baptist training course · until that time, always remember that god loves you more than anyone on...

Lesson 1, September 7, 2014 Sons of God John 1:12, 13 (Use figures 1–3 for the lesson.) PRESCHOOL What is your father’s name? (Let each child name his father but be aware of broken homes and handle with care.) Do you love your daddy? Of course you do. God gives us dads to love and protect us. (Place figure 1 on the board.) God gives good fathers to help us know what God is like as a Heavenly Father. Sometimes daddies may dis- appoint us and not live as God wants them to. God will never disappoint us, though. He knows exactly what we need and always gives it to us. (Place figure 2 on the board.) The Bible tells us about God’s great love for us. God loves us so much that He came to earth to die in our place. Jesus was God in a human body. He gave His life in death (point to crucifixion scene on figure 2) so that you may become a child of God. All of us sin because we do wrong things. God cannot let sin come to Heaven. We do not deserve to go there because we do wrong things. We sin. God loved us so much that He wanted to provide a way so that we may be a part of His family and live in Heaven with Him. Before he created the world and the first man and woman, God knew that His Son would give His life in our place. He gave us the Bible to tell us about it. (Point to the Bible in figure 2.) Jesus came alive again and lives in Heaven today. The Bible says whosoever believes on Jesus becomes a son of God. Do you know what John 3:16 says? (Let anyone who knows it say it for you. Sing the little chorus of “John 3:16” with the children.) When we accept Jesus as our Savior, God makes us His child. “I will receive you,” the Lord says in His Word, “and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters” (2 Cor. 6:17, 18). (Add figure 3.) We talked about how special it is to have good and loving earthly fathers. It’s even more special to have God as our Heavenly Father after we are saved. Someday you will understand that you, too, need to ask God’s forgiveness of sin. You will know what it means that Jesus died in your place. Until that time, always remember that God loves you more than anyone on earth can love you. God is always near you and hears you when you talk to Him. He wants you as a part of His family. It’s very special to be a child of God. (Have prayer to thank God for the privilege of becoming sons and daughters of His. Praise Him for being a loving Father who gives what we need.) BEGINNER/PRIMARY/JUNIOR I hope you have happy memories of your family, especially your dad. Fathers are God’s special represen- tatives. They show us God’s love through their care for the family. (Place figure 1 on the board.) Would anyone like to share why you admire and love your dad? (Encourage students to brag on fathers. They need to respect and love the man in the role of dad in their home. Be aware of problem areas that may cause pain for some of the children. Even though we have many broken homes in our society, God’s plan cannot be improved. Help students know that fathers who are not doing God’s will make God very sad, too.) Those are all good reasons for valuing your father’s friendship and love. God planned for your happiness and gave you your dad to meet your needs. You know what it is like to be a son or daughter of your father. (Add figure 2.) The Bible tells us about a special father/child rela- tionship we can have with God Himself. Before God created the world, He planned a way for redeeming man. God would give Himself so that man could have restored fellowship with Him. (Point to the crucifixion scene.) When Jesus died on the cross, He paid the penalty for your sin. He was buried, but then He came back to life. Today He lives in Heaven. You can repent of your sins, ask God’s forgiveness and trust Jesus for eternal life. As you receive Jesus 1 BAPTIST TRAINING COURSE VISUAL AIDS INSTRUCTIONS For Preschool, Beginner, Primary and Junior Ages Fall Quarter, 2014

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Page 1: BAPTIST TRAINING COURSE · Until that time, always remember that God loves you more than anyone on earth can love you. God is always ... doing God’s will make God very sad, too.)

Lesson 1, September 7, 2014

Sons of God

John 1:12, 13

(Use figures 1–3 for the lesson.)

PRESCHOOL What is your father’s name? (Let each child name his father but be aware of broken homes and handle with care.) Do you love your daddy? Of course you do. God gives us dads to love and protect us. (Place figure 1 on the board.) God gives good fathers to help us know what God is like as a Heavenly Father. Sometimes daddies may dis-appoint us and not live as God wants them to. God will never disappoint us, though. He knows exactly what we need and always gives it to us. (Place figure 2 on the board.) The Bible tells us about God’s great love for us. God loves us so much that He came to earth to die in our place. Jesus was God in a human body. He gave His life in death (point to crucifixion scene on figure 2) so that you may become a child of God. All of us sin because we do wrong things. God cannot let sin come to Heaven. We do not deserve to go there because we do wrong things. We sin. God loved us so much that He wanted to provide a way so that we may be a part of His family and live in Heaven with Him. Before he created the world and the first man and woman, God knew that His Son would give His life in our place. He gave us the Bible to tell us about it. (Point to the Bible in figure 2.) Jesus came alive again and lives in Heaven today. The Bible says whosoever believes on Jesus becomes a son of God. Do you know what John 3:16 says? (Let anyone who knows it say it for you. Sing the little chorus of “John 3:16” with the children.) When we accept Jesus as our Savior, God makes us His child. “I will receive you,” the Lord says in His Word, “and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters” (2 Cor. 6:17, 18). (Add figure 3.)

We talked about how special it is to have good and loving earthly fathers. It’s even more special to have God as our Heavenly Father after we are saved. Someday you will understand that you, too, need to ask God’s forgiveness of sin. You will know what it means that Jesus died in your place. Until that time, always remember that God loves you more than anyone on earth can love you. God is always near you and hears you when you talk to Him. He wants you as a part of His family. It’s very special to be a child of God. (Have prayer to thank God for the privilege of becoming sons and daughters of His. Praise Him for being a loving Father who gives what we need.)

BEGINNER/PRIMARY/JUNIOR I hope you have happy memories of your family, especially your dad. Fathers are God’s special represen-tatives. They show us God’s love through their care for the family. (Place figure 1 on the board.) Would anyone like to share why you admire and love your dad? (Encourage students to brag on fathers. They need to respect and love the man in the role of dad in their home. Be aware of problem areas that may cause pain for some of the children. Even though we have many broken homes in our society, God’s plan cannot be improved. Help students know that fathers who are not doing God’s will make God very sad, too.) Those are all good reasons for valuing your father’s friendship and love. God planned for your happiness and gave you your dad to meet your needs. You know what it is like to be a son or daughter of your father. (Add figure 2.) The Bible tells us about a special father/child rela-tionship we can have with God Himself. Before God created the world, He planned a way for redeeming man. God would give Himself so that man could have restored fellowship with Him. (Point to the crucifixion scene.) When Jesus died on the cross, He paid the penalty for your sin. He was buried, but then He came back to life. Today He lives in Heaven. You can repent of your sins, ask God’s forgiveness and trust Jesus for eternal life. As you receive Jesus




For Preschool, Beginner, Primary and Junior Ages

Fall Quarter, 2014

Page 2: BAPTIST TRAINING COURSE · Until that time, always remember that God loves you more than anyone on earth can love you. God is always ... doing God’s will make God very sad, too.)

into your heart as Savior, God makes you His child. You become a son of God or a daughter of God. You are in His family. (Point to the Bible in figure 2.) That gives you a personal relationship with God. (Add figure 3). God is your Father as He is Jesus’ Father. You are an heir of God’s riches and a joint heir with Jesus Christ. You are a king’s kid! When you join God’s family through the new birth, you get a whole lot of brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. This great big wonderful family has one thing in common: Jesus Christ. You and I, if you have been saved as I have, are brothers and sisters. Have you ever wondered why we say Brother So-and-So or Sister So-and-So? We rec-ognize them as a member of God’s family, too. God’s book, the Bible, tells us about this wonderful relationship we can have with God. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12). How will we know if we are God’s children? The Spirit of God bears witness with our spirit to let us know we are the children of God. (See Romans 8:16.) God’s Spirit tells our spirit, our inner being, that we are part of God’s family. As God’s children, we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17). That means we have an inher-itance from the all-powerful, all-knowing loving God. The Bible says God has given everything to Jesus, His Son. As a joint heir with Jesus, we have access to God’s storehouse of blessings. What are some of those blessings we enjoy as sons of God? (List them on the board as students name benefits that result from being God’s children.) Prayer is the privilege the unsaved do not enjoy. We can talk to our Heavenly Father anytime of the day or night about anything that bothers us or another family member. We can share our needs with brothers and sisters in God’s family, and they will pray for us about it. God hears the prayers of His children and delights in sending the answers. As we pray according to His will and in the name of Jesus, His Son, we can expect His blessings in our lives. There is nothing you can ever experience that is more wonderful than the special relationship you have as a child of God. (Point to figure 3.) He cares for you. He loves you more than anyone on earth can love you. He’s the Father to all who accept Jesus as Savior.

Lesson 2, September 14, 2014

My Little Flock

1 Peter 5:1-4

(Study also John 10:1-18, 25-30 and Psalm 23.)

(Make flannel figures 4–9 into stand-up figures to illustrate the Bible lesson. Glue easels to the back of the figures about 1/8'' from the bottom. Fold them back and the figures will stand. Use figures 3, 10-12 on the flan-nelboard.)

PRESCHOOL (Use voice variations and your best storytelling tech-niques for this lesson.) “Baa-a-a-a! Baa-a-a-a!” said the little lambs early in the morning. (Lower your voice and speak as if sharing a secret.) They meant, “We are hungry. We want some grass to eat.” (Arrange figures 4–6 on the tabletop or a large cardboard box turned on its side with green fabric over it.) “I hear you, little lambs,” the shepherd might say. “Follow me. I will take you to good pasture.” “Baa-a-a-a!” the little lambs ran beside their mothers and followed the shepherd. Soon they came to a green field of grass that tasted good, good, good. “Eat your fill, Snowflake and Bouncer,” the shepherd told the little lambs rubbing the back of their heads with his strong hands. “Baa-a-a-a!” they said. (Speak confidentially.) They meant, “Thank you for good food.” All the sheep ate and ate until their tummies were full. “Come along now,” the shepherd might call to them. He led them to water for a cool drink (figure 7). Slurp, slurp, slurp. The little lambs were noisy drinkers. “Back to the field now,” the shepherd might direct. There he had the sheep lie down for a rest (figure 8). (Talk softly in a low sing-song voice and pretend to strum on a harp.) Strum, strum, strum. Strum, strum, strum. The shepherd might play a harp or other musical instrument while the sheep rested. David wrote beautiful songs while he cared for his sheep. (Place figure 9 closely to the right side of figure 8.) “Baa! Baa! Baa!” the old sheep cried frantically. “Baa! Baa! Baa!” the little lambs cried in panic. (Use an exclamation expression.) They meant, “Help us! We see an enemy coming!”


gluefold back

Page 3: BAPTIST TRAINING COURSE · Until that time, always remember that God loves you more than anyone on earth can love you. God is always ... doing God’s will make God very sad, too.)

BTC Visual Aids, Preschool—Junior Teaching Picture for Lesson 7 Fall Quarter, 2014 BTC Visual Aids, Preschool—Junior Teaching Picture for Lesson 9 Fall Quarter, 2014

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BTC Visual Aids, Preschool—Junior Teaching Picture for Lesson 7 Fall Quarter, 2014 BTC Visual Aids, Preschool—Junior Teaching Picture for Lesson 9 Fall Quarter, 2014 BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014












BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014











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BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014





Page 5: BAPTIST TRAINING COURSE · Until that time, always remember that God loves you more than anyone on earth can love you. God is always ... doing God’s will make God very sad, too.)

BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014












BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014











BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014


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BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014





Page 6: BAPTIST TRAINING COURSE · Until that time, always remember that God loves you more than anyone on earth can love you. God is always ... doing God’s will make God very sad, too.)

BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014












BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014











BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014


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BTC Visual Aids Preschool, Beginner, Primary, Junior Fall Quarter, 2014