based substation

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  • 8/16/2019 Based Substation


    Implementation of Substation seADA System for 

    3X500 MW Power PlantOVEVIEWSubstation monitoring and control functions are moving

    out of age due to recent development in communication system. IEC61850 standard is one of the established and proven

    standards hich is no idely accepted due to its increased openness and interoperability beteen devices. !his case

    study presents real situation and implementation of IEC61850 based substation automation system.

    Implementation detailsCountry

    Year of Execution

    In dia"00#$"010Business Situation

    %roviding SC&'& based automated solution for 1500 () poer plent*

    Key Platform

    )onderare SC&'&+ SE, -umerical relays+ IEC 61850Key Benefits

    IEC61850 based &utomation

    ,esser manual interventions

    &ll criticaI data in a centrali/ed system eport generation• Remote Relay settings

    I!"OD#$"IO!The client is the one of the biggest thermal power

    proucer in the country with o!erall prouction of "#$%%&'( which is approximately %)* of +nia,s o!erall power 

    prouction- This plant networ. consists of power plant with total capacity of /0## &' 1"20##3( electrical system consists of 

    !oltage le!eis 4T 1""K5 // K5( "-"K53 an 6 T 1%/053 an aroun "0 ifferent substations with $## numerical relays

    S%S"EM EIEME!"SThe plant consists of $## feeers- The manual

    monitoring of these feeer parameters is not possible- So the primary re7uirement is the SC898 system which will allow

    the operator to monitor an control ali the relays an e!ices remotely- 8li the relays in the plant support +EC$/:0# base

    stanars- So the propose system will ma.e use of ali the features that are possible with +EC$/:0#- 8li the relays are

    connecte to the common 68; so that any relay in the networ. can be accesse by the computer in the control room-

    &aation of ali the e7uipments

    • &easurement with ata 7uality

    • &onitoring of networ. e7uipments

    •  8uible alarm with filtering

    • 9etaile reporting of feeer ata

    • Two 68; subnet for substation an control room

    Three le!eis of Security• E!ent an report ata storage up to fi!e years

    Case stuy on +mplementation of Substation SC898 System for "20## &' Power Plant

    Page /

  • 8/16/2019 Based Substation


    The customer has a re7uirement of remote relay parameteri>ation facility through centrali>e SC898 system without

    affecting communication performance- The main obe the numerical

    Relays- @igureA/ shows the system architecture

     Figure 1: System Architecture

    Two le!eis of ring networ. are use( which gi!es the reunancy in fiel networ. an enterprise networ.- The arretcom

    an 4rishman inustrial switches are use to establishe the ring networ. by use of the RSTP technology- 8li the

    switches use support +EC$/:0#- @igureA ) shows a SC898 screen with the single line iagram of the plant-

     Figure 2: Plant Overview

    System ar)*ite)ture

    The total system consists of six 'onerware SC898

    ser!ers that are locate in six ifferent locations- Each ata

    concentrator is fetching ata from aroun /## relays thatare connecte to the substation 68;- +n the Substation

    68;( the topology is R+; topology with each

    Case stuy on +mplementation of Substation SC898 System for "20## MW Power Plant Page


  • 8/16/2019 Based Substation


    noe in the R+; is a networ. switch with each switch connecte to : to /% relays in ST8R topology- The six ata

    concentrators are connecte in a control room 68; in another R+; networ.- 8li the ata concentrators( 4&ls( Relay

    programming laptops etc( are connecte in the switches that are acting as the noes in the control room 68;- 9ifferent

    subnet for the control room 68; an substation 68; is use to control unwante traffic in the networ.- To ma.e the ring

    effecti!e an to a!oi signal retransmission the usage of RSTP enable switches in the networ. is use-

    The 'onerware c/ient system consists of whole substation S69( +ni!iual substation S69s( &easurements( Trens(

     8larms an E!ents- The ini!iual substation S69 gi!es the picture of each substation- @or each feeer in a substation

    there are many lin.s attache- By using the lin.s one can easily !iew the 8larm?E!ent list( trens 1Real time?4istorical3 an

    Relay etails of a particular feeer- The relay etails shows?isplays the input loutput status of the relay( &easurements

    an 6E9 status-

    +n the measurements ata 7uality also isplaye using the 7uality bits recei!e from the relay through +EC$/:0#- The color 

    of the measurement isplay is change in orer to unerstan the ifferent 7uality of the ata recei!e- The uality

    information is use in Tren( where the pen color will change as per the uality change-

    The &SS6)##: is use for the centrali>e ata storage- There are two ser!ers that continuously store the fiel ata- The

    S6 mirroring mechanism for missing ata retrie!al from one ser!er to another is use- Dsing the S6 ata the etaile

    reports of the plant is gi!en an also the reporting tool has the ability to hanle feeer wise ata for the last fi!e years-

    The remote relay parameteri>ation is a main feature of this SC898 application- The control room computer can easily

    access any relay in the substation- So using this feature relay engineer can change or program the relay settings from the

    control room-

    The total networ. is monitore by the SC898 for any lin. failure an switch healthiness etc- This is achie!e by using the

    S;&P protocol- The S;&P ser!er locate in the SC898 ata concentrator recei!es the S;&P trap messages from the

    switches- SC898 monitors the trap message an isplays the lin. failure( port failure an e!en the location of the failure-

    There are aroun %#### tags 1fiel points3 in this application- So in orer to reuce the traffic +EC$/:0# reporting function

    is use- 4ere the SC898 will not poli ali the relays for the signal upation- The relay will sen the signal only when there is

    a change in the signal status- So this e!ent reporting techni7ue has consierably reuce the traffic in the networ.-

    A$+IEVEME!"SThe main challenge in this proation is a main feature of this SC898 application- Though this feature is not new to

    substation automation( it is implemente in a way that any computer can access any relay in the networ.- This feature

    helps the substation engineer to change the relay settings( rea the isturbance recorings( an change the protection

    parameters- Kal.itech( thus successfully met ali .ey re7uirements set out by the c/ient initially-

    Page "Case stuy on +mplementation of Substation SC898 System for "20## MW Power Plant