beach soccer lotg 2006 en 1605

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  • 8/8/2019 Beach Soccer Lotg 2006 en 1605


    100 YEARS FIFA 1904 - 2004

    Fdration Internationale de Football Association




    Beach SoccerLaws of the Game

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    2006 Beach Soccer

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    General Secretary: Urs LINSI (Switzerland)

    Address: FIFA-Strasse 20P.O. Box8044 Zurich, SwitzerlandTelephone: +41-(0)4-222 7777Teleax: +41-(0)4-222 7878Internet:


    Chairman: TEIXEIRA Ricardo Terra (Brazil)

    Deputy Chairman: SASSO SASSO Isaac David (Costa Rica)

    Members: OGURA Junji (Japan)VAN DER HULST Tom (Netherlands)MELO FILHO Alvaro (Brazil)FOUSEK Petr (Czech Rep.)KLASS Colin (Guyana)WILLIAMS Anthony (Nigeria)TINOCO KIPPS Raael Ignacio (Guatemala)BATANGTARIS Wandy (Indonesia)VILAR Alberto (Spain)KING LAI Richard (Guam)MALTOCK Lambert (Vanuatu)CUSC Joan (Spain)DAVIO Vairani (Tahiti)

    ZAHER Samir (Egypt)



    Subject to the agreement o the member associations concerned andprovided that the principles o these Laws are respected, the Laws maybe modied in their application or matches or players under 16 years

    o age, or emale players, or veteran ootballers (over 5 years) andor players with disabilities.

    Any or all o the ollowing modications are permissible: size o the pitch size, weight and material o the ball width between the goalposts and the height o the crossbar rom

    the ground duration o the periods o play number o players

    No amendments may be made to these Laws without the consent othe International Football Association Board.


    Reerences to the male gender in the Laws o the Game or BeachSoccer in respect o reerees, timekeepers, players and ocials are orsimplication and apply to both men and women.

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    Law Page

    1 The pitch 6

    2 The ball 12

    The number o players 14

    4 The players equipment 17

    5 The reeree and second reeree 20

    6 The timekeeper and third reeree 2

    7 The duration o the match 26

    8 The start and restart o play 28

    9 The ball in and out o play 2

    10 The method o scoring

    11 Fouls and misconduct 5

    12 Direct ree kicks 40

    1 The penalty kick 44

    14 The ball inbound 49

    15 The goal clearance 5

    16 The double backpass to the goalkeeper 55

    17 The corner kick 56

    18 Procedures to determine the winner o a match 58

    Reerees signals 62

    Additional instructions or reerees, second reerees, third reereesand timekeepers 64

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    6 7


    The pitch is rectangular. The touch line must be longer than the goalline.Length: 5 7m

    Width: 26 28m

    Pitch marings

    The boundaries o the pitch are marked by lines that belong to theareas that they delineate. The two longer boundary lines are calledtouch lines. The two shorter boundary lines are called goal lines,although there is no line between the goalposts.

    9 m9 m

    11.5 m


    Pitch surace

    The surace is composed o sand, is level and ree o pebbles, shellsand any other objects which could injure the players.

    For international competitions, the sand must be ne and at least40cm deep. It must be sited until suitable or play, must not be roughor contain pebbles or any other dangerous elements; however, it mustnot be so ne as to cause dust that sticks to the skin.

    2628 m

    12 m

    810 cm

    5 m

    57 m

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    8 9

    Substitution zone

    The substitution zone is the area on the touch line where the playersenter and leave the pitch.

    It is situated in ront o the timekeepers table and measures a total o5m, with 2.5m on either side o the point where the halway line joinsthe touch line. The teams benches are placed behind the touch linesin such a way that the substitution zone is kept clear.


    All lines are 8cm to 10cm wide and are made o blue tape to contrastwith the sand. The tape must be fexible and hard-wearing but notharm the players eet. These lines must be rmly anchored to thesand at each corner and in the middle o each touch line with specialclamps, and to the goals with rubber rings attached to the posts.

    The pitch is divided into two halves by an imaginary halway linemarked by two red fags located outside the pitch.

    The middle o this imaginary line is the exact position or the kick-oand certain direct ree kicks.

    The penalt area

    The penalty area is the area between the goal line and an imaginaryparallel line joining both touch lines at a distance o 9m rom the goalline and marked by two yellow fags placed next to each touch line

    outside the pitch.

    The imaginary penalty mark is located in the middle o the penaltyarea line, equidistant rom each goal post.


    Each corner is marked with a pole with a blunt end and a red fagmade o pliable, durable, weatherproo plastic.

    A yellow fag is placed at each end o the imaginary lines marking thepenalty area and two red fags at each side o the halway line, all owhich are securely anchored at a distance o between 1 and 1.5moutside the touch lines.

    The fagpoles must be at least 1.5m high.

    12 m

    >1.5 m

    11.5 m

    810 cm

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    The goals are placed in the middle o each goal line. They consist otwo upright posts equidistant rom each corner and joined at the topby a horizontal crossbar.

    The distance (inside measurement) between the posts is 5.5m and thedistance rom the lower edge o the crossbar to the ground is 2.2m.

    The posts and crossbar have the same width and thickness o not lessthan 10cm and not more than 20cm all around and are painted in acolour contrasting with the sand.

    The nets, made o hemp, jute or nylon, are attached to the back othe posts and crossbar.

    For saety reasons, the bottom o each post has a ledge that isanchored beneath the sand. Two horizontal bars measuring 1.5m

    attached to the back o each post are joined by a bar or chain at theback covered with plastic, with hooks and knots at each end, andplaced on the sand surace. This bar (or chain) is also anchored in thesand.


    1020 cm

    5.5 m

    1.5 m

    2.2 m


    The pitch is surrounded by a saety zone perimeter measuring 1m to2m wide.

    The goals may be portable but they must be anchored securely to theground during play.

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    1 TheofcialballusedincompetitionsmustbeapprovedbyFIFA.

    2 Incompetitionmatches,onlyballsthatmeettheminimumtechnical










    LAw 2 THE BALL

    Properties and measurements

    The ball: is spherical; is made o leather or another suitable material that is crush-proo

    and resistant to water and abrasion; has a circumerence o not less than 68cm and not more than

    70cm; weighs not less than 400 grams and not more than 440 grams at

    the start o the match; has a pressure equal to 0.4-0.6 atmospheres at sea level.

    Replacement o a deective ball

    I the ball bursts or becomes deective during the course o a match: play is stopped; the match is restarted in accordance with the provisions o Law 8.

    I the ball bursts or is damaged while not in play (at a kick-o, goalkick, corner kick, direct ree kick, penalty kick or ball inbound): play is restarted in accordance with the Laws.

    6870 cm

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    A match is played by two teams, each consisting o no more than veplayers, one o whom is the goalkeeper.

    Substitution procedure

    Substitutes may be used in any match played under the rules o anocial competition at FIFA, conederation or association level.

    The maximum number o substitutes permitted is ve.


    The number o substitutions made during a match is unlimited. Aplayer who has been replaced may return to the pitch as a substituteor another player.

    A substitution may be made at any time, whether the ball is in or outo play, as long as the ollowing conditions are observed:

    the player wishing to enter the pitch signals his intention to do soby raising a sign with the number o the player whom he intendsto replace above his head;

    the player being replaced leaves the pitch through his own teamssubstitution zone;

    the player entering the pitch does so rom his own teams substi-tution zone but not until the player leaving the pitch has crossedthe touch line completely;

    a substitute is subject to the authority and jurisdiction o thereerees whether he is called upon to play or not;

    the substitution is complete when the substitute entering thepitch hands the player leaving the pitch the sign with the players

    number, at which point the substitute becomes an active playerand the player he is replacing ceases to be one.

    The stopwatch is not stopped while players are substituted.

    Changing goaleepers

    A goalkeeper may be substituted at any time. The stopwatch is notstopped while goalkeepers are substituted.

    Any player may change places with the goalkeeper, providing: the reeree is inormed beore the substitution takes place;

    the player must wear a goalkeepers shirt.

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    Oences / sanctions

    I, while a substitution is being made, a substitute enters the pitchor a player being substituted leaves the pitch via an area that doesnot belong to his own teams substitution zone, or he inringes thesubstitution procedure, except in the case o injury or in connectionwith Law 4: play is stopped; the oending player is cautioned, shown the yellow card and

    ordered to leave the pitch to carry out the substitution procedureproperly;

    the match is restarted with a direct ree kick to be taken by theopposing team rom the imaginary point in the middle o thehalway line; i the ball was out o play, the match is restarted inaccordance with the Laws o the Game;

    i a substitute with a previous caution commits an inringementwhile entering the pitch during the substitution procedure thatwarrants another caution, he is sent o as a result o two yellow

    cards, but his team is not reduced in number as the substitutionprocedure was not completed. The match is restarted in accor-dance with the provisions o the previous point.


    1 Atthestartoamatch,eachteammusthaveatleastourplayers.Iotherplayersarriveatthematchaterplayhasstarted,theywillbeallowedtotakepartinthematchitheyweredesignatedasplayersbeorekick-oandthereereeswereinormedaccor-dingly.

    2 I,astheresultoasending-oorinjury,ewerthanthreeplayers(includingthegoalkeeper)areletineitherteam,thematchmustbeabandoned.



    A player must not use equipment or wear anything (including any kindo jewellery) that could be dangerous to himsel or another player.

    Basic euipment

    The basic compulsory equipment o a player comprises the ollowingseparate items: a jersey or shirt; shorts i thermal undershorts are worn, they must be the same

    main colour as the shorts;

    Footwear is not permitted. Elastic binding around the ankles or eetand plastic spectacles may be worn or protection.


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    The reerees authorit

    Each match is controlled by two reerees, who have the authority toenorce the Laws o the Game in the match or which they have beenappointed, rom the moment they enter the acilities where the pitchis situated until they leave.

    Poers and duties

    The reerees: enorce the Laws o the Game; allow play to continue i the team against which an oence has

    been committed stands to benet rom such an advantage, andpunish the original oence i the anticipated advantage does notaccrue at that time;

    keep a record o the match and provide the appropriate authoritieswith a match report that includes inormation on any disciplinary

    action taken against players or team ocials as well as any otherincidents that occur beore, during or ater the match;

    the reeree acts as timekeeper i the latter or third reeree is notpresent;

    the reeree stops, suspends or terminates the match or any inrin-gement o the Laws or as a result o any outside intererence;

    take disciplinary action against players guilty o oences warran-ting a caution or sending-o;

    take action against team ocials who are guilty o misconductand, i necessary, dismiss them rom the pitch area without show-ing them a card;

    ensure that no unauthorised persons enter the pitch; interrupt play i a player is deemed to be wasting time; stop the match i, in their opinion, a player is seriously injured, and

    ensure that the player is carried o the pitch; allow play to continue until the ball is out o play i a player is, in

    their opinion, only slightly injured; ensure that any balls used meet the requirements o Law 2;


    Reerees decisions

    The decisions o the reeree regarding acts connected with play arenal.The reeree and second reeree may only change a decision i theyrealise that they have made a mistake or i they deem it necessaryto do so, provided that play has not restarted or the match hasnot terminated.

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    1 Ithereereeandsecondreereebothsignalaoulsimultaneouslyandthereisadisagreementastowhichteamistobepenalised,thedecisionothereereewillprevail.

    2 Boththereereeandsecondreereemaycautionorsendoaplayer,butin thecaseoadisagreementbetweenthem,thereereesdecisionwillprevail.

    3 Intheeventoundueintererenceorimproperconductothesecondreeree,thereereewillrelievethesecondreereeohisduties,arrangeorhisreplacementandsubmitareporttotheappropriateauthorities.



    A timekeeper and third reeree are appointed. They are seated out-side the pitch at the imaginary halway line on the same side as thesubstitution zone.

    The timekeeper and third reeree are provided with a suitable stop-watch by the association or club under whose jurisdiction the matchis being played.


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    The timeeeper

    ensures that the duration o the match complies with the provisionso Law 7 by:- starting his stopwatch as soon as the match kicks o;- stopping the stopwatch as soon as a goal has been scored, a

    penalty kick or direct ree kick awarded, or the reerees havesignalled that a player is injured or or time-wasting.

    - stopping the stopwatch whenever the reerees signal him todo so;

    - restarting the stopwatch ater a kick-o, a direct ree kick or apenalty kick has been taken.

    checking the two-minute eective time punishment period whena player has been sent o;

    indicating the end o each period, the match and extra timewith a dierent whistle or acoustic signal rom those used by thereerees;

    signalling to the reerees exactly when to start the second and

    third periods o play ater the three-minute break and when tostart extra time, i necessary.

    The third reeree

    The third reeree assists the reerees and timekeeper by: keeping a record o stoppages in the game and the reasons or

    them; ensuring that substitutions are correctly carried out and, by using a

    dierent whistle or acoustic signal rom those used by the reerees,indicating any inringement that has occurred during substitution,i the advantage rule cannot be applied;

    making a note o the numbers o the players who score goals andin which minute o play;

    recording the names and numbers o the players cautioned or sento;

    providing any other inormation relevant to the game; monitoring the conduct o those persons seated on the substitutes

    bench; inorming the teams exactly when a player may substitute another

    who has been sent o.

    I either o the other reerees is injured, the third reeree replaces him,assuming the unction o the second reeree.


    1 Forinternationalmatches,the useoa timekeeperandthirdreereeiscompulsory.

    2 Inthe eventoundueintererencebythe timekeeperor thirdreeree,thereereewillrelieveeitherohisduties,arrangeorhisreplacementandsubmitareporttotheappropriateauthorities.


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    Periods o pla

    The match lasts three equal periods o 12 minutes each. The time-keeping is carried out by a timekeeper, whose duties are dened inLaw 6.

    The time must be stopped as described in Law 6: whenever a goal is scored; whenever a direct ree kick or a penalty kick is awarded; whenever the reerees signal accordingly; whenever the reerees signal that a player is wasting time.

    The duration o each period may be prolonged to enable a penaltykick or a direct ree kick to be taken. The match or period o playends when: the ball goes directly into a goal and a goal is scored; ater the ball has been kicked and it passes over the boundaries o

    the pitch;

    the ball touches the goalkeeper or the posts, crossbar or sand andpasses into goal the goal is awarded; the ball touches any player other than the goalkeeper ater it has

    been kicked; the deending goalkeeper stops the ball or it rebounds rom the

    goalposts or crossbar and does not enter the goal.

    The timekeeper determines the end o each period o 12 (twelve)minutes.

    When the whistle or horn is blown, the reeree signals the end o eachperiod or the match. Ater this signal, no other action will be allowedapart rom those specied above. I the ball has been kicked, the

    reerees must wait or the completion o the action that began beorethe timekeeper blew the whistle or horn beore they can terminatethe period o play or match.


    Extra time

    I the score is level ater normal playing time, extra time o threeminutes is played. I the score is level ater extra time, penalty kicks aretaken rom the imaginary penalty mark in accordance with Law 18.

    Interval beteen periods o pla

    There is a three-minute interval between each period o play.















    12 min

    24 min36 min

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    28 29


    A coin is tossed and the team that wins the toss decides whether toattack in a certain direction in the rst period o play or whether totake the kick-o.

    In the second period o play, the teams change ends and attack theopposite goals; the team that did not take the kick-o in the rstperiod will take it in the second period o play.

    Beore the third period o play, a coin is again tossed and the teamthat wins the toss decides whether to attack in a certain direction inthe third period o play or whether to take the kick-o.

    I extra time is played, the team that did not take the kick-o in thethird period o play will take it in the period o extra time; the teamschange ends and attack opposite goals.


    A kick-o is a way o starting or restarting play: at the start o the match; ater a goal has been scored; at the start o the second and third periods o play; at the start o extra time.

    A goal may not be scored directly rom a kick-o.



    All players are in their own hal o the pitch. The opponents o the team taking the kick-o are at least 5m

    away rom the ball until it is in play. The ball is stationary on the imaginary point in the middle o the

    halway line. The reeree gives a signal to kick o. A player kicks the ball into action. The ball is in play when it is in the air or has been moved orward,

    ater which another player may kick the ball. The player taking the kick-o may not touch the ball a second time

    until it has touched another player.

    Ater a team scores a goal, the kick-o is taken by the other team.

    5 m

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    Ball out o pla

    The ball is out o play when: it has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line, whether on the

    ground or in the air; play has been stopped by the reerees.

    Ball in pla

    The ball is in play at all other times, including when: it rebounds rom a goal post or the crossbar or the corner fags

    onto the pitch; it rebounds rom either o the reerees while they are on the

    pitch; it is in the air ater the kick-o.


    Goal scored

    Unless otherwise provided or by these Laws, a goal is scored whenthe whole o the ball passes over the imaginary goal line between thegoalposts and under the crossbar, unless it has been thrown, carried orintentionally propelled by the hand or arm by a player o the attackingside, including the goalkeeper, and providing the team scoring thegoal has not inringed the Laws o the Game.

    The goalkeeper: may not score a goal directly by throwing the ball with his hand; i

    this happens, a goal clearance is awarded to the opposing team. may not score a goal directly ater releasing the ball with hands

    and kicking it into the air beore it touches the ground; may score a goal directly by placing the ball on the ground and

    then kicking it.







    IN PLAy

    IN PLAy

    IN PLAy

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    4 5

    winning team

    The team that scores the greater number o goals during a match isthe winner. I both teams score an equal number o goals or none atall, extra time is played at the end o normal time.

    I extra time ends in a draw, the match is decided by alternate kickstaken rom the imaginary penalty mark. The team that scores moregoals rom the same number o penalty kicks is the winner.

    I a team is let with ewer than three () players as a result osendings-o, the reeree will stop play and send a report to therelevant authorities.


    Fouls and misconduct are penalised as ollows:

    Direct ree ic

    A direct ree kick is awarded to the opposing team i a player commitsany o the ollowing oences in a manner considered by the reereesto be careless, reckless or using excessive orce: kicks or attempts to kick an opponent; tackles or attempts to tackle an opponent, either by sliding or by

    bending down in ront o or behind him; jumps at an opponent; charges an opponent, even with the shoulder; strikes or attempts to strike an opponent; pushes an opponent.

    A direct ree kick is also awarded to the opposing team i a playercommits any o the ollowing oences:

    holds an opponent spits at an opponent; handles the ball, i.e. deliberately carries, propels or throws it with a

    hand or arm, (except or the goalkeeper in his own penalty area); holds the ball back deliberately with his legs so as to waste time; plays dangerously; deliberately obstructs an opponent; prevents the goalkeeper rom releasing the ball rom his hands; touches the opponent beore the ball when attempting to win



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    6 7

    Penalt ic

    A penalty kick is awarded i a player commits any o the aorementionedoences inside his own penalty area, irrespective o the position o theball but provided that it is in play.

    Direct ree ic rom the imaginar point in the middle o the hala line

    A direct ree kick is awarded to the opposing team, to be taken rom

    the imaginary point in the middle o the halway line i: a team has possession o the ball inside its own penalty area ormore than ve (5) seconds when it is not deending it rom anopponent;

    the goalkeeper uses his hands to receive a deliberate backpassrom any team-mate two consecutive times without the ball havingtouched an opponent;


    the goalkeeper releases the ball rom his hands and kicks it intothe air beore it touches the ground;

    the goalkeeper, ater having possession o the ball in his hands inhis own penalty area, plays the ball with his eet out o his penaltyarea and returns there to receive the ball with his hands again;

    commits any other oence, not previously mentioned in Law 11,

    or which play is stopped to caution or dismiss a player.

    Disciplinar sanctions

    The reerees are authorised to pronounce disciplinary sanctions onplayers rom the moment they enter the pitch until they leave thepitch ater the nal whistle.

    Cautionable oences b plaers or substitutes

    A player or a substitute is cautioned and shown the yellow card i hecommits any o the ollowing oences: he is guilty o unsporting behaviour; he shows dissent by word or action; he persistently inringes the Laws o the Game; he delays the restart o play; he ails to respect the required distance during a kick-o, corner

    kick, ball inbound, direct ree kick or goal clearance; he enters or re-enters the pitch without the reerees permission

    or inringes the substitution procedure; he deliberately leaves the pitch without the reerees permission.

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    Sending-o oences b plaers or substitutes

    A player or a substitute is sent o and shown the red card i he commitsany o the ollowing oences: he is guilty o serious oul play; he is guilty o violent conduct; he throws sand at anyone; he spits at an opponent or any other person; he denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goalscoring

    opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (with the exceptiono a goalkeeper inside his own penalty area);

    he denies an opponent moving towards the players goal an obviousgoalscoring opportunity by committing an oence punishable bya direct ree kick or a penalty kick;

    he uses oensive, insulting or abusive language or gestures; he receives a second caution in the same match.


    1 Aplayerwhohasbeensentomaynotre-enterthegameinprogressorsitonthesubstitutesbenchbutmustleavethevicinityothepitch. Anotherplayermaysubstituteateam-matewhohasbeen


    2 A tacklethat endangers thesaety oan opponentmust besanctionedasseriousoulplay.

    3 Anyactosimulationonthepitchthatisintendedtodeceivethereereesmustbesanctionedasunsportingbehaviour.

    4 Aplayerwhoremoveshisshirtwhencelebratingagoalmustbecautionedorunsportingbehaviour.

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    40 41

    Direct ree ics

    There are only direct ree kicks, which are to be taken as ollows: The players may not orm a wall. The player who was ouled takes the kick, unless he has been

    seriously injured, in which case his substitute will take it.

    The ball must be stationary when the kick is taken and the kickermay not touch the ball a second time until it has touched anotherplayer.

    Additional time must be allowed or a direct ree kick to be takenat the end o each period o time or extra time.

    I a direct ree kick enters the players own goal directly, a cornerkick is awarded to the opposing team.

    I a direct ree kick enters the opposing teams goal directly, a goalis awarded.

    Position o direct ree ic

    Direct ree kick rom the opponents hal o the pitch

    I a direct ree kick is taken in the hal o the pitch o the team thatcommitted an oence, every player, apart rom the one taking the kickand the opposing goalkeeper, must be: on the pitch; at least 5m away rom the ball until it is in play; behind or to the side o the ball.


    5 m

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    Direct ree kick rom a teams own hal or rom the middle o thepitch

    I a direct ree kick is taken in the hal o the pitch o the team thatdid not commit an oence, every player, apart rom the one takingthe kick and the opposing goalkeeper, must be: on the pitch; at least 5m away rom the ball until the ball is in play, leaving an

    imaginary area ree between the ball and the opposing goal, apartrom the opposing goalkeeper, who may stay in his penalty area.



    The player taking the kick may make a small mound o sand withhis eet or the ball to raise the position o the ball.

    The direct ree kick must be taken within ve (5) seconds o thereerees signal to do so.

    The kicker may not play the ball again until it has touched anotherplayer.

    The ball is in play ater it has been kicked or touched. The ball may be kicked in any direction and passed to any team-

    mate, including the goalkeeper. I the ball is kicked in the direction o the opposing teams goal

    within the area between the ball and the opposing goal onlythe deending goalkeeper may touch the ball while it is in theair. In every other case, i the ball leaves this area or touches theground, the restriction no longer applies and any player may touchor play the ball.

    Oences / sanctions

    I a player in the attacking team inringes Law 12: a direct ree kick is awarded to the opposing team, to be taken

    rom the place where the oence occurred.

    I a player in the deending team inringes Law 12: the direct ree kick is not retaken i a goal is scored. I a goal is not scored, the opposing team is awarded a direct

    ree kick, to be taken rom the place where the oence occurred,unless it occurred in the oending players penalty area, in whichcase a penalty kick is awarded to the opposing team.

    5 m

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    The penalt ic

    A penalty kick is awarded against a team that commits any o theoences punishable by a direct ree kick which is not required to betaken rom the middle o the pitch, while the ball is in play inside itsown penalty area.

    A goal may be scored directly rom a penalty kick.

    Additional time is allowed or a penalty kick to be taken at the end oeach period or at the end o extra time.

    LAw 13 THE PENALTy kICk

    Position o the ball and the plaers

    The ball: is placed on the imaginary penalty mark in the middle o the

    imaginary penalty area line, 9m rom the centre o the goal.

    The player taking the penalty kick: is properly identied, is the player who was ouled, unless he has been seriously injured,

    in which case his substitute will take it.

    The deending goalkeeper: remains on his goal line, acing the kicker and between the

    goalposts until the ball has been kicked, and is allowed to movesideways.

    The players other than the kicker are located: on the pitch,

    outside o the penalty area, behind or to the side o the ball, at least 5m away rom the ball.

    The reeree

    does not give the signal or the penalty kick to be taken until all othe players have taken up positions in accordance with Law 1,

    decides whether the penalty kick has been completed.

    The second reeree

    ensures that the deending goalkeeper complies with theprovisions o Law 1,

    decides whether the ball has entered the goal or not.

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    The player taking the penalty kicks the ball orward. He may not play the ball a second time until it has touched another

    player. The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves orward.

    When a penalty kick is taken during the normal course o play or whentime has been extended at the end o the three periods or at the endo extra time to enable a penalty kick to be taken or retaken, a goal isawarded i, beore passing the goalposts and under the crossbar: the ball touches either or both o the goalposts, and/or the crossbar

    and/or the goalkeeper.

    Oences / sanctions

    I the reeree signals or a penalty kick to be taken and one o the

    ollowing situations arises beore the ball is in play:

    The kicker inringes the Laws o the Game: the reeree will allow play to continue; i the ball enters the goal, the kick will be retaken; i the ball does not enter the goal, the reeree will stop play and

    restart the match by awarding a direct ree kick to the opposingteam, to be taken rom where the oence occurred.

    The deending goalkeeper inringes the Laws o the Game: the reeree will allow play to continue; i the ball enters the goal, a goal is awarded; i the ball does not enter the goal, the kick will be retaken.

    LAw 13 THE PENALTy kICk

    A team-mate o the kicker inringes the Laws o the Game: the reeree will allow play to continue; i the ball enters the goal, the kick will be retaken; i the ball does not enter the goal, the reeree will stop play and

    restart the match by awarding a direct ree kick to the deendingteam, to be taken rom the place where the oence occurred.

    A team-mate o the deending goalkeeper inringes the Laws o theGame: the reeree will allow play to continue; i the ball enters the goal, a goal is awarded; i the ball does not enter the goal, the kick will be retaken.

    I a player o the deending team and a player o the attacking teaminringe the Laws o the Game: the penalty kick is retaken.

    I a dierent player rom the one designated in accordance with theseprovisions o the Laws o the Game takes the penalty kick:

    a direct ree kick is awarded to the opposing team, to be takenrom the place where the oence occurred.

    I, ater a penalty kick has been taken:the kicker touches the ball a second time beore it has touchedanother player, a direct ree kick is awarded to the opposing team, to be taken

    rom the place where the oence occurred.

    I the ball strikes an object ater it has been played orward: the penalty kick is retaken.

    I the ball rebounds into play o a goalkeeper, the crossbar or theposts and then strikes an object: the reeree stops play; play is restarted with a dropped ball in accordance with the provisions

    or restarting play in Law 8 (dropped ball).

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    The ball inbound

    A ball inbound is a method o restarting play.

    Any player, including the goalkeeper, may take a ball inbound.

    A goal cannot be scored directly rom a ball inbound.

    I the ball inbound is taken directly towards a goal and the ball crossesthe imaginary goal line without touching a player: a corner kick is awarded to the opposing team, i the ball enters

    the players own goal directly; a goal clearance is awarded to the opposing team, i the ball enters

    the opposing teams goal directly;

    A ball inbound is awarded: when the whole o the ball passes over a touch line, either on the

    ground or in the air; rom the place where it crossed the touch line; to the opponents o the player who last touched the ball.

    Position o the ball and the plaers

    Types o balls inbound:

    The ic-in

    The players o the deending team must be at least 5m away rom theplace where the kick-in is being taken.


    I the ball bursts or becomes deective during a penalty kick beore ittouches the posts, crossbar or goalkeeper: the penalty kick is retaken with a new ball.

    I the ball bursts or becomes deective during a penalty kick ater ithas touched the posts, crossbar or goalkeeper:

    i the ball enters the goal directly, a goal is awarded; i the ball does not enter the goal directly, play is stopped and

    restarted with a dropped ball in accordance with the provisions oLaw 8 (dropped ball).

    LAw 13 THE PENALTy kICk

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    The ball: must be stationary on the touch line, or next to it outside the

    pitch; is kicked back into play in any direction;

    is in play immediately ater it has been kicked or touched.

    The player taking the kick-in: must keep one oot on the ground outside the pitch when he kicks

    the ball into play; must do so within 5 seconds o taking possession o the ball; may not play the ball a second time until it has touched another

    player. may not take a kick-in ater holding the ball with his hands to

    perorm a throw-in;


    The thro-in

    The players o the deending team must be at least 5m away rom theplace where the throw-in is being taken.


    The player taking the throw-in: aces the pitch; has part o both eet on or outside the touch line; uses both hands; throws the ball rom behind and over his head; must do so within 5 seconds o taking possession o the ball; may not play the ball a second time until it has touched another

    player; may not take a throw-in i he has controlled the ball with his eet

    to perorm a kick-in;

    5 m 5 m

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    Oences / sanctions

    A direct ree kick is awarded to the opposing team i: the player taking the ball inbound plays the ball a second time

    beore it has touched another player. The direct ree kick is takenrom the imaginary point in the middle o the halway line.

    The ball inbound is retaken by a player o the opposing team i: the ball inbound was taken incorrectly; the ball inbound was taken rom a dierent place rom where the

    ball passed over the touch line; the ball inbound was not taken within ve seconds o taking

    possession o the ball; any other inringement o Law 14 has been committed.


    The goal clearance

    A goal clearance is a method o restarting play.

    A goal may not be scored directly rom a goal clearance. I the ballenters the opposing goal directly, play is restarted with a goal clearance

    taken by the opposing team.

    A goal clearance is awarded when: the whole o the ball, ater last touching a player o the attacking

    team, passes over the goal line, either on the ground or in the air,and a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.

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    The corner ic

    A corner kick is a method o restarting play.

    A goal may be scored directly rom a corner kick, but only against theopposing team.

    A corner kick is awarded when: the whole o the ball, ater last touching a player o the deending

    team, passes over the goal line, either on the ground or in the air,and a goal is not scored in accordance with Law 10.


    The ball is placed inside an imaginary arc o 1m radius rom thefag in the corner nearest to where the ball crossed the goal line.

    The kicker may make a small mound o sand with his eet or the

    ball to raise the position o the ball. The opponents remain at least 5m away rom the ball until it is inplay.

    The ball is kicked by a player o the attacking team. The ball is in play ater it has been kicked or touched. The kicker may not play the ball a second time until it has touched

    another player. The kicker must take the corner kick within 5 seconds o taking

    possession o the ball.

    LAw 17 THE CORNER kICk

    Oences / sanctions

    A direct ree kick is awarded to the opposing team, to be taken romthe imaginary point in the middle o the halway line i: the player taking the corner kick plays the ball a second time

    beore it has touched another player.

    The opposing goalkeeper restarts play with a goal clearance i: the kicker has not taken the corner kick within 5 seconds o taking

    possession o the ball.

    I the kicker scores an own goal directly ater taking a corner kick, acorner kick is awarded to the opposing team.

    I, ater a corner kick, the ball enters the opposing goal directly, a goalis awarded.

    For any other inringement o the Law: the corner kick is retaken.

    1 m

    5 m

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    Procedures to determine the inner o a match

    Extra time and taking kicks rom the imaginary penalty mark aremethods o determining the winning team in the case o a draw aternormal time.

    Extra time

    Extra time o three minutes is played in accordance with Laws 7and 8.

    kics rom the imaginar penalt mar

    I the score is still level ater extra time, the winner will be decidedby kicks taken rom the imaginary penalty mark, in accordance withLaw 7.



    The reeree chooses the goal at which the kicks will be taken. The reeree tosses a coin and the team whose captain wins the

    toss decides whether to take the rst or second kick. The reeree and the timekeeper keep a record o the kicks being

    taken. The kicks are taken alternately by the teams. The rst team to score one goal more than the other rom the

    same number o penalty kicks is the winner. All players and substitutes, including the goalkeepers, are eligible

    to take a penalty kick. Each kick is taken by a dierent player and all eligible players must

    take a kick beore any player can take a second kick. Only the eligible players and reerees are permitted to remain on

    the pitch when kicks rom the imaginary penalty mark are beingtaken.

    All eligible players, except the player taking the kick and the twogoalkeepers, must remain in the opposite hal o the pitch withthe third reeree.

    An eligible player may change places with the goalkeeper atany time when kicks rom the imaginary penalty mark are beingtaken.

    The reeree stands level with the imaginary penalty mark to thelet o the player taking the kick, ensures that the kicker does notcommit any inringement and gives the signal or the kick to betaken.

    The second reeree, standing on the goal line to the let othe goal on the opposite side to the reeree, ensures that thedeending goalkeeper does not commit any inringement anddecides whether the ball has entered the goal or not; he also

    monitors the position o the other goalkeeper, who must stand onthe goal line on the opposite side to the second reeree, at least5m away rom the right-hand goal post, and ensures that he doesnot behave unsportingly.

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    When a team nishes the match with a greater number o playersand substitutes than its opponents, it must reduce the numbers toequate with those o their opponents and inorm the reeree o thename o and number o each player excluded. The team captain isresponsible or ensuring that this is implemented.

    Beore the start o kicks rom the imaginary penalty mark, the

    reeree must ensure that only the same number o eligible playersrom each team remains in the opposite hal o the pitch; theseplayers will take the penalty kicks.


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    Direct ree ic/Penalt ic

    Advantage Ball inbound

    Caution Sending-o

    Goal clearance Corner ic

    5 seconds count Goaleepersubstitution

    Stop thestopatch

    First bacpass togoaleeper

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    Oences against the goaleeper

    Reerees are reminded that: It is an oence or a player to stop the goalkeeper rom throwing,

    clearing or releasing the ball. A player must be punished or dangerous play i he plays or tries to

    play a ball with his eet when the goalkeeper is throwing, clearingor releasing the ball.

    It is an oence to restrict the goalkeepers movements in anunsporting manner at a corner kick.

    Shielding the ball

    It is not an oence or a player to control a ball within playing distanceby trying to shield it with his body without spreading his arms out.However, i the player stops the opponent taking the ball rom himby using his hands, arms, legs or body in an unsporting manner, this

    will be punished with a direct ree kick or penalty i the oence wascommitted in the penalty area.

    Scissors ic

    The scissors kick is permitted.

    Deliberate handball

    Reerees are reminded that deliberate handball is punishable with a

    direct ree kick or penalty i the oence is committed in the penaltyarea. Under normal circumstances, deliberate handball should notresult in a caution or sending o.

    The aim o these additional instructions or reerees, second reerees,third reerees and timekeepers is to ensure the correct application othe Beach Soccer Laws o the Game.

    Beach soccer is a competitive sport, and physical contact betweenthe players is normal and an acceptable part o the game. However,

    players must respect the Beach Soccer Laws o the Game and theprinciples o air play.

    Serious oul play and violent conduct are two oences that resultin unacceptable physical aggression, which must be punished byexpulsion rom the pitch, as stated in Law 11.

    Serious oul pla

    A player is guilty o serious oul play i he uses excessive orce orbrutality against an opponent when challenging or the ball.Any player who launches himsel into an opposing player whenchallenging or the ball rom the ront, back or side, using one or bothlegs and with excessive orce and putting the opponents personalsaety in danger, is guilty o serious oul play.

    Violent conduct

    Violent conduct can occur on or o the pitch, regardless o whetherthe ball is in play or not. A player is guilty o violent conduct i excessiveorce or brutality is used against an opponent, without either o themchallenging or the ball.The player is also guilty o violent conduct i excessive orce or brutality

    is used against a team-mate or against any other person.


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    Direct ree ics

    Reerees are reminded that a player must be cautioned i: he ails to observe the regulation distance when play restarts.

    The penalt ic

    It is an inringement o the Laws o the Game or players to stand lessthan 5 metres rom the penalty spot beore the penalty kick is taken.The goalkeeper is likewise in breach o the Laws o the Game i hemoves o his goal line beore the ball is kicked.The reerees must ensure that the appropriate measures are taken ithe players inringe this rule.

    Goaleeping oences

    Reerees are reminded that goalkeepers are not allowed to holdthe ball or more than 5 seconds. Any goalkeeper committing thisoence will be sanctioned with a direct ree kick to be taken rom theimaginary point in the middle o the halway line.

    The goalkeeper may not touch the ball with his hands or arms whenthe ball is returned to him by a team-mate a second consecutivetime, including rom a header or a ball inbound, without it havingtouched an opponent. Any goalkeeper committing this oence willbe sanctioned with a direct ree kick to be taken rom the imaginarypoint in the middle o the halway line.

    Persistent oenders

    Reerees must always be alert to players persistently violating theBeach Soccer Laws o the Game. It must also be noted that even ithe player in question has committed dierent types o oences, hemust be cautioned or persistently violating the Laws.

    Dening an obvious goalscoring opportunit

    A player will, however, be sent o i he intentionally prevents anobvious goalscoring opportunity by using his hand. This punishmentis not or the deliberate handball, but rather or unacceptable andunsporting behaviour that prevented a goal rom being scored.

    Cautions or unsporting behaviour as a result o deliberate handball

    There are circumstances which, in addition to being penalised bya direct ree kick, will also result in the player being cautioned orunsporting behaviour, or example, when he: touches or deliberately strikes the ball to stop the opponent

    receiving it; tries to score a goal by deliberately touching or striking the ball

    with his hand.

    Holding an opponent bac

    A common criticism levelled against reerees is their inability tocorrectly identiy and punish the oence o holding an opponentback.This inability to properly assess the action o holding a shirt or anarm can lead to controversy; reerees are thereore urged to interveneimmediately and rmly in these situations, according to the stipulationso Law 11.Generally speaking, a direct ree kick or penalty kick is a sucientpunishment, but under certain circumstances an additional sanctionshould be imposed. For example:

    A player will be cautioned or holding an opponent back toprevent him rom reaching the ball or taking up an advantageousposition.

    A player will be sent o or preventing an obvious goalscoringopportunity by holding back an opponent.


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    Goal celebrations

    Even though players are allowed to express their joy when they score agoal, the celebration should not be excessive. In FIFA circular no. 579,FIFA gave permission to celebrate the scoring o goals in a reasonablemanner. However, the practice o rehearsed celebrations should be

    discouraged i it causes time-wasting, in which case the reereesshould intervene.

    Players will be cautioned, i, in the opinion o the reeree, they do anyo the ollowing: Make provocative, derisory or overexcited gestures; Leave the pitch and enter an area in which ans are congregated

    in order to celebrate a goal; Remove their shirt or cover their head with it.

    Leaving the pitch while celebrating a goal is not a punishable oence,as such, but it i s essential that the players return immediately.The aim is or reerees to act preventively and use common senseregarding goal celebrations.


    Players have the right to consume rereshments during an interruptionin the match, but only at the touch line. Throwing bags o water orany other type o receptacle containing water onto the pitch is notpermitted.

    Basic plaing euipment

    Goalkeepers: Each goalkeeper must wear colours that easily distinguish him

    rom the other players and the reerees. I the goalkeepers have shirts o the same colour and neither

    has a spare jersey to change into, the reeree shall allow play tocommence.


    Behaviour toards the match ofcials

    The team captains do not benet rom special status or special treat-ment as ar as the Beach Soccer Laws o the Game are concerned,but they do have a certain degree o responsibility when it comes totheir teams behaviour.

    Any player who is guilty o showing verbal dissent in respect o thereerees decisions must be cautioned. Any player who attacks a matchocial or is guilty o using oensive, rude or obscene gestures orlanguage must be sent o.


    Any player that tries to ool the reerees by eigning injury or pretendingto have been the victim o an oence will be guilty o simulationand will be punished or unsporting conduct. I play is stopped onaccount o such an inringement, the game will resume with a direct

    ree kick, to be taken rom the imaginary point in the middle o thehalway line.

    Delaing the restart o the match

    Reerees must caution players who delay the restart o play by usingthe ollowing tactics: Taking a ree kick rom the wrong place with the deliberate inten-

    tion o having it retaken; Kicking the ball away or picking it up and holding it ater the

    reeree has stopped the game; Deliberately provoking a conrontation by interering with the ball

    ater the reeree has stopped play.

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    Ater consulting the injured player, the reeree will authorise oneor more (maximum two) medical sta to enter the pitch to allowthem to assess the injury and ensure that the player leaves thepitch saely and switly.

    I necessary, the stretcher-bearers will enter the pitch at the sametime as the doctors to hasten the players departure rom the

    pitch. The reeree must ensure that the injured player is carried o thepitch saely and switly.

    The player may not be treated on the pitch. Any player with a bleeding wound must leave the pitch and may

    not return until the reeree has ascertained that the wound hasstopped bleeding. A player may not wear blood-stained clothing.

    As soon as the doctors have entered the pitch, the player mustleave the pitch either on oot or be carried o on a stretcher. I aplayer does not comply with this provision, he must be cautionedor deliberately delaying the restart o play.

    Assuming he has not been substituted, an injured player mayreturn to the pitch only ater the match has restarted.

    An injured player does not have to leave the pitch via the substitutezone, but over any line that marks the pitch boundaries.

    An injured player who has let the pitch or has had to leave thepitch may be substituted, but the substitute must always enter thepitch via the substitution zone.

    When the ball is in play, the injured player may return to the pitchi he has not been substituted, but only rom the touch line. Whenthe ball is not in play, he may return via any boundary line on thepitch.

    Only the reerees may allow an injured player who has not beensubstituted to return to the pitch, whether the ball is in play ornot.

    I play has not been stopped or any other reason or i the injury tothe player is not the result o an inringement o the Beach SoccerLaws o the Game, the reeree will restart play with a dropped ball(see Law 8).


    Non-basic playing equipment A player may not wear any piece o equipment that is dangerous

    to himsel or another player. Modern protective equipment, such as headgear, ace masks,

    shinguards and arm protectors made o sot, light material arenot considered to be dangerous and are thereore permitted,

    New technology has ensured that sports glasses are saer or theplayer himsel and or other players. Reerees should thereoreshow tolerance and permit the use o such glasses.


    A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerousto himsel or another player (including any kind o jewellery).


    All kinds o jewellery are potentially dangerous. Players may not usetape to cover items o jewellery. Rings and ear-rings, as well as leatherand rubber articles are not necessary and can only cause injuries.The word dangerous can at times be ambiguous and controversial,but in the interests o uniormity and consistency, players, substitutesand match ocials may not wear any type o jewellery or adornment.Taping up jewellery does not oer sucient protection. To avoid last-minute problems, ocials must inorm their players in advance o thisban on such items.

    Procedure or injured plaers

    The reeree must take into account the ollowing instructions i aplayer is injured: Allow the match to continue until the ball is no longer in play i

    the injury is, in the reerees opinion, a minor one. Stop the match i the reeree considers the injury to be serious.

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    Exceptions are made in the ollowing cases only: Goalkeeper injury; When the goalkeeper and an outeld player collide with each

    other and require immediate treatment;

    When there is a serious injury, or example, a player has swallowedhis tongue, is suering rom concussion or has broken his leg,etc.


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    President: Joseph S. Blatter (Switzerland)

    General Secretary: Urs Linsi (Switzerland)Address: FIFA

    FIFA-Strasse 20

    P.O. Box8044 Zurich


    Telephone: +41-(0)43-222 7777

    Telefax: +41-(0)43-222 7878


    Fdration Internationale de Football Association