bcae course catalog july/august 2010

Boston Center for Adult Education JUL-AUG 10 BCAE.org Get back to basics Explore your city Start a blog Prepare for the next step Boston Center for Adult Education JUL-AUG 10 BCAE.org Get back to basics Explore your city Start a blog Prepare for the next step BCAE BALANCE YOUR LIFE AT THE BCAE VEGGIE- LICIOUS Basic Vegetarian Cooking pg. 9

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Don't miss exciting classes in art, music, food and wine, languages and more this summer at the BCAE!


Page 1: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010

Boston Center for Adult Education



Get back to basics

Explore your city

Start a blog

Prepare for the next step

Boston Center for Adult Education



Get back to basics

Explore your city

Start a blog

Prepare for the next step



VEGGIE-LICIOUSBasic Vegetarian Cooking pg. 9

Page 2: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010



MAMBo & MErEnGUE JUL 12 – AUG 30 Mon, 8:00pm-9:00pm 8 sessions

Ernie Garcia $125 / members $110

StAff PiCk PriCE $100 / members $90

DAytiME PAStEL JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 10:00am-12:00pm 8 sessions

Liz doles $262 / members $223

StAff PiCk PriCE $210 / members $179

intErMEDiAtE SEwinG ii: HoME DECor JUL 15 – AUG 26 thu, 7:45pm-9:45pm 7 sessions

julia Yampolsky $177 / members $154

StAff PiCk PriCE $142 / members $121

ACtinG for BEGinnErS JUL 26 – AUG 30 Mon, 5:30pm-7:30pm 6 sessions

Kelly Holt $150 / members $128

StAff PiCk PriCE $120 / members $102

PiECE it toGEtHEr: two-DiMEnSionAL CoLLAGE MAkinG AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-2:00pm 1 session

Kathryn Lloyd Compton $60 / members $51 materials $10

StAff PiCk PriCE $48 / members $41 materials $10

wELL DonE: writinG rEStAUrAnt rEviEwS JUL 14 – JUL 28 wed, 6:00pm-7:30pm 3 sessions

Louisa Kasdon $70 / members $60

StAff PiCk PriCE $60 / members $50

AMEriCAn SiGn LAnGUAGE: 1 JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 6:00pm-7:30pm 8 sessions

Bob Abaid $195 / members $170

StAff PiCk PriCE $145 / members $130

fLirtinG: tHE PSyCHoLoGy of inStAnt SExUAL AttrACtion JUL 23 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9:30pm 1 session

judith Swack $51 / members $43

StAff PiCk PriCE $44 / members $38

Save with BCAE Staff Picks! For this term only, we’ve lowered the prices of these wicked fun classes. Get ‘em while they’re hot! Look for the classes with the in the catalog to find these listed in their category.

HErE’S tHE CAtCH: A niGHt of SUStAinABLE SEAfooD witH tArAntA’S CHEf JoSE DUArtE JUL 13 onLy tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

jose duarte $60 / members $51 materials $28

StAff PiCk PriCE $55 / members $45 materials $28

frESH fiSH MADE fABULoUS AUG 09 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Bernard Kinsella $62 / members $48 materials $15

StAff PiCk PriCE $55 / members $45 materials $15

tHroUGH tHE GrAPE vinE: introDUCtory winE tAStinG CrASH CoUrSE AUG 05 – AUG 12 thu, 6:00pm-8:00pm 2 sessions

jonathan Tagliani $60 / members $51 materials $25

StAff PiCk PriCE $55 / members $45 materials $25

Page 3: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


TOCHot fun in the summertime!There’s just something about

Boston in the summer! The

parks are lush and green

again, corners boast colorful

farmers’ markets, and you’re

likely to see someone in

a tie skipping with an ice

cream on his lunch break.

Like you, we want to make

the most of this short

season and celebrate its

best opportunities. One

class you won’t want to miss

is Cooking fresh from the farm: Local finds from the Copley farmer’s Market (p 9), where students visit

the farmer’s market to

pick up food for the dishes

to create in our gourmet

kitchens! And you’ll want

to register soon for more

summer-only classes like

Summer Cheese and wine Make Me feel fine (p 9), Urban Bike ride: Explore the Charles river (p 14) and

one night in Boston: Street Photography workshop (p 4). We’ll see you soon!



Welcome to the BCAE jul-Aug 2010 Course Guide!

ARTS Creative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Theater & Film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

FOOd & WINEBaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Wine & Spirits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

FITNESS & RECREATIONFitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

GROWTHComputers & Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Self & Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

CULTUREWriting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

LANGUAGESLanguages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

SINGLE SESSIONSingle Session Classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

WEEKENdSWeekend Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Page 4: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


ARTSCrEAtivEBEGinninG DrAwinG JUL 14 – AUG 18 wed, 5:30pm-7:30pm 6 sessions

Rachel Eisenberg $182 / members $162

DAytiME DrAwinG i JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 2:00pm-4:00pm 8 sessions

Glenn davis $242 / members $223

fiGUrE DrAwinG for BEGinnErS JUL 12 – AUG 16 Mon, 5:30pm-7:30pm 6 sessions

Liz doles $156 / members $136

DrAwinG froM MEMory: tUrninG yoUr ExPEriEnCES into Art JUL 13 – JUL 27 tue, 7:45pm-9:45pm 3 sessions

Ashley Billingsley $96 / members $82

BEGinninG ACryLiC PAintinG JUL 14 – AUG 25 wed, 7:45pm-9:45pm 7 sessions

Liz doles $199 / members $174

BEGinninG oiL PAintinG JUL 22 – SEP 02 thu, 6:00pm-9:00pm 7 sessions

Rosetta del Giudice $273 / members $248

DAytiME foUnDAtion oiL PAintinG JUL 13 – AUG 03 tue, 12:30pm-3:30pm 4 sessions

Rosetta del Giudice $175 / members $149

DAytiME PAStEL JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 10:00am-12:00pm 8 sessions

Liz doles $210 / members $179

BEGinninG wAtErCoLor AUG 03 – AUG 31 tue, 5:30pm-7:00pm 5 sessions

Glenn davis $125 / members $100

CoLorED PEnCiL DrAwinG JUL 13 – AUG 03 tue, 9:00am-12:00pm 4 sessions

Rosetta del Giudice $175 / members $149

DrAwinG into PAintinG AUG 02 – AUG 16 Mon, 7:45pm-9:45pm 3 sessions

Liz doles $115 / members $100

ExPLorinG CoLor BASiCS for tHE LAy ArtiSt JUL 17 – JUL 24 Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 2 sessions

Glenn davis $72 / members $60

PiECE it toGEtHEr: two-DiMEnSionAL CoLLAGE MAkinG AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-2:00pm 1 session

Kathryn Lloyd Compton $48 / members $41 / materials $10

DiGitAL PHotoGrAPHy for BEGinnErS JUL 22 – SEP 02 thu, 7:45pm-9:45pm 7 sessions

Rodrigo Blanco $297 / members $253

How to fiGUrE oUt yoUr DiGitAL CAMErA JUL 14 onLy wed, 5:30pm-7:30pm 1 session AUG 31 onLy tue, 5:30pm-7:30pm 1 session

Ethan melad $44 / members $38

DiGitAL PHotoGrAPHy: tHE nExt StEP JUL 14 onLy wed, 7:45pm-9:45pm 1 session AUG 31 onLy tue, 7:45pm-9:45pm 1 session

Ethan melad $44 / members $38

intErMEDiAtE PHotoGrAPHy: wEEkEnD workSHoP AUG 14 onLy Sat, 1:00pm-4:00pm 1 session

Ethan melad $46 / members $40

AntiqUES – tHE ULtiMAtE rECyCLABLE AUG 02 – AUG 16 Mon, 5:45pm-7:45pm 3 sessions

Lisa mediano $110 / members $96

Page 5: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


BCAE Staff Picks


JUL 17 onLy Sat, 4:00pm-7:00pm 1 session

mike diskin $55 / members $47

One Night in Boston: Street Photography

ProfESSionAL DECorAtivE PAint finiSHES SEP 02 onLy thu, 5:30pm-7:30pm 1 session

Ami mesner $42 / members $36 materials $6

tHE Art of CoLLECtinG: fUnDAMEntALS of BUyinG Art JUL 14 – JUL 28 wed, 5:30pm-7:30pm 3 sessions

Lili mugnier $72 / members $62 materials $4

SEwinG for BEGinnErS JUL 13 – AUG 24 tue, 5:30pm-7:30pm 7 sessions JUL 13 – AUG 24 tue, 7:45pm-9:45pm 7 sessions

julia Yampolsky $195 / members $166

intErMEDiAtE SEwinG ii: HoME DECor JUL 15 – AUG 26 thu, 7:45pm-9:45pm 7 sessions

julia Yampolsky $142 / members $121

intErMEDiAtE SEwinG iii: A ProJECt of yoUr CHoiCE JUL 15 – AUG 26 thu, 5:30pm-7:30pm 7 sessions

julia Yampolsky $177 / members $154

SEwinG for BEGinnErS wEEkEnD workSHoP JUL 17 – JUL 24 Sat, 10:00am-3:00pm 2 sessions

Stephanie Sabbe $152 / members $132

introDUCtion to CroCHEt JUL 28 – SEP 01 wed, 5:30pm-7:30pm 5 sessions

Kristin Grier $100 / members $85

LEArn to knit JUL 12 – AUG 16 Mon, 5:30pm-7:30pm 6 sessions

Stephanie Seebach-Griego $173 / members $150

join Mike Diskin, Creative director of STUFF Magazine for this interactive three-hour workshop. Students will spend the first half in the classroom discussing techniques for taking a great photograph in a setting where the subject can change quickly; what makes for interesting material, how to frame the shot, and how to capture people candidly. The second half will be a guided photo walk by mike around downtown Boston. One student from the class will be published in the “One Night in Boston” STUFF Magazine issue and invited to the VIP issue launch party.

Students are required to bring a camera that allows for manual exposure control (all digital SLRs and some point-and-shoot cameras should have this ability) and a tripod or camera mounted flash are also recommended.

Page 6: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010



tECHniqUES of DECoUPAGE workSHoP JUL 23 onLy fri, 5:30pm-8:30pm 1 session

jenn Sherr $46 / members $40 materials $10

tHE Art of Book MAkinG: DESiGn & tECHniqUE AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-4:00pm 1 session

dustin Rennells $75 / members $65 materials $12

LUSCioUS LotionS, SiMPLE SALvES AUG 21 onLy Sat, 1:00pm-4:00pm 1 session

Iris Weaver $44 / members $38 materials $14

introDUCtion to tHE worLD of winDow DiSPLAy JUL 21 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

dustin Rennells $55 / members $47 materials $10

wASHi PAPEr-MAkinG BASiCS AUG 03 – AUG 10 tue, 7:45pm-9:45pm 2 sessions

Zoe Culbertson $77 / members $67 materials $7

BEAD AnD PEArL: knottinG witH SiLk (PEArL BrACELEt) JUL 23 onLy fri, 5:30pm-7:30pm 1 session

Bead and Pearl $41 / members $35

BEAD AnD PEArL: PrECioUS MEtAL CLAy AUG 16 – AUG 23 Mon, 7:45pm-9:45pm 2 sessions

Bead and Pearl $112 / members $100 materials $35

BEAD & PEArL: JEwELry rEHAB AUG 30 onLy Mon, 5:30pm-7:30pm 1 session

Bead and Pearl $31 / members $25

MAkE A rinG JEwELry workSHoP AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

Stonybrook Fine Arts $85 / members $0 meets at: Stonybrook Fine Arts, Jamaica Plain

SiMPLE knivES AnD LEttEr-oPEnErS AUG 20 onLy fri, 7:00pm-10:00pm 1 session

Carl West $105 / members $105 meets at: Prospect Hill Forge, Waltham

A tAStE of BLACkSMitHinG: twiStED HookS AUG 11 onLy wed, 6:30pm-9:30pm 1 session AUG 14 onLy Sat, 7:00pm-10:00pm 1 session

Carl West $60 / members $60 meets at: Prospect Hill Forge, Waltham

GLASSBLowinG 101: MAkE yoUr own DrinkinG GLASS AUG 07 – AUG 08 Sat, Sun, 9:00am-1:00pm 2 sessions

diablo Glass School $290 / members $290 meets at: Diablo Glass and Metal, Roxbury

GLASSBLowinG SAMPLEr AUG 28 onLy Sat, 12:00pm-2:00pm 1 session

diablo Glass School $75 / members $75 meets at: Diablo Glass and Metal, Roxbury

StAinED GLASS 101 AUG 07 – AUG 08 Sat, Sun, 9:00am-2:00pm 2 sessions

diablo Glass School $300 / members $300 meets at: Diablo Glass and Metal, Roxbury

BASiC wooDworkinG JUL 17 – JUL 31 Sat, 9:00am-4:00pm 3 sessions

Eliot School $190 / members $190 meets at: Eliot School, Jamaica Plain

tUrnED wooDEn BowLS JUL 10 – JUL 11 Sat, Sun, 10:00am-4:00pm 2 sessions

Eliot School $130 / members $130 materials $25meets at: Eliot School, Jamaica Plain

introDUCtion to wooD SCULPtUrE AUG 14 – AUG 15 Sat, Sun, 9:00am-4:00pm 2 sessions

Eliot School $170 / members $170 materials $20meets at: Eliot School, Jamaica Plain

SoUtH EnD DECorAtinG toUr JUL 17 onLy Sat, 10:00am-2:00pm 1 session

mary Chase $35 / members $30

SkEtCHBookinG tHroUGH BoSton JUL 18 – AUG 08 Sun, 9:30am-12:30pm 4 sessions

Rachel Eisenberg $150 / members $128

Get outsideWith the BCAE!

Page 7: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010



BCAE Staff Picks


SALSA AnD tAnGo workSHoP JUL 12 – AUG 30 Mon, 6:00pm-7:00pm 8 sessions

Ernie Garcia $125 / members $115

BALLrooM DAnCE JUL 12 – AUG 30 Mon, 7:00pm-8:00pm 8 sessions

Ernie Garcia $125 / members $115

MAMBo & MErEnGUE JUL 12 – AUG 30 Mon, 8:00pm-9:00pm 8 sessions

Ernie Garcia $100 / members $90

iriSH StEP DAnCinG: tHE nExt StEP JUL 13 – AUG 10 tue, 6:00pm-7:00pm 5 sessions

Tara Rousseau $65 / members $60

SwinG DAnCinG for CoUPLESONLY ONE REGISTRATION REqUIREd PER COUPLE JUL 13 – AUG 10 tue, 7:00pm-8:00pm 5 sessions

Gail Gardner $205 / members $195

BALLrooM DAnCinG for CoUPLESONLY ONE REGISTRATION REqUIREd PER COUPLE JUL 13 – AUG 24 tue, 8:00pm-9:00pm 7 sessions

Gail Gardner $240 / members $220

HiP-HoP DAnCE JUL 14 – AUG 25 wed, 7:00pm-8:00pm 7 sessions

Honey Blonder $115 / members $110

GrAB yoUr PArtnEr!our couples’ dance classes aren’t just for couples! they’re for any pair of people who want to put on their dancin’ shoes and take a spin in one of these great partner classes. these lessons require two people in order to learn all the moves, but you can bring your friend, your mom, or someone you’ve been wanting to get closer to!

BELLy DAnCinG BASiCS AUG 12 – AUG 26 thu, 6:00pm-7:15pm 3 sessions

Loni Butera $50 / members $40

BUrLESqUE BASiCS JUL 17 – JUL 24 Sat, 2:00pm-4:00pm 2 sessions

Honeysuckle duvet $50 / members $45

CHorEoGrAPHinG tHE MoMEnt: yoUr firSt DAnCE witH yoUr HUSBAnD or wifEONLY ONE REGISTRATION REqUIREd PER COUPLE JUL 14 – JUL 21 wed, 5:30pm-7:00pm 2 sessions JUL 16 – JUL 23 fri, 6:30pm-8:00pm 2 sessions AUG 17 – AUG 24 tue, 6:30pm-8:00pm 2 sessions

Gail Gardner $95 / members $75

t’Ai CHi JUL 12 – AUG 16 Mon, 6:15pm-7:30pm 6 sessions

judith King $94 / members $94 meets at: Springstep, Medford

BEGinninG fLAMEnCo JUL 14 – AUG 18 wed, 6:30pm-7:30pm 6 sessions

jessica Sollee $94 / members $94 meets at: Springstep, Medford

ArGEntinE tAnGo JUL 15 – AUG 12 thu, 7:30pm-9:00pm 5 sessions

Hillary Ross $87 / members $87 meets at: Springstep, Medford

BEGinninG tAP JUL 15 – AUG 19 thu, 6:30pm-7:30pm 6 sessions

Shannon Sullivan $94 / members $94 meets at: Springstep, Medford

StrEEt StyLE HiP-HoP JUL 05 – AUG 02 Mon, 6:30pm-7:30pm 5 sessions

Unyted Stylz Crew $65 / members $65 meets at: World Rhythms Dance Studio, Somerville

intErMEDiAtE SALSA JUL 06 – AUG 03 tue, 8:30pm-9:30pm 5 sessions

javier Salort $65 / members $65 meets at: World Rhythms Dance Studio, Somerville

Page 8: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010




DErriCk CAMPBELL started teaching guitar in 1992 during his sophomore year of college, and graduated from Wright State University in 1995 with a B.A. in mass Communications. In addition to teaching group guitar lessons at the BCAE, he also teaches private guitar lessons at music maker Studios in Brighton, at Nobles and Greenough in dedham, and a group guitar class at Newton memorial Spaulding Elementary. On the weekends, he performs with his band Sound Asylum, and has also performed with local bands such as P.d Rogers, dick and jane, Ransom, Woot, motherfunk, Grumpy jones, double Take, Scarecrow, and jessica Perry.

derrick also runs the website www.beginnerguitarlessons.com which provides some free lessons and videos for beginners, and also sells his beginning guitar method book which he self-published through lulu.com. Last fall, derrick recorded two rock instrumental songs that will be part of a Cd he hopes to complete this summer.

Take a class with derrick:

introDUCtion to GUitAr – page 8

ADvAnCED BEGinninG GUitAr – page 8

LovE tHE BCAE? Want your story to be featured here? Contact us at [email protected]!

MUSiCintroDUCtion to GUitAr JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 6:00pm-8:00pm 8 sessions

derrick Campbell $215 / members $183 materials $6

ADvAnCED BEGinninG GUitAr JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 8:00pm-10:00pm 8 sessions

derrick Campbell $215 / members $183 materials $6

BEGinninG vioLin JUL 12 – AUG 23 Mon, 6:00pm-7:30pm 7 sessions

daniel Broniatowski $155 / members $145

inStAnt PiAno for HoPELESSLy BUSy PEoPLE JUL 17 onLy Sat, 1:00pm-4:00pm 1 session

deborah Gruber $36 / members $30 materials $26

SHowEr SinGinG in PUBLiC! JUL 17 onLy Sat, 9:30am-12:30pm 1 session

deborah Gruber $36 / members $30 materials $26

tHEAtEr & fiLMACtinG for BEGinnErS

JUL 26 – AUG 30 Mon, 5:30pm-7:30pm 6 sessions

Kelly Holt $120 / members $102

ADvAnCED BEGinninG ACtinG JUL 26 – AUG 30 Mon, 7:45pm-9:45pm 6 sessions

Kelly Holt $150 / members $128

JUGGLinG for BEGinnErS JUL 24 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Eric Eliacin $35 / members $27 materials $5

GivEGive the gift of the BCAE!

Our gift cards are perfect for any occasion. Available at


Page 9: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


Food & WineBCAE Staff Picks

BAkinGSAnGriA AnD SUMMEr frUit CUPCAkES AUG 04 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

dustin Rennells $50 / members $43 materials $16

CAkE DECorAtinG workSHoP: PArt 1 AUG 16 – AUG 23 Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 2 sessions

Suzi Parks $75 / members $65 materials $25

CAkE DECorAtinG workSHoP: PArt 2 AUG 12 – AUG 19 thu, 6:00pm-9:00pm 2 sessions

Emily Bao $78 / members $66 materials $26

CUPCAkES AnD CoCktAiLS AUG 17 onLy tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

dustin Rennells $50 / members $43 materials $22

CookinGBASiC CookinG: PArt 1 JUL 13 – AUG 03 tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 4 sessions

Lars Liebisch $140 / members $120 materials $60

BASiC CookinG: PArt 2 JUL 19 – AUG 09 Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 4 sessions

Lars Liebisch $154 / members $131 materials $60

BASiC CookinG wEEkEnD workSHoP AUG 21 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

Karen Eddy $100 / members $85 materials $25

BASiC kitCHEn AnD knifE SkiLLS AUG 11 – AUG 18 wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 2 sessions

Lars Liebisch $85 / members $75 materials $40

BASiC vEGEtAriAn CookinG JUL 27 onLy tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Karen Eddy $48 / members $41 materials $15

CookinG frESH froM tHE fArM: LoCAL finDS froM tHE CoPLEy fArMErS MArkEt JUL 14 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session JUL 28 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session AUG 11 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session AUG 25 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

julia Grimaldi $52 / members $44 materials $18

MExiCAn fAvoritES At HoME JUL 12 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Bernard Kinsella $52 / members $47 materials $18

JUL 13 onLy tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

jose duarte $55 / members $45 materials $28

Here’s the Catch: A Night of Sustainable Seafood with Taranta’s Chef jose duarteLooking for new ways to cook the ocean’s bounty? join top local Chef Jose Duarte, owner of Taranta restaurant in Boston’s North End, for a night of culinary exploration designed to teach you how to select and prepare fresh sustainable seafood. Chef jose will show you how to purchase, prepare and enjoy seafood, while having a minimal impact on the environment.

A leader in sustainability, Taranta owner and Executive Chef Jose Duarte has received the 2008 City of Boston Green Business Award, Waterford Crystal Chefs of Chefs Award at the Food and Wine Week in Houston Texas for his sustainable eco friendly restaurant.

Page 10: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


fooD & winE COOKING

A tUSCAn DinnEr JUL 17 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $51 / members $42 materials $18

fUnDAMEntALS of tHAi CUiSinE JUL 19 – JUL 26 Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 2 sessions

Booakhai Vilathong $80 / members $70 materials $30

CookinG witH winES JUL 23 onLy fri, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $53 / members $48 materials $18

SEnSAtionAL SUMMEr SALADS JUL 28 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $39 / members $30 materials $15

An inDiAn DinnEr JUL 29 onLy thu, 6:30pm-9:30pm 1 session AUG 10 onLy tue, 6:30pm-9:30pm 1 session

Priyanka Sancheti $56 / members $48 materials $20

frESH fiSH MADE fABULoUS AUG 09 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Bernard Kinsella $55 / members $45 materials $15

totALLy toMAtoES! AUG 13 onLy fri, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $38 / members $29 materials $16

LiGHtEr itALiAn fArE AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $53 / members $44 materials $18

APPEtizErS By rEGion: SPAin, PortUGAL, frAnCE, AnD itALy AUG 16 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Anthony Sabol $57 / members $46 materials $15

ooDLES of oriEntAL nooDLES AUG 18 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $53 / members $48 materials $17

CookinG for SinGLES AUG 20 onLy fri, 6:00pm-9:30pm 1 session

Larry Hernandez $62 / members $48 materials $18

tAPAS: UnA noCHE En ESPAnA AUG 24 onLy tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Larry Hernandez $59 / members $51 materials $18

A SoUtHErn BArBECUE AUG 25 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Kelly Price $55 / members $50 materials $15

SEASonS in A JAr: PiCkLinG & PrESErvinG AUG 26 onLy thu, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Roberta Tarsia $45 / members $38 materials $20

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and events and exclusive savings! Sign up at bcae.org

JUL 15 onLy thu, 1:00pm-3:00pm 1 session JUL 29 onLy thu, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Isis Parenting $55 / members $47 materials $13

first foodsfor Infants & ToddlersWondering how and what to feed your baby from 6 – 18 months? making healthy and tasty meals is easier than you might think. Isis Parenting, Boston’s most trusted prenatal and early parenting resource, collaborates with BCAE to offer new parents this program incorporating developmental information, food preparation, tasty samples and take-home recipes from first bites to finger foods. Take advantage of local produce and farmer’s markets and learn to create a variety of colorful and appealing options to feed your growing infant or toddler.

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BCAE Staff Picks

WINE & SPIRITS fooD & winE

winE & SPiritS

JUL 27 onLy tue, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Bertil jean-Chronberg $45 / members $38 materials $18

Bubbles Around the world with Sommelier Bertil jean-Cronbergjoin Bertil Jean-Chronberg, award-winning Sommelier, General manager and Libations master at The Beehive in Boston, as he discusses the buzz behind the bubbles of sparkling wines and champagnes. Widely paired with cuisine in Europe, the trend is just beginning to catch on stateside. Bertil will explain the difference between champagne and sparkling wines, how to enjoy the perfect glass, proper opening and pouring techniques in a non-pretentious manner. You’ll leave with knowledge and a skill-set that are sure to impress both your friends and yourself.

Bertil Jean-Chronberg has been the General manager and Wine director of The Beehive since its opening in 2007. Now the largest champagne and sparkling wine buyer in the city, jean-Chronberg continues to evolve The Beehive’s wine and drink list.

HoPPy trAvELS: CrAft BrEwinG in nEw EnGLAnD JUL 13 onLy tue, 6:00pm-7:30pm 1 session

matt Webster $35 / members $30 materials $15

tHroUGH tHE GrAPE vinE: introDUCtory winE tAStinG CrASH CoUrSE AUG 05 – AUG 12 thu, 6:00pm-8:00pm 2 sessions

jonathan Tagliani $55 / members $45 materials $25

CHiLLinG witH SAké JUL 15 onLy fri, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Richard Auffrey $36 / members $31 materials $20

i onLy Drink wHitE: CooL wHitES for SUMMEr niGHtS AUG 13 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9pm 1 session

jo-Ann Ross $44 / members $38 materials $18

SCotCH tAStinG JUL 22 onLy thu, 7:00pm-8:30pm 1 session

Brad jarvis $53 / members $43 materials $18

SUMMEr CHEESE (AnD winE) MAkES ME fEEL finE JUL 22 onLy thu, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Adam Centamore $44 / members $37 materials $15

friDAy niGHt winE tAStinG JUL 23 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john Fiola $57 / members $49 materials $15

winE & SPiritS EDUCAtion trUSt intErMEDiAtE CErtifiCAtE CoUrSE AUG 03 – AUG 31 tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 5 sessions

Adam Chase $732 / members $672

PErfECtLy twiStED SUMMEr CoCktAiLS AUG 04 onLy wed, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

david Borsman $30 / members $26 materials $18

friDAy niGHt winE tAStinG AUG 20 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john Fiola $57 / members $49 materials $15

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Fitness & RecfitnESSBEGin to SwiM JUL 07 – AUG 25 wed, 8:00pm-9:00pm 8 sessions JUL 11 – AUG 22 Sun, 3:00pm-4:00pm 8 sessions

YmCA Staff $120 / members $120 meets at: YMCA Central Branch, Boston

BEGin to SwiM ii JUL 07 – AUG 25 wed, 8:00pm-9:00pm 8 sessions JUL 11 – AUG 29 Sun, 4:00pm-5:00pm 8 sessions

YmCA Staff $120 / members $120 meets at: YMCA Central Branch, Boston

PArEnt AnD CHiLD SwiM CLASSES JUL 10 – AUG 28 Sat, 10:00am-10:30am 8 sessions

YmCA Staff $90 / members $90 meets at: YMCA Central Branch, Boston

intErMEDiAtE SwiMMinG JUL 12 – AUG 23 Mon, 7:00pm-8:00pm 8 sessions

YmCA Staff $120 / members $120 meets at: YMCA Central Branch, Boston

StrokE tECHniqUE JUL 12 – AUG 23 Mon, 7:00pm-8:00pm 8 sessions

YmCA Staff $120 / members $120 meets at: YMCA Central Branch, Boston

BEGinnEr tEnniS JUL 13 – AUG 17 tue, 8:00pm-9:00pm 6 sessions JUL 15 – AUG 19 thu, 8:00pm-9:00pm 6 sessions

Frank Ashenuga $155 / members $155 materials $5meets at: Boston Athletic Club, Boston

ADvAnCED BEGinnEr tEnniS JUL 13 – AUG 17 tue, 9:00pm-10:00pm 6 sessions

Frank Ashenuga $155 / members $155 materials $5meets at: Boston Athletic Club, Boston

intErMEDiAtE tEnniS JUL 15 – AUG 19 thu, 9:00pm-10:00pm 6 sessions

Frank Ashenuga $155 / members $155 materials $5meets at: Boston Athletic Club, Boston

zUMBA fitnESS JUL 10 – AUG 07 Sat, 10:00am-11:00am 5 sessions

TBd Instructor $65 / members $65 meets at: World Rhythms Dance Studio, Somerville

PiLAtES SCULPtinG witH ProPS JUL 12 – AUG 30 Mon, 6:30pm-7:30pm 8 sessions

Boston Body $105 / members $105 meets at: Boston Body, Boston

rEADRead all about our dedicated

instructors at bcae.org!

Page 13: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


BCAE Staff Picks

fLExiBLE & fit: GyrokinESiS for BEGinnErS JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 7:00pm-8:00pm 8 sessions

Kathryn Van Patten $130 / members $130 meets at: The Movement Center of Boston, Boston

StrEtCH it oUt: GyrotoniCS for AnytHinG witH A SwinG JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 7:00pm-8:00pm 8 sessions

Kathryn Van Patten $175 / members $175 meets at: The Movement Center of Boston, Boston

CArDio-kiCkBoxinG AUG 02 – SEP 01 Mon, wed, 6:30pm-7:30pm 10 sessions

C.W. Taekwondo $135 / members $135 meets at: CW Taekwondo, Cambridge

iSftA PErSonAL trAinEr CErtifiCAtion JUL 09 – JUL 24 fri, 5:00pm-9:00pm 4 sessions Sat, 1:00pm-5:00pm

Norman Rousseau $299 / members $299 meets at: Fitness Together, Boston

ULtiMAtE BootCAMP: MorninG JUL 12 – AUG 05 Mon, tue, wed, thu6:00am-7:00am 16 sessions

AUG 09 – SEP 02 Mon, tue, wed, thu6:00pm-7:00am 16 sessions

$249 / members $249

ULtiMAtE BootCAMP: EvEninG JUL 12 – AUG 05 Mon, tue, thu6:00am-7:00pm 12 sessions

AUG 09 – SEP 02 Mon, tue, thu6:00pm-7:00pm 12 sessions

$199 / members $199 meets at: Boston Common, Boston

SELf-DEfEnSE for woMEn JUL 17 onLy Sat, 11:00am-3:00pm 1 session

darryl Rambo $75 / members $60 materials $15

introDUCtion to inDoor CLiMBinG AUG 07 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

Gavin Heverly $75 / members $75 meets at: Boston Rock Gym, Woburn

BoSton MArtiAL ArtS ACADEMy AUG 28 onLy Sat, 9:00am-5:00pm 1 session

TBd Instructor $199 / members $199

HAtHA yoGA JUL 14 – AUG 25 wed, 5:45pm-7:00pm 7 sessions

Celeste Lemieux $115 / members $100


rECrEAtionBEGinnEr BriDGE At tHE BCAE JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 6:15pm-7:30pm 8 sessions

Sam Seicol $145 / members $130 materials $6meets at: 151 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston

ADvAnCED BEGinninG BriDGE At tHE BCAE JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 7:45pm-9:15pm 8 sessions

Sam Seicol $145 / members $130 materials $6meets at: 151 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston

rEADy to PLAy: intEnSivE BriDGE workSHoP JUL 24 onLy Sat, 2:30pm-5:00pm 1 session

Sam Seicol $45 / members $40

JUL 15 onLy thu, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john Berube and Brad jarvis

$45 / members $40 / materials $15

Upping the Ante: Poker Tips and Whiskey TastingHave you ever wondered whether you should hold’em or fold’em, or whether you should go with the Bourbon or with the Scotch? The “master distillers” at the BCAE have designed this pairing of chips and sips with fun in mind. Both our gambling and whisky experts will be on hand to offer tips and answer questions. If you have never tried poker or whisky and want to get started, have tried them and want to learn more, or consider yourself a connoisseur and just want to come out for a fun evening then you need to come on out and join us!

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Hit, StAnD, DoUBLEDown: SMArt BLACkJACk AUG 11 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john Berube $55 / members $45 materials $5

GoLf for EvEryonE JUL 07 – JUL 28 wed, 6:00pm-7:00pm 4 sessions AUG 04 – AUG 25 wed, 6:00pm-7:00pm 4 sessions

City Golf $199 / members $199 meets at: City Golf, Boston

BiCyCLE MAintEnAnCE AnD rEPAir JUL 17 onLy Sat, 9:15am-11:15am 1 session

Farina’s Bicycle Center $59 / members $59 meets at: Farina’s Bicycle Center, Watertown

UrBAn BikE riDE: ExPLorE tHE CHArLES rivEr JUL 23 onLy fri, 6:00pm-8:30pm 1 session

Tim Post $25 / members $25 meets at: Harvard Square, Cambridge

BikinG in ConCorD AnD CArLiSLE JUL 10 onLy Sat, 9:00am-12:00pm 1 session AUG 07 onLy Sat, 9:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Susan merlino $55 / members $55 meets at: Concord Bike Tours, Concord

LEArn to SAiL JUL 06 – JUL 15 tue, thu, 5:00pm-8:00pm 4 sessions JUL 31 – AUG 08 Sat, Sun, 10:00am-1:00pm 4 sessions

miguel Corti Courageous Sailing Center

$275 / members $275 meets at: Courageous Sailing Center, Charlestown

MoonLiGHt CAnoE toUr JUL 23 onLy fri, 7:00pm-10:00pm 1 session AUG 19 onLy thu, 7:00pm-10:00pm 1 session

Charles River Recreation, Inc.

$28 / members $28 / materials $11meets at: Newton Boathouse, Newton

kAyAkinG & GriLLinG: BoSton BBq toUr JUL 09 onLy fri, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session AUG 06 onLy fri, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Charles River Recreation, Inc.

$38 / members $38 / materials $25meets at: Charles River Canoe & Kayak, Brighton

introDUCtion to SEA kAyAkinG: MArBLEHEAD HArBor JUL 11 onLy Sun, 8:00am-5:00pm 1 session

Charles River Recreation, Inc.

$130 / members $130 / materials $25meets at: Newton Boathouse, Newton

introDUCtion to kAyAkinG JUL 25 – AUG 01 Sun, 8:30am-11:30am; 2 sessions

Charles River Recreation, Inc.

$149 / members $149 / materials $5meets at: Newton Boathouse, Newton

wHErE DiD tHE PUritAnS Go? A GUiDED wALkinG toUr of HiStoriC BoSton JUL 24 onLy Sat, 11:00am-1:00pm 1 session

Linda Palmer $40 / members $40 meets at: Old Burying Ground, Boston

tAkE A HikE! A GUiDED HikE tHroUGH “tHE fELLS” AUG 21 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

Tim Post $25 / members $25

A wALk on tHE wiLD SiDE: CHinA town, tHEAtEr & LEAtHEr DiStriCtS JUL 28 onLy wed, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Edward Gordon $20 / members $20

A wALkinG toUr of tHE nortH EnD AUG 04 onLy wed, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Edward Gordon $20 / members $20 meets at: Government Center T Station, Boston

A wALkinG toUr of HArvArD SqUArE AUG 11 onLy wed, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Edward Gordon $20 / members $20 meets at: Harvard Square, Cambridge

PLAy BALL: A SPortS fAn’S toUr of BoSton AUG 17 onLy tue, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Christopher Klein $20 / members $20

MonUMEntS & foUntAinS: A toUr of BoSton’S HiStory AUG 25 onLy wed, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Edward Gordon $20 / members $20

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GROWTHCoMPUtErS & tECHnoLoGyworkPLACE CoMPUtEr SkiLLS JUL 19 – JUL 22 Mon, tue, wed, thu10:00am-12:30pm 4 sessions

marlene Archer $180 / members $155

CoMPUtinG BASiCS: onE-wEEk intEnSivE AUG 23 – AUG 26 Mon, tue, wed, thu10:00am-12:30pm 4 sessions

marlene Archer $180 / members $155

MiCroSoft ExCEL JUL 22 – AUG 12 thu, 5:30pm-7:30pm 4 sessions

Peter Chronis $159 / members $125 materials $4

MiCroSoft ExCEL: intErMEDiAtE AUG 19 – SEP 02 thu, 7:45pm-9:45pm 3 sessions

Peter Chronis $119 / members $94 materials $4

ExCEL wEEkEnD rEfrESHEr: Pivot tABLES AnD MACroS AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:30pm 1 session

Peter Chronis $45 / members $39 materials $4

MiCroSoft ACCESS JUL 19 – AUG 02 Mon, 5:30pm-7:30pm 3 sessions

Robert Volante $140 / members $120

MiCroSoft ACCESS ii JUL 17 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Robert Volante $45 / members $39

introDUCtion to qUiCkBookS JUL 27 – AUG 10 tue, 10:00am-12:00pm 3 sessions

Robert Volante $154 / members $131

GrAPHiC DESiGn AnD Print ProDUCtion 101 JUL 23 onLy fri, 10:30am-4:30pm 1 session

julie dowen $115 / members $95

DESktoP PUBLiSHinG USinG ADoBE inDESiGn JUL 13 – AUG 03 tue, 7:45pm-9:45pm 4 sessions

Chris Cuddy $159 / members $125

ADoBE inDESiGn LEvEL 2 AUG 10 – AUG 31 tue, 7:45pm-9:45pm 4 sessions

Chris Cuddy $144 / members $125

ADoBE iLLUStrAtor intEnSivE AUG 16 onLy Mon, 5:30pm-8:30pm 1 session

jessica Sutich $49 / members $42

ADoBE PHotoSHoP for tHE PC JUL 13 – AUG 03 tue, 5:30pm-7:30pm 4 sessions

Chris Cuddy $159 / members $125

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BCAE Staff Picks


ADoBE PHotoSHoP for tHE PC, LEvEL two AUG 10 – AUG 31 tue, 5:30pm-7:30pm 4 sessions

Chris Cuddy $144 / members $125

introDUCtion to fLASH JUL 24 onLy Sat, 10:00am-4:00pm 1 session

mark Borok $108 / members $94

DESiGninG AnD DEvELoPinG yoUr wEB PAGE USinG HtML JUL 14 – SEP 01 wed, 1:15pm-3:15pm 8 sessions JUL 14 – SEP 01 wed, 5:45pm-7:45pm 8 sessions

Glen Silva $317 / members $270 materials $6

CoMPUtEr SECUrity: ProtECtinG yoUr PC, yoUr DAtA AnD yoUr iDEntity AUG 30 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john mcNabb $42 / members $36 materials $3

MAkinG SEnSE of SoCiAL MEDiA JUL 22 – JUL 29 thu, 7:45pm-9:15pm 2 sessions

Christine Bolzan $55 / members $40

MArkEtinG yoUr BUSinESS on tHE wEB JUL 26 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Stephen Labuda $52 / members $45

SELf & workGrE PrEPArAtion JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 8 sessions

Chris Berg $435 / members $370

LSAt PrEPArAtion JUL 15 – AUG 26 thu, 6:00pm-8:30pm 7 sessions

james martin $242 / members $210

fLirtinG: tHE PSyCHoLoGy of inStAnt SExUAL AttrACtion JUL 23 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9:30pm 1 session

judith Swack $44 / members $38

froM DAtinG to MArriAGE: Dr. SwACk’S 7 rULES for SUCCESS AUG 13 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9:30pm 1 session

judith Swack $51 / members $43

LivinG fEArLESSLy JUL 24 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Lauren mackler $43 / members $37

SPEAkinG UP, SPEAkinG wELL JUL 24 onLy Sat, 9:00am-5:00pm 1 session

Speech Improvement Company $136 / members $116

CoPyEDitinG AnD ProofrEADinG for Any CArEEr JUL 17 – JUL 24 Sat, 9:00am-4:00pm 2 sessions

Anne jackson $175 / members $160 materials $35

GrAnt writinG AUG 02 – AUG 09 Mon, 7:45pm-9:45pm 2 sessions

melissa Baern $118 / members $101

A JoB SEEkEr’S GUiDE to SoCiAL MEDiA JUL 19 onLy Mon, 7:45pm-9:15pm 1 session

Christine Bolzan $29 / members $25

EntrEPrEnEUrSHiP: StArtinG AnD SUCCEEDinG in Any tyPE of BUSinESS AUG 14 onLy Sat, 11:00am-5:00pm 1 session

mel Epstein $138 / members $118 materials $6

Page 18: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


CULTUREwritinGHow to PUBLiSH AnD ProMotE yoUr Book JUL 29 onLy thu, 6:00pm-7:30pm 1 session

janet Spurr $40 / members $30

qUiCk AnD EASy writinG tiPS AUG 03 – AUG 10 tue, 7:45pm-9:45pm 2 sessions

Pauline Stieff $75 / members $65

CoPyEDitinG AnD ProofrEADinG for Any CArEEr JUL 17 – JUL 24 Sat, 9:00am-4:00pm 2 sessions

Anne jackson $175 / members $160 materials $35

GooD GrAMMAr ii: A wEEkEnD intEnSivE workSHoP AUG 14 – AUG 21 Sat, 9:00am-4:00pm 2 sessions

Anne jackson $175 / members $160 materials $35

CrEAtivE writinG workSHoP JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 5:45pm-7:45pm 8 sessions

mark Polanzak $205 / members $195

frEELAnCE writinG AUG 17 – AUG 24 tue, 6:00pm-8:00pm 2 sessions

Susan johnston $70 / members $60

fiCtion writinG workSHoP JUL 14 – AUG 25 wed, 5:45pm-7:15pm 7 sessions

Kyle Cranston $160 / members $145

fLASH fiCtion: writinG MiCro fiCtion JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 8:00pm-9:30pm 8 sessions

mark Polanzak $185 / members $175

MEMoir writinG JUL 14 – AUG 25 wed, 7:30pm-9:00pm 7 sessions

Kyle Cranston $150 / members $140

PoEtry workSHoP JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 5:45pm-7:45pm 7 sessions

Tom daley $195 / members $175

trAvELoGUE: trAvEL writinG AnD PHotoGrAPHy JUL 13 – JUL 20 tue, 7:30pm-9:30pm 2 sessions

david Abel $90 / members $80

wELL DonE: writinG rEStAUrAnt rEviEwS JUL 14 – JUL 28 wed, 6:00pm-7:30pm 3 sessions

Louisa Kasdon $60 / members $50

frESH APProACH: writinG ABoUt fooD AUG 02 – AUG 16 Mon, 5:45pm-7:15pm 3 sessions

Leah Bloom $100 / members $85

BLoGGinG BASiCS JUL 19 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-8:30pm 1 session

Susan johnston $60 / members $50

BooSt yoUr BLoG JUL 26 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-8:30pm 1 session

Susan johnston $60 / members $50

take your blog from blah to blazing hot!

Page 19: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


BCAE Staff Picks



Hearing impaired, BoB ABAiD has taught American Sign Language at the BCAE since 1995. Beloved by his students, he was a recipient of the 2001 BCAE Leader Recognition Award. Students love Bob, and his approach to teaching, commenting regularly about his patience, helpfulness, and willingness to make students feel comfortable.

Recently, we caught up with Bob about his 15 years at the BCAE.

“When I teach Sign-Language, I start word-by-word then move students into forming sentences. We go over finger-spellings and how to use your knuckles to communicate. Facial expressions are also important, as are playing Sign Language games to practice.”

“I teach Sign Language to make friends and to help people communicate with the deaf. just because someone is deaf, doesn’t mean that he or she can’t communicate. deaf people don’t want to be ignored. They want to make friends, like everyone else. This makes me happy—when I can help bridge the communication gap!”

Thank you, Bob for 15 years of dedicated Service to the BCAE!

Take a class with Bob:

AMEriCAn SiGn LAnGUAGE – page 19

LovE tHE BCAE? Want your story to be featured here? Contact us at [email protected]!

AMEriCAn SiGn LAnGUAGE: 1 JUL 15 – SEP 02 thu, 6:00pm-7:30pm 8 sessions

Bob Abaid $145 / members $130

PortUGUESE: LEvEL 1 JUL 14 – SEP 01 wed, 6:00pm-7:30pm 8 sessions

Amanda maciel Antunes $195 / members $170

frEnCH: LEvEL 1 JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 6:00pm-7:30pm 8 sessions

Nancy Winston $195 / members $170

frEnCH: LEvEL 2 JUL 14 – AUG 25 wed, 6:00pm-7:30pm 7 sessions

Nancy Winston $195 / members $170

itALiAn: LEvEL 1 JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 6:00pm-7:30pm 8 sessions

maria Conte $195 / members $170

itALiAn: LEvEL 2 JUL 14 – SEP 01 wed, 5:30pm-7:00pm 8 sessions

Rosetta del Giudice $195 / members $170

SPAniSH: LEvEL 1 JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 6:00pm-7:30pm 8 sessions

Carlos marin $195 / members $170

JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 7:30pm-9:00pm 8 sessions

maria Conte $195 / members $170

SPAniSH: LEvEL 2 JUL 13 – AUG 31 tue, 7:30pm-9:00pm 8 sessions

Carlos marin $195 / members $170

SPAniSH for trAvELErS JUL 12 – AUG 16 Mon, 6:00pm-7:30pm 6 sessions

Carlos marin $125 / members $115

frEnCH for trAvELErS JUL 13 – AUG 10 tue, 7:45pm-9:15pm 5 sessions

Nancy Winston $125 / members $115

itALiAn for trAvELErS JUL 14 – AUG 11 wed, 7:15pm-8:45pm 5 sessions

Rosetta del Giudice $125 / members $115

PortUGUESE for trAvELErS JUL 14 – AUG 11 wed, 7:30pm-9:00pm 5 sessions

Amanda maciel Antunes $125 / members $115

Page 20: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


SINGLE SessionMExiCAn fAvoritES At HoME JUL 12 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Bernard Kinsella $52 / members $47 materials $18

HErE’S tHE CAtCH: A niGHt of SUStAinABLE SEAfooD witH tArAntA’S CHEf JoSE DUArtE JUL 13 onLy tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

jose duarte $55 / members $45 materials $28

HoPPy trAvELS: CrAft BrEwinG in nEw EnGLAnD JUL 13 onLy tue, 6:00pm-7:30pm 1 session

matt Webster $35 / members $30 materials $15

How to fiGUrE oUt yoUr DiGitAL CAMErA JUL 14 onLy wed, 5:30pm-7:30pm 1 session

Ethan melad $40 / members $33

DiGitAL PHotoGrAPHy: tHE nExt StEP JUL 14 onLy wed, 7:45pm-9:45pm 1 session

Ethan melad $40 / members $33

HAtHA yoGA JUL 14 – AUG 25 wed, 545pm-7:00pm 1 session

Celeste Lemieux $115 / members $100

CookinG frESH froM tHE fArM: LoCAL finDS froM tHE CoPLEy fArMErS MArkEt JUL 14 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

julia Grimaldi $52 / members $44 materials $18

UPPinG tHE AntE: PokEr tiPS AnD wHiSkEy tAStinG JUL 15 onLy thu, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john Berube and Brad jarvis

$45 / members $40 / materials $15

firSt fooDS for infAntS & toDDLErS JUL 15 onLy thu, 1:00pm-3:00pm 1 session

Isis Parenting $55 / members $47 materials $13

CHiLLinG witH SAké JUL 15 onLy fri, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Richard Auffrey $36 / members $31 materials $20

onE niGHt in BoSton: StrEEt PHotoGrAPHy workSHoP JUL 17 onLy Sat, 4:00pm-7:00pm 1 session

mike diskin $55 / members $47

SoUtH EnD DECorAtinG toUr JUL 17 onLy Sat, 10:00am-2:00pm 1 session

mary Chase $35 / members $30

inStAnt PiAno for HoPELESSLy BUSy PEoPLE JUL 17 onLy Sat, 1:00pm-4:00pm 1 session

deborah Gruber $36 / members $30 materials $26

SHowEr SinGinG in PUBLiC! JUL 17 onLy Sat, 9:30am-12:30pm 1 session

deborah Gruber $37 / members $30 materials $26

SELf-DEfEnSE for woMEn JUL 17 onLy Sat, 11:00am-3:00pm 1 session

darryl Rambo $75 / members $60 materials $15

A tUSCAn DinnEr JUL 17 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $51 / members $42 materials $18

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BCAE Staff Picks

ClassesMiCroSoft ACCESS ii JUL 17 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Robert Volante $45 / members $39

BLoGGinG BASiCS JUL 19 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-8:30pm 1 session

Susan johnston $60 / members $50

A JoB SEEkEr’S GUiDE to SoCiAL MEDiA JUL 19 onLy Mon, 7:45pm-9:15pm 1 session

Christine Bolzan $29 / members $25

introDUCtion to tHE worLD of winDow DiSPLAy JUL 21 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

dustin Rennells $55 / members $47 materials $10

SCotCH tAStinG JUL 22 onLy thu, 7:00pm-8:30pm 1 session

Brad jarvis $53 / members $43 materials $18

SUMMEr CHEESE (AnD winE) MAkES ME fEEL finE JUL 22 onLy thu, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Adam Centamore $44 / members $37 materials $15

ExPrESS yoUrSELf witH DECoUPAGE JUL 23 onLy fri, 5:30pm-8:30pm 1 session

jenn Sherr $46 / members $40 materials $10

BEAD AnD PEArL: knottinG witH SiLk JUL 23 onLy fri, 5:30pm-7:30pm 1 session

Bead and Pearl $41 / members $35

CookinG witH winES JUL 23 onLy fri, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $53 / members $48 materials $18

friDAy niGHt winE tAStinG JUL 23 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john Fiola $57 / members $49 materials $15

GrAPHiC DESiGn AnD Print ProDUCtion 101 JUL 23 onLy fri, 10:30am-4:30pm 1 session

julie dowen $115 / members $95

fLirtinG: tHE PSyCHoLoGy of inStAnt SExUAL AttrACtion JUL 23 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9:30pm 1 session

judith Swack $44 / members $38

JUGGLinG for BEGinnErS JUL 24 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Eric Eliacin $35 / members $27 materials $5

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SINGLE SessionrEADy to PLAy: intEnSivE BriDGE workSHoP JUL 24 onLy Sat, 2:30pm-5:00pm 1 session

Sam Seicol $45 / members $40

introDUCtion to fLASH JUL 24 onLy Sat, 10:00am-4:00pm 1 session

mark Borok $108 / members $94

LivinG fEArLESSLy JUL 24 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Lauren mackler $43 / members $37

SPEAkinG UP, SPEAkinG wELL JUL 24 onLy Sat, 9:00am-5:00pm 1 session

Speech Improvement Company $136 / members $116

BooSt yoUr BLoG JUL 26 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-8:30pm 1 session

Susan johnston $60 / members $50

MArkEtinG yoUr BUSinESS on tHE wEB JUL 26 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Stephen Labuda $52 / members $45

BASiC vEGEtAriAn CookinG JUL 27 onLy tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Karen Eddy $48 / members $41 materials $15

BUBBLES AroUnD tHE worLD witH SoMMELiEr BErtiL JEAn-CronBErG JUL 27 onLy tue, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Bertil jean-Chronberg $45 / members $38 materials $18

CookinG frESH froM tHE fArM: LoCAL finDS froM tHE CoPLEy fArMErS MArkEt JUL 28 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

julia Grimaldi $52 / members $44 materials $18

SEnSAtionAL SUMMEr SALADS JUL 28 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $39 / members $30 materials $15

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BCAE Staff Picks

ClassesHow to PUBLiSH AnD ProMotE yoUr Book JUL 29 onLy thu, 6:00pm-7:30pm 1 session

janet Spurr $40 / members $30

firSt fooDS for infAntS &toDDLErS JUL 29 onLy thu, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

Isis Parenting $55 / members $47 materials $13

An inDiAn DinnEr JUL 29 onLy thu, 6:30pm-9:30pm 1 session

Priyanka Sancheti $56 / members $48 materials $20

SAnGriA AnD SUMMEr frUit CUPCAkES AUG 04 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

dustin Rennells $50 / members $43 materials $16

PErfECtLy twiStED SUMMEr CoCktAiLS AUG 04 onLy wed, 6:00pm-8:00pm 1 session

david Borsman $30 / members $26 materials $18

frESH fiSH MADE fABULoUS AUG 09 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Bernard Kinsella $55 / members $45 materials $15

An inDiAn DinnEr AUG 10 onLy tue, 6:30pm-9:30pm 1 session

Priyanka Sancheti $56 / members $48 materials $20

Hit, StAnD, DoUBLEDown: SMArt BLACkJACk AUG 11 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john Berube $55 / members $45 materials $5

CookinG frESH froM tHE fArM: LoCAL finDS froM tHE CoPLEy fArMErS MArkEt AUG 11 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

julia Grimaldi $52 / members $44 materials $18

i onLy Drink wHitE: CooL wHitES for SUMMEr niGHtS AUG 13 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9pm 1 session

jo-Ann Ross $44 / members $38 materials $18

totALLy toMAtoES! AUG 13 onLy fri, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $38 / members $29 materials $16

froM DAtinG to MArriAGE: Dr. SwACk’S 7 rULES for SUCCESS AUG 13 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9:30pm 1 session

judith Swack $51 / members $43

PiECE it toGEtHEr: two-DiMEnSionAL CoLLAGE MAkinG AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-2:00pm 1 session

Kathryn Lloyd Compton $48 / members $41 / materials $10

intErMEDiAtE PHotoGrAPHy: wEEkEnD workSHoP AUG 14 onLy Sat, 1:00pm-4:00pm 1 session

Ethan melad $46 / members $40

tHE Art of Book MAkinG: DESiGn & tECHniqUE AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-4:00pm 1 session

dustin Rennells $75 / members $65 materials $12

introDUCtion to inDoor CLiMBinG AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

Gavin Heverly $75 / members $75 meets at: Boston Rock Gym, Woburn

ExCEL wEEkEnD rEfrESHEr: Pivot tABLES AnD MACroS AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:30pm 1 session

Peter Chronis $45 / members $39 materials $4

EntrEPrEnEUrSHiP: StArtinG AnD SUCCEEDinG in Any tyPE of BUSinESS AUG 14 onLy Sat, 11:00am-5:00pm 1 session

mel Epstein $138 / members $118 materials $6

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SINGLE Session

LiGHtEr itALiAn fArE AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $53 / members $44 materials $18

APPEtizErS By rEGion: SPAin, PortUGAL, frAnCE, AnD itALy AUG 16 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Anthony Sabol $57 / members $46 materials $15

ADoBE iLLUStrAtor intEnSivE AUG 16 onLy Mon, 5:30pm-8:30pm 1 session

jessica Sutich $49 / members $42

CUPCAkES AnD CoCktAiLS AUG 17 onLy tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

dustin Rennells $50 / members $43 materials $22

ooDLES of oriEntAL nooDLES AUG 18 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $53 / members $48 materials $17

MoonLiGHt CAnoE toUr AUG 19 onLy thu, 7:00pm-10:00pm 1 session

Charles River Recreation, Inc.

$28 / members $28 / materials $11meets at: Newton Boathouse, Newton

CookinG for SinGLES AUG 20 onLy fri, 6:00pm-9:30pm 1 session

Larry Hernandez $62 / members $48 materials $18

friDAy niGHt winE tAStinG AUG 20 onLy fri, 7:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john Fiola $57 / members $49 materials $15

LUSCioUS LotionS, SiMPLE SALvES AUG 21 onLy Sat, 1:00pm-4:00pm 1 session

Iris Weaver $44 / members $38 materials $14

BASiC CookinG wEEkEnD workSHoP AUG 21 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

Karen Eddy $100 / members $85 materials $25

tAPAS: UnA noCHE En ESPAnA AUG 24 onLy tue, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Larry Hernandez $59 / members $51 materials $18

CookinG frESH froM tHE fArM: LoCAL finDS froM tHE CoPLEy fArMErS MArkEt AUG 25 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

julia Grimaldi $52 / members $44 materials $18

A SoUtHErn BArBECUE AUG 25 onLy wed, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Kelly Price $55 / members $50 materials $15

SEASonS in A JAr: PiCkLinG & PrESErvinG AUG 26 onLy thu, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

Roberta Tarsia $45 / members $38 materials $20

BEAD & PEArL: JEwELry rEHAB AUG 30 onLy Mon, 5:30pm-7:30pm 1 session

Bead and Pearl $31 / members $25

CoMPUtEr SECUrity: ProtECtinG yoUr PC, yoUr DAtA AnD yoUr iDEntity AUG 30 onLy Mon, 6:00pm-9:00pm 1 session

john mcNabb $42 / members $36 materials $3

How to fiGUrE oUt yoUr DiGitAL CAMErA AUG 31 onLy tue, 5:30pm-7:30pm 1 session

Ethan melad $40 / members $33

DiGitAL PHotoGrAPHy: tHE nExt StEP AUG 31 onLy tue, 7:45pm-9:45pm 1 session

Ethan melad $40 / members $33

Page 25: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010



inStAnt PiAno for HoPELESSLy BUSy PEoPLE JUL 17 onLy Sat, 1:00pm-4:00pm 1 session

deborah Gruber $36 / members $30 materials $26

ExPLorinG CoLor BASiCS for tHE LAy ArtiSt JUL 17 – JUL 24 Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 2 sessions

Glenn davis $72 / members $60

A tUSCAn DinnEr JUL 17 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $51 / members $42 materials $18

MiCroSoft ACCESS ii JUL 17 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Robert Volante $45 / members $39

SEwinG for BEGinnErS wEEkEnD workSHoP JUL 17 – JUL 24 Sat, 10:00am-3:00pm 2 sessions

Stephanie Sabbe $152 / members $132

SELf-DEfEnSE for woMEn JUL 17 onLy Sat, 11:00am-3:00pm 1 session

darryl Rambo $75 / members $60 materials $15

BUrLESqUE BASiCS JUL 17 – JUL 24 Sat, 2:00pm-4:00pm 2 sessions

Amber Knight $50 / members $45

onE niGHt in BoSton: StrEEt PHotoGrAPHy workSHoP JUL 17 onLy Sat, 4:00pm-7:00pm 1 session

mike diskin $55 / members $47

CoPyEDitinG AnD ProofrEADinG for Any CArEEr JUL 17 – JUL 24 Sat, 9:00am-4:00pm 2 sessions

Anne jackson $175 / members $160 materials $35

SHowEr SinGinG in PUBLiC! JUL 17 onLy Sat, 9:30am-12:30pm 1 session

deborah Gruber $37 / members $30 materials $26

SkEtCHBookinG tHroUGH BoSton JUL 18 – AUG 08 Sun, 9:30am-12:30pm 4 sessions

Rachel Eisenberg $150 / members $128

South End decorating Tour

JUL 17 onLy Sat, 10:00am-2:00pm 1 session

mary Chase $35 / members $30

Shopping in Boston’s South End, you’ll find an interesting mix of antique Asian, exotic Brazilian, cutting edge dutch, leading designer, high-end consignment and unique home furnishing stores. during this tour you’ll look at both furniture and home accessories. Get some great decorating ideas for your home and tips on how to buy furniture, where and what to look for!

Mary Chase is a long time South End resident, graphic designer and photographer and has many years of experience in home furnishings and antiques

Page 26: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


WEEKENdSJUGGLinG for BEGinnErS JUL 24 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Eric Eliacin $35 / members $27 materials $5

LivinG fEArLESSLy JUL 24 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:00pm 1 session

Lauren mackler $43 / members $37

introDUCtion to fLASH JUL 24 onLy Sat, 10:00am-4:00pm 1 session

mark Borok $108 / members $94

rEADy to PLAy: intEnSivE BriDGE workSHoP JUL 24 onLy Sat, 2:30pm-5:00pm 1 session

Sam Seicol $45 / members $40

SPEAkinG UP, SPEAkinG wELL JUL 24 onLy Sat, 9:00am-5:00pm 1 session

Speech Improvement Company / $136 / members $116

intErMEDiAtE PHotoGrAPHy: wEEkEnD workSHoP AUG 14 onLy Sat, 1:00pm-4:00pm 1 session

Ethan melad $46 / members $40

LiGHtEr itALiAn fArE AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

diane manteca $53 / members $44 materials $18

ExCEL wEEkEnD rEfrESHEr: Pivot tABLES AnD MACroS AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-12:30pm 1 session

Peter Chronis $45 / members $39 materials $4

PiECE it toGEtHEr: two-DiMEnSionAL CoLLAGE MAkinG AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-2:00pm 1 session

Kathryn Lloyd Compton $48 / members $41 / materials $10

tHE Art of Book MAkinG: DESiGn & tECHniqUE AUG 14 onLy Sat, 10:00am-4:00pm 1 session

dustin Rennells $75 / members $65 materials $12

EntrEPrEnEUrSHiP: StArtinG AnD SUCCEEDinG in Any tyPE of BUSinESS AUG 14 onLy Sat, 11:00am-5:00pm 1 session

mel Epstein $138 / members $118 materials $6

GooD GrAMMAr ii: A wEEkEnD intEnSivE workSHoP AUG 14 – AUG 21 Sat, 9:00am-4:00pm 2 sessions

Anne jackson $175 / members $160 materials $35

LUSCioUS LotionS, SiMPLE SALvES AUG 21 onLy Sat, 1:00pm-4:00pm 1 session

Iris Weaver $44 / members $38 materials $14

tAkE A HikE! A GUiDED HikE tHroUGH “tHE fELLS” AUG 21 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

Tim Post $25 / members $25

BASiC CookinG wEEkEnD workSHoP AUG 21 onLy Sat, 10:00am-1:00pm 1 session

Karen Eddy $100 / members $85 materials $25

BoSton MArtiAL ArtS ACADEMy AUG 28 onLy Sat, 9:00am-5:00pm 1 session

TBd Instructor $199 / members $199

GivEGive the gift of the BCAE!

Our gift cards are perfect for any occasion. Available at


Page 27: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


3 EASy wAyS to rEGiStEronline @ bcae.org

Register for courses in real-time and receive immediate confirmation. Check class availability, or place yourself on a waiting list. You can also buy gift certificates, make donations, or start or renew your membership online!

By Phone @ 617-267-4430 We acceptamerican Express, mastercard, Visa, and discover. Please have your credit card or gift certificate and course information ready.

Come see us @ 122 Arlington StreetStudent Services is open mon-Thu, 9am-7pm and Friday, 9am-5pm


BCAE policies and procedures applicable to all students, as well as general information about enrollment and fees, can be found online at bcae.org. We encourage you to visit the site and review this important information.

Starting july 9, there will be a once-per-term registration fee of $6. This helps us cover processing fees!

Find more information at bcae.org or call 617-267-4430.

PLEASE notE: in the case of a discrepancy, the descriptions and course information found on our website are the most accurate and up to date.

Page 28: BCAE Course Catalog July/August 2010


Boston Center for Adult Education 122 Arlington Street, Boston, mA 02116







ABoUt tHE BCAEFounded in 1933, the Boston Center for Adult Education is the oldest nonprofit adult education center in New England. Our mission is to provide educational opportunities for adults that foster personal and professional development, enhance a sense of community, and encourage social responsibility.





BCAE Staff test the new Gaggenau pizza oven by having a pizza party!

BCAE Staff with cupcake instructor Dustin Rennells at Taste of the South End.