basic guide to building a niche website


Upload: richard-larcombe

Post on 25-Jan-2015




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This presentation describes the main points for building niche micro websites. It gives details of what is needed to get a business up and running, also visit


Page 1: Basic Guide To Building A Niche Website

Page 2: Basic Guide To Building A Niche Website

Websites can costs tens of thousands of pounds to be designed, developed and marketed depending on the different types of custom coding that need to be created for certain applications features or forms.

For the niche market website and micro niche website, however, things are slightly different.

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Unlike businesses that sell lots of different products or many variations of one existing product, niche and micro niche businesses usually serve only one single product or service.

Now as you may have already guessed this means that the website for a niche or micro niche business need not be big at all, but in fact small whilst being appropriate enough to convert.

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In this video, we are going to take a look at the basic parts you should take note of in order to build a successful niche market website.

with an emphasis on keeping costs down in order to increase the profits of your niche business and maximise the return on the money you put in to it.

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Choose a dynamic content management system (CMS)

We are going to jump straight in to this by pointing out the importance of being able to change and update your website as easily as possible.

For this, you are going to want to adopt a decent CMS in order to manage the build and growth of your business from an online perspective.

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From past experience and lots of tries with many different content management systems I recommend Wordpress as a solid, easy to use and 100% free CMS which is perfect for the niche and micro niche business alike.

With Wordpress, customizing any website is very easy and what’s more there is a whole community of Wordpress developers out there who are more than helpful.

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The remainder of this video will presume that you are building your website on the Wordpress platform,

due it being our number one choice and also the number one choice for hundreds of thousands of other niche businesses.

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Choose Your Design

All business websites should be well laid out, easily navigated by the visitor and friendly on the eyes.

With Wordpress, it is easy to get the design of a website pitch perfect, because there are thousands of what are called ‘themes’ out there which are essentially skins for your website.

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Due to the nature of Wordpress it is also incredibly easy to upload a new theme and go through a trial and error stage of getting your website to look right. Wordpress has its own catalogue of themes to choose from, but you can purchase themes by doing a Google search.

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There are some really good ones to be found just by doing a bit of digging around.

Also some are easily customized to make it unique.

The key for a niche business website is to keep things simple clean and with a few calls to action i.e. call us on, purchase today, find out more, etc.

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The importance of SEO

Search engine optimization is one part of an online marketing strategy however it is also the most important form of marketing for a niche business.

According to Forrester Research, 71% of consumers now begin their search for a new product or service online, so by ignoring SEO when creating your niche business you could lose out on a lot of potential customers.

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The top and most cost effective ways to promote your niche business website with SEO are:

Make sure that your page titles, meta descriptions and meta keywords are filled in appropriately to reflect what you are selling.

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Make sure that your home page content is written for the user in mind and not the search engines.

Also include at least one H1 tag with your keyword in (this complies with the latest Google Penguin update).

Create top quality 100% original content on a weekly basis and post to your blog.

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Integrate social media icons in to your website as social integration is a known Google ranking factor.

Twitter, Facebook, Youtube are all perfect social network options and if you are on all of them, you have a higher chance of converting and selling products anyway.

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This information has given you the foundation of what is required to build a niche website to begin your online business.

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