battery–ultracapacitor hybrids for pulsed current loads a review.pdf

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 981–992 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews journal homepage: Battery–ultracapacitor hybrids for pulsed current loads: A review Alon Kuperman , Ilan Aharon Hybrid Energy Sources Center, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Ariel University Center, Kiryat Hamada, Ariel, Israel article info Article history: Received 2 August 2010 Accepted 4 August 2010 Keywords: Hybrid sources Power electronics Battery Ultracapacitor abstract Battery versus hybrid power sources performance is examined in the manuscript. Passive, semi-active and fully active battery–ultracapacitor hybrids show obvious superiority over battery only powered pulsed current loads. Passive hybrid is the most simple and cheap arrangement, however its uncontrolled nature results in several drawbacks during the operation. On the other hand, the fully active hybrids achieve superior performance at the expense of two DC–DC converters and the corresponding control circuitry. The trade off between the topologies is the semi-active hybrid, employing only one DC–DC converter and attaining a compromising performance. The thorough characterization of each topology and sub-topology is presented in the manuscript and design methodology is derived for a particular case of pulsed current load. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Contents 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 981 2. Typical pulsed current load ......................................................................................................................... 982 3. Battery powered constant current loads ............................................................................................................ 983 4. Energy storage hybridization ....................................................................................................................... 985 4.1. Passive hybrid ............................................................................................................................... 985 4.2. Semi-active hybrid ........................................................................................................................... 987 4.2.1. Parallel semi-active hybrid ........................................................................................................ 987 4.2.2. Capacitor semi-active hybrid ...................................................................................................... 987 4.2.3. Battery semi-active hybrid ........................................................................................................ 988 4.3. Active hybrid ................................................................................................................................. 989 4.3.1. Battery series active hybrid ........................................................................................................ 989 4.3.2. Capacitor series active hybrid ..................................................................................................... 990 4.3.3. Parallel active hybrid .............................................................................................................. 990 5. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................... 991 References ........................................................................................................................................... 991 1. Introduction The majority of portable electronic devices, as well as telecom- munication systems and electric and hybrid vehicles possess common load profile characteristics, described by relatively high peak-to-average power requirements. Such loads can be closely represented by pulsed consumption profiles with constant current load characteristics. In order to satisfy the requirements of such a load, a high power high energy density source is essential. Mod- ern batteries may possess either of the characteristics, but not both Corresponding author. Tel.: +972 526 943234. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Kuperman). [1,2]. Lithium-ion batteries, which are by far the most power and energy dense among modern batteries, are commonly used in such applications. However, the power/energy trade-offs often result in a non-optimal battery back, providing the required amount of energy while overpowered and vice versa. One of the feasible solu- tions is hybridization of high-energy batteries with ultracapacitors [3]. The rapid-developing ultracapacitor technology allows achiev- ing power density of several thousands W kg 1 at reasonable cost. Some Li-ion polymer batteries reach the same power density, but at much higher prices [4,5]. In addition, the charge/discharge effi- ciency of the ultracapacitor is much higher than of any battery, resulting in reduced system losses, which in addition to higher effi- ciency, contributes to a prolonged power system life as a result of lower operating temperature. 1364-0321/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2010.11.010

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 981–992

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com/ locate / rser

attery–ultracapacitor hybrids for pulsed current loads: A review

lon Kuperman ∗, Ilan Aharonybrid Energy Sources Center, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Ariel University Center, Kiryat Hamada, Ariel, Israel

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:eceived 2 August 2010ccepted 4 August 2010

a b s t r a c t

Battery versus hybrid power sources performance is examined in the manuscript. Passive, semi-active andfully active battery–ultracapacitor hybrids show obvious superiority over battery only powered pulsed

eywords:ybrid sourcesower electronicsattery

current loads. Passive hybrid is the most simple and cheap arrangement, however its uncontrolled natureresults in several drawbacks during the operation. On the other hand, the fully active hybrids achievesuperior performance at the expense of two DC–DC converters and the corresponding control circuitry.The trade off between the topologies is the semi-active hybrid, employing only one DC–DC converter andattaining a compromising performance. The thorough characterization of each topology and sub-topologyis presented in the manuscript and design methodology is derived for a particular case of pulsed current


© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9812. Typical pulsed current load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9823. Battery powered constant current loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9834. Energy storage hybridization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985

4.1. Passive hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9854.2. Semi-active hybrid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 987

4.2.1. Parallel semi-active hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9874.2.2. Capacitor semi-active hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9874.2.3. Battery semi-active hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988

4.3. Active hybrid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9894.3.1. Battery series active hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9894.3.2. Capacitor series active hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9904.3.3. Parallel active hybrid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990

5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 991

. Introduction

The majority of portable electronic devices, as well as telecom-unication systems and electric and hybrid vehicles possess

ommon load profile characteristics, described by relatively higheak-to-average power requirements. Such loads can be closely

[1,2]. Lithium-ion batteries, which are by far the most power andenergy dense among modern batteries, are commonly used in suchapplications. However, the power/energy trade-offs often resultin a non-optimal battery back, providing the required amount ofenergy while overpowered and vice versa. One of the feasible solu-tions is hybridization of high-energy batteries with ultracapacitors

epresented by pulsed consumption profiles with constant currentoad characteristics. In order to satisfy the requirements of such aoad, a high power high energy density source is essential. Mod-rn batteries may possess either of the characteristics, but not both

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +972 526 943234.E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Kuperman).

364-0321/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.oi:10.1016/j.rser.2010.11.010

[3]. The rapid-developing ultracapacitor technology allows achiev-ing power density of several thousands W kg−1 at reasonable cost.Some Li-ion polymer batteries reach the same power density, butat much higher prices [4,5]. In addition, the charge/discharge effi-ciency of the ultracapacitor is much higher than of any battery,

resulting in reduced system losses, which in addition to higher effi-ciency, contributes to a prolonged power system life as a result oflower operating temperature.
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iL(t) vL(t)




82 A. Kuperman, I. Aharon / Renewable and S

The manuscript presents three different types ofattery–ultracapacitor hybrids: passive, semi-active and fullyctive topologies. In the passive topology, the battery and ultraca-acitor banks are connected in parallel and directly coupled to the

oad. The semi-active topology enhances the performance of theassive hybrid at the price of an additional DC–DC converter andontrol circuitry. Three different ways of creating a semi-activeybrid are considered and the design trade-offs are presented. The

ully active hybrid brings the system to an ultimate performancey employing two DC–DC converters, and as a result, the controlomplexity is increased. There are three topologies of fully activeybrids, each resulting in similar performance, but the designs ofhe converters and the choice of the battery and the ultracapacitoranks are different.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the char-cteristics and main requirements of a typical pulsed current load.he drawbacks of battery-only powering of such loads are illus-rated in Section 3. The three topologies of battery–ultracapacitorybrids are elaborated in Section 4. The manuscript is concluded inection 5.

. Typical pulsed current load

In order to fully understand the requirements of a pulsed cur-ent load (Fig. 1), consider a consumption profile given in Fig. 2,

hich defines the current and charge load requirements. The con-

umption or current profile is the load current versus time iL(t)s seen from outside the load terminals. The consumption profiles characterized by a periodic rectangular pulse train, alternatingetween two current levels, iL,MIN and iL,MAX with period T and dutyycle D,

Fig. 2. Pulsed current load consum

Fig. 1. A current load representation.

iL(t) = iL,MINu(t) +N∑


(iL,MAX − iL,MIN)(u(t − kT) − u(t − DT − kT)),


where u(t) is a unit step function and N is the number of operationperiods. Note that iL,MAX > iL,MIN and iL,MIN can be positive, zero ornegative. In the latter case the load is called regenerating (assumingthe load voltage remains positive).

The instantaneous load current can be decomposed into twocomponents, as shown in Fig. 3: steady (average) current anddynamic current with zero average,

iL(t) = iL,AVE(t) + iL,DYN(t), (2)

where ∫

iL,AVE(t) = 1




iL(t)dt = DiL,MAX + (1 − D)iL,MIN = IL,AVE. (3)

When a single source is employed, it must supply both averageand dynamic current components. In a hybrid energy source, the

ption profile decomposition.

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iL(t) vL(t) +



_vB(t) +_



rates. Fig. 5 presents three battery discharge curves, characterizinga battery discharged at iL,MIN, IL,AVE and iL,MAX. Solid line representsthe battery terminal voltage behavior when discharged at pulsedcurrent load of (1).






MINBAT vv ,, ,min



Fig. 3. Load voltage operating range.

owertrain contains several sources/energy storages, some favor-ng steady state operation and hence supplying the average currentL,AVE(t); other are used to supply the dynamic current iL,DYN(t). Notehat the overall charge of the dynamic powertrain will theoreticallye zero in a whole operating cycle. This implies that the energyource of the dynamic powertrain does not lose charge capacity athe end of the cycle. The charge demand of the load is given by

L =∫ NT


iL(t)dt = QL,AVE + QL,DYN. (4)

However, since



iL,DYN(t)dt = 0, (5)

he load charge demand may be expressed as

L = QL,AVE =∫ NT


iL,AVE(t)dt = (DiL,MAX + (1 − D)iL,MIN)NT. (6)

According to Fig. 2, the maximum consumed/supplied dynamicoad charge demand is given by


∫ DT


iL,DYN(t)dt =∫ T



= D(1 − D)(iL,MAX − iL,MAX )T. (7)

Hence, the dynamic powertrain must have some capability ofnergy storage and be able to absorb/supply the amount of energyqual to vL · Q MAX

L,DYN .Power electronics, usually present in the input stage of a con-

tant current load must typically operate within a predeterminedange of voltages (vLIM,MIN to vLIM,MAX) with a nominal voltage vL,NOM,s shown in Fig. 3. The maximum voltage is usually dictated by theating of the devices, while the minimum voltage is dictated by therotection circuits of the converter in order to prevent underpow-ring of the load or power electronics malfunctioning. Hence theoad voltage vL(t) must be kept between these limits in addition ofome safety bands (vL,MIN to vL,MAX).

To conclude, voltage, current and charge are the three main con-tant current load requirements, which must be instantaneouslyatisfied by the sources/storage units in order to ensure correctperation.

. Battery powered constant current loads

A passive battery powered constant current load is shown inig. 4. This is perhaps the simplest and most common system. Since

Fig. 4. Passive battery powered system.

the battery is the only source, it must instantaneously satisfy allthree load requirements, presented in the previous section.

As shown in Fig. 4, typical source and load units include so-calledmanagement systems. Battery management system (BMS) protectsthe battery pack from overcurrent, undervoltage and temperaturefailures, while the load management system (LMS) ensures that thethree load requirements as well as temperature tolerance are notviolated.

In order to fulfill the voltage requirement, the battery pack volt-age must be matched to the voltage operating range of the load.The battery pack is usually chosen such that the fully charged opencircuit voltage is less than or equal to vL,MAX. However, it does notimply that the fully discharged battery pack voltage resides withinthe permissible load voltage operating range, shown in Fig. 3. A typ-ical battery may be closely represented by its Thevenin equivalent,where the Thevenin voltage vB is a function of the battery state ofcharge, state of health, temperature, age, altitude, humidity, etc.When the battery is fully charged, vB is maximal. While discharg-ing, the value of vB reduces. The internal resistance rB is also a nonconstant operation-dependent value. Hence the battery terminalvoltage vBAT = vB − rB·iL is dictated by the Thevenin parameters andthe load current. It must therefore satisfy

vL,MIN < vBAT < vL,MAX. (8)

According to (8), the battery terminal voltage reaches its localminima/maxima when the pulsed load current level is at itshigh/low level iL,MAX/iL,MIN, respectively. The discharge process isdemonstrated in Fig. 5 using a typical Li-ion battery discharge curvefor a large T because of illustrative reasons.

Battery discharge curves are represented by terminal voltagevBAT versus discharge capacity Q for different discharge current



Fig. 5. Battery discharge curves when connected to a pulsed current load.

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Table 1High energy and high power cells comparison characteristics.

Cell NCR18650 CGR26650A

Type High energy High powerVoltage (V) 3.7 3.6Capacity (mAh) 2900 2650Max. discharge rate 2 C 15 CWeight (kg) 0.0445 0.09Volume (l) 0.0177 0.0361


reducing the pack size and internal resistance. However accordingto (13) and (14), in such a case the current flowing through the bat-tery pack is higher than the load current, causing more I2R lossesand requiring the cells to possess higher discharge rate capabil-ity. Buck operation (KL < 1) involves connecting more cells in series

i (t) v (t) +

v (t)

+v (t) +

rB iB(t)



84 A. Kuperman, I. Aharon / Renewable and S

One of the LMS responsibilities is disconnecting the load fromhe source when its terminal voltage reaches a predetermined

inimum value vL,MIN. BMS possesses the same characteristic, dis-onnecting the battery from the load when its terminal voltageeaches a predetermined minimum value vBMS

BAT,MIN in order to pre-ent possible damage of the battery caused by an overdischarge.owever, this action turns problematic in many modern batteryacks – an instantaneous terminal voltage drop caused by a highurrent spike is often interpreted by a BMS as a battery undervolt-ge and is followed by an immediate battery disconnection, evenhough the battery still contains some amount of usable charge.his situation is shown in Fig. 5, where because of the fact, thathe battery and the load voltages are the same, the lower voltageimit is determined by min(vBMS

BAT,MIN, vL,MIN). As a result, comparedo a discharge curve at constant current IL,AVE, the pulsed currentischarge curve falls deeper at the periods of high load current andhe system is shut down while �Q less battery charge is is another reason of lower battery utilization in case of theulsed current. Note, that the load current (1) may be representedy Fourier series because of its periodic nature as

L(t) = IL,AVE +∞∑


IL,n cos(


Tt + �n




)), (9)

here the current harmonics magnitude is

L,n = �D(iL,MAX − iL,MIN)∣∣sin c(n�D)

∣∣ , (10)

nd �n is the current harmonics phase. The rms current,



∫ T


i2L (t)dt =

√√√√I2L,AVE + 1





Di2L,MAX + (1 − D)i2L,MIN, (11)

s therefore higher than the average current, and the losses areigher than the losses caused by a constant current discharge at


LOSS = PLOSS,BAT = rBI2BAT,RMS = rB(Di2L,MAX + (1 − D)i2L,MIN)

= rB

(I2L,AVE + 1




). (12)

To conclude, a pulsed current discharge causes an earlier bat-ery disconnection than a constant current discharge with the sameverage value because of higher losses and higher terminal voltagerop.

Until now, it was assumed that the battery pack satisfies theoad requirements. However, in order to satisfy the load voltage,urrent and charge requirements, the energy and power ratingf the battery back must be properly selected. The main problemf the modern technology is the separation of batteries into highnergy and high power types, according to the battery capacity andaximum allowed discharge rate [6–8].To quantitatively illustrate the difference between the two bat-

ery types, consider two Panasonic Li-ion cells: the high powerCR18650 and the high rate (power) CGR26650A, whose character-

stics are summarized in Table 1. While the NCR18650 is allowed toischarge at maximum theoretical rate of 2 C, the CGR26650A dis-harge rate of 15 C is common. However the capacity of NCR18650

s higher, while the weight and volume are lower. These trade-offsndicate the clear advantage of the high energy cell in terms ofravimetric (GED) and volumetric (VGD) energy densities versusts disadvantage in terms of gravimetric (GPD) and volumetricVPD) power densities. Modern electric vehicles (e.g. RC aircraft

GED (Wh kg ) 241 105VED (Wh l−1) 606 261GPD (W kg−1) 482 1572VPD (W l−1) 1212 3919

and road electric vehicles) typically possess high power batterypacks since the peak power demand is several times higher thanthe average demand and as a result their energy content and hencethe driving range/mission duration is relatively low. In addition,cell capacity presented by battery manufacturers is usually indi-cated for a discharge rate of 0.2 C. The higher the discharge rate,the lower the actual cell energy capacity, as explained earlier inthis section. Hence, high rate cells actual energy capacity is typ-ically significantly lower than the nominal capacity, indicated bythe manufacturer. To conclude, in order to satisfy the peak currentas well as the charge requirements of the load, the need for highpower–high energy hybridization is evident.

In addition, the battery pack voltage must match the permissiblevoltage range of the load. It is accomplished by connecting cells inseries, leading to the increase of the internal resistance of the pack.The possible solution, allowing battery–load voltages mismatch isa so-called active connection, shown in Fig. 6. A DC–DC converteris inserted between the battery and the load. In order to simplifythe discussion, the converter efficiency �DCDC,L is assumed to beconstant and the converter is generalized according to Fig. 6 byneglecting the dynamics and using the voltage conversion rate KL(t)rather than an explicit duty cycle dependent conversion ratio [9],

vL = KL(t) · vBAT ,

iB = KL(t) · iL�DCDC,L


Converter-based connection allows keeping the load voltageconstant despite the changing battery terminal voltage. Note thata full rating converter is required. If the battery terminal voltageis higher/lower than the load voltage, the converter operates inbuck/boost mode, respectively. The losses of an active battery pow-ered system are expressed by


L (t)


(I2L,AVE + 1




). (14)

Boost operation (KL > 1) allows connecting fewer cells in seriesto form a pack with a terminal voltage lower than the load voltage,



_B _


Fig. 6. Active battery powered system.

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iL(t) vL(t) +



_vB(t) +_



vC(t) C+_



harmonic is lower than the magnitude of the corresponding loadcurrent harmonic, IB,n < IL,n ∀ n ≥ 1. As a result, the battery rms cur-rent is reduced and is given as√ √

Fig. 7. The Ragone Plot.

han in passive connection to form a pack with terminal voltageigher than the load voltage, increasing the pack size and internalesistance. In addition, the voltage rating of the DC–DC converternput stage must be chosen according to the battery pack maximumoltage. Nonetheless, according to (13) and (14), in such a case theurrent flowing through the battery pack is lower than the load cur-ent, causing less I2R losses and allowing the cells to possess lowerischarge rate capability.

From (14), the following may be concluded. The losses areormed by multiplication of the battery internal resistance by theum of the squared average and dynamic current rms components.he charge is supplied to the load by the average current compo-ent and must be drawn from the battery as the high energy source.ence, the losses caused by the average current component cannote avoided. On the other hand, the dynamic current componentoes not supply any charge/energy to the load and may be sup-lied by any low energy high power source, satisfying the dynamicequirement of the load. If the internal resistance of this source isower than the battery internal resistance, the part of the losses,aused by the dynamic current component can be reduced.

. Energy storage hybridization

In order to design hybrid energy storage, Ragone Plot [10] is usu-lly employed to classify the available energy sources according toheir power/energy density. The Ragone Plot, presenting the mod-rn bidirectional energy sources and fuel cells is shown in Fig. 7 [11].ccording to Fig. 7, high energy Li-ion batteries possess the high-st energy density of all the modern batteries (200–250 Wh kg−1)nd poor power density of 400–500 W kg−1. On the other hand,ltracapacitors possess an extremely high power density (around000 W kg−1) at the expense of a very low energy density (aroundWh kg−1). In addition, ultracapacitor internal resistance rC isuch lower than the battery resistance rB (order of magnitude) and

s a result it possesses much higher charging/discharging efficiency12,13]. Hence, the hybridization of high energy Li-ion batteries andltracapacitors seems to be a natural way to form high performancenergy storage. The desired operation of such hybrid is as follows:he battery should supply a nearly constant (average) load current,educing the internal I2R losses and preventing terminal voltageips while the ultracapacitor should match the battery to the loady supplying the dynamic current with zero average.

The rest of the section presents passive, semi active and activei-ion battery–ultracapacitor hybrids. In the passive configuration,he devices are connected in parallel with the load, and no power

anagement circuitry is involved. A single DC–DC converter is

Fig. 8. Passive hybrid topology.

employed in semi active hybrid with three possible configurations.Three potential topologies are available as well in active hybrids,making use of two DC–DC converters.

4.1. Passive hybrid

The passive hybrid is by far the most commonbattery–ultracapacitor hybrid, studied by many researchers[14–40] and employed in commercial products [41–43]. In a pas-sive topology, the battery and ultracapacitor packs are connectedin parallel with each other and the load, as shown in Fig. 8. Theobvious advantages of this topology are the simplicity and theabsence of power electronics and control circuitries, reducing thecost and volume and increasing reliability. The main disadvan-tage is the fact that the load current is distributed between thebattery and the ultracapacitor in a nearly uncontrolled manner,determined only by the internal resistances.

The simplified electrical equivalent of the system is shown inFig. 8. The ultracapacitor is represented by the nominal capaci-tance C and the internal resistance rC. In the frequency domain,the spectra of the current flowing from the battery are given by


= IL(jω) · HC (jω), (15)


HC (jω) = 1 + jωCrC

1 + jωC(rB + rC )=∣∣HC (jω)

∣∣ ej�C (jω)


√1 + (ωCrC )2

1 + (ωC(rB + rC ))2ej�C (jω). (16)

Combining (9), (15) and (16), the battery current in time domainis

iB(t) = IL,AVE +∑


IB,n · cos(


Tt + ϕn

), (17)


IB,n = IL,n ·∣∣∣HC




)∣∣∣ , ϕn = �n + �C




). (18)

According to (17), the average component of the load is sup-plied by the battery. In addition, part of the dynamic componentof the load current is also supplied by the battery. However, sincerC/(rC + rB) <

∣∣HC (jω)∣∣< 1, the magnitude of any battery current


∫ T


i2B(t)dt = I2L,AVE + 1










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The ultracapacitor current is specified by the difference betweenhe load and battery currents,

C (t) = iL(t) − iB(t) =∑


IC,n · cos(


Tt + ϕn

), (20)


C,n = IL,n ·(

1 −∣∣∣HC




)∣∣∣) . (21)

Note that since 0 < 1 −∣∣HC (jω)

∣∣< (rB/(rC + rB)), the magnitudef any ultracapacitor current harmonic is lower than the magnitudef the corresponding load current harmonic, IC,n < IL,n ∀ n ≥ 1. Thems current, supplied by the ultracapacitor is



∫ T


i2C (t)dt =√








(1 −∣∣∣HC




)∣∣∣)2. (22)

The system losses can be therefore formulated using (19) and22) as




I2L,n · rP,n, (23)


P,n = rB





)∣∣∣2 + rC

(1 −∣∣∣HC




)∣∣∣)2. (24)

Recalling that both∣∣HC (jω)

∣∣ and 1 −∣∣HC (jω)

∣∣ are less than unitys well as rC � rB, it can be obtained from (24) that rP,n < rB ∀ n ≥ 1.omparing (24) and (12) reveals that the system losses are reduceds a result of hybridization.

The solution of the equation system, derived from Fig. 8,

iB + iC = iL,

iB = vB − vL,


iC = vC − vL

rC= −C




ombined with (1), leads to the subsequent expression of the bat-ery current in time domain [16,23],

B(t) = iL,MIN + (iL,MAX − iL,MIN)



([1 − rB

rB + rCe−ωB(t−kT)

]u(t − KT)


1 − rB

rB + rCe−ωB(t−DT−kT)

]u(t − DT − kT)

), (26)

here ωB = 1/((rB + rC)C). The maximum and minimum battery cur-

ents are obtained from (26) by substituting t = (n + D)T and t = nT,espectively, and letting n → ∞ as

B,MAX = iL,MIN + (iL,MAX − iL,MIN)(1 − e−ˇDT )eˇT

eˇT − 1(27)



_vB(t) +_



vC(t) C+_




Fig. 10. Parallel semi-acti

Fig. 9. Battery discharge curves for a passive hybrid connected to a pulsed currentload.


iB,MIN = iL,MIN + (iL,MAX − iL,MIN)(eˇDT − 1)eˇT

eˇT − 1. (28)

Note that IL,AVE < iB,MAX < iL,MAX as well as IL,AVE > iB,MIN > iL,MIN.Hence, during the high load demand, both the battery and the ultra-capacitor supply charge to the load. During the low load demand,the battery supplies both the load and the capacitor. In addition,battery current ripple reduces, and battery terminal voltage dipsbecome lower than in the battery-only case, as shown in Fig. 9.Hence, the battery is more efficiently utilized.

Increasing the capacitance will force the maximum and mini-mum values of the battery currents to become closer to each other.The theoretical limit is determined by


iB,MAX = limC→∞

iB,MIN = iL,MIN + (iL,MAX − iL,MIN)(


rB + rCD)

rB�rC−→ IL,AVE. (29)

Hence, the discharge curve of a passive hybrid convergestowards the discharge at IL,AVE curve as the capacitance is increased.As a result, either more energy can be drawn from the same batteryor a battery with lower rating can be utilized.

A negative byproduct of capacitance increase by connectingcapacitors in parallel is weight/volume/price increase. On the otherhand, the internal resistance of the capacitor pack is decreased, andas a result the losses are decreased. If one of the negative conse-quences of capacitance increase cannot be tolerated, semi-activeor fully active hybrid should be considered. In addition, there isa trade-off between the allowed load voltage ripple and capacitorutilization. Note that the dynamic charge, supplied/absorbed by theultracapacitor is

Q = C · (v − v ), (30)


where the voltages are given by the sum of the load and the capac-itor internal resistance voltages. The higher the voltage difference,the better the capacitor is utilized. On the other hand, high voltagedifference may cause the violation of the load voltage requirements.

iL(t) vL(t) +





ve hybrid topology.

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iL(t) vL(t) +



_vB(t) +_

rB iB(t)

vC(t) C+


rC iC(t)














i .





Fig. 11. Capacitor se

s will be shown next, active hybridization allows achieving bothetter capacitor utilization and excellent load voltage regulation.

.2. Semi-active hybrid

In a semi-active hybrid, a DC–DC converter is employed in addi-ion to the battery and ultracapacitor banks [44–49]. There arehree possible configurations: battery semi-active [50–57], capac-tor semi-active [58–74] and load semi-active [14,20,55,75–77].

.2.1. Parallel semi-active hybridIn a load semi-active configuration, a DC–DC converter is

nserted between the parallel branch of battery/ultracapacitor andhe load, as shown in Fig. 10. This configuration is a direct enhance-

ent of the passive hybrid topology. It relieves the sources fromatisfying the voltage requirement of the load by maintaining theoad voltage at its nominal value despite the variations of theattery/ultracapacitor passive hybrid voltage. It also allows a mis-atch between the battery voltage (and hence the ultracapacitor

oltage rating) and the load. However it does not change the facthat the battery supplies part of the dynamic current and the ultra-apacitor available charge is still limited, since its voltage cannotreely change and is determined by the battery terminal voltage. Inddition, the DC–DC converter must be designed for the maximumoad current and full load power.

According to Fig. 10,

vL = KL(t) · vBAT ,

iS = KL(t) · iL�DCDC,L

, (31)

here iS is the current supplied by the battery–ultracapacitor par-llel branch to the DC–DC converter input. Substituting (9) into31),

S(t) = KL(t) · IL,AVE



KL(t) · IL,n



Tt + �n





The battery supplies the DC component of iS, as well as part ofhe dynamic current according to (17),

B,n = KL(t) · IL,n ·∣∣∣HC


2�)∣∣∣ . (33)


The rest of iS is drawn from the ultracapacitor according to (20),

C,n = KL(t) · IL,n


1 −∣∣∣HC




)∣∣∣) . (34)

ive hybrid topology.

The system losses may therefore be formulated by





rBI2L,AVE + 1



I2L,n · rP,n

}, (35)

where rP,n was introduced in (24). Obviously, for KL(t) > �DCDC,L thelosses are aggravated, compared to the active battery source losses,given by (14). However, boost operation allows using a low voltagebattery pack and a lower rating ultracapacitor, since the capacitorcharge (30) will be boosted when reflected to the load.

4.2.2. Capacitor semi-active hybridIn the capacitor semi-active configuration, a DC–DC converter

is placed between the capacitor and the load, as shown in Fig. 11.Such a topology allows controlling of the current, drawn from thecapacitor, according to the decomposition shown in Fig. 2.

In addition, as a result of decoupling between the ultracapac-itor and the battery voltage, the utilization of the ultracapacitorenergy is improved. This topology is based on an active filteringconfiguration, where a shunt active filter, connected between theAC source an a nonlinear load, supplies the harmonic content ofthe load, leaving the grid to supply the power producing currentcomponent and operate at near unity power factor [78]. It is alsouseful in loads with large amount of regenerative braking energy,allowing capacitor charging to be independent of the load voltage.

In such a configuration, the typical ultracapacitor voltage oper-ating range is between 50% and 100% of its rated voltage vUC,MAX,allowing utilization of 75% of the overall energy, given by

EUC,MAX = 12

Cv2UC,MAX. (36)

In applications with non-regenerating loads, the capacitor nom-inal voltage vUC,NOM is set near its rated voltage. In regenerativebraking load systems, the capacitor voltage value is normally setto the voltage, dividing the available energy into two (often equal)parts, as shown in Fig. 12. This allows utilizing 37.5% of the availableenergy for sudden acceleration (consumed load power) or regen-erative braking (supplied load power). This voltage is


. (37)

According to Fig. 11, if the DC–DC converter output current iscontrolled to follow the dynamic part of the load current iL,DYN(t),

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Unused energy



0.375 UC,MAX












The system losses can be therefore summarized as

Fig. 12. Capacitor energy content.

he battery current satisfies

B = iL − iL,DYN = IL,AVE, (38)

s desired. The ultracapacitor current is given by

C = KUC (t) · iL,DYN

�DCDC,UC, (39)

here KUC(t) and �DCDC,UC are the ultracapacitor converter voltageonversion ratio and efficiency, respectively. Therefore, using (9),38) and (39), the system losses are formulated as




(KUC (t)






The load voltage is equal to the battery terminal voltage. Theltracapacitor terminal voltage is


KUC (t), (41)

ence in order to supply all the load dynamic charge Q MAXL,DYN while

eeping the capacitor terminal voltage within the limits, deter-ined in Fig. 12, the following must hold,

1 − 1√2

)vUC,MAX = KUC (t)





L,DYN · rC

), (42)

here iMAXL,DYN = (1 − D)(iL,MAX − iL,MIN). There is a clear trade-off

etween the losses, capacitance and capacitor rating. The higherhe capacitor voltage, the lower the capacitance value required to

atisfy (42). In addition, the current flow is reduced, leading toecreased losses.

The DC–DC converter, used in the topology, is still of a consid-rable rating and must be designed according to the peak current



_vB(t) +_

rB iB(t)

vC(t) C+


rC iC(t)




Fig. 13. Battery semi-acti

able Energy Reviews 15 (2011) 981–992

iMAXL,DYN and rms current of



∫ T


i2L,DYN(t)dt =



(KUC (t)





D(1 − D)(iL,MAX − iL,MIN). (43)

Note that the in the capacitor semi-active configuration, theload voltage possesses no ripple (since a nearly constant currentis drawn from the battery) but is unregulated, decreasing as thebattery is depleted according to the battery discharge curve at IL,AVE.

4.2.3. Battery semi-active hybridThe battery semi-active hybrid topology is the last configura-

tion, employing a single DC–DC converter. In this topology, theDC–DC converter is connected between the battery and the load,as shown in Fig. 13. The output current of the DC–DC converter iscontrolled to follow the average load current IL,AVE.

The main advantage of such a topology is the ability to con-trol the battery current at a near constant value despite the loadcurrent variations, employing a DC–DC converter of a lower rat-ing, than in the capacitor semi-active topology. As stated before,this allows significant battery performance improving in lifetime,energy efficiency and operating temperature. In addition, volt-age matching between the battery and the load is no longerrequired.

The batter terminal voltage and current are

vBAT = vL

KBAT (t)(44)


iB = KBAT (t) · IL,AVE

�DCDC,BAT, (45)

where KBAT(t) and �DCDC,BAT are the battery converter voltage con-version ratio and efficiency, respectively. The capacitor voltage isequal to the load voltage, and the capacitor current (in case theDC–DC converter output current is controlled to follow the averageload current) is

iC = iL − IL,AVE = iL,DYN. (46)


(KBAT (t)




+ 12





iL(t) vL(t) +



ve hybrid topology.

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iL(t) vL(t) +



_vB(t) +_

rB iB(t)

vC(t) C+


rC iC(t)











es acti








Fig. 14. Battery seri

The DC–DC converter rating is chosen according to the aver-ge load current only and is much lower than in the capacitoremi-active hybrid. The main disadvantage of the topologys the variations of the load voltage during capacitor charg-ng/discharging. In addition, the capacitor voltage rating must be

atched to the load voltage. The value of the capacitor must behosen such that when the maximum charging/discharging energys drawn from the capacitor, its voltage must remain between theermissible values of the load voltage. This can lead to a very largeapacitance value, which must satisfy




L,DYNrC. (48)

If the capacitance value is unfeasible, an active hybrid should beonsidered.

.3. Active hybrid

In active hybrids, two DC–DC converters are employed in addi-ion to the battery and ultracapacitor banks [44,72,75,79–100].here are three possible active configurations: capacitor seriesctive, battery series active and parallel active. The former two aremprovements of the battery and capacitor semi-active topologies,

hile the latter combines both semi-active arrangements into anctive one.

.3.1. Battery series active hybridThis topology is an enhancement of the battery semi-active

ybrid, as shown in Fig. 14. It solves the disadvantages of ultra-apacitor voltage variations and matching by placing an additional



_vB(t) +_

rB iB(t)

vC(t) C+


rC iC(t)








Fig. 15. Capacitor series ac

ve hybrid topology.

DC–DC converter between the ultracapacitor and the load. How-ever, it comes at the price of an extra full rating DC–DC converterand the reduced efficiency, since there are two conversion stagesbetween the battery and the load.

According to Fig. 14, the battery and ultracapacitor voltages are

vBAT = vL

KL(t) · KBAT (t)(49)


vUC = vL

KL(t), (50)

respectively. The input current of the load converter may beexpressed as

iS = KL(t) · iL�DCDC,L

= iS,AVE + iS,DYN. (51)

The battery converter supplies the average component,

iS,AVE = KL(t) · IL,AVE

�DCDC,L, (52)

and the dynamic part is drawn from the capacitor,

iC = iS,DYN = KL(t) · iL,DYN

�DCDC,L. (53)

The battery current is obtained from (52) as

iB = KBAT (t) · iS,AVE

�DCDC,BAT= KBAT (t) · KL(t) · IL,AVE

�DCDC,BAT · �DCDC,L. (54)

iL(t) vL(t) +





tive hybrid topology.

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iL(t) vL(t) +



_vB(t) +_

rB iB(t)

vC(t) C+


rC iC(t)




















Fig. 16. Parallel a

The losses of the topology are given by


(KBAT (t)·KL(t) · IL,AVE



+ 12







. (55)

Since the capacitor is decoupled from the load, its value may beeduced to satisfy

L,MAX − vL,MIN >KL(t)






). (56)

.3.2. Capacitor series active hybridThis topology is an enhancement of the capacitor semi-active

ybrid, as shown in Fig. 15. It solves the disadvantages of batteryoltage reduction and matching by placing an additional DC–DConverter between the battery and the load. However, it againomes at the price of an extra full rating DC–DC converter and theeduced efficiency, since there are two conversion stages betweenhe ultracapacitor and the load. According to Fig. 15, the batterynd ultracapacitor voltages are

BAT = vL



UC = vL

KL(t) · KUC (t), (58)

espectively. The input current of the load converter may be againxpressed as (51). The average component is drawn from the bat-


B = iS,AVE = KL(t) · IL,AVE

�DCDC,L, (59)

nd the dynamic part is drawn from the ultracapacitor converter.ence, the ultracapacitor current may be expressed as

C = KUC (t) · iS,DYN

�DCDC,UC= KUC (t) · KL(t) · iL,DYN

�DCDC,UC · �DCDC,L. (60)

hybrid topology.

The losses of the topology are given by


(KL(t) · IL,AVE



+ 12



(KUC (t) · KL(t) · IL,n



. (61)

Since the capacitor is decoupled from both the load and thebattery, its value may be reduced to satisfy

vL,MAX − vL,MIN >KUC (t) · KL(t)






). (62)

4.3.3. Parallel active hybridThis topology is by far the optimal active hybrid. It solves the

disadvantages of ultracapacitor voltage variations and matching byplacing a DC–DC converter between the ultracapacitor and the load.It allows achieving a nearly constant current flow from the batteryas well as voltage mismatch between the battery and the load byplacing a DC–DC converter between the battery and the DC link.The topology, which combines the advantages of battery and ultra-capacitor semi-hybrids, is shown in Fig. 16. Although two DC–DCconverters are employed by the configuration, none is a full ratingconverter. The battery converter is rated according to the averageload demand and the ultracapacitor converter is rated accordingto the peak current iMAX

L,DYN and rms dynamic load current, given by(46).

According to Fig. 16, the battery and ultracapacitor voltages andcurrents are

vBAT = vL

KBAT (t), (63)


iB = KBAT (t) ·�DCDC,BAT

, (64)

vUC = vL

KUC (t)(65)


iC = KUC (t) · iL,DYN

�DCDC,UC, (66)

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espectively. The topology losses may be expressed as


(KBAT (t) · IL,AVE



+ 12



(KUC (t)




. (67)

The losses, expressed by (67) are the lowest among the threective hybrid configurations; hence the topology is the preferablenergy efficient arrangement.

. Conclusion

A review of battery–ultracapacitor hybrids for pulsed currentoads was presented in the manuscript. First, the characteristicsf such a load were explained and the main requirements wereointed out. Then, drawbacks of battery-only supply were pre-ented and the desired performance was set. Hybridization of aigh energy battery and a high power ultracapacitor was shown aspossible solution. Passive, semi-active and fully active hybridsere explained, while the semi and fully active sub-topologiesere presented. The design methodologies for each type of hybridere developed, and the trade-offs were explained. The passiveybrid is the most simple and cheap topology, compromising theerformance. On the other hand, the fully active hybrid attains theest performance, compromising the cost and simplicity. The semi-ctive hybrid might be a good trade-off between the performancend the circuit complexity and price.


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