basic biological principles a1. a1. basic biological principles 1.describe the characteristics of...


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Page 1: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms



Page 2: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

A1. Basic Biological Principles

1. Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

2. Compare cellular structures and their function in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

3. Describe and interpret relationships between structure and function at the various levels of biological organization (organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organisms)

4. Define, describe and give examples of the various types of cells – prokaryotic vs eukaryotic, plant vs animal

Page 3: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

A1. Vocabulary

Cell organelle Golgi apparatusCell theory vacuole chloroplastsCell membrane lysosome mitochondriaNucleus cytoskeleton cell wallEukaryote centriole lipid bilayerProkaryote ribosome selectively permeableCytoplasm endoplasmic reticulumTissue Organ organismOrgan system vesicle

Page 4: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Characteristics of Life

• Grow and Reproduce• Obtain and use materials for energy• Maintain a stable internal environment

(homeostasis)• Respond to the environment

ALL living things must be able to

Page 5: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

1. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in living things

2. All living things are made of cells3. New cells are produced from existing cells

Characteristics of Life

The CELL Theory

Page 6: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

• Have DNA (genetic material)• Have a cell membrane (barrier)• Have cytoplasm (fluid)• Have ribosomes which make proteins– Proteins are essential for the function of ALL cells

• Grow, reproduce, obtain and use materials, maintain homeostasis and respond to the environment


Characteristics of Life

Page 7: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

ALL CELLS can be classified as either prokaryotic or eukaryotic.

Characteristics of Life

Page 8: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

• NO nucleus• NO specialized cell structure (organelles)• DNA found in cytoplasm• Small and simple cells• All prokaryotes are UNICELLULAR (single-celled)• a.k.a. bacteria


Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

Page 9: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

Notice• Ribosomes• DNA not contained

in nucleus• Pili and flagellum for


Page 10: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

• DNA in nucleus• Specialized cell structures (organelles)• Larger and more complex cells• Eukaryotes can be uni- or multi-cellular• a.k.a. plants, animals, fungi, protists


Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

Page 11: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

Notice• Increased

complexity• Bigger in size• DNA in nucleus• Cellular structures

Page 12: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

– Also called the plasma membrane– Phospholipid bilayer– Selectively permeable boundary– Regulates the movement of material into and out

of the cell

1. Cell Membrane

Cell Structure and Function

Page 13: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

1. Cell Membrane

Cell Structure and Function

Page 14: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

2. Ribosomes

Cell Structure and Function

– Manufacture proteins– Found in all cells• Evidence of the importance of proteins to ALL cells

Page 15: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

3. Cytoplasm

Cell Structure and Function

– Fluid component of cells– Provide structure, support and stability– Aids in movement of material throughout cell– Found in all cells

Page 16: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

4. Nucleus

Cell Structure and Function

– Contains the DNA in eukaryotic cells

Page 17: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

5. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Cell Structure and Function

– Found alongside nucleus– Rough ER contains ribosomes; protein synthesis– Smooth ER does not contain ribosomes; membrane

lipid synthesis and drug detoxification

Page 18: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

6. Golgi Apparatus

Cell Structure and Function

– Receives proteins from ER– Modifies, sorts and packages proteins for delivery

Page 19: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

7. Vesicles

Cell Structure and Function

– Transport material such as proteins throughout cell

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8. Vacuoles

Cell Structure and Function

– Storage facilities– In plants, a LARGE CENTRAL VACUOLE fills with

water to maintain structure• When a plant goes without water, the central vacuole

empties and plant wilts

– In animals, several smaller vesicles– In freshwater protists, a contractile vacuole helps

pump water out of cell

Page 21: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

8. Vacuoles

Cell Structure and Function

Page 22: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

9. Lysosomes

Cell Structure and Function

– Contain enzymes– Digest large molecules, old cell parts, things that DO

NOT belong in the cell– “recycling center”

Page 23: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

10. centrioles

Cell Structure and Function

– Found only in animal cells– Help organize cell division (???)

Page 24: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

11. cytoskeleton

Cell Structure and Function

– Maintains shape of cell– Aids in movement of cell and movement of


Page 25: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

12. chloroplasts

Cell Structure and Function

– Found in plant cells and some photosynthetic protists

– Convert light energy into chemical energy (glucose)

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13. mitochondria

Cell Structure and Function

– Converts chemical energy (food) into useful cellular energy (ATP)

Page 27: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

14. Cell wall

Cell Structure and Function

– Plant cells and prokaryotes– Rigid support and protection for cell

Page 28: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Organization of Multicellular Life

Levels of Biological Organization– Organelles (cell structures with specialized functions– Cell (basic unit of life)– Tissue (a group of cells)– Organ (a group of tissues)– Organ system (a group of organs)– Organism

Page 29: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Organization of Multicellular Life

Cell specialization– Cells develop in different ways to perform different

functions• Ex: pancreatic cells produce proteins and are therefore

loaded with ribosomes and rough ER• Ex: liver cells remove toxins from blood and are loaded

with smooth ER• Ex: muscle cells require a lot of energy and are loaded

with mitochondria

Page 30: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

Structure Nucleus? Genetic Material?

Cell wall? Cell membrane?

Organelles? Ribosomes?



Page 31: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

1. Which characteristic is shared by all prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

a. Ability to store hereditary informationb. Use of organelles to control cell processesc. Use of cellular respiration for energy released. Ability to move in response to environmental


Page 32: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

2. Living things can be classified as either prokaryotes or eukaryotes. Which two structures are common to both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

a. Cell wall and nucleusb. Cell wall and chloroplastc. Plasma membrane and nucleusd. Plasma membrane and cytoplasm

Page 33: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

3. If a cell of an organism contains a nucleus, the organism is a(n)

a. Plantb. Eukaryotec. Animald. prokaryotes

Page 34: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

4. Alveoli are microscopic air sacs in the lungs of mammals. Which statement best describes how the structure of the alveoli allows the lungs to function properly?

a. They increase the amount of energy transferred from the lungs to the blood

b. They increase the flexibility of the lungs as they expand during inhalation

c. They increase the volume of the lungs allowing more oxygen to be inhaled

d. They increase the surface area of the lungs allowing efficient gas exchange

Page 35: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions5. Some human body cells are shown in the

diagrams below.

These groups of cells represent differenta. Tissues in which similar cells function togetherb. Organs that help to carry out a specific life activityc. Systems that are responsible for a specific life activityd. Organelles that carry out different functions

Page 36: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

6. Which cell parts are found in plants but not animals?

a. Nucleus and cell membraneb. Cell wall and nucleusc. Mitochondriad. Cell wall and chloroplasts

Page 37: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

7. Which of the following is NOT a principle of the cell theory?

a. Cells are the basic unit of lifeb. All living things are made of cellsc. Very few cells reproduced. All cells are produced by existing cells

Page 38: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

8. Which order describes the organization of multicellular organisms from smallest to largest?

a. Cells, organs, tissues, organ systems, organismb. Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organismc. Organism, organ system, organ, tissue, celld. Cells, tissue, organ, organism

Page 39: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

9. The diagram below represents a cell of a green plant. Solar energy is used to produce energy-rich compound sin structure

a. Ab. Bc. Cd. D

Page 40: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

10.Which cell structure is correctly paired with its function?

a. Ribosome – protein synthesisb. Vacuole – production of genetic informationc. Nucleus – carbohydrate synthesisd. Mitochondrion – waste disposal

Page 41: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions

11.A pesticide that kills an insect by interfering with the production of proteins in the insect would most likely affect the activity of

a. Ribosomesb. Mineralsc. Chloroplastsd. mitochondria

Page 42: BASIC BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES A1. A1. Basic Biological Principles 1.Describe the characteristics of life shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms

Keystone Prep Questions12.The diagram below represents two cells, X and Y.

Which statement is correct concerning the structure labeled A?

a. It regulates movement of material into/out of both cellsb. It is involved in communication in cell X but not cell Yc. It prevents absorption of CO2 in cell X and O2 in cell Y

d. It represents the cell wall in cell X and the cell membrane in cell Y