit J- yr ' Customer (telephoning tailor) "Yoa send ont the clothes and jlf thef' r-e 6. K. 1 will send you my check. " Tailor "Won 't-do It. : You ' send/ ine "tin dw-ek firet arid if it is O. K. I frfil stMs) ' . fdd theiiatih ^- ^i&oi ' ;* ¦> ?TMW « * . - /«-/ -n -i*—~!*!f *^Sr#- . &¦'?>¦'¦ ,. . r- ,V CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY. Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Voelker, Jr. , -were given a very pleasant sui prise at their bome Monday evening by a num- ber of their friends and relati- * es in honor of their twelfth wedding an- niversary, j * Among those who made up the party were beside Mr. and Mrs. Voelker and daughter Mildred , were , Mr. and Mrs , Charles Riehl and daughter, Mildred , Mr, and M rs. Albert Block, Mr. and Mrs. George Frevert, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stipp and son . Mr, and Mrs. Robert W. Wild end son. With music, gimes, lunch and re- freshments served by the happy host- ess, tbe evening was a most pleasant one making Teddy look twenty years younger. FIRE TOURNAMENT. The various committees of the B'ire Department are already hard at work for the coming tournament and if there efforts count for anything this affair will be a great big success. Chief Riehl feels lhat with the support he is receiving, the event will long be re- membered not only by the local de- partment but by al) visiting depart- ments. The last tournament held here was in 1900 on one of the windiest daya ever recorded when the one hundred mile gale raised a blinding dust during the . entire day. " ' All the local boys want is fine weather and tbey will do the rest %, ^_______— HOOK & LADDER CO., MEETS. The regular monthly meeting Mon- day evening of Union Hook and Ladder •ompany was an unusally large and enthusiastic one. The special barn dance committee completed plana for the big affai r to be beld at Washington hall on Saturd ay evening May 29th when it is expected tiiat all members, tbeir wives and sweethearts will appear in regulation farm togs. The Juvenile book and ladder truck was disposed of at auction , Theodore . Voelker , Jr., securing the truck foi $14.00. Lunch and refreshments were served following the meeting. . /., LINDE SCHOOL REPORT a Primary—Excellent in deportment- David Gle ' is , David Miller , Elbert Wild , Leroy Henrich , Hazel Blake , Emma Ffenknrt , Fanny Landau, Florida See- gott, Vaoda Ambnzy. Margare t Czeh. Highest Average—Helen Kurdt, Leo- la K iuliCh , Frances Seegott , Henry Diege l , George Irmisch, Jacob Cohen, Harold Schmidt. First grade—Excellent in deport- ment—John Bush , Lillian Weiss , Sylvia Htichhauaer , Sidney Feinberg, Vita Graffaquino, Sylvia Wargaftik , August Heiker. Edith Bush. Hi ghest Average—Ed ; th Bush, Syl- via Wargafti k , August Heiker, Sidney . Feinberg. Vita Graffaquino. ¦ Second grade—Excellent in deport- ment—Anna Albrecht , Violet Reichelt ^S' asel -Savage , Rose Taruob, George Fenkart , William McGraw. Highest Average Stella Barasch , Gertrude Feller , Majorie Torns, Elizabeth Wei- land, Rose Torusb, George Fenkart William McGraw , Henry Michael. Taird/ 1 ' grade—Excellent in (teport- -taent—Lillian Hoffman. Mary Strob, Bthel Reichelt. Highest Average*- Majorie , Finger, Mollie KftflBtoan, Ethel Wfchelt . Ual? Wb\x , Edward Tanner. Fourto ferade (a)—Excellent in de- partment—Louis Cos:ia, Minnie Busch, Minnie Wachtel . Lillian Grabber, Iffarie Hruska, Catherine Henricb, May John- Bin , Ethel Hirsch, Estelle Heyer, Helen Bibne, Dorothy Scbr r oeder, Bertha Hen- Eich, Barbara Beyer, Irene Schneider, Marion Weiss, Frances Binge r, Gladys MeUger, Josephine Mohr. Perfect ia attendanceMichael Ambrosy, Henry Kurdt Highest Averages—Louise Coscia, Minnie Busch, Minnie Wachtel , Lillian Grabber, Marie Hruska, Cath- arine Henricb, Helen Bohne, Estelle Beyer, Ethel Hirsch , Josephine Mohr, Michael Ambrozy, Ralph Reichel t, Al- fred Hahn. Fourth Grade (b) -Excellent in de- triment— Margaret Stabl , Robert Feiaberg, Csrmelio Graffaguino , George Henricb- Frances FreidmSB, George ' Mabetly, Beftdie Kaufman, Martha stun-. Henrietta V*a Wyck. Highest AVerage-ftolHItt Weinberg, Louis Kurdt Geotge .tfc.wteb. £itta graft-Excellent in deport- Bent-'George Grabber. Mollie Miller, Margaret Pebler , Minnie Jaeggy, Em- kna Pollini , Margaret Sedler, Elisabeth Wftaer , Marion Hirscb, Mary Wachtel , Catherine Sammis , Anna Voelker, Alma Bohne, . Mildred Riehl , Olga Lloyd. Per- fect in attendance—Edwin Wild, Paul- ine Wild, ' Edith Bettinger. Highest . Average—Alma Bohne, Olga Lloyd, Anna Voelker , Mary Wachtel , Marion Hirach, Elisabeth Wieser, Emma Pol- . tini , Margaret Sedler , August Hiroch- man. Charles Cseh, Katie Schotssky, Claude Genu, Minnie Jaeggy. i Six Upgrade- Excellent in deportment Kleen McGraw, Emma Drake, Lily 2©jnik, Bertha Hoffman , Edward Fel- er , Harold Bower, Claude Gents. WitiKhaatl Average Edward Feller , Harold flbwer, Edward McGraw. Perfeciiin attendance —Henry Pebler , Henry Leeman, Edward Feller* . | Seventh Grade—Excellent in deport- , ment—Jeianette Bohne, Alice McGraw, Pauline Ificklaus. Highest "Averager-Mildred Wellbroek , : Jeanette ^Bobne , Perfect, in attendance Sianluy finger, Alfred Feller , Harry J. j ' foclker.i'- '/ ' " ¦ ' " ' ,. ' ¦/ ' ¦ ; j /Eighth! grade—Excellent in deport- yifiptT-Jl^argaret Basseler, May Bet' tinger, Cecelia Mongelett , Mabel Scb- wis;er. Perfect in attendance -" May Bettinger, Cecelia Mongelett, Gustave Havreliry, Frank Wild, Fred Wrieth. Lindenhurst i On Friday evening, April 23, tbe Senior class of Lindenhurst High School entertained the pupils of the high school and the mebbera of the faculty in the school auditorium; The entertainment was in the form of a Literary party, and each person came dressed to repre- sent the title or character of a well known book. Many interesting charac- te rs, including Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn were present and helped to mak e the evening a pleasant one. :> .; Games, dancing and refreshments were enjoyed during the evening. Mu- sic was furnished by the school orches- tra. There is on display in Alley Brothers store window a one hundred piece din- ntr set donated by William Tell Lodge Knights of Pythias ffir the Semi-Cefnt- ennial committee. Siroiliar donations are expected to follow in rapid uucces sion. These donations will be sold and and the funds turned over to tbe com- mittee. Mr, and Mrs. R. W.. Wild and son spent Sunday visiting friends and re- latives in New York and took in the sights in Bronx Park. Tbe big new residence of Charles Weierter on the South Country Road under construction by Contractor George Weierter is now enclosed and will be finished during June. Adam Muller went to Good Ground Tuesday evening on a very importan t business engagement in connection witb the opening of a brancb distribu ting station for Hebel and Muller Inc. Sunday evening about seven thirty Alleys corner furnished a scene that would fit well in a movie reel when two Fords got together and aa usual came out with hardly a scratch. The driver of one headed west in rounding the corner saw a b'g touring car com- ing east and another standing on the south side of the street cutting bim off and he just simply headed for the standing car. They just bumped in a friendly manner, the owners adjusted matters' and went on their way. . * > ,*• -' : On Tuesday evening a number of past chancellors of William Tell Lodge Knights of Pythias, including Measers Hugo Waldau, Frederick Torns, J. H. Unsqr, Louis. Seegott, Frederick O. Schneider and others, attended a special meeting at Babylon for the purpose of forming a past chancellors lodge in the near future . Both Boy Scouts troops are striving bard to get in the best passible trim for their big field day exercises to be July 3rd during tbe Semi-Centennial celebration. A large delegation of members of G. D. Meinen Rebeccah lodge went to Bay Shore on Monday evening to wit- ness the Floral degree and Past granda reception. The Lindenhurst Manufacturing comp- any following the general trend of the times and in conformity with the con- sensus of the employees opinions have decided to have a five day week here- after closing down the plant oa Sat- urdays, . ( Contractor Louis Seegott bas com- pleted the Otto Syben watch factory on Nostrand avenue and has begun the erection of the modern bungalow for Michael Haberl on Wellwood avenue. The latter building will be of a design entirely different from any in this vicinity. The outside will be of stucco embedded with miniature pieces of white rock , Voelker and Schneider be- ing the artists. Charles Thiele now rides in a closed Henry F which can do 50 or better. The Vulcanite Manufacturing comp- any bave added a Ford delivery car to their equipment for emergency use. Manager Snook witb bis star Creed- mores went to Farmingdale last Sat- urday afternoon for a tryout with tbe latter team and after a good bit and run demonstration came out a loser by three runs, 18 to 13 being the final. A qiilet Wedding was solemnised Wed nesday evening ia Lindenhurst when Miss Anna Stadlef became tbe bride of Arthur Ens botli of this village. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Farrenkopf ia the church rectory with Miis Theresa Stsdier and Joseph Stsdlef , sister and brother of tbe bride at witness. The couple will reside in Lindenhurst Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bassler return- . , ed from their honeymoon trip last Sat- urday after in joying the sights of Washington. D. C, and vicinity during the previous week. The Semi-Centennial Celebration com- mittee met with committees from the Fire department Wednesday evening and further completed plans for the big celebration. A carnival company willbe engaged for tbe occaoion, special band and orchestra music. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Perschok have sold their West Babylon bome and are qow occupying the apartments over the Barasch confectionery store on Well- wood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slover and family moved tbis " week into their new home, the former William Hirsch residence on Wellwood avenue which was ..vacated by Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cousland who moved into the John Haberl residence, . ^; : . , ' , ' " ' a ¦ * '"¦ - , * * -. ' WGNA1 ADS FAY LITERARY PARTY M WM. HERBERT DEALE SURGEON AND JMECHANICAt DENTIST PAINLESS EXTRACTION CROWN AND BR IDGE WORKj Office Hours; 9 A. M. to 6 P Pi M. FISHEL BljDG. :: BA BYLON, N-Y See W. H. SUYDAM , A^ent. SPRAGUE BUILDING OPP. L I. R. fc. DEPOJT , BABYLON , LI Residence Phone 291 R Totten Place. ^mma ^^^^wmmm ^mmmmmw ^mm^m^^a^mm^^^^^^^m^mmmi ^i^m^mmam ^mmaammaammaaaammammmammmm -Sf It ' s leaked out-— Rogers Peet suits aiid ! ' overcoats cost no more than is asked elsewhere for qual- ity not nearly so good ! Special "Sboppta* Bertloa " ter orders Aj mall. ROGERS PERT COMPANY . . - i. Broadway Broadway at l?th St "Pour at j*4th Ht 1 Convenient _ i ¦ . Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. ! at Warren at!41st St - ¦ I NEW YORK crrr ¦ - . . ' ' - ' " ¦ - I L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS - *¦'¦ « MAKES BEST PAINT—WEARS LONGEST^ v , j;' ' 'l' ; ;; Co^- fe : yoa $3.66 ja -Gallon/whtof^ . - - Di' i'fa ' , ' .; ' T* MyWt ' -, ' return tho balance and set aUyour rfn on ey fyit dtt ^ ,. . - * J ^ .! I Sold by Dealer* MlH_5M«gjUgAgnw^^ i-:4.i\T ^i^^Wr- *W" A' .M- - . - ' !t . 'f-i V."V- . ' -;. *.' .: •i-J>:ii, - - *.. «a* " :'»r ? . r ^ ' - . - . •-/ _- ' ,. . . . -.. «¦ , * ,!,« a THE U.&J. CARBURETOR f t _ ,flmi_fc is guaranteed to increase milage 50 per '^H§j mi cent over any other carburetor eVer . con- J . ¦ W> ' structed, regardless of name , make or |! |[ wM price; Money refunded if 15 day,;. ' : '" , j| ;!; . trial does not prove it. / New' prin- , \\ j ! fl I' - . . . - . * cip le, p lain tube. Gauranteed <[ J lawkm to start in zero weather ^th- , fl ¦ out priming. Already ^00 ^ / ;. . .] [ jl' j 000 satisfied users; Liiva/ . - ' ; * ^^^' ¦ j| !> I fl . representatives wan^d ^W, ,- - . |l 'ii '""^-- - ''P r^' ' " ' ' ^ rito * Phone . 'iot:d«ai j-: '^"- >* . ' ' y f ']!' ;. ' " ."TJ ]" " ' Jw V^& J, iAlE^iOO^- x ^^^^ i^M [ ii W fr ^ : ¦ ' * - •• '.Afaa^ajtofrpaw i ' : :| ' •«Sw»<a>ee«)aiiae»fjas<*>w>^ ' oMiMassHsMa. —««.—a__«__B>BaBBMto //j rEST/ kTE'^F'- , : ' ' ; :¥ig|ji^^^j i^l^Hiie^ ^ f y j;! " ;i>a ¦!«>•/ ;¦; , , Old Company Lehigh Coal YARD AT DEER PARK AVE.. NORTH O RAOAOJAD TRACK . TT tW -r i Babylon , L.I F "House insured?" "Yes. " "What company?" "Don 't know. Why?" "Ever travel?" ' Yes. " "Just buy a railroad ticket?" "Y-y-yes. " " "Just a ticket—not a ticket to any particular p lace?" "Of course I know where I' m going!" "Do you know where you' re going to get your money if your house burtis nip ?" "From the company?" "And you don't even know the name of the company!" "Why—" "Why not deal with a com- pany that has paid its hon- est obligations cheerfull y and promptly for 104 years?" "What company is that? * "The Hartford Fire Insur- ance Co." '•Thanks for the tip. I'll look up the Hartford Agent" WRITE OR TELEPHONE j JEREMIAH ROBBINS Resident Agent BABYLON, KY. ) a $ Barnum Was Right $ 0 J" , fiarnlirp;once;r<cmaxked that there Was a fo ol bom ^ iepery minute. Tie referred to $ Investors ensnared ; daily by tempting opportunities at un- A tibial interest rales. Toa Cannot Judge the value of securities b$ the - $ rate of interest they pay—or jS . promise to pay, but you CAN judge them by their market- *fr able value. " y . ' # * One Hundred Dollars A in the SAVINGS ^ANK is i «P worth $100 tify day, plus the $ interest credited, $100, _ mq. , stock investment iit ioorth—¦?— £ what you can get for it. $ Start a Savings Jlccount now and save systematically f or •j* yourfuture needs, A ccounts Opened By Mail. ^ The Union Sayings * B a nk A Patehogue , New York ^ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Establiihed 1870 EDWARD DAILY UNDERTAKER OFFICE: Deer Park Ave., FUNERAL PARLORS: Main St. BABYLON, I I., N. Y. ——¦———¦— »¦—¦¦—¦—•——•- jp^|i^^«^ General Auctioneer Furniture Stored '" j Dealer ia- - Furniture for tin i Home and Office Carpet*- Linoleum , Bedding, Bedroom Suites , Etc. Two Bi g ! Buildings lii: . M. " :- ' ¦ •' ; '!- , \ i-r. ' t - Always Open For Public " Inspection A Fine Assorment of Second Hand ¦ ¦ rt:- , - ' Furniture For Sele In The New Auction Booms TERRY BUILDING \ Oeae Park Ave!, BABYLON, L. I. DR. SAUL BEYERS PENTIST |t Babylon Nati oaal Bank Bmljiag ! Houri: 9:00 A. M. to 5:00 ' P.M. | Evening by Appointment!. \ Teeth Extracted Without Paia. | Gas Administered. j 'Phone Babylo n 145 |l \ 11 DENHURST OFFICE j ;; I From 6 :00 to 8:00 P. M. J : | 'Phone Lindenhurst 13 R . - . j. )_ .^^^^^—.^^^^^^LL ______ . - mrmm^^^n DR /^I^AMAN Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist , Greene Avenoa, U Ambyville, fl. Y. Teeth Eztrac ted without Pain j* ., Gas Administered. / J . Just Where and pow Is the Monev to be S pent? [flfjlnl WB W /9& ^mWi^^ W^9^^^^&^^M]/llililnf t ^1 Af businesslike Answer to | a businesslike Question THIRTY denominationa cooperating in the Inter- church World Movement have budgeted their needs. No 'business could have done it more acientifi- . cally. | . I They have united to prevent the possibility of duplica- . tion or waste . At least a million dollars will be saved by the fact tliat thirty individual campaigns are joined in one united effort. - I ' Each denomination has arranged its budget under six main beads: \ ij ' ¦ 1 FOK THB CHURCH'S WORK J FOR RattQIOOS TRAIOTNOvAt AT HOME. Accoro ofltomoeomo n>loaot UJ)CO ,OOOehHdren»n<! rOBng , nnder thlo bead. Consider only one. peoplo under 25 years of oco nro ca- . i Flvo and n half million pooplo in tho terms American lifo withont' any United State* cannot oven road ond teliciona training at aitl Remember, write the aujUehlansaac*. Whe la fag the faith of Waabincton and , te carry forward thia vaatwsrk of Lincoln, do yon think that America Amertaanliatlen 11 tto church doea -xeilil continue to produce Waahlntj- ¦ iaai? i qno ond Llncolno If faith dlea mat of tho bocrtoof Ito yonti? * j JoRHospiTALaAKD Hoiara . JQ- R TH g e m ntega weak £ Ewry yearthouonndoofmenond 3 ABROAO. IaSnenaa earn* firtt womenaeriopaltillaroturned awoy g, m tho Orient thltir yeara an: f rom Church bM,lt.l. beeanae .f ^^.irTS Sn ST^r cSeSa lack ef room. Th. ebUdnn' > h«ne. p]., ^. So liar ¦* China ha. only m L' ,,I 9m ^S! 1 ' i .lZS' Ta iZSL? "** •^» ph>»lclan\aOT- ery400AI00 peopi children than thoy eoa rccctea, *^, brlent win eanUnoe ti^ be a menace. So lone ofthe I" bablea of India die before their ace- 3 FOR BIQRKS EDUCATION. Of ond year our Oem babieo are not tho 4SOfm Amerioas otudento la aafe. A Chriotian doctor or teacher Inatitntiona of hither crade, one- aent abroad ia working for America half aro in taatitutlono founded nnd aa truly aa though bo worked at •upported by thoChurchei Many of heme. / ; theaelnatltutioniba *. had no great endowment campalgna , put their , . , ;,„ __ -. heedo are jnot a* pressing as the /T'PREACHERS' SALARIES. Tbe needs of larger echools; qnd you U preacher la called the " lorgottea r" hav. only read their Ust«f alum- man , " and well ho may, ba. Sight Biandaininnaetomeaaurettlevala * oiit ef ten preachers ar* paid les* cftbejr contribution to Amarica. than tan a week I , Each denomination has its own detailed budget , and WiU administer ita own funds. Your pastor has copies ofthe budget: exaniine^them fbr yourself. In the week of April 25th-May 2nd you will be given your opportunity to help. You can do it with the fall satisfaction of know- / ing that 'every dollar of - .your gift has . its post assigned to it in advance. Every dollar f or better America and a better yrorld. When your church calls on you give—and give with, your heart as well as your pocket-book. j \ United i^C 3§V April 25th Financial EftS B?)d to / Campaien ^3| K/ y May 2nd ^jNTE^HURbl WMI C I Ivfovonent cfSNbrth XAmerica ' Tie fmil itwtea of tie ' s etdmerOsememt It 'Wmit f eesUU tirtmg i tit eaefm etttm sftiiny Jansmattiai. i y. Light Waves' Pressuije. j ¦ I By the use of delicate appararns wbich he Invented a Russian scientist lias demonstrated that light Waves ex- ert a meaaureable mechanical pres- SUM. " ' ' ff r : ¦ j ¦ L . , Guatemalar Salt. Gnatemala' a salt . ini Instry, wblcb be- gan soon after tbe Spanish conquest how produces nearly 2, 000,000 pounds a year. ' »; . ' •;• ¦ ' , ¦ ..i fLu ' liffi/ t*' . ' ¦ j- Two week s ago , the attention of houseboiders of Babylon was called to the condition of their back yards Since then there has been scarcely any improvement. It . is to be hoped tbat the village health authorities will not be obliged to take the matter ia hand; bave back yards of delinquents clean- ed up and cbarge the bills to their own- ers tax account, as proveded by law. Tbose heaps of old cans, half filled witb stagnant water, and other filth and rubbish are a menace to health and a disgrace to all. Commencing April 26 will be "Clean- up Week" and by the close of that week every dirt pile and festering hole should have disappeared. If , however, th&re should be delinquents, tbe village will be obliged to apply the penalty. It is hoped that such action may not be neceisary to make people clean-up and avoid disease. Board of Health, A. J. WOODRUFF. H. D., H.O. x , ' —. Kmm.wma. ^^^£J^^*S|4/ JUST MT LUCK. BUI Goat—There' s a aloe dress shirt, oad my doctor haa forbtddea a ataroh diet ) SECOND WARNING She—I tell you, the time Is coming ¦ when men will no- -more . dictate to women. He—Good heavens ! Are the ste* nographers,; going to * strike T Solved. , Wife—How do the unemployed live , John ? Husband—Howl Why, most of tbem on incomes from their fathers ' or grandfathers' estate—a few en al- lowances from rich wives. 1 Proof" ~~ ?•Could you ' elp a pore feller , mum , wort been Invalided out © the army with lose ©' memoryr ' "I don 't believe it; yoa cesw wlta quite another atory-^apt month. " "Did I. mumt Well , yer cant waat better proof ttuui that, eaa yerf- Bliihty. London. < ¦ "• " ¦¦¦ Apprehensive. Edna—So you' ve broken with sac *. Edith—tea , he was entirely toe hard to please. Edna—Gracious I How he must bare changed since he proposed to you. . . ^ te-mt-A . - ^ A =-A~ . ... ¦ Expert Advice. "I paid |100 to a specialist Just to have blm tell me my heart laat rit * it, " remarked the prosperous business man. ' "Bank extravagance, " responded his friend Tltely; "I got the same Infor- mation from a waiter and It didn 't coat me a cnn*- . " ThOM OlrlS.

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Post on 27-Jun-2020




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Page 1: BA ^mma ^^^^wmmm ^mmmmmw …^nnnm, T I 1 Tmmmwnnmnmsmmanmnmmn ¦!flk Amml '__P_ffl sk'^s_k^s_^^s_ l ¦ ' ^^

ammmmnn nnnm, T I 1 Tmmmwnnmnmsmmanmnmmn ¦

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' ^ S—IUSVJK Ssts—rVB'''1 fl''-' - '* %'' ' "\i |V jgQ U--

[¦¦¦¦¦ LflH " LAX W - L—X flflfll k l l F


LOT-50xl42, Lincoln street, Babyl?*estates. Bargain for quick buyer.Address Thiele, Amityville, N. T.Phone 88 R. " f \


many choice propositions la attyear round and summer properties;also building lots, farms eto* seeme if you want to buy, sell or relit..W. B. Sprague.


RANGB—Good second-hand, douiboven. Apply W. P. Ketcham, DearPark Avenue. . '•"'•/

I r&j .

LUMBER -Will shortly bave on hahd60,000 feet of lumber, 3 x4. sla tonipe feet long, also a larg© lot -oTstone wash tubs and some heavytimber. Write or phone for prices.Dittman Brothers, Lindenhurst. '- '. '• '*


LOTS, 5 near R. R. station in Urittea-hurst; lot 31 aad 32, block 49, stUet-8; lot 59 and 60, block 49, shs*jfc:.%lot 40, block 54, sheet 2. George _-.Flake, Manasquan, N. J.BUILDING, small, 10 xlO. suititte-

for woodbouse or could be enlargedfor garage. Apply to Benjamin* B.Wood, Carll Ave.

li <ARC .light second hand for sale. In-perfect condition. Apply Signal b -

. fice. , . / • • . .'- i i

FOR SALE-A horse to be sold cfaeapv'A. Potter, Deer Park Ave. '

HOUSE, For Sale, 5 rooms, ail im-provements. Inquire^ Charles Baaa-ler, Lindenhurst, N. Y.

STEVENS-DURYEA five '' passebgijtftouring car; Cadallac body-self-start-er; fiast-class condition ; all improve-ments; original cost $3,800; remodel-:and additional equipment §1,800; willsell for $800, Phone Babylon, 211 P. O.Box 651. j*

PIANO, For Sale mahogany, upright,cheap. Miss Anna Keller, Linden-hurst, L. I.

MAXWELL, 1915, taxi body, ranntnrorder, bargain, $135. J. W. Sohols.Arlington Road, West Babyloa.

POPLAR TREES, six, large. 18 tt>20 feeti high. George W. Keyser, Mer-ist, Tei. 202 W.

FRESH cow, 4 years old. Edwin*Northam, Farmingdale road, WeatBabylon.

FRESH cow. L. Feustel, Lindenhurst,N. Y.

WHITE silk poodle dog. Cheap. Mre.W. Bauman, Wellwood avenne, Lift*-denhurst, L. I.


Furnished room to let; phone 2i!l«-R. Babylon. N. Y. It.

ROOM and BOARD wanted by youngman; preferably in West Babyloa..'Write, Board, care Signal.

LAUNDRY work wanted to be donaout. Apply Laundress Signal offlcs.

Wanted dump cart for single horse,must be in good condition and reason-able for cash. Imperial Machine «feFoundry Corporation, Lindenbnrst,L. I.. N. Y.

TRACTOR for rent, would also shareproducts for work or plant on sharerapply Jobn F. Maroney, BabykmTel. 441.


MEN with ability to handle weed*worker's tools. Steady work all yearround and good chance for advance-ment for the right men. J. T. Can-trell & Co., Body Builders, Hunting-ton, L. I.

BELL BOY wanted. Apply WatsonHonse.


STENOGRAPAER sad typewriterwanted, bright young beninnoy.Steady, position and advancement*to right party. Apply personally orby* letter, stating age, nationality,,education and lowest salarg to eon-Imperial Machinb aad Foundry Cor-poration, Lindenhurst, L. L, N. Y. £

- - - - - - ' ' ' ' ¦ '_ !


COOK wanted—Must be eompetant,Address Upjohn & de Kay.

CHAMBERMAIDand waitress wanted,mnst be competent. Address Upjoha&de Kay. ' L

- . . ' ¦ , i .» .

THE MOTT STUDIOwants a young lady who would,like to learn the Photographic , ;Profession. '/ ¦ ' ,¦/ -J/J/A fine oppt irtnnltf for a Boons teJa aha '¦¦ ,.-Is willing to itudti and adeancs hetsdf - '.¦ lo a. good pa ving position. *- -'i '- ' *¦-.• .* Jr

- CEORGEJ.MO TIM'tam—mmmmmmatmn —mnmat—mmmmn—mmmmmnwmttmm,-Delivering the New. Suit J- y r'

Customer (telephoning tailor)—"Yoasend ont the clothes and jlf thef'r-e6. K. 1 will send you my check." Tailor—"Won't-do It. : You ' send/ine "tindw-ek firet arid if it is O. K. I frfil stMs)'.fdd theiiatih - i&oi ';* ¦> ?TMW«*.-/«-/ — -n-i*—~!*!f * Sr#-.&¦'?>¦'¦,..r -,V


Mr. and Mrs, Theodore Voelker, Jr.,-were given a very pleasant sui prise attheir bome Monday evening by a num-ber of their friends and relati-* es inhonor of their twelfth wedding an-

niversary, j *Among those who made up the party

were beside Mr. and Mrs. Voelker anddaughter Mildred, were, Mr. and Mrs,Charles Riehl and daughter, Mildred,Mr, and Mrs. Albert Block, Mr. andMrs. George Frevert, Mr. and Mrs.Lawrence Stipp and son. Mr, and Mrs.Robert W. Wild end son.

With music, gimes, lunch and re-freshments served by the happy host-ess, tbe evening was a most pleasantone making Teddy look twenty yearsyounger.


The various committees of the B'ireDepartment are already hard at workfor the coming tournament and if thereefforts count for anything this affairwill be a great big success. ChiefRiehl feels lhat with the support he isreceiving, the event will long be re-membered not only by the local de-partment but by al) visiting depart-ments.

The last tournament held here was in1900 on one of the windiest daya everrecorded when the one hundred milegale raised a blinding dust during the

. entire day."' All the local boys want is fine

weather and tbey will do the rest%, _______—

HOOK & LADDER CO., MEETS.The regular monthly meeting Mon-

day evening of Union Hook and Ladder•ompany was an unusally large andenthusiastic one.

The special barn dance committeecompleted plana for the big affai r to bebeld at Washington hall on Saturdayevening May 29th when it is expectedtiiat all members, tbeir wives andsweethearts will appear in regulationfarm togs.

The Juvenile book and ladder truckwas disposed of at auction, Theodore

. Voelker, Jr., securing the truck foi$14.00.

Lunch and refreshments were servedfollowing the meeting. ./.,


Primary—Excellent in deportment-David Gle'is, David Miller , Elbert Wild,Leroy Henrich, Hazel Blake, EmmaFfenknrt, Fanny Landau, Florida See-gott, Vaoda Ambnzy. Margare t Czeh.Highest Average—Helen Kurdt, Leo-la K iuliCh , Frances Seegott, HenryDiegel, George Irmisch, Jacob Cohen,Harold Schmidt.

First grade—Excellent in deport-ment—John Bush, Lillian Weiss, SylviaHtichhauaer, Sidney Feinberg, VitaGraffaquino, Sylvia Wargaftik , AugustHeiker. Edith Bush.

Highest Average—Ed ;th Bush, Syl-via Wargafti k, August Heiker, Sidney

. Feinberg. Vita Graffaquino.¦ Second grade—Excellent in deport-

ment—Anna Albrecht, Violet ReicheltS'asel -Savage, Rose Taruob, GeorgeFenkart, William McGraw. HighestAverage — Stella Barasch, GertrudeFeller, Majorie Torns, Elizabeth Wei-land, Rose Torusb, George FenkartWilliam McGraw, Henry Michael.

Taird/1' grade—Excellent in (teport--taent—Lillian Hoffman. Mary Strob,Bthel Reichelt. Highest Average*-Majorie ,Finger, Mollie KftflBtoan, Ethel

Wfchelt. Ual? Wb\x , Edward Tanner.Fourto ferade (a)—Excellent in de-

partment—Louis Cos:ia, Minnie Busch,Minnie Wachtel. Lillian Grabber, IffarieHruska, Catherine Henricb, May John-Bin, Ethel Hirsch, Estelle Heyer, HelenBibne, Dorothy Scbrroeder, Bertha Hen-Eich, Barbara Beyer, Irene Schneider,Marion Weiss, Frances Binger, GladysMeUger, Josephine Mohr. Perfectia attendance— Michael Ambrosy, HenryKurdt Highest Averages—LouiseCoscia, Minnie Busch, Minnie Wachtel,Lillian Grabber, Marie Hruska, Cath-arine Henricb, Helen Bohne, EstelleBeyer, Ethel Hirsch, Josephine Mohr,Michael Ambrozy, Ralph Reichelt, Al-fred Hahn.

Fourth Grade (b) -Excellent in de-triment— M a r g a r e t Stabl, RobertFeiaberg, Csrmelio Graffaguino, GeorgeHenricb- Frances FreidmSB, George 'Mabetly, Beftdie Kaufman, Marthastun-. Henrietta V*a Wyck. HighestAVerage-ftolHItt Weinberg, Louis KurdtGeotge.tfc.wteb.

£itta graft-Excellent in deport-Bent-'George Grabber. Mollie Miller,Margaret Pebler, Minnie Jaeggy, Em-kna Pollini, Margaret Sedler, ElisabethWftaer, Marion Hirscb, Mary Wachtel,Catherine Sammis, Anna Voelker, AlmaBohne, .Mildred Riehl , Olga Lloyd. Per-fect in attendance—Edwin Wild, Paul-ine Wild, ' Edith Bettinger. Highest

. Average—Alma Bohne, Olga Lloyd,Anna Voelker, Mary Wachtel, MarionHirach, Elisabeth Wieser, Emma Pol-

. tini, Margaret Sedler, August Hiroch-man. Charles Cseh, Katie Schotssky,Claude Genu, Minnie Jaeggy.

i Six Upgrade- Excellent in deportmentKleen McGraw, Emma Drake, Lily2©jnik, Bertha Hoffman, Edward Fel-er, Harold Bower, Claude Gents.

WitiKhaatl Average — Edward Feller,Harold flbwer, Edward McGraw.

Perfeciiin attendance —Henry Pebler,Henry Leeman, Edward Feller*

. | Seventh Grade—Excellent in deport-, ment—Jeianette Bohne, Alice McGraw,Pauline Ificklaus.Highest "Averager-Mildred Wellbroek,

: Jeanette Bobne, Perfect, in attendanceSianluy finger, Alfred Feller, Harry

J. j'foclker.i'- '/ '" ¦' "',.' ¦/ ' ¦; j /Eighth! grade—Excellent in deport-

yifiptT-Jl^argaret Basseler, May Bet'

tinger, Cecelia Mongelett, Mabel Scb-wis;er. Perfect in attendance -" MayBettinger, Cecelia Mongelett, GustaveHavreliry, Frank Wild, Fred Wrieth.


On Friday evening, April 23, tbeSenior class of Lindenhurst High Schoolentertained the pupils of the high schooland the mebbera of the faculty in theschool auditorium; The entertainmentwas in the form of a Literary party,and each person came dressed to repre-sent the title or character of a wellknown book. Many interesting charac-ters, including Tom Sawyer andHuckleberry Finn were present andhelped to make the evening a pleasantone. :>.;

Games, dancing and refreshmentswere enjoyed during the evening. Mu-sic was furnished by the school orches-tra.

There is on display in Alley Brothersstore window a one hundred piece din-ntr set donated by William Tell LodgeKnights of Pythias ffir the Semi-Cefnt-ennial committee. Siroiliar donationsare expected to follow in rapid uuccession. These donations will be sold andand the funds turned over to tbe com-mittee.

Mr, and Mrs. R. W.. Wild and sonspent Sunday visiting friends and re-latives in New York and took in thesights in Bronx Park.

Tbe big new residence of CharlesWeierter on the South Country Roadunder cons truc t ion by ContractorGeorge Weierter is now enclosed andwill be finished during June.

Adam Muller went to Good GroundTuesday evening on a very importantbusiness engagement in connection witbthe opening of a brancb distributingstation for Hebel and Muller Inc.

Sunday evening about seven thirtyAlleys corner furnished a scene thatwould fit well in a movie reel whentwo Fords got together and aa usualcame out with hardly a scratch. Thedriver of one headed west in roundingthe corner saw a b'g touring car com-ing east and another standing on thesouth side of the street cutting bimoff and he just simply headed for thestanding car. They just bumped in afriendly manner, the owners adjustedmatters' and went on their way.

. * > ,*• -' :On Tuesday evening a number of past

chancellors of William Tell LodgeKnights of Pythias, including MeasersHugo Waldau, Frederick Torns, J. H.Unsqr, Louis. Seegott, Frederick O.Schneider and others, attended a specialmeeting at Babylon for the purpose offorming a past chancellors lodge in thenear future .

Both Boy Scouts troops are strivingbard to get in the best passible trimfor their big field day exercises to beJuly 3rd during tbe Semi-Centennialcelebration.

A large delegation of members of G.D. Meinen Rebeccah lodge went toBay Shore on Monday evening to wit-ness the Floral degree and Past grandareception.

The Lindenhurst Manufacturing comp-any following the general trend of thetimes and in conformity with the con-sensus of the employees opinions havedecided to have a five day week here-after closing down the plant oa Sat-urdays, . (

Contractor Louis Seegott bas com-pleted the Otto Syben watch factoryon Nostrand avenue and has begun theerection of the modern bungalow forMichael Haberl on Wellwood avenue.The latter building will be of a designentirely different from any in thisvicinity. The outside will be of stuccoembedded with miniature pieces ofwhite rock, Voelker and Schneider be-ing the artists.

Charles Thiele now rides in a closedHenry F which can do 50 or better.

The Vulcanite Manufacturing comp-any bave added a Ford delivery car totheir equipment for emergency use.

Manager Snook witb bis star Creed-mores went to Farmingdale last Sat-urday afternoon for a tryout with tbelatter team and after a good bit andrun demonstration came out a loser bythree runs, 18 to 13 being the final.

A qiilet Wedding was solemnised Wednesday evening ia Lindenhurst whenMiss Anna Stadlef became tbe bride ofArthur Ens botli of this village. Theceremony was performed by Rev.Father Farrenkopf ia the church rectorywith Miis Theresa Stsdier and JosephStsdlef, sister and brother of tbe brideat witness. The couple will reside inLindenhurst

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bassler return-.,ed from their honeymoon trip last Sat-urday after in joying the sights ofWashington. D. C, and vicinity duringthe previous week.

The Semi-Centennial Celebration com-mittee met with committees from theFire department Wednesday eveningand further completed plans for thebig celebration. A carnival companywillbe engaged for tbe occaoion, specialband and orchestra music.

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Perschok havesold their West Babylon bome and areqow occupying the apartments over theBarasch confectionery store on Well-wood avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slover and familymoved tbis"week into their new home,the former William Hirsch residence onWellwood avenue which was ..vacatedby Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cousland whomoved into the John Haberl residence,

. ; : . , ' , ' " ' a ¦ *'"¦ -,**-.'






Office Hours; 9 A. M. to 6 P Pi M.FISHEL BljDG. :: BA BYLON, N-Y


Residence Phone 291 R Totten ^ ^ wmmm mmmmmw mm m^ a mm^ ^ ^ ^m mmmi i m mmam mmaammaammaaaammammmammmm

-SfIt's leaked out-—Rogers Peet suits aiid

! ' overcoats cost no more thanis asked elsewhere for qual-ity not nearly so good !

Special "Sboppta* Bertloa"ter orders Aj mall.


Broadway Broadwayat l?th St "Pour at j*4th Ht

1 Convenient _ i ¦. • Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave. !

at Warren at!41st St- •¦ I NEW YORK crrr

— ¦


. .



- '


¦ -


j;'''l';;;Co -fe : yoa $3.66 ja -Gallon/whtof^

. -- D i ' i ' fa ', '.;'T*MyWt '-, ' return tho balance and set aUyourrfn oney f y i t d t t ,. .- * J


I Sold by Dealer* MlH_5M«gjUgAgnw^^i-:4.i\T i^^Wr-*W"A'.M- - . - '!t. 'f-i V."V- .'•-;. *.'.: •i-J>:ii,- - * ..«a*" :'»r?. r

'- . -. • - / _-',. .. . -. . „ «¦, *,!,«

a THE U.& J. CARBURETOR ft_,flmi_fc is guaranteed to increase milage 50 per' H§j

mi cent over any other carburetor „eVer .con- J. ¦ W> ' structed, regardless of name, make or |!

|[ wM price; Money refunded if 15 day,;. ' :'" , j |;!; . trial does not prove it. / New'prin- , \\j ! fl I'- . . . - . * ciple, plain tube. Gauranteed<[ J lawkm to start in zero weather th-,!» fl ¦ out priming. Already 00^/ ;./ ¦ . .] [j l ' j 000 satisfied users; Liiva/ . -' ; * ^^ ' ¦ j |!> I fl . representatives wan d W, ,- - . |l

' i i '"" ---''Pr ' '• " ' • ' ^rito* Phone.'iot:d«aij-:' "->* .' ' y f

']!';. '"."TJ]" "'Jw V & J, iAlE^iOO -x ^^^^i M [ii W fr :

¦ • ' * - •• '.Afaa^ajtofrpaw i' ::| '•«Sw»<a>ee«)aiiae»fjas<*>w>^

' oMiMassHsMa. —««.—a__«__B>BaBBMto

/ /jrEST/ kTE' F'- , :

'';:¥ig|ji^^ j i l Hiie ^f y j;!";i>a ¦!«>•/;¦;, ,

Old Company Lehigh CoalYARD AT DEER PARK AVE.. NORTH O

RAOAOJAD TRACK. TT tW -r i Babylon, L.I


"House insured?""Yes.""What company?""Don't know. Why?""Ever travel?"' Yes.""Just buy a railroad ticket?""Y-y-yes." ""Just a ticket—not a ticket

to any particular place?""Of course I know where I'm

going!""Do you know where you're

going to get your money ifyour house burtis nip?"

"From the company?""And you don't even know

the name of the company!""Why—""Why not deal with a com-

pany that has paid its hon-est obligations cheerfullyand promptly for 104years?"

"What company is that?*"The Hartford Fire Insur-

ance Co."'•Thanks for the tip. I'll look

up the Hartford Agent"WRITE OR TELEPHONE j



$ Barnum Was Right $0 J ", fiarnlirp;once;r<cmaxkedthat there Was a fo ol bom

iepery minute. Tie referred

to $

Investors ensnared ; daily bytempting opportunities at un-

A tibial interest rales. d»

Toa Cannot Judgethe value of securities b$ the -

$ rate of interest they pay—or jS.promise to pay, but you CANjudge them by their market-

*fr able value. - ¦ " y. '# *

One Hundred DollarsA in the SAVINGS ANK is i«P worth $100 tify day, plus the $

interest credited, $100, _ m q . ,stock investment iit ioorth—¦?—

£ what you can get for it. $Start a Savings Jlccount nowand save systematically f or

•j* yourfuture needs, d»

Accounts Opened By Mail.

The Union Sayings *

BankA Patehogue, New York

^$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Establiihed 1870


OFFICE: Deer Park Ave.,




jp |i «General Auctioneer Furniture Stored

'" j Dealer ia- -

Furniture for tin i Home and Office

Carpet*- Linoleum, Bedding,

Bedroom Suites, Etc.

Two Big! Buildingslii: . M. " :- ' ¦ • •' ;

'!-,\ i-r.' t -

Always Open For Public" Inspection

A Fine Assorment of Second Hand¦ ¦ rt:- , - 'Furniture For Sele In The

New Auction Booms



Babylon Natioaal Bank Bmljiag!

Houri: 9:00 A. M. to 5:00' P.M.|Evening by Appointment!. \

Teeth Extracted Without Paia. |Gas Administered. j

'Phone Babylo n 145 |l \11 DENHURST OFFICE j ;;


From 6:00 to 8:00 P. M. J: |

'Phone Lindenhurst 13 R . - . j. )_

. ^^^^ —.^^^^^ LL______. - mrmm ^^ n

DR/^I^AMANSurgeon and Mechanical Dentist, Greene Avenoa, U Ambyville, fl. Y.

Teeth Eztrac ted without Painj* ., Gas Administered. /

J .

Just Where and powIs the Monevto be Spent?

[flfjlnl WBW/9& mWi^W^9^^^^&^^M]/llililnf t 1

Af businesslike Answer to| a businesslike Question

THIRTY denominationa cooperating in the Inter-church World Movement have budgeted their

needs. No'business could have done it more acientifi-. cally. | . IThey have united to prevent the possibility of duplica-.tion or waste. At least a million dollars will be savedby the fact tliat thirty individual campaigns are joinedin one united effort. - I

' Each denomination has arranged its budget under sixmain beads: \ ij '¦

1FOK THB CHURCH'S WORK J FOR RattQIOOS TRAIOTNOvAtAT HOME. Accoro ofltomoeomo n>loaot UJ)CO,OOOehHdren»n <!rOBng

, nnder thlo bead. Consider only one. peoplo under 25 years of oco nro ca- . • iFlvo and n half million pooplo in tho terms American lifo withont'anyUnited State* cannot oven road ond teliciona training at aitl Remember,write the aujUehlansaac*. Whe la fag the faith of Waabincton and, te carry forward thia vaatwsrk of Lincoln, do yon think that AmericaAmertaanliatlen 11 tto church doea -xeilil continue to produce Waahlntj- ¦iaai? iqno ond Llncolno If faith dlea mat

of tho bocrtoof Ito yonti?

* j JoRHospiTALaAKD Hoiara . JQ-R THg emntega weak£ Ewry yearthouonndoofmenond 3 ABROAO. IaSnenaa earn* firttwomenaeriopaltillaroturned awoy g,m tho Orient thltir yeara an:from Church bM,lt.l. beeanae .f ^ .irTS Sn

ST rcSeSalack ef room. Th. ebUdnn'> h«ne. p]., . So liar ¦* China ha. onlymL',,I 9m S!1

''i.lZS 'Ta iZSL? "** • »ph>»lclan\aOT-ery400AI00peopichildren than thoy eoa rccctea, * , brlent win eanUnoe ti be amenace. So lone ofthe

I " bablea of India die before their ace-3

FOR BIQRKS EDUCATION. Of ond year our Oem babieo are nottho 4SOfm Amerioas otudento la aafe. A Chriotian doctor or teacher

Inatitntiona of hither crade, one- aent abroad ia working for Americahalf aro in taatitutlono founded nnd aa truly aa though bo worked at•upported by thoChurchei Many of heme.

/ ; theaelnatltutioniba *. had no greatendowment campalgna, put their , . , ;,„__ -.heedo are jnot a* pressing as the /T'PREACHERS' SALARIES. Tbeneeds of larger echools; qnd you U preacher la called the "lorgottea r"hav. only t« read their Ust«f alum- man," and well ho may, ba. SightBiandaininnaetomeaaurettlevala* oiit ef ten preachers ar* paid les*cftbejr contribution to Amarica. than tan a week I

, Each denomination has its own detailed budget, andWiU administer ita own funds. Your pastor has copiesofthe budget: exaniine them fbr yourself. In the week ofApril 25th-May 2nd you will be given your opportunityto help. You can do it with the fall satisfaction of know-

/ ing that 'every dollar of -.your gift has. its post assignedto it in advance.Every dollar f o r better America and a better y r o r l d .When your church calls on you give—and give with,your heart as well as your pocket-book. • j \

United i C3§V April 25thFinancial EftS B?)d to /Campaien 3| K/y May 2nd

jNTE^HURblWMICI Ivfovonent

cfSNbrth XAmerica' Tie fmil itwtea of tie's etdmerOsememt It 'Wmit f e e s U U tirtmgi tit eaefm etttm

s f t i iny Jansmattiai.

i y.

Light Waves' Pressuije. j ¦ IBy the use of delicate appararns

wbich he Invented a Russian scientistlias demonstrated that light Waves ex-ert a meaaureable mechanical pres-SUM." ' 'f f r : ¦ j ¦ L

. , Guatemalar Salt.Gnatemala'a salt . ini Instry, wblcb be-

gan soon after tbe Spanish conquesthow produces nearly 2,000,000 poundsa year. '»; . '•;• ¦',

¦ ..i f Lu ' liffi/ t*'. ' ¦ • j-

Two weeks ago, the attention ofhouseboiders of Babylon was called tothe condition of their back yardsSince then there has been scarcely anyimprovement. It . is to be hoped tbatthe village health authorities will notbe obliged to take the matter ia hand;bave back yards of delinquents clean-ed up and cbarge the bills to their own-ers tax account, as proveded by law.Tbose heaps of old cans, half filled witbstagnant water, and other filth andrubbish are a menace to health and adisgrace to all.

Commencing April 26 will be "Clean-up Week" and by the close of thatweek every dirt pile and festering holeshould have disappeared. If, however,th&re should be delinquents, tbe villagewill be obliged to apply the penalty.It is hoped that such action may not beneceisary to make people clean-up andavoid disease.

Board of Health,A. J. WOODRUFF. H. D., H.O.

x, '—. •

Kmm.wma. ^ £J^ *S|4/JUST MT LUCK.

BUI Goat—There's a aloe dressshirt, oad my doctor haa forbtddeaa ataroh diet )


She—I tell you, the time Is coming¦ when men will no- -more . dictate towomen.

He—Good heavens! Are the ste*nographers,; going to* strike T

Solved. ,Wife—How do the unemployed live,

John?Husband—Howl Why, most of

tbem on incomes from their fathers'or grandfathers' estate—a few en al-lowances from rich wives.

1 Proof" ~~?•Could you 'elp a pore feller, mum,

wort been Invalided out ©• the armywith lose ©' memoryr' "I don't believe it; yoa cesw wltaquite another atory- apt month."

"Did I. mumt Well, yer cant waatbetter proof ttuui that, eaa yerf-Bliihty. London. <

¦ "• "¦¦¦


Edna—So you've broken with sac *.Edith—tea, he was entirely toe

hard to please.Edna—Gracious I How he must bare

changed since he proposed to you.

— . . ^te-mt-A .- A=-A~. ... ¦

Expert Advice."I paid |100 to a specialist Just to

have blm tell me my heart laat rit* it,"remarked the prosperous businessman. • '

"Bank extravagance," responded hisfriend Tltely; "I got the same Infor-mation from a waiter and It didn't coatme a cnn*-."

ThOM OlrlS.