beat joint pain in winters

Beat Joint Pain In Winters

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Post on 14-Aug-2015



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Beat Joint Pain In Winters

Page 2: Beat joint pain in winters

Beat Joint Pain In Winters

“For overall joint health, it is important to keep all its components as healthy as possible.”

All those living with arthritis of the joints would have felt the pain increase as the temperatures

drop. Arthritic joints become more irritable, rigid and painful in winters than in summers. Our

joints are a complex structure of bones joined together, with cartilage acting as a cushion

between the edges, ligaments connecting the bones and muscles supporting the entire

structure. For overall joint health, it is important to keep all its components as healthy as

possible. With age-related breakdown of the cartilage, it is all the more important to take care

of the joints during winters.

Reasons For Intensified Pain

Blood circulation to the joints is reduced in winter as the body pumps warm blood to

the heart. This makes the joints more painful and stiff.

Our threshold for pain decreases in winters as our nerve endings become more sensitive

in colder temperatures. This is why even a minor injury causes intense pain.

Activity levels go down drastically in winters as most elderly people prefer to stay

indoors, leading to stiff joints.

Due to these factors, arthritic and inflammatory conditions can aggravate joint pain in winters.

Extra measures should be taken to loosen your joints, strengthen your muscles, increase blood

circulation and keep the joints hydrated for a smooth winter. If you are experiencing severe

joint pain, get a check-up done at the nearest Apollo Clinic and get the right advice from our

experienced team of doctors.

Here are six tips you should follow before winter sets in:

Exercise regularly - Exercising helps increase blood circulation and enables warm blood

to reach all parts of the body, including joints. As much as you need to increase physical

activity in winters, you tend to become more sedentary as the cold keeps you from

venturing out. Don’t give up exercising in winters as regular exercise is important to

keep the muscles strong and healthy.

Balanced diet - The importance of balanced diet cannot be underestimated. Eat a well-

balanced diet comprising fruits, vegetables, pulses, cereals and dairy products. This is

vital to ensure the overall health and well-being of the entire body, joints and muscles.

Patients experiencing knee pain also need a good dose of vitamins like vitamin D, C and

K to keep the bones and cartilage well nourished. A deficiency of vitamins can manifest

itself in the form of joint pain and even inflammation.

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Drink water - Often, we underestimate the importance of water in maintaining joint

health. The cartilage, a semi-soft tissue between the joints, has to be hydrated and full

of fluid.

Opt for knee supports - Knee supports help hold the weak joint. Meet an orthopaedic

specialist who can recommend good knee braces that can be worn to provide more

support and stability.

Physiotherapy helps - Physiotherapy is usually recommended for patients of

osteoarthritis as it helps keep the muscles and leg nerves strong and the joints flexible.

In winters, when joint stiffness increases, physiotherapy and gentle application of heat

ensure greater mobility and lesser pain.

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