basin & towel: learning christian discipleship

BASIN & TOWEL: LEARNING CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP Section Headings Introduction ............................................................................ 1 Portfolio Item Reflection ........................................................ 3 Portfolio Rubric ....................................................................... 5 About the Author..................................................................... 7 Theology .................................................................................. 8 Sacraments .............................................................................17 Moral Life .............................................................................. 22 Liturgy ................................................................................... 27 Prayer .................................................................................... 35 Social Justice ......................................................................... 41 Discipleship ........................................................................... 46 Scripture ................................................................................ 50 Character Formation (BEST) ................................................ 56

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Section Headings

Introduction ............................................................................ 1 Portfolio Item Reflection ........................................................3 Portfolio Rubric....................................................................... 5 About the Author..................................................................... 7 Theology ..................................................................................8 Sacraments .............................................................................17 Moral Life ..............................................................................22 Liturgy ................................................................................... 27 Prayer .................................................................................... 35 Social Justice ......................................................................... 41 Discipleship ...........................................................................46 Scripture ................................................................................50 Character Formation (BEST)................................................56



BASIN & TOWEL: LEARNING CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP This booklet contains a series of writing exercises intended to help junior high students

deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Faith. It emerged from the work I did while earning Catechist Certification in the Archdiocese of Chicago.

The intention of the book is also to provide a window in time for each student. This window in time helps them to see growth over the school year. Entries will allow the students to ponder their faith as a personal relationship with and experience of God.

Each student will complete these entries in a journal-sized notebook, which will remain in Ms. Thompson’s room. Each grading period students are expected to reflect on their work and compile a presentation portfolio, so that the teacher can perform an assessment of their work in this area. WHAT IS A PRESENTATION PORTFOLIO?

Definition: "A purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student’s efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas. The collection must include student participation in selecting contents, the criteria for selection, the criteria for judging merit and evidence of student self-reflection."

(Paulson, Paulson, Meyer 1991)

In this way a portfolio is a living, growing collection of a student’s work. PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES:

1. The overall purpose of the portfolio is to enable the student to demonstrate to others learning and progress.

2. The student carefully selects every addition, for a specific reason(s) that s/he will explain.

3. The greatest value of portfolios is that, in building them, students become active participants in the learning process and its assessment. >


• Clear and attractive presentation – Make sure every page is neat and legible. Write a reflection for each item that explains why you included it in your portfolio.

• Dated drafts - Put a date on every paper and every reflection.

• Attached reflections - Papers should precede the corresponding reflection. HINT - Don’t wait until the day before to write your reflections, compile your papers & reflections each week.

ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF THE PORTFOLIO It is important to include all of the following:

Cover Letter “About the author” and “What my portfolio shows about my progress as a learner” (written at the end, but put at the beginning). The cover letter summarizes the evidence of a student’s learning and progress.

Table of Contents with numbered pages. Entries - both core (items students have to include) and optional (items of student’s

choice). Students can choose to include “best” pieces of work, but also choose pieces that gave trouble or one that was less successful, and give reasons why and explain how the trouble helped you learn.

• The core elements will be required for each student and will provide a common base from which to make decisions on assessment.

• The optional items will allow the folder to represent the uniqueness of each student. Dates on all entries, to facilitate proof of growth over time. Reflections (two types – one for each piece… one for entire portfolio) can appear

at different stages in the learning process (for formative and/or summative purposes.)



a. First - for each item - a brief explanation for choosing this item. This can be related to your performance (grade), to your feelings regarding your progress and/or themselves as learners. (Do this by completing a Portfolio Item Reflection Sheet – see Teacher’s website)

b. Second - For the whole portfolio (the cover letter – see above) CLASS PRESENTATIONS EACH QUARTER

The student gives an oral presentation on his final quarterly product – Presentation Portfolio and the teacher decides on a quarterly grade. This is a student’s chance to negotiate the portfolio grade using verbal evidence of achievement. FOLLOW-UP

After the portfolios are complete, we may have an exhibition of portfolios and/or student-led parent-teacher conferences, in which students present portfolios to parents. SPECIFIC PORTFOLIO CONTENT

• Table of Contents

• Cover Letter

• Autobiography

• Biography Of This Author By A Parent

• Students must also choose one (1) exercise in each area and complete a reflection form for it

About the Author Theology Sacraments Moral Life Liturgy Prayer Social Justice Discipleship Scripture Character Formation (BEST)

Additional Options:

• Additional exercises

• Pages from Textbook

• BEST Program Worksheets or Activities

• Reflections written on specific Scripture passages (assigned in class)

• Reflections written on specific prayer experiences done in class Portfolio will be graded on the following criteria (see rubric for more details)

• Reflects awareness of portfolio goals

• Understands the process of revision

• Demonstrates evidence of progress over time

• Fully explains choices made

• Reaches high level of reliability in self/peer assessment

• Draws conclusions about his/her learning



Student Name __________________________ Date of Reflection __________ Title of Exercise _________________________ Date of Original ____________ Area - Circle One

About the Author Moral Life Social Justice

Character Formation (BEST) Discipleship

Theology Liturgy Scripture

Sacraments Prayer

What did I learn from this?

What did I do well?

Why did I choose this item?



What do I want to do to improve this item?

How do I feel about my performance on this item?

What were the problem areas?




CONTENTS Portfolio contains all of the required material.

Portfolio contains most of the required material.

Portfolio contains some of the required material.

Portfolio contains little of the required material.


Samples show student progress and knowledge of Catholic faith.

Samples show student progress and some knowledge of Catholic faith.

Samples show some student progress and some knowledge of Catholic faith.

Random Selection of Sample Documents. No knowledge of Catholic faith.

ORGANIZATION Portfolio is completely and neatly organized. A Reader can easily find things.

Portfolio is well organized. A Reader has little difficulty finding things.

Portfolio is fairly well organized. A Reader may have a little difficulty finding things.

Portfolio shows some attempt at organization. A Reader has difficulty finding things.

MECHANICS There are no errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

There are few errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

Errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar are evident.

Errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar are numerous.


All Reflections include personal reactions that are descriptive and insightful and relate to the stated principle.

Most of the Reflections include personal reactions that are descriptive and insightful and relate to the stated principle.

Some of the Reflections include personal reactions that are descriptive and insightful and relate to the stated principle.

Few of the Reflections include personal reactions that are descriptive and insightful and relate to the stated principle.


Student spoke clearly, made appropriate eye contact with audience and confidently answered questions.

Student spoke relatively clearly, made appropriate eye contact with audience and answered questions.

Student spoke relatively clearly most of the time, made eye contact with audience and was able to answer some questions.

Student spoke unclearly, seldom made appropriate eye contact with audience and had difficulty answering questions.



The portfolio demonstrates well the student’s skills, abilities, and knowledge to potential employers.

The portfolio helps to demonstrate the student’s skills, abilities, and knowledge to potential employers.

The portfolio does little to demonstrate the student’s skills, abilities, and knowledge to potential employers.

The portfolio does not demonstrate the student’s skills, abilities, and knowledge to potential employers.







1. Autobiography 2. Biography Of This Author By A Parent 3. What Am I Doing Here 4. Who is God 5. Created in the Image and Likeness of God (Gen. 3:21 – 29) 6. Self-Knowledge And Knowledge Of God 7. Top Ten Things People Should Know About The Catholic Church 8. KWL About The Catholic Faith 9. Interview With Your Future Self 10. Explain A Time When You Applied Something You Learned In This Class To

“Real Life.” 11. What Role Do You Play In The Body Of Christ? 12. How Has Your Understanding Of The Bible And/Or Of God Changed This Year? 13. Create A New Sacrament 14. Explain A Time In Your Life When You Faced A Moral Dilemma 15. Describe A Personal Theophany 16. Explain The Role Prayer Has In Your Life. 17. What Was The Most Important Learning And Why 18. Top Ten Things People Should Know About Catholicism 19. How Do You Discern God’s Will, When Choosing Between Two Good Things? 20. Explain CCC 1705-1706




1. What Are Your Personal Experiences Of The Goodness Of Creation? 2. What Is Your Understanding Of The Holy Trinity? 3. Why Are Creeds So Important? 4. What Does The Paschal Mystery Mean For Us? 5. Jesus’ Life/ My Life Chart 6. Compare And Contrast Humans To God 7. Original Sin 8. God The Father 9. Son, Logos, And Jesus Christ 10. Holy Spirit 11. Symbols Of The Holy Spirit 12. Favorite Aspect (Title) Of Jesus 13. Jesus Christ, Fully Human, Fully Divine 14. Works Of Mercy, Corporal And Spiritual 15. Four Final Things 16. “Theology Is…” 17. The Communion Of Saints 18. Glorious Freedom 19. One Body, Many Parts 20. Intimacy With God



1. PERSONAL EXPERIENCES OF CREATION On each day of creation, God examined what he had done and he pronounced “It is good.” What are your personal experiences of the goodness of creation?

2. THE TRINITY Saint Patrick used the shamrock to explain about the Trinity. Saint Bonaventure used the image of the overflowing fountain. Others have used other things like eggs or fruit to try to explain the Trinity. Does any one name, image or description truly encompass the reality of God? What is your understanding of the Holy Trinity?

3. THE IMPORTANCE OF CREEDS Both the Nicene and Apostle’s creeds teach us the core doctrines of our faith. In these statements of faith we try to describe the incomprehensible God in comprehensible ways. Explain in your own words the essential doctrines stated in the creeds.

4. THE PASCHAL MYSTERY The Paschal Mystery is the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As His disciples we are called to follow him…even to the cross. What does this mean to you at this point in your life?

5. JESUS’ LIFE – MY LIFE Much of Jesus’ life included doing these things. Think of a time when you have done the following things and describe them to complete the chart below.

Sharing meals

Affirming people

Making friends

Challenging people

Forgiving people

Defending the rejected


Telling others about God





6. GOD & HUMANS VENN DIAGRAM Compare and contrast humans and the Almighty God

The Bible says we are created in God’s image. Explain some of the things you placed in the center of diagram. In what ways are mankind and God similar?




7. ORIGINAL SIN Look at the story of Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:1 – 7)

What was the first thing Adam and Eve did after they sinned?

Why do you think they did this?

Did their efforts to cover their sin and hide from God succeed?

Read Genesis 3:21 and answer the questions the follow. Who took the initiative in restoring this relationship? What actions restore this relationship?

Read Hebrews 9:22. Why do you think God killed animals to clothe Adam and Eve?



8. GOD THE FATHER I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. Our God is One God… yet he has many names. Read Ex. 3:1 – 17. Explain some of the things the name God reveals to Moses reveals about the character of God.

9. THE SON, LOGOS, AND JESUS THE CHRIST “In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God…and the word became flesh and dwelt among us” Jesus is the second person of the Holy Trinity, the person we call the Son. The name Jesus is a Greek translation of the Hebrew, Yehoshua. It means “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation.” Christ, Christos in Greek, means “the anointed one.” This is equivalent to the title “messiah” in Hebrew. Upon ascending the throne, an Israelite king was anointed with oil by a high priest or prophet, and afterward he was called “messiah.” Among Jesus’ followers, the use of “Christ” in connection to Jesus became a proper name for Jesus. Read the following verses and summarize their main ideas.

Galatians 1:6 Hebrews 9:11 Rom. 5:6 Acts 24:24 Mark. 1:1

10. THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE CREED “I believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son He is worshipped and glorified. He has spoken through the prophets.” The mission of the Spirit is to draw us to the Father through the Son, Jesus and to transform us into a greater (better) relationship with God and His people (the church). Describe your understanding of the third person of the Holy Trinity. How has the Holy Spirit been active in your life?

11. SYMBOLS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT This list of symbols relating to the Holy Spirit, are taken from the Catechism of the Catholic Church sections 694 - 701. In the final column explain how these spiritual metaphors increase your understanding of the third person of the Holy Trinity.

Symbol Scripture Explanation


1 Cor 12:13

Jn. 19 34

Jn 4:10 - 14


1 Jn 2: 20 – 27

1 Sam 16:13

Acts 2:36


1Kings 18:38 – 39

Lk. 1:17; 3:16

1Thess 5:19

Cloud & Light

Ex. 24:15 – 18

1 Kings 8:10 – 12

Acts 1:9

Lk. 21:27


Ex. 31:18

Mk 16:18

Acts 5:12

Heb 6:2


Gen 8:8 – 12

Mt. 3:16

Acts 2




Writing a definition poem

A definition poem uses metaphorical language to define an abstract concept or concrete object. The poet could create one comparison and expand the idea or present several different comparisons in one poem.

Getting Ready to Write

1. Review the definition of metaphor 2. Choose a topic… that is one of the “I am” names given in the gospel of John. 3. Brainstorm comparisons between Jesus and what he compares himself to… be

creative. How is Jesus using this metaphor to explain who he is?

Drafting Organize the work you did above into a poetic form. You will need to decide whether you want your poem to rhyme or not, depending on the mood (tone) you wish to create in your poem. Be sure to use precise words to express your ideas clearly.


When you have completed your draft, review your poem to make sure you have… � Created a definition of your topic using metaphorical language � Used line breaks, white space, and writing techniques to enhance the effect of your poem � Created the tone you wish to portray � Used precise word choices to convey your purpose

Applying Technology

Practice using different fonts for your poem. Once you have typed your draft into the computer use the mouse to select your entire poem. Select a different size font for your definition poem from the tool bar. Once you are satisfied with the size and style of the font, print your poem and place it in the homework tray. MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON YOUR PAPER!


This branch of Theology is called Christology, the study of the person of Jesus Christ, and the redemption he effected by his incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension. In the formal discussions, there is a distinction between Jesus’ human and divine nature, and these are termed low and high Christology. Low Christology highlights Jesus’ humanity, and High Christology stresses the divinity. In the circle, shade in how you visualize “Christology.” Then write a brief paragraph explaining the pie chart.


o Human

o Divine



14. WORKS OF MERCY, CORPORAL & SPIRITUAL Spend some time considering the following questions as they apply to your life. 1) How are time and a lack of opportunity an obstacle to serving others?

Time � Sports � Homework � Telephone conversations

or online messaging � Video games � Other

Possible solution(s)

Lack of opportunity � Don’t know who needs

help � Feel you don’t have the

skills to help � Transportation � Other

Possible solution(s)

2) Explain which of the works of mercy are easiest for you to understand and practice and why.

3) Which work of mercy is hardest to practice? 4) How do the works of mercy help us to grow in virtue? 5) By living the virtuous life and practicing the works of mercy, we preparing

for…. 6) What kind of happiness do these lead to?

Spiritual Works of Mercy Corporal Works of Mercy

Instructing Advising Consoling (Comforting) Forgiving Bearing Wrongs Patiently

Feeding the Hungry Sheltering the Homeless Clothing the Naked Visiting the Sick and Imprisoned Burying the Dead



15. FOUR FINAL THINGS In Luke 16:19 – 31, Jesus tells the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. In

Matthew 24 and 25, Jesus tells some other parables about the kingdom of God and the coming judgment. The Catechism reminds us of the final four things we should consider as we strive to follow Jesus in this life. Read the following scripture passages, and describe how they help you understand what each of these final four things mean.

Scripture passage Your understanding


Gen 3:17 – 19 Rom 5:12

1Cor 15: 21 26


Jn. 5:22

Heb. 9:27& 10:31


Mt. 5:8 Rom 8:17 Rev. 3:5


Mt. 8:12 Lk 16:25 Rev 18:7


Explain how this phrase applies to your personal relationship with God. “Theology is faith seeking understanding”

17. COMMUNION OF SAINTS Explain how this scripture passage applies to your personal relationship with

God. “His divine power has bestowed on us by his own glory and power. Through these, he has bestowed on the precious and very great promises, so that through them you may come to share in the divine nature, after escaping from the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire.” (II Pet. 1:3 – 4)

18. GLORIOUS FREEDOM Explain how this scripture passage applies to your personal relationship with God.

“For those led who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. (For) You did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, “Abba, Father!” (Rom. 8:14 – 15)



19. ONE BODY, MANY PARTS Explain how this scripture passage applies to your personal relationship with God.

“But one in the same spirit produces all of these, distributing them individually to each person as he wishes. As a body is one though it has many parts and all the parts of the body though many are one body, so also Christ.” (1Cor. 12: 11 – 12)

20. INTIMACY WITH GOD Explain how this scripture passage applies to your personal relationship with God.

“Then Moses said, “Do let me see your glory!” He answered, “I will make all my beauty pass before you, and in your presence, I will pronounce my name, ‘LORD’; I who show favors to whom I will. But my face you cannot see, for no man sees me and still lives. “Here,” continued the LORD, “is a place near me where you shall station yourself on the rock. When my glory passes I will set you in the hollow of the rock and will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will remove my hand, so that you may see my back, but my face is not to be seen.” (Ex. 33:18 – 23)




1. Basic Questions 2. Gifts of the Spirit 3. Freedom and Morality 4. Speaking the Truth in Love 5. Eucharist: Summit of Our Life in Christ 6. How Does the Paschal Mystery Relate to Discipleship? 7. KWL of the Public Ministry of Jesus 8. What is Your Favorite Story of Healing In The Gospel(s) And Why? 9. Vocations 10. Loving Brothers and Sisters 11. “The Wedding At Cana” 12. Conscience 13. The Sacrament of Matrimony 14. Anointing with Oil 15. Explain Your Experience with Sacramentals 16. The Centrality Of Passover in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Centrality of

the Eucharist in the New Testament 17. Melchizedak 18. Manna 19. The Prophet & the Widow 20. The Last Supper



1. BASIC QUESTIONS a. What do Catholics believe? b. What is a sacrament? c. What are the sacraments of the Catholic Church? d. Define Initiation

2. GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT Copy this chart into your prayer journal. For each gift listed, look up the Scripture reference provided. Write the best definition you can determine. Then create an example of a situation that a young person like you might face in which the gift could be helpful.

Gift/Scripture Definition Situation Wisdom (Job 28:20 – 28)

Understanding (1 Kings 3:4 – 14)

Counsel (Ps. 16:7 – 11)

Fortitude (Ps. 18: 2 – 4, 32 – 35)

Knowledge (Col. 1:9 – 13)

Piety (1 Tim. 6:11- 16)

Fear of the Lord (Prov. 8:13, 9:10 & 14: 26 – 27)

3. FREEDOM AND MORALITY Made in the image and likeness of God, mankind also has free will. That is, he can control his own thoughts and actions…and his actions can be judged as morally good or evil. Write the answers to this crossword puzzle in your notebook, using the clues that explore the various concepts of freedom and morality.


2 3

4 5 6


8 9

10 11

ACROSS 2. ______beyond my control. 4. The opposite of bad 8. What we meant to do 9. An act against God 10. Our feelings 11. Not paid for

DOWN 1. I did it, I am _________ 2. The voice in our head that helps us make decisions 3. Things we do 5. The 3rd source of morality, thing (syn.) 6. The end does not justify the ______ 7. A virtue is a habitual and _____ will to do good



4. SPEAKING THE TRUTH IN LOVE After the class activity is over, respond to the following questions in your journal.

a. How did it feel to receive positive comments from your classmates? b. How would you have felt if the comments had been critical or negative? c. Why is it important to receive sincere praise from others? d. Why is it important to give sincere praise to others? And what should

be your motive for doing so? e. What is flattery, why is it given, and why is it against the 8th

commandment? f. Is it ever right or correct to give constructive criticism? When? And

what should be the motive or reason for doing so?

5. EUCHARIST: SUMMIT OF OUR LIFE IN CHRIST In your prayer journal, write answers to the following questions.

a. In attendance at a Catholic wedding are the bride’s uncle, Henry, a practicing Catholic; the groom’s co-worker Ed, who attends a Methodist church; and Charlene, a neighbor of the bride’s family who has no religious beliefs. Of these three, who may receive Holy Communion at Mass?

b. Two other conditions must be present before a person may receive Holy Communion. They are…

c. How often must a Catholic receive the Eucharist? d. How often may a Catholic receive the Eucharist? e. Who must be present in order for the Mass to be valid? f. Outside the celebration of the Mass, how else do Catholics recognize

the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist?




9. VOCATIONS Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

a. Jesus Christ calls ____ to follow him. b. The first people to be called by God were… c. The Lord is calling us to be… d. Because the Church is ___, all people are invited to belong. e. Every person can pray and listen for God’s invitation to ___. f. The main choices for an individual’s vocation are to be ____. g. The sacrament of Holy Orders in conferred upon ____ (3). h. The primary tasks of married people are ____ (+1)

10. LOVING BROTHERS AND SISTERS Read each of the scenarios below, and imagine yourself as the person involved. How would you respond? What beatitudes, commandments, or examples from Christ’s life can apply? Write your answers in your prayer journal.



a. Joseph’s little sister asks for help with her math problems. Joseph was just getting ready to go outside to play. He is afraid that if he doesn’t go now, the kids will start the game without him. What would you do if you were Joseph?

b. Jack’s brother accidentally broke one of his trophies. Jack knows his brother will be angry. What would you do if you were Jack?

c. Twin sisters Tara and Tina tried out for the cheerleading squad. Tara was chosen, but Tina wasn’t. What would you do if you were Tina? What would you do if you were Tara?

d. Michelle is crying in her room because she and her best friend had an argument. Her sister, Renee, walks in to find Michelle in tears. What would you do if you were Renee? What would you do if you were Michelle?

e. Peter and Theresa want to give their mom a Mother’s Day gift. Peter wants to put their money together to buy something expensive. Theresa would rather use her money to buy something for her mom. What would you do if you were Peter? What would you do if you were Theresa?

11. “THE WEDDING AT CANA” Retell the story of the wedding at Cana from the perspective of the bride or groom. (Jn. 2)

12. CONSCIENCE Use the following clues to complete the puzzle below. Copy chart this chart into your notebook PUZZLE 1 C 2 O 3 N 4 S 5 C 6 I 7 E 8 N 9 C 10 E CLUES 1. Because God gave us free will, we can freely ____ right from wrong. 2. If we are sure of what our conscience tells us, we must ___ it. 3. Conscience speaks to us as an ___ voice; in order to hear it, we should take

time to quiet ourselves in prayer and self-examination. 4. The Holy ___ guides us in the formation of a conscience. 5. Another aid to forming our conscience is the 10 ____. 6. This word means not to know something, to be unaware. This state can

cause our conscience to make poor judgments. 7. One rule for choosing rightly is never to do ___, even if good can come of it. 8. ___ is that which offends God; it also offends against a right conscience. 9. The teaching of the ___ can help us to form a correct conscience. 10. We need a well-formed conscience to ___ God and one another.



13. THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Fill in the blanks from the word bank below to complete these statements about marriage.

Word Love Grace Consent Dissolved

Life Christ Faithful Children Trial marriages

a. God, who created man out of love, also calls him to _______. b. God himself seals the _ by which the spouses mutually give and receive

one another. c. Thus the marriage bond between baptized persons can never be ____. d. The covenant that spouses have freely entered into entails ____ love. e. Faithfulness expresses constancy in keeping one’s given _____. f. Human love does not tolerate _____. It demands total and definitive gifts

of persons to one another. g. The ___ proper to the sacrament of Matrimony is intended to perfect the

couple’s love. h. ____ is the source of grace. i. ____ are the supreme gift of marriage and contribute greatly to the good

of the parents themselves. j. The fundamental task of marriage and family is to be at the service of


14. ANOINTING WITH OIL Look up each scripture passage. What kind of anointing is taking place? (This anointing is a sign of… abundance, joy, cleansing, etc.) Also, decide which of the sacraments this is anointing reminds you of.

Ps. 23:5 Judith 10:1 – 3 Luke 10:34 1 Sam. 10:1 2 Cor. 2:15 Ex. 30:30



Create a Venn diagram

17. MELCHIZEDAK Read Gen. 14, Ps. 110, Hebrew 5 – 7. Summarize what each passage says. In your own words describe how Melchizedak is a foreshadowing of Christ. Explain how we are joined with Christ in this priesthood.

18. MANNA Retell the story of God providing manna in the desert. (Ex. 16)

19. THE PROPHET & THE WIDOW Retell the story given in 1Kings 17.

20. THE LAST SUPPER Retell the story given in John 13, as if you are one the disciples





2. Determination 3. Enthusiasm 4. Faithfulness 5. Forgiveness 6. Helpfulness 7. Humility 8. Joyfulness 9. Justice 10. Kindness 11. Love 12. Mercy 13. Obedience 14. Patience 15. Peacefulness 16. Prayerfulness 17. Reliability 18. Reverence 19. Service 20. Steadfastness 21. Thankfulness



1. DETERMINATION What would determinism look like if… • You were trying to learn to ride a bike?

• You are doing a really hard homework assignment and it’s due tomorrow?

• You are building a model for your dad’s birthday and it gets pretty complicated?

• You decide to work on a new virtue and keep slipping into your old way of doing things?

2. ENTHUSIASM What would enthusiasm look like if…

• You particularly like a dish your mom or dad cooked?

• You like a new song your friend played for you?

• Your sister did well in sports?

• You have a science project to do for school?

• You look outside one night and see the stars?

• You have a big chore to do for your family?

3. FAITHFULNESS What would faithfulness look like if…

• You told your father you would come right home but you are tempted to go with your friends to do something fun?

• You feel some doubt in your beliefs because people you admire don’t agree with them?

• A new friend tries to get you to stop see an old friend?

• You have some homework to do and don’t feel like doing the whole thing?

• You agreed to do a chore for your family every Saturday?

4. FORGIVENESS What would forgiveness look like if…

• Your friend accidentally broke your cell phone?

• Your mother is late picking you up from school? • You did something you feel is very bad?

• Your brother repeatedly takes something of your without asking?

• Some lost her temper with you and later apologized?

5. HELPFULNESS What would helpfulness look like if…

• A friend is carrying a huge pile of books and your hands are empty?

• It’s time for dinner and your mother could use some help?

• You notice a friend looks sad?

• Your best friend asks you if she can copy your homework?

• Your baby brother spilled his milk on the rug and your mom’s in the other room?

• You see an older person slipped and fell in the church parking lot?



6. HUMILITY What would humility look like if…

• You notice you can run much faster than your friend?

• You notice that your friend usually gets better grades in school than you do? • You make a big mistake and also hurt someone’s feelings?

• Your brother or sister does a chore and you think they should have done a better job?

• What is one the “best” mistakes you ever made—one that taught you the most?

7. JOYFULNESS What would joyfulness look like if…

• Your parents asked you to clean the garage?

• A friend you like a lot moves away?

• You have a tough homework assignment? • You spend six weeks in a wheel chair?

• You have to spend Christmas in the hospital getting chemotherapy? You spend some time meditating about your life?

• You feel sad and down?

8. JUSTICE What would justice look like if…

• You are with a group and they start to gossip?

• Everyone is teasing a child who looks different?

• Someone makes a remark to you about people of another race? • An older child starts to get rough with you?

• Something in your room is missing and you think your sister took it?

• You are cutting the cake at your birthday party?

9. KINDNESS What would kindness look like if…

• The new kid in class looks lonely?

• You start teasing your brother and he gets upset?

• Some kids you have been playing with start ridiculing a boy who has big ears? • Your cat has gotten some burrs in her fur?

• Your mother seems tired after a long day at work?

10. LOVE What would love look like if… • You start to get upset with yourself about something you have done?

• You want to do something thoughtful when your father is sick?

• Another person in class is cranky?

• You notice a baby bird that has fallen out of the nest? • You love God and feel like showing it?



11. MERCY What would mercy look like if…

• Someone stepped on your toe while standing in line?

• You hear about the African children who don’t have enough food to eat? • One of your teachers is very cranky lately?

• A friend forgot his lunch?

• You need to be forgiven? 12. OBEDIENCE

What would obedience look like if…

• You want to join a friend across a busy street and feel like rushing over to her without using the crosswalk?

• You want to spend the night at a friend’s house and your parents say no, but you think they’re being unfair?

• You’re visiting your grandparents for the summer, and they have different rules, you have to go to bed one-half hour earlier than you are used to at home?

• Someone in authority tries to get you to something that you feel is wrong or hurtful?

13. PATIENCE What would patience look like if…

• You decide you want to be a lawyer when you grow up?

• You want to grow vegetables in your garden?

• You start to get annoyed when your sister forgets to return the things she borrowed from you?

• You wish you were taller?

• You can’t wait for Christmas break?

14. PEACEFULNESS What would peacefulness look like if…

• Your brother bursts into your room and steps on the science project you just finished?

• There are children of another race and religion touring the museum with your class, some classmates are making comments about them?

• You start to worry about a problem and find it is on your mind all the time?

• You decide to spend some time each day in contemplation or prayer? • Some children start teasing you and push you around?

15. PRAYERFULNESS What would prayerfulness look like if…

• You have a problem you don’t want to talk to anyone about?

• You want to do something special for another person?

• You have been rushing around for days, and then realize you feel out of touch with God and yourself?

• You attend mass and you wish you could bottle-up that closeness and keep it with you all week?

• You are really happy about something that happened?



6. RELIABILITY What would reliability look like if…

• You agreed to come home by a certain time and a friend wants you to stay for dinner?

• It is your turn to do the dishes and you’re not in the mood?

• You promised your mom you would brush your teeth after breakfast but you’re running late for school?

• Some friends are building a clubhouse and you promise to bring the nails, but you discover your parents don’t have any?

• Your part of the team report is due tomorrow and you feel too sleepy to finish it?

7. REVERENCE What would reverence look like if… • You walk into a room and notice someone is praying?

• You enter church and it is empty?

• You are walking in the forest?

• You realize you haven’t stopped talking all day? • You find out that water near your home is getting polluted?

• You find yourself treating your mom disrespectfully?

18. Service What would service look like if… • It is raining outside and your mother is coming up the driveway with her

hands full of groceries?

• You wonder how you can serve the world when you grow up?

• You notice your family throws away a lot of garbage?

• You notice the playground is littered with trash?

• Your elderly neighbor needs someone to shovel his sidewalk?

19. STEADFASTNESS What would steadfastness look like if…

• You have been friends with someone for a long time and you begin to feel bored about them?

• You are in the middle of a hard job and it’s now time for your favorite TV program?

• Your family is hiking to the top of a mountain and you don’t think you can make it?

20. THANKFULNESS What would thankfulness look like if…

• You feel sad and defeated because you have so many problems?

• You wish you were more like the most popular person you know?

• You go for a walk in a place of beauty?

• You have a painful experience and wonder why God allows bad things to happen?

• Someone gives you a gift?




1. God Dwells With US Moses and the Tabernacle 2. The High Priest & His Priestly Garments 3. The Priestly Atonement 4. The Veil 5. The Ark & It Contents 6. The Mercy Seat 7. The Offerings of Sacrifice 8. God With US – The Temple and Jesus 9. God In Us- The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Temple 10. The Mass 11. Preparing to hear the Word (Lectio Divina) 12. Preparing to Receive Eucharist 13. Liturgy of the Hours 14. Articles of Worship 15. Liturgical Year 16. Four Marks 17. Liturgical Colors 18. Priestly Prayer of Jesus 19. Examen of Conscience 20. Resurrection and Life




• In Ex. 3:1 – 12, what did God say about the place of their meeting?

• Go to Ex. 19: 1 – 25 and Ex. 20: 1 – 24. What marked that meeting? What do you observe about this place of worship?

• A major portion of the Law concerned the tabernacle along with regulations for the priesthood. Summarize Ex 25:8 – 9

• Turn to Ex. 40: 34, what did Moses do? What was significant about this place?

• Keep reading to verse 38. What do you see about the place of worship in these verses? What did God do? What did the people do?


• Read Ex. 28:4, and identify the six components to the priestly garments. The garments point to the righteousness of Christ.

• TUNIC – According to Ex. 28:39, what materials comprised the tunic? What symbolism do you see there?

• ROBE – Ex. 28:31 – 35, identify any significant details. Why could the robe not be torn?

• EPHOD – Ex. 28:9 – 12, identify what was written on the onyx stones that held this outer covering in place.

• SASH – Ex. 28: 4 mentions this piece…Peter being led where he doesn’t want to go?

• BREASTPLATE – This is the centerpiece of the garment. Read Ex. 28:15 – 30 and list what was included with the breastplate.

• TURBAN – The final component included a gold plate. The plate was attached with a blue cord and engraved with the inscription, “Holy is the Lord.” The priest displayed this gold seal on his forehead.


• The Lord divided the tasks of the priests into two areas: overseeing and offerings.

• Look at Heb. 5:1 and identify what is said there about the purpose of the temple offerings.

• Hebrews 5:2 and Nehemiah 8:1 – 3 summarize the how the priests oversee the people.

• Read Leviticus 16:29 – 31 and write down all the attitudes and actions God required on this holy day of Yom Kippur.

• Use the Chart below to contrast the differences in the book of Hebrews between the old covenant and our atonement in Christ. Old Covenant New Covenant Where was it done? (9:1, 11) What blood was used? (9:12, 14) Was this system perfect? (10:1) Could it take away sins? (10:10 – 11) Who could enter through the veil? (9:7, 10:19 – 20)



4. THE VEIL • Read Exodus 26:31 – 33 and 36:35 – 37 several times. Write down your

observations on the veil. A. What is the significance of the colors of the veil?

• The veil is spoken of in the New Testament in two primary passages. First in three of the Gospels we read that at the crucifixion, the moment Jesus died, the veil was torn in two (Mt. 27:51, Mk. 15:38 and Lk. 23:45) Why do you think the evangelists include this detail in their gospels?

• The second mention in the New Testament is in Hebrews 10:19 – 20. Read it and write your observations.

5. THE ARK & ITS CONTENTS • The Bible makes mention of the ark 180 times. Read through Ex. 25: 10 – 22

and write down what you notice there about the ark and its contents. • Read 2Samuel 6:1 – 19. What does this story reveal about the ark?

• Read Deut. 31:24 – 30 and 32:44 – 47. Identify what this “testimony” was and why it was placed in the ark.

• Read Hebrews 9:4 and list the items in the ark revealed there.

• Item #1: Manna – Read Jn. 6:31 – 35 to find out what Jesus teaches us about this manna.

• Item #2: Aaron’s Rod – Read Num. 17:1 – 10. Note what happened in this passage, and why this rod was placed in the ark.

• Item #3: Stone tablets - Read Mt. 5:17 and Gal. 3:24 and write what these verses teach us about the Christian and the Law.

6. THE MERCY SEAT • Read 1John 2:1 – 2, and identify what the mercy seats points to.

• Read 1Peter 1:3 – 12 and write your observations on the meaning of the “gazing angels.”

• Take some time to express to the Lord in writing a prayer of thanksgiving as you reflect on his mercy. Start your prayer with Luke 1:49 - 50

7. THE OFFERINGS OF SACRIFICE The Lord required that a sin offering be presented once a month (the New Moon offering) and at the Feasts (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Day of Atonement and Tabernacles.) On the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) there were two sin offerings, one for the priest and one for the people, plus a scapegoat who bore away the sins of the nation. Leviticus 4 gives instructions concerning the sin offerings. Let’s look at it in detail.

a. When was the sin offering to be offered? (4:3, 14, 23, 28) b. What was done first? (4:3 – 4, 14 – 15, 23 – 24, 28 – 29, 33) c. What is the one thing common to each sacrifice listed in this chapter? d. What was done after the animal was slain? (4:5 – 7, 16 – 18, 25, 30, 34) e. What came next? (4:8 – 10, 19 – 20, 26, 31, 35) f. What was the final step? (4:11 – 12, 21) g. Final words are important. What are the final words of Leviticus 4:20, 26,

31 and 35?




• Look at 2nd Chronicles 5:1 -14 where Solomon and the priests finished getting everything in place. What happened when the Ark of the Covenant and the priests were all in place?

• In his prayer, Solomon asked a question of great importance concerning the Temple and what God would do there. Read 2Chr. 6:18 -21 and summarize what Solomon said.

• What happened after Solomon’s prayer of dedication (2Chr 7:1 – 3)? What marked that meeting place as a place of worship?

• Read John 2:13 – 22. What did Jesus say about the Temple? What was his main point of this confrontation over this meeting place, this place of worship?

• Read Mt. 1:18 – 25; what does Matthew say about Jesus? Then read the first chapter of the gospel of John.


• Read Acts 2:1 – 4 and carefully summarize the details. (You may want to look at Acts 1 to understand the events surrounding what happened in Acts 2.)

• What was the promise Peter made in Acts 238 – 39?

• Read 1Corinthians 6:19 – 20. What exactly did Paul tell these Corinthian Christians when he wrote to them about their walk with God? You may want to look at 6:1 – 18 to see the background for what he said to them.

• Read Isaiah 57:15 and James 4:5 – 6. What kind of dwelling place or meeting place does God desire? What applications do these verses have in your life? Is your life a good meeting place for the Lord?

10. THE MASS Make a two-column chart in your notebook. Label one column “Liturgy of the Word” and the other “Liturgy of the Eucharist”. In each column list the parts of the mass which coincide with the column heading.


Use this Sunday’s readings to practice Spiritual Reading (Lectio Divina) STEP ONE – LECTIO (reading/listening): THE READING is reverential. Reading

is done slowly, attentively, gently listening to hear a word or phrase that is God's word for us this day.

STEP TWO – MEDITATIO (meditation) ONCE we have found a word or a passage in the Scriptures (or another text) that speaks to us in a personal way, we must take it in and “ruminate” on it. Christians have always seen a scriptural invitation to lectio divina in the example of the Virgin Mary “pondering in her heart” what she saw and heard of Christ (Luke 2:19). For us today these images are a reminder that we must take in the word - that is, memorize it - and while gently repeating it to ourselves, allow it to interact with our thoughts, our hopes, our memories, our desires.

STEP THREE is ORATIO – (prayer) This is understood both as dialogue with God, that is, as loving conversation with the One who has invited us into His embrace; and as consecration, prayer is the priestly offering to God of the



parts of ourselves that we have not previously believed God wants. God invites us in lectio divina to hold up our most difficult and pain-filled experiences to Him, and to gently recite over them the healing word or phrase He has given us in our lectio and meditatio. In this oratio, this consecration-prayer, we allow our real selves to be touched and changed by the word of God.

STEP FOUR - CONTEMPLATIO (contemplative rest). We simply rest in the presence of the One who has used His word as a means of inviting us to accept His transforming embrace. Resting in safety and security. Anyone who has ever been comforted by a loving parent as a young child knows that there are moments in loving relationships when words are unnecessary. It is the same in our relationship with God. Wordless, quiet rest in the presence of the One Who loves us has a name in the Christian tradition - contemplatio, contemplation. Once again we practice silence, letting go of our own words; this time simply enjoying the experience of being in the presence of God.

12. PREPARING TO RECEIVE EUCHARIST Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences Before we receive Holy Communion, we must be free from all serious sins, another name for a serious sin is ____ sin. We can receive God’s Forgiveness for serious sins in the sacrament of _____. Also before we receive Communion, the Church asks that we fast for at least ____. To “fast” means that we go without ____ out of reverence for the Body of our Lord, which we are about to receive. The Church encourages her people to go to Mass. During the first part of the Mass, called the Liturgy of the ____, we listen and pray, so that we will be ready to receive Jesus’ Body and Blood. We can ask for faith to believe that during the ____ ____ the bread and wine are really changed into the Body and Blood of Christ. This change is called _____. When it is our turn to receive the Blessed Sacrament, the priest or special minister says, “The Body of Christ.” We answer, _____, meaning that we wholeheartedly agree that we are about to receive Jesus, body, blood soul and divinity. We then return to our seats to pray.

13. LITURGY OF THE HOURS Examine the table below. How does it feel to know that God ordained an order for our daily prayer? What influence will/does this knowledge about the liturgy of the hours have on your personal prayer goals (life)?

Time of Day �Names of Canonical Hours used by Traditional

Orders Names of the Canonical Hours used

by Novus Ordo

This office originally consisted of four "watches," or "vigils": 6PM-9PM, 9PM-Midnight, Midnight-3 AM, and 3 AM-6 AM. Later it consisted of three "nocturnes," 9-Midnight, Midnight-3 AM, 3 AM-6 AM.

Vigils�� Originally this office was known as "Vigils" or the "Night Office," but because the next office, Matins, ended up being the closing part of Vigils, often they both began to be called "Matins." Some traditional Orders still keep Vigils separately.

Some of the stricter religious Novus Ordo orders (especially the contemplative ones) might still keep Vigils in some form or another, but most don't

Matins � (Pronounced "MATT'-inz")�

See above and below. Matins, called "Orthros" in the Eastern Churches, includes the three Nocturnes that once belonged to Vigils.

The sunrise office known as "Matins" has been transformed into the "Office of Readings" which can be said at any time of the day.

Sunrise Lauds � (Pronounced "lawds")��

The word means "The Praises." Matins and Lauds were originally one, single office sung at dawn. After Vigils started to be callled "Matins," Matins started to be called "Lauds."

Lauds or "Morning Prayer" or "The Praises"



6:00 AM (the "first hour") Prime ~Abolished~

9:00 AM (the "third hour") Terce �

(Pronounced like "terse") Noon (the "sixth hour") Sext

3:00 PM (the "ninth hour") None�(rhymes with "bone")

Called collectively "The Little Hours" or "Prayer through the Day," they are still called individually "terce," "sext," and "none." Only one of these short offices is obligatory for clergy/religious or those wanting to pray the complete Divine Office.

Sunset Vespers Vespers or "Evening Prayer" or


After sunset, before bed Compline �

(Pronounced "COMP'-lin") Compline or "Night Prayer."

14. ARTICLES OF WORSHIP The signs and symbols of the Church’s celebration of the supreme sacrament, the Sacrament of the Eucharist, include sacred clothing, books, and objects used in worship. Reflecting the long history of the Church, many of these liturgical articles have names with roots in the ancient language of Latin and Greek. See how many of the terms on the right you can correctly match with the description on the left. 1. ____ A square white cloth on which the chalice and paten are

placed during Mass. a. alb

b. aspergillem

2. ____ The priest’s outer robe c. censer

3. ____ Decorative container used to display the Blessed Sacrament for adoration.

d. chalice e. chasuble

4. ____ Long white tunic worn underneath other priestly vestments

f. ciborium g. cincture

5. ____ Person responsible for sacred objects and vestments. h. corporal

6. ____ Cloth used to wipe clean the chalice. i. cruets

7. ____ Instrument for sprinkling holy water. j. lectionary

8. ____ Cup that holds the Precious Blood of Jesus. k. monstrance

9. ____ Container used to carry communion to the sick. l. pall

10. ____ Container used to burn incense. m. purificator

11. ____ Readings for the Mass organized in liturgical cycles. n. pyx

12. ____ Cord used to tie the alb. o. sacramentary

13. ____ A covered container for consecrated Hosts distributed at Mass or stored in the tabernacle.

p. sacristan q. stole

14. ____ Stiff square piece of cloth placed over the chalice during Mass. Same name shared with large cloth used to cover coffins at funerals

15. ____ Containers for water and wine brought to the altar at the Offertory. 16. ____ Book used by the priest that contains prayers for the Mass. 17. ____ Strip of cloth worn over the priest’s shoulders; on a deacon, worn over the left

shoulder and crossing to the right side.

15. LITURGICAL YEAR Give the dates for the important days of the liturgical year listed below. Easter Christmas Christ the King 1st Sunday of Advent Immaculate Conception Pentecost Ascension Epiphany Ash Wednesday Good Friday



All Saints Assumption Holy Family Mary, Mother of God Annunciation Corpus Christi Holy Thursday Sacred Heart

16. FOUR MARKS Each Sunday Mass, when we say the Nicene Creed, we state four things we believe about our Church. We say it is “…one, holy, catholic and apostolic.” We call these the marks (or characteristics of the Church. This activity will explore these four truths. For each sentence, write the letter for the mark that best fits.

O = One H = Holy C= Catholic A = Apostolic

____ 1. The source of the Church is God himself, the mysterious unity of three Persons in one God, Father, Son and Spirit

____ 7. Where there are division among Christians, the Holy Spirit inspires us to pray and work for unity

____ 2. Through the pope, bishops, and priests, the Church continues the mission Jesus gave his chosen followers: “As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.”

____ 8. The Church is “universal” because she received from Christ all that is needed for salvation.

____ 3. Catholics all over the world profess the same faith.

____ 9. All members of the Church share in the work of the first Apostles to spread the good news of Christ.

____ 4. The members of the Church, the people of God, are called saints.

____ 10. The Church is sanctified by Christ.

____ 5. Jesus invites all people to become fully his within the Catholic Church

____ 11. Each participant Catholic church, that is, each diocese, is in communion with the Church of Rome.

____ 6. The Church “canonizes” certain of its members; that is, we recognize as models those Christians who practiced heroic virtue and faithfulness to God and who now dwell with him in heaven.

____ 12. The Holy Spirit dwells in the Church to ensure the continuous teaching Jesus gave to the Twelve.

17. LITURGICAL COLORS Below are listed the four colors in common liturgical use today, with their initials. Match the initial of the color to the liturgical descriptions given.

W= White R = Red P = Purple G = Green 1. ____ Sorrow for sin, repentance, preparation… 2. ____ Hope, growth, life… 3. ____ Joy, innocence, purity, virginity, victory… 4. ____ Sacrifice, blood, zeal, martyrdom, Holy Spirit… 5. ____ Advent 6. ____ Sundays in Ordinary Time 7. ____ Feasts days about Jesus 8. ____ Feasts of Mary 9. ____ Lent 10. ____ Christmas



11. ____ Pentecost 12. ____ Easter

18. PRIESTLY PRAYER OF JESUS JOHN 17 – Since the 16th century, this chapter has been called the “priestly prayer” of Jesus, who intercedes for his followers as he prepares for his consecration as high priest and sacrifice. Read Jn 17, then answer the following questions.

• In which verse does Jesus mention his “hour”? What is his hour?

• In which verse does Jesus begin to pray for us, his modern day disciples? • Which of Jesus’ disciples was “lost”, as mentioned in verse 12?

• Match the verse from Jesus’ prayer on the left with the petition from the “Our Father” that it fulfills on the right

____ Verses 22 – 24 a. “Hallowed is thy name” ____ Verse 15 b. “Thy kingdom come” ____ Verses 4 and 26 c. “thy will be done” ____ Verse 6 d. “but deliver us from evil”

19. EXAMEN OF CONSCIENCE Before you receive the sacrament of reconciliation, you should think about your sins… or examine your conscience. How have your choices—thoughts and actions—measured up to your call from Christ? How have you kept God’s commandments? How well have you loved God and your neighbor?

In this exercise, you will make your own guide for examination based on Scripture. Read each verse, and think about how it applies to your life. As you wait to enter the confessional…consider how your own actions fall short of God’s plan for our life. (Hint: some sins are things we neglect to do or things we should do, but then don’t do.)

10 Comm. Ex. 20:2 – 17 Deut. 5:6 - 21

Anger Mt. 5:22

Envy Mt. 5:28

Hate Mt. 5:43 - 48

Prayer Mt. 6:6

Forgiveness Mt. 6:14 – 15

Greed Mt. 6:24 & 2Tim 6:9

Judging Mt. 7:1 – 5

Pride Rom. 12:16

Obedience Rom. 13:1 – 7

Love 1Cor. 13:4 – 6

Truth Eph. 4:25

Stealing Eph 4:28

Right Speech Eph. 5:3 – 4

4th Commandment Eph. 6:1 -3


Respond to the following quote from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1033) We cannot be united with God unless we freely choose to love him. But we cannot love God if we sin gravely against him, against our neighbor or against ourselves: "He who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him." Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren. To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remaining separated from him forever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called "hell."




1. Five Forms of Prayer 2. Prayers at Mass 3. Writing a Profession of Faith 4. Understanding the “Our Father” 5. Explaining the “Hail Mary” 6. The Rosary 7. Personal Prayer 8. Identifying Prayer Activities 9. Growing in Prayer 10. Music & Prayer 11. Who? Me? 12. The Other Side of You 13. Prayer: A Duty or a Privilege? 14. Finding God in the Everyday 15. Pray for Me! 16. Giving Thanks 17. Praying a Psalm 18. Applying Scripture to Life 19. Praying for Another 20. Answering Jesus’ Questions



1. FIVE FORMS OF PRAYER The Holy Spirit who teaches the Church and recalls to her all that Jesus said also instructs her in the life of prayer, inspiring new expressions of the same basic forms of prayer: blessing, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise. (CCC 2644)

Blessing and Adoration – We return to God the love we receive from him, and give him the worship he deserves as God.

Petition - Christian petition is centered on the desire and search for the Kingdom to come, in keeping with the teaching of Christ. Its most usual form is the expression of our own sinfulness. The first movement of the prayer of petition is asking forgiveness.

Intercession - asking on behalf of another—The intercession of Christians recognizes no boundaries: "for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions," for persecutors, for the salvation of those who reject the Gospel.

Thanksgiving – Giving thanks to God for all His goodness.

Praise - recognizes most immediately that God is God. It lauds God for his own sake and gives him glory, quite beyond what he does, but simply because HE IS.

DIRECTIONS: Read the scripture passages given below. Copy this chart into your prayer journal. On the line given indicate what form of prayer the verse describes or exemplifies.

1. Luke 18:13

2. I Thes 5:18

3. Ps. 8:1

4. Eph. 1:3

5. Ps. 9:1

6. II Thes. 1:11

7. I Pet. 1:3

8. Rev 19:1

9. Acts 7:59 – 60

10. James 1:5

2. PRAYERS AT MASS We find the five forms of prayer at every Mass. In your mind imagine you are at mass, list different phrases we use at mass and then identify the prayer form of which this phrase is an example.



3. WRITING A PROFESSION OF FAITH Prayer is raising one’s mind and heart to God. It’s your turn to write a prayer of your own, using the forms of prayer you learned about in exercise one. Your prayer should reflect your personal thoughts about God and the relationship you have with Him.

4. UNDERSTANDING THE “OUR FATHER” To increase our understanding of this prayer, we will look up the Bible verses and answer questions.

Our Father (Gal. 3:26, 4:6) a. Why do we call the God of the universe father?

b. If God is our father, who are we to each other?

“Who are in heaven” (Rev 7:9 – 17) c. How do you imagine heaven?

Holy is your name. (Jn. 12:27 – 28) d. If this phrase is a petition, what are we asking God?

Your kingdom come (Mt. 25:31 – 34) e. What are we asking for?

Your will be done. (Jn. 13:34) f. What is God’s will?

Give us this day our daily bread. (Jn. 6:35) g. What is the food that endures to eternity? h. What food does Jesus gives us?

Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive (Mt. 18:23 – 25) i. Restate this petition in your own words.

j. Who dwells within us that enables us to forgive this deeply?

Lead us not into temptation k. How does God help you in times of temptation?

But deliver us from the evil one. l. In this petition, from whom do we ask to be delivered?


This prayer not only asks Mary’s intercession for us, but it also affirms several important truths about Mary and Jesus. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – Who is Mary to you? What do you believe about Mary? In what ways does Mary help you with your relationship with God?

6. THE ROSARY One of the best loved of all the special prayers we pray. There are 20 mysteries of the Rosary. Mary had her eyes fixed on Christ, treasuring his every word. The memories of Jesus impressed on her heart, were always with her, leading her to reflect on the various moments of her life at her Son’s side. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – Retell the story of one of the mysteries of the rosary in your own words. Reflect on the significance of that mystery for you personally.

7. PERSONAL PRAYER Be as specific as you can as you respond to each item in your prayer journal

A. DEFINING PRAYER: What is prayer—to you? B. RECOGNIZING YOUR CURRENT HABITS: When do you pray? How

often? At what time of the day? How do you pray? Describe a recent time of personal prayer as though you were telling the story to your best friend.

C. RECALLING YOUR PRAYER ROOTS: Who taught you to pray? What is your earliest memory of praying? Name any person who has inspired you to take your relationship with God seriously.



8. IDENTIFYING PRAYER ACTIVITIES In your prayer journal, list any activities that you call prayer. Use enough words to describe clearly each kind of prayer. For example, “I say the Our Father and the Hail Mary.” Or “ I talk with God spontaneously during the day.” Insert the following information after every entry…

A. How often do you do this habit each week? B. Rate from 1 to 5, how important each habit is to you. (5= most

important, 1= least important) C. When did you begin this habit in your life? (Childhood, in the last

year, very recently) 9. GROWING IN PRAYER

Respond to the following in your prayer journal. A. Describe in detail your favorite way of praying. Mention the place

you pray, your posture, your feelings and what brings you to prayer? B. What clues does the above description give you about the God to

whom you are praying? Write down as many descriptive words as possible.

C. Do you notice any change in your image of God over the years? If so, what is changed? How did that change come about?

D. Name a way in which you would like to grow in your understanding and experience of God. How can you develop toward that goal?

10. MUSIC & PRAYER Music supports our efforts to pray with rhythms that are predictable and melodies that express our emotions. Music gives a sense of structure and helps us understand how we should feel at different points of the Mass. By conveying this message to everyone at once, music helps us become a community that virtually “feels together.” PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – Did a piece of music particularly touch or move you? Were there times when you felt that the music was shaping your emotions?

11. WHO? ME? As Catholics we believe that God speaks to us even when we haven’t gotten around to listening. Often it’s not until we experience some kind of crisis that we finally look for God. Then we cry out, “Why me?” We feel hurt and alone. But God is not distant. Nor is God “out to get us.” God simply seeks a relationship with us…he wants to help us, to comfort us, to guide—to love us. We simply must trust his call to relationship with him. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE - Describe some time in your life when friendship with God or Jesus had meaning to you. OR Write your reaction to the fact that God wants you for a friend.



12. THE OTHER SIDE OF YOU Self-esteem is a struggle for most of us. There is a side of us that holds pain, embarrassments, limitations, and fears…Whether or not we like ourselves influences our ability to relate to others. Because of self-doubt, we find it difficult to reveal our “true” selves (warts and all) to others. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE - In your imagination, slowly walk up Calvary. Feeling the hot, hard ground beneath your feet, you look up as the sky darkens. There you see Christ on the cross. All around him there is a crowd of men, women, and children mocking and laughing. You want to cover you ears, you cannot stand it… and you can barely recognize Jesus as he shudders in pain. Nearby you hear a bearded man who looks up at Jesus say, “Yet it was our infirmities that he bore, our sufferings that he endured…by his stripes are we healed.” You look up at Jesus. He is turning his face to look at you. Your eyes meet. Tell him what about your self-doubts…ask him to take them. WRITE DOWN JESUS’ RESPONSE TO YOU FROM THE CROSS.

13. PRAYER: A DUTY OR A PRIVILEGE? Ten minutes of prayer a day, especially if the day is hectic can become a burden. Prayer takes time…time to grow into a relationship. It takes time to “fit” together with God. In the beginning we may begrudge the time and effort it takes. Yet if we stay with it our lives will change because of this relationship. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – Try to recall—from this last week or from any part of your past—a time when you experienced God being with you. (Write a few sentences recalling this.) OR Does prayer ever seem to be duty to you? Did it seem a duty during this last week? If so, express your feelings to God in writing.

14. FINDING GOD IN THE EVERYDAY List some of the places and events where you do not usually look for God. Then choose two of these and consider what God might be trying to say to you in them. OR Explain an event or circumstance in your life that jolted you into listening to God’s voice or searching for God’s presence.

15. PRAY FOR ME! Our Catholic belief in the Communion of Saints follows from our belief that all who are baptized form the Body of Christ. Even death does not separate us from the abiding influence we have on each other. We can pray for the deceased—and they can pray for us! On the last evening of his life Jesus interceded intensely for his disciples. He prayed from his heart. But then Jesus deliberately prayed for us. Have you ever thought about Jesus praying for you? (See Jn. 17:20 – 26) PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – After reading Jesus’ prayer, I would say that he wants the following for me. Knowing Jesus prays for me makes me feel… OR do I ever ask anyone to pray for me? Do I specify what it is that I am seeking from God? Why or why not?



16. GIVING THANKS When we think of praying, we often think of asking God for things we want or need. These are prayers of petition. Another type of prayer is to give thanks. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – Write a list of spiritual gifts that you are thankful for… then, write a list of people you are thankful for.

17. PRAYING A PSALM The Psalms are biblical prayers of petition, adoration and praise. They can also form the basis of other methods of prayer. One technique is to read a psalm until a thought impresses us. Then we can stop and let that thought develop within us. Another method is to rewrite a particular psalm in our own words. In this way it becomes personal prayer. Our reflection will focus on Ps. 139:1 – 12. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – Rewrite the psalms in your own words… OR Respond to one phrase or idea in your journal.

18. APPLYING SCRIPTURE TO LIFE Another method of praying is to use scripture. One method is to read the story and imagine that you are there. Another is to explain how the teaching in a passage relates to your life. Our practice will apply to Mk. 10:46 – 52. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – Identify the different kinds of blindness in your life. What causes blindness in your attempt to find Jesus in your life? Is there any specific person, event or circumstance that makes it difficult for you to see what Jesus wants you to see? OR If Jesus asked you, “What do you want me to do for you,” what would you say?

19. PRAYING FOR ANOTHER We Catholics believe that together we are the Body of Christ in the world. Baptized into the Body of Christ, we believe that the good and the evil we do affect one another. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – Name one or more persons for whom you have prayed. Did your prayer make a difference in them or in their situation? Explain. OR Name a person you are deeply concerned about at this time. Spend a few minutes journaling prayers of intercession

for them.

20. ANSWERING JESUS’ QUESTIONS In the Gospels Jesus has a knack of coming directly to the point. He has a way of asking direct questions that call us to search ourselves. Yet we tend to ignore them, as if they had been addressed to someone else. Let’s read, Mk. 8:27 – 30, paying particularly close attention to the questions. PRAYER JOURNAL RESPONSE – When I was younger, who was Jesus to me? Do you see any change in your perception of Jesus over time? Finally, what difference does he make in your life today?




1. Life And Dignity Of The Human Person 2. Call To Family, Community And Participation 3. Rights And Responsibilities Of Every Christian 4. Option For The Poor And Vulnerable 5. The Dignity Of Work And Rights Of Workers 6. Solidarity With All Of Creation 7. Care For God’s Creation 8. The Goats And The Sheep 9. The Beatitudes 10. The Woman At The Well 11. St. Elizabeth Of Hungary 12. St. Martin De Porres 13. Dorothy Day 14. Archbishop Oscar Romero 15. Mother Theresa



Themes of Catholic Social Teaching The Church’s social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society. Respond to each of the themes of Social Justice published by the United Conference of Catholic Bishops.

1. LIFE AND DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON> The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching. In our society, human life is under direct attack from abortion and euthanasia; the value of human life is being threatened by cloning, embryonic stem cell research, and the use of the death penalty. Catholic teaching also calls on us to work to avoid war. Nations must protect the right to life by finding increasingly effective ways to prevent conflicts and resolve them by peaceful means. We believe that every person is precious, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it threatens or enhances the life and dignity of the human person.

2. CALL TO FAMILY, COMMUNITY, AND PARTICIPATION> The person is not only sacred but also social. How we organize our society in economics and politics, in law and policy directly affects human dignity and the capacity of individuals to grow in community. Marriage and the family are the central social institutions that must be supported and strengthened, not undermined. We believe people have a right and a duty to participate in society, seeking together the common good and well-being of all, especially the poor and vulnerable.

3. RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EVERY CHRISTIAN The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met. Therefore, every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to those things required for human decency. Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities--to one another, to our families, and to the larger society.

4. OPTION FOR THE POOR AND VULNERABLE> A basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring. In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, our tradition recalls the story of the Last Judgment (Mt 25:31-46) and instructs us to put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first.

5. THE DIGNITY OF WORK AND THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS> The economy must serve people, not the other way around. Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in God’s creation. If the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers must be respected--the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to the organization and joining of unions, to private property, and to economic initiative.



6. SOLIDARITY WITH ALL OF CREATION> We are one human family whatever our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world. At the core of the virtue of solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace. Pope Paul VI taught that “if you want peace, work for justice.”1 The Gospel calls us to be peacemakers. Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that we promote peace in a world surrounded by violence and conflict.

7. CARE FOR GOD’S CREATION> We show our respect for the Creator by our stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is not just an Earth Day slogan, it is a requirement of our faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored.

8. THE GOATS AND THE SHEEP Read Mt. 25:31 – 46, how does this story relate to the themes of social justice?

8. THE BEATITUDES Read Mt. ch. 5 – 7, how does this passage relate to the themes of social justice?

9. THE WOMAN AT THE WELL Read Jn. 4:10 – 24, then answer the following questions.

a. What impression do you get about how this woman’s neighbors treated her?

b. Why is she so querulous with Jesus? c. Now read verses 39 – 42. What did the woman tell the villagers? What

does her statement tell you about her? d. In responses to her witness, what did the Samaritan villagers?

10. ST. ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY Respond to this summary of this saint’s life. Explain how it is an example of the themes of social justice.

In her short life Elizabeth manifested such great love for the poor and suffering that she has become the patroness of Catholic charities and of the Secular Franciscan Order. The daughter of the King of Hungary, Elizabeth chose a life of penance and asceticism when a life of leisure and luxury could easily have been hers. This choice endeared her in the hearts of the common people throughout Europe.

At the age of 14 Elizabeth was married to Louis of Thuringia (a German principality), whom she deeply loved; she bore three children. Under the spiritual direction of a Franciscan friar, she led a life of prayer, sacrifice and service to the poor and sick. Seeking to become one with the poor, she wore simple clothing. Daily she would take bread to hundreds of the poorest in the land, who came to her gate.

After six years of marriage, her husband died in the Crusades, and she was grief-stricken. Her husband’s family looked upon her as squandering the royal purse, and mistreated her, finally throwing her out of the palace. The return of her husband’s allies from the Crusades resulted in her being reinstated, since her



son was legal heir to the throne. In 1228 Elizabeth joined the Secular Franciscan Order, spending the

remaining few years of her life caring for the poor in a hospital that she founded in honor of St. Francis. Elizabeth’s health declined, and she died before her 24th birthday in 1231. Her great popularity resulted in her canonization four years later. >

11. ST. MARTIN DE PORRES Respond to this summary of this saint’s life. Explain how it is an example of the themes of social justice.

Father unknown" is the cold legal phrase sometimes used on baptismal records. "Half-breed" or "war souvenir" is the cruel name inflicted by those of "pure" blood. Like many others, Martin might have grown to be a bitter man, but he did not. It was said that even as a child he gave his heart and his goods to the poor and despised.

He was the illegitimate son of a freed woman of Panama, probably black but also possibly of Native American stock, and a Spanish grandee of Lima, Peru. He inherited the features and dark complexion of his mother. That irked his father, who finally acknowledged his son after eight years. After the birth of a sister, the father abandoned the family. Martin was reared in poverty, locked into a low level of Lima’s society.

At 12 his mother apprenticed him to a barber-surgeon. He learned how to cut hair and also how to draw blood (a standard medical treatment then), care for wounds and prepare and administer medicines.

After a few years in this medical apostolate, Martin applied to the Dominicans to be a "lay helper," not feeling himself worthy to be a religious brother. After nine years, the example of his prayer and penance, charity and humility led the community to request him to make full religious profession. Many of his nights were spent in prayer and penitential practices; his days were filled with nursing the sick and caring for the poor. It was particularly impressive that he treated all people regardless of their color, race or status. He was instrumental in founding an orphanage, took care of slaves brought from Africa and managed the daily alms of the priory with practicality as well as generosity. He became the procurator for both priory and city, whether it was a matter of "blankets, shirts, candles, candy, miracles or prayers!" When his priory was in debt, he said, "I am only a poor mulatto. Sell me. I am the property of the order. Sell me."

Side by side with his daily work in the kitchen, laundry and infirmary, Martin’s life reflected God’s extraordinary gifts: ecstasies that lifted him into the air, light filling the room where he prayed, bilocation, miraculous knowledge, instantaneous cures and a remarkable rapport with animals. His charity extended to beasts of the field and even to the vermin of the kitchen. He would excuse the raids of mice and rats on the grounds that they were underfed; he kept stray cats and dogs at his sister’s house.

He became a formidable fundraiser, obtaining thousands of dollars for dowries for poor girls so that they could marry or enter a convent.

Many of his fellow religious took him as their spiritual director, but he continued to call himself a "poor slave." He was a good friend of another Dominican saint of Peru, Rose of Lima.

12. DOROTHY DAY Respond to this quote from this notable Catholic. Explain how it is an example of the themes of social justice. "The greatest challenge of the day is:>how to bring about a revolution of>the heart, a revolution which has>to start with each one of us?"



13. ARCHBISHOP OSCAR ROMERO Respond to this quote from this notable Catholic. Explain how it is an example of the themes of social justice.

It helps now and then to step back and take a long view.< The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts,<it is beyond our vision. We accomplish in our lifetime only a fraction<of the magnificent enterprise that is God's work.< Nothing we do is complete, which is another way of<saying that the kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that could be said. No prayer fully expresses our faith. No confession brings perfection, no pastoral visit brings wholeness. No program accomplishes the Church's mission. No set of goals and objectives include everything. This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one<day will grow. We water the seeds already planted<knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development.< We provide yeast that produces effects, far beyond our capabilities. We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of<liberation in realizing this.< This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.< It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning,<a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord's<grace to enter and do the rest.< We may never see the end results, but that is the<difference between the master builder and the worker. We are workers, not master builders, ministers, not<messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.

14. MOTHER THERESA OF CALCUTTA Respond to this quote from this notable Catholic. Explain how it is an example of the themes of social justice. "People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people may accuse you of selfish motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you may win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People who really want help may attack you if you help them. Help them anyway. Give the world the best you have and you may get hurt. Give the world your best anyway."




1. The Basic Story 2. 1 & 2 Thessalonians 3. Philemon and Philippians 4. Galatians and Corinthians 5. Romans 6. Ephesians 7. Timothy & Titus 8. Echoes of Others: James, Jude, Hebrews and Peter 9. The Revelation of John 10. Theological Virtues 11. Hope 12. Faith 13. Love 14. Community 15. Christian Service 16. Domestic Church 17. We Love Our Neighbor 18. Images of Church 19. Catholic Countdown 20. Gospel of Life



1. THE BASIC STORY Summarize the life and ministry of Jesus in one sentence.

2. 1 & 2 THESSALONIANS Compare 1 Thes 4:15 - 17 to Mt. 24:29 – 35. Record any similarities.

3. PHILEMON & PHILIPPIANS Philemon – read this short letter through quickly, and try to determine what has

happened that caused Paul to write it. Hint: the letter is written for an unusual reason: something has happened in Paul’s life that affects the community, rather than the other way around.

Philippians - What interactions existed between Paul and this community? What sort of people opposed Paul, and how did he react to their opposition?

4. GALATIANS & CORINTHIANS Galatians – Read the four stories: 1:11 – 17, 18 – 24, 2:1 – 10 and 2:11 – 14. How

many different attitudes toward Gentiles can you discern in these stories? 1 Corinthians – read the following verses: 6:13 and 6:14, then 6:13 and 7:2; then

2:3 and 2:14, then 2:13 and 7:5 2 Corinthians – What charges did the opponents bring against Paul? What means

did they use to commend themselves? How does Paul reclaim the allegiance of the Corinthians?

5. ROMANS Compare Romans 7:7 – 13 to Galatians 3:19 – 25.

6. EPHESIANS Read chapter 6:10 – 18. How can you use the armor of God described by Paul?

7. TIMOTHY & TITUS These letters differ in that they are written to individuals. Read 2 Timothy,

compose a response to Paul.

8. ECHOES OF OTHERS: JAMES, JUDE, HEBREWS AND PETER These letters are named for their writers rather than their receiver. Read the

letter of James then make a list of the specific problems it addresses. 1 Peter is a practical letter, concerned with Christian action in worship and

behavior. What aspects of worship are discussed? How many times are terms like revelation or revealed used? Make a list of the kinds of behavior encouraged.

9. REVELATION OF JOHN Read 5:1 – 6. What is the basic drama of this short scene? Why does John cry?

Explain the contrast between what John heard and what John saw. What emotional impact does this change in symbols cause?

10. THEOLOGICAL VIRTUES Read 1 Cor 13:13, what are the three theological virtues?

11. HOPE Read Rom. 8:1 – 13. What hope does Paul offer?



12. FAITH Read Rom 5:1 – 11. Summarize how Paul describes the gift of faith.

13. LOVE Read 1Jn. 3 – How does John explain love as a virtue that can help us grow closer to God?

14. COMMUNITY Read Galatians 6: 1 – 10. How does Paul explain our role and responsibility in community?

15. CHRISTIAN SERVICE Look closely at 1 Timothy and summarize the core of Christian service.

16. DOMESTIC CHURCH Unscramble these words and phrases to show ways your family can fulfill its calling as a “domestic church”.



17. WE LOVE OUR NEIGHBOR Write the number of the commandment next to the sentence that tells one way to follow it.

a. ____ You tell your teacher the real reason you don’t have your homework. b. ____ When you are mad at your brother , you “cool off” instead of “letting

him have it”. c. ____ You thank God for the good things He gives you. d. ____ You do what your parents ask the first time they ask. e. ____ You ask your dad for money, don’t just “borrow” his credit card. f. ____ You treat your body with respect and dress modestly. g. ____ You are happy with your own family. h. ____ You do your chores cheerfully. i. ____ You avoid gossip and untrue talk about others.

18. IMAGES OF CHURCH Three metaphors for Church used repeatedly in the Epistles are body, bride and temple. Look up one Scripture for each metaphor; And explain how that metaphor applies to the Church.

The Body of Christ… Like a bride… Like a temple… Jn. 6:55 – 56 1 Cor. 12: 12 – 14 Eph. 4:15 Col. 1:18

Eph. 5:25 Eph. 5:27 Eph. 5:29

1 Cor 3:9 2 Cor 6:16 Eph. 2:20 1 Pet. 2:6



19. CATHOLIC COUNTDOWN _____ Apostles 11 apostles present at _________ ____ commandments

9 days in a ____________ ____ beatitudes _____ sacraments

_____ days of creation 5 books of _______ ____ Gospel writers

3 persons in the _________ _____ residents of Eden _____ God

20. GOSPEL OF LIFE Respond to the quotes from John Paul II’s encyclical.

Speaking against our materialism, he said, “The values of being are replaced by those of having. The only goal which counts is the pursuit of one’s own material well-being.”

In what ways have you seen this attitude of materialism in our culture? In what ways have you been influenced by it? Explain.

He continues, “When the prevailing tendency is to value life only to the extent that it brings pleasure and well-being, suffering seems like an unbearable setback, something from which one must be freed at all costs. Death is considered ‘senseless’ if it suddenly interrupts a life still open to a future of new and interesting experiences. But it becomes a ‘rightful liberation’ once life is held to be no longer meaningful because it is filled with pain and… even greater suffering.”

What value does a Christian find in suffering? How do you feel knowing that your Christian call includes being open to suffering?




1. KWL about the Bible 2. Post-its Exercise #1 3. Interest Sheet 4. Names of God 5. Various Books of the Bible 6. Abbreviations for Books of the Bible 7. Story Map #1 8. Story Map #2 9. People of the Old Testament 10. People of the New Testament 11. Paying Attention To Questions in the Bible 12. Character Comparison 13. Character Report Card 14. Character Tree 15. Peas in a pod/Polar People 16. Crossword 17. Imagery Sharing 18. Be an Illustrator 19. Character Bag 20. Museum



1. KWL ABOUT THE BIBLE Create a K-W-L about the Bible

2. POST-ITS EXERCISE ONE 4 Green Post-its along side edge of page

• Pentateuch • History • Wisdom • Prophets

5 Blue Post-its along side edge of page • Matthew (Mt) • Mark (Mk) • Luke (Lk) • John (Jn) • Acts

Mysteries of the Rosary – Put post-its along the top of edge of the page and highlight each verse. Highlighter and post-it should be same color. Use the numbering system on your post-its, also. Joyful Mysteries - Green

J1 Annunciation Lk. 1:28 J2 Visitation Lk 1:41 – 42 J3 Nativity Lk. 2:7 J4 Presentation Lk 2:22 – 23 J5 Finding in the Temple Lk. 2:46

Mysteries of Light - Yellow L1 Christ’s Baptism Mk. 1:10 L2 Wedding @ Cana Jn 2:11 L3 Kingdom/Conversion Mk. 1:15 L4 Transfiguration Mt. 17:2 L5 Eucharist Lk 22:19

Sorrowful – Blue S1 Agony in the Garden Lk 22:44 – 45 S2 Scourging Jn. 19:1 S3 Crowning Mt. 27:28 – 29 S4 Carrying the Cross Jn. 19:17 S5 Crucifixion Lk. 23:46

Glorious – Pink G1 Resurrection Mk 16:6 G2 Ascension Mk 16:19 G3 Pentecost Acts 2:4 G4 Assumption Rev. 12:1 G5 Coronation Judith 15:9 - 11

3. INTEREST SHEET • Things I like to do at home? • Things I like to do at school?



• My favorite movies and TV shows

• Things I wonder about?

• Last three books I read

4. NAMES OF GOD On a separate piece of paper, write a paragraph explaining which of these names of God appeals to you the most and why.

• Jeremiah 23:5 – 6 calls God Yahweh Tsidkenu (The Lord of Righteousness)

• Judges 6:22 – 24 calls God Yahweh Shalom (The Lord our Peace)

• Exodus 15:26 calls God Yahweh Rapha (the Lord Heals)

• Genesis 22:14 calls God Yahweh Yirah (The Lord Provides)

• Ezekiel 48:35 calls God Yahweh Shammah (The Lord Is There)

• Leviticus 20:8 calls God Yahweh M’Kaddesh (The Lord Who Sanctifies)

• Ezekiel 34:11 – 16 calls God Yahweh Ra’ah (The Lord Our Shepherd) • 1Samuel 17:40 – 47 calls God Yahweh Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts*) * hosts= army or great multitude


Match the book on the right with the correct section on the left.

2. ____Revelation 3. ____Malachi 4. ____Philippians 5. ____1 Samuel 6. ____Proverbs 7. ____1 John 8. ____Exodus 9. ____Acts 10. ____John 11. ____Ezra

a. Pentateuch b. Historical Books c. Wisdom Books d. Prophetic Books e. Gospels f. History of Early Church g. Epistles h. Apocalyptic Book

6. ABBREVIATIONS FOR BOOKS OF THE BIBLE 1. ____ 1 Mac 2. ____ Acts 3. ____ 2 Pet 4. ____ Jas 5. ____ Eph 6. ____3 Jn 7. ____ Gen 8. ____ Rev 9. ____ Isa 10. ____ Mt. 11. ____ Song 12. ____ Ps.

a. Genesis b. Psalms c. Song of Solomon d. Isaiah e. 1st Maccabees f. Matthew g. Acts of the Apostles h. Ephesians i. 2 Peter j. James k. 3rd letter of John l. Revelation



7. STORY MAP #1 Use a story from the Old Testament

8. STORY MAP #2 Use a story from the New Testament Scripture Passage Conflict Solutions

What’s happening What’s the lesson?


Who’s there?

Where is it happening

How did it end?

Setting Conclusion

9. PEOPLE OF THE OLD TESTAMENT Hebrews 11 praises several people of the Old Testament. Read the entire chapter then match the name of the left with the description on the right 1. ____ Abel

a. Housed two spies sent by Joshua, and so was spared at the fall of Jericho

2. ____ Enoch

b. A predecessor of Noah, he was taken up to heaven before his death, a sign of his favor with God

3. ____ Noah

c. Called by God to leave his homeland; though childless, he was promised many descendants

4. ____ Abraham

d. Son of Abraham, he also heard God’s voice and believed in the promise of a great nation

5. ____ Isaac

e. A keeper of flocks who gave God his best lamb as an offering

6. ____ Jacob

f. Commanded by God to be fertile and multiply; God sent a rainbow as a sign of his everlasting covenant

7. ____ Joseph

g. Given the name “Israel” after his struggle with an angel; he fathered 12 sons and lived to bless his grandsons.

8. ____ Moses

h. Escaped from Egypt, then returned to lead God’s people from slavery to the promised land

9. ____ Rahab

i. Was betrayed by his brothers and left to die, but came to greatness in Egypt

10. PEOPLE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT Put yourself in the place of a person from the New Testament and think about what it was like to have a personal encounter with Jesus. Use your imagination to “place yourself” into the story and think about how Jesus affected you. Then answer the following questions.

Book Chapter & Verse



• Who am I?

• What happened between Jesus and me?

• What are my feelings about this experience?

• What will I do now?

11. PAYING ATTENTION TO QUESTIONS IN THE BIBLE Begin skimming the Bible…at any point, it doesn’t matter. Highlight at least three questions, then respond to them in your journal.

12. CHARACTER COMPARISON Complete the chart comparing and contrasting two Bible characters.

Character One Character Two

Character Similarities 1. 2. 3. 4. Character Differences

13. CHARACTER REPORT CARD Copy this chart into your notebook. Complete it for one character from the Bible.

REPORT CARD Student’s Name _________ Teacher ____________ GPA ______

This report card is based on _________ Scripture Passage

BEHAVIOR GRADE COMMENTS Positive Attitude Follows God’s Commands Helpful: Demonstrates thoughtfulness of others

Pays attention to God Assumes and carries through on responsibilities

Other comments

A = Outstanding B = Superior C = Satisfactory D = Needs Improvement F = Does Not Meet Minimum Requirement



14. CHARACTER TREE On a separate page design a character tree similar to a family tree, but showing the various branches as important people in the Bible. Be creative, consider showing special features such as blossoms, fruit, withering or fallen leaves, or times of day to symbolize the variety of relationships.

15. PEAS IN A POD/POLAR PEOPLE Pair up your favorite characters with real-life people you know who would be good personality match-ups—Peas in a pod. Then choose some real-life people you know who would be the opposite of this character—Polar People

16. CROSSWORD Use new words from this week’s textbook chapter (or unit)to create a crossword puzzle.

17. IMAGERY SHARING Prepare a mind voyage for your classmates. Using one scripture passage, create a guided meditation like those we have done in class.

18. BE AN ILLUSTRATOR Draw a picture of your favorite Bible story.

19. CHARACTER BAG Select a character and create a bagful of possessions for that person. Present it in any way you choose…words, pictures, display of real items.

20. MUSEUM Future generations would like to remember the happenings of Bible times by visiting a museum of artifacts. Select three to five important items to display. In addition, record three to five important facts. You should also decide where and how the museum display is to be set up. Write a brief talk to accompany this display.




1. Caring 2. Cleanliness 3. Confidence 4. Consideration 5. Courtesy 6. Excellence 7. Friendliness 8. Honesty 9. Moderation 10. Modesty 11. Orderliness 12. Purposefulness 13. Respect 14. Responsibility 15. Self-discipline 16. Tact 17. Tolerance 18. Trust 19. Trustworthiness 20. Trustfulness



1. CARING What would caring look like if…

• You are doing a chore for your family?

• You notice that one of your friends looks sad?

• You come in from playing outside and start talking to your mother?

• It is your job to take care of the dog?

• You feel upset about something that is hard to talk about?

• Your sister lends you something she really likes?

2. CLEANLINESS What would cleanliness look like if…

• You haven’t been able to find your shoes for three day because your room is so messy?

• You play with a toy that has lots of pieces then decide you feel like doing something else?

• You notice some unwelcome thoughts are sticking in your mind?

• It’s time for bed and you’re sleepy, you don’t feel like brushing your teeth?

• After dinner, the kitchen is all messed up. Your mom usually does the cleaning, but she looks really tired?

3. CONFIDENCE What would confidence look like if…

• Your friends invite you to play a game you’ve never played before?

• You are asked to speak in front of your class?

• You try out for a sport and don’t get picked?

• You start to worry about performing in a play at school?

• You did something that upset your mom?

• You received a very low score on a math test?

4. CONSIDERATION What would consideration look like if…

• Your brother is feeling bored because he is sick and has to stay in bed?

• You and your parents have very different tastes in music and volume at which it should be played?

• Your best friend is having a birthday?

• You’re entering the front door at school and realize someone is right behind you?

• You have just come home from school and your grandmother is taking a nap?

5. COURTESY What would courtesy look like if…

• You are meeting someone for the first time?

• Your parents are having a conversation and you want to speak to one of them?

• You are at a birthday party and the cake is being served?

• You answer the phone and the caller asks to speak to your sister?

• You have entered church and people are waiting for mass to start?

6. EXCELLENCE What would excellence look like if…

• You are cleaning your room?

• You’re learning something new, such as playing the piano?

• You feel as if nothing you try is successful?

• You get tired or frustrated before you finish your school project?



• You start comparing yourself to someone else?

• You discover that you have made too many promises or have too much to do?

7. FRIENDLINESS What would friendliness look like if…

• You see a child who has just moved into your neighborhood?

• You wish you could make friends with a popular kid in school?

• Your parents invite a family over to dinner that you have never met?

• One of your friends looks like she has been crying?

8. HONESTY What would honesty look like if…

• You broke your mother’s laptop and you’re afraid she’ll be mad?

• You find yourself exaggerating about how well you did in a sports game to impress your friends?

• Your sister asks you if her new outfit looks good on her and you think it looks pretty bad?

• You say something cruel to someone when you’re mad and then tell yourself he deserved it?

• You forgot to do an important homework assignment and the teacher asks you where it is?

• Some friends of yours try to convince you to take something from the store?

9. MODERATION What would moderation look like if…

• You like someone so much that you start to call her everyday?

• You open the cookie jar and find your favorite cookies?

• You stay up late playing video games, just to get to level nine, but the next day you can’t stay awake in Religion class?

• You spend your whole allowance on fast food and DVD’s?

10. MODESTY What would modesty look like if…

• A friend tries to convince you to buy a “fashionable” outfit just because some celebrity is wearing it?

• Some starts to tease you and tickle your private parts?

• You played really well and your team won the game?

• Someone wants to kiss you and you don’t want him to?

• You feel like bragging about something good that you did?

11. ORDERLINESS What would orderliness look like if…

• You are overwhelmed with school projects and daily homework?

• You’re running around the playground with your friends and the bell rings?

• You’re on a hike and don’t know where to put the trash from your lunch?

• You find it really hard to deal with all the problems of life?

12. PURPOSEFULNESS What would purposefulness look like if…

• You decide to build or create something that is difficult?

• You are trying to finish your homework and keep getting distracted by other thoughts?



• A friend comes over while you’re mowing the lawn?

• You start to feel scattered doing too many things at once?

• You want to learn to play an instrument?

• You find it difficult to practice a virtue?

13. RESPECT What would respect look like if…

• You want to use your friend’s bike but she’s not around to ask?

• Your grandparents come over just as you’re leaving to go to the mall?

• You find yourself talking back to your dad?

• Your brother is in the bathroom and you need to get ready for school?

• You don’t like the rules at school?

• An older person is touching you inappropriately?

14. RESPONSIBILITY What would responsibility look like if…

• Mom asks you to start dinner and instead you spend the afternoon watching TV?

• You are given a lot of homework?

• you promised your friend you’d meet her right after school, but then you remember you have a music lesson?

• You stop watching your little brother in a store while your mom’s at the checkout lane?

• You stay in bed instead of going to Mass on Sunday morning?

15. SELF-DISCIPLINE What would self-discipline look like if…

• You have put off doing a big job to the last minute?

• You are really angry when your brother starts wrestling with you?

• Your family has a rule about healthy snacks after school, but you’d rather eat sweets?

• You keep getting punished for breaking a rule?

• You decide you need a new daily routine?

16. TACT What would tact look like if…

• You meet someone with a handicap?

• You feel really mad at your brother about something?

• You get upset at school when you think your teacher has done something unfair?

• Your friend asks you if you like her new (strange) haircut?

• While you’re with a group of friends, you notice someone’s pants are unzipped?

• You are hugging your father and notice he has bad breath?

17. TOLERANCE What would tolerance look like if…

• Your sister has a really annoying habit she can’t seem to change?

• You’re on a long trip with your parents and it is very hot and uncomfortable in the car?

• Your friend and you disagree about the best movie ever made?

• Your mother picks you up late for the third time this week?

• A in your class keeps stealing your pencils?

• You meet someone with a strange accent?



18. TRUST What would trust look like if…

• You’re having trouble in a relationship

• A friend makes a promise to you?

• You start to worry that it’s going to rain on your picnic?

• A person who has lost your things in the pat wants to borrow your iPod?

• You start to feel really scared about something bad happening?

• You make a mistake?

19. TRUSTWORTHINESS What would trustworthiness look like if...

• Your mother sent you to the store and asked you to bring back the change?

• Your friend told you a secret that he doesn’t want anyone to know?

• You promised to do a chore but get distracted by a movie on TV?

• Someone asks you to do something that you know in your heart is too hard for you to do?

• You have a daily job to do for your family and you don’t feel like doing it?

20. TRUSTFULNESS What would trustfulness look like if…

• Someone tells you that your best friend is saying mean things about you and doesn’t want to be your friend anymore?

• You find yourself making up an excuse to cover a mistake?

• You feel like exaggerating how well you did on the last math test?

• A friend asks you what you think of the six earrings he is wearing?

• Someone makes a comment about all people of a different race?

• You feel like making up a fantastic story to scare your little sister?