barcelona casa comalat(ne 03.14)a


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Post on 12-Sep-2015




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  • Like a tribute to Gaud, the Casa Comalat contains many elements of Gauds architecture, and is one of the most original examples of home-grown art nouveau in Barcelona: modernism. Two distinct faades, both of them showing the influence of the curve redolent of the work of the Reus-born maestro, arouse our curiosity to go and take a closer look at this beautiful and unique building.The architect Salvador Valeri i Pupurull worked on the Casa Comalat from 1909 to 1911, and was clearly influenced by Gaudis organic forms.

  • Dating from the final phase of the modernista era, this is a highly original building comprising two faades with a common element: the Gaudiesque curve. The main faade, which overlooksBarcelona's Avinguda Diagonal, is made of stone and is more symmetrical and regular in shape.

  • At street level, there is an interesting wrought-iron doorway and, above it, a central gallery surmounted by a pinnacle. At the top, a series of openings cut into the faade and surrounded by stone garlands jut out above the remaining curved balconies with their floral motifs. The building is surmounted by a turret in the shape of a harlequins hat clad in glazed green ceramics.

  • This colourful element dominates the rear faade of the building which overlooks Carrer Rossell, and is freer and more informal in style.

  • The irregular wooden galleries give the faade a dynamic look, and the ceramics that decorate the entire faade lend a splash of colour. The parabolic arches over the doors on the ground floor give the building its Gaudiesque feel, and are just another example of the beauty of this unique building.

  • There is an old saying: "Barcelona es bona si la bossa sona. Tant si sona com si no sona, Barcelona es bona" (Rough translation: Barcelona is good, if the (money) bag sounds. Even it sounds or it does not sound, Barcelona is good)

  • Text & pictures: InternetCopyrights of the photos belong to each photographerPresentation: Sanda

    Sound: Jose Carreras - Pel Teu Amor-Roso (For Your Love)

  • 25 years ago, on 16 September 1988, Josep Carreras exceptionally sang a memorable benefit recital with pianist Vincenzo Scalera at the Vienna State Opera right after recovering from leukaemia. Since Vienna, a city that has always loved him with special devotion since his debut in 1974, wanted to celebrate his comeback to life and to the stage, the Wiener Staatsoper hosted its first recital with piano in its history. Released on VHS and later on DVD, this legendary moment is commonly called the Vienna Comeback whose 25 anniversary has been just celebrated with an extremely emotional benefit matine concert on the same stage on 15 September 2013. Avui fa 25 anys, el 16 de setembre de 1988, Josep Carreras excepcionalment cantar un recital memorable benfic amb el pianista Vincenzo Scalera a l'pera de Viena, just desprs de recuperar-se de la leucmia. Des de Viena, una ciutat que sempre l'ha volgut sempre amb devoci especial des del seu debut el 1974, va voler celebrar el seu retorn a la vida i l'escenari, la Wiener Staatsoper acollir el seu primer recital amb piano de la seva histria. Gravat i publicat en VHS i posteriorment en DVD, aquest moment llegendari est comunament anomenat Vienna Comeback, el 25 aniversari s'ha celebrat recentment amb un concert matine benefici molt emocional en el mateix escenari el 15 de setembre de 2013. Hoy hace 25 aos, el 16 de septiembre de 1988, Josep Carreras excepcionalmente cant un recital memorable benfico con el pianista Vincenzo Scalera en la pera de Viena, justo despus de recuperarse de la leucemia. Desde Viena, una ciudad que siempre lo ha querido siempre con devocin especial desde su debut en 1974, quiso celebrar su regreso a la vida y al escenario, la Wiener Staatsoper acogi su primer recital con piano de su historia. Grabado y publicado en VHS y posteriormente en DVD, este momento legendario est comnmente llamado Vienna Comeback, cuyo 25 aniversario se ha celebrado recientemente con un concierto matine beneficio muy emocional en el mismo escenario el 15 de septiembre de 2013.
