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Band Of Brothers eez Nuts ft. Sam Carter

Upload: alicebaker

Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Band Of Brothers

Deez Nuts ft. Sam Carter

• The denotation of the video is a group of young male adults going out, drinking and doing drugs

• This is a negative representation of young male adults, although it is only a minority of the young male adults that behave like that

• It puts a label on all male teenagers and young male adults as being rowdy, binge drinkers and drug takers

• The connotations of the video is an incorrect representation of all young adults, especially alternative looking ones, because the only ones shown in the video are alternative looking, so it especially effects one specific smaller group in the larger, more general group

• The black and white theme generally represents plain and simple, nothing out of the ordinary, so it shows that what they are doing in the video is a norm for them

• The fact that most of the men in the video are also very heavily tattooed would give out a bad message to older generations because of stereotypes and how they would judge them as a bad group