bank brothers bank brotl^rs - atlantic county library...farewell, at the hrfme:6f"ge6. w. bassett....

Clean-up Week Begins next Tuesday. Aud don't forget that On Wednesday night. Why is it ? Seine people Do not lei me Float from their stores. Pujjllahera and Printers. On* twenty-are per rear. VoL65 HAMMONTON, N. J., SATURDAY, APEIL 28, 1917 No. 17 Of the long'category of \things forbidden,, men have ventured t legalize, or license but one,—the manufacture and sale of spirituous an malt liquors, the most insidious crime in the list, and the prolific paren of the rest. , We are opposed to this business in its every form ; and why ? . Because it is '3f no benefit to mankind,—does not increase hi happiness, his usefulness, his desirability as a citizen. On the contra ry, the use of liquor lowers a man.'s vitality, saps his strength, destroy should be his nearest and "dearest. These results are not the exception ; they are the usual result o habitual indulgence ; and the occasional or moderate drinker gradually falls to/the level of the lowest. /e have lived more than three-score-and-ten years, in differen 'states, observed all phases of this liquor business,.and drinkers in every degree, and to-day we staud—uiOn. •- fitmly opposed than ever to the | nefarious traffic. These are some of the reasons why w^ advocate total suppression-o King Alcohol's court, everywhere, beginning in Hammouton, where the disastrous effects of the business are daily becoming more evident. No man has a right to sell rum. It is the only line of trade whicb confers no benefit upon its patrons, and whicb sooner or later reacts upon its promoter, and brings .its woes upon him and his. Pension Day, next Friday. Town cleaniug-up week begins next Tuesday. The Board of Trade meets next ! I^T-oesday-evening.—---— -Independent Company will | meet next Wednesday evening. Grape and other streets are bene- fitting by Bellevae excavation. Hammonton Loan Association [•meeting next Thursday evening. Have you read Ian Hay.'s much {talked of book, "Pip"? At the Library. COM. ; The Board of Education holds its | regular, meeting next Wednesday J evening. Miss May F. Hoy t is visiting her I sister, Mrs. Somers Feniniore, at I Riverside. George Eckhardt is running a ( I good looking auto.-truck on his I meat route. Mr. S. T. Twomey celebrated I his- eighty-third birthday on Mou- | day, April ajrd.. The Board of Health report that I there are no cases_of contagious I diseases in town. Regular meeting of the Civic Club next Tuesday, afj* in the Club House. May's Landing Water Power 1 Company will have a grand flag | raising this afternoon. The Rod and Gun Club are to have a benefit at Eagle Theatre on Thursday evening, May loth. Mr. and Mrs. John Jeniuon, Jr., are rejoicing over the birth of a con, on Thursday; April a6th. Loot for "The Undertow," by Kathleen Norris, at the Civic Club Library. . . COM. - Geo.- W. Dodd, Superintendent at the Water Works, ID ill in the Jefferson Hospital, suffering from an intestinal dinorder. The, County Convention of the W, C. T. U. will be held In the Methodist Church, Hammonton, next Thursday, May 3rd. For Home time, the Navy Lengut; have hud their flng dittplnyed over Monfort'n More, nnd now intend to attach n Navy League pcnnnt to the name titan". i The P. O. S. of A. will tfivc n |l tmioker and package purly next Monday evening. A matter of iiitcrem will l>c tnkuu up, and nil members are ujged to attend, The jin pi In in Magnolia School have collected and noli) IICWHPHPITM enough to purchuHC records lor the vlctrola In Minn Itrnwnli'c'tt room and pictures for MiHft Grlflith'H room. MlHtt Julllh AndcrHon cnicriuinrd n party of her Ilaininontoi) frlendH, at her houie oil tUntea Avenue, Atlantic C|ty, liml Monday. The fninlly will return to Ilaminonton thin week. Sheriff liqrtlctt andCoinmitmloner ftaiiticmnn have an drawn ilio Mny J urymen,—(hour from Hainiiionton icing «n foilowH: Orainl—McHHtH, M, K. Hoycr and K, II. Dank ; I'ctlt—McMHrH. Chart. I'llllng, W,J. Coggey, Anton 1'lc/, and CluiH. K, Ncluon. S. S. Lewis, many years ago a Well-known resident and merchan of Hamraonton, died on Monday April I5th. at his home, Booihbay Harbpr fcJW Maine, aged 72 years, after prolonged illness. Helen, the ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. R.Wescoat, died on Wednesday morning from 1 .heart.trouble, following diphtheria. She was a lovable child, and all who knew- her mourn with the afflicted family. Eleven applications for-«nn and tavern arrtT'boy-lePsN. licenses will be read at the meeting 1 next Wed- nesday evening, at which time protests, charges and recommenda- tions will be heard. Little.Ha-Ha Council is to have an "Experience Social," Monday evening next, in Red Men's Hall. Admission, 10 cts. Come and hear how the ladies earned their dollar. Refreshments served. p. On Wednesday, the one plan took effect in all the higher grades of Hamrnontpn schools, and in the suburban schools. from eight o'clock to one,—in order that pupiln may engage in garden and farm work. Class in First Aid wi'l wet ai Cni-Club Hall next Monday, at three o'clock. Bring onp of the following bandages,—i inch wide, three yards long; 2% in wide, five yards long; 3 inches wide, »""•? yards long. *• On May sth, Dr. Elln M. Ander- W3I1 will give n practirnl talk on first aid work'. Let us welcome her with a full lion He. She is well known to many here, (hi* |I»<IM> her home town. Locnl nlivttfciant will help the First Aid Chimes, on dates to be niinounced. ^ Mrp, Clmrles A. .Smith,.formerly: a resident here for many yunrw, active in the W. C. T. U. and the M. K. Church, died nt her home in CollingHWooil, on Monday lout. Her remains were brought here for burinl on Thursday, Rev. Kverett vnnDrlghl having rhurgc of the service. MrH, Melinsn C. Si-lley, widow of the lute ,Hurry I 1 . Selley, 11. S. N., died in Philadelphia on Friday InHt, after lingering Hlncm. Her remaiiiH were brouglit to Iliiininon- toh for burinl, on Tuesday, She wns a unlive of Maine, l>ul came here with her parents HO'OII after the Civil War. Slu- IH mir v iv<"l l> v a daughter, MrH. Marie A. Kroiil, and n HOII, Albert V. \V. Seller, "f| New York. Attention I Thin IH firnl io|iiihiic in dlnrlpllne. To this endnlmi \\r uddrew yon. The country, rail.".. The Hoy ScoutH of Anieiii*«)havr adopted the Hlognn, "livi'iv Scout to teed a noldler I" Tin- local troop hnve, through the kindiu-w of \V. 1,. Hlnrk, reeelvod a plot of ground, nnd lire tilling It under the direction of Mr. MrDoiigiill, the Vocational School IiiHtructvn, Any contribution)*, In the line of fertiliser, in in m re or nioiiry, will be greatly Jl|>pt,<;datcd. Got behind the boyn. ' Thin In for their profit, phyhlc.ully and econoinieally, an well BM a patriotic euti-rprlHc. The ' Hoy Scont Troop IH a roiiuminlly organization, and Hollcltii youi HUJI- port. So HIT MAHTKH. Bank Brothers Bank Brotl^rs ery Remarkable Shoe Values I From the great big stock of Footwear we have on hand, you are able to select just what you want, and be fitted right. Our prices are based upon purchase prices df many months ahead 1 ; yes, in many ^cases a-year ahead, which means a great big saving to you. Women's Shoes at $2 and $2.6 Special lot in button and lace ; patent^ colt and dull calf; also cloth- top. These shoes, under to-day's prices, are $3 and $3.50 grade ; here now at $2'and $2.50 Women's Shoes at $3 and $3 j|0.. Dull calf, patent colt, and vici ; lace-Sod button,; Cuban or Louis beel, alto kw heel.. T?hese are $4 and $5 shoes under to-day's market prices. Come and get them here at ' $3 Women's High Cut Lace Shoej; At $3 aud $3.50; in dull calf, high or low heel. Can't duplicate these for less than $4 or $4.50. Will sell all we have on hand at $3 and £3.50 !_. - *n& '.-. Women's Shoes at $4.50, $5, $6. Dull calf and vici. We can't duplicate these for the prices we are selling them for. New Pumps. Up to the minute in style. A wide assortment here for wide or narrow feet. Our prices, $2.50, $3, $3.50, #4, $4,50 -ITT; -- - ' r - " ' Complete line of White Footwear, Shoes and Pumps, in canvas, nubuck, kid. It is our advice to buy your footwear from the stock we have on hand now ; you will greatly benefit by it. jOale oFWomen's and Misse's' Silits at Lower Prices. Selected from our regular stock, and . marked at quick selling prices. Women's and Misses' Suits That were. $15, $14 and $13.50, marked down to $10. .Among them you will find sheppard's plaids, navy blue, brown, mustard, gray, and mixed goods ; materials are serges, cassirneres and gaberdine. Women's and Misses' Suits That _were $'1800 and $1^.50, marked down to $12.50,—navy blue,, brown, 'gfe"eu, mixed shades, and black. ' ; ' _ r> Women's $26 Suits at $18. •Exceptionally fine models—in green and neat velour checks. Women's and Misses' Suits at $6.50. Worth up to $15. 'Navy blue, black and mixed goods. . New,Waists at $1. Large figured designs ; also plain white. Men's 15 cent Linen Collars at 6% c each. This is what it will cost you if you take advantage of this special sale and buy a dozen linen collars at 75 cts. per di zen, instead of waiting and paying. 15 cts. each. We have all sizes on h^nd, from 141016, and quarter sizes. taj Men's Shirts at 68. cents Or three for $2. Made of good material. newest stripes, French cuff ; sizes 14 to 16. Men's Shirts at 85 cents. Value, $i and $1.^5 ; of repp cloth and percales ; well made. the price is low. Ptit in a supply while BANK - BEOTHERS' - STORE PROGRAMMK EAGLE tei Week of THEATRE APRIL 30 MONDAY. . . World . . Lillian Tucker, in 1 "Kvldence," And Pnthe NCWH. UESDAY . . . Paramount . . 1'iiiinic Wurd, In "For the Defence." \ r icli)i Moore, In "The Sleep Walker." WEDNESDAY . . . World . . Alk-i 1 llriidy, in "I.a'\'lf DC Do! lino.' THURSDAY . . . Metro . . I'lMiu-iH X. Dunhmaii and IH-verly Hiiyne, tu "A Million a Minute." And Comedy I'lcpairdtu-SH, FRIDAY . . I'" i he . . 1'rrdcrlok Wurd, In "KliiK I.enr," and I'nih Comedy, , SATUItDAY . . . Pnrninounl . . Coiihtaiii-i' Collier, In "Code of Mnicla Olay." Ilurton IHilmcii Travel I'lrlme and Comedy, Boston Sample Shoe Store Is now open for business, with n full and complete line of .sample Shoes for the Family At the lowest prices 204 Bollevue Ave. Old Post office stniicl Pay.t|.s u visit,— It will puy yon ! Autos to Hire I Both Phonos Simons Bakery A. J. REHMAN Go Where you Will Return uncl tell where you found More Prompt and Efficient Telephone Service Than yon enjoy ut home At your Service Night and Day, Hammonton Telephone &Yol. Co A. J. RIDER, Pros't and Manager. 20 GIRLS WANTED To learn on sewing machine Paid while learning. Steady work. fiood pay. AARON DRESS OO. Jackfion'a Building. ORDERS BY PHONE Are ris faithfully; -.uul jiroinpt- ly filled a.s j^iven in pcr.sun. In f'ict, ninny of our customers .seldom conic. near otir store. They have come to know that llii-ir phone orders will all be properly attended to. 2O WORDS (III I.KMH lOc Slmll we cull yon up every morning, to m;c what you need for. the day f Yon urc nlwuyn wurc to jji'l the beat (|iiallty al tho lowcNt price, here. j Ruberton^sjlflarket llolli Phoiicn. ^^ if vcc delivery

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  • rt>wt;V;*w.w*.y,i^jw

    ' •rass.'rice, puurp^only, $8.2*5 cash.

    The"Misty Jr."Made of brassor aluminum.

    Price, 60 cents.

    Funeral DesignsId fresh flowers, wax or metal

    WATKIS & NICHOLSONFlorists and Landscape Gardener.

    " I*"6'- Belll-w •

    A. H. Phillips Co.

    Fire Insurance


    m' •te1 •

    Bartlett BulMitiR, -1 Atlantic City

    Fire Insurance al Coal.

    The Cumberland MutualFire Insurance Company

    Will insure your property at lesscoat than others. Reason: operat'gexpenses light : no loading 01premium for profits ; sixty-peveuyears of satisfactory service. 'Cashsurplus over ;$ 100,000.

    For luutlculnri. ie«

    WaytendDeFuy.Afll, rfarrmonton,N.J.Cor. Second uid Cherr? Street'


    , lA first-rln-'s House Paint\Vell recommended. ._ .....

    Sold by JOSEPH I. TAYLOR

    Autn .and Carr inKe Painting,Auto Tops Ke-covered and Kepaired

    Furniture Re-fnii«he(l.

    Second mid Pleasant Sis.,'t;«miii"iitoii, N . J.

    L. FERRARAI.iile of Mi w York C'ily

    First ClassShoe Making

    and Repairing

    Workat Sulinfiictory 1'rlce

    Kubbi-r HeclH n Specinliy

    One Triul will makeyou H Cnntomcr

    i .

    L. FERRARA•jiii Hcllevue Ave,

    Next to 1'nlacc TheatreTlatiiuioiitoti, Now Jerncy

    -JBell Phone isa-j ''"'

    Normal School for Ha'mmonton

    TheOne^tpre/Agent for

    Gould's CompleteSpray Pumps

    and Fixtures. (

    „ Ren.i Rider and Cbas. KendalloTtbe U..S; Steamship VOklahoma" were home on shore leaveTheir time -' expiring last week,about thirty of their young frtendsgathered one evening to bid themfarewell, at the hrfme :6f"Ge6. W.Bassett. The rooms were dtj-orated.flags, souvenirs of the sea, audpholos.ftom the Navy. They hada.good time, of course. ' They.Saythat the,boys took with them twoor three candidates for the Navy

    'Electro Brand" Arsenate of

    " Bordo LeadMixture.

    "Micro,",/ ' a d r y dust.


    / . meritr . •— -

    has aii as^ort-

    rnent oif goods

    to please . •


    Base Ball Supplies.Tennis Supplies.

    Special price given to teams._ ^

    IRVIN I. HEARINGHardware, Paints, and Sporting Goods

    Bellev'ue Ave. • Phone 843


    Read This Over Carefully!

    The largest hammer that ever ailncksmith swung does not deliver

    a blow ns heavy as those your tires;et hundreds of limes in n fewluj'i'dred miles,of travel.• That cotton fabric and rubbeinil atancl up under such puuish-nciit is rem irknble when you think> f i t .

    A blacksmith will, trll you thathe temper of stci-l cun be spoiled>v loo much henl. Little wonderllvu l l u i t even » fe.v (legrc'Crt tooniicl i in llu- vulrmii / . i i iK pilH willuin a tire by curhoni/.iiiK the col-on Thi^ results in -i tire i lmt•inin. i t htaud the poundiiiK ol' du l lyervicc

    By i lie exeluuh'c Mil ler methodit vuK'u i i lx iu^ , ni l tin- fnm-nl ia lhire relniiiod In the o/llon fabric.I'lio imt ivf tough noun and resiliency>!' t l i c rubbu r iit(- kept in tac t . Dotholltin nnd rubber uri: welded intonijiK'cil miU:ii^i.- un i t .Mi l l e r gcared-lo-ihc-road tread

    niuls arc never spoiled In the up->llciulon. Tlu:y come to you brim-ul of mile iiHlHcle, and with 100

    ci-ni power to'ri-HlHt nml endure,i'lic blown of the road affect them

    almost us l i t t le an the hummereclrt the anvil.Hundreds of molorlslH found

    fil ler rcpnlrH nnd re-treiula to be'i i iUiful long.dlutuncc perforinenJ in1916,

    You, too, can eutablltfU mllengeM und reduce your tire ex-by haVlng your tires repaired

    >iid rr-lrcud by the Miller methodIn 1917.

    Wrltt; or phono nnd we will cullfor, and deliver u|l work, WoKtinrnntro nil work.

    Miller Tire Repairing,Vli ielnnd, N, J,

    Inquire IW. S. Turner, '*

    - Help for Farmer*

    During the National crisis, thetiiajorily are thinking of trencherlii reality, there is an urgent cat!tor volunteers—; boys from 14 to iH,for- actual service for their state. . -

    ;lie production of'staple cropsi Its hoped that farmers' will plantarger areas to staples, ai|d depend

    ai. tiese boys, under supervision,htip them on the farm: •

    The Stite Commissioner of Edu-cation has stated that boys: Wholesire to work at home, or on toys, the efficiency of their work ;jrovide for payment of the boy:,merest citizens in this patriotic

    movement, and encourage contri-mtious. For these branches, sub-idiary committees may be appoiut-d. Farmers Hre asked to get inouch ' with . the local' recruitingfficer, W. B. McDougall, in hisfiice oi*er Ranere's garage. Heill be there Saturday morniiig,nd on Wednesday from 4 to 5.30.

    The plans may be then considered,nd applications for help be regfe-ered. Boys desiring to enroll mayall at the office, as above. .

    Boys aud farmers must realizehat this is a serious proposition,ind that both should do all in theirx>wcr to make it a success in thisection. Besides boys from thisoculity, there will be boys availa-le lx>th from Atlantic City and

    xissibly from Camden, t^> aid inhe work of caring for crops and iu

    them. M.'

    IE Is an exceptionally good illustra-tion of a most attractive shoe y for"• •

    . ^ spring—Regal through and through \ .and backed by the great Regal,institution.

    Possibly you will see other shoe picturesthat please you—other -shoes 'that look "aswell in the windows, .

    But today more than ever you need to gotack of the picture, bads, of ihe window dis*

    play.aind who makes it • . ..

    What We offer yon fa this store te a wideselection of Regal Shoes, with all the Tepu~tation and va/uei^/v/ntf of the Regal ShotsCompany behind them and us. ' ' .

    You will get aound leitheta and honest workman- '•blp In these Bhoci, vilaei that can't b« dnplioited «tjoar price* in the market today—»nd «s to Stylo, yoaWiU get lii« •otartMt the aeoioa can thow.

    -On! sale atLftEOITFOB't'S Shoe Store,~Hammonton

    Hammonton Trust Co.

    Capital, $100.000i

    Surplus, 9H,OOO

    Three pr cent on Time Accts,

    Safe DeptreilfBoxes


    Money to Loan on Mortgage

    W. H. BernonouseFire Insurance

    Strongest CompaniesLowest Rates

    Conveyancing,NotarvPnhHc, • .

    CoimnisHioncr of DccdaIlannuoiiton.


    From a Comfy Bedto on Icy Room

    B-U-RrR ~NUke* ono *UT«r to think of It

    It's hard enough under ordin-ary conditions to cravl from

    -winder those nice varm covers,but to have to dress In a roomwhen the thermometer Is dovnaround freezo—shivers andshake's—B-U-R-R.Don't do it What's the

    *use when It's so easy to makethat room warm and com-fortable?

    :i GET A

    Vulcan OdorlessGas Heater

    Have It connected to your gasJet. .Then 10 minutes beforegettlng-UR-tlmo, Jump out ofbed. llgrjt the heater, • pulldown the windows and crawlback In bed., Lay there Incomfort for 10 minutes. Bythat time your room's aswarmas toast. Sound* gooddon't It? Call at our officeand let us show you this won-derful heater. eal ,«o you in appearance as^eli as forservice. Large radiator and enclosed fan,' streamline Lood, crownfenders^eulire black finish, uickel triminiiigs, ̂ up-to-date in allreqiirrements for liandsonie appearfijice^and Serving the people theworld over as a njoney-'sav'iifg, 'time-saving, labor-slaving utility.

    • It is surely .yonr necessity. Tlie Ford .car in just as useful on thefarnras'it is in the citv : juht as necessary to the butinos man asit ia to the professional'man; More necessnr'y to every man thanever before. Low purchase price and very econotnichl to operate-and ui:iintniii. _\Vhy not investigate ? •• Touring. Carv-$36o>; Ruua- •bout. ?345 ; Coupelet, ^505 ; Town Car, $595; ~

    A f. o. b. Detroit. .Sedan, #645,-

    Order your ciir now, to insure prompt delivery. ' "

    When you buy a Ford car you also bny,. Ford service.

    \Ve carry ft complete line of parts-lor repairing Ford automobiles,and ctni do vour work in firbt-clutis niaiintr, prmiptly, aud

    . at a moderate fair price. :

    BELLEVUE GARAGE, Inc.E. A. CbRBERY, President.

    Wm. B. PhillipsAttorney - at - I»aw' . • . .1 .• • .

    Haniinotiton, N. J.

    51-519 Federal St.. Coindfcn

    • Charles Davenport -Contractor & Builder

    I I-Jitlm«l

    All Work (llvufi IToinnt mut Careful' . Allfiitlun.

    Local phone. Pcnch St. Hammonton/

    JOHN ?RA£OHFuneral Director

    andBmbalmer/ i *""~~'Antomobtlo Funoralu,

    Twelfth St., bet. RailroadsLocol Phone Hfla- Hell 47-;

    Hammonton. - N. J.


    DREAR'S 0ARDEN BOOK FOR JO17Totxhw with iiiWul null"*' Ifilocnwllon for ih« •«•«««». ,

    C«ll ttr W>lt« tor • copy-FREK

    HENKYA.PREER 714-K> Chestnut StJHiila.

    Clean-up Week

    Begins next Tuesday.

    Aud don't forget that

    On Wednesday night.

    Why is it ?

    Seine people

    Do not lei me

    Float from their stores.

    Pujjllahera and Printers. On* twenty-are per rear.

    VoL65 HAMMONTON, N. J., SATURDAY, APEIL 28, 1917 No. 17

    Of the long'category of \things forbidden,, men have ventured tlegalize, or license but one,—the manufacture and sale of spirituous anmalt liquors, the most insidious crime in the list, and the prolific parenof the rest. ,

    We are opposed to this business in its every form ; and why ? .Because it is '3f no benefit to mankind,—does not increase hi

    happiness, his usefulness, his desirability as a citizen. On the contrary, the use of liquor lowers a man.'s vitality, saps his strength, destroy

    should be his nearest and "dearest.These results are not the exception ; they are the usual result o

    habitual indulgence ; and the occasional or moderate drinker graduallyfalls to/the level of the lowest.

    /e have lived more than three-score-and-ten years, in differen'states, observed all phases of this liquor business,.and drinkers in everydegree, and to-day we staud—uiOn. •- fitmly opposed than ever to the

    | nefarious traffic.These are some of the reasons why w^ advocate total suppression-o

    King Alcohol's court, everywhere, beginning in Hammouton, where thedisastrous effects of the business are daily becoming more evident.

    No man has a right to sell rum. It is the only line of trade whicbconfers no benefit upon its patrons, and whicb sooner or later reactsupon its promoter, and brings .its woes upon him and his.

    Pension Day, next Friday.Town cleaniug-up week begins

    next Tuesday.The Board of Trade meets next!

    I^T-oesday-evening.—---—-Independent Company will

    | meet next Wednesday evening.Grape and other streets are bene-

    fitting by Bellevae excavation.Hammonton Loan Association

    [•meeting next Thursday evening.Have you read Ian Hay.'s much

    {talked of book, "Pip"? At theLibrary. COM.; The Board of Education holds its

    | regular, meeting next WednesdayJ evening.

    Miss May F. Hoy t is visiting herI sister, Mrs. Somers Feniniore, atI Riverside.

    George Eckhardt is running a (I good looking auto.-truck on hisI meat route.

    Mr. S. T. Twomey celebratedI his- eighty-third birthday on Mou-| day, April ajrd..

    The Board of Health report thatI there are no cases_of contagiousI diseases in town.

    Regular meeting of theCivic Club next Tuesday, afj*in the Club House.

    • May's Landing Water Power1 Company will have a grand flag| raising this afternoon.

    The Rod and Gun Club are tohave a benefit at Eagle Theatre onThursday evening, May loth.

    Mr. and Mrs. John Jeniuon, Jr.,are rejoicing over the birth of acon, on Thursday; April a6th.

    Loot for "The Undertow," byKathleen Norris, at the Civic ClubLibrary. . . COM.- Geo.- W. Dodd, Superintendentat the Water Works, ID ill in theJefferson Hospital, suffering froman intestinal dinorder.

    The, County Convention of theW, C. T. U. will be held In theMethodist Church, Hammonton,next Thursday, May 3rd.

    For Home time, the Navy Lengut;have hud their flng dittplnyed overMonfort 'n More, nnd now intend toattach n Navy League pcnnnt tothe name titan".

    i The P. O. S. of A. wil l tfivc n|l tmioker and package purly next

    Monday evening. A matter ofiiitcrem will l>c tnkuu up, and nilmembers are ujged to attend,

    The jin pi In in Magnolia Schoolhave collected and noli) I ICWHPHPITMenough to purchuHC records lor thevlctrola In Minn Itrnwnli'c'tt roomand pictures for MiHft Gr l f l i th 'Hroom.

    MlHtt Julllh AndcrHon cnicr iuinrdn party of her Ilaininontoi) f r l endH,at her houie oil tUntea Avenue,Atlantic C|ty, liml Monday. Thefninlly will return to Ilaminontonthin week.

    Sheriff liqrtlctt andCoinmitmlonerftaiiticmnn have an drawn ilio Mny

    Jurymen,—(hour from Hainiiiontonicing «n foilowH: Orainl—McHHtH,M, K. Hoycr and K, II. Dank ;I'ctlt—McMHrH. Chart. I ' l l l lng, W,J .Coggey, Anton 1'lc/, and CluiH. K,Ncluon.

    S. S. Lewis, many years ago aWell-known resident and merchanof Hamraonton, died on MondayApril I5th. at his home, BooihbayHarbprfcJWMaine, aged 72 years,after prolonged illness.

    Helen, the ten-year-old daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Thos. R.Wescoat,died on Wednesday morning from1

    .heart.trouble, following diphtheria.She was a lovable child, and allwho knew- her mourn with theafflicted family.

    Eleven applications for-«nn andtavern arrtT'boy-lePsN. licenses willbe read at the meeting1 next Wed-nesday evening, at which timeprotests, charges and recommenda-tions will be heard.

    Little.Ha-Ha Council is to havean "Experience Social," Mondayevening next, in Red Men's Hall.Admission, 10 cts. Come and hearhow the ladies earned their dollar.Refreshments served. p.

    On Wednesday, the oneplan took effect in all the highergrades of Hamrnontpn schools, andin the suburban schools. — fromeight o'clock to one,—in order thatpupiln may engage in garden andfarm work.

    Class in First Aid wi'l wet aiC n i - C l u b Hall next Monday, atthree o'clock. Bring onp of thefollowing bandages,—i inch wide,three yards long; 2% in wide, fiveyards long; 3 inches wide, »""•?yards long. *•

    On May sth, Dr. Elln M. Ander-W3I1 will give n practirnl t a lk onfirst aid work'. Let us welcomeher with a ful l lion He. She is wellknown to many here, (h i* | I » < I M >her home town. Locnl nl ivt t fc iantwill help the First Aid Chimes, ondates to be niinounced. ^

    Mrp, Clmrles A. .Smith,.formerly:a resident here for many yunrw,active in the W. C. T. U. and theM. K. Church, died nt her home inCollingHWooil, on Monday lout.Her remains were brought here forburinl on Thursday, Rev. KverettvnnDrlghl hav ing rhurgc of theservice.

    MrH, Melinsn C. Si-lley, widowof the lu te ,Hurry I1. Selley, 11. S.N., died in Phi ladelphia on FridayI n H t , af ter l inger ing Hlncm. HerremaiiiH were brouglit to I l i i in inon-toh for bur in l , on Tuesday, Shewns a unlive of Maine, l > u l camehere with her parents HO'OII afterthe Civil War. Slu- IH m i r v i v < " l l > va daughter, MrH. Mar ie A. K r o i i l ,and n HOI I , Albert V. \V. Sel ler , " f |New York.

    Attention I Thin IH firnl i o | i i i h i i cin dlnrlpllne. To this e n d n l m i \ \ ruddrew yon. The country, rail."..The Hoy ScoutH of A n i e i i i * « ) h a v radopted the Hlognn, "livi'iv Scoutto teed a noldler I" Tin- localtroop hnve , through the k ind iu -wof \V. 1,. H l n r k , reeelvod a plot ofground, nnd lire t i l l i n g I t underthe direction of Mr. M r D o i i g i i l l ,the Vocational School I i i H t r u c t v n ,Any contribution)*, In the l ine offer t i l i ser , in in m re or nioiiry, wi l l begreat ly Jl|>pt,

    Women's $26 Suits at $18.•Exceptionally fine models—in green and

    neat velour checks.

    Women's and Misses' Suits at $6.50.Worth up to $15. 'Navy blue, black and

    mixed goods. .

    New,Waists at $1.Large figured designs ; also plain white.

    Men's 15 cent Linen Collars at 6% ceach. This is what it will cost you if

    you take advantage of this special sale andbuy a dozen linen collars at 75 cts. per di zen,instead of waiting and paying. 15 cts. each.We have all sizes on h^nd, from 141016,and quarter sizes.

    tajMen's Shirts at 68. centsOr three for $2. Made of good material.

    newest stripes, French cuff ; sizes 14 to 16.

    Men's Shirts at 85 cents.Value, $i and $1.^5 ; of repp cloth and

    percales ; well made.the price is low.

    Ptit in a supply while



    EAGLE tei Week of


    MONDAY. . . World . .Lillian Tucker, in

    1 "Kvldence,"And Pnthe NCWH.

    UESDAY . . . Paramount . .1'iiiinic Wurd, In

    "For the Defence."\ r icl i) i Moore, In

    "The Sleep Walker."

    WEDNESDAY . . . World . .A lk - i 1 l l r i i d y , i n

    " I .a ' \ ' l f DC Do!lino.'

    THURSDAY . . . Metro . .I ' l M i u - i H X . Dunhmaii and

    IH-verly Hiiyne, tu"A M i l l i o n a M i n u t e . "

    And Comedy I'lcpairdtu-SH,

    FRIDAY . . I'" i he . .1'rrdcrlok Wurd, In

    " K l i i K I.enr,"and I ' n i h Comedy, ,

    SATUItDAY . . . Pnrninounl . .Coiihtaii i-i ' Collier, In

    "Code of Mnicla Olay."I lur ton IHi lmci i Travel I ' l r lme

    and Comedy,

    BostonSample Shoe

    StoreIs now open for business,with n ful l and complete

    l ine of .sample

    Shoes for the Family

    At the lowest prices

    204 Bollevue Ave.Old Post office stniicl

    Pay.t|.s u v i s i t ,—It w i l l puy yon !

    Autos to Hire IBoth Phonos Simons Bakery

    A. J. REHMAN

    Go Where you WillReturn uncl tell where you found

    More Prompt and Efficient


    Than yon enjoy ut home

    At your Service Night and Day,

    Hammonton Telephone &Yol. Co

    A. J. RIDER, Pros't and Manager.


    To learn on sewing machinePaid while learning.

    Steady work.fiood pay.

    AARON DRESS OO.Jackfion'a Building.

    ORDERS BY PHONEAre ris fa i thful ly ; -.uul j i ro inpt -

    ly filled a.s j^iven inpcr.sun. In f'ict, n inny of our

    customers .seldom conic.near otir store.

    They have come to know tha tllii-ir phone orders w i l l all be

    properly attended to.

    2O WORDS( I I I I.KMH lOc

    Slmll we cull yon up everymorning, to m;c what you

    need for. the day fYon urc nlwuyn wurc to jji'l the

    beat (|iiallty al tholowcNt price, here.

    — — j

    Ruberton^sjlflarketllolli Phoiicn. ^^ ifvcc delivery

  • j




    "Readjustments." The text was

    others, regardless of anything a manCan do. Many of his social shifts, mostof his mental, and all of his moral aredue to his own device. But the nowalignments In his physical life, a few

    , of (he Boclaj, such as suffering, andtho filial one at death aTe Inevitable.

    Thore Is, Uowevcr, this gloriousIrom I. John 111.: 2: "And it Is notyet manifest what we shall be." t ru th: Because we arc now God's chil-, This text is flanked by two slgnlfi- (Iron, freedom is nover denied, us..cant statements. .On one flank a tre- !. The .fact of the readjustment may. liememlous affirmation —"Behold, now beyond our control, the spirit inwe are the children of God." On the which it is made rests with us.other flank a glorious promise--" We " Sometimes the new shif t may beshall be like Him. f«r we ahall see accepted cheerfully, but always cour-Hlni as He Is." And In the center the agcoualy. When the blow has fallen.words of our Icxl. The thought a man should not be expected towould seem to be about this: Being «'me up smiling. Hut he may showwhat we are (children of God), wo Ills face again wi th .courage marked

    " Let the wind blowshnJI become more than we arc (like In its every line.Him) when a readjustment takes cold and* fur ious; let 1110 rums muplace in our HVPR. This gives us the In torrents; let tlic clouds rumbletheme for tin- morning. "The Road- and Hash; he can toss his head back,Justments in Life as "Suggested by and bare-hla forehead to tne elements

    Readjustment." with the courage of one who lias GodAs used iii ordinary "speech the "in" ffimseT

    word often Implies growth. A busi- phllosopKy of life Is the more snlvel-iioss concern. It is said, because of tho l ing, the "always smile" or the "al-rapid -growth of its business, finds it ways whimper." Neither finds anynecessary to effect a readjustment, warrant in Scripture and both areSometimes llio word implies change false to ' l i fe-at its best,apart from growth. A business makes For another thjng. remember that,a readjustment because of a shift in being what we are, it follows thatconditions. A department of the bus!- what we do is not.unto ourselves. Ifness Is closed; another is opened, we nre children of God, then we are

    WIT ANDA lady and hor little daughter wore

    walking through a fashionable strootwhen they came to a portion strewnwith straw, so as to deaden the noiseof vehjcles passing a certain house

    "What's that for, mama,?" said thechild.

    The mother replied! "Why, thelady In that house has had a littlebaby girl seht her."

    The child th&Hcht a moment, lookedat the quantity of'straw, and said:"Awfully well packed, wasn't she.mama ?"—Everybody's.

    Young man (looking over hotel—I aee that Joshua Crawfish, ofCrawftshvllle, Is stopping here. Wherecan I find him? He's an uncle ofmine.

    Clerk—I think you will find .hlmjn_


    For April 29,1911 i

    , LOP.-SIDteD CHARACTERS.', 1 Cor. 12: 15.-19.

    , And how many, are' therf who takeany pains at all to make sure 'thatheir views of spiritual truth are

    san' dand as-cpmpr^henslvelaa PCB-.aible? I» It not. a fact that the greatmajority of church members are quiteatisfled to bolUsve what their church)ollcves, SIT to disagree with theirohurch whenever they feel like it,without taking tho trouble to try andfind out for themselves what Godwould have them believe?

    What Is .the reason of this markedndifference on tho part of professingChristians? Tho answer to that ques-ion Is right at hand: it is caused byhe teaching that it does'not matter

    what a man believes or does not be-"fiie elevator. He's been'riding up anddown all the forenoon.

    Simply change. ["members of a family; and family con-"But are there such readjustments nections are/ deep -and far reaching,

    in'our personal lives? Of course there All this means that when a readjust-1s prowth. This the Scripture empha- ; ment is made In our own lives, some-sizes. There Is, and must be, change, j thing of a change Is made in all life.

    This is one explanation for the gripthat Jesus has on the thought of theworld. There is an "east window sur-

    ments. These begin" early in life, and Prise" In Him. He is never reached,these early ones are profoundly slg- ' His thoughts for man are always Innificant. The philosophers declare excess of man's actions. He Is con-that the chilo\ learns, more that will stantly demanding readjustments Inbe useful in the years before six than ) our civilization. He will .some day

    ' settle the questions of labor and war'and other questions of life. He is the

    Rxperience makes this evident.Some of Life's Readjustment*)

    There are the physical readjust

    in the remaining years of its life.There are social readjustments

    normal.llfe as it moves forward must nymg goal or our humanity. Ana ny-make new alignments^ It moves from ing goals demand new alignments, .forthe parental into the college circle.After four years It moves out of the

    "It is not yet manifest what we shall

    «r-Iliiulur piiniKnipli tluit nald, "lluvnyou any vlnlblo niarltn for Montlflcu-tlon In cnflo of iiiir.ldout or dmilh?" horono from bin eluilr nnd runhcxl ororIn u mirror noar by, to Klvo hlmnolfn Kimornl InniiiX'llon, Thon lio ro-InriM'd to bin link nnd wroto nji hlnmmwor lo (ho pornoiml i|iiorr, "Noth-II IK "xoiipl frooltloii."

    D n l i y m n n ' H Him A moimo linn fu l l -nn In ln tho milk.

    I l in . Mollmr Did yi|(i Inko It oiitTliny No; I luivn thrown tho cu t . In ,

    c&.jrrie soonerthzvn he Expected

    htafMtimut Cartoon O- fC V.270



    WE HAD moved out to Mlnnesota In 1862. .When we hoibeen there ten years and.1 had reached (ho age ol

    nineteen we had sixty-five acres under the p!6ugh and were fairly prosporous. As my brothorn loft homo tobegin llfo for themselves, more dutiestell UKmy lot, until at last I had al ltho'care of tho live utock.

    1'liked to numo nil the unlmulnAmong tho cattlo there was Ono-Horn-fd Cherry, u cow that knew more nlytricks than a circus mule. IlughornDulny got her' name from the factthat her liornn, which came out infront and made n level circle until thepoints worn not more thafl four Inchesapart, reminded mo of the ''plnchcrn'tin largo booMcx. The othcrn all hailnnmwi, t(H>, but 1 Hliall mention onlythe threii Htccrn -Dick, Judfto andllnrnoy- and th» Ini?:.' Duku Tlmolliy.

    Dick WUH tall anil rod, with thiimnneru of u goiitnlninn. JudK,u hud tiwhite fiico and » look of ulmonl hitmap nolomnlty. llarnuy WUH black andwhjta; ami hu WUH iilwayx roady loIlKhl unythli iff tli^-woro hair. H|Hb«lllR«nint whim bo wun Knizlnn ori l i n l l i t n K l i i K . H" WIIH u liaiiilnomu anl-i ini l , nml I WIIH vnry proud of him.l lo hud niivnr Hhi iwn n iilKn of uitlyl.iiiHHir In mo nr In my f a l l u ' r , mulwu I h n u K l i i III"' px r fo i ' l l y "nfiv

    Olio liny In I l i o f u l l I bail I I U K I I I I l lmJob of ro lH i l l i l l i iK llm nuuiKi ' i 'M millH t i i l l n In tin' IOIIK H t i i l i l o tha i look upHid unllro wiml iilili' of our burn Tbi'luinbor wan pl lml up i iKu lmi l lln> nur l l iHid, mid l«n nil o|iiin Hour iiboulIwnlvo.imil wldn by f i f t y fool IOIIK, 'l i l i iuhu ' l • i ivnr and « I I I ! I n w i l l .ThroiiKh tho upon ilnur In I h u 1 i i i i u l l iHill Of l l l« Hliiblo I riiulil IKIII Illy rn l l l i 'In ^ i l i n i'iiw yur i l , buny w l l ) i KHHI) looil6( l l i nn ' l i y hay un i l I ' on in l i i l l iH

    I wim wl i ln l l l i iH i'» I worlioil, file Iwiui »ii hltppy "'< » l lu> "r u l i io l i ' i ' i in i l l l l l lie Ah noiin II" I Imd l l l i l n b i ' i lmy wurlt I wan H"!IIK l i ini l l i iK unilmy biiui'l wii.t I l K h l nl l l m |ii-on|iin'lKi i lhor h u d u l l u w m l I w u ibiyi i for l l n >nlplilr work, uml wun w l l l l n n in lu>Illi) liavii f u r l n y m i l f "II Hin I l i i i n , l1iulI coiilil iiiivn on II I Imil l lmiroil I l i u lI I'milil do lllo wWli'ln ii

    him down while I wheezed and palitcd.At Innt, when I coulrt breathe natur-ally, the bull hod ceased to strugglonnd rage..-'. When ho had entirely conn-ed bin'angry bellowlngs, I- rose-fromhis head and climbed over tho man-ger nnd lay 'down on the loose buyIn the . barn; ^my arms, ached, from

    _., . .. - ,,. v • - .the IOHK strain nnd my kneos trom-Thl« tlmo I did not recover us I 8hould ,,|e(1 under mo_ Duko roi)e to h,B font

    " tl Vrt ii fid It tu uli/tn Ifl/lt* Ii I* «vi*( ' uf/tA ' " . . " - ' . " -" *• • " ' : • • • ' -i • • - • _ • _ • - i. . ' - . - - - .avo nnd bis nhouldor hit my side,I Rrnnpod for his neck with1 ' bothinmlii, UH the only thliiR w i t h i n ruach,mi mlsnml my K r ' l> ; my body whlrlod



    turn, nnd ,1 foil heavily on | | WUH

    wulkod over to tlio bnck of the'iibhlonnd ntood nhnklng bin head and blow-Ing gront bronthn of relict; ho doomedIIH Kind to bo dono with' Jho'strain us

    nlde.I bud nn l ime to rlMo, for tho InHI,

    v l l h un n i i K r y hollow, t u r n e d HWlf l . -Inwunl mo. I l l f l Kl-uul head WHH

    a i r l y ovur my body, mul In un agony>f i lonporallon I roacboil f u r bin nnn-rllii wllli my I-IK.IU linml mid clnnedny lof t band on one nf b in hnnm.

    I fo l t my t h u m b uml two l lngorn mnjnlo bin nonli-lbi, anrt, wlll i u lioavoliul look ovory ounce nf K t r e i i K l h Hint

    bud, I punhui l bin none up and ntll:o name lime pulled down tho horn

    Whim hln bend W I I H III l l io bent poull i n n Hin t I h l n inuiit ' i ivor guvo I I hooniild mu uno, bin linrnn on mo, umlbo ro i iKh l lu i rd (n frno blnmolf 1k n o w I h n l (b in wun the crucia l mn-moiil nnd rniiiilved Hull I would no!re lax Him i;rlp w h i l e I hud anyH l r o i i K j h In mo, Duko heaved bin nockuml dlamped bin foot, uml nil llm whileblow bin hi 'oulh ovor mo I lko u hoth l n n l n-oiii u furmioo.

    1 n l n u K l o i l In my k n e n n , nnd ill l inciih u l l i l r i i K K o i l lllo l i n l f w u y ur rnunK t a h l o ; I b o n I rnnii to one U n c o

    d one f n i i l , n l i iKKorod In bnlb reeld limn; on w h i l e Ibo iTeuhllc M W I I I I K' hack nnd f o r l b .I had I w In led bin lioud b n l f w i i v

    rn i l in l . mil l ho ld II u r r i inn nn IonI b l K h , I Imd In hour i lnwn w l l b a l lmy nl relish un bin r l ichl burn lo keepbin l i n i t I In Hial pnnl i l im l louml nndround wo w h i r l e d nn Ibo wel plunl in;n( I l i no i wo KO| on l l i o , l r v Mnor l i iKn e x t In i l io ( h n y n m w , on ly lo nwinnI ,nek til Iho mul Jerk to Ibo wel pur l

    1 ilUI mil ( tu rn lot KII hln nono or hlnlinril ' for n "nocoml, but I know Mint-1 muni eml Hie i i l rnn i l l e noon, for myIn the hol low n f l h o o lbnw , | i ronniiHyh/iy wimlil b o f l h to I r e n i l d e rrnm Ibo

    Aftnr I hail rocovorod from tho ox-orllon,« I went out of tho bnrn amirnmn back wi th n rope nnd a hnnlwnnd club nbout Iho nlzo of a bnniball bal. With thono In bund I outeroil Ibo Htuli le, drnvo Duko Into n cornor and put tho ropo,on bin hornnThen I lod him nut Hiroiif,-,)) Hie yurdfi l l nf cul t lo and off In tbo oilier ntablewhoro hu romnlnod u n l l l wo Hold h i mn inonHi In te r 1 WUH nm norrv lo1,00 h im K,I . Y n i i l b ' H Compunlon

    "Whnl aro ynur ohui-K,on, i loctnr?""Tlifoo do l ln i i i n vlnl l . ""Well , wo dou ' l you In cnmo on u

    v l n l l , hu t J n n i in n l u v ton or f l f tno i i

    Mr if I b lcye lor Did you ov.or r ldoIhroi i^h Iho Him i' of Varui'pnlT' Heenlnl blcyi ' lor YOH; wont through

    I her" h in t n tmmnl .l''0'Hi lilnyrlo'r ' ' ' I/Id 'you ov«r rldo

    M i n i n iuo l i r ln l i iK Krmind?Hoonnd hlcyc' l l lr Y e n ; |o(n of ll. I I

    cnmo up mid n t r u c l i iuo ulumi nix h u n -dred Union.

    M i i n d n v nclinol l o i t dhu r - -And t f m1'iiihoi of Ibo i i rnd lKnl noil fo i l on binmick mul wopl. Now, why did bownopT

    Tni|lniy -~.—~—:--ymi ' i l 'woi ip^ I'OO^IH' you foil on your


    II. Tlio noenml »c(y,onrti'

    y,)u I l k o

    but thorotli'lng Mi

    lukon .plncii two'H\o Unit, and llio family

    Imvo llm numo norvnnt l

  • lAi' '


    Watches Clocks Jewelry/

    Repair Work a Specialty.

    Work Called For and,Delivered/

    All repair work and engraving:

    done by myself.

    South Jersey^ Republican• luued every Saturday moraine ' • .

    .Entered Iri Hamrnontiin Poit-Offlce u «ecobd-clmM mhttcr by •

    HOYT * SON,' PUBLISHERSOrvtlle K. Hoyt William O. Hoyt

    1 dubaorlotlon I'rlco: 81.25 per venr. tl.OO In Atlantic County. Throe cent* per copy,Qn Kale at ofllce. find at Woll'0 Newfl Itoom '

    Advortldlnc Ifatei on application. Local Phonea.—532. 833. 1083.

    SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 1917

    Our Slogan : A Bone-dry United States by July 1st.

    IN EVERY CITY AND TOWN in Jhe country, citizens areurged to display the American Flag in their place of business,

    and either on their flag-staff or in the window, at home.Already, Haimnohton is adopting this commendable sign of patriotism,loyally to country, and approval of her actions. '

    D. s. BELLAMY;Local- Phone 841 Jeweler.Post Office Building, South Second St. .,.

    Why Pay More ?Don't judge the quality by our prices.

    Prime Native BeefRump and Sirloin Steak . .Top of Round Steak . . .Bottom of Round Steak .Lean Stewing Beef . . . .Best Cbuck Roast. . .Prime Rib Roast

    32 c.30 c.25 c.16 c.20 c.22 C.

    Hoine Killed PorkNice Lean Pork Chops. . . 30 c.Loin of Pork for Roasting . 28 c.Lean Side Pork . . . . i . 24.-C.Small Fresh Hains . . . . 28 c.Lean Small-Shoulders . . . 26 c.Pigs Head or Pigs Feet . ,. 10 c.

    Home Dressed VealFancy Veal Cutlets . . . . 34 c.Best Loin Veal Chops . . . 30 c.Nice ShoVders of Veal . . . 24 c.Fine Breast of Veal . . . . 22 c.Good Stewing Veal . . . . 20 c.Calves' Liver. . . . .' . .300.

    City Dressed LambsLegs of Spring LambShoulders of Lamb .Best Loin Chops . , .Lean Stewing Lamb .Breast of Lamb . . .Lean- Lamb Chops .

    28 c.24 c.35 c.20 C.

    2O C.

    30 c.

    Burk's SpecialtiesFrankfurters. . . . . . 25 c.Liver Pudding . . . . . 18 c.Blood Pudding . . . . r8 c.Ham and Beef Bologna . 25 c.Regular Hams 28 c.Boneless Bacon Strips . 36 c.

    Lunch RollBoiled Ham . % IbMeat Loaf . . #lbPure Pork SausageMeaty Scrapple/- . .Pigs Feet Souse . ,

    12 c.12 c.12 c.30 c.12 C.

    20 C.

    Bros. Cash MarketWhere Quality and Economy Meet

    Local 1041

    Lose Anything ? Then Advertise.

    There is a difference of opinion between Town Council and theOverseer of the Poor, Jatnes V. Baker. Mr. B. is holding a Countyposition, and is out-of-town week-days, and sometimes at night. Thecomplaint is made that he \s not here when wanted, which might proveserious at times. Recognizing that he carinot~give full time to the localposition, he has volunteered to conduct its affairs without pay. Councilcontends t h a t a crtntinua'I paid service'is needed ; and we believe that ifthey will get together and .talk things over, an arrangement can be madethat will be satisfactory to all concerned.

    Mr. Burgan-has been trying to secure an extension of the city maildeliveryVon Central Ave., from Park Ave. to Alfred Reed's place. Itwas refused, at first, but Mr B. persisted, and his arguments, with theaid of Senator Marline and Congressman Bacharach, won » victory, andthe extension has been granted'.

    We agree with Councilinen Mcllvaine and Mclntyre, that too muchcare cannot be taken iii placing gasoline tanks. The ordinance waswise in its provisions, but does not cover enough territory. The locatingof huge tanks, either above or below the surface, alongside of or near toframe buildings, while they might not endanger tiiein, would-give theUnderwriters an excuse for raising insurance rates in that locality. Weare compelling pur local dealers to live up to the law ; why,not treatthe big fellow? the same ?

    There is a proposition which will be hard on Young Americaunless he looks at it in the right light,—to cut out all fireworks on theFourth of July.—as the powder will be-nee'ded for war. This is. a wisemove, and we believe every patriotic person will endorse it. Use plentyof bunting about your premises, work in your gardens, and attendexercises in Hammonton Park. • ' /

    You may think that a protest from you will have no effect ; yetyour place is at Town Hall next Wednesday night. • • • • •

    Next week, every property owner and tenant will try to make hisfront and back yards look better than those of their neighbors. Burneverything possible, dispose of that pile of ashes as best you can ; butthe other rubbish—tin cans, old shoes, etc.,—place at the curb\for thetown wagons to haul away.

    incirj~^oui.niittee" hasT plans .and specifications about ready forthe new hose truck soon to be advertised for. It should be one ton ormore in capacity, to accommodate a 'half-ton of hoxfe and a dozen menwhen necessary. • • f-

    Read what the Law and Order Committee has to say in regard lobicycles on the sidewalk's.

    LICENSE APPLICATIQNS^' , NOTICE is hereby Riven that a pub-'lie hearing of tiie IJcente Committee ofTown Council will be held Jn ' CouncilChambers on Wodnewlay evening, May2nd, 1017, at 8 o'cloqlf.rfor the purposenf* ooimlclcrinR protcBtH, remonstrancesor rocoinnii'iiilntiiiiiH on the nnder-mcn-tloncd n|>i>llentlons for licenses.

    Llecnac Committee, Town Council,PBTKIl TELL,

    . ' r , _ . _ , i Chairman.

    APPLICATION OP ANTONIOFIN'TO for ail iun and tavern licensefor .promUcH known an "Q'DonnellHuilding," corner of' Bellevue avenueand Ecgllnrbor road, with the follow-iii'/ names on Freeholders' Recommen-dation:

    .1. \*. -O'Donncll, Eel, imd B. H.- road.G. H. Naylor, Grape st.CharlcH C. Demarco, 2d st.G"orge Lnca, 3d nt. •John I). MnRtie, North 2(1 at.

    " Michael Mazzeo,


    Here's a letter-from a local usero/DELCO-LIGHt \ DELCO.LIGHT


    DELCO-LIGHTSimple— Durubfc

    Is a complete electricplant designed to

    furnish light andpower to farms,c o u n t r y home*,

    oummcr cottage*,yachts, houseboat*,

    rural stores andchurches.

    ll bclicra Uvlnicondition* and

    p«jr» (or ItMll.


    Royal Eleotrio Co.,in I. JAOK8ON

    liniiiiiioiilon, • N. J.

    =i 9)'."- • .-*» 9> 5-="- -~~-i

    Hammonton Trust Co.

    Capital, $100,000Surplus. ai4,OOO

    Three pr cent on Time Accts.

    Safe Deposit Boxes


    Money to Loan on Mortgage

    To Farmers :I linvc received another

    carload of

    Chemical LimeSuch an you have been titling

    for Spray

    H. E. Spear,Sole Agent Palmer Lime Co,

    Local Phone, 741, lintmnonton

    DR. J. A. WAA8

    DENTISTDcllevne A cnue, Ilpnimoaton

    Philadelphia and HarnntMtonAUTO EXPRESS

    Round trip dally, Ordcrn receivedby Hell I'lioue 37-J-4

    Philadelphia Office, ma Market St.Truck leaven Philadelphia office

    at one o'clock p, in.Prompt Ucllvcrlcw

    Gardiner Brothers

    A. Di FranclsciT, Pratt Bt.-T. A. Cessato, 3d at.'"FraultC. MalnRone, liroadwny.Antonio Oe Marco, Pleasant st.John Di Francisco, Walnut st,

    • Gaetuuo Clfo, 12th nt.J. Vinccnzo Baglino. Plymouth road.John If. Kubbn, Washington Bt.Aiituniii Slseone, Chew road.Frnnk Lemlln, Jacob Bt.Antonio Cappuccio, Valley ave.-

    APPLICATION OF JOHN D. GIA-COMO for renewal of ion and tavern

    isi> for premises known us "CentralHotel," corner of Orchard street ' andEgg Harbor road, with the followingnnmex on the Freeholders' liecom-uieiidutlon:

    John T. Kelly, Central nve..John F. Raker, French st.K. W. McGovern, 2d at.H. F I'MRiill. Central nve.Michnol K. Boy'er, Bellevue ave.H. C. Bender, IJellevue ave.Samuel B. Raqks, Bellevue ave.Joseph A." Baker, French Bt.John Diliier. 2d Bt.ttcorife F. Mclntyre, 4th st. 'Howard C. French, Pleasant Bt.Calvin Mnthis, Washington st.William Ostermnnn. Pleasant «t.C. Mii-ru'l. Egg Harbor road. »Joseph Hotly, Washington Ht.

    APIM.ICATION OF LOUIS L.PURCHASE for rene.wal of Inn andtavern litvasi' for premises known as•'UalciKh-m-the-Piues," situated on the

    .KKK Ilnrhor. rond. with the- fullowingniinu-H on Freelmlders' Recommenda-tion :

    J. A. Bureau, Cejitrnl nve. .• Hurry M.''Hank. Hellevnr ave. ,

    Hobert Picken, (Central ave.SiRniuud Ojerkis. Central ave.B. P. (Ji'ay, Central ave.Kiigene V. Coggey. Orchard at..1. K. Mntner, 3d Ht.A. J. King, Vine st.Samuel I.itke, Vine st.(J. H. Parkhnrst, Main road.Charles K. Nelson. Central ave.George F. Nicholson, Central ave.M. I... Rubertson, Bellevue ave.Arthur G. Lewi*. Egg Harbor road.John C. Anderson. 2d Bt. '

    APPLICATION O F APOt'STSTttKHTtB for renewal of inn and tnv-vru licvnso lor preiiiises knuwn a* "Fair-view Hotel," corner of Fnirvlew avenueand Main—road, -wi th th«—fnllnwitiR-nnnieH on Frecholdwa' Ucconiincnila-tion:

    George Ituggerio, Main road.A, T. D'AgoHtlnn. Main road.Antonio Berenato, Mnln road.Antonio X. I'ulin. Falnvlew avr.Antonio Tdina.scllo. Fulrvlew uve.Snlvntor Hereunto, Fnlrvii'w ave.ThiiiuiiN Creamer. Fulrvlew ave.Dnmeiilco Scogllo. Falrvlew nve.Antonio D'AgiiBtlno, Kalrvlew ave.Joe G. D'AKostino, Pine roud,N. T. U'Agostluo, Fiirvlow ave.Frank Tomaiiello, Main road.Frank Jacobs. Banln mail.N. Tomasello. I'jne roail.It. G. romunello. Pine roud.I'. Lucas, Main roud,P. I'etri'ccu, Ilellevi^e avr.

    API'MCATION OF I'KTKH JIIKCK for rciirwaliof Inn anil tavernlicense for premises k n i f w n ns "Hani'monton Hotel," rorner of KKK Harhoii-ond and Vine street, wi th Ihr followingnames on Freeholders' Ili-cominendntion:

    Anton I'lez, Central ave.SI. C. CappniTlo, H. .'Id si.H. T. (lo.lfr.-y. K. II. rond nnd Hell.C. R HI nek. ,'ld and Pleinunt MM.Kdwnrd Maker, Da Conta.K. W. Hlr lcklnnd, Morton A OrchardPeter Kllnjteiihi'rg. .'M st,lUrry M. 1). Mtlle, :id nt.W. H. Turner. Hellevue nv«.John Monre, i'-'tli st.W. J. Klllott, Mr., Ilamnmnton.John "ffjtyi Itoseilale.Harry fYlmlMiiy, Itiuwlak.Walter I'. Hakley, Maple nt,APPLICATION OF JOHHPII CAM .

    I'KII.IA for u renewal ul Inn and tnvirn license, for the premium known *»'Ilolj'l I'nlnii," corner of Thirteenthitreel ami Kgg llnrloir ronil. with thi'nllmvtiiR iinineit on Krerholdem' Heo-ii i i inendii l loii :

    Joiwiili I'luxl, North "Id Kt.Horbert Hill, Hellevne ave.llnriiiirdu I'lxil, Homerby »t.Carl" Ilarbato, l.'lth st.Nleola Horenalo, l.'lth st.Plarldo TomariHIo, L'llh nt.Frank Jacobs, Hecond road.Oulscppn ( « ) Campnnella, Hill nt.Giovanni II. Ordlle, l.'lth »t.Mntteo Ordlle, l.'lth nl.Paolo Cull, l.'llh st.Nleola Mlt leher l , tilth, nt.Nlelt Ordlle, tilth "I.Frank Itrtimi, l.'llh M.John ( x ) Fnrnlo, 1,'llh nt,

    APPLICATION OF C 1| A It L W HriCN/.A for u renewal of holt lor'•

    Irennn for |irnmlsen at corner of PnnH'morn avenue uml Wont lOnd •renuii,'with the following nnnirn on Frrrhold-rn' Itccommeiidatlon i

    John G. Hmlth, Twelfth nt.AuKiint Hlrchle, Main rond.Jnmen Pnlmer, Valley nvn.JoH..jt;nmjil«llii, Thlrtnenlli st,Amfrnw J, Jannell, Twelf th nt.llrogln (X) Itagllno, Chew rond.Olias, A, Ilinonnlle, Valley nr«,Jniiirn ItnliertniiK, Valley nvr.Gulneppe HiK'co, Val lny nve.Frank lUnclll. 'riilrt.'pnlli nl.God, Moncarello, Valley uve.Peter J, lleck, lOgic I lnr l i i i i - riiail.A. M. Cnniiurcfo, Main ronil,I'lminale Vrelei'lu, Wiinhlnicton hi,Frank /iiilllotto, Wnnlilnilon nl.Jmnon Plnlo

    kl 'IM.KJATION OF (1, OAMMOUAT-'(' known whoin recruiting mid who needs farmlabor. Do it now while it In stillearly. • . . .

    1'onr new members were delected 'at the lust meeting of thcSupcrvis-ing Ooinnilitcc. to help in the work.The following in a complete lint ofthe committee :

    MCHHIU, A, J. Rider, W, R. Tiltou,W. J>^u»worth, C, C. Small, T.C.Klvlns , Mayor, I/. M. 1'arkhurat,('.. II, 1'urkhurHt, (^)arlon I'lltlrig,Miibhart KlvliiH; Mm, Chtt. I'ittlng,Mm, L, H. 1'nrkhurnt.\Tlio next meeting will he he|d intllo Vocatlonul School 'room onTuCmlay evening, May ut. At eighto'clock.

    *730Chassis $665

    ». o. b. ToMo

    Delivv Junction, 7,41 a. nf.

    Reluming, leave New York— '231 d Street, 7.50 ]). in.

    Liberty Street, 8.00 p. m.

    Children between 5 & 12, Half Fare


    Dr. Arthur D. GoldhaffcVeterinary Hospital

    Bell Phone 68

    12 S. Boulevard, - Vineland, N. J

    Have Your Young Cockerels


    A large percentage of sales ofCASE AUTOMOBILES

    are made to persons who can affordto buy any car they wish,

    irrespective of price.

    James W. Cottrell, Hammonton

    Seasonable Itemsat Elvins' Store

    Arseuntc of Lend

    Hose for Spraying

    Nozzle nnd Sprayer Fixtures


    Blue StonePuiir; Gr.-cn

    Field Sprny Pumps

    vH, Harrows, Cti l t ivutorH

    f- 'mul Gimlen Tools

    Keep tlierETuntli they Ret from nineto twelve pounds, and sell them

    At Fancy Prices.After being caponized, a capon Ishandled like any of your otherfowls. Does not get tough withage; becomes quite docile, and

    only puts on fat.Low prices per head. Special figures

    on quantities.

    L. B. WINKLER, Box 386, Hammonton


    Justice of the PeaceNotary Public

    Commissioner of Deed:)(lodfrur I tu lMtnK llamnumtnn

    Automobile TiresSave 50 per cent on

    Tire bills.Factory to yon prices—save

    middlemen's profit.Postal will bring special

    prices.Complete atock on hnnd.

    KNIEBm BROS.,Atco, N. J.

    D. J. SAXTON & 00.(KormnrUol ll«ram*ntiu|)

    Paperhanglng,Painting, and

    Grainingl;ntimiiU*H funiinlicd.

    I.oi-k llox 63, • Hatuiuoitinii . N.J

    D. N. HURLEY

    Express, Haulingand Moving

    I.orul Phono Hf>7

    M i l d VillC Silt.

    Hammonton, ?T. J.

    tfalf-a-Cent-a-Word ColumnNo ctmrrej leu than ten cenu.

    ISaeb (Inure. mltUI. »nd name count*oO»word.

    Double orlce chtrxed (or l»r«fr type.

    All ndvi. nhould. be In bolore Thundnynoon, II poMlble. Uoleia purtleii tinvo »naccount with u«.thor will not wnlt (or •bill (neceulUtlnR our adding portage to It)but ronill promptly, either In caMh or oneMid two cent utatupi. No adv. ol an7 lortwill be IniertM between new* Item*.

    Real Estate

    OK ftent,— three ploia ol ground, to anywho with to nine truck.

    Mrs. a. I. llemshuuao. Central Ave.fOR Sale.— House, eight room" and batb.

    • .Pine outbuildings, on three large lotB.Uan be used •< two-lain llrhnuse. Tope,

    . . . ^corner Fleaoanriind Monroe Ave.

    FIVR Acre Poultry Karm fnraale, cor. Klist. fload and Fllteenth Street..' _ _ _ - • ' Mn. J. S. Mlllor. Roiedale.

    onjrrt. .Houseolilx roomi at the Lake,corner ol Pleaiant Mll ln Koad and tlam-

    monton'Avenue. Apply to Mrs. A. K. Drake.13WHouii' (or Hale or rent. Will soil below

    — - - •"""""N. Second Street.

    T-IOUSK For Rent. »U rooms, all convon'••i lencoB. 812 per month. Inquire »t ornext, door, 234 Washlnston St.

    ere Lot tor Bale, on Fifteenth Street,Rosednler Mrsr T. STMIller.

    CHOICE Dulldlni r/)U on South Paclcard St.Ittst building locution In town. Pricevery reasonable. Charlea Davenport. Agent,

    Peach Street.TpWENTY-Flve Acre Farm lor gale, sultnblo^ lor poultry, truck, fruit, and cranberries.

    For terms. Inquire ofEdwin Jones. 703 llnddon Ave., Colllncflwood.N. J.. or Win. U. Hoyt. Republican Dlllce.

    ELGVKN Room House to rent, corner ofPleaxant and llorton Street, all conven-iences. U. B. Andrews.

    . _ . nd-a hall Acre Farm for sale orrout. Inquire of J. W. Roller,


    TWO Houses for rent—all conveniences.-J. 8. Mart.PURNISHED House for rent. Address by*• letter. "Housekeeping." Republlonn Ofllce.Five rooms, batb. and every convenience.

    Rooms for Rent.

    PUKNISHBD Rooms lor rent. 211 OrchardC Rtrnot. M«.J.S. Hoed.Street.

    TWO. Office Rooms lor rent. April 1st.Godfrey Office Building.Bellevue Ave. and Kg'g Harbor Rd.

    __„ nr(rn apnrtmnnt In my home.3rd and Peach. Seven rooms and batB.

    and three rooms In third story. • All conven-iences. A. L. Jackson.


    A L.L. - American" Strawberry/ Wants,— first^ Jersuy berries at Wblte House Ust year.SO c. a dozen vigorous plants.*pANSY Plants. In bud and bloom, six for a•*• tiunrter. Also nil veget«blu ulants.

    H. dchaumberg. Twelfth 4 Grand Sts.TK You H»y Rnlance. 8131. on handsome•*• Upnitlit urana I'luno. used 9 weeks, It Isyours. The Ulbbs Piano Co.,

    71-73 Main Street. Sprumfleld. Mass.P\O Vou Want Automobile.Service T If .so.^ we can accomodate you. Call a.t tbeHammonton Cundy Kitchen for llio lirrernliroiiiurii. Local phone B42 : Hull. tt-w. •

    ICufildence. local phone 647.pnosT-t'rool Cabbage Plants—another lot InA ubout Tuesday. .Sueclul line Dlniitu ordered.10 c. dozen. 50 cts. Hundred. Thus. It Lielker.

    Up! Rake Up I And drop postal toWernur,-i'welfth Street, who wil l

    remove—your— tlu—caus.—'ashes,—aud-otherrubblsh. 1'lowlne and cultivating done, utreasonable prlcuu.p UIIDI.SH Hauled Away : also plowing andAN- general icniu work done, reasonably.

    Drop postal to .los..Sauioro, 3vu.>ud ^ioat"r\ON'T Walk I Take a Jitney. Call up local^ phone tiOl. Short or long trips. Carofu*driving. Wm. Uiterinauu.f"»I.KAN tip I Clet your rags, paper, old metal^^ tilt:., together, then call me up on thephone. You will bti aurprlsud at whni you g«jtfur the old Junk thai you had Intended ourtlugaway. UtrinT, the Junk Mini,

    Jlell72-J. Ixjcal, IIu. 218 Washlniton St.ITOMP. iJltiriclry,—honi)6,-« reliable ynun» IIIAII tn rar«v* lor lawn aud Irani Co run nuiuinuhlio.Apply to A. .1. Illilcr.

    Wanted at.Ileiiulillimn l im,ie.

    SHI{KIIM''.S SAI.I'..

    Mr vl r \ i i c i ul a wri t ol llorl lni'lo» to innlrtxitrtt, Uiuod out ol thr A t l n n t l i i I'oiinnon

    I ' lvai lOiMii t . w i l l lio mil, I al i i i i l i l l o VKi id i in tinW K U i N K M H A V . TIIH MI\ ' IKI ; :NI 'M KAY

    O f M A Y , N I N K T I C K N I I I ' N D I I K I IA N I I H K V K N T M I ' . N .

    at two o'clock In thr ni irr i i i i t i i i nl iinld day,In lh« ( 'nun II. HUH NII , .Ml. Hwnuit l>'luor(luaralili>« Trim M i i l l d l l i K . In Ihn Ollr ulA l l a l l l l n l ' l tX , f iMl l i ty < i l A l l a i i l l n a n d H t a l n i i lNow .liiriuy,

    All thai mirlnlii I I I C I M M I T imrvi'l olliMnl Nl iu .at* In t lu iTi iMii I'lul i > l l .n in l l i iv l l l r , TnwiKli lpol llueiin VUl«. i l i i i i n i r nl A t lnn t l i i and mainol Now Jurmiv, lMii in«l i>d and iti)«orll>cd aalollow*. lo wll i

    llnillllllll* In Ihn Muiith\ypll*h««oltw>l'l ItaiikllnHlri'iii imrallulwild •"lil

    theSvork so quickly, easily end thoroughly that itpays for itself in a single season. Sows all gar-den seeds (in drills of hills) plows, opens fur-rows, and. covers them, hoes and cultivatezall through the season.

    Stop in and-see them. "o. 4

    Sold at Black's

    W. L. BLACK

    Why not buy that

    VictorJVlctrola now,^as we have^just the one you want

    in stock.

    Come in and let us play it for you.

    LIVENQOOD -•aThe Jeweler

    For BrpomS, See our Window

    . . 60, 60, 65; and 76 cts. .

    .Hnlnrnl an Ui« |>rut»M» ul l>o|ialo I 'vlrui ivi i i i

    and taken In «»le Jo^k*, Atlurnfr,I'r'n f, pi,i.;Ki

    Jello—Hun not advanced In price,

    although Kclutinc In much higher.Still the ttUndnrd, denser I'.

    10 cts, per package

    Seeds—A f u l l Hue of package nccdn

    fur your garden. Ucniiri and |>CIIHin hulk. We recommend' 'KiulyMorniiiK SUr" 1'enti for the flrnt| ) lunt l i iK.

    25 cts. per quart

    Kukono—A layer cuke with cocoa nut

    U-iiiK One of the DCven Wardvuriftli-H. Try It next time. Acuke in a cur ton,

    12 cts. each

    Steero—A cuhc makes a cup ot

    boui l lon , Alno very Imndy to linoIn flavoring fjravlcH, 12 cuhcn Ina \m\,

    30 conta

    M. L. Jackson & Son

  • m"'--%;;14;

    ilP /*,̂ Xt

    Emily Mdnihan

    UX THK SPRING a young man's

    fancy turns to thoughts of. love,"( and KO does a young girl's, unless

    K n e ' f s married. In the latter -event herthoughts, but not her fancy, moijtllkc'ty turn to cleaning house. However.this task need not be regarded^as sucha nuebear by the modern housekeeper,if she plans her work systematically,and in equipped with efficient brush< omiiinations and dirt eradicntors."

    The Q\& rule. "Begin at the bottomand so up," IB usually a good one tofollow, but when It conies to digging awell, or cleaning a house, It Isn't abad idea to work in the opposite direr-

    -Uon.A woman who cleans her living room

    one day and her top floor the next.shouldn't be sin-prised to find she hasher first day's 'work to do over analn.Many articles, whose usage Is doubt-ful. are stored in the attic during theWinter, MO there Is usually more rub-bish to" be brought from there 'than

    ' from any other part of the house. ItJs wise to £lear oin this room firstand then work All the workehould be carefully planned, .and a

    _defihite amount asaixned to each day.There are any number of time and

    mbor-sa,vlrig devices on the niiirk«'t to-day, anu every woman, in charge of nhome should have as many us -possiblyat her disposal, that Is if she cares tobe relieved of much of the physicaldiscomfort attending the use of theless up-to-date n ppllancea.

    "I can't afford -to In- extravagant andspend so much for an outlay of brushes,etc.," remarked a housewife In mod-erate , clrcumstttn"es.

    "I suppose." answered her Mister, whowas ol(l

  • •:ijj'


    *.-/to''-' •


    The PeoplesBank"or*

    Hammontofi, N. J.

    Capital, - - - $50,OOOSurplus and

    Undivided Profits, $69,000

    Three per cent interest paidon time deposits

    Two per cent interest allowed ondemand accounts having daily

    balance of $1000 or more.

    Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent

    M. L.Jackson, PresidentW. J. Snrnii, Vice- i res't

    W. R. Tilton, CashierWni. Doerfel, A*st. Cashier


    M". L. Jackson J . A. \VaasC. F. Osgood George KlvinsWin. J. Smith J . C. AndersonSam'I Andeison \V. R. TiltonJohn G. Galigne Chas. t i t l ing

    Win. L. Hliick.


    -Central Ave., Hammonton.

    Large assortment ot

    Palms, House Plants,Cut Flowers',

    Funeral DesignsIn jresh flowers, wax or metal

    WATKIS & NICHOLSONFlorists and Landscape Gardener.

    '*tix»i P>v.Tirl»l. Bell 1-w

    A. H. Phillips CO.

    Fire Insurance



    Bartlett Building, - Atlantic City

    Fire insurance at Cost.

    The Cumberland MutualFire Insurance Company

    Will insure your property at lesscost than others. Reason: operat'gexpenses light ; no loading 01premi&rh for profits ; sixty-sevenyears of satisfactory service. Cashsurplus over £100,000.

    For particulars. MO

    Wayland DePuy.Afll, Hammonton, N.J.Cor. Second and Cherry Hired"


    A flrnt-clnss Mount; Pnin twell recoinniended.

    • Sold by JOSEPH I. TAYLOR

    Auto and Cumuli- P a i n t i n g ,Auto Tops Re coveted and Repaired

    I ' l irnitnre Re-f in iHhed.

    Second and I ' lcimnnt Sin.,l l i i ini i iontui i , N . J .

    L. FERRARAI.alr of New York C i t y

    First Class

    Shoe Makingand Repairing

    High C l n m , \ V o i kO l S u l l n f a c l o r y 1'riee

    K t i l i l i r i l l r r l n a Spe r i a l l y

    Out-' Ti iu l wi l l makeyon 11 Ci ihl t i iner

    L. FERRABA•it t \ llcllevnc Avc.

    Next ID I ' l i luce Thfi i t ieHaiinnoii toii , New JemeyPhone in-}

    Normal School for Hamniontan!


    Due warning having been given(altho i ': . u-quired by law)all p. !•...•'.» i - Mig bicycles or motorcycles on any sidewalk in the Town

    ui. •< - v i l l be arrestedo H.W tin:! '




    ; t i n - effect have• •j"!ar Police, andappointed lor the

    purpose.y :•-. Town oimcil,

    JOSEPH PIZZI, Chin.Law and Order Committee.

    April 27, 1917

    Walter J. Vernier

    'LUMBING & HEATINGContractor


    - . Hammomon, N.J.

    Local Phone qo4


    ' 'Read This Over Carefully !

    The largest hammer that ever alocksmith swung does nut deliveiblow as heavy as those your tires-

    ;et hundreds of times in a fewundred miles of travel.That cotton fabric and rubber.

    an stand up tinder such punish-ment is remarkable when yon th ink. f i t .

    A blacksmith will tel l you- t h a ihe temper ot steel CHIP be spoiledy too much heat. Ut i le wondeilien that even H few dearie* loi.nuch in the vnloaniz i i iK pils w i l luin a t i ro by ci i rbuni / . iux the vot)il This results in ;i l i re i h a iannot stand the pounding ol daihervice.

    Hy the exclusive Mi l le r methodt vulcaniz)!!)-, all Hie essential)-re retained i n t in: c - d i i n n f i l i r i c .'he native toughness and resiliencyf the rubber ure kept i n t a c t Both>lton and rubber are welded in toru£Ku h igh ly pictu-resque and pleasing.

    In view of the fact tha t membersof the Slate Board of KdUcationwi l l be invited to in tend, ihe com-mittee would great ly appreciateit if every householder, and everybusiness: house, would l i c - i i u l i f y anddfcorntv in honor of Ihe occasion,in f ac t , for the ent i re week follow-'ing "clean-up week."

    Tuort. H D i d . K I C K .Sec'y Mi»y-I )ny I'ete Commit tee .

    The Home Garden.

    IK* A I

    bindW K )• i t

    ./Much haH been wr i t t en about

    i i i i l ing tile farmer ; but the IOWIIM-in i t i i I I ) M < > needs help. Cu l t i va t eyour back yards, (-row vegetablesto In.' mien fri-rth and caiined fornex t w in te r , Tluitu' who have idleimil In or about town clioiild be wll-

    to h i iven iK- l i ground cu l t i va t edwil l be in better condition for

    it ; und the owner cni i nhow hinpntr ioi imn by per mi l t i ng nomc needypitr ly to line the ground.

    1'repitre your ground thoroughly,lertlll/ .e, and utte good need. Anhour u day In the buck yard gardenwil l yield u wonderful return Inhciiltli luul vegetables

    Tliohe who have land l l iu l theywould like lo huve planted by Homeone who him no hind, nlionld no l l fy

    olliee or Mr. McD

    At C. C. Ubmry, Kox Heneh'itl a ten t book, " Rainbow 'n Kml." *•

    I'iiu- new l i i inpH add to the lookttof the piitM-oflicn bui ld ing f r o n t .

    I.coii .Mart wan home from St.l.onlrt th in week.


    Sunday and week-night services.

    First. M. E. Church. .' 10.30 a. m.f preaching, on the

    subject of temperance. A congre-gational vote will be taken inrelation to National Prohibitionduring the period of the war. ' "

    12 m , Sunday School.3.3o,, Junior League.7.30, Preaching.Topic, "A Wise Choice."

    Hammonton Baptist. Church.10.30, Morning service.Thetne, "What -Manner of

    Christians Ought We to Be?"-i'or children, -"1'lie Governor- -

    la m., Bible School.6.30 p.m., Curisiian Endeavor.Topic, "Missions in Latin Amer-

    ica." Leader, Mrs. G. K. tilrguse.7.30, Evening worship.- -Theme,

    "branded Ingrales."Thursdi^, 7.45 p.m Prayer and


    Kev. Geo. li. Guille, of Chicago,will give a course ot bible lecturesin Haniiuoiitou, beginning Sunday,May '3th, tu 20111 inclusive, to beheld in the Presbyterian Church,alu-rnooiitt at 3.00, and eve'gsut U.Mr. Guille is u well-known Bibleteacher, a man ot experience andpower, and is connected with thework ol the J-vxlen^uni Dept.-ol theMoody Bible I n M i u i t e of 'Chicago.He is wel l -worth hear ing, and allare coulial ly n u l l e d lo uueiid

    Presbylerian Cliurch.10.30 a.m. Preaching by Rev.

    J. F. nl iaw, morning and evening.i 2 in. tSun(Uy he. lool.7,00)1,111., V. P .S .C. I v . service.7 30, preaching by Mr. Copp.

    Ch i ' JH t i an Soience Society.Services, Sunday, 1 1 a .m. and

    Wednesday, H p.m. , in C iv ic ClubM a l l .

    Si. M a r k ' r t Church ,Third Sunday a f te r Hauler.Morning Prayer, 7.10 ; Holy

    Communion, y^o; I . i lnny andHoly Communion al 10,30 ; Sun-day School, 1 1..),1; ; I'A'eninj;Prayer , 7.30,

    SS. P h i l i p and J i i n i e M ( M a y i) .Mor ing Prayer u.nd Holy Commun-ion, 700 ; l ivening Pl r tyer .

    A I I - S o i i l ' H Church-- U i i l v e i M i i l i H t .Morn ing uervicc al u o'clock.i i a.m., Kev. T. VV, I l l i i i i in , of

    Phi l i ide lphln , will preach.Siindny School nl 13 in.7.30 |), in. "Know Your Town"

    •School" n lKht . Mr. W, K. Hccly,v l l | Hpenk on "The Town, I n l e l l i -/•in and Wine."


    The following Irllerrt leniii i l icduneiilleil for In the l lannnontonPoHt OlI'u-c on Wcdi icmlny, A p r i l

    Mr. JAIMVH 11, Mnrrny

    LOUIH J, L A N O I I A M , 1' M

    Ford car m'akes its appeal .lo yon in appearance as well'as fo»rservice. Large rndia ior and enclosed fan, strenmline hood, crown 'fenders, entire black finish, nickel t r immings,—: up-lo-datej itt a'lllrequirements for handt>oiue appeaiance—and serving the people th'e

    .win-Id over as a nioney-^avinjj, .time-saving, labor-saving utility..It Is surely your necessity. The Ford car is just as useful o'n-thfcfarm as it is in the city ; just as necessary to the business man •*•it is to the professional niun. More necei-sary to every man.thijuaiever before. Low purchase price and very economical to operatfBand m n i n t a i n . \ V h y n o t i n v e s i i g a t e ? TourHig Car, $360 ; Runs-- ,bout, S345"J Couptlet, ?5i-5 ; Town. Car, $395; Sedaw, ?«4S,—' jf. o. b. Detroit.

    • Order your car now, to insure prompt delivery.

    , -When you buy a Ford car you also buy Ford service.

    \\'e carry a .complete line of pnrts (01 repairing Ford automobile*,and can do vonr work in fi^t-clus^ uiaiuiti, pumplly, »udlat a moderate fa i r price. ' , .

    BELLEVUE GARAGE, Inc.E. A. CORDEEY, President »

    Wm. B. PhillipsAttorney - at - Law

    Hauiniontori, N. J.

    S'7-5") Federal St.. Cainden

    W. H. BemshouseFire Insurance

    Strongest CoinpanifsLowest K a i

    Oonvuyancing,Notary Public,


    Charles DavenportContractor & Builder

    Kutlmalrii Knrtilnlictl n All Kind!ol Wiitk.

    All Work Olvrii l > r f « n i | t i nnd CarefulAii i ' i i l lnn .

    ld liquid]

    Black—White-Tanof N«w York. Inc. Buffalo. N. Y.


    May Day Fete "

    Next Saturday.

    See the. program

    In'our-next issue.

    VoL 65

    Three ocnta per oopr.

    Mr. Councilman :

    Eo you want your

    Boys to become gutter

    Drunkards ? Then act.

    HOYT & SON, Publlahera and Printer*. On* twentr-flte p*rr«ar.

    HAMMONTON, N. J./ J3ATURI5AY, MAY 6, 18l7No. 18

    : * May-Day was ushered in a^ . heavy thunder-storm.

    Workingmen's Loan Associationmeetii)g_next Monday night.

    Regular meeting of .Town Coun-cil next Wednesday evening.

    Howard Wescoat. from StateCollege, was home for a few days.

    ^~T""WnifreTBralte and! wifesmdlifile•son visited Hammonton relativeslast week. .

    Mrs., Robert McKeone and twochildren, from Virginia,-are visiting'her parents.

    The Rod and Gun Club will• have a benefit at Eagle Theatre on

    next Thursday evening. •Ernest M. Jacksun''aird family

    have rented Wm. O. "Hoyt's resi-dence, on Maple Street.

    Capt. S. C. Loyeland has a finenew high-power auto,—a Marmon,which his friends admire.

    Wayland DePuy has returnedfrom the hospital, where he wasunder surgical treatment.

    .. . R. L. Rubertone will protect the' front of his market with wire screen

    which will enclose all space underthe permanent awning. *

    Are you a browser ?• The libraryinvites you to spend an hour or sowith your book friends Wednesdayafternoon and Saturday eve. *

    . Dr. Ella Anderson will give anaddress on Symptomology in theParish House, this evening at' eighto'clock. Every one is invited toattend. * .

    The annual Mothers' Day 'unionservice will be held in All SoulsChurch on Sunday^evening, i ^ th ,Rev. W. J. Cusworth preachingthe sermon.

    Free trips to the tropics, northor south pole, and several otherplaces you never heard of. Allthese may be obtained at Civic-Club library. *

    N.'Ri-Zelley and wiferwith theirdaughter, Mrs. Simon Holzscbuh,her husband and two children, ni lfrom Paulsboro, were in Hammon-ton over Sunday.

    The First Aid Class will meet onJMonday, three o'clock. Dr. Hurtand Dr. Cunningham wil l givepractical talks on the work. Donot miss this, as it wil l be a "treat.*

    A rally of ihe At lan t i c CountyChristian Endenvorers will be heldnext Tuetsday evening at 7.45, inthe Baptist Church. Kev. J. W.Weiss, Southern Vice-President,will speak.

    The Odd Fellows have accepted« number of new mem tiers, antpropose 10 i n i t i a t e them in goo(stylo next Wednesday n i K ^ t , wi l l ,the aid of a good learn f iom Miiy ' tLanding.

    Mr. and Mrs. Thos. K. Weseouitei|der hea r t f e l t t h a n k s ID friviuhwho, by ll ie « i f l of flovveiN ami l|\k ind words wr i t t en and spoken,nian i fcMei l sympa thy w i t h ilu-m.intheir recent all l iclion.

    Mr. W, K. Perry han received ahandsome K"l'l l o rk i - l , w i l l ) peiui>mid diamond H e l l i n g , from the Prn-(U 'n tu l 1 u n t i l mire Company, ofwhich Ml. P. in an i i H H J s t a n t mipcri n l e i i d e n l . On A p r i l 2nd he com-pleted I I I H t w e n l i e l h year in employof the company.


    l '°(illo\vliig the example of allrilli ' tt mid lar'ntr I O W I I H , Ihr vmii i ) ;men of Hiiminonloi i me i - l r c i i l n l i n gpapeih for H l K i i n t n r c H for Ihe forma(ion of a company of i i b l r Imd ic i lmen, lo lie dr i l led by mi a r m y ollieer mi cvr in l i i evenlngn eiu'h w e e k ,fur t l ie dofeiiHC of the knvn. A( ' ( i in ini t lec WIIH appointed liy I l ieP. O, vS. of A. , who, wi th Ihe uid

    of leu InmllerH, art: expected Inroll tip a l lht t i l live hundred.

    A public meeting wil l bo held inP. O. vS. of A. Hul l nex t Fr idayl l l^ht , wlicn npeaker« wi l l be on

    £tmild to e i i l l^hleu all I IH to Iheobject tif the nioveinent , All menhelWCCII H lx t ee i i und n l x l y wi l l beweloomo,

    The piuid'H lire In the l iuml i i of'McHHru , Huynio i i i l I .oc l i ln i id , Cluy-ton K, Scl l l l l l l , ( i r o i K « ' ( l . l l a r l e y ,Herbert C, Doughty , T, II. De lke i ,Frank A)iplef ;a le , N l f h o l i i i i C i i N l i i i i i ,Antnnlo Plnln, l i lnu-i A. P i l c n l l e y ,

    JiimeH J,. White .

    The ten license applications werereferred to Town Council, andbe acted on Wednesday'iiight.

    The Grand Army and other pat-riotic orders will attend MeiSutjday services in- the MethodistChurch, on the 26th.

    The "Hammonto/i Bird L.-^tnet-and-'organized-on—MxindayTaT]the home of J. A. Wilson. Theobjects of the club are to extendhospitality to the wild birds, toacquire greater knowledge of birdlife of this vicinity, and to createa public sentiment'in favor of birdprotection and bird study. Thefollowing officers were elected:President," J. A. Wilson ; Secretaryand Treasurer, Grace S. Oakes ;Official Guide, Morton Crowell.

    The paper Mill at Pleasant Millsis about to resume operations. Mr,McKeone expects to use thousandsof tons of salt hay, from which tomanufacture an excellent qualityof paper. This is not an experi-ment, as be has samples of a simi-lar product, made years ago, stillin good condition ; and be believesthat his improved methods willenable him to do still better. Andthink of the inexhaustible supplyof raw material^.

    On Memorial Day, May 3oth,tli£ Band will play in town Irom8.30 to 9.00 a.m.. At 9.00 sharp,autos and trucks will start for theUakdale Cemetery. Singing will berendered by the girls, an address byRev. W. J. Cusworth, prayer byRev. W. H. Gardner, firing squadvolleys, and P. O. S. of A. serviceand decoration of graves. Return-ing to Greenmount, the same pro-gram will be followed, exceptingthat Rev. E. vanDright will speak.


    Sunday and week-night services.

    First M. E. Church.' 10.30 a. m., preaching.

    12 m., Sunday-School. -3.30 p.m., Junior League.7.30, Preaching.

    Hammonlon Baptist Church.10.30, Morning service. .Theme, ".The Baptist Position.'For the children, "The Dead

    Skunk."Communion service.

    12 in.. Bible School.6.30 p.m.. Chris t ian EndeavorTopic, "Love." - Leader, A. F.

    W. Kublack.7.30, Evening \{orr>hii>. Tlanit,

    'C lu i s i i an i ty—a Religion of Joy."Tuesday eveu'i;, A t l a n t i c Coun ty

    Chr i s t ian Endiiivur J ta l iy .Thursday, 7 .(Sfim , I ' r aye r , i i i i i

    praise service, followed l>y businessmeeting.

    Bank Brothers Bank Brothers

    'very handsome new Suitsfor Women and Misses, atastonishing: low prices.

    Don't fail to come in and see them

    Suits that were $13.50, $14 and $15, are' repriced to $10. Sport and- tailored suits, of

    serge, gaberdine and tweeds, in navy blue, 'black, sheppard checks, — in mustard andapple green.•̂ ^̂ •̂"•̂ B̂"»««»̂ B«»««««̂ »̂̂ ™™^̂ B̂«««̂ B̂"«»»»̂ »««̂ »̂ »«̂ B»™l™^̂ B™^̂ B™«̂ ^̂ B«»̂ B»̂ »™»™««™«̂ »««»»«̂ Ŝ»*

    Women's and Misses' SuitsThat were $16.50 and $18 are.repriced

    to $12.50,—only one of a kind. A greatopportunity for those who will be here first.Semi-tailored and sport st3'les,— mostly ofgaberdine and serge,—blue, black,'mustardand apple green.

    Group 1.Closing out Women's and Misses' Suits

    at $6.50,— were $10, $12.50 and $15, mostlyblue and black. Plain tailored.

    Women's Spring Coats at $7.50.' Black and blue serge ; belted style

    Wash SlfirtS,—Remarkable Value.

    We put on sale a shipment of. WashSkirts at $i. These goods are just receivedfrom the factory ; made of gaberuine ; pockettrimmed with contrasting colors. , _$1.50 value for $~t

    ~ IflewStfaw^Hats.We show the most complete line of Straw

    HatSi It includes all the newest shapes insennit and fancy weave straw ;

    Also Panama Hats .New Sennit Hats at $i, $1.25, $1.50 and $2

    At $2..150, new weave Straw 'Hats, especiallyfor young men

    Panama Hat^ at $3, $3.50 and $5 '

    The Right Kind ofClothes for Men. <

    You don't have to be "regular" size figure tobe correct!}' fitted here. If you are talland sleuder, with long arms and legs",head slightly forward ; and if so you arein good company,—Mr. Lincoln, PatrickHenry, Thomas Jefferstn, were all menof this type.

    The point is this : That we have hereassembled' tfie biggest collection ofMen's Clothes we ever had, and canfit any figure.

    The tailoring is of the best, the cloth, istested, every garment is guaranteed, and theprice.l It will-really pay you to see the

    . wonderful values.we have at $10, $12.-,o, $15.-$16.50, and Si8. Piuch-backs, form-fittedmodeis, and conservative styles.

    The materials are blue, black and grayserges,, cassimeres, worsted, Scotch t weeds,and fancy mixed goods.

    Wash Skirts at $1.25, $i 50 and $2.styles and splendid values


    New Shauntiing Silk Skirts just in.

    New Middy Blouses at J rand $1.25

    Kev. Cieo. M C i t i i l l e , of ,wil l K've a course of Hihle lecturesin M a in moil t u n , he^i l i n i n g Sunday;May i , j lh , to Ju lh nu- lunive , .to beheld in the I ' l e sby ie i i an Church, .afternoons at .(.on; and eve'gsat K.Mr. ( i i i i l l e is ii wel l - k n o w n I t i l i l el eue l ie r , n man of experience anilpower, ami in romief lcd w i t h the\vnrk of ihe K x i e i i M l i H i I H ' | i t . i > l theMoody I l i l i l i - l i i i t i l u l r of ChicagoHe IM v^tll w i x l l i I U M M I I K , and a l lare cordially i n v i t e d i n i i l t e i i d thesemeet ings.

    I ' rchbyler ian ^ h u r e l i ,i n . V a , m. 1 ' i e i u ' h i n K by Kev .

    W. Ii . S m i t h .I J m. Sunday School.7.DO p. m , , V. 1'. S. C. 1 C . s ie iv i iT .7. ,11', p i ' f i i f h i i i K l > y M i . S i n i l h .Kev. deo. Iv . ( i u l l l e , ( l ex l Sun-

    Nemo Week.A special corset

    us tell you the goodCorsets.

    Nemo Corsets at $2, $3.50 and #4

    for every figure,features about NJ


    Trousers. ~Men's-Work -Trousers-at $1.25, ;̂*- • good strong material, well made.and $2

    Dress Trousers at $2.50,'teds and ca.ssimeres.

    neat wors-

    Extra Good Dress Trousers at $3 50, $4,and $5 ; serges, worsteds, cassimeres.

    Kahki Trousers at $i and #1.25

    heavy Kahki Trousers at.Extraarid #1.75

    Boys' Knee Pants.' Special at 50 cents.


    I ' K O C . K A M M K


    Wcok of'MAY 7th

    C h i i h i i i i n Si'it'iuv- SoSeiviivji, .Sunday, i

    \ V e d n r m l u y , H p . m . , inH a l l .

    SI, M a r k ' s Clinrol i .1 M I I i r l l i Sunday idler

    Prayer, 7, 10l . i l i u iyKI..VI ;

    amC l u l )

    Hohu n d


    MONDAY . . . World . .x I l i i l l i i i i o k I l l i n i i , in

    ^~ "The Ivory .Snulf l lnx ,And I ' n t l i c NewH,

    TUESDAY . . . Pa ramount .John I tanyinore , In

    "I, < m t llriih^rX ' i c l o t Moore, In .

    " l i e r.ol There Af te r A l l .

    ( . ' o i i i i i i u i i l i i n , 7. _Holy Coin iu i in lon ivlt l ay Si'liool, u..},1

    I 'n iye i , 7. ,v>.

    A l l SonTn C h u r c h — l l n l v c i w i l i M .M e i v l f c a l 1 1 o 'c lock.

    , mib je i - l , "Work of ||u-i i n inHoly hpil

    S n i u l u y Si'liiinl at i j i n .7,30 |> i n . , f o u i l l l i id i l i enn

    Know V i n i i Town" rn ' i len.t h eDr. .

    ChiU'leH C n i i i i i n ^ l i i i n i w i l l upeaU on"The Town Clean M i n i S u n i l i i i y . "Heal th u l j jh l ,

    WEDNESDAY . . . World . .1' I l l l l r i ' M N e l m i l l , ill

    "Wind Happened nl as, "

    THURSDAY . . . Mdio , .M a l i e l T u l i i i f e i i o , in

    "Snow I l l rd , " mid" l i i n - k M i.-f I l i u - l i M , " Comedy

    FRIDAY l '» i lie . .( i l m l V M l l u l e t t e , i n

    "Her New Yoik , "u n d I ' n l l i Coincily.

    SATUIIOAY I ' a in i i io i in l . .H i i / e l I l n w i i , In

    "The S a l f M l a d y , "H i i i l o u I lo lmcH Tuivol r icl l i le ,\ i i iul Comedy. «

    BostonSample Shoe

    StoreBig line of

    White Canvas Shoosand Pumps.

    Also large variety ofTennis Shoosand Oxfords.

    Al j; i eat money n u v i n g priccn

    Starting1 Saturday(to-day), wo will glvothose famous Yellow

    Trading Stamps.

    Go^Where you WillR e t u r n and tel l where yon found

    More Prompt and E f f i c i e n t


    Than you en joy at home

    At your Service Nigh t and Day.

    Hamnionton Telephone ATol .Co

    A. J. ItlDEIt, Pros'! and Mannoor.


    . , T ;T ., • -f • •• i, • -«,^•• " . 1 1 ,..'.'".''J.'i, ;.'.,','..U. • iJTl

    »ml nee I I H ,Oil tllloo

    f ind M|IV1. ,nim,.y

    204 Bollovuo Avo.Old I' Ntuud

    Walter J. Vernier

    PLUMBING & HEATINGContractor

    I l iunnio i i ton , N. J.

    i-ii I I 'hoiic o,|

    DR. J. A. WAAS

    DENTISTllellevue A eniie, I l i imnlo i i lon

    ORDERS BY PHONEArc ;is f a i t l i f t i l l } ' and jirotupt-

    ly l i l l i ' d ;i,s given in

    C I M H I . I n f'let, uiuiiy of ourrti .stoiiior.s sulduiu conic

    "* lUMir our .store.

    They l i avc coino to know thatr lu- i r pl iono orders will all bo

    l) i (> lKM' ly attended to,

    Slnill we cul l yon up every "morn ing , to see. what you

    need for the iluy ?You iue nlwnyt i Miiro to j;i:t l lu-

    liCHt i | i iall ty u t thelowest ju ice , here.

    Rubertono's Marmotllolh PJuincn, Free delivery

    •,';;',-Ui*k.>A JB^^auajfej^