bedah oral cancer

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  • 8/11/2019 bedah oral cancer



  • 8/11/2019 bedah oral cancer


    Oral cavity cancer is cancer originating from bothepithelial mucosa or salivary glands in the walls of

    the oral cavity and organs in the mouth. Oral cavitycancer is more prevalent in males than females witha ratio of 3/2 - 2/1. It mostly occurs in the ageabove 40 years (70%) and it spread all over the

    world. The highest incidence are in France andIndia, while the lowest is in Japan.

    The etiology of oral cavity cancer is exposure tocarcinogens, which are widely found in cigarettes or

    tobacco. High risk of oral cavity cancer gets there inthe smoker, nginang / fringe, alcohol, dental caries,poor oral hygiene

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    1. To know the definition of carcinoma of the oral cavity2. Can explain the pathophysiology of carcinoma of the

    oral cavity

    3. To determine the risk factors for oral squamous

    4. To find a variety of carcinomas of the oral cavity

    5. To determine the clinical symptoms of oral carcinoma

    6. To find out how to diagnose carcinoma of the oralcavity

    7. To determine the treatment of carcinoma of the oralcavity

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    Oral Cavity Carcinoma

    A. Definition

    Oral cavity cancer is cancer originating from bothepithelial mucosa or salivary glands in the walls of theoral cavity and organs in the mouth

    The boundaries of the oral cavity is: Front : the edge of the upper lip vermilion and lower lip

    Above: the hard palate and molle

    Lateral: right and left buccal

    Bottom: floor of the mouth and tongue Rear: left and right anterior arch pharyngeus and uvula,

    left and right arch glossopalatinus, the lateral edge of thetongue, the tongue circumvallate papillae

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    B. Pathophysiology

    DNA is a chemical in every cell of the body that will form the gene,showed that the cells in the body to function properly. Some geneshave instructions for controlling when cells grow and divide. Genes

    that stimulate cell division are called oncogenes. Genes that slowdown cell division or cause cells to die at the right time are calledtumor suppressor genes.

    When tobacco and alcohol damage the cells that line the mouthand throat, the cells should grow more rapidly to repair this damage.In this case there is an opportunity to make a mistake when copying a

    gene so that DNA into cancer cells. Many of the chemicals found intobacco can damage DNA directly. This damage can lead to oncogenesand tumor suppressor genes were damaged, DNA changes thatactivate oncogenes or deactivate tumor gensupresor produceabnormal cells to form tumors.

    With the additional damage, Human Papilloma Virus infection,

    causing the cells to make 2 protein, the E6 and E7. This protein killsseveral genes that keep cell growth under control, so that the cellgrowth becomes uncontrolled and become cancerous. HPV DNA wasfound in the tumor cells, especially in cells of patients with non-smokers who drank little or no alcohol consumption alcohol. HPV isestimated to be the likely cause of cancer

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    C. Risk factor


    Consumption of alcohol

    Infection of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)


    Age Ultraviolet (UV)


    Weak Immune System


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    D. Clinical diagnosis Anamnesis.

    Patient complaints, grievances previous dental, generalmedical history past and present, lifestyle habits, familyhistory, socioeconomic status and occupation. While doinganamnesis physician can also see the state of the patient oralextras, such as lip and facial asymmetry.

    Clinical examination

    1. Change the color, whether oral mucosal abnormal color,such as white, red or black.

    2. Consistency, whether hard tissue, chewy, soft, fIuktuan ornodular.

    3. Contour, whether mucosal surface rough, ulceration,

    asymmetry or swelling.4. Temperature.

    5. Function, whether the patient can open the mouthperfectly.

    6. Lymphnode cervical

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    Generally, early stage oral cancer does not cause

    symptoms, less than 2 cm in diameter, mostly red with or

    without white components, slick, smooth and showed minimalelevation. Often beginning of malignancy characterized by the

    presence of ulcers. If there are ulcers that do not heal within 2

    weeks, then the situation can already be suspected as early in

    the process of malignancy.

    Other signs of malignancy include ulcers process painless

    ulcer, rolled edge, higher than the surrounding area and

    induration (harder), can essentially bumps and peeling.

    Growth carcinoma ulcer forms are referred to as growth

    endofitik. Besides oral carcinoma is also seen as a growtheksofitik (superficial lesions) that can be shaped or papillary

    cauliflower, bleeds easily. Eksofitik lesions are more easily

    recognized its existence and has a better prognosis.

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    E. Histopathology classification

    Type of histology

    The majority ( 90%) cancers originate from the mucosa ofthe oral cavity in the form of epidermoid carcinoma orsquamous cell carcinoma with well differentiation, but can alsomoderate, bad or anaplastic. When the pathological picture

    showed a rhabdomyosarcoma, fibrosarcoma, malignant ormalignant tumors fibrohistiocytoma other soft tissue, shouldbe carefully examined whether the tumor was actually amalignant tumor of the oral cavity (C00-C06) or a malignanttumor of the soft tissues of the cheek, skin or bone invasionheld into the oral cavity.


    1 Squamous cell carc. 5070/3

    2 Adenocarcinoma 8140/3

    3 Adenoid cyst.carc 8200/3

    4 Ameloblastic carc 9270/2

    5 Adenolymphoma 8561/3

    6 Mal. mixed tumor 8940/3

    7 Pleomorphic carc 8941/3

    8 Melanoma maligna 8720/3

    9 Lymphoma maligna 9590/3-9711/3

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    Degree of Differentiation Standard Pathology Reports

    To report on the results of the pathological examination ofthe specimen operations include:

    1. Histologic type of tumor2. The degree of differentiation (grade)

    3. Examination to determine the stage of pathologicalTNM (pTNM)

    T = primary tumor Size of tumor The invasion into the blood

    vessels / lymph

    Operating radicalism

    N = regional nodes number KGB found

    Level KGB positive

    The number of positivenodes

    Invasion of the tumor outkapsel KGB

    The extra-nodal metastases

    M = distant metastasis

    Degree of Diffeentiation


    G1 Differensiasi baik

    G2 Differensiasi sedang

    G3 Differensiasi jelek

    G4 Tanpa differensiasi = anaplastik

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    F. Clinical stadium classification

    Determining the stage of cancer of the oral cavity is recommended using TNM

    system of UICC, 2002. Treatment depends on the stage of therapy. Instead of staging to

    delineate the severity of cancer can also be widely used extension of disease.


    0 TIS N0 M0 T0 Tidak ditemukan tumor

    TIS Tumor in situ

    I T1 N0 M0 T1 2 cm

    T2 >2 cm - 4 cm

    II T2 N0 M0 T3 > 4 cm



    Bibir :infiltrasi tulang, n.alveolaris inferior, dasar mulut, kulitRongga mulut : infiltrasi tulang, otot lidah (ekstrinsik /deep), sinus maksilaris,


    Infiltrasi masticator space, pterygoid plates, dasar tengkorak, a.karotis interna

    III T3 N0 M0

    T1 N1 M0 N0 Tidak terdapat metastase regional

    T2 N1 M0 N1 KGB Ipsilateral singel, 3 cm

    T3 N1 M0 N2a KGB Ipsilateral singel, >3 - 6 cm

    N2b KGB Ipsilateral multipel, < 6 cm

    IVA T4








    N2c KGB Bilateral /kontralateral, < 6 cm

    N3 KGB > 6 cm

    IVB Tiap


    N3 M0

    IVC Tiap




    M1 M0 Tidak ditemukan metastase jauh

    M1 Metastase jauh

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    Clinical examination


    Anamnesa kwesioner by the patient or family.1) Complaints

    2) Course

    3) the etiology and risk factors

    4) What treatment has been given

    5) How do the results of treatment6) How long delays

    physical examination

    general status

    General examination from head to toe

    Determine:a. Appearance

    b. General condition

    c. Distant metastases

    the local


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    bimanual palpation

    Abnormalities in the oral cavity checked by inspection and palpationwith the help spatel tongue and illumination using a flashlight or headlamp. The entire oral cavity seen, from the lips to the posteriororopharynx. Palpability of lesions of the oral cavity is done by inserting

    one or two fingers into the mouth. To determine which lesions areperformed by touching bimanuil. One or two fingers left or right hand isinserted into the cavity of the mouth and the fingers of his other handfingered lesions outside the mouth.

    For the inspection of the tongue and oropharynx can the tip of thetongue that has been wrapped with a 2x2 inch gauze is held with the

    examiner's left hand and pulled out the mouth and directed right and leftto see the surface of the dorsal, ventral and lateral tongue, floor of themouth and oropharynx. Inspections can be better when using the help ofa mirror examiner.

    Determine where the primary tumor site, how it would look, howmuch in cm, how much infiltration, how operabilitasnya.

    regional status

    Palpation is there any enlargement of cervical lymph nodesipsilateral and contralateral neck. If there is enlargement specify thelocation, number, size (the largest), and mobility.

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    Radiography Examination a. X-plain

    X-mandibular photo AP, lateral, Eisler, panoramic, occlusal,mandibular gingiva done on the tumor or tumors attached to the

    mandible Lateral head X-photo, Waters, occlusal, gingival done on the

    tumor, maxillary or maxillary tumor attached to

    X-Hap photo done on the hard palate tumor

    X-thorax photo, for the presence of pulmonary metastases

    B. Imaging (made only on indication)

    Liver ultrasound to look at the liver metastases CT-scan or MRI to assess tumor extension vast lokoregional

    A bone scan, if suspected metastasis to bone

    LaboratoryRoutine laboratory examinations, such as blood, urine,

    SGOT / SGPT, alkaline phosphatase, BUN / creatinine, albumin,globulin, serum electrolytes, physiological hemostasis, toassess the general condition and preparation of the operation.

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    Pathology examination All patients with oral cancer or suspected cancer of the oral cavity

    should be carefully examined pathologically.

    Specimens taken from tumor biopsies

    Fine-needle biopsy (FNA) for cytological examination can beperformed on the primary tumor or metastatic cervical lymph nodes.

    excision biopsy : when small tumors, excision of 1 cm or less extensiveexcision is undertaken as definitive surgery (1 cm from the edge of thetumor)

    Biopsy cakot incision or biopsy (punch biopsy) using alligator forceps:

    if the tumor is large or inoperable What should be examined is in preparation histopathologic type,

    differentiation and extensive invasion of the tumor.

    large tumors predicted operabel:

    A biopsy should be performed under general anesthesia and can bedone at the same time bimanuil exploration to determine the extent oftumor infiltration (staging)

    the expected large inoperable tumor:

    A biopsy is done with local anesthetic block in normal tissue aroundthe tumor. (Anesthetic infiltration of the tumor should not be done toprevent the spread of cancer cells).

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    H. DIAGNOSIS upheld

    primary diagnosis

    macroscopic description of the cancer disease itself,which is a clinical diagnosis

    Diagnosis of complications

    Other disease that is caused by cancer

    Secondary Diagnosis

    Another disease that has nothing to do with cancer

    suffered, but it may affect treatment or prognosenya.

    diagnosis pathology

    A microscopic picture of the cancer

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    I. TREATMENT PROCEDURESOral cavity cancer treatment should be multidisciplinary involving several specialist

    areas, namely : Oncologic Surgeon

    Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

    Radiation oncologist Medical oncologist


    Rehabilitation specialists

    Some things to consider in the treatment of oral cancer is the eradication of thetumor, restoring the function of the oral cavity, as well as the cosmetic aspect orappearance of the patient. Some factors to consider in determining the kinds of therapyare:

    Age of the patient

    The general state of the patient

    Facilities available

    Ability doctor

    The choice of the patient.

    For small lesions (T1 and T2), surgery or radiotherapy alone can provide a high curerate, with a note that radiotherapy alone on T2 gives a higher recurrence rate than surgery.

    For T3 and T4, the combination of surgery and radiotherapy treatment gives the bestresults. Giving neo-adjuvant radiotherapy and or chemotherapy prior to surgery may begiven to the cavity cancer locally advanced (T3, T4).

    Radiotherapy can be given as interstitial or external tumors eksofitik with small sizewill be more successful than endofitik tumors with large size. The role of chemotherapy inthe treatment of oral cancer is still not much in the research phase of chemotherapy is onlyused as neo-adjuvant pre-operative or post-operative adjuvant for sterilization possibility ofmicro-metastasis .

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    I T1.N0.M0 Eksisi radikal atau Kuratif, 50-70 Gy Tidak dianjurkan

    II T2.N0.M0 Eksisi radikal atau Kuratif, 50-70 Gy Tidak dianjurkan

    III T3.N0.M0


    Eksisi radikal dan Post op. 30-40 Gy (dan) CT

    IVA T4N0,1.M0

    Tiap T.N2.M0

    Eksisi radikal dan Post.op 30-40 Gy

    IVB Tiap T.N3.M0



    Eksisi radikal



    Post.op 30-40 Gy

    Paliatif, 50-70 Gy (dan)


    IVC TiapT.tiapN.M1 Paliatif Paliatif Paliatif

    Residif local Operasi untukresidif post RT

    RT untuk residifpost op

    dan CT

    Metastase Tidak dianjurkan Tidak dianjurkan CT

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    carcinoma of the lip T1: wide excision or radiotherapy

    T2: wide excision. When the commissure, radiotherapy will provide relief to the function andbetter cosmetic

    T3, 4: wide excision + + deseksi suprahioid postoperative radiotherapy

    Carcinoma of the mouth T1: wide excision or radiotherapy

    T2: not attached periosteum wide excision, wide excision periosteum Sticking withmarginal mandibulektomi

    T3, 4: wide excision with marginal mandibulektomi dissection supraomohioid + +postoperative radiotherapy

    carcinoma of tongue T1, 2: wide excision or radiotherapy

    T3, 4: wide excision + + deseksi supraomohioid postoperative radiotherapy

    carcinoma of the buccal T1, 2: wide excision. When the commissure oris, radiotherapy provide relief to the function

    and better cosmetic

    T3, 4: wide excision + + deseksi supraomohioid surgical radioterapipasca

    carcinoma ginggiva T1, 2: wide excision with marginal mandibulektomi

    T3: wide excision with marginal mandibulektomi dissection supraomohioid + + postoperativeradiotherapy

    T4 (infiltration of bone / tooth extraction after tumor): wide excision with segmentalmandibulektomi dissection supraomohioid + + postoperative radiotherapy

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    carcinoma of the palate T1: wide excision to periost

    T2: wide excision to the underlying bone

    T3: wide excision to the underlying bone dissection supraomohioid + +postoperative radiotherapy

    T4 (bone infiltration): Maksilektomi infrastructural partial / total lesiondepends extensive dissection supraomohiod + + postoperative radiotherapy.

    Retromolar trigone carcinoma T1, 2: wide excision with marginal mandibulektomi

    T3: wide excision with marginal mandibulektomi dissection supraomohioid + +

    postoperative radiotherapy T4 (bone infiltration): Wide excision with segmental mandibulektomi

    dissection supraomohioid + + postoperative radiotherapy

    For carcinoma of the oral cavity T3 and T4, N0 handling do deseksi selectiveneck or postoperative regional radiotherapy. While N1 obtained at each T todo deseksi radical neck. Where possible, wide excision of the primary tumorand neck deseksi should be done en-block.

    Giving regional radiotherapy after surgery depends on the results ofpathological lymph node metastases (the number of positive lymph nodemetastasis, lymph node capsule penetration / extra lymph nodes).

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    1. Curative TherapyCurative treatment for cancer of the oral cavity is given in oral cavitycancer stage I, II, and III.

    a. The main therapy

    Primary therapy for stage I and II is that surgery or radiotherapy,each of which has advantages and disadvantages of each. Whereas forstage III and IV are still operabel is a combination of surgery andpostoperative radiotherapy .

    In curative therapy should be considered: According to proper procedure, because if one of the results are not to be

    curative. Function mouth to speak, eat, drink, swallow, breathe, stay well.

    Cosmetic quite acceptable


    Indication of operation: Case operabel

    Age is relatively young The general state of good

    There is no co-morbidity of severe

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    The basic principle of operation of oral cancer are: The opening should be large enough to be able to see the entire tumor with extension

    The basic principle of operation of oral cancer are:

    Exploration of tumor: to determine the extent of tumor extension

    Wide excision of tumor

    The tumor does not invade the bone, 1-2 cm wide excision of tumor beyond Invaded bones, wide excision with resection of the invaded bone

    regional nodes dissection (RND = Radical Neck Disection or modification), if there areregional nodes metastasis. Enblok dissection is done with the primary tumor wheneverpossible.

    Determine radicalism durante operation of edge incision surgery with frozencut checks. If you do not create a radical new line of larger incision to free thetumor.

    Reconstruction of defects that occur. radiotherapy

    indications of radiotherapy

    The case of inoperable

    T1, 2 specific place (see above)

    Cancer of the tongue

    Age is relatively old

    Reject operation There is a severe co-morbidities

    Radiotherapy can be given by:

    Teletherapy wear: ortovoltase, Cobalt 60, Linec dose of 5000-7000 rads.

    Brachytherapy: a booster with intratumoral implantation of radium needles Irridium 192or 226 at a dose of 2000-3000 rads.

    b Additional Therapy

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    b. Additional Therapy


    Additional radiotherapy is given in the case of the main therapy surgery. post-surgical radiotherapy

    Given on T3 and T4a after surgery, the case can not be done radical excision, radikalitasnyadoubtful, or the operating field contamination by cancer cells.

    pre-surgical radiotherapyPre-surgical radiotherapy is given in cases operabilitasnya doubt or inoperable.


    Operations Carried out in cases of therapy after primary radiotherapy orradiotherapy to operabel residif arising after radiotherapy.


    Chemotherapy given in the case of the operating field contamination bycancer cells, cancer stage III or IV or raised residif after surgery and or radiotherapy.

    c. Therapy Complications

    Therapeutic Complications of disease

    In general, stage I to II disease has been no Complications, but Complicationscan occur due to therapy.

    Treatment depends on the Complications that exist, for example (Sunarto, 2003) - Pain: analgesics

    Infection: antibiotic

    Anemia: haematinics

    Therapeutic Complications of therapy Complications of surgery: by type of complication

    Complications of radiotherapy: by type of complication

    Complications of chemotherapy: by type of complication

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    c. Therapy Complications

    Therapeutic Complications of disease

    In general, stage I to II disease has been no Complications, butComplications can occur due to therapy.

    Treatment depends on the Complications that exist, for example(Sunarto, 2003)

    - Pain: analgesics

    Infection: antibiotic

    Anemia: haematinics

    Therapeutic Complications of therapy Complications of surgery: by type of complication

    Complications of radiotherapy: by type of complication

    Complications of chemotherapy: by type of complication

    d. assisted therapy

    Can be given proper nutrition, vitamins, etc. ..e. secondary therapy

    If there is a secondary disease therapy was given According to thetype of illness.

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    2. Palliative Therapy

    Palliative therapy is to improve the quality of life of patients and reducethe grievances especially to people who are no longer curable. Palliativetherapy given to patients with oral cavity cancer :

    Stage IV has demonstrated distant metastases There are severe co-morbidities with a short life expectancy

    Curative treatment fails

    Very advanced age

    Complaints need palliation include: Loko regional

    ulcers in the mouth / throat Pain

    It is difficult to eat, drink, swallow

    Oral smell


    oro-cutaneous fistula

    Systemic: Pain

    Shortness of breath

    It is difficult to talk


    The agency took care

    A weak

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    1) The Main Therapya) Without distant metastases: Radiotherapy dose

    5000-7000 rads.

    If you need to combine the operationsb) There are distant metastases: Chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy can be used include:

    epidermoid carcinoma:

    Drugs that can be used: Cisplatin, Methotrexate,Bleomycin, Cyclophosphamide, Adryamycin, withnumbers 20 -40% remission. For example:

    a single drug: Methotrexate 30 mg/m2 2x a week

    Drug combinations:

    V = vincristine: 1.5 mg/m2 hlB = Bleomycin: 12 mg/m2 hl + 12 hours ==> repeatedevery2-3 weeks

    M = Methotrexate: 20 mg/m2 h3, 8

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    adeno carcinoma:

    Drugs that can be used include: Flourouracil,Mithomycin-C, Ciplatin, Adyamycin, the remission rate 20 30%.

    For example: single drug: Flourouracil

    Dose starters: 500 mg/m2

    Maintenance dose: 20 mg/m2 every 1-2 weeks

    Drug combinations:

    F = Flourouracil: 500 mg/m2, hl, 8,14,28

    A = Adryamycin: 50 mg/m2, hl, 21 ==> repeated every

    M = Mithomycin-C: 10 mg/m2, h1 6 weeks

    2) Additional Therapy

    If necessary: Surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy

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    3) Treatment of complications Pain: analgesics according to the "step ladder WHO

    Shortness of breath: tracheostomy

    Difficult to dine: gastrostomy

    Infection: antibiotic

    Halitosis: mouthwash


    4) Therapeutic aid Good Nutrition


    5) Secondary Therapy

    If there is a secondary disease, treatment according todisease concerned.

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    Tongue Carcinoma

    Tongue is the sense of taste has a role as an importantfunction of taste in the mouth, and the benefits of allowingone to choose according to his favorite food, and by the needfor certain nutrients physiologically, generally tongue has atleast four functions of primary taste sour, salty, sweet, and

    bitter.Nearly 80% of tongue cancer is the 2/3 anterior tongue

    (usually on the lateral edge and under the tongue) and insmall amounts in the posterior tongue. Symptoms depend onthe location in patients with cancer. When located at the 2/3

    anterior tongue, the main complaint is the emergence of amass that often feels no pain. When you arise in the 1/3posterior, the cancer is not always known to the patient andthe pain experienced is usually associated with throat pain.

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    Mechanism of carcinoma of the mouth and tongue: Leukoplakia

    Leukoplakia is pramaligna abnormalities in the oral cavity witha picture of hyperkeratosis. The occurrence of these disorders areaffected by chronic stimulation, such as use of tobacco, betel nut,alcohol, or a prosthesis that does not fit. Leukoplakia seen as whitepatches are slightly thickened and usually do not cause complaints.Leukoplakia is often found in the gums, buccal mucosa and tongue,generally the adult males (Sjamsuhidayat, 2007).

    The lesion was not painful but sensitive when touched orexposed to spicy foods. If left unchecked, a small part of it will turnout to be malignant in time can not be determined, sometimes fordecades. If a lesion is suspected as leukoplakia, it is necessary toscrape smear cytological examination. When the results ofcytological examination showed grade I s / d III, repeated

    cytological examination the next 3 months while eliminating thefactors that cause leukoplakia. When the results of cytologicalexamination showed class IV-V, need to do a biopsy withhistopathological examination to determine whether malignantchange.

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    Erythroplakia appears as reddish spots demarcated,soft and thickened. Usually found in men aged 65-74

    years, and is often associated with smoking.Erythroplakia generally located bottom mouth, tongueand soft palate. Sometimes erythroplakia located on theedge of leukoplakia.

    Microscopic erythroplakia can be severe dysplasia,

    carcinoma in situ, or invasive squamous cell carcinomain 90% of patients.

    Eksisional biopsy needs to be done to find a picturehitopatologisnya. Wide excision performed if the resultsof histopathologic examination showed malignancy.

    Erythroplakia often recur, and therefore needs to bemonitored for a long time.

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    The cause of squamous cell carcinoma that is not known. The cause issuspected carcinogens and related materials predisposisi.4 factors of oralcancer incidence associated with age may reflect a buildup, genetic changesand the length of exposure to initiators and promoters (such as chemical,physical irritants, viruses, and hormonal influences), and cellular aging declinedue to aging immunologic. Predisposing factors that can lead to the

    development of oral cancer include tobacco, alcohol, and other supportingfactors such as chronic illness.

    KSS molecular pathogenesis reflects the accumulation of genetic changesthat occur over a period of many years. These changes occur in genes thatencode proteins that control the cell cycle, the safety cell, cell motility andangiogenesis dental, nutritional deficiencies, fungal, viral, and environmentalfactors.

    Lip cancer is always associated with people who have outside activitiessuch as fishing and farming. Sunlight may be involved in cancer Datogeneselips. Generally more common in the lower lip finger on upper lip.

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    At the beginning of growth, the lesions may be small module or ulcer that doesnot heal. Detection of tumors in this situation provides an opportunity to find an earlycarcinoma. Lesions that can further shape papillari, ulcerative or infiltrative. Typepapilomatous can be initiated from a thickened epithelium and most of these remainon the epithelial superficial. Ulcerative lesions and infiltrative initiated from epithelial

    thickening but subsequently experienced a deeper infiltration. The most importantsign is the induration are obtained on the outskirts of the ulcer. Each geneticmutations provide a selective growth advantage, allowing clonal expansion of mutantcells with increased potential for malignancy.

    Carcinogenesis is a genetic process that leads to changes in cell morphology andbehavior. The main genes involved in SCC include the proto-oncogenes and tumorsuppressor genes (tumor suppresor genes / TSGs). Another factor that played a role in

    the progression of the disease include loss of alleles on the other chromosome ratio,mutations in proto-oncogenes and TSG, or epigenetic changes such as DNAmethylation or histonin acetylated. Cytokine growth factors, angiogenesis, celladhesion molecules, immune function and homeostatic regulation in normal cells thatsurround also play a role. formation of squamous cell carcinoma is malignant duemenyirih composition, menyirih frequency, duration menyirih, and use all night.

    Clinical features of squamous cell carcinoma at an early stage often show no

    obvious symptoms. No complaints and no pain. Generally the form of leukoplakia,erythroplakia or at an advanced stage of erosion and can be shaped in the formeksofitik papules and nodules, which can be either or endofitik ulcer, erosions,fissures.

    At the beginning of growth is the most common ulcer. Cancer of the lip has avaried clinical picture of cancer eksofitik large ulcerations that the above process untila mild swelling of the edge of the vermilion, or crusty lesions that are not suspicious.

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    Cancer of the floor of the mouth is usually associatedwith the use of alcohol and tobacco. At the initial stagemay not cause symptoms. When lesions develop patientwill complain of a lump in the mouth or feeling

    uncomfortable.Clinically the most common form of ulceration are

    lesions with a raised edge and hardened located near thelingual frenulum. The other form is a thickening of

    mucosal redness, nodules that do not hurt or be derivedfrom the leukoplakia. In the advanced stages of cancercan occur eksofitik or infiltrative growth.

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    In developing countries, cancer of the cheek mucosaassociated with the habit of chewing a mixture of arecanut, betel leaf, lime and tobacco. Susur is in contact withthe left and right cheek mucosa for several hours.

    At first the lesions do not cause symptoms, seen as anerythematous area, a small ulceration, induration and redareas are sometimes associated with the type of nodularleukoplakia. With the increasing size of the tumor, trauma

    will be targeted at chew, so tend to become ulcerated andinfiltrative.

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    Cancer of the gingiva usually come from areas wherethe quid of tobacco were placed on the people who havethis habit. The area involved is usually more frequent inmandibular gingiva than maxillary gingiva.

    Early lesions appear as Ulger indolent, smallgranulomas or as nodules. Overview lesions appearsimilar to lesions produced by trauma or chronicinflammatory hyperplasia. Lesions were more in the formof growth or growth eksofitik infiltrating deeper. Growth

    eksofitik like cauliflower, bleeds easily. Infiltrative growthusually grows invasive mandibular bone and causedesdruktif.

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    In areas where people have the habit of smokingcigarettes in reverse, on the palate cancer is cancer of the oralcavity are common of all oral cancers. Changes that occur inthe oral mucosa associated with cigarette smoking in reverseis the ulceration, erosions, nodules and spotting areas.

    Describing a microinvasive carcinoma to describe an earlylesion in the form of a small, oval or round reddish color, thesmooth erosion areas surrounding hyperkeratotic lesionsusually occur in the glandular zone of the hard palate andasymptomatic. If you are getting pressure to bleed.

    Most of palate cancer is eksofitik growth and extensivegrounds with bernodul surface. If the lesion is growing willprobably fill the entire palate. Cancer of the palate can lead toperforation of the palate and extends to the nasal cavity.

  • 8/11/2019 bedah oral cancer
