banners broker interview

Banners Broker Interview with Mark Ghobril by Chris Rocheleau

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Banners Broker Interviewwith Mark Ghobril

by Chris Rocheleau

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Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

So, what is Banners Broker?

Banners Broker is a new way to create revenue online. Essentially, it allows you to advertise on a network that is already in place, and allows you to earn money from the publishing network.

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Great, tell me more.

It’s very unique in the way that it not only allows you to earn revenue but also allows you to advertise any business, or promote any opportunity, that you have. So Banners Broker is designed to work with anything you are already doing, and if you’re not doing anything then it’s a perfect program to get in and start earning revenue. You’ll also be learning how to promote online as well.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Okay so essentially it’s an online advertising network (which there are a lot of them out there). What is different about the Banners Broker online advertising network?

That’s a great question. I always knew there was something great about Banners Broker, but now it’s been identified as an existing network, called a blind network. There are roughly ten brokers that essentially control that business, trying to match up between advertisers and publishers. The people out there that want to advertise, and there are other people out there with websites that have a good amount of traffic that are looking to create some extra revenue by having advertisers on their sites.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Banners Brokers has come into a very unique position where they have partnered up, or teamed up, with one of those brokers. Their job is not to do that matching, their job is simply to procure or purchase ad space and allow the members access to that ad space. Thus giving members a great way to create revenue and advertise. So it’s really the best of both worlds. It’s that key relationship, which no other company has created, with any of these brokers. It’s actually an industry first, and that’s what makes the Banner Broker opportunity different from anything else out there.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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OK. What I’m essentially getting is, in most advertising networks that people who want to advertise online, they have the opportunity to advertise within that network and we actually have a unique opportunity in Banners Broker now to also profit from it. Almost a profit sharing model, where people can just invest money into online “real estate”, and can earn money without having to even advertise if they don’t want to.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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That’s really the beauty of Banners Broker. I know the term investment can be used very loosely. However, we want to make sure that we are getting the message out, that we are purchasing and re-purchasing ad space. That’s what makes this opportunity very unique. By purchasing, it’s almost like having many billboards all over the internet. You own that space on somebody else’s website, and that’s done through an open bid (so it’s a bidding system) This is nothing new. What’s new is the way that Banners Broker has approached it.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Much like a Google model, where they built up their membership and then moved into the advertising arena. We’re almost the same, in the sense that Banners Broker has collected members such as ourselves, and by allowing them to put in funds and purchase ad space that these third party advertising companies are using, they are able to profit from the advertisement placed there. Right? In order to advertise their product, in order to use that web space, they need to pay for that. That’s where the revenue is generated for the for the members such as myself.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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I’ve heard about the comparison and analogy of what Google does to earn revenue through advertising. Could you explain what that Google model is and how we relate to that in Banners Broker?

Sure, so in the Google model, what they did is come up with a product that everybody uses. It’s the users of that system don’t pay anything. They are using something called a search engine - which is Google. We’re all familiar with what Google does, it allows us to search on the internet, and to retrieve the information that we are searching for. Google has created some pretty powerful algorithms to do that, and they’re constantly refining them. The purpose of this of course is to attract a lot of users on the system. Right? If you give them what they want they are going to continue to use that system.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Now the great thing about the fact they attract all these users, they’re going to get advertisers, and they’re going to be able to get into the advertising arena. That was their game plan, to first build the users. Once they have all the users around their search engine, they could bring in all the advertising products due to the traffic. Of course advertisers want to get a hold of, or be a part of, that massive amount of revenue. So really, on the internet, traffic is real the currency.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Banners Broker is taking a slightly different approach. By collectively growing their membership, and the way they have been able to do that is by returning money. Right? So people are purchasing advertising inventory, and by purchasing that inventory they have access to that space. So as the revenues collected, Banners Broker actually shares that revenue directly with the members. As the number of members grow, there’s more money available. That allows Banners Brokers to procure more ad space, and as a result, they become bigger.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Because Banners Broker is growing, it gives them the ability to go into different arenas, different platforms. They’ve recently launched their own platform and probably account for about 10% of the revenue. The real power in Banners Broker, however, is the fact that 90% of the revenue coming into Banners Broker is actually generated on the blind network outside of Banners Broker.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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OK before we get into a lot of that, I want to back up for a second and see if I can understand why it would be a better idea, and how I am collecting money from Banners Brokers? I know that Google has a profit model, and that it has a certain percentage of money that goes into advertising, then they get to profit a large portion of that. Could you explain that profit model for Google, and then contrast that with the profit model of Banners Broker and how that relates?

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Absolutely. As far as the user of Google search engine in concerned, of course there is no benefit there other than the results you’re getting. So they are using a product which is geared toward getting them the result they want to get. Therefore all that traffic that is hitting Google translates over into different products such as Adwords and Adsense, where essentially they're selling you keywords. These are words that you can rank on the search engines, and people can find you if you’re trying to promote your product. A company can buy those words, but to do that you have to become a member of Google’s Adwords service. Google of course is benefiting because of the fact that they have all this traffic coming into their website on a daily basis, which does attract advertisers.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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I know that as being a marketer myself, that when you are advertising, doing Google pay-per-click, you are often bidding on keywords to have your advertisement show up. Some of those, you can be paying as much as 3,4,5 dollars per click. For just one click on an ad that shows up for a certain keyword in Google. Also, on the other side, someone who owns a website and allows a certain portion of their website to have a banner(s); every time somebody clicks on that banner from their website, Google in turns pays out for that click. I know that as an advertiser if I own a website and somebody clicks on that banner, Google will pay me about 10 to 20 cents per click. Yet the advertiser who’s paying for the ad to be put there is often times paying anywhere from 1 to 5 dollars for that click. So the rest of the money, that discrepancy between the 10 or 20 cents and the 1 to 5 dollars somebody is paying, all of that extra money, Google puts in their pocket. Correct?

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Correct. The profits are being shared among the members. Now, when you purchase ad space, you can earn back two times what you paid for that ad space. Of course Banners Brokers are here to make money, so they’re going to make that difference as well. It’s just that they’re really geared towards sharing the revenue with the ordinary members. So we’re able to actually create some pretty good incomes off revenue from these online advertisers. What it comes down to is this. Google has shareholders, and that’s not a bad thing. They are a public company and shareholders are looking to make their profits, so everything Google does is to increase the profits for the shareholders. Banners Broker is a private company, however.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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I have had the pleasure of meeting and talking to the owner, Chris Smith, on several occasions. There is not a doubt in my mind that Chris’ goal is to help as many families as he can. Therefore in the Banners Broker model, they actually share the revenue with the average everyday member. They allow members to purchase ad space and collect 2x what they purchase the space for. If you want to get into numbers, let’s talk about this blind network that I mentioned earlier. It is currently in the neighborhood of 500 billion dollars in business. If we look at Google, they're about 37 billion. Yahoo, probably about 5 billion, and Facebook I think is about 1 billion. The point is Google is the biggest with 37. That’s a long way from 500 billion, which is what the existing blind network is producing.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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That large of a blind network gives us a pretty large slice of the pie, and that can go around a lot. The exciting thing about this is, it doesn’t matter who you are. Anyone can come in and learn how to purchase this ad space. It’s not difficult, we will walk you through it, and show you how everything works. Then you are able to actually create revenue. I’ve got to say that with all my affiliates that I personally brought in, and they are all creating revenue. That’s very exciting for me. It is kind of a first in the industry for me anyways.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Wow, okay, good to know. So then really this is something that has never been done before, and we’re already well on our way to eclipsing these other major advertising networks. In some ways Banners Brokers has already far surpassed them, especially in the amount of money made.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Yeah it’s really incredible to just say, I have surpassed. I would not consider myself a network marketing genius; I would consider myself an average person, just working day to day prior to doing Banners Broker. Without going into detail, this opportunity has afforded me the ability to work from home. The ability to get what I want, when I want it. It’s enabled me to help so many people, and you know there’s no better feeling that that in the world. It’s one thing to get in a company and get yourself financially secure. It’s a whole other thing when you can get into a program that not only promises it, but actually does it.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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As I said before every single person who has chosen to take that step, and come aboard, has been able to create some income and it’s just an absolute awesome opportunity. I know for fact there is nothing else like it. I’ve seen other programs, and had other people try to get me into other programs. In the end they always either end up coming to Banners Broker. It’s usually a battle of how long you’re going to go and I’m still going to strong with Banners Broker, and my whole team is going strong. There are other opportunities that fit with it, because it is designed to work with anything else that you’re doing.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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I am not trying to say that Banners Broker is the only thing out there, but it is the only thing that is going to help you actually get ahead. It will also allow you to do those other programs without the pressure of having to create your revenue. The revenue stream will be created and that will allow you to focus on whatever your goals or dreams are from there.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Can you tell us, in simple terms, how this is set up for a new person that wants to come into Banners Broker? There are panels available, can you tell me a little bit about those panels and what they represent?

Sure, absolutely. The panels represent a number of different things, but in a nutshell there are 2 sides to this program. The first is the advertising side, where you can advertise whatever particular business you want. This is done through something called ‘impressions’. Every panel that is purchased allows you to get these impressions along with your advertising space. The advertising space is really where you are creating money on someone else’s website, and the second side to the program.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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A website owner most times is not going to go and seek out advertisers. So, they will contact a broker, and that broker will bid an open auction on that website space. This bidding system is put into what is called the blind network. By putting that ad space out there, whoever bids on that successfully will take control of that ad space.

That’s where Banners Broker comes in, by buying that space.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Your panel is also a graphical representation of your ad space for a couple reasons. Firstly, if you knew where your ad was, then of course you would be on their visiting that site every day to bump up your revenue. Second, ads move constantly throughout the internet, and are not on the same site every day. The whole idea behind this is so you can actually see your earnings happening day after day, week after week, month after month.

Plus, once you get your banner impressions, it will allow you to customize a campaign with your own specific banner and website url. This allows you to go ahead and advertise whatever other opportunity you have OR advertise your Banner Broker website.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Very cool. Have you had people sign up from advertising your own banner network website?

I have had a couple people sign up through that, and again it’s a function of how much effort you’re going to put into it. Once you launch the campaign you want to make sure you’ve got a good banner ad that it is going to be attractive for people, and they will click on it. There are two types of views; impressions, where someone is just viewing the site the banner is on, and a click which is taking a specific action. The difference is, of course, that clicks are more expensive.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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So it’s going to take more impressions, but the way I look at it is if you’re creating a revenue stream and you’re able to advertise your business without the out of pocket money, it doesn’t get much better than that. I think the thing to note here is that normally if you’re going to advertise on the internet and go through some company like Google, or whoever, you’re going to pay either per click or you’re going to pay per impression. Sometimes they don’t give you a choice. They’re just going to set up the campaign for you and tell you what the price is going to be but at the end of the day. That’s all it is, you’re not guaranteed sales.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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I totally agree. So, if you could tell me what kind of costs I can expect from these panels?

Sure. The way it all works can be complicated, but for the sake of conversation, let’s go over the basics. The basic panel colors are yellow, purple, blue, green, red and black. You’ll get to know those colors as you see it visually in the office. The yellow panels have a cost of $10. You are renting the ad space and it will return you $20 (or when those panels complete you’ll end up with $20). The purple ones are $30 and returns you $60. The blue panels are $90 and return $180. The green panels are $270 they will cap at $540. The reds are $810 they’ll cap at $1620. The blacks are $2430 they will cap at $4860.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Panel Basics


$10 in $20 return


$30 in $60 return


$90 in $180 return


$270 in $540 return*


$810 in $1620 return*


$2430 in $4860 return*

*returns are capped at this amount

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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A cap simply means the maximum to be able to create. In other words the panels, even though you’ve made two times that amount, those panels keep producing revenue because they represent ad spaces. Of course there are always advertisements on those add spaces, and therefore a constant flow of revenue being generated. You are capped because that’s the deal you’re making with Banners Broker when you get involved with them. They too have to create revenue, but the great thing about how they do it, is that the revenue is coming from the advertisers, from a third party. That’s the thing that really gets me excited about Banners Broker. I’m not relying on bringing my friend in to create my revenue. I’m bringing friends in because I am totally excited about growing Banners Broker networking, and helping myself because of course you make more money when you help other people get in.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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That’s amazing. So is that all to how the panels work?

Essentially that is how those panels work. There are some rules behind the panels which you’ll learn as you get involved, but when you very first get involved there is something called a ‘package’, and the package is a requirement for everyone coming into Banners Broker for the first time. It is basically a trial period where you can learn how the system works. Normally you would have to either buy traffic or you have to get traffic through referrals, and again that’s another subject. With having this complimentary package, or what are called complementary qualified panels, its click and go. When you get your package you simply launch it and there’s different packages that contain a different number of panels depending on what price point you go. From there the panels will just start working, right out of the gate! You don’t have to do anything special.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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The reason for the trial period is to show you that Banners Broker does work, and that you'll actually generate revenue. From there, once the initial package has completed, you can make the decision whether you want to keep going (and keep earning revenue) or whether you want to go ahead and take out twice what you put in and call it a day. Now, I have never known anybody to do that, but the option is there. This is all about options for you, not the best options for the company. Banners Broker looks at: Number 1 - what’s best for the affiliate, Number 2 - what’s best for them, and Number 3 - what’s best for the longevity. Because, at the end of the day what good is having a great opportunity if you’re not going to be there for the long term. And that is something that Banners Broker takes really seriously. I know that they are going to be here for a long time to come.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Like I said before, you can’t invent traffic, but because there is traffic already flowing in, you can buy the rights to have some traffic directed to your panel. In other words you purchase a block of traffic for $50 you get a 100,000 hits. You can apply those any way you want. If you want to qualify 20 yellows you can do that, then the yellow takes 5,000 hits. Each color has a specified amount of traffic that is required: Purples take 15,000 for example Blues take 45 and if you notice the pattern it starts at yellow at 5,000 and you simply multiply it by 3 all the way up the chain. So 5,15,45, and so on.. you get the idea. Then you choose to apply that traffic to these individual panels. If you work it out mathematically, the traffic pack costs $50 for you to purchase. However, it contains enough traffic that you can actually qualify or you can direct traffic to enough panels to create you $200 in income. So $50 is going to give you back 4 times the amount of money that you paid.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Traffic Packet contains 100,000 hits at a $50 cost

Twenty Yellow Panels require 5,000 hits each to complete, at a cost of $200

Once completed the Yellow Panels net $400 for a PROFIT of $150*

*This is an example, and results will vary

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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This system is absolutely unheard of in the industry., I just never have seen anything like it before. Where you can essentially almost buy your way through a program. Now the good thing about this is, not only do you get the $200 in revenue - so remember I said that you get 2x what you paid for the panel. So not only do you get $200 in revenue from that $50 traffic pack, but as if that wasn’t enough, you also get another $200 in additional panels.

You see, when the initial panels finish, or “cap” (lets say a yellow panel has a cap of $20, so you paid $10 for it), you’re going to get an additional panel plus your ten dollars. So at the end of the day that $50 you’re going to end up with $200 in money in your e-wallet that you can take out, buy more panels, whatever. It’s yours to do with whatever you wish. Then secondly you’re going to get the replacement of your panels. So you’re going to get another $200 in panels that you’re now able to qualify again and go through that same process. So it really is an amazing concept.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Initial Panel(initial cost of $10)New Panel to complete(initial cost of $10)New Panel to complete(initial cost of $10)

New Panel to complete

Completed Panel Return of $20

Completed Panel Return of $20

New Panel to complete

New Panel to complete

Completed Panel Return of $20New Panel to complete

(initial cost of $10)Completed Panel Return of $20

New Panel to complete

New Panel to complete(initial cost of $10)Completed Panel Return of $20

New Panel to complete



Profits can add up QUICKLY!!

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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OK, so you can essentially buy panels (like buying real estate online) where advertisements are placed. Then you can reserve and buy those panels and buy space on there, and even go and buy and pay for impressions that come along throughout the network that Banners Broker has brokered for you already. They pass the cost along to you so that you can just buy traffic that comes to the panels. It’s essentially buying and selling, and collecting the profit is turnkey.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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It truly is turnkey. The other thing I’ll say about that is, if you break down how much the traffic ends up costing you and how much you paid to purchase a panel, you’re able to create 75% revenue and you haven’t had to bother your neighbor or your friend to sign up for anything. For that very reason you will actually grow your network more. Your neighbors and your friends will WANT to get involved.

When I got involved with Banners Broker I came in with a pretty decent amount, and it was my intention not to share this with anybody. What I found as I started to tell people about what I was doing, there was no pressure there, because this is what I’m doing. Next thing you know they’re asking me questions. Now I know in other programs I’ve done, I was chasing people out the door, because I knew if I didn’t bring anybody in, I wouldn’t make any revenue. So just the fact that you do not have to bring people in is like reverse psychology. Instead, you know you’re bringing them in because you truly want to help them.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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In a lot of cases, I can just show story after story where you have the person who was in “XYZ”, who has been there for 2 years, had really given it their all, and just didn’t do anything in that particular program. Yet here they come to Banners Broker, and the next thing you know they are creating all kinds of income. Myself included, I am a prime story for that. I had done a pretty substantial network marketing company prior to this. I am telling you I poured two years of my life into it and I thought it was me. I thought I wasn’t doing something right and when I got into Banners Broker it was like a world of difference. Instantly I just felt it. I felt success right away. I felt like I was being successful, and I felt like I was making everyone around me successful. To this day there’s not a doubt in the world about that.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Wow, that’s really cool because as a business owner you normally have to allocate time, resources, effort, energy and money (most importantly money) for client acquisition; where you are actively marketing to bring people to your product or service. Whether you are in some type of a network marketing company or whether you are in a traditional business, there is a cost in that, and you have to devise your own advertising, and you have to find a way to close the client. It seems as though, with Banners Broker, that is really done for you. Where you are buying the traffic, and that is essentially the effort that has already been made, to bring in somebody at the click of the button. Banners Broker is the one that has done the work and they’re passing the cost along to you, but it still makes you more money. Like you said 75%, correct?

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Correct. So, the other element here is that if people are self-starting and motivated and have a skill set to be able to bring people into something like this, what kind of opportunity is available in Banners Broker for somebody who is willing to refer people into the network?

I get that question a lot, and it’s not a tangible kind of thing you can really pinpoint. I mean, there is a concept underlying that takes a little bit to understand. But for those that grab the concept, bringing in additional people, it actually provides you with the traffic. So you don’t have to necessarily purchase as many, or maybe even don’t have to purchase any traffic packs at all. If you’re a solid refer and you bring in a substantial amount of people you can be supplied the traffic without having cost.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Really Banners Broker is saying “look, we want to grow our network”. There’s many advantages to us growing our network and by you helping us we’re actually going to provide the traffic for your panels. If you go out and do that and there’s a set formula. That’s every panel that somebody qualifies on your team, direct to you, that will give you half the amount of traffic you need to qualify. Let’s say I bring in Joe, and Joe qualifies two of his yellows, that will actually give me the traffic to qualify mine. In addition to that (and without getting too complicated here) there is a limit, and the reason there is a limit is of course the yellows costing a lot less in a create revenue or they're going to cap a lot quicker.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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And that helps perpetuate the system as it ramps up?

Correct. What that does, it really keeps people from stockpiling the lower end panels, because it is a fair and equitable system. They want to make sure that people are kind of spread out evenly over the different colors but in a case where you’re helping to build that network, not only does it give you the traffic that is required to qualify your panels and get them earning revenue, but it actually increases the number of that color that you can qualify. It helps you get more yellows, helps you get more purples, and when you understand the numerics involved in this, it’s really all about just accumulating more and more panels.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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For example if you have one yellow panel, and let’s say it takes 21 days to finish. Now that yellow has generated you ten dollars in your e-wallet and it’s also generated a second yellow panel. Now you can qualify that yellow and it takes again roughly 21-25 days you’ll have another $10 and you’ll have another yellow panel. Well, imagine if you took that $10 and bought yourself a second yellow panel. Now 21 days latter instead of having only $10 in your e-wallet you’re going to have $20 in your e-wallet and 2 more yellow panels. So really if you can picture the vision of having multiple panels that are all producing revenue, of course it’s a business. It’s like if you have a hot dog stand and you’re making X number of dollars and you go and invest in a second hot dog stand now you have two times that income coming in.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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With these panels, you are purchasing advertising space on the internet. So it really helps to increase that number of panels, and then bringing people in - or referring your friends and family. I simply share this with other people, and it really is, just sharing it. If it makes sense, the person will come in. It is an amazing experience when you get involved, and if you share it, you’re going to gain two fold the efforts that you put into it.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Alright. So, do you have any stories of anybody that you’ve personally helped?

Absolutely. Two people come to mind, even though these are people that I didn’t bring in directly. I had somebody come to our very first event, but when she came in the room she was constant interruption. She didn’t understand this, didn’t understand that, ‘what’s a traffic pack’? It got to be a big joke. However, we stuck with her and worked through it. In the end she decided to get involved with Banners Broker. She was a music teacher who gave private lessons, and never had any real success. She was essentially living paycheck to paycheck. After Hurricane Sandy, it just wiped her out. People weren’t worried about music lessons at a time like this, so her income had completely dried up. It all came at time when she was able to start taking money out of Banners Broker. She called me on the phone and said ‘Thank you so much for sticking with me, I can’t believe it. I mean I know I was skeptical in the beginning, and that’s just the way I am, and now that I see this thing working I am able to make money.”

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Now the story doesn't stop there. She sees a chiropractor and told the him about Banners Broker. Not only did he get involved, but shortly after, the second chiropractor in the office got involved. So when Sandy hit New York, not only did this affect her, but the chiropractors as well. I mean they’re in Long Beach, and it completely wiped them out.

Not only that, but it wiped out the first floor of one of the chiropractors houses. Just completely gone. I remember I made the call to him and when I talked to him the first thing he said to me was ‘Mark, man listen. You don’t even understand.’He felt out of options, so I told him that he could take about ‘X’ amount out of his account (which was a substantial amount), and he could do this month after month. All because he had brought in quite a few people in the short time he had been in.

A young man sits on a deck looking over the inside of his home, which was gutted due to water damage from Hurricane Sandy in Long Beach, New York. (Joel Cairo for New York Daily News

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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When I left the message to tell him the number he could pull out, when he called back, he said, “Mark, I’ve been getting calls all day from family and friends wishing me well. They’re sorry this happened, but you know, it’s all family. Of course it touches your heart, but at the end of the day it doesn't help me in any way financially. Your phone call, and that message, just relieved this huge burden. To know that I now have this income I can rely on, in this time of devastation, is just more than words could ever say. I thank you for getting me involved in this.” Of course even though he was introduced by the music teacher, she was still new to Banners Broker. I take a personal responsibility to make sure I help each and every person aboard my team. To get a phone call like that - I mean forget all the other stuff out there. At the end of the day, this is what it’s about.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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That’s absolutely amazing man. Absolutely amazing. This really has changed the lives of a lot of people.

Banners Broker is not a money making scheme. It’s a solid business opportunity, it’s real and it is changing the lives of people everywhere. Those are three specific individuals aboard my team that suffered mass devastating financial ruins, and because of Banners Broker they were able to come out of it a little less.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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So we’re about to wrap this up here. Is there any last closing thoughts that you have before we wrap up?

Sure. You know, one of my favorite TV commercials right now, is an insurance commercial where a girl doesn’t believe her friend because what they were talking about wasn’t on the internet. She believes if it’s on the internet it’s got to be true. There are a lot of things out there, both negative and positive. All I can tell you is that Banners Broker is the real deal. There is a lot of information out there that’s not factual. For one, people are putting articles out there for their own self-interest. Why? So they can generate more traffic. Just imagine how popular Banners Broker has become. So a favorite way to get traffic to my website is to simply put words out there like Banners Broker’s scam. That’s a way to instantly create a lot of traffic to my website.

Bon Jur

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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The last thing I’ll say is this. According to Alexa (which is the official ranker of all websites), when I started, I don’t think Banners Broker was in the top ten thousand. Today, Banners Broker is in the top 450. Now think about that. That is 450 out of all the websites in the entire world. So at the end of the day revenue and money is what keeps companies going. This company is absolutely going solid with over 250,000 members. They’re goal is to get to a million members. Just imagine the power that they’ll have in traffic and products, and we have barely hit the tip of the iceberg here. So I see a very solid and exciting future for anyone that decides to come aboard our ship and sail with us.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

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Ontario native Mark Ghobril is now making his mark in the U.S. After moving several times in his youth, Mark took his first job at McDonald?s. He went on to be trained as an Information Technology specialist. Mark lives in New York with wife Laura and is the proud father of daughter Adrianne. His philosophy? Never give up? has enabled him to successfully conquer many challenges throughout his life. He is dedicated to helping other live a powerful life, and to live a life they love.

Banners Broker Interview with Mark GhobrilBy Chris Rocheleau

For more information on Brokers Banner, please check out his page at