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Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan Update to Committee of the Whole, December 18, 2017

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Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan Update to Committee of the Whole, December 18, 2017

00.00.00Presenter’s Name

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Agenda1. Introduction

2. Project Overview

3. Update on Study Progress

4. Key Questions for Consideration


Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 3

Project Overview

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Strategic Plan (2015-2018)

• Strategic Priority #5 5.1.5 “Undertake a complete Beckwith Street redevelopment plan” (2017)


Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Downtown Revitalization and Waterfront Integration Master Plan Context

• “A Plan aimed to support principles of sustainability, pedestrian friendliness, heritage preservation, and the creation of vibrant outdoor public spaces”.

• Identified Precinct Areas:


Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Study Area


• Beckwith Street, between Elmsley Street and Chambers Street

• Wrapping around each connecting side street

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Project Need


Smiths Falls downtown

infrastructure is aging

A strategy is needed to

guide a substantial municipal


Opportunity to improve the

streets/ public realm of the downtown

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

What We Heard So farWorking Group and Public Meetings • Angled vs. Parallel parking

• Parking Supply

• Cycling Facilities

• Business Friendly Designs

• Downtown as a Destination

• Design unique to Smiths Falls

• Traffic Volumes and Heavy trucks

• Construction Management


Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Key Questions for Consideration

1. What is the Vision for Beckwith Street’s future?

2. How important are wider sidewalk spaces?

3. Does parking orientation define Smiths Falls?

4. What is the right amount of on-street parking?

5. How should we plan for cycling in downtown Smiths Falls?

6. What municipal policies guide decision-making?

7. How do the Beckwith Street Design Options perform?

8. Questions?


Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 10

What is the Vision for Beckwith Street’s future?

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Preliminary Design VisionInvestment in Smiths Falls downtown street renewal as the foundation for:

• Promoting the downtown as a destination and a place.

• Accessing businesses and services.

• Accommodating all modes.

• Embracing new development and investment.


Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Preliminary Design Vision – Cont’dInvestment in Smiths Falls downtown street renewal as the foundation for:

• Enabling accessibility for users of all ages and abilities.

• Creating and linking public spaces.

• Celebrating a rich cultural history.

• Activating a social hub.


Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 13

How important are wider sidewalk spaces?

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Space for Seating & Outdoor Patios

Sag Harbor VillagWeWellington e, Hampton, NYWWeeWellington Street West, Ottawa

Elgin Street, Ottawa

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Westport, CT

Space for Street Retailing & Activity• Examples: selling pottery, leather products, garments, local crafts, local produce etc.

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Mount Kisco, NY

Space for Special Events & Festivals

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Asheville, NC

Space for Street Performance

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Bethesda, MD

Space for Bicycle Parking

Ottawa (Glebe)

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Berkeley, CA

Space For Flexibility

Boston, MA

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 20

Space for Street Furniture

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 21

Space for Wayfinding and Pageantry

Victoria, BC

Brooklin, NB

Deseronto, ON

Madison, GA

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 22

Space for Public Art

Rideau Street, Ottawa


Rideau Street, Ottawa

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 23

Space for Decorative Lighting

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 24

Space for Street Trees

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Sidewalk Planters & benches


Space for Street Planters

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

City of Lancaster

Space for Sustainable Drainage


Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 27

Does parking orientation define downtown Smiths Falls?

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 28

• Pre-automobile Era.• Reverse angle parking.

Courtesy of Heritage House Museum

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 29

Courtesy of Heritage House Museum

• Mix of autos and horse/buggy.

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 30

• 1940s post card … mix of parallel parking with street median parking.

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Does angled parking define Smith Falls Downtown?


• Mix of parallel parking with street median parking.Courtesy of Heritage House Museum

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 32

• Angled parking introduced.• Median parking eliminated.

Courtesy of Heritage House Museum

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 33

• Angled parkingCourtesy of Heritage House Museum

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan 34

• Angled parking• Centre median snow storage.

Courtesy of Heritage House Museum

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Does parking orientation define Smith Falls Downtown?


Beckwith Street Existing Cross Section, as illustrated in the Master Plan

• Most research suggests parallel parking results in less accidents than angled parking.

• More transportation engineering documentation recommends parallel parking over angle parking.

• When parallel parking collision rates were compared to angled parking collision rates, on 2-lane streets, angled parking collisions rates were consistently higher.

• Approximately ½ of reported collisions along the Beckwith Street corridor involved angled parking maneuvers (3-year period).

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Pros and Cons - Angled Parking

Angled Parking - Pros Increased parking space

yield Less time required for

inbound parking maneuver Drivers and passengers exit

the vehicle outside of the vehicle travel area


Angled Parking - Cons Less space for public realm Obstructs view to businesses Poor sightlines when reversing Difficult for drivers to see cyclists Propensity for U-Turn movements Reversing vehicles can slow through

movement Less flexibility for large vehicles or trailers Limited ability for rear-loading accessible

vehicles More expensive to construct

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan

Pros and Cons - Parallel Parking


Parallel Parking - Pros More space for public realm Space for cycling facilities Better view of fronting businesses Fewer collisions Can accommodate large vehicles and

trailers Ease of use for accessible vehicles Vehicles can use ‘park-assist’ for

parallel parking

Parallel Parking - Cons Drivers exit vehicle beside the

travel lane More time required for inbound

parking maneuver Inbound parking maneuver may

be challenging for some drivers

Source: Oregon Department of Transportation. March 2001.

Beckwith Street Redevelopment Plan


CriteriaAngled Parking without Cycle Tracks

Parallel with Cycle Tracks

Parallel without Cycle Tracks

Wider pedestrian zone ○ ◒ ●

Visibility to businesses ○ ◒ ●

Cyclist safety ○ ● ◒

Traffic movement ◒ ◒ ◒

Traffic safety ○ ● ◒Loading zones ○ ◒ ●

Cost to construct ○ ◒ ●

Parking yield ● ○ ◒

Improved accessibility ○ ● ◒

Street-sidewalk Interface ○ ● ◒Greener streets ○ ● ◒

Festivals, Patio's, Art, etc. ○ ◒ ●

○ - Least Desirable, ◒ - Moderately Desirable, ● - Most Desirable

Evaluating the Parking Options