beam instrumentation mds

Beam instrumentation MDs LSWG 2 September 2014 T. Lefevre on the behalf of the BI group

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Beam instrumentation MDs. T. Lefevre on the behalf of the BI group. Outline. Review of BI MD activities during Run 1 BI MD requests for Run 2 Conclusions. Beam Instrumentation MDs. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


2 September 2014

Beam instrumentation MDs


T. Lefevre on the behalf of the BI group


• Review of BI MD activities during Run 1

• BI MD requests for Run 2

• Conclusions

LSWG 2 September 2014

Beam Instrumentation MDsWhat is done in MDs is what cannot be done parasitically during normal beam operation and initial beam commissioning

• Special beam conditions• e.g. larger beam emittance using ADT blow-up or different

bunch length

• Local Orbit bumps or K-modulation• e.g. for cross-calibration of beam profile monitors, BPM or

FBCT studies

• Intensity scan (scraping)• e.g. for BPM or FBCT sensitivity ranges study

• RF frequency change • e.g. for strip-line BPM directivity study in LSSs

LSWG 2 September 2014

• During each MDs period – 8h BI Shift

• 4-5 different activities per shift• Some in parallel whenever applicable• Usual suspects

• BCT, BPM, BSRT, BGI, BWS and Schottky

• Typical MDs:• First part with beam tests at injection• Ramp and beam tests at flat-top

LSWG 2 September 2014

Beam Instrumentation MDs

• Study the performances & limitations of operational devices• Understand / Solve issues that arises during Beam Operation

• e.g. BSRT Extraction Mirror heating or FBCT beam position dependency

• Study the impact of known limitation• e.g. non-linearity corrections of BPM readings,

• Test and develop new or modified instruments• Develop devices not yet operational

• e.g. Schottky, LDM, dI/dt, ..

• Test hardware modifications• e.g. BSRT gated cameras, LDM optimisation

• Test firmware modifications• e.g. Modified Interlock BPM firmware

• Commission new Instruments• e.g. Matching MonitorsLSWG 2 September 2014

Beam Instrumentation MDs

LSWG 2 September 2014

Results from BI MD - Run1

Injected 12 bunches per beam with emittance as small as possible

Use ADT to blow-up single bunches

Different ADT strength, excitation time on different bunches

circulating bunches with emittance spread in the 1.5 – 5 um range

Measure with WS and BSRT

Calculate BSRT magnification and point spread function to match WS

BSRT / WS calibrationCalibration BSRT - WS

Emittances after calibration

LSWG 2 September 2014

Results from BI MD - Run1Inject, circulate for 1000 turns max and dump a single bunch with about 1e10p

Insert the BTVM.6L4.B1 screen and observe the monitor response turn by turns

Repeat the experiment while inserting at the same time the BTVM.7L3.B1 screen to characterize any blow-up induced by scattering on the screens themselves

Remove BTVM.7L3.B1 and repeat inject and dump several times, while smoothly increasing the bunch intensity up to 5e10p.

With low intensity, offset injection trajectory to see the effect on the matching measurements (if time allows)

Matching Monitor

Preliminary Results




LSWG 2 September 2014

Results from BI MD - Run1

Injected 1368 nominal bunches

Set local gas pressure to 5.2e-9

Study H and V camera tilt vs beam axis

Calibration with local orbit bumps +- 1mm

Used ADT to blow-up 144b batches

Monitor with BGI avg blow-up

BGI – B2

• Modified Instruments during LS1• All of them .. Some more than other …

• e.g. Schottky monitor or BSRT B1, ..

• Including both Hardware, Firmware, Software changes

• New Functionalities and New Instruments• ICT and BCTW for fast beam intensity monitoring• dI/dt (Fast Beam Current Change Monitor - FBCCM)• Diode Orbit system for Collimator BPM and more..• Beam Transfer Function using Tune monitor • Instability Monitoring system and trigger• Beam Gas Vertex (BGV) detector• BSRT interferometer

LSWG 2 September 2014

BI situation after LS1

• All what will not be completed during the beam commissioning period for operational BI systems …

• BLMs were not part of BI MDs – Done in MPP MDs

• Already known requests: • Directional Strip-line BPMs in LSSs: comp between DOROS and WBTN• Bunch intensity study scraping nominal bunches

• DOROS, Interlock BPM, dIdt, ..

• Bunch length dependency of ICT & BCTW • Running the beam instable (nominal bunches)

• Commissioning of Instability Monitoring triggering system

• CO bumps - • BPM (non-linearity correction)• Sensitivity of beam position for ICT & BCTW, Schottky monitors• Resolution study of BSRT and WS (at injection and flat top)

LSWG 2 September 2014

Requests for Run 2

• Already known requests continued• dI/dt (FBCCM) commissioning plan with different beam

intensities and energies done with TE-MPE-MS• Emittance Blow-up using ADT

• Cross-calibration between BSRT & WS• Test of new BSRT interferometer on B1

• Investigating the possibility to cross-calibrate WS and BSRT using BTV in dump line

• Masking of BTV interlocks limited to safe beam? Can we extract and measure with BTV a nominal bunch at 6.5 TeV ?

• Commissioning of BGV• Requiring gas injection• In parallel to Van der Meer scans with SMOKE detector and


LSWG 2 September 2014

Requests for Run 2

• During Run 1, BI MDs were extremely useful, at least for us, to better understand our devices

• Even if we assume a smooth re-commissioning of operational devices, we would already need several 8 hours shifts to assess the performance of new instruments using non-standard beam conditions

• Our proposal is to keep a minimum of one BI shift per MD period

LSWG 2 September 2014


Thanks for listening

LSWG 2 September 2014

28 Aug 2014F.Roncarolo & Co

BSRT – Interferometry (B1)• New project in collaboration with KEK (T.Mitshuashi), SLAC (A.Fisher),

CELLS-ALBA (U.Iriso)• Interferometry: non-diffraction limited method widely used in electron

machines to measure very small beam sizes

Fringes ‘visibility’ contains

information of proton beam size

28 Aug 2014

Closed Orbit Bumps

F.Roncarolo & Co

• +-4mm @ WS and BSRT

• Any new aperture and/or MPP constraint in 2015 to repeat bumps at injection and flat top?

28 Aug 2014

WS-BSRT Commissioning Plan Overview

Time Beam Type

Energy [GeV] Monitors

Comments0.450 6.5 BSRT WS

Parasitic Pilot ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖ Check SW (automatisms, auto-gain, auto-steering, etc…)

4hrs Single Bunches

✔ (2hrs) ✔ (2hrs) ✔ ✔ Closed Orbit Bumps

8hrs Single Bunches

✔ ✔ ✖ ✔ Calibration of WS PM gain + filters settings

8hrs Single Bunches



✔ ✔Cross-Calibration. 6 bunches with different emittances (ADT blow-up?)

Parasitic Single Bunches

✔ ✔ ✔ ✖ Interferometry tests, only B1


Scrubbing ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖Temperature + mirror deformation monitoring, reliability runsTrains ✔ ✔ ✔ ✖

8hrs? Pilot? Single Bunch?

✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Inject circulate (ramp?) and dump, monitor beam size on BTVSE and BTVD (To be investigated)

8hrs ? Single bunch ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

K-Modulation, AC dipole. Need knowledge of optics at monitors, all energies. TBD with OP and ABP

F.Roncarolo & Co

• BSRT Interferometry can be done in parallel to imaging• BSRT mirror deformation monitoring can NOT be done in parallel to imaging


28 Aug 2014

BSRTM (mirror) deformation monitoring

• Shack-Hartmann mask• When inserted (just after view port) excludes


• Deformation to be checked with low and high intensity

• Can we exclude BSRA during scrubbing and/or high intensity commissioning?

• Need MD time with high intensity and no BSRA (assuming MPP ok) ?

F.Roncarolo & Co

Wave front distortion measurements - Hartmann mask

28 Aug 2014

• Very cheap• Not sensible to floor vibrations• Need

• the mask as close as possible to the mirror normally is ‘destructive’, can’t split light to other devices before the mask

• mask-screen lever arm as long as possible

T. Mitsuhashi

F.Roncarolo & Co

28 Aug 2014

BSRT Interferometry commissioning

• Slits out test imaging• Setup polarizer

• Find horizontal polarization only

• Check imaging resolution dependence on rectangular iris aperture

• Insert slit H• Setup operational vertical aperture of rectangular iris• Visibility vs slit separation• Determine operational slit separation

• Repeat for V• Test H and V measurements

F.Roncarolo & Co

28 Aug 2014

Halo Monitoring via Sync light• Studies for HighLumi• Coronagraph?• Flipping Micro-Mirrors ?

• Project just starting, nothing defined, not clear if any tests in 2015

F.Roncarolo & Co