
Restricted PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS INTRODUCTION 1. Psychology is something indispensable to every rational being and hence psychological persuation by one rational being to impose his will on the other is also a normal affair in all kinds of human activities thus the interaction between husband and wife, teacher and student parents and children, sellers and buyers, political leaders or a public speaker and their followers or audience or two diplomats from two different countries-all fall in the broad spectrum of psychological persuation, if not psychological warfare. The addition of the work ‘warfare’ or ‘operations’ with psychology in place of persuation only adds a new dimension with the flavour of conflict between two opponents, to an otherwise innocent concept. 2. However, the term psychological operations (psyops), which is often used interchangeable with the term psychological warfare, does not solely relate to a war situation or environment of hostility. Neither its nature and scope involve only two opponents fighting each other. It’s scope and application is much wider with far reaching impact in national perspective covering peace as well as war time. In a generic sense it is one of the four instruments of statecraft, the other three being political, economic and military instruments involve considerable efforts and resources, psychological means is less expensive, as it requires human intellect much more than material resources. The developed countries are fully aware of its tremendous potentials and also exploit it very skillfully. We fell, it is more important for u s, the people of the third world countries, to u understand and appreciate its value to compensate our deficiencies in other areas. AIM 3. To examine the potentials of psy ops in Bangladesh context and recommend a concept for its effective implementation at both national and military levels. Restricted 1

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psy ops





1. Psychology is something indispensable to every rational being and hence

psychological persuation by one rational being to impose his will on the other is also a

normal affair in all kinds of human activities thus the interaction between husband and

wife, teacher and student parents and children, sellers and buyers, political leaders or a

public speaker and their followers or audience or two diplomats from two different

countries-all fall in the broad spectrum of psychological persuation, if not psychological

warfare. The addition of the work ‘warfare’ or ‘operations’ with psychology in place of

persuation only adds a new dimension with the flavour of conflict between two

opponents, to an otherwise innocent concept.

2. However, the term psychological operations (psyops), which is often used

interchangeable with the term psychological warfare, does not solely relate to a war

situation or environment of hostility. Neither its nature and scope involve only two

opponents fighting each other. It’s scope and application is much wider with far reaching

impact in national perspective covering peace as well as war time. In a generic sense it is

one of the four instruments of statecraft, the other three being political, economic and

military instruments involve considerable efforts and resources, psychological means is

less expensive, as it requires human intellect much more than material resources. The

developed countries are fully aware of its tremendous potentials and also exploit it very

skillfully. We fell, it is more important for u s, the people of the third world countries, to

u understand and appreciate its value to compensate our deficiencies in other areas.


3. To examine the potentials of psy ops in Bangladesh context and recommend a

concept for its effective implementation at both national and military levels.




4. Following will be covered:

a. Psy ops- A Conceptual overview

b. Bangladesh- Threats and National Strategy.

c. Psy ops concept for Bangladesh.

(1) National perspective.

(2) Armed Forces Perspective.

(3) Psy ops in CHT.



5. Sun Tzu said in the 5th Century BC, “ Supreme excellence consists in breaking the

enemy’s resistance without fighting.” The message is very clear-why to employ resource

and energy in fighting if objectives can be achieved through a less expensive way.

Clausewitz much later in 19th Century emphasized on breaking enemy’s will to fight for

military victory to be completed or fulfilled. Liddell Hart also talked of and indirect

approach for achieving the military objectives. Then we know of Chengizh Khan’s

employment of agents for spreading rumour in the enemy camp about enormous size of

his forces. In India, Kautilya in his “ Arthashastra” advised on how to destroy enemy

morale by planting agents in the enemy camp to spread rumour about her certain defeat.

In World war I, opposing forces made extensive use of propaganda for achieving the

military objectives. In world war II, Mass propaganda campaign waged by German

propaganda Minister Goebbles is know to all of us. The consequent allied efforts to

counter German propaganda, have given propaganda ware a new dimension and charcter

altogether. Allied propaganda campaign came to be known as political warfare in Britain

and psychological warfare in USA restored the image of propaganda war by rescuing it

from blatant lies of Goebbles style. Churchill’s speeches in 1940 were classic examples

of psychological persuation which inspired the British people to live through the crisis.



After world War II in almost all wars namely, Korean War, Sino- Indian conflict of 1962,

China-Vietnam War, Arab Falklands War and the Latest Gulf War, Psy ops played very

important role. Besides, during the protracted period of cold war psy ops war the key

weapon that has been exploited by both the power blocks to undermine each others

ideological strength as well as morale of military force and the people.

6. While ‘psychologicla warfare’ (psy war) and psy ops are often used

interchangeably, the former i.e. psy war was first used in 1920 and psy ops in 1945. Sir J

F C fuller is believed to have been the one who first coned the term psy war in 1920,

when in his treatise on tanks he prophesied that ‘traditional means of warfare (as then

know and understood), might in time be replaces by a purely psy war, wherein, weapons

are not used or battlefield sought …… but (rather) …. The disintegration of the moral

and spiritual life of one nation by the influence of the will of another is accomplished.’’

Though fuller used the term first, the British preferred to call the same activities as

denoted by psy war as political warfare. American used the term psy war in world war II.

However, later on, they have replaced this word by psy ops, as an all inclusive term in

common use. American preferred the word ‘ operation’ to ‘warfare’ to de3scribe an

activity that is directed to friends and neutrals as much as or more than to hostile or

potentially hostile people. It must be mentioned here that since world War II the British

also started using the term psy war or psy ops instead of political warfare.

7. Now let us see how these terms differ from each other:

a. Psy War. The planned use of propaganda and other psychological

actions having the primary purpose of influencing the opinions, emotions,

attitudes, and behaviors of hostile foreign groups in such as way as to support the

achievement of national objectives.

b. Psy ops. Those operations include psy war and, in addition, encompass

those political, military, economic and ideological actions planned and conducted

to create in neutral or friendly foreign groups, the emotions, attitudes or

begaviours to support the achievement of national objective.



c. Propaganda. The planned use of communications to influence the

attitudes and behavours of the target audience to achieve national objectives.

8. Some other terms which are important for understanding the subject, will now be


a. White propaganda. Source is clearly stated i.e., true.

b. Grey propaganda. Source is not specifically identified. It’s maxture of

ture and false information’s.

c. Blac propaganda. Emanates from a source other that the true one.

d. Target Audience. That group of people towards which a propaganda

message is directed in order to obtain or influence a specific behavior pattern.

e. Strategic Psy Ops. Psy ops directed at military forces, people and areas

in their entirety, designed to further board, long term objectives.

f. Tactical Psy ops. Psy ops directed at military forces and populations

which is designed to exploit psychological vulnerabilities in support of tactical


May Psy ops

9. Let us now see, why Psy ops should be exploited system atically as a modern


a. Setting all issues by brute force of arms alone may not always provide the best


b. Psy ops is a force multiplier, which aims at achieving the objectives by

influencing rather that killing.

c. Persuading people/opposing force is far cheaper than killing them, as worda

are far less expensive that bullets, let along shells, bombs or missiles.

d. A weapon that can be used skillfully during protracted period of peace time,

without causing direct hostility.

e. A weapon that is effective to undermine the adversary’s potentials at the same

time strengthening morale of own people and armed forces.

f. Extensive physical violence and loss of men and material can be minimized.



g. Modern communication media is extremely useful in conducting Psy ops

utilizing existing resources of a country.

h. Advent of modern psychological and behavioural sciences, has given psy ops

a very high degree of sophistications and subtelety enhancing its chance of


i. Signal most important reason for Psy ops is that it can achieve national

objectives substantially thereby reducing the possibility of direct confrontation.

Offensive Vs Defensive Psy ops

10. We have already identified that the target of psy ops need not recessarily be

people or armed formces of potential need not necessarily be people or armed forces of

potential adversary. It could be own people or armed forces as well. Should we call it psy

ops when directed against own people or armed forces? Here the question of offensive

and defensive psy ops come in. Measure taken to safeguarddown people and armed

formces from hostile psy ops measure are defensive in its essence and spirit. The means

and techniques of offensive and defe3nsive psy ops are more or less similar, only

language varies.

Third world perspective

11. The third world countries, embroiled in own economic backwardness, population

problem internal troubles, insurgency in some cases, religious feuds and factionalism,

border disputes with neighbours, need to look at Psy ops from a diffeent angle. Can they

afford to have good network of Psy ops from a diffeents angle. Can they afford to have

good network of psy ops system targeting the hostile audience? It’s a very difficult

proposition for them indeed. When they need to target the audience in the land of

potential adversary, their primary focus will be, perhaps, to set own home in order so

that hostile psy ops cannot have detrimental effect on own people. Therefore, countering

hostile psy campaign, check internal dissensions and subversion will be the main cncern

of an underdeveloped country. The Psy ops, therefore, have to go into psyche of the own

people and armed forces to chech in ternal ailment of a nation. For a third world country

the following may be the objectives of psy ops.



a. Building ‘national will’ to survive.

b. Building national pride in own people and armed forces.

c. Make people (including armed forces) aware of national aim, objectives

and interest.

d. Forge national consensus, common outlook on major national issues.

e. Build national morale, a national fiber to develop strength and resilience.

f. Counter hostile subversive propaganda.

g. Put forward own cause in the world forum strongly and earn attention,

sympathy, support and assistance of world community to achieve own national


h. Established own credibility in the world community particularly in the

countries of immediate concern serving immediate interests.

i. Limited offensive Psy ops targeting people and armed forces of the

potential adversary.

Methods and Techniques.

12. How is it conducted i.e. what are the methods and techniques followed? It is an

objective communication with a view to persuading selected target audience to comply

with the will of the initiator. The four components make the whole process complete:

a. Initiator.

b. Message.

c. Recipient i.e. target audience.

13. The basic essence of psychological operation is ‘credibility’ of the message. If the

target audience suspects the truthfulness of the massage the whole purpose of

psychological operation is bound to be defeated. Goebbles once said- ‘ In propaganda as

in love anything is permissible which is successful’. Goebbles’ propaganda failed in the

long run as it lost its credibility. Credibility must be estaboished and the message has to

be composed with very subtle fine art and sophisticatin, so that objectives are achieved

without arousing any doubt about the intention. In Broader sense the message or



communication may not be exclusively a written i.e. printed or spoken message. If we

remember the definition, psy ops measure also include actions. Simply a psysical

presence can also have a psychological impact in addition to physical action.

14. How effective role the present mass media can play in influencing the behaviour

of the people can be understood by the commercials and publicity campaign fro

commercial goods run by radio, television, news paper. The techniques in peace-time and

techniques in war time will have difference, though certain things will be common. In

peace-time a country can utilize the following.

a. Radio/Television (TV)

b. News paper.

c. Foreign Mission (diplomatic channel).

d. Government information service.

e. Drama, Cultural programmes.

f. Films.

g. Publications.

During war time the following may be usefull, in addition to the above:

a. Leaflets.

b. Using prisoner of war for influencing other members in the enemy camp.

Concept of Psy ops organization

15. Psy ops whether military or not, is one among many tools available to assist any

government in the effort to achieve its national strategic or tactical objectives. To

overlook the necessary subordination of Psy ops to national objectives is to misconstrue

the nature and role of Psy ops completely. It is within the dynamic of national security

decision making pattern that psy ops organization must be seen. Nationa security

management is again concerned with the control and integration of the efforts of the

ministry of defense (including armed forces), Ministry of external affairs and various

intelligence organizations. Works of various organs of the Government working to the

attainment of Psy ops objectives must be coordinatied at the highest level to reduce

overpaps and gaps and to systematize inter-agency coordinatin. Policy must be set at the



highest level by the national body concerned with national security. Basing of that policy

a central coordinating body. Preferably part of the highest body concerned with national

security, will workout Psy ops strategies and will allocate responsibilities to different line

agencies e.g various interlligence organization, diplomatic missions armed forces,

government information agencies etc. Finally various line agencies will resort to various

media to disseminate their proggammes to the target audience.

16. Personnel. Personnel to be involved at various levels and department

connected with Psy ops are to be drawn from various backgrounds. There has to be a mix

of the following:

a. People with innovative ideas-;Idea Men;.

b. Service personnel connected with defiance planning background.

c. The Technicians

d. The creative men-artist, writers

e. The area experts.

f. Anthropologists, historians, social scientists.

g. Media men with media resources.

h. Intelligence people (Research and analysis).

i. Administrators.

Bangladesh-Threats and National Strategy

17. What is our threat? Who is our adversary? What is our Natinal Interest, objective

and strategies? We must have the answers to these questions is order to determine our

Psy ops objectives and priorities.

Threat Analysis

18. Geo-politically, other than India, Bangladesh shares only a small land and river

frontier of 283 kilometers with myanmer (Burma). Logically the country surrounding

Bangladesh on three sides can be considered major source of potential threat. Now the



question arises how this giant neighbour would like to tackle her own national security

concerns as far as those relate to us? Militaryly or economically we do not pose any

threat to this neighbour. But that does not mean, she will not have any strategy for

dealing with us. She may not contemplate any military aggression against us , as this

would noly complicate her existing internal problems especially in her estern part. The

alternative open to her is obviously a long term psy ops strategy. This strategy would in

all progbability include various measures to undermine Bangladesh’s potential in

political, cultural, social and economic fields with a view to crippling us from within, to

neutralize us without resorting to any expesiive military measures. If a nation can be mae

culturally and morally bankrupt, industrially and economically backward, intellectually

nad academically corrupt and above all devoid of any values and ideology, it does not

require to be conquered militarily. Poples’s will and spirit is the main strength of a

nation. If that can be destroyed, i.e national pride, national will to resist foreigh

aggression can be damaged, they can be easily made to comply with the adversary’s will.

While analyzing threat, we must consider external threat in relation to internal

vulnerabilities of the country. Following aspects explain the degree and nature of external

threat in relation to our socio, cultural, political and economic vulnerabilities.

a. Cultural Threat. Because of common historical and cultural

background Bangladeshi are susceptible to our neighbor’s cultural and literary

activities of subversive nature. Through literatures, Cultural programmers, movies

etc. our adversary’s efforts to destroy the core value of society is sure to achieve

success unless appropriate countermeasures are taken.

b. Political and Economic Subversion. Political subversion is aimed

at installing loyal political regime that would follow subservient policy and

comply with will and making our country a good market for the industrial

products of the adversary can be achieved by instigating industrial laborers for

creating prolonged restlessness. The sign and symptom inside the country is

indicative of such attempts.



c. Subversion against Armed Forces. Strong armed forces and

healthy civil military relation is a pre-requiste for attaining desired strength of the

nation. Sub-versive propaganda aimed at destroying the loyalty of the members of

the armed forme is a threat to be considered. Our armed forces is particularly

valuerable to such threats as the effects of our cocial restlessness and disorder are

also affecting the armed Forces.

d. Threat Against Education System. The present self destructive

process in the educational institutions may have covert involment of interested

foreign power. Our students community can be a target of hostile psy ops efforts.

e. Fifth Columnists. Fifth columinists form various background and

shades of our society can help the adversary achieve her objectives. When fifth

columnists exist in intelligentsia community, damage is inevitable and deep

rooted. If we are careful, we cannot but notice such indications in our society.

f. Threat Against National Integration. Lack of national consensus

on allmmajor issues in the main characteristic of our socio-economic and political

lifr. An almost entirely homogenous population in terms of religion, language.

Culture in divided on the question of very basic issue like national and cultural

identify. Our neighbour’s interest in perpetuating such schism is quite

understandable. Insurgents in CHT, minority communities are special target of the

adversary’s propaganda besides many other socio-political cultural organizations.

National Interests and Strategies.

19. Our national interest lies, in a word, in our national development, We are not in a

race for military supremacy or acquisition of shphisticated weapons with any country.

Neither we are in the race of asserting our role and status on regional basis. Our foreign

policy is friendship to all and enmity to none. Our national objective is achieving self

reliance in all fields, a homegenous economic development for our people, ensuring their



basic need. If this is the national objectives, national strategy is supposed to be

formulated to attai this objective. To achieve the national objectives we need our own

home in order, we need political and social stability social order and discipline for

economic development ot take place unhindered, uninterrupted, we need cooperation of

our neighbours, We need friendly relation with all the countries. We need good bilateral

relation with all the countries. We need good bilateral relation with individual country

and need to establish our position, project our problems and establish our credibility in

the international forum. However, we need to solve our bilateral problem with

neighbours through amicable steelement; but if that is not possible, we need to draw the

sympathy and attention of friendly countries to our cause. Our national objectives,

national interests and national strategies can be summarized as under:

a. National Objectives. Ensure basic needs of the people and

attain a self reliant economy.

b. National Interest.

(1) External help, economic assistance.

(2) External Support to own cause.

c. National Strategy.

(1) Ensure internal stability

(2) Earn Good relation with and sympathy of friendly countries.

(3) Assert own cause and establish own credibility forcefully in the world



20. Having identified source and nature of threat and national objectives, interests and

strategy and having understood the concept of Psy ops in general, we are now in a

postion to develop spy ops policy concept fro Bangladesh. First thing we need to do is

deciding upon psy ops policy or objectives.



21. National Policy on Psy Ops. If we keep in mind our national objectives it

should not be difficult for us to formulate our national policy on psy ops. We propose that

all psy ops measures should be directed to:

a. Immunise own populace and armed forces from subversive anti-national

propaganda and hostile psy ops measures.

b. Guard against the propaganda or activities of antistate or anti national

elements inside the country.

c. Earn sympathy and support of the world community in general and proven

friendly countries in particular to own cause.

d. Soften up the populace and armed forces of our adversary, so as to make them

understand the futility of their governments hostile efforts.

e. Isolate insurgents in CHT and win the hearts and minds of the pople of CHT.

f. Forge National intergration through achieving national consensus on all

fundamental and major national essues.

Identifying Target Audience

22. Identifying target audience also becomes easy once policy is formulated. To fulfil

above objectives we need to target the following as audience of our Psy ops efforts. First

let us sea target audience inside the country as target of defensive psy ops measures:

a. Own people. When own people is considered a target audience should

we call it Psy ops? The answer to this we discussed earlier that the offensive Psy

ops measure of the hostile country can be countered by defensive psy ops

measures. When Psy ops effort is directed to immunize own people, it is nothing

but defensive Psy ops measures. What we call it is immaterial, since organization



and techinique should essentially be the same. Communicating to own people

through mass media or other means is the answer to hostile psy ops measures.

b. Own armed force. Own armed force must be protected aginst hostile

propaganda and subversive activities. For that correct motivation of armed forces

personnel is very important. The motivation should be aimed at building up

confidence and convication amont the member of armed forces, so that they can

themselves identify the hostile psy ops efforts or subversive actions.

c. Minority Communities. Minority communities are also covered,

when we mentioned own populace, but we fell a separate mention is necessary

just to distinguish it as separate target audience. The reason is that they are very

susceptible to hostile psy ops measures, Theire feelings can be easily exploited by

hostile psy ops because of their imagind inferiority complex.

d. Dissidents/Anti-National Elements. Every country has dissident

gourp or anti-national elements. We may call them fifth columnists. We don’t

want to identify them here. But they aremoer or less known, They should be made

specific target of Psy ops measures in order to change their attitude.

e. Insurgents and people of CHT. We shall discuss it separately.

23. Now let’s look at ht list of foreigh target audience. :

a. Government and people of friendly foreigh countries.

b. International community at large.

c. People and armed forces of immediate neighbours.

Organization and Measures

24. National Level. We have already discussed how various organs of the

government get involve in Psy ops functions and in that we have talded about the need



for policy making at the highest level. Who does it and how coordination of psy ops

efforts is to be done has been also discussed. If you may recall those aspects, it would

now be easier for us to propose a psy ops organization at national level. A proposed

organizational structure is given at Anx A.

25. Gharger of Duties of Psy ops directorate. Proposed directorate for Psy

ops may have the following as charter of duties:

a. To prepare frame work of psy ops goals and objective within the

Government policy and its strategy. To support strategic plans, it will require to

coordinate its efforts ith the various ministries shown in the organizational chart.

b. During peace time and period of preparation, carry out studied of target of

countries (as established from the angle of Psy ops) prepare programmes for

publicity/propaganda and disseminate them through various media in consultation

with concerned agencies.

c. To study and evaluate the publicity and counger propaganda material for

anti subversion.

d. Prepare special motivational and industrial literature for maintenance of

moral of people and armed forces.

e. To plan and devise suitable efforts in Psy ops against insurgents in CHT.

f. To continuously carry out trials and evaluation and updating of methods,

media and techniques of Psy ops.

26. Mass motivation programme should be undertaken to achieve Psy ops objectives

enumerated earlier through the use of mass media like radio, television, documentary/

feature films, publications, books, pamphlets etc. Question may be raised that this short

of government publicity already, we experience everyday, Is it Psy ops? The answer is



‘Yes’ it is a kind of Psy ops aimed exclusively at bolstering named and fame of the

existing government. So the danger of Psy ops organization and intelligence organization

being used for parochial interest of government and government party remains which

must be guarded against to ensure exclusive national interest above every thing.

27. At international level Psy ops measures would include:

a. Exchange of cultural groups and prgrammes with friendly countries, to put

forward own problem and views, earn friendship and sympathy to own cause.

b. Significant role played by our diplomatic missions in international forum

and concerned countries about national view point on various issues.

c. Well thought our and designed foreign language programe of Bangladesh

Radio keeping in mind the psy ops requirements.

d. Guiding Radio/TV programme and national news medias for skillful Psy

ops against the people and armed forces of our immediate neighboring countires

without giving out such intentions.

28. Armed Forces Level: Now let’s see what we can do at armed forces level

for organizing Psy ops. Armed forces would receive necessary guidance and direction

from national Psy ops organization through Ministry of Defence and Supreme

Commander’s Headquarters. A proposed Psy ops organization at armed forces level and

organization of Psy ops unit are given at Anx B and C respectively.

29. Functions of Psy ops unit : The proposed Psy ops unit should be raised under

army Headquarters and it should be s]o organized that it can work centrally as a unit and

carry out Psy ops programme as directed by AHQ. It should also be able to detach small

detachments to perform certain functions at formation level to augement formation Psy

ops efforts. Movies, publications, poster, leaflets (War time or now in CHT) etc. can be

lplanned prepared and distributed by this unit, formation can have their small Psy ops



unit in the similar line. However, we propose initially a unit to be resised on experimental

basis under AHQ and later on depending on its effectiveness and utility small unit may

be reised in the formations.

30. Psy ops Measures at Armed Forces Level. The Psy ops measures that

should be undertaken at armed forces level are given below.

a. Troops motivation Programme.

b. Instilling national ideals among all ranks.

c. Creating awareness against hostile subversion and Psy ops measures

d. Motivation propramme among population to ensure better officers intake

for Bangladesh Military Academy and better recruits for arms/ Services.

e. Oranizing armed forces cultural team and arrage visit abroad to establish

goodwill and rapport with friendly countries and their armed forces.

f. Programmes like ANIRBAN and DURBAR to be redesigned keeping in

mind Psy ops requirement i.e. better civil military relations.

g. Arrange quality publication, Journals, literatures for such motivation.

31. Psy ops Training at Armed Forces. The following are suggested:

a. Train commanders at all levels on Psy ops.

b. Train units on psy ops measures and programmes before moving to CHT.



c. Train selected officers junior- Commissioned officers, Non-commissioned

officers at Armed Forces Psy ops Training Centre on languages and Psy ops


d. Armed Forces Psy ops Training Centre may run two types of courses for

various levels. One is language course and the other is psy ops course covering

the following block subjects:

(1) PSY OPS concept (to incl defensive and offensive Psy ops)

(2) Use and exploitation of modern communication Means.

(3) Motivational Theories and Concept.

(4) Psychological persuation-its need and importance for Armed Forces.

(5) Culture and Society.


32. Insurgency problem in Chittagong hill tracts (CHT) demands special attention

with regard to Psy ops measures to be undertaken there. The reason is that the whole

battle is abut winning over hearts and mind of the people for which Psy ops is the answer.

Let us first identify present psy ops efforts in CHT, its shortcoming and then we would

recommend measures to overcome the present shortcomings.

Present Psy ops Efforts in CHT

33. Organization Set up. In Fact there is on organizational set up to prosecute

psychological operation in CHT at national level. The Foreign Ministry has a cell to

monitor activities of insurgents and their front men in international forums. Through this,

the foreign Ministry projects our case and counters insurgent propaganda in these forums

with the help of our missions abroad. The Ministry of Informational has placed the

television team located at Chittagong at the Disposal of Headquarter 24 infantry Division

to cover activities of CHT and project these through Bangladesh Television. Headquarter



24 infantry Division carries out psy ops to a limited scale through use of indigenous

means and resources.

34. Pay Ops objectives in CHT. The objective set by the HQ 24 infantry

Division for conducting Psy ops in CHT are as follows:

a. Diplomatically neutralizing international agencies and countries

sympathetic to insurgent cause by presenting our cause to them through

diplomatic channels and by diplomatic manoouvers.

b. Keep People informed about the steps taken by the Government to

improve the lot of the people and arrive at a solution to the problem.

c. Win over and maintain the support of the people.

d. Counter insurgent propaganda.

e. Create public opinion in favor of the Zilla local Government parishads.

f. Effects surrender of Insurgents.

g. Develop confidence of the people of CHT on the security forces and make

the security forces the friend of the people.

h. Project atrocities committed by the insurgents against both the non-tribals

and tribals.

i. Create rift in insurgent leadership and generate frustration among

insurgent ranks.



j. Develop greater harmony and atmosphere for coexistence of tribals and


k. Encourage return of refugees from across the border.

l. Project the anti-people activities of the insurgent leaders.

m. Enhance morale of the security forces.

35. Means and Methods Adopted. The means and the methods pre sently

identified are as follows:

a. Organising regular mess contact prgrammes in important places of CHT at

all level.

b. Motivating the people by friendly discussion/talk whenever possible.

c. Distribution leaflets inside CHT and across the border at regular intervals.

d. Declaring general amnestry to the insurgents from time to time.

e. Organizing visits and briefing of foreign diplomats foreign visitors,

member of various human right organization from time to time.

f. Ensuring regular media coverage of all development activities undertaken

for CHT and the steps taken by the Government to resole the problem.

g. Undertaking pacification and civic action programmed regularly and


h. Publishing/broadcasting interviews of tribals on matters of CHT.



j. Organizing media coverage of activities of the security forces and local


Problems and Shortcomings

36. As it can be seen from the foregoing, measure i.e. means and methods have been

rightly identified . But the main problem lies in the lack of organized efforts. In the

absence of policy guidance and coordination at the highest level, the efforts are disjointed

and the main brunt of the efforts are on 24 infantry division, who neither has any

dedicated organization for conducting Psy ops nor has necessary expertise and skill for

the task. There are no personnel trained on Psy ops. We may recall here that the

command and control organization for counter revolutionary warfare set up in Malaysia

during their fight against communist insurgency. Had psy ops committee organized at

every level. Due to this lack of proper organization the military commander and staff

concerned with CHT Perform the task of psy ops in addition to their normal operational

tasks based on their own experience and individual competence. As a result, some do

better than other and continuity of efforts cannot be maintained. For example, a military

commander responsible for a zone may have achieve substantial progress and gains

achieved so far, due to his inexperience or lack of understanding of the psy ops aspects.

Uhus occasional lapses may jeopardize the gains made so far and long range

psychological objectives. Chittagong Hill Tracts Commission, an international

organization formed to investigate human right violation in CHT Vested CHT in

November 1990. One of the Photographs published in their 127 page report has shown

the presence of a policeman with demonstrators displaying banner we love Bangladesh.

The caption of the photograph We love Bangladesh under the watchful eye of the army.

Is enough to damage the gains made in the international forum by our diplomatic

missions. A Small lapse causing big damage. The means and methods that have been

rightly identified are only partially implemented due to lack of organization and skill.

Insurgency in CHT is a regional issue and as such the national broadcasting medias

(Television and Radio) cannot devote worthwhile time on regular basis to cover CHT.

Thereby two very important tools for psy ops which could reach the insurgency even



across the border is not utilized. Besides, population mostly being uneducated and

reaching published materials to the insurgents across the border being difficult

propaganda value of printed materials is limited. The other major failure is that our

diplomatic missions have not been able to create a Bangladesh lobby in India to bring

pressure on Indian Government to withdraw support from the insurgents and return for

the refuges. The diplomatic missions also could not impress upon various would forums

like Amnesty International and other bodies that the atrocities done the so called ‘shanty

Bahini’ is much more that astray incidents committed by the local settlers. The problems

of conducting psy ops in CHT can be summarized as under:

a. No dedicated organization and organized offort.

b. Lack of continuity of efforts.

c. No policy guidance and coordination at national level.

d. Lack of trained personnel, expertise and skill

e. Limited value of printed publicity as people are uneducated.

f. Minimal coverage by radio and television.

g. Lack of understanding of the problem by the intelligentsia of the country.

h. Inadequate press coverage of the Government development activates in CHT.

37. To overcome the shortcoming and deficiencies that we have identified we

recommend the followings:

a. An organizational set up at local levels. i.e. at 24 infantry division and 3


b. These organizations at local levels would receive policy guidance from the

highest level organization that we have already discussed.

c. 24 Infantry division should have its own psy ops unit or a big slice of psy

ops unit to be raised under AHQ (Discussed earlier) should be allotted to 24

infantry division.



d. Civil experts, technicians, artists, cartoonists, writers etc. should be

recruited for the local organizations thus set up.

e. Radio transmitters, printing machineries and film projectors should be

arranged for local psy ops organizations to ensure effective and adequate

communications independently.

f. Use of existing TV transmission facilities during idle period.

g. 24 Infantry division and the brigades under it should have their own

dedicated psy ops staffs.

38. The Army Psy ops resources must be utilized in conjunction with civil Psy ops

resources which should be held in 3 hill districts, with local civil administration, civil

resources can also be similar like army’s. Use of TV transmission during idle period,

radio, transmitters and mobile cinema section of Psy ops unit will be highly effective in

reaching large audience in their own language. The whole day programme can be

arranged this way broadcasting cultural programme of Chittagong Hill Tracts, arranging

interviews with tribal leaders, surrendered insurgents and motivation lectures by them.


39. After examining various aspects of Psy ops in Bangladesh context our

recommendations can be summarized as under:

a. National policy on Psy ops and national level organization to be set up.

b. National security council to be set up and it should control Psy ops efforts

should be basically defensive in nature.

c. Psy ops efforts should be basically defensive in nature.

d. Limited offensive Psy ops should be undertaken to enhance vital national




e. Armed force should have its integral Psy ops resources (Psy ops

organization and equipment).


40. While impending physical damage can be sensed, psychological damage occurs

silently; it creeps into the national psyche and eats up the vitals of the concerned society.

It is more important to keep ourselves safe from such damage by making our people and

armed forces aware on such threat. Therefore, our Psy ops should aim at countering

hostile psy ops efforts which have already threatened our society in a very big way.

41. It is said offense is the best defence. From this perspective we should also

undertake limited Psy ops efforts to put forward our views and get the people and armed

forces of our relevant neighbors or potential adversaries convinced about our cause vis-a-

sis the futility of their Government’s hostile attitude towards us.

42. We must do our best to establish our cause at the international forums, through all

kinds of means targeting friendly and neutral countries. Psy ops efforts whether aimed at

domestic audience of friendly/hostile foreign audience must be well integrated through a

common policy at national level, we fell a materially weaker country like ours can

compensate its shortfalls substantially by undertaking planned psy ops measures. We are

hopeful that our awareness in this regard would certainly take turn into a positive

direction soon.





1. Balfour Machael, Propaganda in war 1939-1945, rouledge and kegan

limited London 1939.

2. Farago Ladislas, War of Wits, Greenwwd Press Publishers Connecticut


3. Daugherty William E. In Collaboration with Morris Janowitz, A

pshchological Warfare Casebook, the John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1958

4. Mclaurin RH Military Propaganda Psychological Warfare and Operations,

Praeger publisher New Your 1982.


5. Bhadram R Major Psychological Warfare in Combat Journal The college

of Combat Mhow India August 1989.

6. Khanduri Chandra B Brigadier, Psychological warfare-A case for Detailed

Analysis an organization in combat Journal , Mhow India April 1989.
