background information document for the proposed … · 2020-01-13 · management plan (emp) in...

1 GREEN EARTH Environmental Consultants Project Name: BACKGROUND INFORMATION DOCUMENT FOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A BIOGAS PLANT ON A PORTION OF PORTION 7 OF FARM KLEIN OKAPUKA NO. 51, KHOMAS REGION The Proponent: Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd Prepared by: Release Date: August 2019 Consultant: C. Du Toit C. Van Der Walt Cell: 081 127 3145 Fax: 061 248 608 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: BACKGROUND INFORMATION DOCUMENT FOR THE PROPOSED … · 2020-01-13 · Management Plan (EMP) in order to obtain an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed construction

1 GREEN EARTH Environmental Consultants

Project Name:






The Proponent: Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd

Prepared by:

Release Date:

August 2019


C. Du Toit

C. Van Der Walt

Cell: 081 127 3145

Fax: 061 248 608

Email: [email protected]

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3

2. Project location and description ..................................................................................... 3

3. The problem ...................................................................................................................... 6

4. Project Proposal ....................................................................................................... 7

4.1 Production of Biogas and Digestate ...................................................................... 7

4.2. Generation of Electricity and Heat ......................................................................... 9

4.3. Production of Inorganic Fertilizer ......................................................................... 10

4.4. Final Effluent Treatment and Potable Water Recovery .................................... 11

5. Possible impacts on the receiving environment ................................................ 12

6. Bulk Services and Infrastructure Provision ................................................................ 16

6.1. Access and Internal Roads ................................................................................... 16

6.2. Water supply ........................................................................................................... 16

6.3. Electricity reticulation ............................................................................................. 16

6.4. Sewage disposal ..................................................................................................... 16

6.5. Solid waste disposal/Refuse Removal ................................................................ 17

7. National Legislation ....................................................................................................... 17

8. Purpose of the Environmental Assessment Project ................................................. 17

9. Aims of the Impact Process ......................................................................................... 18

10. Methodology ................................................................................................................ 18

11. Environmental and Planning Issues Identified ...................................................... 18

12. Public Involvement Program .................................................................................... 18

13. Notice in Newspapers ................................................................................................ 20

14. List of References ...................................................................................................... 22

List of Figures

Figure 1: Locality of Project Site .......................................................................................... 4 Figure 2: Locality Plan for Portion 7 of Klein Okapuka No. 51 with image of area ...... 5

Figure 3: Project Site Location ............................................................................................. 6

Figure 4: Illustration of Biogas Plant (Wilken as in Lempert, 2019) ..................... 8 Figure 5: A typical gas engine powered by biogas ........................................................... 9

Figure 6: Collection of heat for use in operations ............................................................. 9 Figure 7: Schematics of Fertilizer (Struvite/MAP) Production Process (Lempert, 2019) ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 8: Schematics of High-rate sludge contact clarifier (Multiflo®, Veolia) envisaged for MAP production (Lempert, 2019) .............................................................. 11

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1. Introduction

Green Earth Environmental Consultants have been appointed by Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd

to attend to and complete an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) in order to obtain an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the

proposed construction and operation of a biogas plant on a Portion of Portion 7 of Farm

Klein Okapuka No. 51, Khomas Region as per the requirements of the Environmental

Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations

(GN 30 in GG 4878 of 6 February 2012).

The Background Information Document (BID) serves to convey information regarding the

proposed project to Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) to allow them the opportunity to

comment on the proposed project.

This document contains the following information:

- A brief background on the proposed project

- The approach to the environmental assessment process

2. Project location and description

Portion 7 of Farm Klein Okapuka is located about 30km north of Windhoek next to the B1

Road leading from Windhoek to Okahandja on the western side of the road. The biogas

plant will consist of the biodigester, the power generation plant and a fertilizer production

plant. Chicken manure will be used as main feedstock for the biogas plant as well as

mortalities, fat, blood, mala and sludge. Biogas mainly consists of methane gas (CH4) and

carbon dioxide (CO2) that will be used as an energy source. See image below for the locality

of the project site:

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Figure 1: Locality of Project Site

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Figure 2: Locality Plan for Portion 7 of Klein Okapuka No. 51 with image of area

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Figure 3: Project Site Location

3. The problem

With the introduction of a biodigester/biogas plant, NPI intends to adress the following


Large quantities of bio waste products:

NPI through its production activities have the following bio products (biomass) which must be

handled and disposed of in an environmentally and bio security friendly manner: chicken

manure, mortalities, fat, blood, mala and others. These products are currently either sold as

fertilizer (the manure) or being collected and transported by a specialist waste management

company to the Kupferberg Waste Disposal Site. Manure and the other products can

become a source of air and water pollution if it is poorly managed. The major threads are

leaches of nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus), ammonia evaporation or pathogen


Expensive source of energy:

NPI has a large energy requirement to run their operations both in the form of electricity and

heat. Currently electricity is obtained from NamPower. If the biomass is well managed it

can be a renewable energy source which will bring about savings on their current electricity


Biogas Plant proposed location

Road leading to Windhoek

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The need for value addition to waste products:

The by-products of anaerobic digestion can be further used in agriculture as fertilizers.

4. Project Proposal

To address the above-mentioned issues, NPI has decided to construct and operate a

biodigester/biogas plant. The implementation of the project is subject to obtaining the

necessary clearances and permits for the construction and operation of the plant as well as

subject to the final feasibility of the project. NPI appointed Dr. G. Lempert from Aquarius

Consult CC as Technical Consultant and Project Manager on the proposed project. The

information that follows has been obtained from consultations with and from documents

prepared by Dr. Lempert.

The plant proposed for NPI will include four defined stages:

The production of biogas and digestate;

The generation of electricity and heat;

The production of organic and inorganic fertilizer;

The treatment of final effluent and recovery of potable water.

4.1 Production of Biogas and Digestate

During the biogas production process, feedstocks from NPI that will be introduced into

the digester are decomposed by anaerobic bacteria under optimal living conditions. The

digester will be operated under mesophilic conditions, within a temperature range of 38°

to 40°C. All nutrients required for the microorganisms (MOs) to proliferate will be

contained in the feedstock and no additional chemicals are required for the process.

However, the chicken manure used as primary feedstock will have to be diluted with

water, usually in the range of 1-part manure to 3 or 4 parts of water, in order to prevent

the high nitrogen contents in the manure becoming inhibitory to microbial growth. The

effluent generated by the bird abattoir will be used as dilution water to dilute the nitrogen

content. Thus no fresh, potable water will need to be added for this process (Lempert,


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Figure 4: Illustration of Biogas Plant (Wilken as in Lempert, 2019) Under mesophilic, anaerobic conditions, the biomass is converted into biogas in four


First Phase – Hydrolysis: During hydrolysis, the basic feedstock is broken down

into simpler organic compounds, such as sugars, fatty acids, and amino acids.

The microorganisms involved release various enzymes that decompose the

basic feed material.

Second Phase – Intermediate Product Formation: The simpler organic

compounds formed during the first phase are converted into intermediate organic

products (mostly fatty acids) by acid-forming bacteria that can be easily further

degraded in the next phases.

Third Phase – Acidogenesis: The intermediate, organic constituents are further

degraded by acid-forming bacteria as part of acidogenesis. During acidogenesis

acetic acid-forming bacteria convert the fatty acids to acetic acid, hydrogen (H2),

and carbon dioxide (CO2). In addition to various fatty acids produced, (CO2) and

water are also produced. The lower fatty acids are used to produce raw

materials for biogas production.

Fourth Phase – Methanogenesis: Acetic acid, in particular, serves as the basis

for the production of biogas, as it is converted from strictly anaerobic

methanogenic archaea to methane (CH4) gas during the final stage of the

anaerobic process. Additionally, another group of anaerobic MOs produce the

CH4 gas utilizing H2 and CO2 that was produced during acidogenesis.

Liquid digestate has typically a dry matter content of 4-6%, and 60-80% of the nitrogen

is present as directly available NH4 due to anaerobic digestion. This influences the pH

value of the digestate, which is higher than that of liquid manure (pH about 8) and

increases the risk of gaseous ammonia losses.

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Since only part of the organic compounds is decomposed during the biogas production

process, almost the entire inorganic constituents remain in the digestate. Latter has a

high (plant) nutrient contents and is thus an attractive organic fertilizer mainly used in

agriculture, but also finds new markets in horticulture and among private customers. In

additions to a high nutrient content available to plants, digestate has further advantages

over conventional manure and domestic wastewater sludges due to substantially lower

odor emissions because volatile compounds in the decomposition phase are broken

down better. Also, because organic acids are also better broken down, the risk of leaf

burns in plants is significantly reduced. Digestate also contains relevant amounts of

humus-effective carbon. In contrast to the use of mineral fertilizers, long-term

fertilization with digestate therefore contributes to maintaining soil fertility as well as soil

life and to ensuring high-yield sites that can be sustainably utilized.

4.2. Generation of Electricity and Heat

The gas generated in the biodigester is then fed into a combined heat and power plant which

generates electricity and heat to be used for the operations of NPI. Specially designed gas

engines are used for the generation of electricity and heat.

Figure 5: A typical gas engine powered by biogas

Figure 6: Collection of heat for use in operations

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4.3. Production of Inorganic Fertilizer

A liquid waste stream that will contain high concentrations of ammonium and

phosphates, valuable fertilizer ingredients, will be generated during the anaerobic

digestion process. This effluent cannot directly be discharged into the current

wastewater treatment and potable water reclamation plant due to its high ammonium

and phosphate content, envisaged to be above 3 000 mg/l NH3 and 800 mg/l P2O5

respectively. The existing effluent treatment plant was not designed to cope with such

high nutrient concentrations, and these must be removed by ca 90% in order for the

final effluent to be discharged to the existing wastewater treatment plant. Also, these

two minerals (N & P) are valuable when used for fertilizer production. A schematic of

the process is given in the Figure below and the plant will comprise of the following

major unit processes:

Figure 7: Schematics of Fertilizer (Struvite/MAP) Production Process (Lempert, 2019)

It is thus required to recover N and P to serve as inorganic, plant nutrients via a downstream

fertilizer production plant. The fertilizer produced will contain mainly struvite (magnesium-

ammonium-phosphate hexahydrate, MAP). However, when chicken manure is used, the

concentration of magnesium (Mg) will be too low for proper MAP precipitation and Mg needs

to be augmented for producing a good quality fertilizer. Therefore, magnesium-oxide (MgO)

will be added to provide sufficient Mg for optimal struvite (MAP) production.

Chemical addition: A dosing station will be provided for MgO addition. Latter serves to

increase the effluent pH to fall within the optimum for MAP precipitation, which is a pH of ca

9 – 10, and to add the required amount of Mg needed for struvite formation.

Sludge contact clarifier: The MAP process needs seeding to form proper precipitate for easy

harvesting of the MAP. This will be achieved using a high-rate, sludge-contact clarifier with

lamella for increased clarification efficiency and high throughput rates. These types of

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clarifiers are provided by various manufacturers (Wabag, Veolia, Degrémont) and were

specifically developed for recirculating sludge back to the inlet chamber, where the sludge

then serves as seeding material for better and faster precipitate forming. The complete unit

consists of three mixing chambers/tanks, viz. the coagulation-, sludge contact- and

flocculation chamber/tanks, followed by a lamella settling basin with sludge scraper, as

schematically shown in the Figure below. Sludge from the bottom of the settling basin is

recirculated back to the second chamber, the coagulation chamber, while excess sludge is

wasted (to drain).

Overflow (clear water) from the clarifier will be discharged into the anaerobic pond (Pond A)

of the existing wastewater treatment plant at NPI.

Figure 8: Schematics of High-rate sludge contact clarifier (Multiflo®, Veolia) envisaged for MAP production (Lempert, 2019)

Filter Press: The underflow (sludge) that is wasted from the clarifier can be efficiently

dewatered using a filter press. This product will be fairly dried (estimated at 75% solids) and

can therefore be sold as inorganic fertilizer. The liquid portion from the filter press is

returned to the inflow of the clarifier.

4.4. Final Effluent Treatment and Potable Water Recovery

The final effluent discharged from the Biogas Plant, after MAP production, will be

suitable for discharge into the existing wastewater treatment plant, where it will undergo

the complete biological treatment process, with subsequent potable water recovery in

the RO plant, as currently the case. Since no additional water will be used for the

biogas generation process, the current effluent treatment plant will suffice. However, an

additional anaerobic pond (similar to Pond A) needs to be added. This additional pond

is not required due to the biogas process but was already needed before in order for

Pond A to be taken out of operation periodically for cleaning purposes. The current

treatment plant lacked this facility from the start and it thus would be good, with the

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biogas being planned, if such an additional pond would be added to the existing

treatment plant as well.

5. Possible impacts on the receiving environment

From previous experience with developments of this nature and comments received from

Affected Parties, the proposed project will have the following possible general impacts on the

receiving environment:

Biophysical impacts:

On ground and surface water (water quality, water tables and sustainable water

supply on consumers who rely on this water source)

Surface drainage systems (flow of surface draining systems)

Possibility of air pollution (dust during construction and odors from the stock feed)

Effect on vegetation (grass, trees and shrubs directly in on areas to be cleared for

construction of services and residential buildings)

Effect on wild and bird life

Effect on natural and general ambiance of the area and surroundings

Concerns if the area can be restored/rehabilitated to an acceptable status once the

bulk services have been constructed.

Socio-economic impacts:

Additional employment will be created

Additional products/services will be created

Stock theft and illegal hunting might increase during construction

Noise and dust pollution from construction operations

Community health issues - transmission of diseases from construction team and

support staff to local community

Increase in criminal activities

Cultural/heritage impacts

Specific impacts related to the operation of a biogas plant:

Atmospheric gases naturally produced from manure and waste products associated with

broiler production have a negative impact on the environment. Conversion of these

products into biogas for industrial use is necessary to maintain human and animal

health as well as food safety. By managing the biomass created through these

agricultural activities, pollution can be prevented or minimized, green house emissions

can be restricted and related environmental impacts can be mitigated. A well-managed

biogas plant has the following environmental impacts:

Positive impacts:

Methane emission reduction

Nitrous oxide emission reduction

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Reduction in greenhouse effects

Reduction of SO2 and NO2 omissions

Reduction in water pollution

Odor emission reduction

Slurry can be used as fertilizer

Organic waste reduction

Source of alternative energy

Negative Impacts:

The negative impacts associated with the manufacturing and use of biogas are mainly

because of poor management practices and not due to the process itself. Two key

negative impacts are:

Risk of increased ammonia emissions.

Risk of environmental contamination with toxic substances due to toxic

substances which remain in the biomass after being fermented.

Other general hazards related to biogas production and use are:

Health hazards for instance hazardous substances, electrical hazards, mechanical

hazards, and explosion and fire hazards (Lempert, 2019).

Typical health hazards include:

Risk of asphyxiation and/or poisoning by fermentation gases/biogas in

feedstock receiving areas. Release of highly toxic gases such as hydrogen

sulphide in the receiving area, especially during mixing, as a result of reactions

between feedstock materials.

Hazards associated with the use of additives and auxiliary materials with

hazardous properties (e.g. carcinogenic and reprotoxic mixtures of trace

elements) (Bontemps as in Lempert, 2019).

Biological Agents

The following are examples of hazards that may arise from biological agents during the

production of biogas:

- Inhalation of dusts or aerosols containing moulds, bacteria or endotoxins, for

instance from silage or dry poultry excrement that has become damp (SVLFG,


- If activities are conducted with visibly mouldy wastes, it is impossible to rule out

acute toxic effects from the inhalation of mycotoxins or other microbiological

metabolic products (TRBA 214, 2013).

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Hazards from Electrical Machines and Equipment

A variety of electrical equipment is used in biogas plants (control equipment, CHP unit,

pumps, agitators, measuring instrumentation, etc.). Under certain circumstances this

equipment may have adverse effects on health as a result of electrical hazards from the

presence of electrical energy (Bontempo as in Lempert, 2019).

Danger of electrical shock or arc caused by an electric shock through an

individual’s body or by an arc flash for example: damaged power cables on


Danger from electric fields, induced currents and/or magnetic fields from irritant

effects in the human body created by the circulation of induction currents caused by

electric fields, induced currents or magnetic fields. These effects occur in a

frequency range up to 30 kHz (low- frequency range).

Example: electromagnetic, electrical and magnetic radiation from the generator of

the CHP unit (danger for people with pacemakers).

Danger from static electricity caused by an electric shock from the discharge of

static electricity (Lempert, 2019).

Mechanical Hazards

Mechanical hazards are usually not specific to biogas technology. However, most

common types of accidents occuring on biogas plants are attributable to mechanical

hazards: falling, crushing, cutting.

Accident blackspots in this connection include work on the silo or other workplaces at a

height, work in the vicinity of rotating parts (e.g. feeding systems) or work in the vicinity

of moving vehicles (risk of being run over). Accidents are particularly likely to occur

during maintenance and repair work if inadequate protective measures have been taken

(Lempert, 2019).

Gas Hazard

Biogas is a mixture of different gases, the concentration of which may vary depending

on the plant in question. Key constituents of biogas are listed below, along with their

properties regarding tisks to health.

The workplace exposure limit (TRGS 900, 2016) or occupational exposure limit (OEL) is

the timeweight average concentration of a substance in air at the workplace over a

specified reference period at which no acute or chronic harm to the health of employees

is expected to be caused. As a rule, the limit is set on the assumption that the exposure

is for eight hours a day, five days a week over a working lifetime. The workplace

exposure limit is specified in units of mg/m³ and ml/m³ (ppm) (Lempert, 2019).

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Explosion and Fire Hazard

An explosion is defined as the sudden chemical reaction of a flammable substance with

oxygen, releasing large amounts of energy. There is a sudden expansion in the volume

of gases as the energy is released. This can be brought about by an explosive

atmosphere, for example (Bontempo as in Lempert, 2019).

Flammable substances may be present in the form of gases, vapours, mists or dusts.

An explosion can only occur, if three factors apply simultaneously:

Flammable substances (in distribution and concentration conducive to explosion)

Oxygen (from air)

Source of ignition

Depending on the circumstances, two types of explosion can take place in biogas

plants: detonation and deflagration:

A detonation is rapid combustion occurring at the explosive limit. The pressure

generated is lower than in the case of deflagration, but is sufficient to destroy

window panes, for example. Personal injuries are usually limited to bruising,

burns and cuts.

A deflagration is a form of explosion in which the propagation velocity of the

reaction front is below the speed of sound in the repective medium and the

combustion gas plumes flow in the opposite direction of propagation. The

resultant pressure is enough to damage or entirely destroy buildings. People

may suffer serious injuries, which may even be fatal (Lempert, 2019).

If the concentration of biogas in the atmosphere is between 6 and 22% v/v, there is a

risk of explosion in the presence of an ignition source (explosive range, explosive

atmosphere). In the case of pure methane gas, the explosive range is between 4.4 and

16.5% v/v. The ignition temperature of biogas is 700⁰C (methane 595⁰C). The

composition of biogas may vary with regard to the proportions of methane and carbon

dioxide, with the result that the explosive range of the gas mixture in the presence of air

also varies (Bontempo as in Lempert, 2019).

Danger from surrounding environment

Weather-related or other environmental sources of danger may also arise, for example

from flooding, earthquakes, storms, ice and/or snow, power outage, heavy rainfall or

frost. Site-related sources of danger such as the effect of neighbouring businesses or

the traffic situation must also be taken into account (Lempert, 2019).

Hazards arising from inappropriate behaviors

Potential hazards arising from inappropriate behavior must also be taken into account in

the operation of a biogas plant. These include, for example:

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Action by unauthorized persons.

Dangers from personnel (operating errors, on-call service not working, deliberate

failure to carry out fault rectification measures, sabotage, etc.) (Lempert, 2019).

6. Bulk Services and Infrastructure Provision

6.1. Access and Internal Roads

The project site is located on Portion 7 of Farm Klein Okapuka No. 51, about 30 km north of

Windhoek directly west of the B1 Highway to Okahandja. The project site access is to the

western side of the B1 Highway. The access road is a gravel road leading onto the site and

connecting all the operations and activities of Namib Poultry. The gravel road is maintained

by Namib Poultry. The existing roads are sufficient for the purpose of the operations and no

new roads have to be created on site.

6.2. Water supply

Water requirements of NPI are supplied from 2 sources:

By NamWater via a pipeline from the main water line which supplies water from the

Von Bach Dam to Windhoek. The initial agreement between Namib Poultry and

NamWater made provision for and allocation of 45 000m³/month or 540 000m³/year.

Currently NPI’s average monthly water consumption amounts to 28 500m³/month.

About 120m³/day is extracted from boreholes.

The savings between the NamWater allocation and current usage are achieved through the

onsite treatment of water and the reuse thereof. The water is stored in dams onsite and

treated by Namib Poultry to the standards required to ensure that it is suitable for the optimal

health and growth of the broilers. Currently 96% of the water used in the processing plant is


6.3. Electricity reticulation

Electricity is obtained from NamPower with additional generators at the broiler sites that are

used during power failures.

6.4. Sewage disposal

Household sewerage from people working and residing on the site as well as from the

cleaning of the rearing-, laying- and broiler houses is currently contained and disposed of in

environmentally friendly bio box drains located on the sites. This sewerage is then collected

in a tanker and taken to the wastewater treatment plant for treatment and recycling to reuse

more water. The household sewer process water generated at the processing plant is

directly linked up with the wastewater treatment facility.

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6.5. Solid waste disposal/Refuse Removal

The waste generated on the site includes normal household waste, dead chickens, unusable

intestines, blood, fat and chicken manure. The normal household waste is sorted and stored

on site into the different recyclables and then collected on site by an approved private waste

management company (Rent-A-Drum) from where it is taken to their recycling facility for

processing and disposed of at the approved waste disposal/landfill site. The dead chicken,

unusable intestines and chicken manure will be used in the biogas plant to produce energy

once the plant is constructed and in operation.

7. National Legislation

In accordance to the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 in GG 4878 of

6 February 2012) of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) the activities listed

below, which forms part of the planning, construction and operation of the project, may not

be undertaken without an Environmental Clearance:


- The construction of facilities for the refining of gas, oil and petroleum products;


- The storage and handling of dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid

petroleum gas or paraffin, in containers with a combined capacity of more than 30

cubic meters at any one location.

- Construction of filling stations or any other facility for the underground and

aboveground storage of dangerous goods, including petrol, diesel, liquid,

petroleum, gas or paraffin.

Other Acts, Policies and guidelines will also be consulted to ensure that the project is

constructed and operated in accordance with Namibian and International Legislation and


8. Purpose of the Environmental Assessment Project

The purpose of the Environmental Impact Assessment is to consider social, ecological, legal

and institutional issues related to the intended use of the land, guided by the principles and

stipulations of the Namibian Environmental Assessment Policy (1995) and Namibia’s

Environmental Management Act (2007), to determine the desirability of the proposed

activities on the suggested area and to develop an Environmental Management Plan (EMP)

to mitigate and manage environmental issues identified in the process.

In order to accomplish the above, the Impact study will be undertaken and based on the

outcome of the findings, further specialists’ investigation might be required to fully assess all


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9. Aims of the Impact Process

- To comply with Namibia’s Environmental Management Act (2007) and its regulations


- To ascertain existing environmental conditions on the site in order to determine its

environmental sensitivity;

- To inform I&APs and relevant authorities of the details of the proposed activities and

to provide them with an opportunity to raise issues and concerns;

- To assess the significance of issues and concerns raised;

- To compile an impact report detailing all identified issues and possible impacts,

stipulating the way forward and identify specialist investigations required;

- To outline management guidelines in an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to

minimize and/or mitigate potentially negative impacts.

10. Methodology

a) Desktop sensitivity assessment

Literature available on the area will be reviewed in order to determine potential

environmental issues and concerns.

b) Site assessment (site visit)

This involves investigating the environmental parameters on site in order to enable further

understanding of the potential impacts on site.

c) Impact process

Local stakeholders will be given the opportunity to comment on the proposed activities and

engage in the planning process. The findings of the assessment process will be

incorporated in the environmental impact assessment report.

11. Environmental and Planning Issues Identified

The following environmental, planning, construction and operational issues have been

identified as relevant to the proposed project and will be assessed:

- Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts

- Assessment of Labour and Working Conditions

- Assessment of Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention

- Assessment of Community Health, Safety, and Security Performance

- Assessment of Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living

Natural Resources Performance

- Assessment of Indigenous Peoples Performance

- Assessment of Cultural Heritage Issues

12. Public Involvement Program

As an important part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process you as stakeholder

or interested member of the public are invited to find out more about what is being proposed,

the implications thereof on the environment and/or to raise any issues or concerns.

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Should you have any questions regarding the project, please contact GREEN EARTH

Environmental Consultants at the contact details provided on Page 1 of this document.

The closing date for any questions, comments, inputs or information is 16 August 2019.

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13. Notice in Newspapers

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14. List of References

Bontempo, G.,, 2016. Biogas Safety First. Edited by Fachverband Biogas e.V., Dr. Claudius da Costa Gomez, by Krüger Druck + Verlag GmbH, Germany, November 2018. Lempert, G. 2019. Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd. Biogas, Power Generation and Fertilizer Production Plant. Namibia, Windhoek. June 2019. pp. 4 – 16. Wilken, D., Rauh, S.,, 2018. Digestate as Fertiliser. Edited by Fachverband Biogas e.V., Dr. Claudius da Costa Gomez, by Krüger Druck + Verlag GmbH, Germany, November 2018.