bcs, ypha, & ushers’ convention 2020****sdcgnc.com/130 questions - bkb 2020.pdf · 2020. 2....

****BCS, YPHA, & USHERS’ CONVENTION 2020**** BIBLE KNOWLEDGE BOWL FORMAT 1. All participants must be registered with the convention. 2. All participants must be on time. 3. The team cannot consist of more than six (6) people. Ages are from 6 years old to 21 year old, no ministers are able to compete. 4. Program will begin with an explanation of program and participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions. Also other delegates from the floor are able to ask questions during this time only. 5. Once the contest begins, there will be no discussion. 6. The moderator will be asking the questions. The questions may not be asked in the same manner as it is written from the handout. 7. If the answer is incorrect, the other team will be given the opportunity to answer the same question and receive the points. 8. If all districts are not participating, and there are an uneven number of teams, there will be a draw for a buy. 9. The teams will also be given a chance to draw what turn they will be playing. 10. The winners and the first runner-up will receive trophies. 11. The above rules are subject to change. If any changes they will be given at the time of the contest. ** Point System ** General Questions -20 points (10 questions) Bonus Questions -35 points (2 questions) Super Bonus Questions -50 points (1 questions) * * Thirteen questions per round * * 10 General Questions, 2 Bonus Questions and 1 Super Bonus Question

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1. All participants must be registered with the convention.

2. All participants must be on time.

3. The team cannot consist of more than six (6) people. Ages are from 6 years old to 21 year old, no

ministers are able to compete.

4. Program will begin with an explanation of program and participants will be given the opportunity to

ask questions. Also other delegates from the floor are able to ask questions during this time only.

5. Once the contest begins, there will be no discussion.

6. The moderator will be asking the questions. The questions may not be asked in the same manner as

it is written from the handout.

7. If the answer is incorrect, the other team will be given the opportunity to answer the same

question and receive the points.

8. If all districts are not participating, and there are an uneven number of teams, there will be a draw

for a buy.

9. The teams will also be given a chance to draw what turn they will be playing.

10. The winners and the first runner-up will receive trophies.

11. The above rules are subject to change. If any changes they will be given at the time of the


** Point System **

General Questions -20 points (10 questions)

Bonus Questions -35 points (2 questions)

Super Bonus Questions -50 points (1 questions)

* * Thirteen questions per round * *

10 General Questions, 2 Bonus Questions and 1 Super Bonus Question

Page 2: BCS, YPHA, & USHERS’ CONVENTION 2020****sdcgnc.com/130 Questions - BKB 2020.pdf · 2020. 2. 27. · ****BCS, YPHA, & USHERS’ CONVENTION 2020**** BIBLE KNOWLEDGE BOWL FORMAT 1

Bible Knowledge Bowl Questions

1. What sound, according to the Apostle Paul, causes every knee in heaven to bow?

The name of Jesus (Phil. 2:10)

2. What, in addition to grace, did the Apostle John say Jesus, the Word, was ―full of‖?

Truth (St. John 1:14)

3. What did Jesus do to serve His disciples at the Last Supper?

He washed their feet (St. John 13:14)

4. What do the places have in common? Egypt, Capernaum and Nazareth

Places Jesus lived (St. Matt. 2:13-15; 4:12-13; St. Luke 4:14-16)

5. Which son of Jesse would succeed Saul as king?

David (1 Sam. 16:1, 11-13)

6. Johan told the Ninevites that they had how many days left before God would destroy them?

Forty (Jonah 3:4)

7. What Old Testament prophet was a herdmen from Tekoa?

Amos (Amos 1:1)

8. What problem was the brave army commander Naaman healed of?

Leprosy (2 Kings 5:1, 14)

9. At what site did the Lord confound the language of the earth?

Babel (Genesis 11:9)

10. What angel announced the birth of Jesus to His mother, Mary?

Gabriel (St. Luke 1: 26-31)

11. Job’s children were killed by __.

Wind (Job 1:1, 18-19)

12. What sea, according to the book of Hebrews, was crossed by the Israelites, bay faith, ―as by dry

land? the Red Sea (Hebrews 11:29)

13. Quote Romans 10:28

14. According to the Lord’s Prayer, where is God the Father?

Heaven (St. Luke 11:2)

15. The disciples received the Holy Spirit during what special holiday?

Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4)

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16. How many letters did Paul write to the Corinthians?

Two (1st and 2nd Corinthians)

17. Bethlehem is the city of __.

David (St. Luke 2:4)

18. The name of the place where the Thessalonians lived was __.


19. What river stopped flowing when priests carrying the ark reached the water’s edge?

Jordan (Joshua 3:15-16)

20. What are two of the four ways Luke says the young boy Jesus grew up?

In wisdom, stature, favor with God, and favor with men (St. Luke 2:52)

21. Jesus taught in stories. What are they called?


22. Complete the scripture: ―Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you


Rest (St. Matthew 11:28)

23. What instrument was David skillful at playing?

Harp (1 Samuel 16:15-19)

24. What precious metal covered the ark and its carrying poles?

Gold (Exodus 25:10-14)

25. Complete the scripture: ―Let not sin therefore __ in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the

lusts thereof Reign (Romans 6:12))

26. What disciple, watching Jesus’ arrest and trial, claimed three times that he didn’t know the Lord?

Peter (St. Matthew 26:59-75)

27. When the apostle Paul wrote that ―to live is Christ,‖ what did he say it is ― to die‖?

Gain (Philippians 1:21)

28. What kind of bread were the Israelites to eat in their Passover celebration?

Unleavened (Numbers 9:10-11)

29. How many books are in the Bible?


30. Where can you find the Ten Commandments?

Exodus and Deuteronomy (Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:7-21)

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31. How old was the boy Jesus when He amazed people in the temple with His spiritual insights?

Twelve (St. Luke 2:41-52)

32. When does scripture say the Jesus was chosen to come to earth and offer a sacrifice for our sins?

Before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:18-20)

33. What did Jesus do when He saw the moneychangers at the temple?

Overturned their tables and angrily rebuked them (St. John 2:13-16)

34. What third son did Eve say God gave her in the place of the murdered Abel?

Seth (Genesis 4:1-2. 25)

35. When did we first meet Aaron in the Bible?

Appointed by God to help Moses (Exodus 4:14)

36. After Moses death, who succeeded him?

Joshua (Deuteronomy 34:7-9)

37. How many days did God use to create the world and everything on it?

Six (genesis 1:31-2:1)

38. What special talent did God give to Daniel that would later help the king?

Understanding of visions and dreams (Daniel 1:17)

39. What three things did God create on the fourth day to light the universe?

The sun, the moon, and the stars (Genesis 1:14-19)

40. What apostle and New Testament author was originally known as Saul?

Paul (Acts 13:9)

41. What were the Bereans famous for?

Searching the scripture (Acts 17: 10-11)

42. Which disciple betrayed Jesus with a kiss?

Judas Iscariot (St. Mark 14:43 – 45)

43. Where did God plant a garden and placed the man, Adam, He had created?

Eden (Genesis 2:8)

44. What site did Abraham purchase as a family burial place?

The cave of Machpelah (Genesis 23:19)

45. What name, meaning ―God with us, did Isaiah prophesy for Jesus?

Immanuel or Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14)

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46. What relationship did Abram claim to his wife, Sarai, to try to gain favor with the Egyptians?

His sister (Genesis 12: 10 – 20)

47. What over-indulger in food, according to the Proverbs, should be avoided?

Gluttons (Proverbs 23:20 – 21)

48. Who are we fooling, if we say we have not sinned?

Ourselves (1 John 1:8)

49. What did the Lord do when He saw that men were trying to build a tower to reach heaven?

He confound their languages; scattered them over the earth (Genesis 11: 7 – 8)

50. What did Jesus command His followers to show to their enemies?

Love (St. Luke 6:35)

51. Complete the scripture: ―Work out your _______ with fear and trembling.

Salvation (Philippians 2:12)

52. On what surface did Jesus say a wise man built his house?

On a rock (St. Matthew 7:24)

53. What is an epistle?

A letter (No scripture reference)

54. What physical condition of Elisha was once mocked by young people – causing them to be mauled

by bears?

Baldness (2 Kings 2: 23-24)

56. When the psalmist David wrote ―Bless the Lord, O my soul,what three phrase did he remind

himself to ―forget not‖?

all His benefits (Psalm 103:2)

57. How many days had Jesus fasted in the desert when Satan tempted Him to turn stones into bread?

Forty (St. Matthew 4: 1-4)

58. What word completes Jesus’ quote, ―Thou Word is __?

Truth (St. John 17:17)

59. Who will judge all of us?

Jesus Christ (Romans 14:10)

60. Gideon’s story is found in which book?

Judges (Judges 6:11 – 8:32)

61. What significant event concerning man’s lifespan occurred during Noah’s lifetime?

The lifespan of man was shortened to 120 years old (Genesis 6:3)

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62. What Old Testament prophet once had his name changed to ―Belteshazzar

Daniel (Daniel 1:7)

63. Who does James say ―believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness?

Abraham (James 2:23)

64. What did God take from Adam to make Eve?

A rib (Genesis 2:21 – 22)

65. Complete the scripture: ―God is our refuge and __, a very present help in trouble.

Strength (Psalm 46:1)

66. What did Hannah request of God?

To give birth to a son (1 Samuel 1:9 – 11)

67. What nickname did Jesus give to the disciple brothers James and John?

Boanerges, or Sons of Thunder (St. Mark 3:17)

68. What was the first name of the apostle known as ―the Zealot or ―Zelotes?

Simon (St. Luke 6:12 – 16)

69. What part of the body completes the meaning of the name ―Golgotha: ―the place of the __

Skull (St. John 19:17)

70. When the Israelites moved to the Promise Land, what city became the permanent home of the


Shiloh (Joshua 18:1)

71. What town, whose name means ―house of bread,‖ was near the site where Rachel was buried?

Bethlehem (Genesis 35:19)

72. What did Jesus and Peter pay with a coin found in a fish’s mouth?

Tax (St. Matthew 17:24 – 27)

73. Who ministered to Jesus after His temptation in the wilderness?

Angels (St. Matthew 4:1, 11)

74. In the Bible, Christians are sometimes referred to as __.

Sheep (St. Matthew 25:31 – 34)

75. What two foods were said to flow in the land of Canaan?

Milk and honey (Numbers 13:17, 27)

76. What two types of materials were used to make the curtains in the tabernacle?

Linen (Exodus 26:1) and goat’s hair (Exodus 26:7)

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77. What priests, the sons of Eli, were judged for treating the Lord’s offering with contempt?

Hophni and Phinehas (1 Samuel 1:3, 2:12 – 17)

78. What was Eve tempted by?

Serpent (Genesis 3:1)

79. What tiny seed does Jesus liken the kingdom of heaven to?

Mustard (St. Matthew 13:1 – 3, 31 – 33)

80. What phrase completes the Apostle Paul’s quotation about suffering for Christ’ s sake: ―For when I

am weak __

then am I strong (2 Corinthians 12:10)

81. What substance appeared on Gideon’s fleece one night—but not the next—to convince him he was

working in God’s will?

Dew (Judges 6: 36 – 40)

82. What did a Simon from Cyrene carry for Jesus as He walked to His execution?

His cross (St. Luke 23:26)

83. Complete the scripture: ―Whosoever shall drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never


Thirst (St. John 4:14)

84. Which tribe of Israel had responsibility for moving the ark?

Levi (Deuteronomy 10:8)

85. Where did Rahab hide the spies?

On the roof of her house (Joshua 2:3 – 6)

86. Leah’s story is recorded in which book of the Bible?


87. What special celebration saw property that was sold returned back to its original owner?

Jubilee (Leviticus 25:28)

88. Complete the scripture: ―O my God, I trust in Thee: let me not be__, let not my enemies triumph

over me. Ashamed (Psalm 25:2)

89. How many times did God call Samuel before Samuel answered, ―Speak, for Thy servant heareth.‖

Samuel answered God on the fourth call. (1 Samuel 3:8 – 10)

90. Who God spoke to Samuel, who did Samuel think he was talking to?

Eli (1 Samuel 3:5)

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91. Which Caesar ordered the census that brought Mary, expecting the Baby Jesus, to Bethlehem?

Augustus (St. Luke 2:1 – 5)

92. What physical characteristic initially hindered Zacchaeus form seeing Jesus?

He was short or not tall. (St. Luke 19:3)

93. What mountain, where Moses received the Ten Commandments, shook as God came down on it?

Mount Sinai (Exodus 19:18 – 19)

94. In what city did silversmiths – fearing the effect of Paul’s preaching on their idol-making business –

stir up riots?

Ephesus (Acts 19:24 – 32)

95. Where will the Ark of the Covenant ultimately be found?

In heaven (Revelation 11:19)

96. What town in Galilee was the boyhood home of Jesus?

Nazareth (St. Matthew 2:19 – 23)

97. Who asked Jesus to perform His first miracle?

His mother, Mary (St. John 2:3)

98. What did the fearful Israelite spies who explored Canaan say they looked like compared to the

giants they saw there?

Grasshoppers (Numbers 13:17, 33)

99. What did the Apostle Paul say ―dwelleth in me‖ and caused him to struggle spiritually?

Sin (Romans 7:15 – 17)

100. What husband and wife died after lying about the amount of money they gave as an offering?

Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1 – 11)

101. Name the Officers of the Bible Church School

Elder Christopher Brown – Superintendent

Elder Danny Lewis – Assistant Superintendent

Elder Linda Moore – 2nd Assistant Superintendent

Sister Angela Houston – Secretary

102. What is the objective of the BCS, YPHA Department (Name 2)

a. Promote Christian fellowship

b. To bear witness to Christian truth, including the distinctive teachings of the United

Holy Church of America, Inc.

c. To become full supporters of the missionary and educational program of the

General Church

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d. Stimulate interest in and loyalty to program of the local churches of the General


103. What is the official usher attire for an adult male and female?

Female – white nurse’s uniform, white stockings, white nurse’s shoes, United Holy church

badge & white gloves

Male – black suit, black shoes, black socks, white shirt, black bow tie, United Holy Church

badge & white gloves.

104. What day and months do the Southern District ushers’ meet?

Saturday before the 4th Sunday in March and October

105. Name the officers of the YPHA in the Southern District.

Elder Joseph Barnes – President

Elder Tyrone Owens – Vice President

Elder Daemarkis Faison-Love - 2nd President

Elder Pamela Perkins - secretary

106. Name the officers of the Usher’s Department,

Elder Robert Staton – President

Deacon Michael Stephens – Vice President

Minister Annie Kent – 2nd Vice President

Sis. Lillie Moore– Secretary

107. What is the official usher attire for the youth usher?

Girls – white blouse, black skirt, white sock (ankle or knee length)/tights, black shoes,

United Holy church badge, white gloves

Boys – white shirt, black bow/tie, black pants, black socks, black shoes, United Holy church

badge, white gloves.

108. Connect the thot: Elder Joseph Williams, Elder Stephen Bradley, Elder Linda Prigden

(Members of the Board Presbytery)

109. Connect the thot: Elder Ernest Humphrey, Elder Kenneth Simmons, Elder Richard Darden

(District Elders)

110. Connect the thot: Elder Phyllis Walker, Elder Ronnie Jones, Elder Howard McNair

(Board of Elders)

111. Name the Officers of the Home & Foreign Missionary Department

Bishop Ernestine McGee – President

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Elder Molly S. Davis – Vice President

Elder Diana Brown – 2nd Vice President

112. Quote Proverbs 15:1-2

A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out


113. Quote Proverbs 8:33-35

Hear instruction, and be wise, and refuse it not.

34 Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts

of my doors.

35 For whoso findeth me findeth life, and shall obtain favour of the Lord.

114. Quote Proverbs 3:1-2

My son, forget not my law; but let thine heart keep my commandments:

2 For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.

115. Quote Ecclesiastes 11:9

Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy

youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know

thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.

116. Quote Psalms 134

Behold, bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, which by night stand in the house

of the Lord.

2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the Lord.

3 The Lord that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion.

117. Finish this verse of the United Holy Church Anthem – “Our convocation we…….

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118. In the Affirmation of Faith, what is said after the leader says “ We believe that Jesus was sent

by God to Man”

119. Connect the thots: Brother L. M. Mason, Brother G. A. Mails, H. C. Snipes

Founders of what is now the United Holy Church

120. When and where did the first United Holy Church convocation organized?

October 13, 1894 in the city of Durham, NC

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What is the mission of the United Holy Church?

“Therefore, the mission of the United Holy church of America, Inc. is to promote Christina

doctrine, values, and fellowship for the purpose of extending holiness throughout the world

through the teaching and preaching of the Word of God, and the establishing of programs

and activities which minister to the temporal as well as the spiritual needs of humankind.”

(from The United Holy Church manual, page 6)

What are the Official colors of the United Holy Church of America, Inc. and what do they

represent? .”

Purple – represents royalty and the royal priesthood of all believers

Gold – a precious metal, represents nobility

White – represents the purity of the saints and the church.

(from The United Holy Church manual, page 31)

Who design our church emblem and what is the meaning of the symbols

Bishop Norris N. Dickenson –

3 circles – represent our connectedness without beginning or ending.

Triangle – represent each member of the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

who are equal in substance, power, and wisdom.

Cross – Represents the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus Christ.

.” (from The United Holy Church manual, page 30)

Name the different names of the United Holy Church of America, Inc.

Holy Church of North Carolina

Holy Church of North Carolina and Virginia

United Holy Church of America

Quote Psalms 150

Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his


2 Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.

3 Praise him with the sound of the trumpet: praise him with the psaltery and harp.

4 Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and


5 Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.

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6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.

Quote the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13

After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy


10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Quote four (4) Beatitudes from Matthew 5:3-11

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.

5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be


7 Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

9 Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.

10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the

kingdom of heaven.

11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all

manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

Quote four (4) of the Ten Commandments from Deuteronomy 5

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Name the Books in the New Testament in order

Name the Books of the Old Testament in Order.