baab - · baab: whenever the prophet ىلص الله هيلع...

Baab: Whenever the Prophet صلى عليه وسلمwas Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down He would say: اَ لَ أ دا يِ رI DON’T KNOW! Or Would Not Answer until Wahi was sent down and He never said something out of His own Opinion or Depending upon Qiyas (Analogy)! Collected & Written By Abu Dawud Juned Ibn ‘Abdul Dhahir

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Page 1: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


Whenever the Prophet وسلم عليه هللا صلى was Asked

about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation)

was sent down He would say: رِي دا أََ لَا I DON’T KNOW!

Or Would Not Answer until Wahi was sent down and

He never said something out of His own Opinion or

Depending upon Qiyas (Analogy)!

Collected & Written By Abu Dawud Juned Ibn ‘Abdul Dhahir

Page 2: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would



Whenever the Prophet وسلم عليه هللا صلى was Asked

about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation)

was sent down He would say: ِري دا أَا لَا I DON’T KNOW!

Or Would Not Answer until Wahi was sent down and He never said something out of His own

Opinion or Depending upon Qiyas (Analogy)!

Page 3: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


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Collected & Written By Abu Dawud Juned Ibn ‘Abdul Dhahir

“Indeed all praise for Allah! We praise Him as He deserves to be praised! And we seek His Aid. Whoever Allah Guides he cannot go astray. And whoever He leads astray who can guide him. And I bear witness that there is no Deity worthy of Worship in Truth except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the slave and Messenger of Allah. And thereafter:

For Indeed the best of narration is the Book of Allah! And the best of guidance is the

guidance of Muhammad and the worst of affairs are the newly invented matters! And every

innovation is misguidance.

Page 4: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


{Translation} “Who is an enemy to Allah, and the Angels, and the Messenger, and Jibreel and Mikaal, for Indeed Allah is an enemy to the people who disbelieve in Allah.”

[Surah Al-Baqarah 2 / Ayaat 98]

Baab: Whenever the Prophet وسلم عليه هللا صلى was Asked about Something for which no

Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would say: ِري دا أَا َلا I DON’T KNOW. Or Would Not

Answer until Wahi was sent down and He never said something out of His own Opinion

or Depending upon Qiyas (Analogy)!

Imaam al-Bukhari (Rahimullaah) Brings in his Saheeh the above mentioned Baab: {Translation} ‘Whenever the Prophet وسلم عليه هللا صلى was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would say: ِري دا أَا َلا I DON’T KNOW. Or Would Not Answer until Wahi was sent down and He never said something out of His own Opinion or Depending upon Qiyas (Analogy)! In it he brings the following Ahadeeth – ثنَا دا َوحَا : {Translation} Jaber Ibn ‘Abdullaah said: “I was sick when the Messenger of Allaah صلى وسلم عليه هللا صلى along with Abu Bakr came to visit me. I was unconscious. He وسلم عليه هللاperformed Wudu and sprinkled the remaining water on me until I became conscious. I said

{Translation} ‘Messenger of Allaah! سلمو عليه هللا صلى What would I do with my property? What

would I do with my property? He وسلم عليه هللا صلى gave no reply until the Divine Verses of the

inheritance were sent down.”

[Saheeh al-Bukharee / H7309]

Page 5: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


{Translation} “How can Allah guide those people who have disbelieved and before that they

had Belief in Allah and they are a witness against themselves! Indeed the Messenger is the

Truth and he came with the facts. By Allah! No Allah does not guide the people who are

oppressors. Their reward is indeed the Curse of Allah and the Angels and the whole of the


[Surah Al-‘Imraan / Ahyaat 86-87]

May Allah have Mercy upon the one that said: {Translation} “You see these people of Bid’ah! complaining those people! there speech!

“This is Bid’ah that is Bid’ah this is Bid’ah that is Bid’ah” So he said {Translation} Narrated one of the Imaams said: {Translation} “Those of who do Bid’ah {Hersey/Innovation} they are the enemy of Allah!

Because they have changed the Deen of Allah.”

Page 6: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


It is narrated { Translation } in Sunnan Abu Dawud from Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and Muhammad Ibn Yahya said { Translation } Abu al-Mugeerah narrated from Safwaan from ‘Amr Ibn ‘Uthmaan from Baqiyyah said { Translation } Safwaan Nahwah narrated from Azhar Ibn ‘Abdillah al-Haraazee from Abi ‘Amr al-Hawzanee from Mu’awiyyah Ibn Abi Sufyan Indeed he got up to address the people and said { Translation } ‘No Doubt indeed the Messenger of Allaah got up like this to address the people and said: {Translation} “No Doubt! Indeed those who were before you from the people of the Book split in to seventy two sects. And Indeed this Ummah will split in to seventy three sects seventy two will be in the Fire (of Hell) and explicitly the One will be in Paradise and that is the Jamaa’ah {Haaq / Truth}. -Zaada Ibn Yahya and ‘Amr further narrated – {Translation} ‘And Indeed, there would appear from this Ummah people who would cling to desires just like the dogs that are afflicted. ‘Amr said – {Translation} ‘The dog that is afflicted with rabies it does not leave a joint but it enters it and it does not leave a vain accept that it enters it.’”

[Narrated in Sunnan Abu Dawud /Hadeeth 4597 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Saheeh by

Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaanii]

It is narrated { Translation } in Saheeh Muslim from Harmalah Ibn Yahya Ibn ‘Abdillah Ibn Harmalah Ibn ‘Imraan at- Tujiibi from Ibn Wahb from Abu Shuray Indeed I heard Sharaahiil Ibn Yazeed say I heard Muslim Ibn Yasaar Indeed I heard Aba Hurayrah say { Translation } The Messenger of Allaah said:

Page 7: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


{Translation} “There would appear in the end of times Dajjaloon {Imposters/Deceivers} and Kadh-dhboon {Liars}. And they will narrate {or bring} to you Ahadeeth {sayings/words} which you have not heard and neither your forefathers. So Indeed beware of them and stay away from them. Do not let them misguide you nor make you turn away {from the Straight Path}.”

[Saheeh Muslim / al-Mudaqqimah /Baab 4 / Hadeeth 6]

It is narrated {Translation} in Saheeh Muslim from Muhammad Ibn Raafi’ from ‘Abdur Razzaq relied it from Ma’mar from Tawus from his father from ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Amr Ibn al-‘As said: {Translation} “Indeed in the Ocean there are many inhibited shayateen put there by the order of Sulayman which are about to come out to the people to recite the Qur’aan.”

[Saheeh Muslim / al-Mudaqqimah /Baab 4 / Hadeeth 9]

It is narrated in Saheeh Muslim from Abu Sa’eed al-Ahshaj from Wakee’ from al-‘Amash from Musiyyab Ibn Raafi’ from ‘Amir Ibn ‘Abada said: ‘Abdullaah said: {Translation} “Indeed Shaytaan comes in the similitude of the form of a man. He {Shaytaan} comes to the people and narrates a lot to them from the Ahadeeth {sayings/words} which are lies and the people disperse with them. So a man from amongst them says: {Translation} ‘I heard a man whose face I know but I do not know his name who narrated the Hadeeth!’

[Saheeh Muslim / al-Mudaqqimah /Baab 4 / Hadeeth 8]

Page 8: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says: {Translation} “When the Munafiqeen come to you they say: “We testify that you are the Messenger of Allah.” And Allah knows that you are His Messenger and Allah Testifies that the Munafiqeen are liars. They have taken their oaths as a cover, so they averted people from the path of Allah. Indeed! It was evil that they were doing. That is because they Believed and then they Disbelieved so their hearts were sealed over and they do not understand. And when you see them their forms please you and if they speak you listen to their speech. They are as if they were pieces of wood propped up they think that every shout is against them. They are the enemy! So beware of them. Allah Kill them! How are they deluded?

[Surah Al-Munafiqun 63 / Verse 1-4]

Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says:

{Translation} And they said, ‘O Musaa we cannot hold on to eating from one type of food. You are close to Allah ask Him that He provides us with that is on earth from herbs and cucumbers and garlics and lentils and onions Said (he) {Translation} ‘Would you exchange that which is given to you! For those things that given to others? He ordered go for Indeed you shall have what you asked for! Therefore We covered them with Humiliation and poverty and fear and wrath from Allah! That is because for Indeed they disbelieved in Allah! and His Ahyaat (Signs/Illumination) and killed the Prophets for no reason other than the Truth! That is because they were lost and they have no guiders (so they die in their poison).”

[Surah Al-Baqarah 2 / Ahyaat 61]

Page 9: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says:

{Translation} “And they’ve taken that which they worship besides Allah deities they say: that it increases them in ‘Izza.”

[Surah Maryam 19 / Ahyaat 81]

Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says:

{Translation} “And those who followed other than that which We revealed to you (Muhammad) and they were upon that and then they left it and went therefore the Shaytaan followed him and took him and made him from the lost ones. And no doubt! We could have given them what they desire but no doubt! They had lowly sight longing for the earth and they followed their desire look there parable is that of a dog, were you to chase him he would carry on ha ha ha or were you to leave in his path, he would still carry on ha ha ha that is the parable of people who lie regarding Our Signs (Illuminations) therefore speak regarding their story that we may learn and then contemplate.”

[Surah Al-‘Ahraaf 7 / Ahyaat 175 – 176]

Page 10: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


Imaam an-Nasaa’ee (Rahimullah) Brings in his Sunan the mentioned Baab:

{Translation} “Killing the Female snakes In The Sanctuary”

In it he brings the following Ahadeeth –

{Translation} ‘Abdullah that he said: We were with the Messenger of Allah in Khaif of Mina when the Surah of Al-Muursalat was revealed. A female snake came out thereupon the Messenger of Allah said:

{Translation} “Kill it”

We raced each other to kill it! But it soon entered its hole.” [Narrated in Sunan an-Nasaa’ee /Hadeeth 2880 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Saheeh by Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin Al-Albaanee]

Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says: {Translation} “Have you seen those that have disbelieved in Our Ahyaat (Signs & Illumination)”

[Surah Maryam 19 / Ahyaat 77]

Page 11: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says:

{Translation} “And What You keep misguiding people until the Punishment you did see it

coming will come for misguiding people. Have seen those who have taken their “Ilaah” as

Hawaa (Ignorance & What their souls pull to from away from Allaah their Ilaah)? Do you

think that their Ilaah helps them or protects them? No they have no Wakeeelah. What you

come to certainty does any of them even listen or has any intellect? No Most of them don’t!

Indeed they are Animals! No they are misguided and worse than the animals!”

And Imaam al-Bukharee Brings another Baab: {Translation} Baab: The Belief in following the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah هللا صلى وسلم .عليه In it he (Rahimullaah) Brings the Hadeeth: {Translation} Abu Wa’il said: Once I sat along with Shaybah in this masjid. He Shaybah said: No Doubt! ‘Umar sat at this place and said: {Translation} “I intended not to leave any yellow (gold) or white (silver) inside the Ka’ba without distributing it amongst the Muslimeen.” I said: {Translation} ‘What! You would not do so.” He said: {Translation} “Why?” I said: {Translation} “Because your companions [meaning the Prophet صلى وسلم عليه هللا and Abu Bakr] did not do so.” He said: {translation} They are the two persons one should follow in Belief.”

[Saheeh al-Bukharee / H7275]

Page 12: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says: {Tanslation} “And lots from amongst Ahlul Kitaab destroyed themselves by leaving Eemaan in Allah and became disbelievers in Allah and became Hasadan between themselves, after they were upon the Haaq and the Haaq came to them. Move on your way and keep on your path until, Allah bring His Decree. Indeed Allah does all things He wants.”

[Surah Al-Baqarah 2 / Ahyaat 109]

Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says: {Tanslation} “And those that have in hearts Nifaaq {Hypocrisy} they consider about the lives of others and no doubt they took themselves from their lands thereafter they blamed each other and Indeed they are witness against themselves. Thereafter Indeed they killed each other and they split in to groups from amongst themselves from their houses and they were upon evil and they believe or spread their evil and that was evil against themselves for they did not make Ikraaj. They believed in the book after and they disbelieved in the book after. And what! We give those to benefit like that from each other except in this lowly dunyah and the Day of Qiyaamah they would be given server punishment. And what Allah knows those that in Ghaafla.”

[Surah Al-Baqarah 2 / Ahyaat 84 – 85]

Page 13: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says: {Tanslation} “And those who have taken the masajid as a Diraar and for spreading disbelief and for causing differing and breaking between those who have put their trust in Allah and as a positioning for those who were at war with Allah and the Messenger before. And no doubt they will say {Tanslation} “Our aim & intention was nothing but Husnaah and Allah bears Witness! Indeed they are liars. No! Do not come close or stand in there ever. The Masajid that were built upon the Law of Allah from the beginning it has more right {and obligation} that you stand in there. In there are men who loves to purify themselves {from shirk and kufr and Bid’ah} and By Allah! Allah Loves those who loves to purify. And those houses built upon the Law of Allah from Allah and with the desire of Allah is better than those houses their foundation is built upon foam of desires upon sea those house are in the Hell-Fire! and By Allah! No doubt He does not guide those people who are oppressors. No! The uneasy and piecing within their house of those who built their house with the intention within their heart will find it showing and their hatred will not be removed except that their heart is cut! And By Allah! Allah is ‘Alim and Hakim.

[Surah At-Toubah 9 / Ahyaat 107 – 110]

It is narrated {Translation }in Sunnan Abu Dawud from Yazeed Ibn Khalid Ibn Yazeed Ibn ‘Abdillaah Ibn Mawhab al-Hamdani from al-Layth from ‘Uqaul from Ibn Shihab Indeed Abaa Idress al-Kawlani by Allaah reported Indeed Yazeed Ibn ‘Ameer – And he is a companion of Mu’adh Ibn Jabal – reported: {Translation} “He did not sit in a gathering from the gatherings but that he said in the gathering: {Translation} ‘Allah is the Ruler and He is Just in His Judgement! so let those who have suspicion be ruined. So Mu’adh Ibn Jabal said that day:

Page 14: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


‘Indeed there will be waves of affliction and at that time wealth will be in abundance! and the Qur’aan will be opened (in circulation) it will be recited from the heart by the Believer and the Munafiq and by the men and women and by the young and by the old by the slave and the free one. You will see one say: {Translation} ‘What is it the people don’t follow me and I recite from the Qur’aan! what is with them that they will not follow me until I innovate something other than that which is not from it (The Deen). For Indeed Beware from what they innovated! For Indeed what they innovated is misguidance. And Beware and be wary of the swerving of the wise-man for Indeed shaytaan might say a word of misguidance upon the tongue of the wise-man. And he (shaytaan) might say upon the tongue of the Munafiq a word of Truth. (Yazeed) said: ‘I asked Mu’adh: {Translation} ‘How shall I know! May Allaah have Mercy upon you! Indeed that the wise-man has spoken a word of misguidance and indeed that the Munafiq has spoken a word Truth? He said Behold! {Translation}‘Avoid the statements of the wise-man that are doubtful from the sayings of his ‘What is this?’ and do not let that make you to leave him, for Indeed if he comes to learn (the Truth from the falsehood, he would retract). And do not abandon the Truth when you hear it, for Indeed upon the Truth there is Light.’”

[Narrated in Sunnan Abu Dawud /Hadeeth 4611 – Authenticated as Hadeeth Saheeh by

Imaam Muhammad Nasir-Uddin al-Albaanii]

It is narrated {Translation }in Sunan Abu Dawud, from Muhammad Ibn Kathir said I heard from Sufyan said: A man wrote to ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz asking him about Qadr. Ar-Rabee’ Ibn Sulayman the Muadhdhin said from Asad Ibn Musa said from Hammad Ibn Dulayl said I heard Sufyan at-Thawri narrating this from Nadri and narrated from Hannad Ibn as-Saree from Qabeesah said from Abu Rajah from Abi Salt and this is the speech of the Hadeeth of Ibn Katheer and the meaning of it is he said A man wrote to ‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz asking him about the Qadr. He wrote back To Proceed:

Page 15: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


{Translation} “I order you with the fear of Allaah (by ruling with the Book of Allah and the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad) and to be upright in following His Laws and to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet وسلم عليه هللا صلى and to leave what has been invented of the Heresies after the Sunnah has been made clear and there remains no exception to believe (as there is no place for innovation is Islam! for it has been perfected). I order you with raising the Sunnah High! For Indeed this by Allah! Is a Protection. Thereafter Know! Indeed never did the people cling to a Bid’ ah! Except that they had before this proof to show that and that lessons were learnt from it. For indeed the Sunnah was established (by the Prophet – those who already learnt it knew the difference in it. – Ibn Katheer said ,( وسلم عليه هللا صلى{Translation} Who already learnt those things of errors mistakes foolishness and Puritanism that are in opposition to it. So you should adhere for yourself that which pleased the people before you {meaning Salaf as-Saalih} that you be pleased with that. For indeed their knowledge reached a point and their deep insight kept them far from falling into error and they were the most diligent of people in uncovering that matters of the Religion and they were more virtues in of reaching these merits then their successors. For if the guidance is what you claim to be upon then you would have preceded them to it {and that is impossible}. Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says:

{Translation}That is because they say: "Never will the Fire touch us except for [a few] numbered days" and they were deluded in their Deen (religion) because of the new things they were inventing in it (for which reason their Deen became a joke to them saying as they wish without authority).

[Surah Al-‘Imraan 3/Ahyaat 24]

Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says:

Page 16: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


{Translation} It is not for a human [prophet/Scholar] that Allah should give him the Scripture and authority and prophethood and then he would say to the people: "Be servants to me rather than Allah" but [instead he would say] "Be pious scholars of the Lord because of what you have learnt of the Book and because of what you have studied." Nor could he order you to take the angels and prophets as lords. Would he order you to disbelief after you had been Muslims? And [recall, O People of the Scripture] when Allah took the covenant of the prophets, [saying] "Whatever I give you of the Scripture and wisdom and then there comes to you a messenger confirming what is with you you [must] believe in him and support him." [Allah] said: "Have you acknowledged and taken upon that covenant?" They said: "We have acknowledged it." He said: "Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses." And whoever turns away after that - they are the defiantly disobedient.

[Surah Al-‘Imraan 3/Ahyaat 79-82]

Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says:

{Translation} O you who have sold your soul and body and wealth to Allah! Do not take as intimates those other than yourselves for they will not spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has already appeared from their mouths and what their breasts conceal is greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs/illuminations if you will use reason.

[Surah Al-‘Imraan 3/ Ahyaat 118]

Page 17: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


And he said: {Translation}

“There will be young foolish people who will speak with the most best of speeches and their

prayer and your prayer will make your prayer as if worthless and their fasting and you fasting

and they will recite the Qur’aan it will not go beyond their throat and they will go out of the

Deen as an arrow goes out of the game.”

These people of Bid’ah are the dogs of the Hell it is narrated that the Prophet said: {Translation} “Dogs of the Hell Dogs of the Hell Dogs of the Hell that is a shaytaan”

These people are the Dogs of Hell it was said: {Translation } “What you call us dogs of Hell?” He responded may Allah have Mercy upon him the Prophet said:

{Translation} “Dog of Hell Dog of Hell Dog of Hell this is shaytaan” Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says: {Tanslation} “And those that have in hearts Nifaaq {Hypocrisy} they consider about the lives of others and no doubt they took themselves from their lands thereafter they blamed each other and Indeed they are witness against themselves. Thereafter Indeed they killed each other and they split in to groups from amongst themselves from their houses and they were upon evil and they believe or spread their evil and that was evil against themselves for they did not make Ikraaj. They believed in the book after and they disbelieved in the book after.

Page 18: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


And what! We give those to benefit like that from each other except in this lowly dunyah and the Day of Qiyaamah they would be given server punishment. And what Allah knows those that in Ghaafla.”

[Surah Al-Baqarah 2 / Ahyaat 84 – 85]

Imaam al-Bukharee brings another hadeeth showing the importance of following what Allaah said what the Messenger of Allaah وسلم عليه هللا صلى said and what the Sahabas understood. {Translation} ‘Asim said I asked Anas “Has the Messenger of Allaah وسلم عليه هللا صلى made Madeenah a sanctuary?” Anas replied {Translation} Yes! From this place to that place. And its trees should not be cut. Whoever innovates {meaning Bid’ ah} in this Deen of Ours his innovation {Bid’ ah} will be rejected! The Curse of Allaah the Angels and all of the creations Curse will be upon him.” ‘Asim said {Translation} Musa Ibn Anas told me in addition {Translation} “Or Shelters such one who innovates {in this Deen of Ours}.”

[Saheeh al-Bukharee / H7306]

‘Urwa Ibn Az Zubair narrated {Translation} that ‘Ahyishah had told The Messenger of Allaah said {Translation} during his fatal illness:

Page 19: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


“Curse be upon the Jew and the Christians for they have taken the graves of their Ambiyah

as Masajid (meaning a place of worship).”

[Saheeh Muslim / H19-529]

Sa’eed Ibn Musiyyab from Abu Hurayrah said {Translation} The Messenger of Allaah said: {Translation} “Allaah Kill the Yahud (Jews) for they took their ambiyah’s graves as masajid [places of worship].”

[Saheeh Muslim /V1 /H20-530]

From ‘Ahyishah and ‘Abdullaah Ibn ‘Abbas said {Translation} when the last Moment of the life of the Messenger of Allaah came he started putting a patched garment on his face. When he felt hot and short of breath he took it off his face and he said: {Translation}

“Curse of Allaah be upon the Jews and the Christians for they took their Ambiyah’s graves

as Masajids (places of worship).”

[Saheeh Muslim /V1 /H22/531]

Allah Al-‘Alim Al-Hakim Al-Malik ul Haaq says:

Page 20: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


“And from the people, when in illness, they call their Rabb (King) with whole hearted, whom

they should call and work for, after when the Justice & Mercy comes to them, they break

from their Rabb and work and worship idols with their Rabb. They disbelieve in the

illuminations they’ve seen, than still they follow their way, how they don’t learn. Is to them

descend revelation on which they can stand on and speak with, how, what, than they call

and work for idols.

[Surah Al-Baqarah 2 / Ahyaat 33 – 35]

Imaam al-Bukhari (Rahimullaah) Brings in his Saheeh the above mentioned Baab: {Translation} ‘Whenever the Prophet وسلم عليه هللا صلى was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would say: ِري دا أَا َلا I DON’T KNOW. Or Would Not Answer until Wahi was sent down and He never said something out of His own Opinion or Depending upon Qiyas (Analogy)! In it he brings the following Ahadeeth – ثنَا دا َوحَا : {Translation} Jaber Ibn ‘Abdullaah said: “I was sick when the Messenger of Allaah صلى وسلم عليه هللا صلى along with Abu Bakr came to visit me. I was unconscious. He وسلم عليه هللاperformed Wudu and sprinkled the remaining water on me until I became conscious. I said:

{Translation} ‘Messenger of Allaah! وسلم عليه هللا صلى What would I do with my property? What

would I do with my property? He وسلم عليه هللا صلى gave no reply until the Divine Verses of the

inheritance were sent down.”

[Saheeh al-Bukharee / H7309]

The Messenger of Allaah said:

Page 21: Baab - · Baab: Whenever the Prophet ىلص الله هيلع ملسو was Asked about Something for which no Wahi (Revelation) was sent down, He would


{Translation} “There will be young foolish people who will speak with the most best of speeches and their prayer and your prayer will make your prayer as if worthless and their fasting and you fasting and they will recite the Qur’aan it will not go beyond their throat and they will go out of the Deen as an arrow goes out of the game.”