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    $han# you %or investing in Bac#lin# &lood. 'y ai is ta#e anyone (regardless o% their starting level)

    and give the the #no!ledge and tools they need to drive tons o% tra%%ic %ro the search engines

    (particularly *oogle) and start a#ing soe serious oney. "+ve tried to a#e this guide as easy to

    %ollo! as possible (there are doens o% screen shots %or absolutely everything) but "+ only huan so

    "+ sure "+ve essed up or not e-plained ysel% properly in places. "% at any point you+re le%t

    con%used or unsure ho! to proceed please get in touch !ith.

    Don+t %orget to loo# at the rest o% the Bac#lin# &lood pac#age. $he e-tra stu%% "+ve pac#aged together

    !ith it aren+t rubbish %reebies. "+ve included y Key!ord &lood guide, %or anyone !ho doesn+t #no!

    ho! to do #ey!ordcopetition research right (!hich is nearly everyone/). ou+ve also got t!o high

    uality pieces o% so%t!are (Key!ord &lood to help you do #ey!ord research about 1000 ties %aster

    than the anual alternative) and rticle &lood (to help you produce ore uniue content as %ast as


    3o !ithout %urther ado, let+s get started. $o your success/

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    Flood #1 Parasite Hosting

    Don+t let the nae %ool you. $his techniue isn+t illegal or ethically dubious in any !ay (althoughthere are ore dubious variants o% it). Parasite hosting gets its nae %ro the %act that you are

    putting your content on to other people+s sites and using the authority (and P4) o% their site to help

    you ran# %or the target #eyphrase. $he authority o% the doain also lets you convert lo! uality

    bac#lin#s into solid ran#ings !ithout having to !orry so uch about getting dropped %ro the 3E4P3

    (although it still happens so don+t beat yoursel% up i%!hen you lose soe o% these ran#ings).

    $his is the absolute %astest !ay to get started driving tra%%ic %ro 3E5 ethods and seeing results in

    the %or o% dollars, !hether it+s %ro a%%iliate sales, dsense or any other !ay you !ish to onetie

    that tra%%ic.

    So how does it work ...

    5nce you have done your #ey!ord research (3ee the copanion guide and so%t!are Key!ord &lood)

    and deterined the #eyphrases that you !ant to ran# %or you need to produce soe #ey!ord

    targeted content. $his is easy enough to do. Either !rite, or have !ritten, a 600 !ord article on the

    topic that includes your #eyphrase in the title and around %ive ties in the content so *oogle #no!s

    !hat your article is about.

    $hen publish the article to one o% the ost popular article directories. Einerticles is one o% the

    best %or getting ran#ings but they have stricter guidelines and ta#e longer to publish content.

    *orticles is ore lenient and tends to publish %aster so it+s probably the place to go. 7eb2.0 sitesli#e 3uidoo and 8ubpages are also good %or this but you+ll be using the %or other purposes in

    &lood 92 so stic# to high uality article directories %or no!.

    &or the lo!est copetition ters :ust publishing to a highly trusted site li#e this can be enough to

    get you in the top %e! pages o% *oogle+s results. "t+ll rarely put you on page one and pretty uch

    never the nuber one spot. $o get better spots in the ran#ings you+re going to need to build

    bac#lin#s to your page. 3o let+s ta#e a tie out to loo# at !hat bac#lin#s are and ho! to build the

    as uic#ly as possible. &or anyone already publishing and ran#ing soe aterial %eel %ree to s#i the

    ne-t section and pic# bac# up at the conclusion.

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    Anatomy of a Backlink

    3o no! you #no! the basics let+s ta#e a oent to analyse the anatoy o% bac#lin#s and see !hythey+re not all created eual.

    What does a Link Look Like?

    lin#, or anchor as its other!ise #no!n, is one o% the ost basic 8$'< entities. &or e-aple =

    >a hre%?@httpA!!!.**oogle>a

    7ill create a lin# to * !ith the te-t on the page displayed as *oogle.

    Anchor Text

    $he anchor te-t is !hatever !ords are displayed on the !ebpage %or a lin#. bac#lin# !ith the

    anchor te-t set to the #ey!ords a page is targeting is !orth %ar ore than one !ith any other te-t.

    7hen you are starting out you !on+t go %ar !rong i% you a#e your articles target a single #eyphrase

    that appears on the page ultiple ties, as !ell as in the title and as the anchor te-t %or every

    bac#lin# you get.

    $o illustrate ho! po!er%ul anchor te-t is do a *oogle search %or clic# here@ and you+ll see the

    nuber one result is dobe. $hey+ve never released a product called Clic# 8ere but illions o%

    pages all over the !eb have lin#ed to the using those !ords. 3o as a result they ran# highly %or it.

    Internal vs External Links

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    Do!ain A"thorit#

    $his goes hand in hand !ith Page 4an# but there are soe other %actors at !or# here. Doains gain

    authority as they age, gain bac#lin#s, contain ore and ore high uality content etc. lin# %ro an

    older doain !ith thousands o% bac#lin#s and tens o% thousands o% pages is !orth a lot ore than a

    lin# %ro a ne! doain !ith little content and no bac#lin#s.


    s !ell as the anchor te-t being iportant the overall relevancy o% the page and the doain the

    bac#lin# is on as a !hole is also iportant. "% you have t!o bac#lin#s !here all other %actors the

    sae e-cept one coes %ro a site closely related to your topic, that bac#lin# !ill be !orth ore

    than the other, o%% topic one.

    Don+t go overboard on this last point.

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    Where do Backlinks come from?

    Don+t !orry, this isn+t going to be an a!#!ard discussion about the birds and the bees. $his sectionis all about the siplest !ays to start getting bac#lin#s to your pages.

    $logs= &ind blogs, leave coents, gets bac#lin#s. 3iple. Fust don+t %orget to chec# to see i% the

    bac#lin#s are ar#ed as no%ollo!. "% so, don+t !aste your tie. 3tart !ith

    !!! a copletely %ree !ay to search %or blogs to coent on.

    For"!s= Post in %orus that allo! you to have lin#s in your signature. Fust don+t over do it and

    spa or your accounts !ill get deleted. lso, chec# out the pro%ile pages %or your account.

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    Whats Net

    Everyone al!ays as#s e, "% this is so e%%ective, !hy bother !ith anything elseL@ "t+s a gooduestion and pretty hard to ans!er. 7ith good #ey!ord and copetition research you should easily

    be able to get a decent incoe going :ust by driving the tra%%ic that results %ro this to a%%iliate

    products or siilar o%%ers.

    But this techniue isn+t the be all and end all o% 3E5. "t can be uite hit and iss. "t can ta#e a !hile

    to get your bac#lin#s inde-ed by *oogle (and it+s hard to #no! ho! any have been %ound since

    *oogle !on+t tell you speci%ics about ho! any you+ve got). nd this techniue certainly %alls apart

    !hen you+re trying to ran# your o!n site. ne! site, that isn+t trusted by *oogle !ill uic#ly be

    dropped %ro the 3E4Ps i% you build bac#lin#s in this %airly naive !ay.

    $he rest o% this guide %ocuses on ho! to speed this process up to a#e your bac#lin# building !or#

    ore e%%ective and ultiately earn you ore oney.

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    Flood #! " Authority Wheel

    $he %astest !ay to get inde-ed and boost your ran#ings is to have a load o% bac#lin#s pointing to your

    article %ro authority sites (!ith content about our topic) and that+s e-actly !hat !e+re going to give

    to *oogle. 7e+re going to build our o!n authority !heel using highly trusted !eb2.0 sites to lin#

    bac# to us so !e start o%% by loo#ing super authoritative to the Big */ 7hat+s ore by using the lin#

    !heel strategy !e greatly increase the chance o% *oogle %inding our authority bac#lin#s and it adds

    ran#ing po!er to each o% the lin#s in the process.

    Please note: The domains and pages used in this example are completely fictitious. Whenever Ive

    produced material like this in the past people have felt the need to screw up my example pages or

    just out right compete for the same terms. o for this guide Im providing examples !ut you wont

    find any real pages there. I also recommend picking your own keywords as every kid and his dog is

    going to think dog training is the niche to target.

    Now thats out of the way, lets get started

    Post your article to your blog, site or article directory. $a#e note o% your address that your content is

    located on. 5$ your ain doain %or this step. &or our e-aple it !ould loo# soething li#eA


    Nse all o% the techniues listed in the previous sections to lin# to your pageA

    httpA!!!.Dog$raining*uide.codogGbehaviorGprobles.htl !ith the anchor te-t, dog behavior


    o! !e+re going to start creating the ne-t step in our prootion blue print, our !heel o% authority

    that tells *oogle that this is the absolute best place to get in%oration about our topic.

    s !e go through each site, lin#ing it up to our authority !heel, "+ll also give you loads o% tips on ho!

    to add tons o% ran#ing po!er to these pages. 7hen %ollo!ing these steps " o%ten %ind " don+t :ust

    ran# highly in *oogle but absolutely doinate the !hole %irst page by thro!ing soe lin#s at the

    other sites as !ell.

    $his techniue !ill !or# !ith duplicate content or !ith inor re!rites but %or the best results try to

    post uniue content on to each o% the sites to iprove the chance that you+ll get ultiple high

    ran#ings in *oogle %or the sae aount o% !or#. Don+t %orget to chec# out rticle &lood (!hich you

    should+ve received !ith this guide) to help you do this.

    Don+t %orget to include a call to action at the botto o% your post encouraging visitors to coe to

    your ain page. $his is usually the best place to create your #ey!ord targeted bac#lin#. lthough

    these pages o%ten ran# highly in *oogle as !ell. 'a#e sure to chec# !hich !eb2.0 sites let you post

    direct a%%iliate lin#s as !ell. " !as going to provide a list here but it changes on a regular basis so "+a%raid this one is being le%t as an e-ercise %or the reader. 3orry.

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    i$e %ournal

    *o to!!!.

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    7hen you have posted an entry go to ie! Entry@ and you+ll see a convenient 433 logo %or you to

    get your :ournals+ 433 %eed %ro. Nse this !ith the 433 prootion techniues listed later and the

    433 directories listed in ppendi- E.

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    Hu& Pages

    *o to!!!.8ubPages.coand create a hub. Be !arned 8ub Pages tries to be help%ul@ !hen yousign up, o%%ering you !ays to %ind people and content you ight be interested in. Fust #eep clic#ing

    3#ip this step@ until you see the page saying Create a hub@.

    7hen you create your hub don+t %orget to include your #ey!ords in the address o% the page to give it

    a ran#ing boost and add relevancy. 5nce again lin# bac# to your ain page but this tie create a

    lin# to your Blogger blog.

    "+ sure you get the idea o% !here this is going by no! but #eep reading %or all o% the added bac#lin#

    and prootion opportunities that are available on these sites.

    Extra )"%Pages Pro!otion

    s !ith all the other sites you can create a bio lin# bac# to your ain page using your #ey!ords.

    7hen you vie! your hub there !ill be a 3ubscribe to QyourR 433 %eed@ on the right hand side.

    8ub Pages provides even ore than

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    *o to!!!.3uidoo.coand sign up %or an account. t 3uidoo you+ll be creating a

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    7e+ve already seen ho! to create posts in 7ordpress and grab the 433 %eed and it should coe asno surprise that you+ll be lin#ing to your ain page and your 3uidoo lens %ro your 7ordpress


    Word+ress Extra Pro!otion

    Don+t %orget to grab your 433 %eed %or the usual style o% prootion as described in the previous


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    Clic# on the

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    5nce you have done that don+t %orget to go bac# to your

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    Authority Wheel Final *houghts

    s !ith everything in this guide "+ not describing an e-act ethod. $he speci%ic sites used don+tatter (as long as they are highly trusted !eb2.0 style sites) nor does it atter e-actly !hat order

    you lin# the up in. $o get you started e-panding on this techniue "+ve provided a list o% !eb2.0

    style sites that are per%ect %or this in ppendi- B.

    Don+t %orget to apply all the in%oration in the rest o% this guide to your !eb2.0 site properties.

    3ocial boo#ar# the, subit their 433 %eeds or even get soe high pr bac#lin#s to the. $hey+ll

    naturally ran# very !ell on their o!n so !ith a bit o% help you+ll not only have your ain article in

    the top spot o% *oogle but several !eb2.0 pages on the %irst page as !ell.

    Fust in case your ind isn+t already over%lo!ing !ith !ays to iprove on this basic techniue here+sa list o% techniues you+ll !ant to try =

    dd ore sites %ro the list in ppendi- B.

    Create a second authority !heel using a spun article.

    Do ore cross lin#ing and create ore o% a esh than a !heel. (Fust don+t copletely

    interlin# it or they+ll all be ar#ed as reciprocal lin#s and get devalued)

    Proote your sites %urther by doing directory subissions (ppendi- D) %or all the sites that

    give you your o!n subdoain.

    Nse the 433 %eed !idgets on sites li#e 8ubPages and 3uidoo to syndicate content %ro your

    other sites %or even ore lin#s and constantly updating pages.

    Create lin# !heelschains out o% other bac#lin#s pages !here you can post ultiple lin#s on

    the sae page.

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    +a)id ink Indeing

    3o no! !e+ve seen the #ind o% lin# structures !e !ant to build the ne-t step in our 3E5 prootion isa#ing the as e%%ective as possible, as uic#ly as possible. our lin# !heel pages on high authority

    sites !ill naturally get inde-ed very %ast because o% the attention *oogle pays to those sites. But

    once you start creating lin#s to the using any o% the other techniues !e+ve discussed, the pages

    containing those lin#s are not going to get inde-ed any!here near as uic#ly and that liits ho!

    e%%ective they are. "% *oogle hasn+t %ound and inde-ed the, they+re not helping your ran#ings.

    $he ne-t thing !e need to do is alert *oogle to the e-istence o% all our lin#s. nd !e do that by

    building yet ore lin#s using services that *oogle pays a lot o% attention to. Chec# out ppendices C

    and E %or lists o% social boo#ar#ing sites and 433 directories that you can subit to. ot only !ill

    services li#e this get your bac#lin#s inde-ed really %ast but they+ll also increase the value o% thebac#lin#s. $hat eans you get higher ran#ings %aster.

    o! !e+ve covered the basics o% 4apid

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    Enter soe #ey!ord relevant te-t %or your post. Nse a P

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    t the very botto o% the page you+ll %ind a lin# called Entries (433)@. 4ight clic# on that and choose

    copy lin# location@ or copy shortcut@ depending on your bro!ser and you+ll have an 433 %eed

    containing lin#s to your ain site and your bac#lin# page.

    $his %eed can be used !ith all the 433 subission sites listed in Bac#lin# &lood %or tons ore bac#lin#

    :uice pushing your sites up the ran#ings.

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    Flood #. " Friend Feed

    &riend &eed is another great !ay to lin# up pages that don+t have 433 %eeds and create another %loodo% bac#lin#s to your pages.

    3igning up %or an account is easy. s al!ays don+t %orget you can use your *ail account to get

    ultiple %eeds to spread things out.

    5nce you have signed up and signed in loo# %or your nae (or pen

    nae in the top right hand corner and choose settings@.

    $hen choose "port a service@ on the enu screen that popsup.

    $hen choose 3ee all 6I services@ at the botto o% the service list.

    t the tie o% !riting, that+s all the services &riend &eed have listed but by the tie you read this

    there !ill probably be ore, they add the all the tie. By going through and lin#ing up your

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    accounts on the other services you+ll autoatically create a %eed o% everything you subit to the.

    $hat+s bac#lin#s (and uic#er inde-ing) %or all o% the.

    Don+t %orget !e need to get our &riend &eed page inde-ed as !ell and help build the lin# :uice it

    provides so as al!ays grab the 433 %eed and subit it every!here you can (ppendi- E). 5nce

    you+ve done that you can social boo#ar# your &riend &eed page to lots o% services (ppendi- C ).

    eview Ti!eBy this point in the guide y early proo% readers !ere a bit con%used as to !hat !e+re constructing

    !ith our use o% services li#e 433 aggregators, social boo#ar#ing sites and sites li#e &riend &eed.

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    Flood #/ " 0ahoo Pi)es

    $he purpose o% ahoo Pipes is to allo! you to ta#e %eeds %ro all over the "nternet and i- the upho!ever you li#e. "n our case !e don+t !ant to change the content but !e do !ant to ta#e a load o%

    %eeds and cobine the into a single super %eed (or i% you have TlotsT o% 433 %eeds a bunch o% super

    %eeds) so !e have to do a lot less subission !or#.

    "t+s di%%erent %ro the last t!o &loods because !e+re not creating 433 %eeds %or our bac#lin# pages

    this tie. Don+t %orget you can use the last t!o &loods !ith this one.

    ou+ll need to go to the ahoo Pipes+ hoepage and create a ahoo account i% you don+t already

    have one. $hen clic# on Create a Pipe@.

    &ro the sources enu on the le%t clic# on the S@ on &etch &eed@ to

    add the %eed odule to the page.

    Enter all o% your 433 %eeds by clic#ing the S@ ne-t to N4

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    5nce you have added all your %eeds to the

    bo- dra! a line %ro the blue circle at the

    botto o% the &etch &eed@ bo- to the top

    o% the Pipe 5utput@ bo-.

    Clic# 3ave@ (top right) and give your ne!

    %eed a nae.

    Clic# 4un Pipe@ (top iddle) and you+ll see

    the results.

    ou should see a giant %eed containing

    ites %ro all the %eeds you+ve added.

    5nce you have run your pipe choose *et as 433@ and you+ll have your super %eed ready %or

    subitting all over the !eb %or yet another %lood o% bac#lin#s to everything.

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    Flood # " Pinging +'' Feeds

    7hen " told you !e !ere going to do a lot o% stu%% !ith 433 %eeds " really eant it. $he ne-t step is

    to ping@ our updated 433 %eeds. $his alerts 433 directories, search engines and other !eb services

    that an update has occurred and causes the to coe chec# it out and see !hat !e+re up to. nd in

    the process, they+ll %ind all our lovely lin#s.

    $here are tons o% services to do this !ith but y %avourite is

    Enter the nae o% your Blog3ite along !ith the ain N4< %or it. $hen enter your 433 %eed N4< into

    the ;rdbo- do!n. Clic# on Chec# ll@ to a#e sure every service possible is updated.

    &inally clic# 3end Pings@ to let the !orld #no! you have stu%% to share !ith the.

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    Flood #2 3 Foot)rints

    5ne o% the best !ays to %lood your sites !ith bac#lin#s is to identi%y a particular type o% site or scriptthat runs sites and a !ay to %ind lots ore sites :ust li#e it. $his is called a %ootprint. 7hen !e #no!

    !hat the %ootprint loo#s li#e, !e can search *oogle %or it to %ind lots o% sites.

    "t+s a topic that+s hard to understand in abstract but really easy !hen you+ve got soe e-aples. 3o

    let+s start !ith the easiest %ootprint out there. ou !ant to %ind blogs you can coent on so !e

    search *oogle %or =

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    $o help you get started %inding sites you can e-ploit %or bac#lin#s "+ve listed soe o% the best

    %ootprints to e-plore. Don+t %orget to try cobining the and adding your #ey!ords.

    Finding Word+ressPo!ered by 7ordpress@

    inurlA!pGadin or inurlA!pGlogin

    $op Coenters@ or $op Coenter@

    Finding Dr"+al

    Po!ered by Drupal@

    inurlAnode or inurlAter or inurlAuser

    add ne! coent@ (particularly !hen cobined !ith the inurl options above)

    !hat is the %irst !ord in the phrase@ (again, good !hen cobined !ith inurlAnode) also !or#s !ith

    second, third, %ourth etc

    Finding Pligg

    Po!ered by Pligg@

    inurlA@Pligg beta@

    inurlAstory.php inanchorAupcoing

    allintitleAstore share and tag your %avorite lin#s

    Finding Directories

    $here are tons o% %ootprints %or %inding directories !ith. 3tart !ith one o% these !ords =

    dd, suggest, recoend, subit

    nd %ollo! it !ith an optional a@ or an@ and %inish !ith =

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    Flood #4 3 -ulti"e$el inking

    3o %ar all the lin# building !e+ve loo#ed at (and probably all you+ve done) has been single level. ou

    create a site, or a page on an article directory, and get bac#lin#s to it. 7hen you start applying the

    uthority 7heel techniue %ro &lood 91 you+ll create a second level o% lin#s but the logic is still

    uch the sae. ou create pages !ith bac#lin#s in an attept to get the to ran#. "t loo#s

    soething li#e this =

    "t+s a solid strategy and very e%%ective. "% the ters aren+t very copetitive you+ll uic#ly see several

    o% your authority !heel pages and your ain article ran#ing highly %or the ter in uestion.

    Nn%ortunately this #ind o% 3E5 strategy !on+t get you ran#ing %or ore copetitive ters and it

    certainly !on+t help you ran# your o!n doains that don+t carry the trust and authority o% the

    !eb2.0 properties and big article directories. "t also relies too heavily on the parasite hosting@

    e%%ect (see &lood 91), !hich is great %or lo! copetition ters but %ails out too uic#ly to producesolid ran#ings %or your ain sites.

    This is where !"lti-level linking co!es in ...

    'ultiGlevel lin#ing (also #no!n as lin# pyraids) relies on a %undaental la! o% lin# building 3E5 =

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    $he content at this level doesn+t have to be that great. ny old P

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    Signing /+Each ing site has slightly di%%erent reuired@ %ields during the sign up process but they are all very

    siilar. "+ going to !al# you through one e-aple, stepGbyGstep but the sae process !ill apply to

    any ing site you !ish to create an account on.

    3tep 1A &ind the 3ign Np@ lin# on the social net!or# hoe page. "t should also be available in the

    bar at the top.

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    3tep 2A &ill out the sign up %or. 4eeber you can reuse your *ail account over and over again

    by adding S1, S2 etc be%ore the Y sign.

    3tep ;A &ill out any other in%oration the net!or# reuires

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    Welco!e to 0o"r Page$his is our Page. our hoe on !hatever social net!or# you+ve signed up to. $he %ollo!ing

    chapters !ill e-plain e-actly ho! to get the bac#lin#s but let+s start !ith a suary o% !hat+s

    available to you.

    1. $he 'y Page@ tab lin#. Clic# it to return to this screen at any tie. 4eally use%ul !hen you

    start e-ploring all o% your bac#lin#ing options.

    2. %ree%or te-t bo- to tal# about anything you !ant. $his is the uic#est and easiest !ay to

    score bac#lin#s and a#e the page see ore relevant to your niche.

    ;. our photos, the descriptions o% !hich can contain bac#lin#s

    . our pro%ile ite enu. $hin# o% this li#e a bac#lin# bu%%et :ust !aiting %or you to eat it.

    6. 433 %eed. ou can ta#e an 433 %eed %ro any!here and it+ll appear as do %ollo! lin#s on your


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    The Text%ox$he uic#est and easiest !ay to get bac#lin#s %ro ing sites is to use the %ree %or te-t bo- they

    provide you !ith on your pro%ile.

    Clic# the edit button and you+ll be presented !ith the te-tbo- editor.

    'ost ing sites aren+t heavily oderated (especially the ones that already have hundreds or

    thousands o% ebers) but i% your pro%ile contains nothing but lin#s you+re as#ing to get it banned

    and !aste the tie and e%%ort you put into building it.

    Describe your interests@ and include the #ey!ords you+re targeting. 8ighlight your #ey!ords in the

    te-tbo- then clic# the lin# button (highlighted in red in the screen shot above) and %ill out the N4< %or

    your page.

    $here+s so any lin#s you can get %ro these sites that you don+t need to go cray !ith the te-tbo-

    lin#s. 8ighlight 2 or ; ters and a#e sure to include soe other te-t to tell *oogle !hat the page

    is about. $his a#es the bac#lin#s you+re getting !orth ore since they are ore relevant in

    *oogle+s eyes.

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    SS Feed$his is y %avourite bac#lin# source in the !hole guide since it+s probably the %astest and ost

    e%%icient !ay to get a bunch o% bac#lin#s %ro the site in one go.

    What is SS?

    "% you #no! !hat 433 is and !here to %ind your 433 %eed then you can s#ip this section and ove

    straight on to ho! to add it to the site.

    433 stands %or really siple syndication@ and it+s a !ay %or you to share your content across the

    "nternet. n 433 %eed is :ust a achine readable version o% your !ebsiteblogarticle listactivity

    list etc. $o see an e-aple you can go to$hat+s 3eth *odin+s

    blog) and in 433 %orathttpA%eeds.%eedburner.cotypepadsethsainblog(Don+t %orget to do a

    vie! source@ to see ho! they+re di%%erent).

    ou don+t need to #no! uch ore than that. 'odern 433 reading so%t!are (including the one

    used by ing) is sart enough to %ind the 433 %eed :ust by being told the nae o% a !ebsite so you

    don+t need to !orry about the technical details.

    Clic# the Edit@ or dd 433@ button to open the %ollo!ing editor.

    1. Enter your blog+s title ("t+s a good place to add ore #ey!ords to increase the page

    relevance but un%ortunately doesn+t get turned into a bac#lin#).

    2. Enter the N4< o% your 433 %eed (i% you+re unsure :ust your !ebsite address in here and ing

    !ill ta#e care o% the rest).

    ;. Change it to 3ho! 20 ites@, !e ay as !ell get the %ull lin# uota available.

    . Clic# save and you+re done.

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    $log PostsBlog posts are another %antastic source o% bac#lin#s %ro pages

    that you can a#e relevant to the topic that your site is about.

    Clic# Blog Posts@ and you+ll be presented !ith the dd a Blog

    Post@ screen.

    Enter any title you li#e then enter soe te-t into the blog post that

    !ill a#e the page ore relevant to your topic. "nclude your

    #ey!ords and use the lin# button to lin# the to your site.

    ou don+t need to enter any tags,

    they don+t help.

  • 8/13/2019 Backlink Flood.pdf


    Add Event$he events page gives you another %ree %or te-t %ield to get bac#lin#s

    %ro as !ell as a prede%ined !ebsite %ield %or you to %ill out.

    one o% the %ields on this page atter e-cept the %ree %or

    description and !ebsite but you have to put soething in there.

    'a#e the description soe relevant te-t and use the lin# button to

    a#e your #ey!ords a lin# bac# to your site.

    Clic# dd Event@ and you+re done.



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    Photosing provides t!o !ays to upload photos. $hey have an advanced@ one to use by de%ault but it

    never sees to !or# right. "% you can get it !or#ing %or you, that+s great but personally " al!ays :ust

    clic# on 4eturn to our siple uploader@ because it !or#s/

    Nse *oogle iage search ( to uic#ly %ind photos related to the social

    net!or# you+re on then upload the.

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    5nce you+ve uploaded the photos you+ll be presented !ith the edit photo screen.

    $his is the %un part. $he description bo- accepts 8$'< so, as !ell as !riting soe relevant content

    to iprove the value o% the lin# you can add a standard anchor tag to get yoursel% a bac#lin#.

    >a hre%?@httpA!!!.our3ite.coyourZpage.htl@our Key!ords>a

    Clic# save and you+re done.

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    Photo Al%"!sot only to photos get you bac#lin#s but putting the into albus does as !ell.

    3iply give the albu a nae, drag a couple o% photos %ro the le%t bo- into the right and enter

    your description including your #ey!ords as a lin# in 8$'a hre%?@httpA!!!.our3ite.coyourZpage.htl@our Key!ords>a

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    1ideos"% you+ve got relevant videos to upload then %eel %ree but it+s %ar uic#er and easier to share stu%%

    %ro ou $ube. 3iply clic# the dd ideo@ lin# in the right hand colun under the ou$ube logo.

    *o tohttpA!!!.youtube.coand %ind a video that+s related to the social net!or# topic. $hen

    copy the ebed@ code highlighted in the screen shot belo!.

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    Paste the ebed code into the te-t bo- as sho!n in the screen shot belo! and clic# dd ideo@.

    dd a title, a description (including your lin# in standard 8$'< %orat) then clic# save.

    >a hre%?@httpA!!!.our3ite.coyourZpage.htl@our Key!ords>a

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    ,o!!entsou can coent on absolutely everything on ing sites and include lin#s in those coents.

    Posting spa coents !ith lots o% lin#s is the %astest !ay to get your accounts banned (and your

    lin#s deleted). "% you+re going to post coents that aren+t 100V relevant, and even i% you do but

    you have an o%% topic lin# in there, sign up for a new account. "t+s so uic# to do that it+s :ust not

    !orth getting your ain lin# account banned %or the sa#e o% soe coent lin#s.

    "t really is as siple as going to any pro%ile, iage or video on the site, !riting a coent, a#ing a

    lin# !ith the lin# button and clic# dd Coent@.

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    ,reate #o"r own Social Network"n the unli#ely event you anage to e-haust the bac#lin#ing potential o% all the e-isting sites, !ant

    to test soething out or :ust !ant to get over the top spay !ith absolute sa%ety because youre

    the moderator...

    ing o%%ers you the ability to create your o!n social net!or#.

    7hen you choose a nae and !eb address %or your social net!or# a#e sure you use the #ey!ords

    you+re targeting. $hese !ill appear in the doain, titles and headings all over the site so don+t !aste

    that e-tra 3E5 boost using the #ey!ords !ill give you.

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    3igning up to create your social net!or# is :ust a %e! %ields and a captcha. Don+t %orget you can use

    your *ail account to create separate accounts %or everything you do on ing by adding S1, S2 etc

    to the end o% your eail address.

    eri%y your eail address.

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    Describe your social net!or#. 4eeber to a#e these %ields nice and #ey!ord heavy. $his stu%% is

    never getting oderated so you can go pretty nutty.

    dd %eatures to your social net!or#. "+ve e-periented !ith the additional %eatures you can add but

    there+s so uch lin# potential in the de%ault setup that it+s probably not !orth bothering !ith.

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    $he %inal screen propts you to choose a thee. Change it i% you !ant but it doesn+t a#e any

    di%%erence to the 3E5 value o% your lin#s.


  • 8/13/2019 Backlink Flood.pdf


    'a#e sure it is set to Public@ and Everything@ so everyone can vie! everything. "% you+d li#e to

    prevent other people %ro creating accounts on your net!or# then clic# the pprove ne!

    ebers be%ore they can :oin@ chec#bo-.

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    Nings +'' Feeds and Aggregating them

    ing provides an 433 %eed %or :ust about everything on its social net!or#s.

  • 8/13/2019 Backlink Flood.pdf


    5n 'y ideos@

    4ight clic# on the 433 sybol (as highlighted in the screen shots above) and choose copy lin#

    location@ or copy shortcut@ depending on your !eb bro!ser o% choice.

    $hen subit it to a bunch o% 433 directories (ppendi- E) and your pages !ill get a lin# :uice@ boost%ro having bac#lin#s theselves and *oogle is ore li#ely to %ind the, inde- the and bup your

    ain site as a result.

    7hat+s even better is a lot o% 433 directories !ill display the contents o% your 433 %eed, !hich !ill

    include the lin#s you+ve created. 3o you not only get your bac#lin#s inde-ed but you get ore lin#s

    to your ain site as !ell/

    &or each directory you !ill need to add the N4< o% your 433 %eed (that you :ust copied) and

    soeties provide a brie% description or category. $ry to a#e these #ey!ord relevant to your site

    so all the bac#lin#s score as highly as possible.

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    Ning 'ocial Bookmarking

    s !ell as providing you !ith tons o% 433 %eeds to syndicate ing have also built in several socialboo#ar#ing services. lthough this !on+t copete !ith using the %ull range o% services listed in

    ppendi- C it provides a %ast !as to get soe initial boo#ar#s to your pages.

  • 8/13/2019 Backlink Flood.pdf



    5ne o% the biggest probles everyone %aces is #no!ing !here to start. o doubt you have a ton o%ideas %or things you !ant to try but you also have a illion uestions and !hat i%@ scenarios. $he

    ost iportant thing you can do no! is start. Do soething. nything.

    &ind yoursel% a product you !ant to proote on!!!.Clic#ban#.coand %ollo! the steps in

    Key!ord &lood to %ind the easiest #ey!ords to target. 7rite ten articles targeting the lo!est

    hanging %ruit you %ind and drive people straight to the sales page. Build an authority !heel %or each

    article and go bac#lin# ad on all the article and authority !heel pages. Bac#lin# everything.

    $hat should #eep you going %or your %irst couple o% !ee#s !hile you get used to ho! everything

    !or#s. By the end o% those t!o !ee#s you+ll start to see tra%%ic %lo!ing through the search engines,to your articles and out to the sales page.

    Don+t stop. Don+t !ait to see !hat happens, then !onder !hy nothing did. &ind the articles that

    responded best and bac#lin# the ore to ran# the higher. &ind the articles that responded less

    !ell and bac#lin# the ore to get the responding and ran#ing.

    $arget a ne! product. 7rite ne! articles. 'a#e ne! authority !heels and go on another

    bac#lin#ing spree.

  • 8/13/2019 Backlink Flood.pdf


    A))endi A 3 Article 7irectories

    $hese are the top OO article directories by Page 4an# on the !eb at the tie o% !riting and all o%the provide a do %ollo! bac#lin#.



    3ite Page



    httpA!!! ;

    httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    httpA!!!.!ebprone! ; httpA!!!

    6 httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    6 httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

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    httpA!!! ; httpA!!!.articles! httpAbiG! ; httpA!!!

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    httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    ; httpA!!! ;

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    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!.article!

    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

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    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    ; httpA!!!.1article! ; httpA!!!

    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    ; httpA!!! ;

    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!; httpA!!! ; httpAarticlesontap.!s

    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    ; httpA!!!

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    A))endi B 3 We&!89 'ites

    ll o% these sites have high P4, respond incredibly !ell to lo! uality bac#lin#s and allo! you to postyour o!n content to tailor the pages on the. Per%ect %or authority !heels and doinating the

    entire %irst page o% *oogle.

    P4 3ite





  • 8/13/2019 Backlink Flood.pdf


    A))endi 6 3 'ocial Bookmarking 'ites

    ll o% these social boo#ar#ing sites provide Do &ollo! lin#s to your sites.

    Page 4an# 3ite Page 4an# 3ite

    I httpA!!! I httpA!!!

    I httpA!!! I httpA!!!

    M httpA!!! M

    M httpA!!! httpA!!!.#!

    6 httpA!!! 6 httpA!!!!

    6 httpA!!! 6 httpA!

    6 httpA!!! 6 httpA!!!.plie.co6 httpA!!! 6 httpA!!!

    6 httpA!!! 6

    6 httpA!!! 6 httpA!!! httpA!!!.a1G!


    httpA!!! httpA!!!

    httpA! httpA!!! httpA!!!.do%ollo! ; httpA!!!

    ; httpA!!!.! ; httpA!!!.th;; httpA!!! ; httpAne!

    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

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    ; httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    2 httpA!!! 2 httpA!!!

    2 2

    2 httpA!!! 2 httpA!!!

    2 httpA!!! 2 httpA!!!

    2 2 httpA!!!

    2 httpA!!!

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    A))endi 7 3 7irectories

    P4 3ite P4 3iteI httpA!!!

    I httpA!!! httpA!!!

    M httpA!!!.! httpA!!!

    M httpA!!!

    httpA!!! httpA!!!

    httpA!!!.incra! httpA!!!.!

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    httpA!!! ; httpA!!!.seoG!

    6 httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

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    6 httpA!!!.12;! ; httpA!!!

    6 httpA!!!.internetG! ; httpA!!!.!eb10.!s

    6 httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

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    6 httpA!!! ; httpA!!!.e!

    6 httpA!!! ; httpA!!!.sporge.co6 httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

    6 httpA!!! ; httpA!!!.#a!

    6 httpA!!! ; httpA!!!.directoryG!

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    httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

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    httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

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    httpA!!! ; httpA!!!

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    httpA!!!.! ; httpA!!!.!

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    A))endi : 3 +'' 7irectories






































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