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1 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all." BarAille Communications BarAille Communications BarAille Communications BarAille Communications BarAille Communications

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Technology changing the way we learn, teach, read, write & communicate in our everyday lives.


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1 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."











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2 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Introduction: BarAille


• BarAille is a newly developed communication system that enables low-vision and blind (LV/B) people to "read" and to communicate.

• The technology uses a specially developed bar code and a unique scanner. When text is prepared for printing, the BarAille software translates that text word-for-word and converts it into an encrypted BarAille bar code symbol, which can be printed (visibly or invisibly) on the same page as the text.

• The BarAille Preceptor© handheld scanning unit is then swiped down the page, the bar code symbol is captured, translated back into text, and immediately spoken in a near-human quality voice, giving the LV/B user the ability to “read”.

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The BarAille Reading System Software

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

BarAille Bar Code Features

• Dynamically translates text to bar code symbol

• Creates 2-D or 3-D bar codes for placement and printing

• Prints bar codes with visible or invisible ink

• Bar codes may represent variety of languages

• Printable on paper, currency, glass, metal and any other surface

• Sale for personal and business use

• Licensed to publishers and printers

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The BarAille Reading System Hardware

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

BarAille Preceptor© Features

• Mini-processor

• Flash memory

• Onboard speaker

• Headset output

• Text-to-speech engine(s)

• Upgradeable dictionary

• Rechargeable batteries

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Target Market: Software

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Create Software For Bar Code Production

• Office environments (employers of low-vision and blind)

• Home / personal use as work and communication tools

• Publishers

• Printers

• Printer manufacturers

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Produce Hardware For Sale Into:

• Low-vision / blind population

• Reading impaired

• Illiterate population

• E-books reading integration

• Foreign language instruction

Target Market: Hardware

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Top View: Preceptor©

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Artist’s Rendering

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Bottom View: Preceptor©

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Artist’s Rendering

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Interior View: Preceptor©

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Artist’s Rendering

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Base View: Preceptor©

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Artist’s Rendering

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Bar Code Symbols and Preceptor©

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Artist’s Rendering

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Commercial Applications

• Credit card receipts (credit card number encryption, purchased items detailed)

• Checks / Money orders

• Restaurant menus (greater detail of menu items without space limitations)

• Utility bills

• Invoices

• Crosswalk / street corner navigation

12 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Vertical Market: Low-Vision / Blind

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Personal Applications

• Ability to read printed material

Contracts, rental agreements, homeowner documentation

Entertainment programming (TV Guide), newspapers, magazines, books

Grocery / supermarket items (ingredients, portions, nutritional info, sales)

Pharmacy prescriptions (instructions, expiration dates)

Clothing labels (color, size, fabric material, wash & care instructions)

13 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Vertical Market: Low-Vision / Blind

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Educational Applications

• Instructional device for reading impaired and language restricted

Scholastic publications



Reading enhancement aid

Reading instructional aid

Foreign language teaching tool

14 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Vertical Market: Low-Vision / Blind

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Business Applications

• Communications printed in BarAille code

Office documents (memos, employee handbook, job description)

Instructional materials (building directory, hallway / restroom directions)

Machine operation

Office (phone, fax, copier)

Recreational (coffee, microwave, refrigerator, vending)

15 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Vertical Market: Low-Vision / Blind

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Target Markets

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Avenues of Interest

• Low-Vision / Blind – Labeling, identifying, comprehending unseen information

• Developmental – Unique instructional capability for toddlers learning to read

• Governmental – Meets Federal guidelines for LV/B-friendly policies

• Literacy – Introduction of the written word to illiterate people around the globe

• Security – Data and document encryption

• Sighted – Categorizing, organizing, tracking and reordering inventory

• Translation – Multi-lingual settings for international commerce

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Statistical and General Information

• Estimated annual costs of blindness to the U.S. government in 1996 = $4 billion (01)

• Projected expenditures in U.S. to accommodate LV/B in 2007 = $68 billion (02)

• U.S. population estimate of low-vision and blind individuals (LV/B) = 14 million (03)

• Over 135 million low vision & additional 45 million blind worldwide (04)

(01) Blindness Statistics – National Federation of the Blind(02) About RPB, Eye Disease Information – Research to Prevent Blindness (Amount is comprised of direct medical costs, health utility ……costs, lost productivity, medical care expenditures, informal care costs and other direct costs being shouldered by the U.S. economy, ……the individual, caregivers and other healthcare payers, to include value of time and quality of life.)(03) Eye Disease Information, Low-Vision – Research to Prevent Blindness(04) Media Centre, Up to 45 Million Blind People Globally And Growing – World Health Organization, Oct. 2003

17 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Target Markets: Low-Vision / Blind

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18 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Statistical and General Information

• Number of Braille users in U.S. = 85,500 (05)

• Ratio of embossed Braille pages to pages of print = 6:1 (06)

• Cost to Braille equivalent of 1 page of print = $1.38 – $6.00 †

• Cost to produce one page of BarAille = $.01 ‡

(05) The Nature and Future of Literacy: Point and Counterpoint – American Foundation for the Blind, Jul. 2008(06) AIM Basics – CAST Accessible Instruction Materials (A 500-page print book would require nearly 3,000 pages of embossed ……Braille.) †….Cost per page of Braille varies per print house ($.23 - $1.00) and does not include additional hourly fees and binding .charges. ……Estimate is derived by applying ratio of 6 pages of Braille for every 1 page of print. ‡….Cost per page of BarAille does not include cost of visible or invisible ink for one bar code symbol.

Target Markets: Low-Vision / Blind

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Statistical and General Information

• Children’s / young adult book sales projection for 2008 = $4.3 billion (07)

• 10% – 17% of U.S. population has dyslexia (08)

• Only 30% of U.S. 8th graders meet current standards for reading proficiency (09)

• Reading / writing deficiency are leading reasons students drop out of school (10)

• 12 million dropouts are projected in next decade costing over $3 trillion dollars (11)

(07) Children’s Publishing Market Forecast 2008 – Simba Information, Sep. 2007(08) DCDC2: Demystifying and Decoding Dyslexia – National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Feb. 2006(09) National Governors Association: Reading to Achieve – Reading Horizons(10) About the Crisis, Graduation Rates – Alliance for Excellent Education (11) About the Crisis, Impact on American Society – Alliance for Excellent Education (Total of dropouts is calculated based on……1.2 million actual dropouts for Class of 2007. Financial cost is calculated based on $329 billion dollar projection of lost ……wages, taxes and productivity over a lifetime for the Class of 2007.)


Target Markets: Developmental

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

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20 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Statistical and General Information – I.M.A.A. (HR 4582)

• Approximately 93,600 students are visually impaired or blind (12)

• In the mid-1960s, 50% of all blind students could read Braille (13)

• By the end of 2007, 10% of all blind students could read Braille (14)

• Braille edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows cost $80,000 to produce (15)

• BarAille can satisfy I.M.A.A. by printing one book for sighted and LV/B #

(12) The Nature and Future of Literacy: Point and Counterpoint – American Foundation for the Blind, Jul. 2008(13) The Case for Braille – William M. Raeder, Former President National Braille Press(14) 2007 Annual Report – American Printing House for the Blind, Inc.(15) Harry Potter in Braille: Press Information and Fact Sheet – National Braille Press #....Instructional Materials Accessibility Act of 2002 – House of Representatives, April 24, 2002 (I.M.A.A was created, “To ……improve access to printed instructional materials used by blind or other persons with print disabilities in elementary……and secondary schools, and for other purposes”. BarAille can print one book for both sighted and LV/B readers at……virtually no additional cost by placing visible or invisible bar coded symbols alongside the printed text.)

Target Markets: Governmental

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21 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Statistical and General Information – ACB v. Henry M. Paulson, Jr.

• Only the U.S. prints dollar bills the same size and color for all denominations (16)

• U.S. Treasury requires $178 million for new printing presses (16)

• U.S. Treasury requires $37 - $50 million for new printing plates for each bill (16)

• U.S. Treasury requires $70 - $90 million for worldwide education on new bills (16)

• U.S. Treasury would spend $440.5 million each year to print new bills (16)

• BarAille can satisfy ruling by printing invisible bar codes on current bills (16)

(16) American Council of the Blind, et al., v. Henry M. Paulson, Jr., Secretary of the Treasury (On November 28, 2006,……Judge James Robertson ruled that the “Treasury Department’s failure to design, produce and issue paper currency……that is readily distinguishable to blind and visually impaired” people violates federal law. Decision was appealed……and upheld on May 20, 2008.)

Target Markets: Governmental

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Statistical and General Information

• Welfare / unemployment due to illiteracy cost US $6 billion in ‘07 (17)

• ⅔ of students who can’t read proficiently by 4th grade end up in jail or on welfare (18)

• 85% of incarcerated juvenile offenders are functionally illiterate (19)

• Over 40 million functionally illiterate people in the United States (20)

• Over 785 million functionally illiterate people in the world (21)

(17) The Nature and Future of Literacy: Point and Counterpoint – American Foundation for the Blind, Jul. 2008(18) Dr. Louisa Moats, Ed.D., Harvard University Graduate School of Education(19) Correctional Education Association(20) Adult Literacy in America – National Center for Education Statistics, Apr. 2002(21) The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency, 2005


Target Markets: Literacy

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

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Statistical and General Information

• In 2005 $113.6 million dollars were recovered in counterfeit U.S. currency (22)

• 18.3 million U.S. passports were issued in 2007 (23)

• Global debit, credit & prepaid card use reached $10.1 trillion dollars in 2006 (24)

• Global debit, credit & prepaid card losses due to fraud were $4.84 billion in 2006 (24)

• BarAille encrypts, deciphers and verifies communiqués, documents and data

(22) The Use and Counterfeiting of United States Currency Abroad, Part 3 – Federal Reserve Board, Sep. 2006(23) Passport Statistics – U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs(24) Global Card Fraud – The Nilson Report, Jul. 2007 Issue 884


Target Markets: Security

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

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Statistical and General Information

• Electronic storage software market at $3.1 billion in sales for 2nd Quarter, 2008 (25)

• Modern information technology could save U.S. healthcare $140 billion annually (26)

• BarAille streamlines legal, medical & dental data / file storage and retrieval

• BarAille can store the entire U.S. Constitution on a one-inch bar code symbol

• BarAille scans your local newspaper and “reads” to you during your drive to work

• BarAille scans your office documents and “reads” to you during your drive home

(25) Press Release – IDC Worldwide Quarterly Storage Software Tracker, Sep. 8, 2008(26) HHS Fact Sheet: HIT Report At A Glance – U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Jul. 21, 2004


Target Markets: Sighted

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

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Statistical and General Information

• Translation services for the United Nations cost $565 million for 2003 - 2005 (27)

• 5-year U.S. Army translation contract in Iraq cost $4.65 billion dollars (28)

• Digital translation market forecasted at $67.5 billion dollars annually (29)

• BarAille currently utilizes text-to-speech engines in more than 20 languages

(27) The United Nations Reform Act of 2005 – The Heritage Foundation, Jun. 10, 2005(28) L-3 Out, Dyncorp-McNeil in for $4.65B Iraq Translation Contract? – Defense Industry Daily(29) Language Weaver News – Language Weaver, Sep. 15, 2008


Target Markets: Translation

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

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Professional Evaluation

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Synopsis Excerpt

“In my opinion, BarAille has tremendous promise to be truly useful to

the Blind and, more important, will be used by the Blind.” *

*Robert W. Massof, Ph.D.

Professor of Ophthalmology

Professor of Neuroscience

Director, Lions Vision Research and Rehabilitation Center

Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

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Business Opportunities

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."


• Minority equity owner (investor)

• Majority equity owner (investor)

• Strategic partner to develop software / hardware

– OR –


• Acquisition of intellectual property as master licensor

• Acquisition of company and intellectual property

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BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Revenue Streams

• Enable printers with bar code print technology

• Pioneer and expand invisible ink printing for publications

• Product development for new industry

• Vertical marketing of hardware and software into new industry

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BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

Revenue Streams

• The BarAille Reading System (Patent 7,341,456—issued March 11, 2008)

Software – capture data with simultaneous conversion to BarAille code

Hardware – print text with BarAille code

Hardware – scan, read, interpret and speak text-to-code for reader

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Tel. 954-638-9991 E-mail: [email protected]


• Incorporated: September, 2005, Limited Liability Corporation

• Executives: John McAdams—CEO, Gregory Foley—VP Operations

• Patent: 7,341,456 (other patents and C.I.P.s—pending)

• Number of stockholders: 6 (as of Sep. 1, 2008)

• Principal product: BarAille Reading System


BarAille Communications, LLC.

BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

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31 BarAille Communications: "Making information and knowledge available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

"Making informationand knowledge

available to all."

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