banner general middle tier implementation guide

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  • 8/10/2019 Banner General Middle Tier Implementation Guide


    Banner General Middle Tier Implementation Guide

    Release 8.3October 2010 (Revised)

  • 8/10/2019 Banner General Middle Tier Implementation Guide


    Trademark, Publishing Statement and Copyright NoticeSunGard or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries is the owner of numerous marks, including SunGard, the SunGard logo,Banner, PowerCAMPUS, Advance, Luminis, DegreeWorks, fsaATLAS, Course Signals, and Open Digital Campus. Othernames and marks used in this material are owned by third parties.

    2005-2010 SunGard. All rights reserved.

    Contains confidential and proprietary information of SunGard and its subsidiaries. Use of these materials is limited to SunGard HigherEducation licensees, and is subject to the terms and conditions of one or more written license agreements between SunGard HigherEducation and the licensee in question.

    In preparing and providing this publication, SunGard Higher Education is not rendering legal, accounting, or other similar professionalservices. SunGard Higher Education makes no claims that an institution's use of this publication or the software for which it is provided willinsure compliance with applicable federal or state laws, rules, or regulations. Each organization should seek legal, accounting and othersimilar professional services from competent providers of the organizations own choosing.

    Prepared by: SunGard Higher Education4 Country View RoadMalvern, Pennsylvania 19355United States of America

    Customer Support Center Website

    Documentation Feedback

    Distribution Services E-mail [email protected]

    Revision History Log

    Publication Date SummaryDecember 2009 New version that supports Banner General 8.3 softwareJanuary 2010 Revised version that includes support for Banner Web Tailor 8.3.January 2010 Revised version to correct defect 1-AIBJS7.July 2010 Revised version to address multiple documentation defects.October 2010 Revised version with Oracle Middleware 11g updates and T&E and ERLR updates.
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    Banner General 8.3Middle Tier Implementation Guide

    October 2010 Banner General 8.3 3Middle Tier Implementation Guide


    Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

    Single Sign-On through Banner Enterprise Identity Services . . . . . . . . . . . .9

    Oracle Database 11g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

    Chapter 1 Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

    Configuration Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    Step 1 Change SEED Numbers and Regenerate Banner Forms. . . . . . . . . . 13

    Step 2 Verify Oracle Environment for Forms Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

    Step 3 Transfer Jar Files to INB Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

    Step 4 Transfer bannerid.jar File to Reports Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

    Step 5 Configure Default Settings for INB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

    Step 6 Configure Oracle Environment for INB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

    Step 7 Configure Banner Online Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

    Step 8 Modify INB Preferences for Online Help Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

    Step 9 Modify Font for INB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    Step 10 Set up Preferences for Banner ID Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    Step 11 Verify Oracle Environment for Reports Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . .27

    Step 12 Set up Banner Data Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

    Step 13 Configure WebUtil for Saving Data Extract Output . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    Step 14 Configure Oracle Reports for INB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    Step 15 Modify INB Environment for Oracle Reports (UNIX Only) . . . . . . . . .34

    Step 16 Modify INB Preferences for Oracle Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34Step 17 Modify the bannerid.jar File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    Step 18 Modify the banorep.jar File (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

    Step 19 Modify the bannerui.jar file (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42

    Step 20 Modify any signed jar file (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

    Step 21 Create a self signed certificate (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

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    4 Banner General 8.3 October 2010Middle Tier Implementation Guide


    Step 22 Sign a modified .jar file using the self signed certification (Optional) . . .44

    Step 23 Secure the Reports Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

    Step 24 Modify INB Preferences for Job Submission Output . . . . . . . . . . . .46

    Step 25 Modify default.env . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

    Step 26 Set up for Case-Sensitive Passwords (Optional, 11g Database Only) . .47

    Step 27 Configure Multiple Environments (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48Step 28 Configure Mac Environment (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

    Step 29 Customize the Color of Required Fields (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . .49

    Step 30 Configure INB to Display Windows XP Themes (Optional) . . . . . . . .50

    Step 31 Customize Color Scheme for Disabled Text (Optional) . . . . . . . . . .51

    Step 32 Customize Color Scheme for Tabs (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

    Chapter 2 Configuring Self-Service Banner

    Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

    Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

    How to Create a DAD in OAS 10.1.2.x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57

    Configuration Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

    Step 1 Set up Your Web Server Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

    Step 2 Customize Ear Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63

    Step 3 Deploy EAR Files on Oracle Application Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

    Step 4 Set Up Apache httpd.conf for Link Security (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . .68Step 5 Review and Customize Global Web Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68

    Step 6 Review and Customize Global User Interface Settings . . . . . . . . . . . 69

    Step 7 Review and Customize Graphic Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

    Step 8 Review and Customize Web Menus and Web Procedures . . . . . . . . .70

    Step 9 Review and Assign Web Roles to Web Menus and Procedures . . . . . .72

    Step 10 Review and Define Links on Menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73

    Step 11 Review and Customize Information Text (Info Text) . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

    Step 12 Add Credit Card Processing (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

    Step 13 Customize the Home Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

    Step 14 Configure the Home Page Menu Items (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . .76

    Step 15 Select a User Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

    Step 16 Luminis Integration (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

    Step 17 Configure Web Tailor for LDAP Server (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

    Step 18 Assign View and Update Privileges for Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . .79

    Step 19 Establish Web User Parameters and Third Party History Information . . .80

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    6 Banner General 8.3 October 2010Middle Tier Implementation Guide


    Chapter 6 Implementing Luminis Channels for Banner

    Prerequisites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129

    Apply Upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129

    Set up Security on GSASECR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

    Perform Required Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131

    Architectural Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

    Preparing to Install Luminis Channels for Banner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133

    Step 1 Create the Home Directory for Luminis Channels for Banner . . . . . . . .134

    Step 2 Edit the Configuration File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134

    Step 3 Localize the Configuration File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

    Step 4 Deploy the EAR File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

    Installing a Luminis Channel for Banner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

    Step 5 Install CAR Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141

    Step 6 Publish the Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142

    Step 7 Check Your Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

    Locale-Specific URLs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

    Example INB Test for the My Banner Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143

    Example SSB Test for Personal Information Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

    Chapter 7 Implementing Banner HR Effort Reporting and Labor Redistribution

    Procedure to Deploy Effort Reporting and Labor Redistribution . . . . . . .147

    Deploy the ear File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

    Modify the Server Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

    Integrate Employee Self-Service with ERLR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153

    Setup SSB Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

    Integrate Banner Payroll with ERLR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154

    Single Sign on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

    Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

    Chapter 8 Implementing Banner Finance Travel and Expense Management

    Deploy the Travel and Expense ear file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

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    October 2010 Banner General 8.3 7Middle Tier Implementation Guide


    Modify the Server Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

    Tips and Additional Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

    Setup SSB Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

    Load balancer configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

    Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

    Appendix A Self-Service Technical Information

    Third Party Access Form Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

    GOBTPAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191

    Third Party Access Audit Form Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

    GOBTPAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192

    GORPAUD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .192

    Campus Directory Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

    GTVDIRO --- Directory Item Validation Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

    GOBDIRO --- Directory Options Rule Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

    GORDADD --- Directory Address Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195

    GORDPRF -- Directory Profile Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

    Web Server Directory Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195

    Migration of files from Upgrade to Web Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196

    Appendix B Single Sign-On Connectivity Overview

    Accessing Banner from Luminis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

    Accessing Self-Service Banner from Luminis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199

    Appendix C Oracle Version-Specific Information

    Oracle Database 11g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203

    Required Versions for Banner in Database 11g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

    Case-Sensitive Passwords in 11g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

    Issues with Database 11g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

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    8 Banner General 8.3 October 2010Middle Tier Implementation Guide


    Platform Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205Change in Default Role Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

    Oracle Database 10g and Application Server 10g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205

    10g Database. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

    Example Init.ora For Oracle RDBMS 10.2.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206Oracle 10.2 init.ora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207


    Single Sign-On for INB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213

    Single Sign-On for SSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214

    Luminis Channels for Banner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215


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    October 2010 Banner General 8.3 9Middle Tier Implementation Guide


    This document describes the steps you need to follow for the primary configuration ofyour Banner middle tier server. Depending on the products you have licensed, you mayneed to skip some of the sections. You may also need to look for details in otherdocuments.

    WarningYou should work your way through this document in order, except for thesections you skip because you do not have a particular product. Do notmove randomly through the steps.

    This document describes how to configure Internet-Native Banner (INB) with OAS10g,Self-Service Banner (SSB), Single Sign-On (SSO) with Luminis, and Luminis Channelswith Banner. The configurations you need depend on the products that you have licensed.You must still set up various preferences, etc., as described in the Banner product-specificuser guides (such as the Banner General User Guide , Banner Student User Guide , and


    NoteThis book provides information for setting up Luminis Platform 4.xsystems to support single sign-on and Luminis Channels for Banner. Ifyou are using Luminis Platform 5.x, refer to the Luminis Platform BannerIntegration Setup Guide that is delivered with the Luminis Platform 5.xdocumentation set.

    Single Sign-On through Banner Enterprise IdentityServices

    Banner Enterprise Identity Services offers a new approach to single sign-on (SSO) andintegration across a range of SunGard Higher Education products. This document does not cover SSO setup through Banner Enterprise Identity Services. If you are using BannerEnterprise Identity Services, please refer to the Banner Enterprise Identity Services

    Handbook .

    Oracle Database 11g

    Beginning with Banner General 8.2, Banner offers support for Oracle Database 11g forclients who wish to use it. Upgrading to Database 11g brings only a few changes to theBanner middle tier setup, and those are noted in this document where they occur. For moreinformation on Database 11g issues and concerns, see Oracle Database 11g on page 203 .

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    10 Banner General 8.3 October 2010Middle Tier Implementation Guide

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    October 2010 Banner General 8.3 11Middle Tier Implementation Guide

    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    1 Configuring Internet-Native Banner


    This chapter describes how to configure Internet-Native Banner (INB) with OracleApplication Server Release 2 (OAS10gR2) and Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g. You will

    be guided through the following steps. As you work through these steps, we will notethose that are common to OAS 10gR2 and Oracle Fusionware 11g, as well as those wheredifferences will exist.

    1. Change SEED Numbers and Regenerate Banner Forms on page 13

    2. Verify Oracle Environment for Forms Deployment on page 14

    3. Transfer Jar Files to INB Server on page 15

    4. Transfer bannerid.jar File to Reports Server on page 16

    5. Configure Default Settings for INB on page 17

    6. Configure Oracle Environment for INB on page 20

    7. Configure Banner Online Help on page 21

    8. Modify INB Preferences for Online Help Files on page 24

    9. Modify Font for INB on page 25

    10. Set up Preferences for Banner ID Images on page 25

    11. Verify Oracle Environment for Reports Deployment on page 27

    12.Set up Banner Data Extract on page 28

    13. Configure WebUtil for Saving Data Extract Output on page 30

    14. Configure Oracle Reports for INB on page 31

    15. Modify INB Environment for Oracle Reports (UNIX Only) on page 34

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    12 Banner General 8.3 October 2010Middle Tier Implementation Guide

    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    16. Modify INB Preferences for Oracle Reports on page 34

    17. Modify the bannerid.jar File on page 38

    18. Modify the banorep.jar File (Optional) on page 39

    19. Modify the bannerui.jar file (Optional) on page 42

    20. Modify any signed jar file (Optional) on page 43

    21. Create a self signed certificate (Optional) on page 43

    22. Sign a modified .jar file using the self signed certification (Optional) on page 44

    23. Secure the Reports Server on page 45

    24. Modify INB Preferences for Job Submission Output on page 46

    25. Modify default.env on page 47

    26. Set up for Case-Sensitive Passwords (Optional, 11g Database Only) on page 47

    27. Configure Multiple Environments (Optional) on page 48

    28. Configure Mac Environment (Optional) on page 49

    29. Customize the Color of Required Fields (Optional) on page 49

    30. Configure INB to Display Windows XP Themes (Optional) on page 50

    31. Customize Color Scheme for Disabled Text (Optional) on page 51

    32. Customize Color Scheme for Tabs (Optional) on page 52

    The Windows Server 2000/2003 platforms are supported for Internet-Native Banner(INB), as well as the following Linux and UNIX platforms:

    Sun Solaris 5.9

    IBM Aix 5.1

    HP-UX 11.11

    HP/Compaq Tru64 5.1

    Red Hat Linux Advanced Server

    NoteThe word UNIX in this chapter refers to all UNIX platforms. Any platform-specific instructions are noted.

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    October 2010 Banner General 8.3 13Middle Tier Implementation Guide

    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    Configuration Steps

    Step 1 Change SEED Numbers and Regenerate Banner Forms

    You must change SEED numbers and regenerate forms using your site-specific SEEDnumbers.

    1. Change your SEED numbers.

    For more information, see SEED Numbers in the Banner Security Technical Reference Manual .

    2. Create a new directory on your forms server for the . fmb, .pll , and .mmb files.

    3. Establish the appropriate security for this directory.

    4. Use an FTP program in binary mode to copy all the . fmb, .pll , and .mmb files fromthe database host to the new directory on your forms server.

    WarningMake sure all source files are copied. Some FTP programs do not allowlarge transfers and may drop some files. Use the binary mode to performFTP functions.

    5. Modify the BANINST1 and BANSECR passwords in the following files. Use theappropriate .bat or .shl file to generate the . plx , .mmx, and . fmx files.

    For OAS10gR2 :

    Platform Host location of .fmb and .pll files

    UNIX/Linux $BANNER_HOME/product/forms


    NT $banner_home\product\forms


    Accounts Receivable tasform.battasform.shl

    Advancement aluform.bataluform.shl

    Common comform.batcomform.shl

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    14 Banner General 8.3 October 2010Middle Tier Implementation Guide

    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g :

    The scripts referenced in the OAS10gR2 section will still function for the OFM 11g with

    the exception of an obsolete parameter that needs to be removed from the scripts. The stripsource=yes option is no longer and must be removed.


    "pll") frmcmp_batch $source_bn $fgen_user/$fgen_passmodule_type=$mod_type batch=yes output_file=$target_fn strip_source=yescompile_all=special;;


    "pll") frmcmp_batch $source_bn $fgen_user/$fgen_passmodule_type=$mod_type batch=yes output_file=$target_fncompile_all=special;;

    Step 2 Verify Oracle Environment for Forms Deployment

    For OAS10gR2

    After OAS10gR2 is installed, you must verify the forms installation.

    1. Access the demonstrations on the OAS10gR2 homepage:http://yourservername:port.

    Port is the port number of your Oracle HTTP server, normally 7777 if this is your first

    installation of Oracle on your INB server. To verify your port number, refer to theportlist.ini file in the OAS10gR2 /install directory.

    2. Choose Business Intelligence and Forms .

    Finance finform.batfinform.shl

    General genform.batgenform1.batgenform.shl

    Payroll payform.batpayform.shl

    Position Control posform.batposform.shl

    Student stuform.batstuform.shl

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    October 2010 Banner General 8.3 15Middle Tier Implementation Guide

    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    3. Choose Forms Services . This link invokes the forms servlet, prompts you to installthe Jinitiator on the client, and displays a test form.

    NoteIf you do not see the test form (Welcome to Oracle Application ServerForms Services Installed successfully!), check all log files for the

    OAS10gR2 installation to resolve the problem.

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

    After OFM 11g is installed, you must verify that the various services are available.

    1. Access the EM Agent test page and WebLogic Overview: http://yourservername:5155/emd/main and http://yourservername:7777 .

    To verify your port numbers for your installation, refer to the portlist.ini file in theOracle Middleware /install directory.

    2. After accessing the http://yourservername:5155/emd/main you should get thefollowing message:

    Congratulations, EMAgent is working!

    Step 3 Transfer Jar Files to INB Server

    For OAS10gR2

    Use an FTP program in binary mode to copy the following JAR files from the databasehost $BANNER_HOME/general/java directory to the /forms/javadirectory on your INB server:

    banicons.jar Contains GIF files used for Banner icons

    bannerui.jar Used to set the colors of screen elements such as tabs and disabledtext

    banspecial.jar Contains a custom version of an Oracle graphic used in Banner

    banorep.jar Used for client-side Oracle Reports/Forms security integration

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

    Use an FTP program in binary mode to copy the following JAR files from the databasehost $BANNER_HOME/general/java directory to the Middleware /forms/java directory on your INB server:

    banicons8.jar -Contains GIF files used for Banner icons

    bannerui8.jar -Used to set the colors of screen elements such as tabs and disabledtext

    banspecial8.jar -Contains a custom version of an Oracle graphic used in Banner

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    16 Banner General 8.3 October 2010Middle Tier Implementation Guide

    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    banorep_10_1_2_3.jar -Used for client-side Oracle Reports/Forms securityintegration

    Internet Native Banner (INB) and JRE Java Plug-in (JPI)

    As of the Java SE 6 Update 19 release, when a program contains both signed and unsigned

    components, the system displays the following message:

    Java has detected some application components that could indicate a securityconcern. Block potentially unsafe components from being run?

    This message appears because the code for the .jar files is not signed.

    If you select No, INB executes normally.

    If you select Yes, the Java Console displays the following message:

    java.lang.SecurityException: trusted loader attempted to load sandboxed resource

    from http....bannerui.jar

    If you select Yes, the bannerui.jar file is not signed and therefore it causes images not todisplay. Other files such as banner.gif , my_institution.gif , and check.gif also arenot displayed.

    SunGard Higher Education has provided the following signed .jar files to resolve thisissue:

    sbanicons.jar Contains GIF files used for Banner icons and other miscellaneousimages

    sbannersso.jar Used for LDAP/SSO connections with Luminis and BannerChannels

    sbannerui.jar Used to set the colors of screen elements such as tabs and disabledtext

    sbanorep.jar Used for client-side Oracle Reports/Forms security integration

    sbanorep_10_1_2_3.jar Used for client-side Oracle Reports/Forms securityintegration

    sbanspecial.jar Contains a custom version of an Oracle graphic used in Banner

    Step 4 Transfer bannerid.jar File to Reports Server

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

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    October 2010 Banner General 8.3 17Middle Tier Implementation Guide

    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    Use an FTP program in binary mode to copy bannerid.jar from the database host$BANNER_HOME/general/java directory to a secure directory on your Reports server(C:\temp , for example).

    This JAR file is used for Middle Tier Oracle Reports/Forms security integration. Refer toStep 17, Modify the bannerid.jar file, for more information.

    Step 5 Configure Default Settings for INB

    SunGard Higher Education recommends that you use Oracle Enterprise Manager for allconfiguration file changes. Use the sample formsweb.cfg file that is delivered withBanner as a reference for customizing your INB environment.

    For OAS10gR2

    1. Access OEM on your INB server: http:// yourservername :1810.

    2. Choose Forms in the System Components section.

    3. Choose Configuration .

    4. Edit the following parameters in the default section.

    NoteThe default section applies to all environments that your INB serverserves.

    Parameter Value

    form guainit.fmx

    width 1040

    height 738

    separateFrame true

    lookAndFeel Oracle

    colorScheme blaf

    archive_jini banspecial.jar,frmall_jinit.jar,banicons.jar,bannerui.jar,banorep.jar

    archive banspecial.jar,frmall.jar,banicons.jar,bannerui.jar,banorep.jar

    imageBase codeBase


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    5. Choose Apply to save your changes.

    SunGard Higher Education testing has found that the signed .jar files are not ideallycompatible with the Java 1.4.2 Plug-in level. At runtime, the initial load of the .jar filesworked as expected. However, closing the browser and launching it again with the .jarfiles already cached resulted in the applet hanging and not loading.

    It is recommended that you adjust your configuration for using the signed .jar files bylocating your current working configuration and then clone and modify it. Change the

    jpi_download_page, jpi_classid, jpi_codebase, and jpi_mimetype values as appropriatefor the version of Java you have installed. Also, adjust the archive= line so as to reflect thenames of your signed .jar files such as sbanicons.jar.

    It has been found that changing the order of the jar files listed in the configuration(formsweb.cfg) parameters for archive_jini and archive has fixed this issue. Thishappened when .jar files were listed in an order similar to the one shown here:


    It is recommended that you change the order of the secured .jar file values:







    NoteThe key is having the Banner files first and the Oracle file (frmall.jar orfrmall_jinit.jar) last.

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

    1. Access OEM on your INB server: http://yourservername:7001/em.

    2. Expand the Forms folder and select Forms , from Form's drop-down list, choose WebConfiguration .

    3. Select Create to create a new section to connect to the Banner database.

    Section Name : dbServer_ban8

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    Comments : Banner 8 database

    4. From the Show drop-down list, select All .

    5. Edit the following parameters in the default section.

    The other parameters that are not listed below can also be changed if the customerswant to customize them.

    NoteThe default section applies to all environments that your INB serverserves.

    6. Choose Apply to save your changes.

    7. Select Home > Environment Configurations > Duplicate File and enter thefollowing values:

    Environment File : default.env

    Name : dbServer_ban8.env

    8. Set the following parameters:

    FORMS_PATH= /u01/app/banapps/SEED/fmx


    Parameter Value

    form guainit.fmx

    width 1040

    height 738

    separateFrame true

    lookAndFeel Oracle

    colorScheme blaf

    archive banspecial8.jar,banicons8.jar,bannerui8.jar,banorep_10_1_2_3.jar,frmwebutil.jar,frmall.jar

    imageBase codeBase


    jpi_mimetype application/x-java-applet (remove the version inorder to allow different versions of JPI to connect).

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    9. Choose Apply to save your changes.

    Step 6 Configure Oracle Environment for INB

    For OAS10gR2

    1. Back up fmrpcweb.res , which is delivered in the $BANNER_HOME/install directory.

    Oracle provides this file as a sample key mapping resource file for Web-enabledforms. This file contains the key mappings that match the standard client/serverkeystrokes of Banner. The file is ASCII text and can be edited with any editor.

    2. Rename fmrpcweb.res to fmrweb_utf8.res .

    3. Move fmrweb_utf8.res to the /forms/admin/resource/US directory on your OAS10g server.

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

    1. Back up fmrpcweb.res , which is delivered in the $BANNER_HOME/install directory.

    Oracle provides this file as a sample key mapping resource file for Web-enabledforms. This file contains the key mappings that match the standard client/serverkeystrokes of Banner. The file is ASCII text and can be edited with any editor.

    2. In the $MIDDLEWARE_HOME/asinst_1/config/FormsComponent/forms/admin/resource/US , rename fmrpcweb.res to fmrpcweb_orig.res and fmrweb_utf8.res to fmrweb_utf8_orig.res .

    3. Copy the frmpcweb.res from your $BANNER_HOME/install directory to the$MIDDLEWARE_HOME/asinst_1/config/FormsComponent/forms/admin/resource/US.

    4. Copy the fmrpcweb.res also to fmrpcweb_utf8.res .

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    Step 7 Configure Banner Online Help

    For OAS10gR2

    Help files are contained in the bannerOH xx .war file (bannerOH80.war, for example)which is available on the Customer Support Center.

    1. Download bannerOH xx .war from the software downloads section to a directory onyour desktop.

    NoteThe bannerOH.war file that is located in the $BANNER_HOME/general/help directory is only a placeholder file. You must always download thecurrent version from the Customer Support Center.

    2. Access OEM on your INB server. In most cases, OEM can be accessed using http:// yourservername :1810 .

    3. Click Home.

    4. From System Components, select home instance and click Start to display thedefault page.

    5. Choose Applications .

    6. Click Deploy WAR file if this is the first time you are deploying online help. If youare replacing a previous version, undeploy the old version first.

    7. Browse to the location of the bannerOH xx .war file on your INB server.

    8. Enter bannerOH in the Application Name field.

    9. Enter /bannerOH in the Map to URL field.

    10. Choose Deploy to deploy the bannerOH xx .war file. The file is now listed under thehome deployed Applications.

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

    Help files are contained in the bannerOHxx.war file (bannerOH80.war, for example)which is available on the Customer Support Center.

    1. Download bannerOHxx.war from the software downloads section to a directory onyour desktop.

    NoteThe bannerOH.war file that is located in the $BANNER_HOME/general/help directory is only a placeholder file. You must always download thecurrent version from the Customer Support Center.

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    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    2. Access WebLogic Console on your INB server. In most cases, the console can beaccessed using http://yourservername:7001/console .

    3. Follow the instructions given below and ensure that you have a Banner ApplicationServer and Cluster.

    3.1. In the left pane of the Administration Console under Domain Structure, selectEnvironment and then select Servers .

    You should see an entry for Name = BannerApps andCluster = BannerAppsCluster .

    If you do not see this, follow the instructions given below to create them.

    3.1.1. Select Lock & Edit from the Change Center of the AdministrationConsole (upper left corner).

    3.1.2. Select Environment from the Domain Structure pane.

    3.1.3. Select Servers from the central pane and then select New .

    The Server Properties page is displayed.

    3.1.4. Enter BannerApps in the Server Name field.

    3.1.5. Enter in the Server Listen Address field.

    3.1.6. Enter 9003 in the Server Listen Port field.

    3.1.7. Select the Yes, create new cluster for this server option.

    3.1.8. Select Next .

    The Cluster Properties page is displayed.

    3.1.9. Enter BannerAppsCluster in the Name field.

    3.1.10. Retain the other default values.

    3.1.11. Click Finished .

    3.1.12. Select the newly created BannerApps link from Server.

    3.1.13. Enter in the Change Machine field.

    3.1.14. Click Save .

    3.1.15. Select Activate Changes from the Change Center of theAdministration Console (upper left corner).

    3.1.16. Select Environment from the Domain Structure pane.

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    3.1.17. Select Servers and then select the Control tab.

    3.1.18. Check BannerApps.

    3.1.19. Select Start .

    3.1.20. Click Yes .The status will be STARTING and then RUNNING after a fewminutes and then TASK COMPLETED.

    4. Select Lock & Edit from Change Center of the Administration Console (upper leftcorner).

    5. Select Deployments from the Domain Structure pane.

    6. Select Install from the right pane.

    The Install Application Assistant wizard is displayed.

    7. Select the link upload your file(s) and locate the war file.

    7.1. Enter C:\temp\bannerOH.war in the Deployment Archive field.

    NoteIf the file is called bannerOH2008april.war, rename it to bannerOH.war.

    The Deployment Plan Archive field remains empty.

    7.2. Click Next and then Next again.

    The Choose targeting style page is displayed.7.3. Select the default option Install this deployment as an application .

    7.4. Click Next .

    The Select deployment targets page is displayed.

    7.5. Select the BannerAppsCluster check box.

    7.6. Click Next .

    7.7. Retain all the default values on the Optional Setting screen.

    7.8. Click Next .

    The Review your choices and click Finish page is displayed.

    7.9. Select the option No, I will review the configuration later .

    7.10. Click Finish .

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    8. Select Activate Changes from Change Center of the Administration Console (upperleft corner).

    9. Locate and select the bannerOH check box from Deployment.

    10. Select Start - Servicing all requests .

    11. Click Yes .

    12. Test the bannerOH URL.

    12.1. Select the bannerOH application link from Deployments.

    12.2. Select the Testing tab.

    12.3. Locate the Test Point URL and copy and paste that into another browser.

    12.4. Add /bannerOH at the end of the URL.

    For example, change to .

    The Banner Online Help displays the following message:

    Help is not available.

    Step 8 Modify INB Preferences for Online Help Files

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    You must specify the directory location where online help files will be stored.

    1. Logon to Banner as the BASELINE user.

    2. Go to the General User Preferences Maintenance Form (GUAUPRF).

    3. Select Directory Options.

    4. Navigate to the record for the online help for Web access.

    5. In the User Value field, change the URL to the server address and virtual path used by your site.

    Delivered value:http://your.bannerOH.server/bannerOH/bannerOH


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    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    Step 9 Modify Font for INB

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    1. Navigate to the /forms/java/oracle/forms/registry directory.

    2. Edit the Registry.dat file.

    3. Comment out the following line:


    4. Add the following line:

    default.fontMap.defaultFontname=Arial Unicode MS

    For more information on UNICODE fonts, see

    5. Save the Registry.dat file.

    Step 10 Set up Preferences for Banner ID Images

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    The capability to display an image file (. bmp , . gif , .tif , or . jpg ) associated with an ID isavailable from the ID fields in Banner. In order to use this functionality, you must do the

    following: Set up a directory to store the images.

    Change the Banner images record on GUAUPRF to point to the directory.

    (Optional) Configure the BAN_GUAIMGE_ID_RANGE and BAN_GUAIMGE_EXTENSION environment variables if you want to use a naming convention other than the DOS8.3 standard with a file type of Windows Bitmap (. bmp ).

    The 1,9 and 3,7 Image Name Conventions

    You can now choose to use the following convention for image names:

    Nine characters of the ID, starting with position one. (for example, an ID of A01394287 would become A01394287 ). This is referred to as the 1,9 convention.

    A file extension of . gif , . jpg , .tif , or .bmp (for example, A01394287.gif ).

    Prior to the General 7.4 release, image files that were displayed on the Personal ImageForm (GUAIMGE) were limited to the following convention:

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    Seven characters of the ID, starting with position three, and prefixed with the letter I (for example, an ID of A01394287 would become I1394287 ). This is referred toas the 3,7 convention, or the DOS 8.3 standard.

    A file extension of .bmp (for example, I1394287.bmp ).

    Set up a Directory for Banner ID Images

    1. Create a directory on the INB server or a network directory where you want to storethe images associated with Banner IDs.

    2. Place the images in the directory, making sure that they are named correctly:

    If you are using the 3,7 naming convention --Use seven characters of the ID,starting with position three, and prefixed with the letter I . Use a file extension of.bmp . For example, an ID of A01394287 would become I1394287.bmp .

    If you want to use the 1,9 convention, or a different file extension --Use ninecharacters of the ID, starting with position one. Use a file extension of . gif , . jpg , .tif ,

    or .bmp . For example, an ID of A01394287 would become A01394287.gif .

    NoteIf you want to use the 1,9 convention or a file extension other than . bmp ,you must also configure the BAN_GUAIMGE_ID_RANGE andBAN_GUAIMGE_EXTENSION environment variables.

    Specify Directory for Banner ID Images

    The Banner ID Images record on the General User Preferences Maintenance Form(GUAUPRF) must point to the images directory you created.

    1. Log in to Banner as the BASELINE user and go to GUAUPRF.

    2. Go to the Directory Options tab.

    3. For the Enter the location of your Banner ID images record, enter the directory nameyou created for your Banner images.

    For Windows, you can use a network drive location, or a location local to the INBserver.

    For Solaris, the directory name needs to be on the INB server.

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    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    Configure Environment Variables for Banner ID Images (Optional)

    If you are using the 1,9 convention, or a file extension other than . bmp , you must specifyyour preferences in the BAN_GUAIMGE_ID_RANGE and BAN_GUAIMGE_EXTENSION environment variables.

    NoteIf the variables are not present or do not have values, then Banner willuse the 3,7 naming convention, with an extension of . bmp .

    1. Edit the BAN_GUAIMGE_ID_RANGE variable. If you want to name all new files with the1,9 format, but still use your existing 3,7 files, then specify 1,9 for this variable. Then,if Banner cannot fine an image file named with the 1,9 convention, it will search forone with the 3,7 format.

    Example :BAN_GUAIMGE_ID_RANGE=1,9

    2. Edit the BAN_GUAIMGE_EXTENSION variable.You can specify a file extension of . gif ,. jpg , .tif , or .bmp . The default value is .bmp, if this variable is not present, or if it doesnot have a value.


    Step 11 Verify Oracle Environment for Reports Deployment

    For OAS10gR2

    After OAS10gR2 is installed, you must verify the Reports installation.

    1. Access the demonstrations on the OAS10gR2 homepage:http:// yourservername:port .

    Port is the port number of your Oracle HTTP server, normally 7777 if this is your firstinstallation of Oracle on your INB server. To verify your port number, refer to theportlist.ini file in the OAS10g /install directory.

    2. Choose Business Intelligence and Forms .

    3. Choose Reports Services. This link invokes the reports servlet.

    4. Choose Test a Paper Report on the Web . This link invokes the test report demo.

    5. Enter your report server name and port number.

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    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    6. Choose Run Report .

    NoteIf you do not see the report output (Reports Server Test Report, Thereport ran successfully!), check all log files for the OAS10gR2 installationto resolve the problem.

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

    After OFM 11g is installed, you must verify the Reports installation.

    1. Access the help page for the Oracle Reports:


    2. To verify your port numbers for installation, refer to the portlist.ini file in theOracle Middleware /install directory.

    3. To view the environment settings for the web server, submit the showenv command tothe Reports Server:


    Step 12 Set up Banner Data Extract

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    Use the following steps to set up Banner Data Extract functionality:

    Enable Data Extract for forms

    Choose default output format

    Configure environment variable for Data Extract (optional)

    Enable the Data Extract Feature for a Form

    1. Access the Object Maintenance Form (GUAOBJS).

    2. Query for the form(s) you want to enable.

    NoteNot all baseline forms have been tested for Data Extract functionality. Fora list of tested forms, refer to chapter 3 of the Banner Getting StartedGuide .

    WarningIf you want to use the Data Extract feature on your institutions localforms, you must test it on them first.

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    3. Select a value from the pull-down list in the Data Extract Option field for eachform:

    Key and Data Block Enable the extract feature for both key and data blocks.

    Data Block Only Enable the extract feature for data blocks only.

    4. Save.

    Choose the Default Output Format

    1. Log on to Banner as the BASELINE user.

    2. Access the General User Preferences Maintenance Form (GUAUPRF).

    3. Go to the Directory Options window.

    NoteFor each record on this window except for Oracle Reports Root Subfolder ,

    you can choose whether changes to BASELINE values are used as thedefault values for all current users by using the Propagate pull-down list:

    Copy to All Users (default): The value you enter for the record will be copiedinto all user's individual user preference rows in the GURUPRF table. Anyexisting user value will be overwritten with this option.

    Copy to No Users : The value you enter for the record will not be copied toany users.

    Copy to Users having same value as BASELINE value : The system willcompare the old BASELINE value with each user's individual row for this

    preference. If the value on the BASELINE row matches the value on theuser's row, then the new BASELINE value will be copied into the user's row.If the user's current value is different than the current BASELINE value(prior to the change being made), then the user value will not be updated tomatch the BASELINE row.

    4. Go to the record for Data extract format: FILE (.csv), TEXT, or WEBUTIL .

    5. Make an entry in the User Value field.

    If you want extracted data to be placed into a file in comma separated value format(with a . csv extension), enter FILE in the User Value field. When users extractdata, they will be prompted to save it to their local drive.

    If you want extracted data to be displayed in a separate browser window, enterTEXT . The information is display-only, but users can save it in a variety of formats.

    If you want to use the WebUtil option, enter WEBUTIL to save the .csv file tousers local drives using the General WebUtil File Extract Form (GUQWUTL). If

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    you choose this option, you must also follow the steps to Configure WebUtil forSaving Data Extract Output on page 30 .

    NoteEven if you do not use WebUtil as the BASELINE option at yourinstitution, then be aware that individual users will still be able to select

    WEBUTIL as their value for the User Value field, although they willreceive an error when they try to use the General WebUtil File ExtractForm (GUQWUTL) to save their file.

    6. (Optional) If you are using the WebUtil option, you can specify a different defaultdirectory to save users output in the record for Local directory for saving output . Thedefault delivered value is C:\temp.

    7. Save.

    Configure Environment Variable for Data Extract (Optional)

    You can use the BAN_DATA_EXTRACT_PAD_COLUMNS environment variable to specifywhether you want the columns of extracted data to be padded with spaces.

    If the variable is set to Y (Yes)--The Data Extract logic in the G$_WRITE_BLOCK will pad the columns with spaces. This option was the default prior to General Release7.4.


    If the variable is set to N (No) --The columns will not be padded with spaces. The padding is not needed because the columns have a wrapper of double quotesaround them.


    NoteIf the variable does not exist, then Banner assumes a value of N.

    Step 13 Configure WebUtil for Saving Data Extract Output

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    WebUtil is an Oracle utility, portions of which SunGard Higher Education made available beginning with the General 7.3 release to assist with data transfer and web output. Ifconfigured, WebUtil provides a way to extract data from Banner to a users desktop, either

    by using Banners Data Extract feature, the GASB Parameter Form (FGAGASB), or theSaved Output Review Form (GJIREVO). Although it is primarily intended to provide aData Extract solution for institutions with a RAC (Real Application Clusters)

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    environment, SunGard Higher Education recommends that all institutions adopt thissolution.

    To configure WebUtil at your institution, do the following:

    Follow the instructions in the Oracle Forms Developer WebUtil Users Guide , with

    the exception of the items listed below under the Exceptions to the StandardWebUtil Configuration heading.

    Choose WEBUTIL as the output format in the step to Choose the Default OutputFormat on page 29 .

    For more information about WebUtil, refer to the following page of Oracles web site:

    Exceptions to the Standard WebUtil Configuration

    SunGard Higher Education recommends that you install the webutil_db packagein the baninst1 schema. In Banner General, the webutil_db package is delivered

    split into gokwutl.sql (package specification) and gokwutl1.sql (package body), in order to comply with Banner standards.

    NoteIt is no longer necessary to use the banwebutil.jar file in place of Oraclesnative frmwebutil.jar. SunGard Higher Education now recommends thatyou follow Oracles WebUtil configuration instructions and install theappropriate version of Oracles frmwebutil.jar based on your version ofOracle Application Server. In particular, if you are using Oracle

    Application Server or later; you may experience errors if usingbanwebutil.jar, and you should use Oracles frmwebutil.jar instead.

    Using WebUtil for Other Purposes

    SunGard Higher Education made a single form "WebUtil enabled" in support of the DataExtract features across Banner: the General WebUtil File Extract Form (GUQWUTL).

    If you want to use other features of WebUtil at your institution, you must make eachrelevant form WebUtil enabled; however, Oracle recommends that you only WebUtil-enable forms which actually need the functionality. This is because each form that isWebUtil enabled generates a certain amount of network traffic and memory usage simplyto instantiate the utility, regardless of whether any WebUtil functionality is used.

    Step 14 Configure Oracle Reports for INB

    Oracle Reports for Banner uses the RUN_REPORT_OBJECT Built-In function to run a reportfrom the form.

    The Reports server may be customized by defining the defaultEnvId parameter in theReports server configuration file. This file allows for the definition of environmentvariables specific to the Reports server engine.

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    Configuring Internet-Native Banner

    SunGard Higher Education recommends that you use OEM for all your configuration filechanges.

    For OAS10gR2

    1. Access OEM on your INB server: http:// yourservername :1810 .

    2. Choose reportservername in the System Components section.

    3. Choose Edit Configuration File in the Administration section.

    4. Add the defaultEnvId parameter to the engine ID parameter. This parameterconnects the user to a specific database.

    Example :

    In this example, defaultEnvId="test" is added to the end of the engine ID parameter:

    5. Add the LOCALand REPORTS_PATH parameters.

    Example :

    Note If you use Oracle SSO and Oracle Portal, skip step 6.

    6. Remove the Oracle SSO and Oracle Portal tags by commenting them out using at the end of the security id and destination tags.

    Example :

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    encrypted="no"/> -->

    7. Choose OK .

    8. Choose Yes to restart the Reports server.

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

    1. Log in to OEM 11g server with Oracle.

    2. Change directory to your Middleware Instance directory where the rwserver.conf islocated.

    For example, /u01/app/oracle/middleware/asinst_1/config/ReportsServerComponent/ReportsServer_YOURSERVER_asinst_1

    3. Copy rwserver.conf to rwserver_orig.conf .

    The following is a sample configuration that can replace the delivered rwserver.conf . Changes that need to occur would be the classPath and the variousenvironment variables in the environment id section.

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    4. Restart the Reports server from the WebLogic Enterprise console. Typically, .

    Step 15 Modify INB Environment for Oracle Reports (UNIX Only)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    An enhancement was made to the Banner 7.1 release of Oracle Reports allowing the usersto run a report without specifying the database name when logging in to INB. If you arerunning your Reports Server on UNIX, you must add the following to your .env file:

    local=e.g local=test

    Step 16 Modify INB Preferences for Oracle Reports

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    1. Logon to Banner as the BASELINE user.

    2. Access the General User Preferences Maintenance Form (GUAUPRF).

    3. Go to the Directory Options window.

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    4. Go to the Enter the name of your Oracle Reports Server record. In the Default Value field, change the URL to the report server used at your site.

    Delivered value: http://yourservername:port/reports/rwservlet?

    5. Go to the Enter the name of your Oracle Reports Service Name record. In the Default

    Value field, change the reports server name to the name used at your site.Delivered value: rep_yourservername

    6. Go to the Enter name of your Oracle Reports Root Subfolder record, which allowsyou to control the file name format and location of Oracle Reports output. With thisrecord, you can control where users send their report output when the reportDestination Type is set to File (DESTYPE=FILE).

    If you change nothing on the BASELINE row (i.e., where GURUPRF_USER_ID is equalto BASELINE), then the value DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR is used, and users send theiroutput to the drive/folder/subfolder specified in the Destination Name field or to the

    default directory on the Reports server, if Destination Name is valued with only a filename. This is the same way this feature worked in previous releases. However, youhave the option to enter the name of and Oracle Reports root-level folder/subfoldervalue (including an ending slash).

    To this root-level folder/subfolder value, you have the option to append:

    An indication for including a timestamp in the report file name ( date )

    An indication for having the report file written to an oracle-username-subfolder ( user )

    Indications for both timestamp and username subfolder ( user, date )

    NoteIf your institution chooses not to append the string date to the report filename, then you must otherwise ensure that duplicate file names are notoverwritten.

    TipIf you use any of the new options, keep in mind that the methods you useto periodically purge the output on your Reports server may need to beadjusted. Also, when running the reports, users will enter just the filename (and extension) in the Destination Name field. The configuredoptions will be dynamically constructed into this entered DestinationName value.

    The delivered value for BASELINE is DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR . You may change thisvalue to one of the following options:

    A root-level folder

    A root-level folder and the string user

    A root-level folder and the string date

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    A root-level folder and the string user, date

    These options are detailed below.

    A root-level folder

    Enter a root-level folder (including an ending slash) to which all Oracle Reports outputwith a Destination Type of File will be sent. This root-level folder must exist and bewritable by the Reports server.

    NoteIf you choose this option, make sure that all Oracle Reports users areconfigured to access files at this root location, and that the Windowsshare (or Unix security) is configured accordingly. Users need readaccess to this folder. Additionally, make sure that they do not send reportoutput with sensitive data to this folder.

    NoteIf a value exists in the User Value field for this corresponding type of

    BASELINE row, it will be ignored.

    A root-level folder and user

    Enter a root-level folder and the string user. If desired, users may specify subfolders withintheir username folder by entering the name of the subfolder in the corresponding UserValue field of GUAUPRF (including an ending slash). This specified subfolder mustexist.

    Windows Unix/Linux

    Example of the BASELINE rowconfiguration

    f:\orep_root\ /u02/orep_root/

    Example of what outputmight look like with this

    BASELINE rowconfiguration



    Windows Unix/Linux

    Example of the

    BASELINE rowconfiguration

    f:\orep_root\user /u02/orep_root/user

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    NoteYou must create user folders for Oracle user IDs, if you choose thisoption. If you do not, the Reports server will not be able to write the file tothe specified location. It is recommended that you create Windows share(or Unix security) on these user folders.

    A root-level folder and date

    Enter a root-level folder and the string date. If you choose this option, then a unique timestamp will be appended to the end of the report name, so that files will not be overwritten.

    Example of what outputmight look like with this

    BASELINE rowconfiguration



    Example of what outputmight look like if a UserValue subfolder of xyz\(for Windows) or xyz/ (forUnix) is specified on theusers GUAUPRF row



    Windows Unix/Linux

    Windows Unix/Linux

    Example of the BASELINE rowconfiguration

    f:\orep_root\date /u02/orep_root/date

    Example of whatoutput might look likewith this BASELINErow configuration



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    A root-level folder and user,date

    Enter a root-level folder and the string user,date.

    NoteYou must create user folders for each Oracle user ID if you choose thisoption. If you do not, the Reports server will not be able to write the file tothe specified location. It is recommended that you create Windows share(or Unix security) on these user folders.

    Step 17 Modify the bannerid.jar File

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    The bannerid.jar file provides secured access for Oracle*Reports.

    1. Create two temporary directories. (For example, C:\temp\jar\default andC:\temp\jar\new ).

    2. Place bannerid.jar into the C:\temp\jar\default directory.

    3. Open a command prompt session at the C:\temp\jar\new directory .

    4. Unpack the bannerid.jar file into the C:\temp\jar\new directory:

    jar -xvf c:\temp\jar\default\bannerid.jar

    5. Navigate to the C:\temp\jar\new\com\sct\banner\reports directory.

    6. Modify the SEED1 and SEED3 parameters in the and files.

    NoteInformation about changing SEED parameters is located in the BannerSecurity Technical Reference Manual .

    7. Save your changes.

    Windows Unix/Linux

    Example of the

    BASELINE rowconfiguration

    f:\orep_root\user,date /u02/orep_root/user,date

    Example of whatoutput might look likewith this BASELINErow configuration



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    8. Repackage the bannerid.jar file in the C:\temp\jar\new directory using the jarcommand:

    jar -Mcvf bannerid.jar *.*

    9. Create a secure directory on the server and copy the bannerid.jar file to thisdirectory.

    10. Modify the rep_.conf file in the following manner. SunGard HigherEducation recommends that you use Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) for allconfiguration file changes.

    10.1. Access OEM on your INB server: http://yourservername:1810 .

    10.2. Choose Reports Server Name in the System Components section.

    10.3. Choose Edit Configuration File .

    10.4. Add classPath="C:\temp\bannerid.jar" to the end of the engine id parameter.


    Step 18 Modify the banorep.jar File (Optional)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    Banner is delivered with the banorep.jar file to control advanced Oracle ReportsSecurity.

    To avoid exposing the userid parameter, the userid connect string can be encrypted andstored in a temporary cookie on the client browser. This means the following for Reportsto run:

    The userid parameter is left empty in the Reports HTML parameter form and doesnot show in the requested URL.

    The userid connect string is encrypted and stored as a temporary cookie. Thecookie is deleted immediately when closing the browser.

    The cookie expires after 30 minutes even if the browser was not closed.

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    The default cookie domain is derived from the host running Forms Services. Thissecures the cookie from applications hosted by other servers accessing thisinformation.

    The Reports userid cookie can be set from Forms using a Java Bean in Forms. Thebanorep.jar file handles setting the userid parameter in a cookie.

    maxAge This property allows to specify a time in minutes for which the Reportsuserid cookie is valid. The cookie expiration is determined on the Reports Server.The default value is 30 minutes.

    cookieDomain This property defines the scope of servers, the location from whichhosted applications can access the cookie information. The minimum requirementis a domain that has a least two '.' in it. The domain can be set to a complete servername, therefore ensuring that only applications started on this server can access thecookie.

    Example : is a valid domain, is not a valid domain

    cookiePath This property defines the virtual path that an application needs inorder to access the client side cookie. By default, the path is set to '/', which meansthat applications downloaded from any virtual path in the cookie's domain canaccess the cookie. To restrict access to only those applications downloaded from aspecific virtual path, like "reports," use the following settings '/reports/'.

    1. Create two temporary directories. (For example, C:\temp\jar\default andC:\temp\jar\new ).

    2. Place banorep.jar into the C:\temp\jar\default directory.

    3. Open a command prompt session at the C:\temp\jar\new directory.

    4. Unpack the banorep.jar file into the C:\temp\jar\new directory :

    jar -xvf c:\temp\jar\default\banorep.jar

    5. Navigate to the C:\temp\jar\new\oracle\reports\utility directory.

    6. Access the and files.

    7. Change the value for each property.

    8. Save your changes.

    9. Repackage the banorep.jar file in the C:\temp\jar\new directory using the jarcommand:

    jar -Mcvf banorep.jar *.*

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    Forms Services Configuration

    10. Copy the new banorep.jar file to the /forms/java directory.

    formsweb.cfg File

    11. Add the following line to the named configuration section for your application in theformsweb.cfg file:

    Archive_jini = banspecial.jar ,frmall_jinit.jar ,banicons.jar,bannerui.jar ,banorep.jar

    Archive = banspecial.jar ,frmall.jar ,banicons.jar,bannerui.jar ,banorep.jar

    Basejini.htm File

    12. In order for the Forms Applet to get permissions for setting the temporaryauthentication cookie, the MAYSCRIPT parameter needs to be set in basejini.htm template.

    Internet Explorer section of basejini.htm :

    Netscape section of basejini.htm :


    WarningThere is a known issue with the combination of Netscape 7.1, JInitiator1.3.1.x, and the JSOBject class from Netscape. Forms that run in

    Netscape 7.1 must use the certified version of the Java Plug-In 1.4.

    NoteIf you are using the Java Plug-In, you must changebaseHTMLJInitiator= and baseHTMLie= parameters to point to justbasejpi.htm . Add the banner jar files to the archive parameter.

    Example:# System parameter: base HTML file for use with JInitiator clientbaseHTMLjinitiator=basejpi.htm# System parameter: base HTML file for use with Microsoft InternetExplorer# (when using the native JVM)

    baseHTMLie=basejpi.htm# Forms applet archive setting for other clients (Sun Java Plugin,Appletviewer, etc)archive=banicons.jar,bannerui.jar,banspecial.jar,frmall.jar,banorep.jar

    13. Modify the REPORTS_ENCRYPTION_KEY:

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    Key Environment variables and Servlet Parameters

    The REPORTS_ENCRYPTION_KEY specifies the encryption key used to encrypt the username and password for the Authid & Userid Cookies. Because these cookies are sent

    back to the user's browser, there is a need to encrypt these values. The encryption keycan be any character string. The default value is reports9.0. A change of the

    encryption key would change the final encrypted values of these cookies.In order to secure your Oracle Reports Server environment, it is recommended youchange the REPORTS_ENCRYPTION_KEY from the default value of "reports9.0" to somecustom value.

    You can find more information about changing the key in the document Oracle FormsServices - Secure Web.Show_Document() calls to Oracle Reports .

    The SET_ENCRYPTION_KEY property allows the application developer to issueanother key for encrypting the Reports cookie other than the default. Before changingthe key in the cookie, make sure that the key is also changed in the Reports file (Reports9i and Reports 10g).

    Examples :



    For more information, refer to Oracle Metalink Note222332.1, A Detailed Explanation of Oracle 9i Reports Security, and the whitepaper Oracle Forms Services- Secure Web.Show_Document() calls to Oracle Reports .

    Step 19 Modify the bannerui.jar file (Optional)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    If you are setting up an Arabic-language implementation of Banner, you must make twochanges to default settings stored in the bannerui.jar file.

    The text alignment must be changed from LTR (left to right, the default value), to RTL (right to left), so that certain Banner text items will be correctly aligned.

    The default font must be changed from Verdana to a font that properly supports

    Unicode characters for Arabic, such as MS Sans Serif .

    To make these changes, perform the following steps:

    1. Create a temporary directory, C:\temp\jar\ui .

    2. Copy bannerui.jar into the C:\temp\jar\ui directory.

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    3. Open a command prompt session at the C:\temp\jar\ui directory.

    4. Unpack the bannerui.jar file:jar xf c:\temp\jar\ui\bannerui.jar

    5. In the com/sct/banner/forms/ui directory, locate the fileand the file.

    6. Edit .

    Open in a text editor and change the default value Verdana toMS Sans Serif. Save and close the file.

    7. Edit .

    Open in a text editor and change the default value LTR toRTL. Save and close the file.

    8. Repackage the bannerui.jar file in the C:\temp\jar\ui directory:jar cf bannerui.jar com

    9. Copy the edited bannerui.jar file to the /forms/java directory.

    Step 20 Modify any signed jar file (Optional)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    You can modify the signed .jar files delivered by SunGard Higher Education. However,

    the signing by SunGard Higher Education becomes invalid when you modify a signed .jarfile.

    If you want to create modified .jar files and continue without getting the warning aboutmixing signed and unsigned components, you will be required to sign your modified .jarfiles. You have the following two options specific to signing modified .jar files:

    Purchase a Class 3 code signing certificate from a third party

    VeriSign Inc. is one of several vendors in this space.

    Create a self signing certificate using the JDK.

    Step 21 Create a self signed certificate (Optional)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

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    The following instructions describe how to create a self signed certificate:

    1. Create a work folder on your local workstation C:\work_ss_cert .

    2. Open DOS window and change directory C:\work_ss_cert .

    3. Type the following at the command prompt:

    keytool -genkey -validity 730 -alias fooName -keystore sgheUstore

    4. Enter the necessary details such as keystore password, your first and last name, andthe name of your organizational unit when you are prompted for information.

    The keytool command mentioned above creates the keystore sgheUstore in thefolder c:\work_ss_cert . The password you entered in Step 4 has been assigned tothis keystore. This keytool command also generates a public or private key pair forthe entity whose distinguished name is the first and last name and organizational unitis the organizational unit you entered in Step 4.

    This keytool command creates a self signed certificate which includes the public keyand the distinguished name information. The default validity period for a certificate is90 days. You can also set the validity period by using the validity option in thecommand prompt. The keytool command mentioned above creates a certificate with avalidity period of 730 days (approximately 2 years).

    Step 22 Sign a modified .jar file using the self signed certification(Optional)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    The following instructions describe how to sign a modified .jar file using the self signedcertification. (These instructions build off of the instructions from Step 21, Create a selfsigned certificate (Optional) above):

    1. Open DOS window and change directory C:\work_ss_cert .

    This is the folder where the self signed certificate exists.

    2. (Optional) Place the modified .jar file (mybanicons.jar is our example) into thissame folder C:\work_ss_cert .

    3. Type the following at the command prompt:

    jarsigner -keystore sgheUstore -signedjar zbanicons.jar mybanicons.jarfooName

    4. Enter the necessary details such as keystore passphrase and the key password.

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    The jarsigner command mentioned above creates a signed .jar file zbanicons.jar in the folder c:\work_ss_cert. Your Oracle Forms configuration will be adjusted tolook like:


    Step 23 Secure the Reports Server

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    1. Modify the ServerName directive in your Apache httpd.conf file to contain the fulldomain name:

    ServerName .


    Ensure that the server name is the full DNS name. Be cautious if youaccept the defaults during installation.

    2. Any of the valid Reports Servlet commands listed on the Reports Servlet help pagecan be restricted. The list of help commands can be viewed at http://yourservername:port/reports/rwservlet/help.

    To restrict Oracle Reports commands, add Location directives to your httpd.conf fileafter the default Location directive for /server-status:## Allow server status reports, with the URL of http://servername/server-status# Change the "" to match your domain to enable.

    #SetHandler server-statusOrder deny,allowDeny from allAllow from localhost yourservername

    The following example disables the showmap command from the users and allows thecall to rwservlet/showmap issued on the server for testing purposes:

    Order deny,allowDeny from all

    Allow from localhost

    The following example disables the upper, lower, or mixed case use of the showjobscommand from the users and allows the call to rwservlet/showjobs issued from a PCwith a certain IP address for testing purposes:

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    Order deny,allowDeny from allAllow from localhost

    The following example disables the upper, lower, or mixed case use of the showjobidcommand from the users and allows the call to rwservelt/showjobid issued from thelocalhost:

    Order deny,allowDeny from allAllow from localhost

    3. If you installed the OAS10g Infrastructure and Middle Tier software, the WebCachesoftware is automatically installed. The Web Cache software is a front end to theApache HTTP server. The client IP does not get passed through to the Apache HTTPserver. Therefore, Allow/Deny directives in httpd.conf will not work. You must addthe following line to your httpd.conf file:

    Locate and uncomment to "UseWebCacheIp On" directive in the httpd.conffileRestart the Apache HTTP server

    NoteIf you installed the Oracle Forms and Reports StandAlone Services, thenyou do not have WebCache installed and may skip this step.

    Step 24 Modify INB Preferences for Job Submission Output

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    Job Submission output can be viewed on the Web from the Saved Output Review Form(GJIREVO). When you select Options--Show Document (Save and Print File), the JobSubmission output is displayed in a browser window. You can then save the output to alocal file or print it.

    To view Job Submission or Data Extract output on the Web, a Database Descriptor (DAD)must be added in OAS10g. Refer to chapter 2 for basic information about creating a DAD.

    If you have separate INB and SSB web servers, you should configure a DAD on your INBweb server for Job Submission output.

    1. Log on to Banner as the BASELINE user.

    2. Access the General User Preferences Maintenance Form (GUAUPRF).

    3. Go to the Directory Options tab.

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    4. Navigate to the record for the Web Output URL .

    5. In the Default Value field, change the URL to the server address and virtual pathused by your site.

    Example :

    Delivered value: New value:

    NoteOAS10g no longer requires that you include /pls/ in the URL, althoughyou can include it, if desired. Non-OAS10g users must include it, so yourvalue would be:New value:

    Step 25 Modify default.env

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    In default.env , add this new environment variable:NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8

    Step 26 Set up for Case-Sensitive Passwords (Optional, 11g DatabaseOnly)

    Case-sensitive passwords are an option available in Banner only for institutions usingOracle Database 11g.

    If you are using 11g, and you want to take advantage of case-sensitive passwords inBanner, add this environment variable:FORMS_USERNAME_CASESENSITIVE=1

    NoteEnvironment variable FORMS_USERNAME_CASESENSITIVE isavailable only when using Application Server version or higher.

    To enable case-sensitive passwords in Banner, you must also set the database initialization parameter SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGIN to TRUE .

    For more information specific to Database 11g, see Oracle Database 11g on page 203 .

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    Step 27 Configure Multiple Environments (Optional)

    For OAS10gR2

    Use these steps if you need to configure multiple environments. The steps will create newsections in your formsweb.cfg file.

    1. Copy default.env to test.env .

    2. Access OEM on your INB server: http://yourservername:1810.

    3. Choose Forms in the System Components section.

    4. Choose the Configuration tab.

    5. Select the default configuration and choose Duplicate .

    6. Enter test and click OK.

    7. Edit the new test section and change value from:envFile = default.envto:envFile = test.env

    8. Choose the Environment tab.

    9. Edit the new test.env and change values as needed.

    Example :FORMS_PATH - to the path of FMX/PLX/MMXs

    TWO_TASK(Unix) or LOCAL (Windows) - to the default database TNS_CONNECT_STRING

    10. Append the new section name to the URL:http://yourservername:port/forms/frmservlet?config=test

    For Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g

    1. Access OEM on your INB server: http://yourservername:7001/em

    2. Choose Forms in the System Components section.

    3. Select Duplicate File .

    Environment file : default.env

    Name : test.env

    4. Choose the Configuration tab.

    5. Select Create Like.

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    6. Select the section to duplicate along with the new section name and select Create .

    7. Edit the new test section and change value from:envFile = default.envto:envFile = test.env

    8. Append the new section name to the URL:


    Step 28 Configure Mac Environment (Optional)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    Use these steps if you need to configure a Mac environment.

    1. Download MRJ from the Apple Web site. Jinitiator is a Windows-only plug in.

    2. Add client DPI=95 to the base.htm located in the OAS10g /forms/server directory.

    Example :

    Step 29 Customize the Color of Required Fields (Optional)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware


    Follow these steps if you want to display required fields in a different color.

    1. Navigate to the OAS10g /forms/java/oracle/forms/ registry.

    2. Edit the registry.dat file.

    3. Change the following line from false to true:


    4. Add a line such as the following, which turns required fields red:

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    NoteThe value for green is:app.ui.requiredFieldVABGColor=0,255,0

    NoteThe value for blue is:app.ui.requiredFieldVABGColor=0,0,255

    5. Save the registry.dat file.

    6. Test:

    6.1. Login to INB.

    6.2. Go to GTVEMAL. The Required Description field should be red.

    Step 30 Configure INB to Display Windows XP Themes (Optional)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    Perform the following steps if your users prefer the XP theme display style. This change prevents scroll bars from appearing on the INB forms.

    1. Edit the ORACLE_HOME\forms\server\basejini.htm file:

    1.1. Find this line:

    1.2. Change it to:

    1.3. Find this line:recordFileName="%recordFileName%"

    1.4. Change it to:recordFileName="%recordFileName%"clientDPI="%clientDPI%">

    2. Access OEM on your INB server.


    3. In the System Components section, choose Forms .

    4. Choose Configuration .

    5. Add the following parameter to the default section:

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    6. Save your changes.

    Step 31 Customize Color Scheme for Disabled Text (Optional)

    NoteThis step is common for both OAS10gR2 and Oracle Fusion Middleware11g.

    Banner is delivered with the following R, G, and B codes for disabled text:

    R = 0G = 0B = 0

    If your site uses the OracleLookAndFeel parameter and colorScheme BLAF , disabledtext is the same color (black) as regular text. If you want disabled text to be a differentcolor, use the following steps to change the R, G, and B codes.

    1. Create two temporary directories (for