bake my day presentation

Bake My Day Audience Research Analysis

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Bake my day presentation

Bake My Day Audience Research Analysis

Page 2: Bake my day presentation

1) What is your age?

Most people who filled out this questionnaire are 41-50, this means that we will have biased results, however we must still make our documentary appeal to our whole target audience, so may go against some of the results when making decisions about our documentary.





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2) What is your gender?

Most of the people who filled out the questionnaire are female, which means we will have biased results again, so we must try to make our documentary as unbiased as possible by going against some of our results when it comes to male and female bakers.



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3) What is your prefered colour?

Most of the target audience said that blue was their prefered colour and white was their least prefered, so in order to attract the target audience to our documentary we will try to include lots of blue wherever possible e.g. graphics and use as little white as possible, in order to please their eye and keep them watching.





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4) Which genre of music do you prefer?

The target audience said that pop music was their prefered genre of music, so in order to please the target audience we will find a piece of pop music which is fitting for a baking documentary and have that as the non-diegetic background sound, this will please the audiences ears and keep them watching for longer.



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5) What TV Channel do you watch the most?

Most of the target audience said that they mostly watch Channel 4 over ITV and BBC, so we will make sure that our documentary is aired on Channel 4 in order to get the most views and to make sure our target audience doesn’t miss it.




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6) When do you watch TV?

Clearly most of our target audience said that they watch TV between the times of 8.30pm - 9.30pm, in this case we will make sure that our documentary is scheduled for this time slot so that we get the most amount of people watching as possible.




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7) How often do you bake?

Other:• Rarely (2)• Never (3)• Weekly or more often bread • Less than once a month (2)• Twice a week • Once a week

41.18% of people said that they bake once a month and 11.76% said that they bake three times a month, this is a very varied result as we can see that a small percentage bake all the time and maybe bake as a profession, whereas the majority just bake frequently as a fun hobby, so in order to cater to all of our target audience as a whole, we will try to interview simple, home bakers who bake for fun, and professionals who maybe bake on a larger scale e.g. in cafes and supermarkets. This means we can also use these statistics in the voice over in our documentary.





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8) What is your favourite thing to bake ?

We can see from the results that most people's favourite thing to bake is traditional cakes as it gained the most votes at 59% of the votes as a whole for this question. We will use this research as now we will have a section on traditional baking so that we can gain a greater interest within the viewers of the documentary as we can talk more about traditional baking as more of our targeted audience will be wanting to here about more traditional baking.

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9) Do you watch baking programmes ?

We can see from the results shown on the pie chart that more people do watch baking programmes than people who don’t as we have a choice of yes at 68% of all votes for the question as a whole this shows that the documentary itself should be popular as most of the people that have filled out the survey do bake. We will be able to use this research as it will mean that the idea for a baking documentary will hit more of our targeted audience as they are already interested in programmes that have a link to baking and so they will most likely be interested in the documentary that we are making which is about baking.

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10) Would you prefer a male of female voice over in a documentary ?

We can see that most of our audience research for this question has said that they would prefer a female voice over rather than a male voice over within the documentary as the female option had the highest number of votes at 61% of all the votes for the question, however these results are stereotypical as most of the people who have filled out the questionnaire are female so they will definitely want a female voice over . We will be able to use this knowledge as we can now place a female voice over within the documentary as more of our targeted audience would prefer a female voice over within the documentary and so if we place a female voice over in the documentary then it will mean that we are answering what the audience want within the documentary.

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11) Do you prefer buying or making cakes

We can see from the audience research that we have done that more of our targeted audience would prefer to bake their cakes rather than buying them as our viewers have chosen this option through 65% of the votes this means that we will have a section about making your own cakes to comparison with the cakes that people buy. We can use this information as we can focus more on baked goods that have been made from scratch rather than buying our own cakes which will link to the preference of the targeted audience as most of them would prefer to make their own bakes.

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12) How much would you pay for a cake ?We can see from the audience research that most people would pay £3 - £4 for a cake as they have voted with 41% of the votes this means that we will compare the quality of the cakes that you buy for £3 - £4 to cakes that cost less than that price. We can use this information as we can compare how much people would pay for the cake compared to how much super markets and bakeries are charging for their own branded cakes and see how that affects the interest of people who buy cakes and people who would bake their own.

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13) Do you prefer sweet or savoury bakes ?

We can see from the audience research that we have taken that most people would rather make/buy sweet bakes with 81% of the votes for this question this means that we will have a section on sweet bakes that people would enjoy. We can use this information we can now focus on sweet cakes rather than savoury cakes as more of our targeted audience prefer sweet cakes and so we should focus more on the different types of sweet bakes.

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14) Do you prefer traditional or patisserie baking ?

From this audience research that we have taken it is shown that more people prefer traditional types of baking compared to patisserie baking as the traditional option got 68% of the votes for this question. We can use this information as we can look at more traditional types of baking such as large scale cakes or brownies as then we are hitting the needs of the targeted audience as we will be talking about their preferred type of baking which is traditional baking.

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We can see from this pie chart that 70.59 of people said that the first thing they had baked was fairy cakes, we can use this and talk more about fairy cakes in our documentary as this is what people are familiar with baking.

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- All of the above (2) - Can control what

goes into your bakes.

From this pie chart we can see that 45.95% of audience bake for fun rather than, the cost, health reasons, dietary requirements. This means in our documentary we will feature baking as a hobby but also talk about the other results as we want to appeal to the whole target audience.

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If we were to conduct an interview at a major bakery shop we should try and use waterfields as a point of interest as 71.88% of people are most likely to eat there rather than the other two as only 1.4% said pound bakery and only 18.75% choose Greggs.

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In this question again the majority of people have said that they bake for fun (63.64%) which means that we should focus on baking as a hobby and a thing people do in their spare time as the audience of our documentary will relate to this most. We will also include the other reasons for baking in order to appeal to our whole audience.

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This pie chart shows that 51.35% of people prefer baking alone and 48.65% of people prefer baking with other people, as these results are so close we will include sections showing people baking alone and with other people to appeal to the whole target audience.

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We have learned from the audience research that we have carried out that more people do not have a traditional family recipe with a percentage of 56.76%. We can use this information within our documentary as we can make sure that we have a smaller section about traditional family recipes as the majority of our target audience may not relate as strongly to this section but we would like to relate the whole target audience.

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In the pie chart 72.22% of people have said they prefered home baking and 27.78%said they preferred buying home baked items. We can use the statistic that more people prefer home baking in our documentary.

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A large majority (81.08%) of people that answered our questionnaire said that they were happy to pay more for home baked items. We will use this as a statistic in our documentary and talk about the expenses of both home baking and buying items to create a home bake.