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    McGraw-Hill 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.McGraw-Hill 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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    8 OrganizationStructure

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    Fundamentals Of Organizing

    Organization chart

    depicts the positions in the firm and how they are arranged

    provides a picture of the reporting structure

    conveys the following information the boxes represent different work

    the titles in the boxes represent the work performed by each unit

    reporting and authority relationships indicated by solid lines

    showing superior-subordinate connections

    levels of management indicated by the number of horizontal

    layers in the chart

    all persons or units that are on the same rank and report to the

    same person are on one level

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    Personnel Finance

    Manufacturing Sales

    Personnel Finance

    Manufacturing Sales

    Finance R&D Marketing Personnel






    Conventional Organization Chart

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    8 - 4

    Fundamentals Of Organizing (cont.)


    means that the organization is comprised of many different

    units that work on different kinds of tasks

    aspect of the organizations internal environment division of labor- assignment of different tasks to different

    people or groups

    specialization- process in which different individuals and units

    perform different tasks

    differentiation is high when there are many subunits and many

    kinds of specialists who think differently

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    The Vertical Structure

    Corporate governance

    role of a corporations executive staff and board of directors in

    ensuring that the firms activities meet the goals of the firms


    Authority in organizations

    authority- the legitimate right to make decisions and to tell

    other people what to do

    resides in positionsrather than people in private business enterprises, owners have ultimate authority

    traditionally authority has been the primary means of running an


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    Authority in organizations (cont.)

    board of directors- elected by the stockholders to run the


    led by a chair

    performs three functions

    selecting, assessing, rewarding, and perhaps replacing the CEO

    determining the firms strategic direction and reviewing financial


    assuring ethical, socially responsible, and legal conduct inside directors- the firms top managers who sit on the board

    outside directors - are likely run other companies

    successful boards tend to be active, critical participants in

    determining company strategies

    The Vertical Structure (cont.)

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    The Vertical Structure (cont.)

    Hierarchical levels

    hierarchy- the authority levels of the organizational


    top management - strategic managers in charge of the entire


    middle management - in charge of plants or departments

    lowest levels - made up of lower management and workers

    called the operational levelof the organization

    trend in the U.S. is to reduce the number of hierarchicallayers

    subunits- subdivisions of an organization

    subunits with fewer layers have higher operating efficiency

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    The Vertical Structure (cont.)

    Span of control the number of subordinates who report directly to a manager

    narrow spans produce tall organizations

    wide spans produce flat organizations

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    The Vertical Structure (cont.)

    Delegation assignment of authority and responsibility to a subordinate

    can occur between any two individuals in any type of

    structure with regard to any task

    responsibility - assignment of a task that an employee is

    supposed to carry out

    should delegate enough authority to complete the task

    accountability- expectation that employees perform a job,

    take corrective action when necessary, and report upward on

    the status and quality of their performance

    managers remain responsible and accountable for their own

    actions and those of their subordinates

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    The Vertical Structure (cont.)

    Delegation (cont.)

    advantages of delegation

    permits getting work done through others

    manager saves time

    manager frees herself/himself to devote energy to other

    important, higher-level activities

    provides subordinates with more important jobs

    provides subordinates with the opportunity to develop new skills

    and to demonstrate potential

    from the organizations perspective, jobs are done more

    efficiently and cost-effectively

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    Schedule checkpoints for

    reviewing progress

    Follow through by discussing

    progress at appropriate intervals

    Give the subordinate the authority, time, and resources

    (people, money,equipment) to perform the assignment

    Define the goal succinctly

    Select the person for the task

    Solicit the subordinates viewabout suggested approaches

    Steps In Effective Delegation

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    The Vertical Structure (cont.)


    result of the delegation of responsibility and authority

    centralized organization- high-level executives make most

    decisions and pass them down to lower levels for implementation

    decentralized organization- lower-level managers make

    important decisions

    ideally, decision making should occur at the level of the

    people who are most directly affected and have the most

    intimate knowledge about the problem

    most U.S. executives understand the importance of decentralizing

    decision making to the point of the action

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    The Horizontal Structure

    Basic concepts

    departmentalization- subdividing the organization into

    smaller subunits

    l ine departments- have responsibility for the principle activities

    of the firm

    deal directly with the organizations primary goods and services

    line managers typically have:

    substantial authority and power

    ultimate responsibility for major operating decisions accountability for bottom-line results

    staff departments- provide specialized support for line units

    moving toward a role focused on strategic support and expert advice

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    The Horizontal Structure (cont.)

    Functional organization

    jobs (and departments) are specialized and grouped according

    to business functionsand the skills they require

    e.g., production, marketing, R&D, human resources, and finance

    at the most basic level, functional structure is organized

    around the companys value chain

    value chain- sequence of activities that flow from raw materials

    to the delivery of a product or service

    common in both large and small organizations

    may be most appropriate in rather simple, stable environments

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    Functional organization (cont.)

    advantages of functional structure include:

    economies of scalecan be realized

    effective environmental moni tor ing

    performance standardsare better maintained

    greater opportunity for special ized trainingand in-depth ski l l


    technical specialists are relatively free of administrative work

    decision makingand l ines of communicationare simple and

    clearly understood

    The Horizontal Structure (cont.)

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    The Horizontal Structure (cont.)

    Functional organization (cont.) disadvantages of functional structure

    people may care more about their own function than about the

    company as a whole

    may lose focus on overall product quality and customersatisfaction

    managers do not develop knowledge of the other areas of the


    become specialists, not generalists conflicts arise among functions and communications suffer


    high differentiation may create barriers to coordination across


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    and salesService


    Line departments

    Staff departments

    Functional Structure





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    The Horizontal Structure (cont.)

    Divisional organization

    units grouped around products, customers, or geographic


    groups all functions into a single division

    duplicates each function across all of the divisions

    separate divisions may act almost as separate businesses

    work autonomously to achieve the goals of the organization

    several ways to create divisional structure

    8 - 21Examples Of Functional And

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    Examples Of Functional And

    Divisional Organizations

    A central purchasing department

    Separate companywide marketing,

    production, design, and

    engineering departments

    A central-city health department

    Plantwide inspection, maintenance,

    and supply departments

    A university statistics department

    teaches statistics for the entire


    Each division has its own purchasing unit

    Each product group has experts in

    marketing, design, production, and


    The school district and the prison have

    their own health units

    Production Team Y does its own

    inspection, maintenance, and supply

    Each department hires statisticians to

    teach its own students

    Functional organization Divisional organization

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    h i l S ( )

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    Divisional organization (cont.) product divisions- all functions that contribute to a given

    product are organized under one manager


    inf ormation needs are managed more easily

    people have ful l -time commitment to a parti cular product l ine

    task responsibil i ties are clear

    people receive broader training

    flexibility of structure better suits it for unstable environments disadvantages

    difficult to coordinate across product lines

    managers may not acquire depth of functional knowledge

    duplication of effort is expensive

    The Horizontal Structure (cont.)

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    Th H i l S ( )

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    The Horizontal Structure (cont.) Divisional organization (cont.)

    customer and geographical divisions

    build divisions around customer or geographical distinctions


    can focus on customer needs

    can provide faster and better service


    duplication of activities across many customer groups and

    geographic areas is expensive

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    G hi l O i ti

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    Generalmanagers for:

    New York



    Generalmanagers for:



    St. Louis

    Generalmanagers for:




    Generalmanagers for:


    San Francisco

    Los Angeles

    Generalmanagers for:















    Geographical Organization

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    Th H i t l St t ( t )

  • 8/12/2019 Bands Chap 08


    McGraw-Hill 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.McGraw-Hill 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The Horizontal Structure (cont.)

    Matrix organization

    hybrid form of organization in which functional and divisional

    forms overlap

    have dual reporting relationships in which some managers

    report to two superiors rather than a single line of command


    higher degree of flexibility and adaptability

    disadvantages violation of the uni ty of command principle

    reporting to two superiors can create confusion

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    M t i O i ti l St t

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    Matrix Organizational Structure



























    Engineering PersonnelFunctional


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    Th H i t l St t ( t )

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    The Horizontal Structure (cont.)

    Matrix organization (cont.)

    matrix survival ski l ls

    problems can be avoided if behavioral skills are learned

    particular skills needed depend on position in the matrix

    the matrix diamond illustrates needed skills

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    The Horizontal Structure (cont )

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    The Horizontal Structure (cont.)

    Matrix organization (cont.)

    matrix form today- resurgence based on:

    pressures to consolidate costs and be faster to market

    need for better coordination across functions in the business

    need for coordination across countries in global business

    understanding of the matrix has increased

    matrix is not a structure, but a process

    relationships allow information to flow through the organization

    norms, values, and attitudes shape how people think

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    Williamsons Structures

    Functional or U-form (Unitary) Design

    Organizational members and units are grouped into

    functional departments such as marketing and production

    Coordination is required across all departments

    Design approach resembles functional departmentalization in

    its advantages and disadvantages

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    Williamsons StructuresU-Form

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    Williamsons Structures

    Conglomerate or H-form (Holding) Design

    Organization consists of a set of unrelated businesses with a

    general manager for each business

    Holding-company design is similar to product


    Coordination is based on the allocation of resources across

    companies in the portfolio

    Design has produced only average to weak financial

    performance; has been abandoned for other approaches

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    Willi S

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    Williamsons StructuresH-Form

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    Williamsons Structures

    Divisional or M-form (Multidivisional) Design An organizational arrangement based on multiple businesses in

    related areas operating within a larger organizational framework

    The design results from a strategy of related diversification

    Some activities are extremely decentralized down to the divisionallevel; others are centralized at the corporate level

    The largest advantages of the M-form design are the opportunities

    for coordination and sharing of resources

    Successful M-form organizations can out perform U-form and H-form organizations

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    Willi St t

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    Williamsons StructuresM-Form

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    Davis and Lawrence

    Matrix Design An organizational arrangement based on two overlapping bases of

    departmentalization (e.g., functional departments and productcategories)

    A set of product groups or temporary departments aresuperimposed across the functional departments

    Employees in the resulting matrix are members of both theirdepartments and a project team under a project manager

    The matrix creates a multiple command structurein which an

    employee reports to both departmental and project managers A matrix design is useful when

    There is strong environmental pressure

    There are large amounts of information to be processed

    There is pressure for shared resources

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    Davis and Lawrence

    Matrix Design Advantages Enhances organizational flexibility

    Involvement creates high motivation and increased

    organizational commitment

    Team members have the opportunity to learn new skills

    Provides an efficient way for the organization to use its

    human resources

    Team members serve as bridges to their departments for theteam

    Useful as a vehicle for decentralization

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    Davis and Lawrence

    Matrix Design Disadvantages Employees are uncertain about reporting relationships

    Managers may view design as an anarchy in which they have

    unlimited freedom

    The dynamics of group behavior may lead to slower decision

    making, one-person domination, compromise decisions, or a

    loss of focus

    More time may be required for coordinating task-related


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    Hammer and Stanton

    Hybrid Designs An organizational arrangement based on two or more

    common forms of organization design

    An organization may have a mixture of related divisions and

    a single unrelated division

    Most organizations use a modified form of organization

    design that permits it to have sufficient flexibility to make

    adjustments for strategic purposes

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    McGraw-Hill 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.McGraw-Hill 2003 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Mintzbergs Structures

    Key Part of Organization Strategic apex- Top management and its support staff

    Technostructure- Analysts such as industrial engineers,

    accountants, planners, and human resource managers

    Operating core- Workers who actually carry out the organizationstasks

    Middle line- Middle and lower-level management

    Support staff- Units that provide support to the organization outside

    of the operating workflow (for example, legal counsel, executivedining room staff, and consultants)

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    Mintzbergs Structures

    Types of Decentralization Vertical and horizontal centralization

    Limited horizontal decentralization

    Vertical and horizontal decentralization Limited vertical decentralization

    Selective decentralization

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    Mintzbergs Structures

    The Simple StructureThe simple structureuses direct supervision as its primary coordinating

    mechanism, has as its most important part its strategic apex, and employs

    vertical and horizontal centralization. Relatively small corporations controlled

    by aggressive entrepreneurs, new government departments, and medium-sized

    retail stores are all likely to exhibit a simple structure. These organizations tendto be relatively young. The CEO (often the owner) retains much of the

    decision-making power. The organization is relatively flat and does not

    emphasize specialization. Many smaller U-form organizations are structured in

    this fashion. Trilogy Software would be an example of a firm using this


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    Mintzbergs Structures

    The Machine BureaucracyThe machine bureaucracyuses standardization of work processes as its prime

    coordinating mechanism; the technostructure is its most important part; and

    limited horizontal decentralization is established. The machine bureaucracy is

    quite similar to Burns and Stalkers mechanistic design discussed in Chapter 12

    of GriffinsManagement, Seventh Edition. Examples include McDonalds andmost large branches of the U.S. government. This kind of organization is

    generally mature in age, and its environment is usually stable and predictable.

    A high level of task specialization and a rigid pattern of authority are also

    typical. Spans of management are likely to be narrow, and the organization is

    usually tall. Large U-form organizations are also likely to fall into thiscategory.

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    Mintzbergs Structures

    The Professional BureaucracyThe third form of organization design suggested by Mintzberg is the professional

    bureaucracy. Examples of this form of organization include universities,

    general hospitals, and public accounting firms. The professional bureaucracy

    uses standardization of skills as its prime coordinating mechanism, has the

    operating core as its most important part, and practices both vertical andhorizontal decentralization. It has relatively few middle managers. Further, like

    some staff managers, its members tend to identify more with their professions

    than with the organization. Coordination problems are common.

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    Mintzbergs Structures

    The Divisionalized FormThe divisionalized form, Mintzbergs fourth design, exhibits standardization of

    output as its prime coordinating mechanism, the middle line as its most

    important part, and limited vertical decentralization. This design is the same as

    both the H-form and the M-form described earlier. Limited and Disney are

    illustrative of this approach. Power is generally decentralized down to middlemanagementbut no further. Hence each division itself is relatively

    centralized and tends to structure itself as a machine bureaucracy. As might be

    expected, the primary reason for an organization to adopt this kind of design is

    market diversity.

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    Mintzbergs Structures

    The AdhocracyThe adhocracyuses mutual adjustment as a means of coordination, has at its most important

    part the support staff, and maintains selective patterns of decentralization. Most

    organizations that use a fully-developed matrix design are adhocracies. An adhocracy

    avoids specialization, formality, and unit of command. Even the term itself, derived from

    ad hoc, suggests a lack of formality. Sun Microsystems is an excellent example of an


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    Mintzbergs Structures

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    Mintzbergs Structures

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    Organizational Integration

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    Coordination by standardization standardization- establishing common rules and procedures

    that apply uniformly to everyone

    constrains actions

    integrates various units by regulating what people do

    formalization- reliance on rules and regulations to govern

    how people interact

    should apply to most (if not all) situations

    most appropriate in relatively stable and unchanging situations

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    Organization Integration (cont.)

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    Coordination by plan interdependent units are required to meet deadlines and

    objectives that contribute to a common goal

    does not require a high degree of stability and routinization

    units free to modify their actions as long as they are able to meet

    deadlines and targets required for working with others

    Coordination by mutual adjustment

    involves feedback and discussion to jointly determine how to

    approach problems and devise mutually agreeable solutions

    allows for flexible coordination to deal with novel problems

    costly from the standpoint of time

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    Organization Integration (cont.)

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    Coordination and communication substantial information flows to and from the environment

    organizations need to develop structures for processing


    option one: reducing the need for information

    slack resources- extra resources that can be used in a pinch

    e.g., inventory reduces the need for information about sales demand

    creating self-contained tasks- change from a functional

    organization to a product or project organization each unit has the resources needed to perform its task

    communications flow within each team rather than among a complex

    array of interdependent groups

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    Organization Integration (cont.)

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    Coordination and communication option two: increasing information processing capabil i ty

    invest in information systems- e.g., employing or expanding

    computer systems

    create hor izontal relationships- foster coordination acrossdifferent units

    horizontal processes include:

    dir ect contact

    l iaison roles

    task forces


    product, program, or project managers

    matrix organization

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    Managing High Information-Processing


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    Invest in






    Reduce the

    need for




