battle chain core rules system

1 Battle Chain Core Rules System Generic 28mm Scale Fantasy Wargame Rules Written by Stephen Gilbert [email protected] Introduction: These rules stem from (what I see as) a need for a more comprehensive and workable rules system for fighting our miniature battles than currently exists. Whether we choose to play games set in Middle Earth, one of the many Dungeons & Dragons campaign worlds, design a home brew multi-verse or even re-create scenes from the Siege of Troy. These rules should be more than adequate for meeting the challenge. The original concept was borrowed from, STG`s (unwieldy) collectable miniatures game, cut and spliced, own rules added, extrapolated, altered and re-invented where necessary to create a usable and acceptable system that will work for almost any genre of game. I profess a liking for the Citadel range (by Games Workshop) for recreating Middle Earth themed encounters, and 25mm Dungeons & Dragons collectable miniatures (available from Wizards of the Coast) for conducting other generic fantasy battles though others will, of course, have their own preferences. Fantasy Flight Games, Mithril Miniatures, Celtos, etc all sell ranges of reasonably priced fantasy miniatures, which exist and are readily available for purchase at the time of writing. From time to time, I shall write rules supplements, - which will allow us to play things like: Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Xena etc etc. These rules require players to use six sided dice (D6) throughout, and owning multiples of these is advisable… the more the better. This game is intrinsically very simple to play and could probably have been made to fit onto a few dozen pages, but then many of the explanations needed to teach you the system would have been lost. However, once the principles here are learned, you will find the `meat` of the rules are actually extremely streamlined and user friendly. The only book keeping needed to enjoy the game is to create a stat list for each side before play begins. This list will mark the statistics for each miniature; movement, attacks, (& range if armed with a missile weapons), toughness, wounds and any special abilities (if any) the miniature possesses. All this will be explained in the rules as you read on, and will become self explanatory. Extensive and comprehensive army lists containing complete statistics for a myriad of miniatures are included at the back of the core rules, and within each supplement. Just one more thing to remember - You will hear the terms Hero and Minion mentioned a lot throughout the rules. Hero refers to personality types, leaders, officers, and any other special troops you designate to be non-minions throughout play.

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Page 1: Battle Chain Core Rules System


Battle Chain Core Rules System

Generic 28mm Scale Fantasy Wargame Rules

Written by Stephen Gilbert

[email protected]


These rules stem from (what I see as) a need for a more comprehensive and workable

rules system for fighting our miniature battles than currently exists. Whether we choose

to play games set in Middle Earth, one of the many Dungeons & Dragons campaign

worlds, design a home brew multi-verse or even re-create scenes from the Siege of Troy.

These rules should be more than adequate for meeting the challenge.

The original concept was borrowed from, STG`s (unwieldy) collectable miniatures game,

cut and spliced, own rules added, extrapolated, altered and re-invented where necessary

to create a usable and acceptable system that will work for almost any genre of game. I

profess a liking for the Citadel range (by Games Workshop) for recreating Middle Earth

themed encounters, and 25mm Dungeons & Dragons collectable miniatures (available

from Wizards of the Coast) for conducting other generic fantasy battles – though others

will, of course, have their own preferences. Fantasy Flight Games, Mithril Miniatures,

Celtos, etc all sell ranges of reasonably priced fantasy miniatures, which exist and are

readily available for purchase at the time of writing. From time to time, I shall write rules

supplements, - which will allow us to play things like: Star Wars, Buffy the Vampire

Slayer, Angel, Xena etc etc.

These rules require players to use six sided dice (D6) throughout, and owning multiples

of these is advisable… the more the better. This game is intrinsically very simple to play

and could probably have been made to fit onto a few dozen pages, but then many of the

explanations needed to teach you the system would have been lost. However, once the

principles here are learned, you will find the `meat` of the rules are actually extremely

streamlined and user friendly.

The only book keeping needed to enjoy the game is to create a stat list for each side

before play begins. This list will mark the statistics for each miniature; movement,

attacks, (& range if armed with a missile weapons), toughness, wounds and any special

abilities (if any) the miniature possesses. All this will be explained in the rules as you

read on, and will become self explanatory. Extensive and comprehensive army lists

containing complete statistics for a myriad of miniatures are included at the back of the

core rules, and within each supplement.

Just one more thing to remember - You will hear the terms Hero and Minion mentioned

a lot throughout the rules. Hero refers to personality types, leaders, officers, and any

other special troops you designate to be non-minions throughout play.

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If you intend to use the same miniatures as heroes over and over again during your

games, you might like to mark the base in some way so that you (and your opponent) will

be able to differentiate. I advise painting the Hero bases a darker shade of colour from

the minions… I use dark green.

Minion refers to the rank and file troops, ordinary miniatures and all non-hero types.

Paint the bases of Minions normally (I paint mine grass green), because the majority of

miniatures will fall into this category, making it only necessary for us to tell the Heroes

apart from the rest. Remember ~ if a model has more than 2 wounds – it is not actually a

minion but is classed as a hero/personality/powerful monster etc, and its base should be

painted differently to reflect this.

The Models and their Statistics:

Movement: usually 4 (squares) per move, but some minions and heroes such as Dwarves

and Hobbits have a movement of 3. Others such as elves may be as high as 5.

Exceptionally big or swift monsters and creatures may move faster.

Attacks: the majority of minions will have an attack value of 2. This means the model

will get to throw 2 dice when in combat. Some unfortunates, such as Moria Goblins, may

have an attack value as low as 1. Hero types tend usually to be more effective and their

abilities range from 1 all the way up to 10.

Shooting: similar to attacks, but applied only when projectile armed minions and heroes

are shooting. It will be shown in the stat lists as two numbers separated by a slash. The

first number is the amount of dice thrown when shooting, and the second number is the

range in squares the weapon may reach.

Toughness: this is simply the number an enemy needs to equal or exceed (using a D6) to

inflict damage. Toughness represents the model`s ability to withstand adversity.

Wounds: all minions start with 2 wounds, heroes are usually higher. When damage dice

inflict a wound on a model, that model’s wounds drop to reflect this. If the model is a

Hero type, place a marker beside the miniature or underneath the model’s base for each

wound received; minions are treated slightly differently (see below).

When a model’s wounds drop to 0, that piece is removed from the game. During shooting

and combat it is always the enemy who decides which of the opponent’s models are

damaged. Hero models that are not reduced to 0 by wounds have their status marked

appropriately, so everyone can see at the drop of a hat exactly which model is at full

strength and which is not. Minions who receive 2 damage dice are of course removed

from the game immediately.

Opponents who choose to assign dice to minions but who only cause a single wound (not

enough to remove a minion from the field) instead of using some kind of a wound marker

as you do with heroes, simply place a single dice (it is useful to make this a different

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colour from the rest) to one side of the table: keep the original number rolled (put it to

one side, showing the appropriate face to represent the carried over wound), and use the

number displayed to assign damage only to enemy models whose toughness can be

matched or beaten by that roll - at some later point in the game. This way; several

abstract dice could be in play and put to one side of the table at once - showing (for

example) a 2 and a 3, a 4 and a 5 and a 6…. but only one of each number should be in

play at any given time. Abstract wounds should be assigned as wounds/damage at the

earliest possibility. This abstract spare wound may be added to any other damage against

a minion (not a Hero) anywhere on the game board on this or any subsequent move

during the action phase.

For example, during a battle an Orc Minion receives 1 wound from a Hero in a combat

over on the left hand side of the board. Not enough to kill the Orc, so the wound is

carried over and put to one side as abstract damage, marked by a single dice. Later in the

same move (or another move if you like), an Archer shoots and inflicts a single wound on

a similar Orc minion on the other side of the board. The Archer’s shot has not caused

enough damage to remove the Orc outright, so he adds the carried over abstract wound

marked on the dice, which means he has now caused 2 wounds on the Orc - which is

enough to kill it outright. The Orc is removed from play, and the abstract wound dice is

removed as well. An abstract wound must be used (added to) damage the first opportunity

it can be used… which is why there is never more than one of each number placed at the

side of the board as an abstract wound at any given time.

It sounds complicated, but believe me, once you get the hang of it, it’s incredibly easy.

Keeping wounds abstracted like this with minions greatly speeds up play and reduces

book keeping. Only the hero types need be marked with wound counters during play, and

you will find this greatly enhances the game.


A move is divided into 6 phases.

Battles are played out in a series of phases. Once the sides have completed all six phases -

it is called a move. We then proceed to the second move and so on, repeating the steps as

we go.

The phases and their order of play in the game are:

1 Initiative Phase

2 Attacker’s Strategy Phase

3 Attacker’s Action Phase

4 Defender’s Strategy Phase

5 Defender’s Action Phase

6 Combat Phase

Initiative and Close Combat are italicised to show these are joint phases which both sides participate in.

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The Game Set Up & Initiative Phase:

Players each throw a dice (D6) and the highest scorer chooses whether to be the attacker

or defender for set up purposes. The defender chooses which map the battle will be

fought on, and which of the map edges he will defend from (the attacker takes the

opposite edge). Also, which map side is determined by the defender… if some of the

commercially existing ones, which are often printed on both sides, are being used.

The attacker must then set his army up within a pre agreed number of squares usually

three or four from the map edge* of the same edge he has been allocated to attack from.

The defender sets his army up after the attacker has deployed, and on the edge opposite

his opponent.

{* Set up may differ from game to game - depending on the scenario, and whether or not

house rules are being used to determine the initial dispositions of troops. However,

players must decide these factors themselves before play begins}.

On the first move of the game (only this move) the player who originally chose (or was

chosen) to be the attacker gets a free +2 to his Initiative dice roll: on the second move

that player gets +1 to his roll. This represents the initial advantage of carrying forward the


Starting from the third move, each player must roll a dice in the Initiative phase (but

with no further free bonuses for being the original attacker); the player rolling highest can

decide whether to be the attacker or the defender, continuing to play out the battle in a

series phases and moves. Repeat this process on each succeeding move.

Alternative (optional) set up rules:

Never forget, set up is only suggested here as an easy way of quickly determining a fair

and balanced game, but if you prefer another way – please don’t hesitate to use your own

method. I always maintain that players and friends who can’t agree on rules etiquette

shouldn’t be playing with one another in the first place; so although you will find me

constantly telling you throughout the rules, to use your own instincts and not to be afraid

of changing things to suit yourselves… this may not always be enough to defeat

argumentative attitudes occasionally encountered among fractious and rebellious

elements within the gaming community (you meet these types from time to time). If you

ever have the misfortune of having to deal with this ugly situation, it might be time to re-

consider your acquaintances a bit more closely. But I shall continue with the assumption

that you will be playing in good spirit.

Before every move of the game, the players must roll one dice each. The player who rolls

the highest may decide to be either the attacker (which means he will move/shoot first,

before his opponent); or the defender, which means he moves/shoots after the attacker

has completed his action phase. In the event of a tie, always re-roll the dice. The special

ability initiative may be used on any move to add a bonus to a player’s dice roll. This

special ability is stackable, which means it can be used cumulatively with other models

from the same side, allowing them to add their own initiative to the dice roll.

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Note on special abilities ~ As well as determining who will be the attacker and who will

get to defend for the move, some special abilities may only be activated during the

Attacker`s Strategy Phase (in the same way that some other special abilities only get to be

activated during other phases). The key to playing the game properly lies in knowing

how to use the special abilities and understanding exactly when (in the game move) they

become activated.

Attacker’s Strategy Phase

The attacker can activate some of his special abilities during this phase if he intends to

use these at all during the turn (see the special abilities list to see which phases they all

become activated in).

Attacker’s Action Phase

During the attacker’s action phase, each of his heroes and minions may perform 1 action

(unless a Special Ability says differently). Possible actions include:

Move: see the movement section below.

Shooting: see the shooting section below.

Using special abilities does not count as performing actions: rather, they compliment the

phases. More than one ability may be used by a figure, but an individual ability can only

be used once per move by each figure.

Note ~ a hero or a minion does not have to take an action if you don’t want it to.


Miniatures used in our games are listed extensively, and their movement allowance can

be found in the stat sheets. While it is assumed throughout the rules that you will be

employing squared maps to play your games on, there is absolutely no reason why you

shouldn’t use hexagonal tiled maps – or even dispense with using maps all together and

simply measure distances in inches.

The number of movement points, indicated on a figure’s stats, determines how far (in

squares) it can move in a phase. Movement can be in any direction, regardless which way

a figure is facing on the map, and may end the movement phase facing any of the four

square sides. The movement cost to enter a square depends on the colour of the line the

figure base has to cross to get there.

Clear (usually grey) 1

Rough (usually green) 2

Water (always blue) 3

Impassable (usually red) *N/A

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*Ledges: Ledges must be designated before play commences. A ledge may be a castle

wall, a vertical drop, the roof of a house etc. They are similar to solid red lines in that a

miniature can not cross them, and kill zones are blocked by them. Line of sight is blocked

(when firing up at a ledge) if it passes two squares beyond the ledge.

Ledges and Cover: shooting at a target behind a ledge requires a 6 to score a hit - not the

normal 5 or 6. This rule similarly applies for other forms of cover (on or behind crates

and boxes, walls, behind a hedge or tree, etc).

A figure directly below (adjacent to) a ledge square may only use ranged attacks on a

target above if the target is anywhere within the three front squares (facing the ledge) of

the enemy model’s base.

You can not cross a red (impassable) line, unless the rules for siege warfare are being

used. You are allowed to move through your own figures, but you can not move through

an enemy figure’s base. You may never end your movement phase in a square that

contains a figure (enemy or friend), similarly, a square designated as impassable.

If you move into an enemy kill zone (all the squares adjacent to an enemy model’s base),

you must stop moving with the figure that entered the kill zone, and no further movement

with that figure may be made for the rest of this game move: using a special ability like

fast strike or being targeted by an enemy using magical force are exceptions to this rule.

You may choose to disengage a model that starts the phase in an enemy kill zone by

moving away from that enemy, into a non adjoining square. But if you do so, the enemy

who’s figure base you disengaged from makes a free (full dice privilege) attack of

opportunity on the model moving away. This free attack is made immediately even

though it is out of phase. Assuming your model survives, it may then carry on moving

normally. A model that disengages from one enemy, but immediately enters the kill zone

of another must stop moving for the remainder of that action phase unless using sneak. A

model that disengages from multiple enemies is subject to a free attack from each. Add

up their attacks and make a single combat and damage roll.

Note ~ free attacks of opportunity are covered fully in the combat section.

Also please note ~ the actual facing of a miniature is not relevant to the game.


Instead of moving, a model with ranged attack ability may shoot. Check the miniatures

stats from the list to see if the model has ranged attack and what its ability is.

Example = 3/10

The first number tells you how many dice you roll to hit with your shoot attack. The

second number tells you how far (in squares) the model can shoot. Your model may only

shoot at a single target (unless using certain special abilities). Before you can shoot at an

enemy, you must check two things: range and line of sight. You may check both of these

before deciding to shoot at an enemy.

Range ~ to check range, count the number of squares between the shooting model and

the target, including the square the target occupies. If this number is greater than the one

listed on the ranged attack of your shooting model, you can not shoot at that target.

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Line Of Sight ~ if the target is in range, you must now check if the target is in the

shooting model’s line of sight. Remember, you can change the direction your shooting

model faces before you check. Line of sight is determined by drawing an imaginary

straight line to a target from the shooting model.

If the target is visible, you must now check to see if any impassable terrain blocks the

actual line of sight. Draw an imaginary line from any corner of the square the shooting

model is aiming from, and trace your shot to the target square. If that line passes through

any impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), the line of sight is blocked and

the enemy model is not an eligible target. In addition, if a model is out of sight (in a

square directly behind the blocking terrain), the shooter has to be able to see the corner

diagonally opposite the initial target square to get a clear shot. An enemy model is either

(a) not able to be seen… i.e. is not visible as an eligible target; or (b) is visible but in

cover and entitled to a +1 to hit bonus.

Elevated Terrain ~ If the shooting model is on elevated terrain, it gets one more

additional dice (+1), and other models that are not on elevated terrain do not block line of

sight (even if adjacent). Elevated terrain should be clearly marked and defined before

play begins. Some big miniatures are classed as Large and elevated terrain and

intervening models does not affect them in the same way. Elevated shooters also gain a

range bonus of 1 square for each level of elevation over the target square.

The Shooting (or To Hit) Roll ~ roll a number of dice equal to the number shown on the

shooting figure’s army list stat. Each roll of 5 or 6 scores a hit. Each score of 1 scores a

glancing blow. For every 2 glancing blows you score, you may convert one of those into

a 6.

The Damage Roll ~ for each hit you score, roll another die. These are called damage

dice. For each damage dice that is equal to (or greater) than the target’s toughness, that

model loses 1 wound. Each die roll of 1 scores a critical hit. For every 2 critical hits you

roll, you may convert one of these into a 6.

Note ~ you may not shoot at anyone engaged in combat… i.e. within a battle chain

(Spearman and Large models are an exception to this rule). Similarly, the shooter

can not use a ranged attack while within an enemy figure’s kill zone.

Defender’s Strategy Phase:

Certain special abilities (such as healing and magical force) are activated by the

defender for his own use or to affect an enemy during this phase.

Defender’s Action Phase:

Once the attacker has finished his strategy and action phase, and the defender has

completed his own strategy phase: the defender moves on to his action phase. The rules

for the defender’s action phase are the same as the attacker’s.

Combat Phase:

During the combat phase, all melees on the map are resolved. The attacking player for the

move decides which order the combats are resolved in. A combat is defined as a single

group of engaged figures that are all part of the same battle chain.

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A battle chain is created by drawing an imaginary line between each model’s kill zone,

going back and forward between friend and foe until the chain can not be continued

further. This must form a single contiguous link of kill zones, and all the dice for that

combat are thrown as one roll.

Models who are not part of this single battle chain must resolve their combat(s) in

separate battle chains – even friendly flankers who are involved in the same fight, but

who do not meet the above criteria, do not count as part of one continuous battle chain.

The Combat Roll ~ each player totals up the number of attacks on their engaged models,

then rolls that many dice. Each roll of 4, 5 or 6 scores a hit. Each roll of 1 scores a

glancing blow. For every 2 glancing blow rolled, you may convert one of these into a 6.

The Damage Roll ~ for each hit you score, roll a damage dice. Exactly the same as with

shooting, each 1 rolled scores a critical hit. For every 2 critical hit you roll, you may

convert one of these into a 6.

Assigning Damage ~ after throwing for all hits and damage, the attacker assigns all his

damage dice to enemy models (within the same battle chain). The player taking the

Defender’s Action Phase follows suit, makes his Combat and Damage Rolls, and then

assigns his own damage dice, after any losses sustained during the Attacker’s Combat


You may only assign damage to enemy models that are adjacent to any friendly models

within a battle chain (though damage can usually be assigned to any model anywhere

actually within the battle chain and which is adjacent to at least one of the opponent’s

miniatures), and only to enemy models whose toughness is lower or equal to the assigned

damage dice. In other words… for each successful damage dice (i.e. a dice equal or

higher than the target’s toughness) assigned to an enemy, that enemy model loses 1

wound. Models reduced to 0 wounds are removed from the map.

Any damage die that can not be assigned to an enemy model is ignored. The attacker

assigns damage dice to the defender and the defender assigns damage dice to the

attacker’s models.

After the first combat is resolved, the attacker chooses the next combat. Once all combats

have been resolved in this way, check for victory. If neither side has won, a new move


Free Attacks ~ some abilities and game situations (such as disengaging) grant free

attacks. The model making the free attack gets to make a combat roll and damage roll, as

it would in normal combat. The model can only assign damage dice to the enemy they are

making the free attack against. Multiple free attacks must form a single battle chain. This

form of attack is called an attack of opportunity.

Elevated Terrain ~ fighting on elevated terrain also provides an advantage during

combat. Each model on elevated terrain receives +1 dice for each and every enemy in its

kill zone that is on a lower terrain level than self (regardless of any situation where there

are enemies in it’s own kill zone, the +1 applies). Remember, kill zones include all

squares adjacent to a model.

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Determining Victory:

The first player, whose army is reduced to over % 50 of its original number of models,

loses the game. Determine victory conditions at the end of each move.

Using Special Abilities:

A model’s Special abilities are shown by name on the stat list. Activated abilities don’t

‘deactivate’ until the end of the move. A model may activate an ability once per move.

An exception to this rule is if borrowing an enemy‘s ability (by using steal essence) and

then activating the same ability again yourself, using a model possessing the duplicate



Battle Cry: This ability should be given to leader and charismatic hero types. Your

minions involved in this battle chain each get an additional dice (+1 attack dice) until the

end of the move (Battle Cry is cumulative with other friendly models possessing the

same ability). Activate when you are adding up the combat attacks for the model

possessing this ability.

Berserker: This ability works well when Berserker models are lumped together into

units of similar minions. Certain hero types (such as lone barbarians, dwarves, chaos

knights etc) might also fit the Berserker role. Each Berserker model gets +1 attack dice

for each enemy adjacent to it within the battle chain. Activate when you are adding up the

attacks for the model with this ability.

Spearman: The friendly figure in front (anywhere within the kill zone - adjacent to - the

spearman behind) gets +1 attack dice. Note ~ a spearman taking part in combat in this

way is not classed as part of the battle chain (unless it is adjacent to an enemy model) and

may not have damage assigned to it as a legitimate target. However, it can be fired upon

by shooters if it is not in the kill zone of any enemy models. Activate when you are

adding up the attacks for the model directly in front of this model. Please note that most

infantry armed with spear-like-weapons possess the ability spearman. However,

commoners armed with makeshift weapons, pitchforks, shovels etc do not.

Dirty Fighting: This special ability is subtly very powerful, and should only be given to

exceptionally fierce and scary hero types, and represents the influence these characters

have over the whole combat. 2’s you roll (for all dice within this battle chain) count as

glancing blows and critical hits as well as 1’s. Activate before you roll the dice for this

battle chain.

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Aggressive Strategy: This special ability should be given to exceptional leader types,

and represents strong instincts and quick initiative, which give them an edge and allows

These types to predict what to do in any given situation. You may re-roll any number of

your damage dice (throughout the whole battle chain). This ability is cumulative.

Activate after you make your damage roll for this battle chain.

Assassin: Until the end of the move, all glancing blows and critical hits are converted to

6s. Dice converted this way must attempt to be applied to enemy models within the

assassin model’s kill zone, but converted dice can be taken from across the whole battle

chain. Active when you assign damage to models in this model`s kill zone.

Fearless (LotR Deathless): An army with half it’s remaining figures consisting of

fearless/deathless models does not lose when it sustains %50 casualties. Victory does

not automatically go to the opposing side while (a) at least half the army comprises

fearless/deathless models; and (b) if the whole army is undead to start with – the %50

victory condition never applies to this side during the game. A fully undead army has to

be led by an undead leader – this reduces the army`s initiative by minus 1 (-1) for the

whole game.

Bodyguard: Your enemy may not assign damage dice to a figure next to the bodyguard

in this battle chain. The model possessing `bodyguard` can decide who he wants to

protect when he activates the ability (so long as the chosen model is in a square next to

the bodyguard). Other models with the bodyguard ability may, similarly, protect other

heroes or minions. Activate after your enemy rolls his damage dice for this combat, but

before he assigns damage.

Paralyze: This Hero inflicts 1 additional wound (+1 assigned damage) to enemies within

its kill zone during Close Combat for every ordinary (non paralyze) point of damage

assigned. If the model possessing Paralyze is a Minion, e.g. a ghoul, or Shade of

Dunharrow, etc, it can only have a single +1 per combat. Active when you assign damage

to models in this models kill zone.

Breathe Fire: Demon types, and Dragons can make ranged attacks using their natural

breath weapon. Similar to Arrow Flurry, except all the dice must be placed on a single

enemy model or/and those adjacent to the initial target. (Note ~Remember, if the breath

user is large, then the fire breather may target models behind other troops). Active in the

shooting phase.

Battle Awareness: A favoured special ability of players who love the idea of their

beloved Dwarves wading neck deep through their enemies, axes and hammers sweeping

left and right as they go. This model may ignore enemy kill zones, when moving, enough

to push forward one square (but must not at any time move into a square actually

containing an enemy model) and does not evoke attacks of opportunity while moving in

this way. Activate when the model moves in the action phase (even on the phase of initial


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Fast: Useful ability to give your scouts and `shooty` troops. This model gets double its

normal move (as long as it doesn’t shoot or move into an enemy zone of control on this

move). Activate before you move this model.

Fast Strike: This special ability is absolutely deadly when used properly. Provided the

model is not in an enemy‘s kill zone at the start of its action phase, this model may

interrupt its move at any time to get a single free attack (full dice) versus enemy models

in the kill zone it enters, and then continue moving (provided all enemy in its own kill

zone are removed as a result of the free combat). Activate during this model’s movement.

Magical Force: This one is real wizards` duel or mind manipulation stuff. You may

move any single enemy that this model has line of sight to (provided neither the target

nor the ability user starts in the kill zone of an enemy) using the target model’s full

movement ability (but not by using the special ability fast). This special ability has no

effect on models who occupy more than one square. Activate in either the attacker or

defender’s strategy phase.

Sneak: Spy types, insignificant beings that no one takes any notice of, vermin, ghosts,

spectral beings, wraiths, and Ring Bearers should use this one. This model ignores all

terrain while it moves, even terrain which would otherwise be considered impassable. It

may move through enemy models and is not subject to free attacks for leaving enemy kill

zones. It may not end its movement in an impassable square or a square that is occupied

by another model. Activate when you move this model.

Gaze Aattack: A single target model within range of the gaze attack remains frozen to

the spot, unable to move, shoot, use a special ability, or add any dice to combat for this

move (place a coin or similar token next to the piece to show the model is under the

influence of the gaze attack). If (a) the gazer loses line of sight with the target, (b) the

affected model takes damage in any way, or (c) another special ability is used on the

affected model, then the gaze attack is broken and the model can act again as normal.

Activated only during the Attacker’s Action Phase.

Fly: Winged/repulsion engine models may move over impassable terrain (including

enemy and friendly models), and alight in any legal square within the model`s flight

range. The fly allowance is usually displayed by a second number (in brackets) right after

the normal move amount. E.g. 6 (12). Where there is only one number shown, then flight

speed and normal speed are the same.

Crack Shot: This model may shoot before or after it moves (not in the middle). This in

effect means the model gets to move and shoot, both in the same move. Activate before

this model takes an action.

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Arrow Flurry: This ability was simply MADE for Legolas and elite hero types. The

model gets double its shots (X2 dice), and it may assign damage dice to any number of

enemy models within range and line of sight. Activate before you shoot with this model.

(Throw dice for this model’s shooting separately from other dice). Please note; the

special ability arrow flurry does not just apply to bow armed troops. When arrow

flurry is given to a wizard, or belongs to a rogue/thief type possessing a magic scroll etc,

imagine the flurry working a bit like the magic missile spell in the Dungeons & Dragons


Elite Shooter: Other friendly models in front of the shooter (up to 2 deep) do not block

line of sight for this model. In addition, targets may be chosen from anywhere amongst

the enemy ranks, not just at the front (a bit like the shooter is on elevated terrain, but

without the +1 dice). Activate before you shoot with this model.

Shot Caller: Choose an enemy that this model has line of sight to. Your minions each get

+1 dice if they target that enemy. Activate before you shoot with any of your minions.

Perfect Aim: When using this ability, immediately remove one dice from the total

(before throwing). The removed dice is an automatic hit and inflicts one wound. Turn the

dice to a 6 and return to the pile as though it were a converted critical hit. Active before


Dread: Typically, this ability belongs to anti-hero types and minions that cause fear and

horror in their enemies. No enemy next to a model using dread (or anywhere within the

same battle chain during that phase) may use a special ability. Activate whenever an

enemy attempts to spends action points.

Dread Immune: Totally counters the effects of dread for any friendly model either next

to the dread immune hero or anywhere within this combat chain. Activated when dread

itself would otherwise become activated.

Healing: One friendly hero or minion adjacent to this model gets +D6 wounds, up to its

maximum. This model may heal itself Activate in either the attacker or defender’s

strategy phase.

Initiative: This ability greatly increases your chances of controlling the pace of the

battle, especially as you can stack the ability with other models to get an even bigger

advantage. You get +1 to your initiative roll each move. This ability is cumulative with

other friendly models possessing the same ability. Activate before the initiative roll.

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Ward: Throw a die to see if the chosen ability takes effect this move: if the roll is 1, 2,

or 3, the special ability fails to take effect. If the roll is 4, 5, or 6, then the ward ability is

successful. Activate after an enemy model activates a special ability (regardless which

phase) either in this model’s combat or within line of sight. Ward cancels the effects of

that ability; but can not be used to cancel another ward. Ward can only be used once a

move per user.

Steal Essence: This model gets to use the ability of any enemy hero or minion (on the

map). Provided - using a D6 to make the attempt - a 5, 6 can be rolled. The ability may

not be used to steal ranged attack abilities if the model using steal essence does not

naturally possess statistics for ranged attack. Neither can the ability be used while within

an enemy model’s kill zone. Activate whenever you would use the copied ability

(provided the stolen ability is used in the correct phase that it normally would be

activated in).

Dire: Monsters and creatures with dire are exceptionally fierce and no enemy minion in

a square adjacent to a dire model can add more than 1 dice to a battle chain, unless there

is a hero type model within that battle chain. Active when the adjacent models add their

dice during combat.

Large: Large models have several benefits:

Non-large models do not block their line of sight.

They can shoot even while in a non-large enemy kill zone.

They do not have to stop when entering a non-large enemy kill zone, and are not subject

to free attacks for leaving kill zones.

They may convert every glancing blow and/or critical hit each turn (that means every

dice within the combat chain the large creature is involved in).

They block the line of sight of models on elevated terrain.

Large models have a few drawbacks:

When shooting at a large model, non-large models do not block line of sight.

They do not get the bonus for being on elevated terrain.

When moving a large model, it can squeeze through small openings and gaps (such as

single square doorways, down narrow halls and passages etc) at normal terrain cost,

provided they end their movement in an area they can normally occupy. Large models

can not squeeze past enemy models if any of their base squares enters an enemy one.

They pay the highest terrain cost for moving over low objects and through difficult

terrain if any part of their space moves into a square containing the obstruction.

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Extended Reach: This model may make a free attack (full dice privilege) on a single

enemy up to 2 squares away, even if another non large friend or foe stands in the way.

Active instead of this model`s action phase (note ~ this ability is not instead of the

combat phase).

Regeneration: When using this special ability on any given move, roll a D6 for each

wound the model has lost in the game so far. For each roll of 4+ the troll recovers 1

wound. Active instead of this model`s action phase (note ~ the combat phase is not


Hero: A model possessing hero must be assigned 2 damage dice for each actual point of

damage received. Active just before damage is assigned to a model. Note ~ Dread and

Ward can’t cancel the effects of this ability.

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Valhalla The Battle of All Time

Where to begin? My story is long ago, and I may not live to tell it again: so remember the words that I set forth in

these journals, so that they may guide you in your journey.

My name first, and my original origins. I am Thormun. Valhalla is my homeland, though I do not recognize the

regions that I now dare to visit. My people, the Kyrie, lived peacefully here for thousands of years under the rule

of our Archkyries. Then the wellsprings were found, and everything changed.

Ah, the mysterious wellsprings. Sixty-some years ago I discovered the first one quite by accident in that

treacherous marshy and loch land area - quite aptly named, The Tarn of Volsunga. When I drank its water I

became stronger in body and mind: my wings grew to a wondrous size: I gained mystical powers: and to my

astonishment, I stopped aging. Yet if I did not drink from the wellspring often, the powers faded.

I lived quite happily in this way for a time… except for the visions. You see, along with the powers came strange

visions of armies at war on bleak, unknown battlegrounds. Their images were so terrifying, and I lived I fear of them:

yet I still drank the water.

I was not surprised to hear that other wellsprings had been found. Other Kyrie drank from them, gained powers

from them, and saw visions. They became a super-species: they named themselves Valkyrie, and they seized

control of the wellsprings. Inevitably, there began a violent struggle over the precious waters. I fled before they

could find me, for I was alone and I did not want war. My powers soon vanished, and the visions along with them.

As for the visions of the Valkyrie – they became a horrifying reality. The Valkyrie discovered that the images in

those visions were of great heroes, warriors and creatures from other worlds, other eras, and other realities. They

devised ways to beckon them to Valhalla and gather them into powerful armies to fight for their side. Lush valleys

and hillsides became military strongholds. Majestic mountains became vantage points for deadly attacks on those

below. Armies marched, fought, claimed victory or were defeated, all for the wellsprings.

Now both the evil Valkyrie and the fair Kyrie are caught in a deadly war: each calling warriors from afar to fight in

their bloody struggle. So powerful have they now become, they say that even the slain can be resurrected to live

and fight again.

Alas, Valhalla, my once serene homeland, has now become a war torn and desolate ruin.

They are calling this age of war The Rise of the Valkyrie.

I travel the land in secret, carrying little more than my journals and my heavy burden of guilt. For it all began with my

innocent discovery. I record all that I witness or hear; a record for those who will come after me… indeed, if any do.


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HeroScape Supplement (Master Set & Expansions)

Movement – HeroScape uses Hexes (not squares) and also utilizes a three dimensional

playing area.

Moving Up – When you move up to a higher level, count the sides of each higher level

as one space. If your figure can’t move enough spaces to reach the top of a ledge, then it

can’t move there.

Note: Glyphs and water spaces do not add height to any spaces on which they’re placed.

Moving Down – When you move to a lower level, you don’t need to count sides on the

way down, but there may be a penalty for moving to a much lower level (see falling).

Falling – When a figure moves down to a much lower level, it may get wounded (this

rule does not apply if a figure drops onto a water space). A fall is defined as follows.

If the drop is equal to or more than the figure’s height, you must roll 1 die after moving to

see if it was wounded. Major fall: if the drop is 10 levels or more then you must roll an

additional die (for a total of two dice).

Each 4, 5, or 6 you roll, inflicts one automatic wound on the figure.

Moving large base figures – A figure can only enter a higher/lower level of terrain if its

entire base can fit onto the hexes on the new level. If the terrain has insufficient hexes to

accommodate the base, or the figure does not have enough movement points to enter the

new terrain, it can not move there.

Tight Quarters – Some battlefields have narrow passageways, ruins, and overhangs that

may limit the movement of some figures. A figure can`t move through or into a space

that it can’t fit completely onto.

Engagement Rules – Close Combat can not occur between adjacent figures that are

separated by a height which is equal to or more than the height of the lowest figure.

Line of Sight – Check line of sight exactly the same way you would on a two

dimensional playing area. You might find using a ruler (or long stick) handy for

determining awkward lines of sight; in which case you can simply hold the ruler

horizontally level between the two points of reference, and read the results by looking

directly below the ruler to get an accurate LOS fix.

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Height/elevation rules in HeroScape - Each level above the first (i.e. ground level)

creates a 2 hex blind spot when shooting beyond the target space from a higher level.

Every 2 levels the shooter achieves above the target hex reduces the blind spot by 1 hex.

However, this ruling only applies to open space hexes i.e. not trees, buildings, ruins,

icebergs, bridge, or any other obvious cover hexes.

This simple rule also applies to line of sight.

Terrain Types

Grey hexes represent rough terrain and costs 2 movement points to enter.

Blue hexes are of course water, and cost 3 movement points to enter.

Sand coloured hexes represent dry sandy beach, desert, or gravely areas, and costs 2

movement points to enter. Water hexes which have sand coloured hexes next to at least

part of a chain of water hexes only costs 2 movement points to enter, but miniatures may

not drop from higher ground into the water without potentially taking damage (just like

with normal terrain hexes).

Green hexes represent grass and costs 1 movement point to enter.

Volcanic hexes are treated as rough terrain and costs 2 movement points to enter…

however, any warrior who falls equal to or more than its height onto a volcanic hex is

immediately removed as a casualty.

Lava hexes cost 2 movement points to enter, though this type of terrain is an extremely

dangerous place to tarry. Any model (except a Balrog or Fire Dragon) which ends its

move in such a hex must throw a D6 at the beginning of the owning player’s next

strategy phase; if the roll is 1 or 2, the model loses 1 damage point. If the roll is 2 or 3,

the model loses 2 damage points. If the roll is 4, the model loses 3 damage points. If the

roll is 5 or 6, the model is unharmed this move.

Snow hexes slow all movement to a crawl. Movement costs 3 movement points to enter.

A fall into a snow hex never harms the falling model however far the fall.

Ice hexes reduces movement, and costs 2 movement points per hex (3 if its a four legged

animal or creature). In addition, no miniature can use the special abilities Fast, Fast

Strike, or Sneak whilst on ice hexes.

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Too few Movement Points to enter a hex – Warriors who possess too few movement

points to be able to enter a hex may not move to that space.

HeroScape Glyphs

Permanent Glyphs: The power of each glyph is given as long as a figure is standing on

it. Exception: the two glyphs of Brandar are artifacts, which represents objects as

directed by the specific scenario.

Glyph of Astrid - (+1 Attack Dice). Each of your figures on the battlefield rolls one

extra attack dice as long as a friendly figure remains on this glyph hex.

Glyph of Gerda – (+1 Toughness up to a maximum toughness of six). Each of your

figures adds one point to its toughness as long as a friendly figure remains on this glyph


Glyph of Ivor – (range +4). If a friendly figure is standing on this glyph hex, one figure

on that player`s side may shoot double its normal range during the Action Phase.

Glyph of Valda – (move +2). As long as a friendly figure remains on the glyph hex, each

of your figures may add 2 to their movement allowance for the move.

Glyph of Dagmar – (Initiative +1). As long as a friendly figure starts the move on this

glyph, that player gets plus one to his initiative throws each move.

Glyph of Brandar – (Artifact). The rules for these two glyphs vary depending on the

scenario being played.

Glyph of Lodin – any time you have a figure standing on this glyph, you may re-throw

any (to hit) shooting or Close Combat damage chain roll within sight of the figure

standing on the glyph. Active once per move during the Action Phase.

Glyph of Jalgard - any time you have a figure standing on this glyph, and for as long as

that figure stands there, all the figures in your army gain an extra toughness.

Temporary Glyphs: The power of each temporary glyph effects only once. When one of

your figures moves onto any of these glyphs, follow the rules then remove the piece form

the game.

Glyph of Kelda - (Healing). A figure moving onto this glyph recovers all its wounds up

to its full starting total.

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Glyph of Erland – (Summoning). When one of your figures stops here, you may

`summon` one other figure (yours or your opponents) by moving it to a space adjacent to

the figure on the glyph. The summoned figure does not suffer any free attacks of

opportunity for leaving an enemy kill zone. If there is no empty adjacent space you

obviously can not use the summon power.

Glyph of Mitonsoul – (Massive Curse). If you have a friendly figure standing on this

glyph at the beginning of the Initiative Phase, for each and every figure on the battlefield

(yours and your opponent’s) roll a 2D6. If you roll 2 or 12 the figure is destroyed. If you

roll 3 through 11 the figure is safe.

Glyph of Sturla – One time only, roll a D6 for each figure so far destroyed in this battle

(yours or the enemy). If you roll 1 to 5, nothing happens. If the roll is a 6, place the

destroyed figure at the edge of the map (in a starting zone) with full stats. Active during

the Action Phase.

Mimring surveys the battle: secure atop his domain.

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New Heroes, Minions, & Special Abilities for HeroScape:

Deathwalker 9000

Deadly! ` That is how one would describe this sentient machine. It is not clear how

intelligent it is, but one thing is certain: it is a deadly adversary. The Soulborgs are a

strange mixture of metal and reason. Whether that reason is an artificial intelligence or

an actual biological one, no one from Valhalla seems to know.

The Deathwalker 9000 is just slightly less dangerous than his big brother, and a little

more vulnerable. Any hit that gets through his shields will neutralize him. However, his

ability to rapid fire, sometimes hitting multiple targets, makes him plenty dangerous


Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 5(15/8*) 6 4

Explosive Attack, Range Enhancement.

Explosive Attack* – This special ability allows Deathwalker 9000 to place an explosive

shell anywhere that is visible (to the owning model) up to 8 squares away. Simply place

the shell in the desired legal square and declare that is the intended target. However, line

of sight is blocked by models, impassible obstacles (not low wall, hedges, boxes, crates,

barrels etc) and around corners. If Deathwalker 9000 has a height advantage or is

standing on a low obstacle… shells may be tossed over enemy models heads and may

target squares provided (a) the enemy is not large or (b) the target square is not directly

behind an obstacle.

Once placed, throw a D6 for the shell. If the roll is 1, 2, or 3 it goes off as planned, and

models within the target square and each adjacent one around it sustain a pooled total of

15 Attack Dice. Throw for hits and assign damage as normal. Any friendly models falling

within the shell zone’s nine surrounding squares must also sustain a single automatic

point of damage per model (this in no way affects Deathwalker 9000`s 15 Attack Dice).

A throw of 4, 5 or 6 means the shell bounces away and goes off harmlessly.

Range Enhancement – Any Soulborg or Zettian Guards adjacent to Deathwalker gains

+2 to its range when shooting.


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Deathwalker 800 Soulborgs from Alpha Prime: fight for Vyder.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 6(6/10) 6 3

Midi-Gun (count as Arrow Flurry).


Deathwalker 7000

This tricky Soulborg is what one would refer to as a walking bomb, designed to infiltrate

an enemy army and obliterate them from the inside. Many a foe has been caught flat-

footed with a Deathwalker 7000 in their midst. The result is not pretty. The Deathwalker

uses its speed to get right into the middle of opposing forces. It then simply blows up,

wounding all surrounding foes and causing many fatalities.

The other ability that makes this tin can so dangerous is its resistance to ranged attacks).

It also has the uncanny ability to simply dodge many missile attacks (which is why

Deathwalker 7000`s toughness is so high). This is enough to make even an arrogant Elf

like Syvarris cringe.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 3 6 2

Self Destruct.

Self Destruct – Any time during the action phase even after moving, Deathwalker 7000

may choose to self destruct. Each and every legal* target friend or foe (* i.e. not

protected by any cover, out of sight, or otherwise impossible to hit… note - other

miniatures do not count as cover) within 3 hexes receives 2 automatic wounds.

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Zettian Guards

Though these fairly small, robot-like Soulborgs travel slowly and only in pairs, they are

not easy targets. Their thick, full-body armour is tough to penetrate, so they often keep

advancing despite a barrage of enemy fire. But this defensive edge has its price: the

weighty armour slows the Zettians down and affects their aim. To make up for this, they

tend to target a single enemy and attack it in quick succession with their laser-powered

weapons. An enemy that survives the attack and can find the weakness in their armour

has a good chance of defeating a Zettian Guard.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

3 3 (2/7) 5 2

Zettian Targeting.

Zettian Targeting – A second Zettian Guard who shoots at the same enemy as the first

gains 2 attack dice (+2 dice). Every 2nd, 4th, 6th etc Zettian shooter gains this advantage);

as first one shoots, then a colleague uses the initial shot as a targeting program to enhance

its own aim.


Major X17

Major X17 earned its reputation in the Soulborg fighting pits as a gladiator of renowned ability. It was

granted a command position in the Soulborg battlefield forces, and later went on to earn the rank of Major.

Like its Gladiatron counterparts, Major X17 uses a Cyberclaw to lock down its victims. With its immense

size, it can lock down even larger opponents.

After years of refinement and expert programming, the defence mechanisms of this disciplined gladiator

are rivalled by few others. It is well known that any warrior foolish enough to engage Major X17 in hand-

to-hand combat is likely asking for certain defeat.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 6 5 5


Cyberclaw – adjacent enemies may not break away from Major X17. Not even those

possessing Sneak.

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Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 3 5 2

Disengage (same as Sneak), Agile.

Agile – Deathreavers never take fall damage (except onto volcanic hexes – in which case

check for damage as normal), and may spring 8 hexes upwards into adjacent spaces at no

additional cost in Movement Points beyond the normal cost of moving into a space.


Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 4 6 2

Maul (same as Berserker).

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Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 4 (2/10) 4 2

Fast, Shot Caller.



Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4 4 2

Cyberclaw (like Major X17, adjacent enemies may not break away from Gladiatrons.

Not even those possessing Sneak).



Who would suspect that a creature of his size could ambush even the most wary of warriors? Yet Mimring

is notorious for such attacks. This fire-breathing behemoth can swoop down undetected and, within

seconds, incinerate tight knit groups of enemy warriors. In this war of horrific battlefield events, Mimring's

Fire Attack is absolutely the most terrifying of all.

Mimring is no slack-jawed, mindless minion; he has a keen intelligence, and can communicate with

surprising eloquence when it serves him. But these powers are squandered on a life devoted solely to

stalking, burning and brutalizing. In Mimring, there is a chilling lack of morality and remorse. His only

allegiance is to Utgar, his only goal to forge an ever-widening swath of destruction.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

(8) 5(8/10) 6 7

Fly, Breathe Fire, Extended Reach, Large.

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Exiled from the primitive world of Grut, Grimnak is an orc warrior of the most menacing

kind. He thunders onto the battlefield atop his ferocious T-Rex, raising his spear and pole

axe triumphantly and daring his foes to outrun him or to take cover. Enemies who cannot

do so may very likely meet either of two gruesome fates. Those who manage to evade the

vicious jabbing of Grimnak`s spears may face the T-Rex`s deadly chomp. Many a warrior

has been swallowed whole or munched a morsel at a time – by the barbarous beast, while

their comrades could only look on in terror and revulsion.

Grimnak`s fellow orc warriors are wise to travel with him when they can: during battle

they are well protected by Grimnak and the T-Rex, and with the added security and

confidence comes increased attack power. It is rumoured that Grimnak has a half brother

who rides the female mate of his own T-Rex mount (Custom made figure).

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

8 8 5 5

Chomp, Battle Cry, Large.

Chomp – Before conducting any combat rolls within this damage chain, choose a single non

large figure adjacent to the model using chomp. If the target is a minion it is killed and removed

from play. If the target is a hero figure, roll a D6 – if you roll a 6 the chosen hero is destroyed and

removed from the game. Activated just prior to conducting the combat phase.

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Izumi Samurai

These fight for the Archkyrie Einar,

though fierce rivalry between fighting orders is common.

Inscrutable, unpredictable and dangerous: there are no better words to describe the

Izumi Samurai warriors. This precision-trained squad puts honour and ethics above all

virtues; yet they are highly secretive, and will shift their allegiance if the cause inspires


Any warrior brave enough to attack an Izumi Samurai must plan carefully and make no

mistakes. The Izumi are artful masters of the riposte: the lightning-quick, deadly-

accurate counterstrike.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 4 4 2

Counter Strike.

Counter Strike – When a figure possessing counter strike is on the receiving end of (and

survives) an enemy close combat, any dice which fail to hit on the Combat Roll are re-

rolled (by the counter strike side) by the defender against the enemy within that battle

chain. This ability is stackable. Activated when an enemy is making his Combat Roll



Shaolin Monks

These fight for the Archkyrie Ullar,

though fierce rivalry between these and other fighting orders is common.

Originally trained to defend their Temples, the Shaolin Monks became one of the most

deadly and feared fighting orders. Their legendary skills are based upon the movements

of 5 animals (Tiger, Crane, Dragon, Snake and Leopard) and the properties of the 5

elements (Wood, Fire, Gold, Water and Earth).

Centuries of refinement of their fighting art make the Shaolin Monks one of the most

dangerous opponents on the battlefield. They can attack all of their enemies who are

adjacent to them, delivering lethal strikes simultaneously. Their ability to leap into and

out of engagements and over obstacles makes the Monks a necessary choice for almost

any battle.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 3 4 2

Sneak, Berserker, Fast Strike.


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Kozuke & Tagawa Samurai

These fight for the Archkyrie Einar,

though fierce rivalry between these and other fighting orders is common.

Even though their reputations as formidable assassins preceded their arrival in Valhalla,

the Tagawa Samurai have proven to be even faster, more ferocious and deadly than their

adversaries expected. These disciplined warriors believe that their victims' spirits

deserve the highest honour and are united with their own, adding to their collective

strength. In addition to this honoured code of offence, the Tagawa & Kozuke, (unlike

their Izumi brothers, who are artful masters of the riposte - the lightning-quick, deadly-

accurate counterstrike) have perfected the art of striking first. The Tagawa Samurai go

into battle expecting death; ironically, it is this very mindset that has been the heart of

the Samurai code for centuries and which has allowed them many victories.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 5 4 2

Fast Strike X2.


Ninja of the North Wind

These fight for the Archkyrie Einar,

though fierce rivalry between these and other fighting orders is common.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 3 5 2

Wild Wind (use Sneak), Acrobatics (may not be targeted by any ranged attacks).

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(custom model)

Like his half brother, Grishi is a fierce and dangerous adversary to meet face to face in

battle. Not only because he wields similar weapons to Grimnak (long spear and pole axe,

traditional weapons for thrusting and slashing at the enemy when riding on a trained

dinosaur), but also his mount is every bit as deadly as his brother’s terrible beast. Grishi

is not a true leader… yet! But he is ambitious, and although he loves and respects his half

brother, he is also keen to prove himself, and would no doubt leap to seize Grimnak`s

leadership if the right opportunity ever arose.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

7 5 5 5

Chomp, Large.

Chomp – Before conducting any combat rolls within this damage chain, choose a single

non large figure adjacent to the model using chomp. If the target is a minion it is killed

and removed from play. If the target is a hero figure, roll a D6 – if you roll a 6 the chosen

hero is destroyed and removed from the game. Activated just prior to conducting the

combat phase.

The Marro Hive

Marro Warriors

Steely skeletal frames distinguish these savage predators. Mind-shackled by Ne-Gok-Sa,

Marro Warriors have no will of their own. On the battlefield they are unpredictable,

wild, and intimidating: they advance quickly with single-minded intent, firing furiously

from long distance with their plasma blasters as they move forward like a silent wave.

Perhaps the most powerful weapon in the Marros` arsenal is their eerie ability to clone

themselves. Standing quite still for several moments/minutes, they divide in half to

become separate and fully functioning selves. The Marro clone most easily in water, but

they have been known to be able to do so anywhere.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 2(2/10) 4 2

Water Clone.

Water Clone – roll a die once (in total) per move for the Marro Warriors during the

Attacker/Defender Strategy Phase. If the roll is a 5, or 6: a previously removed Marro

may be re-placed adjacent to a Marro Warrior already in play provided the replaced

model is positioned either on or adjacent to a legally available water hex. A 6 will

replace a marro warrior spawned from a non water hex.


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The viciousness of Ne-Gok-Sa could only be matched by one soulless warlord, Me-Burq-

Sa. This leader commands attention as he rides into battle on top of this Marro horse

whose skeletal body brings grimace to even the toughest soldiers in battle. Me-Burq-Sa

carries a powerful plasma blaster at his side, although with his presence and daunting

stare, he almost has no need for it. His stare is so powerful that sometimes his enemies

cannot even muster the strength to defend themselves against his relentless attack.

As with all Marro creatures Me-Burq-Sa is unpredictable on the battlefield, the only way

to know his next move is to understand his bloodthirsty drive and undeniable need for

power. He charges into battles at an earth shattering pace, unstoppable by most


Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 6(3/8) 4 4

Fast, Gaze.

Marro Drones

Within the Marro Hive, drones are the lowest breed, nearly mindless but with great

savagery. Capable of little independent thought, the drones respond to the commands of

higher Marro to move and fight. They are not trusted with advanced weaponry but are

given the most primal of slicing weapons. At times they respond to the neural commands

of their superiors and fight as a coherent unit. Many times only part of the drone squad

responds while the rest stand by, unaware of anything

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 2 3 2

Hive Swarm Stupidity.

Hive Swarm Stupidity – roll a D6 before attempting to move each Marro Drone. If the

result is a 1, or 2 the piece rolled for may not conduct its normal movement this action

phase and instead stands about looking stupid – but may engage in combat as normal, if


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Marriden Hounds

Wild and diseased, these large skeletal hunters look horrid. They hunt in a wild pack, and their

movement can range from slow and deliberate, to fast and ferocious if they detect your scent. On

Marr, they were and still are used as the first assault troops for the Marro Army.

Even scarier is their ability to inflict all living things with the deadly Marro Plague. Just being

near them can be enough to cause instant damage.

Only Soulborgs and other Wulsinu are immune to this plague. Ne-Gok-Sa especially likes the

Marrden Hounds; he often travels with a pack of them.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

3 2 5 2

Fast, Marro Plague.

Marro Plague – during close combat each Marriden Hound throws D6`s and count all

throws which result in 4, 5, or 6 as automatic hits and wounds… i.e. every 4+ rolled

represents a point of damage irregardless of target toughness, and there is no need to

throw these dice again to check for damage.



This Marro Hivelord`s command of the battlefield is supreme. His mere presence on the field

inspires even mindless Marro drones to become bolder and more effective. Mounted on his

skeletal dragon, Su-Bak-Na can survey his surroundings in an instant and fly to wherever his

daunting presence is required. There is no way to understand this Marro`s devious behavior.

He may be inclined to stand back and control the field from the rear, or swoop into battle,

obliterating all that stand in his way.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

(8) 7 4 5

Fly, Initiative +2. Large.

Initiative +2 – exactly as it says. Su-Bak-Na may use his special ability to add 2 to the

initiative die roll.

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It is little wonder that the most vicious warlord from the planet Marro aligned himself

with Utgar, the most vicious Valkyrie General. Bloodthirsty, brutal, and single-mindedly

obsessed in his quest for power, Ne-Gok-Sa is never unprepared for battle; his head,

arms and shoulders are implanted with permanent armour, and his right hand is techno-

bionically forged into a lethal weapon.

But Ne-Gok-Sa's most fearsome power is invisible, insidious, and impossible to resist: it

is the power of mind control. With this extraordinary gift that is wasted on wickedness,

Ne-Gok-Sa enslaves the minds of followers and foes alike. Though the strange chittering

of his native language is foreign to Valhallans, Ne-Gok-Sa gives orders telepathically, in

the native tongues of his captors.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4 5 4

Mind Shackle (replace with Magical Force).



Syvarris hails from the forest planet of Feylund, where he was the finest archer in its

recorded history. He poses a formidable threat to Utgar`s foes, though he may be his own

worst enemy as well.

Ullar`s welcomeing gift to Syvarris was the enchanted Bow of Ullar, with its remarkable

range and unlimited supply of arrows. To the power of this magical bow, Syvarris adds

his own dead-on accuracy to pick off enemies with alarming speed. Yet for all of his

mastery, Syvarris has an Achilles Heel: he must struggle against arrogance, recklessness,

and a dangerous tendency to compromise his safety while showing off for his fellow


Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 4(6/14) 5 4

Double Attack (replace with Arrow Flurry).


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Warriors of Ashra

Elves from Feylund: these fight for Ullar

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 5 4 2

Hero, Fast Strike.



Elves from Feylund: these fight for Ullar

From the heart of the great forest of Feylund come the Aubrien Archers. Only young

elves who pass the four tests of the Queen are allowed to join the Aubrien squad. Of those

who are admitted, only 10% finish. Those who are left show a skill with the bow that is

feared across Feylund, and now, even beyond.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 2(4/12) 5 2

Crack Shot.


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An Elf from Feylund who fights for Ullar

The ninth generation Banisher in his family, Morsbane wields the Rod of Negation in the

service to his queen. Enemies are brought low, the powerful become powerless, and the

mighty become meek. In some cases, the Rod is powerful enough to negate a being's very


Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4(5/10) 5 5

Hero, Arrow Flurry, Healing.



Only Feylund's mighiest warriors survived her deadly stare. She was last seen over twenty years

ago, when Khosumet the Darklord and Marhana, a mighty female Elf Banisher, formed an

unlikely alliance to exile Sudema from Feylund. Khosumet later turned on Marhana during the

battle but she lived long enough to leave Sudema weak and powerless. Marhana's only son,

Morsbane, continued her quest for peace until he was eventually betrayed and slain in Feylund.

Sudema was not heard from against until now. Her arrival casts a dark cloud over Valhalla and

marks a new beginning for Vydar and his forces. Her powers are now stronger than ever and no

one will stand in her way for vengeance against Marhana's son.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4(8/10) 5 5

Steal Essence, Arrow Flurry, Magical Force, Regeneration.

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Born in blood and raised on war, the vicious battle leader of the Dreadguls was rescued and

brought to Valhalla by Einar to serve in his quest for control of the wellsprings. On Earth,

Valguard fought alongside his father Ulrick, raiding and pillaging with the terrifying Dreadguls.

When Finn's castle was under siege, his brother Thorgrim challenged Valguard in single combat.

Thorgrim found Valguard to be too fierce of an opponent, and it was only when a tumbling

boulder pinned and crushed Valguard's shield arm that Thorgrim could escape. Einar

transported the injured warlord to Valhalla, and Ulrick, thinking his son dead, began his

campaign to eradicate the Tarn Vikings and their leaders, Thorgrim and Finn.

It was on Valhalla that Valguard had the alien lizard arm magically attached by Durnipia, to

replace his lost arm. The arm gives Valguard superhuman stamina and a lust for blood in battle.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 7 6 5


Tarn Viking Warriors

These hardy warriors from the ice regions of Earth adopted well to the physical stress of

Valhalla`s rugged environment. Tarn Warriors can travel quickly despite their heavy helmets,

weapons, and armour. A primitive lot, they are prone to infighting, gambling, and a host of

superstitious activities.

On Earth, the Tarn squad served Thorgrim. After Jandar rescued them, these elite warriors were

the only survivors to defend the Viking castle. Greatly outnumbered, they fled to the woods of

Korland, where Thorgrim`s enemies (Ulrick and his Dreadguls) hunted them down. Jandar

returned for the Tarn Vikings, sparing them from certain slaughter at the hands of the

bloodthirsty Ulrick.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 3 5 2

Berserker Charge.

Berserker Charge – on the roll of 5 or 6 (on any given move using a D6) the TarnViking

Warriors may use the special ability Fast X2 (i.e. twice).

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Thorgrim Viking Champion

Not so aggressive as his brother Finn, Thorgrim is more thoughtful, almost a poet-

warrior. He has a keen eye for an opponent's weaknesses and a penchant for

perfectionism, always adjusting his warband, closing gaps, realigning his forces.

Thorgrim's loyal followers have come to trust his instincts as a natural tactician.

Like his brother Finn, Thorgrim received an enchanted weapon from his benefactor,

Jandar: the Shield of Gerda. With this shield, Thorgrim is able to project a force field

that mentally protects both himself and all who battle beside him from the effects of

dread, and instils a deep sense of confidence when in their leader’s presence.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 5 6 4

Thorgrim`s Aura – (replace with battle cry and dread immune).

Finn the Viking

Bold, brash, commanding Finn, brother of Thorgrim, is well respected as a spirited

warrior and an inspiring leader. When Jandar rescued Finn from the Dreadguls and

brought him to Valhalla, he gave him the indestructible Sword of Guether. Drawing

power from this wondrous weapon, friendly forces fighting beside Finn increase their

strength several-fold.

Finn's swordsmanship is solid, but not supreme. It is his sheer fearlessness and denial of

death that binds and motivates his followers. So transcending is Finn's charisma that if

he perishes, it is rumoured that his spirit will live on inside of them, inspiring him to fight

with even greater ferocity.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4 5 4

Finns Aura.

Finn`s Aura – (replace with battle cry) Even if Finn is killed in battle, Tarn Viking

Warriors retain `battle cry` for the duration of the game.


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Raelin the Kyrie Warrior

Raelin the Protector, Raelin the Kindhearted, Raelin the Valorous; this beautiful, benevolent

Valkyrie is called many such names by her loyal followers. A native of Valhalla, Raelin enjoyed a

carefree and adventurous youth; then the war began, and her abiding friendship with Jandar

bound her to his cause.

To the relief of friendly forces, Raelin will often swoop into the throes of battle and, striking the

ground with her magical Spear of Gerda, engulf them in a shimmering blue force field. The

warriors within this aura are instantly protected-even from Mimring's ferocious Line of Fire.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 4 4 4

Fly, Raelin`s Aura.

Raelin`s Aura – Any friendly figures (heroes and minions) within 4 clear line of sight

hexes of Raelin gain 2 attack dice. In addition, friendly heroes and minions within 4 clear

line of sight hexes gain +1 Toughness (up to a maximum of 6 toughness).


Concan (the Kyrie Warrior)

Concan the 'Knight Protector' is a valiant hero dedicated to Jandar. The powerful Kyrie is best

known for his dedication to the Knights and Sentinels in his care. This protection is an aura that

radiates from his Great sword and benefits all friendly Knights and Sentinels within his range.

Although valiant, Concan is also stubborn and was slow to choose sides in this great struggle.

When the war in Valhalla began, both sides courted Concan. It was his friendship with Raelin

that finally convinced the Kyrie to join Jandar. He has been a loyal warrior in Jandar's cause

ever since.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 4 4 4

Fly, Paladin Aura.

Paladin Aura – friendly Sentinels adjacent to Concan receive two extra attack dice (+2

dice) and have their toughness temporarily raised by 1 (maximum 6).


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Sentinels of Janar

These powerful warriors from Nostralund are extremely loyal to their General and Archkyrie

Jandar. They are the backbone of Jandar`s army or what is left of it.

Each Sentinel of Jandar has a mighty shield crafted by Jandar`s blacksmith `Kaintar`. After

Kaintar completes a shield he dips it in the Wellspring near Caelios. This magical water enchants

the shield with an incredible power.

With these enchanted Shields of Valour the Sentinels are able to fend of blows more effectively,

blocking more attacks than should be possible.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 3 6 2



Kelda (the Kyrie Warrior)

Found near death by Jandar, Kelda was nursed back to health by the Valkyrie and his

followers. Upon her recovery, Kelda gratefully pledged her support to Jandar and his

army in their battle for Valhalla. She has become one of Jandar's most fearless, loyal and

useful warriors. Drinking from a Wellspring gives the merciful Kelda the power of

healing, which she uses to cure the battle wounds of nearby allies.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 3 3 3

Hero, Fly, Healing.


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Saylind The Kyrie Warrior

Ullar recognized the fearless nature of Saylind, and he rewarded her with one of his most

prized possessions: the Spear of Summoning. With this spear in her hands, Saylind may

try to summon any ally on the battlefield to her side. This weapon makes Saylind a very

dangerous opponent indeed, when combined with the Kyries' natural ability to fly. Many

of Utgar's minions have found themselves outflanked with more than one enemy in their

midst, and nowhere to run. With this spear, she can also summon a huge dragon like


Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 3 5 4

Fly, Spear of Summoning.

Spear of Summoning – before or after moving, choose any figure you control on the

battle field, then roll a D6. If the result is a 4, 5, or 6 move the chosen figure to any legal

space adjacent to Saylind. The summoned figure is not subject to any free attacks for

disengaging from an enemy kill zone. Saylind may attempt this special ability once each

move, provided she does not start or end her move within an enemy kill zone.


Taelord (the Kyrie Warrior)

Follower of Utgar

When Utgar held a gladiatorial contest to determine who his chief warrior would be,

Taelord was the hands-down victor. The battle pitted 83 worthy warriors against each

other, and lasted a full two days. In the end, only one warrior was left standing: the

mighty Taelord. For his savagery, strength and stamina, Taelord was rewarded with a

drink from a Wellspring. On the battlefield, Taelord's natural military superiority extends

to all of those who fight nearby.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 6 4 5

Fly, Berserker, Aggressive Strategy


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(Kyrie) Minions of Utgar

Dwelling amongst the jagged peaks of the Mountains of Kyrien, the Minions were

recruited into the ranks of Utgar's vast hordes long before the first wellsprings were

discovered. This warrior society holds the strength of arms and the might of steel above

all virtues. Fearless and blind with rage, the Minions take their battle-hardened cruelty

to the enemies of their lord Utgar. Swooping in with axes raised high, they take aim with

such force that they can do twice the damage of a normal minion warrior.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 5 5 2



Grav Maga Agents

Hand-picked by Agent Carr for intensive Krav Maga and weapons training, these agents

worked for several secret agencies on Earth before being pressed into service in

Valhalla. They can dodge long-range attacks with almost superhuman agility; and their

sharp-shooting skills are legendary throughout Valhalla.

With single-minded focus and fierce loyalty, they routinely carry out nearly impossible

missions with no questions asked-or answered. Thus, they are perhaps the most

dangerous of Vydar's followers.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4(4/10) 4 2

Stealth Dodge (re-roll assigned damage dice from enemy ranged attacks). Shot Caller,

Perfect Aim.

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Agent Carr

On his home planet Earth, Agent Carr was a revered master of Krav Maga, the "no

rules" art of face-to-face street combat. With his superhuman senses, lightning-fast

reflexes and advanced stealth techniques, Agent Carr simply cannot be caught off-guard.

A cautious man who leaves nothing to chance, Carr is also well-schooled in the art of

weaponry. He usually carries a gun and a long sword, both gifts from Vydar (his

Valkyrie General). Agent Carr is the strong, silent type who asks few questions, and

answers even fewer.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 6(4/10) 4 5

Ghost Walk (replace with Sneak), Dirty Fighting.


Nakita Agents

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4(3/10) 4 2

Fast, Crack Shot, Smoke.

Smoke Grenades – on the roll of 5, or 6 (on a D6) each Nakita Agent and anyone

adjacent to them are hidden by smoke and may not be targeted (that move) by ranged

attacks. Nakita seem to have a special bond and infinity with Gorillanators – but the

reasons why remains a mystery to this day.


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Microcorp Agents

Relying on their advanced technology rather than brute strength, Microcorp Agents

combine technology with relentless training in order to infiltrate and neutralize key

positions. Not only do their weapons have superior range, they are also much more

effective when firing from a greater height.

But that`s only part of the story. The Agents wear special suits that allow them to glide

easily through the water and provides extra protection in that environment. The suit is

also equipped with Stealth Armour ability, enabling the Microcorp Agents to dodge


Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 3 (3/16) 4 2

Stealth Armour (same as Hero), Water Suits, Sighting.

Water Suits – Microcorp Agents only count water (including ice and snow) hexes as 1

movement point to enter.

Sighting – When a Microcorp Agent is making a ranged attack with a height advantage

over the target, he rolls 1 extra attack dice. Calculate for this after normal plusses for

height advantage.


Omnicron Snipers

Followers of Jandar

Deathwalkers and Zettians are not the only Soulborg species summoned to Valhalla from

Alpha Prime. Their long-standing Omnicron enemies were recruited by Utgar's enemy,

Jandar, and they continue their civil war on the battlefields of Valhalla. The Omnicron

warriors are not so heavily armoured as the other Soulborgs, nor is their combat

programming so flashy; but their deadly accurate sharp-shooting skills have proven to be

invaluable assets to their allies.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 3(3/16) 4 2

Crack Shot, Elite Shooter.

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Airborne Elite

Battle-trained on the planet Earth, the Airborne Elite squad has plagued the enemy with

its deadly sneak attacks. Lifted high by Valkyries and dropped behind enemy lines, they

parachute down for a surprise visit, and then quickly fire a barrage of grenades to

unleash total havoc in the enemy's own territory.

Off the battlefield the Elites are a fun-loving bunch, known for their practical jokes and

raucous card games. When called into action, they are unmatched in fast action, focus

and fearlessness.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 6(4/12) 4 2

Grenades, The Drop.

Grenades – This special ability allows the Airborne Elite to place an explosive grenade

anywhere that is visible (to the owning model) up to 6 squares away. Simply place the

grenade in the desired legal square and declare that is the intended target.

However, line of sight is blocked by models, impassible obstacles (not low wall, hedges,

boxes, crates barrels etc) and around corners. If an Airborne Elite model has a height

advantage or is standing on a low obstacle… shells may be tossed over enemy models

heads and may target squares provided (a) the enemy is not large or (b) the target square

is not directly behind an obstacle.

Once placed, throw a D6 for the shell. If the roll is 1, 2, or 3 it goes off as planned, and

models within the target square and each adjacent one around it sustain a pooled total of

8 Attack Dice. Throw for hits and assign damage as normal. Any friendly models falling

within the shell zone’s nine surrounding squares must also sustain a single automatic

point of damage per model (this in no way affects the Airborne Elite`s normal 6 Attack


A throw of 4, 5 or 6 means the shell bounces away and goes off harmlessly.

The Drop – Airbourne Elite do not start the game on the battlefield. At the start of the

owning player`s Action Phase he throws a D6: any move he manages to roll is 5, or 6 all

four the Airbourne Elite figures may enter the game on any empty spaces on the

battlefield. You can not place them adjacent to each other or other figures, or on glyphs.


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Sgt. Drake Alexander

Though he is incredibly agile and strong in hand-to-hand combat, Sergeant Alexander

was injured and weaponless after being whisked away to Valhalla by Jandar. Healed by

the Valkyrie Kelda, he was then given two powerful weapons by Jandar: The Katana of

Thorian, and Bleakwood's Grapple Gun. He learned to use them quickly, for Jandar's

forces were already under attack.

The Katana, an enchanted sword that channels the powers of the great

warrior Thorian, obscures Alexander's image from afar, making him almost impossible

to strike. With his magical sword, his laser-guided Grapple Gun and his steely will to

conquer evil Sgt. Alexander has become one of Jandar's best soldiers.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 6(2/10) 4 4

Thorin Speed, Grapple Gun, The Drop.

Thorin Speed – No enemy may ever target Sgt. Drake Alexander with normal ranged

attacks, except magical force, gaze, magical attack, or breathe fire.

Grapple Gun – As well as using this piece of equipment as a ranged weapon; instead of

Sgt. Drake Alexander `s normal move, he may move only one space. This space may be

up to 25 levels higher. Activated during the Attacker’s Action Phase.

The Drop – the same as for the Airborne Elite above.


Wonderful! when the dice fall right… but don`t rely in this happening too often.

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Bred to battle, Krug was recruited to serve in Utgar's front line. His sheer size and foul

disposition make him a formidable opponent but it is his thirst for blood that makes him the

legend he is. Stomping across the battlefield, Krug will decimate anything in his path.

Krug knows no defeat. When wounded, he battles more fiercely. He has sworn his allegiance to

Utgar and will give his life if necessary. He is feared for Skelblade, a massive weapon cast from

the armour of the enemies he has taken in battle. He swings Skelblade as a true swordsman but

the power behind it is unmatched by any other known warrior. Krug has a unique fighting style.

Each cast of his sword bring with it the promise of deadly blows, first from his initial swing and

then again with a massive secondary backswing.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 9 6 6

Wounded Smash, Large.

Wounded Smash - When Krug attacks in Close Combat, he receives one extra attack die

(+1) for each wound he is presently carrying in the game.


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Anubian Wolves

The sheer fury of these wild warriors can make even the most fearless foe's blood run

cold. Attacking in numbers, often beside an empowering comrade, Anubian Wolves fight

with frenzied rage. While the attack is always quick, the demise of the defeated can be

dreadfully, painfully slow: these wolves are devourers, so the sweet taste of victory has a

very special meaning for them.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 2 4 2


Pack - : a wolf possessing this special ability gains 1 extra attack die in combat for each

and every other pack wolf within three hexes or within the same battle chain.


Khosumet the Darklord

Ruthless, relentless, bloodthirsty, Khosumet is perhaps the finest example of Utgar's

rage. This vicious Anubian wolf warrior is known as Utgar's grim reaper, and with good

reason: charging furiously into battle swinging his swift, razor-sharp khopesh, Khosumet

is well equipped to cut a path of destruction through tough enemy lines. Friendly

warriors who battle by his side become energized and even more deadly. Only utter

defeat will stop him, and that will not be easy; Khosumet is well practiced in the art of

defence, and his sturdy shield will easily block an attacker's blow.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 3 5 4

Aggressive Strategy, Fast.

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Swog Rider

Gruts that show great poise and leadership are recruited early to become fearsome Swog

Riders. The Grut and Swog are bonded together and undergo years of training until they

move, fight, and think as one savage beast.

The Swog Riders are held in great esteem by other Gruts, especially the archers, and

Swog Riders become leaders of archer squads. Even one Swog Rider can instil acts of

greatness in an otherwise average archer corps. When several Riders rally around the

archers, the Arrow Gruts become capable of deadly attacks that become the stuff of


Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

8 3 4 2

Sneak, Orc Archer Enhancement.

Orc Archer Enhancement – All friendly Orc Archers adjacent to a Swog Rider receive

an additional ranged attack dice. This ability is stackable.

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Sir Denrick

Sir Denrick of Weston is founder and chapter master of the honourable Knights of

Weston. Knighted by his king he swore a righteous oath to protect the weak, to uphold

honour of oneself and others, and to punish those who would seek to harm or destroy


To help him in this just and noble pursuit he recruited among the most valiant and loyal


A warrior of great power of arms and mind it was at the mouth of the River Lorie that he

met defeat by the jealous lords of the land and a betrayer amongst his own ranks.

Lost in his own petty desires of leading and angry jealousies of his chapter master, a

once honourable knight named Sir Christopher opened the gates of their battle fortress

and lead a besieging host to lay slaughter to the noble knights. It was at this moment of

utter betrayal and defeat that the Valkyrie, Jandar, intervened, teleporting Sir Denrick

and the remaining knights to the world of Valhalla.

In Valhalla, Sir Denrick vowed to selflessly regain the Knights of Weston honour that the

traitorous Sir Christopher had dirtied. In battle, Sir Denrick will zealously seek out the

largest and most fearsome opponents in the enemy force defeating them with the skills

gained from countless victories against these behemoths of battle.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 5 5 4

A Cowards Reward, Giant Killer.

A Coward’s Reward – Sir Denrick rolls double attack dice against each enemy figure

leaving his Kill Zone.

Giant Killer – When Sir Denrick is in base contact with a Large enemy, he doubles his

attack dice (not stackable against multiple large enemies).


Knights of Weston

The Knights of Weston were founded in the lands of Brittany and Albion in the late 15th

century, to protect the providence of the weak against the tyranny of evil. This small

chapter of knights abhors cowardice in all its form and lives by the Sanctity of Honour, a

holy tome penned by their chapter master Sir Denrick of Weston. Within the tome you

find a unique honour code, which doesn't just hold the knight to this code but also his

combatant. This code of honour is so zealously followed that they have been known to cut

down those who would attempt to escape engaged combat, rather than see them lose

greater honour by escaping.

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The Knights of Weston were to meet their end at the Mouth of the River Lorie where they

fought a hopeless battle against innumerable opponents. Thought destroyed at the hands

of those who feared there power and sway with people of Albion, the Knights of Weston

were actually saved by the Valkyrie, Janar, and given the chance to secure there honour

among the warriors of the planet Valhalla

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 3 5 2

A Cowards Reward. Clan Bonding.

A Coward’s Reward – just like their leader, these knights roll double attack dice against

each enemy figure leaving their Kill Zone.

Clan Bonding – each knight of Weston who fights within the same Close Combat as Sir

Denrick receives an additional attack dice (+1 dice).


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When Vydar had a vision of these agents, he was not sure what to think about these

reclusive Primadons. He suspected that they were too primitive and lacking in the ways

of warfare to be of any use in his army.

But Vydar took a chance on them, and luckily, he was proven wrong. The Gorillinators

are more advanced than many others on Valhalla. The secret development of superior

technology on Marr has given them awesome capabilities in battle:

they can move at astounding speeds, overtaking enemy positions in minutes; they can use

their ranged attacks to neutralize any threat; and their body armour is made of Kiradium

alloy, which makes bringing one of them down a daunting task.

The Gorillinators seem to have a friendly bond and affinity with the Nakita Agents.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 6(2/8) 5 2


Dumutef Guard

Originally trained as sentries on their home planet of Feylund, the Fiantooth now serve

Utgar on Valhalla. Utgar uses them to protect several wellsprings in the Volcarren

Wasteland. They are relentless guardians and (because for some strange genetic reason

it is instinctively inherent in their psyche) these monsters benefit from attacking or

defending from any road hex.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 4 6 2

Road Strength, Large.

Road Strength – a Dumutef Guard figure with an enemy or enemies within its kill zone

throws a D6 once. The number thrown is the amount of extra dice that model may throw

during the combat phase of this move. Resolve separately each move. Activate during the

combat phase but just before any resolution for the battle chain takes place.

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4th Massachusetts

Before fighting for a larger cause under their commanding General Jandar, the 4th

Massachusetts line had endured many harsh battles. During their training back in New

England, the most important lesson they learned from their Brigadier General John

Glover was to save their ammunition by waiting until they could see the whites of the

enemies' eyes. Although this patient fighting strategy has taken years to perfect, the 4th

Massachusetts Line is known to wreak havoc on approaching enemies with their wait and

fire technique.

They are most comfortable when in the company of other valiant allies, who remind them

of their old commander General George Washington. For this reason they prefer to fight

with other Valiant Heroes such as their new friend Drake Alexander, or Finn and his

brother Thorgrim. It was not until meeting Sergeant Drake Alexander in Valhalla, that

these men learned that their old cause had been won due to their sacrifices and discipline

under General Washington. Now they have rallied behind the new and greater cause of

securing the wellsprings and helping Jandar in the Battle of all time.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 2(2/16) 3 2

Trained Volley Fire.

Trained Volley Fire – if the whole 4th Massachusetts unit stands together so they are

each adjacent (and on the same level) as one other, they may each double their ranged

attack dice.


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The hunting hounds of Nullondia are legendary for their ability to track anything

anywhere. They are simply more intelligent and cunning than any other animals.

However, these traits are not what make them ideal for tracking. It is their ability to trick

quarry into doing exactly what they want that makes them superior hunters.

Amongst these; Dund is a sovereign. Not only is he a superior tracker, but Dund has the

ability to simply inactivate his prey with one gaze of his terrible eyes (plus he has his

artificial poison tip bite). His mere glance is enough to stop all but the most skilled of

warriors in their tracks, rendering them helpless and an easy target.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 3 6 3

Gaze Attack. Paralyze.


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Alistair MacDirk

There is an old Scottish saying: 'The swifter the storm the stronger it is.'

When Jandar found Alistair running to the front of the battle lines, he knew this was one

of the most adventurous warriors he had ever seen.

It is said that Alistair can run all day without tiring; but his wounds on that day were too

severe, so Jandar took him to Valhalla. Kelda healed his wounds. Now Alistair and his

Claymore fight in Valhalla.

As a boy of 12, he fought alongside his father against Edward the II. As a man, he

continued to fight for Scottish independence. The clan MacDirk has always had the

fiercest soldiers in the highlands of Scotland, and Alistair is one of their finest.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 7 5 5

Overextended Attack, Fast.

Overextended Attack – you may place an automatic wound on Alistair and have him

make double his normal number of attacks during this close combat round (attacks count

even if the automatic wound is enough to kill him…. Alistair is removed after the melee



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MacDirk Warriors.

These highlanders are among the fiercest and loyal warriors that any leader could hope

to have. They will do anything to protect their chosen Highland Hero, and their tenacity

is infectious. Leaders always gain confidence while the MacDirk clan is fighting in their


These clansmen scream and yell as they charge in to battle with an odd assortment of

weaponry. Their battle cry can be heard for miles as it echoes through the highlands.

This often confuses the enemy as to where the MacDirks will show up next. 'MacDirk!

MacDirk! For Clan and Highlands!

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 3 4 2

Highland Fury, Bonding.

Highland Fury – These warriors receive 1 extra attack dice for each wound inflicted on

their chosen hero during the battle (normally, Alistair MacDirk).

Bonding – each MacDirk Warrior who fights within the same Close Combat as Alistair

MacDirk receives 2 additional attack dice (+2 dice).


Johnny “Shotgun” Sullivan

Fights for Jandar

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Growing up in the Republic of Texas, life was hard for little Johnny Sullivan. His family

owned a huge ranch, which was constantly in danger from outlaws and cattle rustlers.

Johnny had to learn early how to protect the ranch from outside dangers.

His father taught Johnny how to use all kinds of rifles and six-shooters. When Johnny

Sullivan grew up, he decided that he wanted to be a lawman like Wyatt Earp or Bat

Masterson. He became famous for holding off a whole group of outlaws all by himself

with his favourite Shotgun. From then on, all the locals knew him as Johnny 'Shotgun'


Johnny is a good man who was saved in the nick of time by Jandar after being cowardly

shot in the back during church mass. Johnny has no time for desperados, and that

includes the likes of James Murphy and Nelson Allen McCreech.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4 (4+2/4+4) 4 4

Shotgun Blast, and Fan Shot.

Shotgun Blast & Fan Shot – any/all figures next to the target miniature are also affected

by 3 separate attack dice each. Pistol fan shot range is 8 hexes and has 4 Attack Dice.

Shotgun blast range is 4 hexes and has 6 Attack Dice.


James Murphy

Fights for Vydar

James Murphy has left trouble in his wake since he left Five-Strings, Kansas at the age of

13. Living on and off the railroads, using only his guile and his whip, James Murphy is

his own boss, his own leader, and his own worst enemy. The only thing worse than a man

with a whip is a mean man with a whip.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 3(4/12) 4 4

Perfect Aim.


Guilty Mc Creech

Fights for Einar

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Nelson Allen McCreech was "living high on the hog," as they say in his hometown of Wardell,

Missouri. He enjoyed his power as Town Sheriff, and often abused it. But Nelson's corrupt ways

caught up with him after his archrival, the local judge, turned up dead in a back alley. Knowing

that there wasn't but one man could have done this deed, the townsfolk had finally had enough.

An angry crowd showed up at the Sheriff's office carrying a rope and shouting Guilty! Guilty!

McCreech came within seconds of a hanging death when General Einar intervened; knowing that

Guilty McCreech's quick hands and devious nature would be useful to his cause. Today, Guilty

fights for Einar, and will forever bear the scarred rope burn on his neck as a reminder of where

his loyalty should reside.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4(2/10) 5 4

Fast Strike.


Deadeye Dan

Fights for Ullar

Dan Maverick was a Physician in the lonely town of Lead in the South Dakota Territory. Well-

read and educated in Chicago, Dan had ventured west in search of wide open spaces and a piece

of land to call his own. On the prairie he discovered his love of hunting and became an expert

marksman with his Remington Rolling Block Carbine. Dan always brought down the big game,

often making his shots from well over 300 yards. Dan's quiet little life changed one day when he

went to make a deposit at the Lead Bank, and found it being robbed by bandits. Dan quickly fled

the bank, and set up a sniper position across the street. He took down three of the bandits before

he was taken from behind. Just as Deadeye Dan was about to leave Lead by way of the gun,

General Ullar intervened and brought him to Valhalla as a sharpshooter to strike at his enemies

from afar.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 2(6/20) 4 4

Perfect Aim, Elite Shooter.

Blade Gruts

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Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 3 3 2

Disengage - Same as Sneak


Arrow Gruts

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 2 (2/10) 3 2

Disengage – same as sneak


Tornak (Orc Champion)

A lesser leader on the world of Grut, Tornak has earned the respect of allies and enemies

alike on the war-torn battlefields of Valhalla. As with all Orc leaders, Tornak is fierce,

tricky, unpredictable and mean, and is never above fighting dirty to win a battle.

Tornak's aggressive battlefield tactics never fail to whip his troops into a frenzy and spur

them on to even more vicious attacks and even greater violence against their enemies.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 4 4 4

Battle Cry, Disengage – same as Sneak

Marcus Decimus Gallus

A commander of the IX Legion, Marcus Decimus Gallus led his troops through a thick

mist while patrolling northern Britain, and entered the war-engulfed world of Valhalla.

Marcus Decimus is a born leader who can inspire any soldier to move faster and attack

more forcefully, regardless of their species or homeland.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 6 5 5

Battle Cry, Enhanced Fast.

Enhanced Fast – Marcus may use the fast special ability. In addition, as long as this

miniature remains alive and in play, all other Roman troops in the game may also use



Roman Legionaries

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The foot soldiers of the IX Legion are stalwart, superbly trained and well prepared for

war. On Valhalla they have put their earthly training to good use, fighting endless battles

against horrific foes. They are loyal to their commander, always letting him lead the way

in battle; and they are loyal to each other, always advancing in tight formations to shield

their fellow soldiers from concentrated enemy attacks.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 3 4 2

Shield Wall.

Shield Wall – if all the unit stands together so they are each adjacent (and on the same

level) as one other, they may each add 1 to their toughness against enemy shooting and

close combat.


Roman Archers

The archers of the IX Legion are as well trained as their legionnaire counterparts, and

are an even more powerful force on the battlefield. These hardy warriors have spent

years perfecting their military craft as a unit, and can concentrate their firepower upon a

single enemy in a formidable barrage of arrows. Because the Roman Archers are

vulnerable in close quarters, they rely on the swords and shields of their legionnaire

brethren to protect them from hand-to-hand combat.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 3 (3/10) 3 2

Crack Shot.

Models make good ornaments too.


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This ferocious creature looks like a cross between a troll and a giant lion.

Raised in the lava fields of Wolflin, Brunak is naturally resistant to the searing heat

emitted by such a climate. He is so strong that he can carry virtually any smaller ally into

battle with him.

Brunak attacks his foes with a large shimmering Falchion, making him a relentless

adversary. His attacks are so merciless that he becomes hungry for the blood of his next

opponent. This blood lust drives him on until there is no one left but allies on the field of


Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 6 6 4

Blood Hungry ( count as Fast Strike X2), Lava Resistant, Large.

Fast Strike X2 – this means Brunak can use his fast strike special ability, and if this first

attack is successful (i.e. all enemy figures within Brunak`s kill zone are removed) the

model can go on to make a second fast strike attack within the same move.

Lava Resistant – this figure is immune to any adverse affects for being in a lava hex.

Venoc Warlord

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Even though the Venocs are largely an unintelligent species, there are some who have

developed true intelligence. The Venoc Warlord, a super species of Viper, has developed

enough brainpower to speak, work out battle tactics, and lead his scouts effectively on the

battlefield. In the company of his scouts, the Venoc Warlord enhances their relentless,

frenzied attacks

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

5 4 4 5

Battle Cry, Fast, Slither.

Slither – this figure may travel through water/snow hexes as though they were normal

ground (i.e. 1 hex point).


Venoc & Armoric Vipers

Although fearsome to behold, Vipers are a passive, swamp-dwelling species. They will fight

fiercely, however, when called upon to do so-especially with their lifelong enemies, the Marro

warriors from their planet of Marr. Vipers and the Marros have a long history of war, so the

Vipers were happy to join General Ullar in the battle against Utgar's army. Vipers are brave, fast

moving (especially in water) and relentless, but they do not possess the intelligence to be cunning

or highly tactical.

When Ullar saw the visions of the Armoric & Armoc Vipers, he was pleased. He knew pure

power and feocity would not be enough to win the most critical battles. The role they play on

Valhalla is the same role they played on Marr: they are the protectors of the Venoc Warlord.

Their speed in water and advanced defensive abilities make them well-suited to work on the front

lines in any of Ullar's Campaigns.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

6 2 4 2

Fast, Slither.

Slither – this figure may travel through water/snow hexes as though they were normal

ground (i.e. 1 hex point).


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Dragons should never be underestimated, and those who do so usually don¹t live long

enough to regret it. This sentiment is doubly true of Charos. Approaching him is

dangerous, and one should think twice before attacking him. His great wings can buffet

any attack and counter it, striking the unsuspecting assailant. Of course General Ullar

knows the value of Dragons; that nothing is quite as terrifying as a huge armour plated

flying monster. Charos, however, is not all brawn and no brains. He is as valiant as he is

intelligent, and a king in his own right.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

(7) 5 5 9

Fly, Magical Force, Steal Essence, Large.

)oOo( )oOo( )oOo(

Obsidian Guard

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Born of fire, the `Moltarn` are most at home in the Lava pits of their homeland. These ferocious

creatures serve as shock troops for the likes of Brunak. Usually hand-to-hand fighters, Obsidian

guards can hurl a stream of molten lava at their enemies as long as they remain immersed in the

on their scorching terrain.

It goes without saying that the Moltarn are immune to the effects that lava has on most creatures.

They also do not have to slow down when crossing any lava fields. They do have one weakness,

however: Moltarn will become utterly destroyed if they spend too much time in water.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 4(4/3*) 6 2

Lava Resistant, Lava Throw*, Water Weakness.

Lava Resistant – this figure is immune to any adverse affects for being in a lava hex.

Lava Throw – ranged attack ability: 4 attack dice, range 3 hexes.

Water Weakness – each Moltarn figure standing in a water hex must throw a die at the

beginning of each combat phase (i.e. before resolving any battle chains). If the throw

yields a 5 or 6, the model is immediately removed as a casualty.



As one of the most celebrated generals in the Macedonian Army, Parmenio led countless victories

during the reign of Alexander the Great. For weeks, Einar has visions of these great battles

before a portal opened up allowing him to snatch up Parmenio. General Einar is impressed with

his leadership and disciplinary skills. Parmeio's abililty to urge his soldiers on - even those on

the verge of death - is legendary. He and his Sacred Band will make valuable additions to the

forces of Einar.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 5 5 5

Battle Cry, Initiative.

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General Parmenio


Sacred Band

`The gods smile on some, and on others they do not`. That is what the members of

Parmenio's Sacred Band would say. Parmenio formed his Sacred Band in secret,

selecting only the toughest, most dedicated and courageous warriors. General Einar

brought the members of the Sacred Band through a portal shortly after he saved

Parmenio. Parmenio was happy to see his loyal soldiers. On Valahalla, they fight with

Parmenio and Marcus Decimus Gallus. This Sacred Band is disciplined and they fight

well with other disciplined troops.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 3 4 2

Battle Awareness, Shield Wall.

Shield Wall – if all the unit stands together so they are each adjacent (and on the same

level) as one other, they may each add 1 to their toughness against enemy shooting and

close combat.


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Fights for Einar

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 9 5 6

Berserker, Aggressive Strategy, The Common Touch.

The Common Touch – when Spartacus is engaged in Close Combat with only friendly

minions on his side, each friendly minion fights with 2 additional Attack Dice (+2 dice).


Crixus & Retiarius

Spartacus’s right hand men.

Movement Attacks Toughness Wounds

4 7 5 5



Page 64: Battle Chain Core Rules System


Which Valkyrie Generals are allies, which ones are enemies?

Normally the good/bad lines are drawn as follows:

Good: Jandar

Bad: Utgar

Neutral with slight leanings toward one side or the other: Ullar, Vydar, Einar.

So, currently Ullar is allied with Jandar and Einar/ Vydar is with Utgar but alliances can
