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BCI Commander Sergeant James Tarbell and Patrol Sergeant Greg Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

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BCI Commander Sergeant James Tarbell and Patrol Sergeant Greg Sheldon – Rutland City Police Department

Safety Protocols

Environmental Considerations / Concerns


Body Language

Pre-attack Indicators

De escalation Techniques

Active Shooter Response

Survival Mind Set

Questions & Answer Session Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department

Does your town have safety policy’s established for you to follow?

If not, they should

Review you safety protocols periodically

Should include

When is it appropriate to call 911 for Police or EMS

Gives you a game plan to follow should a situation arise

Less thinking, more doing

Allows you to deflect the “blame” onto the institution not you personally

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Does you safety plan include

Escape routes

What to do if attacked

What to do if individual has a weapon

Lock Down Procedures

Active Shooter Procedures

Who is notified when an incident occurs (staff)

What level of force can you use to protect yourself if physically attacked

Resources available to you for backup if needed

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department

If you know someone is going to be a problem Remove neckties, earrings, scarf and hanging jewelry

High heel shoes? Can you run or fight in them?

Do you have a separate room to bring an agitated person to help calm them down

Never see them alone, always have another employee with you

If there is a history of violence have an officer stand by with you or at least make the local LE aware and fellow employees aware

Always have your cell phone with you. NOT ON YOUR DESK OR IN YOUR OFFICE….ON YOUR PERSON!

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Do you have a panic alarm?

Assure your escape route is not blocked or the door locked

Can you do it in the dark? If you get sprayed with OC and can’t see can you navigate your escape route? Find your panic button? Call 911?

Do not let them stand between you and your escape route

Do you have a safe room? Someplace to run and hide should you have no other option

Telephone in safe room or cell phone on your person to call for help

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Setting your office up for safety Place a barrier between you and the citizens

Security cameras in plain view

Remove all items from customer counter that can be used against you as a weapon whether being thrown at you or used as a striking weapon. Stapler

Hole punch

Letter opener

Paper weight

Candy jars


Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Many objects within reach that can be used as a weapon.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Scissors as a weapon

Easy access to employees, employees backed into a corner, objects that can be used as weapons on the counter, only one panic button

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Make sure your exit route is clear!

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Play the “what if” game

Role play or run scenarios to prepare

Involve LE / EMS / Fire

Lock Down Procedures

Involve LE / EMS / Fire

Practice what you would say to the 911 operator (name, location, situation, weapons involved, other agencies needed (EMS/Fire))

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Self defense classes

Proper mind set. Warrior mind set!

Remember what you wear can be used against you or hinder your response to aggressive action.

High heel shoes


Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Non-verbal communication Approx. 65% of what we say is

communicated through our body language / non verbal communication

Approx. 25% Tone of Voice, inflection and pitch

Less than 7% Verbal

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Defensive Position

Talk with your hands up in front of you

Keep your distance

Never turn your back

Stand up straight and tall

Make eye contact but don’t stare

Use a firm, calm, confident voice

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Pre Assault Indicators

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

According to FBI statistics there were 1,203,564 violent assaults in the United States during 2011.

Many of these assaults could be averted if targeted individuals were alert to certain common cues that indicated that an attack may be imminent.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Any veteran street officer will recognize these behavior cues, however non law enforcement personnel may not realize that in many cases threats were signaled in advance.

If you are vigilant and understand the implications of what you are seeing and hearing, you may disrupt the person’s plans before he or she can move against you.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Here are the top 10 indicators of a pending attack to watch for.

These indicators were compiled from FBI studies of violent offenders and officers they have assaulted.

These are ideas to consider, When it comes to confrontations there are NO absolutes!

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


This seems obvious, but too often when a person says “I’m going to kick your !&!” or “I’m going to kill you” he or she is dismissed as just running his or her mouth.

This is the time when you should seriously consider what a person is telling you!!

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Similarly, be aware of the person that urges you to use force against him or her, daring you, for example, to “go ahead hit me” or “go ahead and call the cops”.

This may be an irrational determination to fight against all odds.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


This can take many forms:

Failing to obey repeated directions

Repeating back simple questions that you ask

“What’s my name?”

“You want me to sit down?”

Being argumentative or trying to bargain with you

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

These can all indicate stalling for time to formulate a plan of attack or escape.

People may get upset when you ask them to do anything in their own home, and there the danger of non compliance can be high.

There are always potential weapons throughout their own environment that they are familiar with and could use to attack you!

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Check your own work environment and ask yourself how many items which are in easy reach could be used as improvised weapons!



Picture frames


Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


Individuals who are peeling off clothing or are stark naked are sometimes regarded as amusing, but that can be a grievous error!

The individual may be reacting to a highly elevated body temperature. This is a common symptom of excited delirium;

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

A psychological meltdown also associated with; Enhanced strength


Assaults on authority figures

Individuals may take off jackets, remove jewelry or set aside clothing they especially value as a prelude to assault. They may be freeing themselves to move more effectively against you or to protect their personal property.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


Be particularly on guard for this when attempting to deal simultaneously with multiple individuals.

Individuals may triangulate or split your focus

One individuals may engage you in conversation or an argument as a distraction while others move out of your peripheral vision

Individuals may try to flank you or circle behind you

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department

In effect individuals may use some of the same tactical moves law enforcement officers like to use against them when working with a cover officer or partner.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


Another possible tip off with multiple individuals.

This can include; Hand signals


Code words you don’t understand

Speaking in a foreign language

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department

You may be giving clear instructions that the subject should be responding to, however he or she is more focused on communicating with a companion.

Be careful!!!!!!

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


When individuals are under the influence of drugs, alcohol, and or have a mental health issues Such as being off their medication

They may have a diminished capacity to think clearly and to comply with directions.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Individuals may have good core values; however in their altered mental state they may act impulsively without thinking of their behavior and consequences.

You may never know what level of desperation someone may have, for instance.

They may be fearful of losing their house, losing their job, going to jail, being publicly humiliated or something you can’t even image.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

In their diminished state of mind, attacking you may seem like a reasonable way out of their situation.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


More than 80 percent of suspects who attack officers use personal weapons, hands, feet, head, or other body parts. Watch for signs that an angry subject is reaching his or her boiling point.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Cues may include:

(but are not limited to)

Quickened breathing

Flared nostrils

Dilated pupils

Adrenalin dump

Clenched fists

Excessive animation (flinging of arms)

Profuse sweating

Boxer stance

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Someone with a martial arts background or a lot of fighting experience or a sociopathic personality may not exhibit any outward signs of attack. They may bide their time, waiting for the right moment.

An indicator for this type individual may be excessive cooperation. They may be more polite and apparently compliant than what you know to be normal trying to lull you into dropping you guard.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


Watch to see if a individual is staring or repeatedly glancing at your chest, or some other particular part of your body.


There is no legitimate reason for that, they may be evaluating a target area for a physical attack.

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

If an individual is obviously looking around or sneaking furtive glances while you are talking with him or her, he or she may be looking for an escape route or to see if any witnesses are present.

If he or she is planning to reach for a weapon nearby, chances are he or she will look there first and not just blindly grab for it.

Be situational Aware!!! Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department


Individuals sometimes seem to blank out just before they strike. They get a vacant ‘nobody’s home’ stare that looks right through you and shows that they’ve disengaged mentally from reality.

Not responding to questions or ignoring you may be an indication of a behavioral problem

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


Intel from your computer may alert you to a individual’s violent background, if you don’t already know about his or her fighting tendencies from prior encounters.

Look for visible indicators such as;

Gang Clothing Biker Colors Tattoos

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department


Bottom line:





Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Common Signs a client has become escalated

Raised Voice

Rapid speech


Hand gestures / erratic movements


Aggressive posture


Pre-attach clues

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

De-escalation feels abnormal if done right

You must overcome the fight or flight urge

Your anxiety can make things worse

Remain focused, calm and centered

Slow deep breath

Stay positive – Win-Win attitude

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Physical Considerations / Non-verbal Remain calm

Limited eye contact Allow eye contact to break

Neutral but attentive facial expression Avoid smiling as it may seem as you are not taking them


Maintain good posture avoiding aggressive stance

Minimize body movement Indicates anxiety

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Location location location Blade the subject Talk with your hands Better response to a strike Prevents you from putting your hands in your pockets or

behind your back Do not block THEIR exit route – caged animals

They sit, you sit. They stand, you stand No pointing or finger shaking Do not touch them

May be perceived as aggressive Cultural Person with mental health issues

Proximity to subject

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department

Verbal de-escalation Goal is to bring the person down to a normal level

Use a low monotone voice

Do not try to yell over the subject

Wait for them to take a breath, then speak to them

Speak calmly in a low tone

Be ready for insults and derogatory comments

Be respectful

Be honest

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department

Selectively respond to questions

Respond to informational questions even if rude

“why do I have to fill out these g*d d*mn forms!?”

Do not respond to abusive questions

“why are all city employees a**holes!?”

In a firm respectful tone explain limits and rules giving choices if possible

Choices offer a way out for the escalated person

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon

Rutland City Police Department

Empathize with feelings – not behavior

“I understand you have the right to be angry but it is not okay to make threats towards me”

Do not argue or try to convince

May frustrate the subject

Represent controls / rules / requirements as institutional not as your own

Use their first name

Use clear simple language they understand

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

You cannot reason with an enraged subject

The goal is to bring them down slowly using these calming techniques.

You must reduce the level of arousal so you can have a productive discussion

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department


De-escalation techniques are not “magic” and do not always work

If it isn’t working… Have a plan

Get out

Remove them if it can be done safely

Call for help

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Never confront anyone with a weapon. Call for Help immediately!

Have an exit plan set up

Don’t assume anything One weapon, one subject, one target

Offense vs. Defense

Fight or Flight Do you have an option?

Find a place to hide! Bring you cell phone – call 911

Don’t move from your hiding space until told to do so by law enforcement

Don’t try to be a hero

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

The Assault:

You will survive…You Must Survive

Never give up, never stop fighting

If you cannot maintain control of the situation then exit the situation immediately and seek assistance

Stay physically fit

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Sgt Tarbell / Sgt Sheldon Rutland City Police Department

Thank You and Be Safe!