bee (earlington, ky.): 1915-10-22

1 AN* frIdoM TWFNTY-SIXTH YEAR TRAPfc liNCftE YOU Live OA LIVE WHERE YOU TRADE EARUNCTON, HOPKINS COUNTY, KY., FRIDAY. OCTOBER «, W5 REV. H. J. BRAZEUON Aea«pU Cftll to Church At Rupsellville ¥flLL LEAVE DECEMBER I Rev. riowjid J. Hrazelton, pas tor of the (Jhri!>tian church, of this city, hM Nceivad u unanimous call from the Christian church at Russell- vilie, Ky , and' has accepted same. .-ii^Y« for fbc new c|ia(;j p«, \ The laaay friends of Rev. Brazelton VCfrat txcecdinKly to see him leave :ailMte endeared I imsdf to the tpeapk of this city in maify ways kdarinfkis several years as pastor IMIB. The church at this place has b«ev considerably strenftheaed in lOMBbcrf ^urin^ Rev. Brtaelton's S'iidthi'initkitachasbMn com pSily remodUd ind greatly enlar{- •A tWdrurchat RussclWille has IMMit 400 members and is a new fWjjfOlwQding. TbeparsonafC is wSSTtonted. and equipped with all modern conveniences. While the peopid of Earlington ref ret to lose Biv. Brazelton and his excellent UmXIy. They are {lad to know his iiMS bave fallen in pleasant places.; YOU CAN'T FIND ANY jBooslers' ISieting OANNUFF, AN^AIR ' I At City Hall Last STOPS COMING OUT' Even SNiity HippioiBgs Ftab •Dterlained a Tew fr.*.<#\-«T*«"«»»''"''ji'' ^ Ir M pro«r«t«ij» •vMOi were; Friday «vt>ulv --- ^_ u I^. lie. Rffreali- ^ te#ata wtr«i MfTcd #1 . £l Hu!*) eutertai'M^ Mrs. W/ A. with one' of Auction Ob Muodav afterD^c^yP; Mn. Dtvefi n'MKlitsr tl:Q hi^lic (or la Save your hair I Make it thick wavy, glony and beauti- ful at Qnc« Try at you will, afttr ad Ippli oatiou of Daod«riae, yoi/etn not Hiid a hIiikIh triice of daodroiT or falliuK bmr aod your toaJp will p»t itfh, bat will pl«»ie von mo«^ frill be Aft«r a few WCfchi 0a«, «bca yon s«e new bair, Itti ibd downy at flrat-'- yea— bpt really MW bair»||row- iQg all over (be tdalp< A little Danderine imiHtftflttc- ly doobles kb* beaoty of (bflNlf^ No diffcrenoe bow 'doll, fad*4, brittle and icraxgy, jo*t moiiten a eUtb with daadorine and ear* A 25-cent bottle »iii.tiu»bia JM lofavttel bai V#f«>l .hdHr»V '^ m' OIl.Dlsiilicis Coil More. Tho5o premit v foHpwa: Mec ameV A kU" JKliAe an't Dav.v. gfaitiiii (ited "Next Sunday will be Promotlorf' and QMdteKoUDay. Tbe Bafles and mtmMmt mm bt pKsei*. Miss A<fBes Lynn is the splendid Superintendent of this Department, and has nearly fifty names on the roU. A Intge number will be given •certificates of promotion from the Beginners Department under the supervision of Hiss Mary Motbers- hetd, and •pfMpriate exercises will mark the occasion. The pastor, Howard J. Brazelton. win preach at both morning and evening services. The public is cor- dially welcomed at aU meetings of tbts churob. Waibinpton Owing to tie Kreat output of petroleum in ^-tliforob and itt um as amanu- -^rlBf, railroad and steamer i^ftt^ prodactioD of coal in 1 iiMt been cousider- WasMiy)tte. Ir ia estimated •biy rK^inflhi. ^loa of Oalifor- that tbe cons'ijUH, tbe Paoifio nia oil for fopT ek boot 21,- coast IS f qnivalt nt' k. Hween 0<M,0<)itl.'toni of cfrii; tie k. ^oal Adopted Lilt eveninft' h^Hi ihi r^jilalaf meeting oinbt of tbe Barlington Boosters' Olob, a crowd of over tfky of oar repreientativt citi- leaa met nt the City Ball end bad B very eathoalaitU meeting. The meetioK was ealled to order tbe ebeifnes. jMiaatea of tbe prevtoM aeetiaic'^reed Ip proved. The report of Commif- teei wu (ben called for. Only two pMBlMIDi ^,|he Ceoami^j^e on Civie lapeoyeasiiat were prea* ent, Prof. Dadley end Claude Loaf. Tbey reported no meetieg bed been ealled end ao notbieg doneeo far. See'y Oowand re- ported aa committea on seonnng Button for elnb, that he was in B aVrr, B. D Uowtnd, 0. F. Uarneft ann W. L. Pbillipa witb Hoe. ill. R. Rub as honorary meipher w^r app<?i3t?4 to re quest tbe C'lunty Judge not to all>w tb? aw.irdmg th" coHrflPl fot the roid uutil EuliDgfoa has an opportunity to present their s<de of the question acd sbow why the roed shooIJ be run tbron^h Ear liOxtoDt The Olob then adjourn ed to n)eet Ibarsdny aigbt» Nov ember it, LARGE CROWD GREET STANLEY folly draw it tbretgh year bafr, f Oorreepoadenee ia reaterd^ to tbo; takinj^ one small rtrand at a time. The effect >• immediate and amakiog^yoor bau will t>e light. Unify end Vevy, and bave an ap- pearance of ftbandance; an in- comparable laatre, softoesi and luxuriance, tbe beanty and ahim- mer of trae bair health. Qet a 25, cent bottle of KdowI- tob'« Danderine from any drufc store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair ia as prettv ae any ^hat it has been iMal* cted or ifijared -Ifyi oarvie**. ireiiiment> matter and woaldMMMoaiething to report next eotiag. The lOommittee oa Beaolntions to the ofleiala of the L. dt N. B. Bwde tbeir oavort ead were die> charged. Hie Chairman read a letter fro* Mr. O. D. Iviine, 4tb Vioe-BreUdaisI of the & N.. stating that the reason the work on the repair track here bad fall- en off wu because this point was, not able to baqdle heavy rL-paira and that tbe Oonpany bad not had calla for the cars and tbere- wofk. b«i the work possible and would con- tinue to put mora men at work ea (bey were able to do so. A letterwae alao read from tbe sec- retary of Mr. Henry Walter, ad- dressed to Bro. BraaeltOD, stat- ing that be wea not at home at that time, b«l that he woold write later. No, letter has yet beea received from Mr. F. F. Wheeler, President of the Ken- tucky Central at Oentral City. The Chair then aanoanoed that our fellow townsman, Qeo. Mil- ler, would inatall a griat mill at an early date. Tbia was greeted with much enthasiasm by the 6 and 7 times tiie iWit^Af of <^ in WashioKUin, or iHt tbti mt> . ^Inb. Qny Aahby then made a ter in all the Paciffe ^11* I * tobaooo faetory at this cbtnbined la lil4. r /i/ asked that correspond- pofBl dl^* "vith various peo- fiif winiii ti 't «rX.ho« term of years wee raised by tofx BtHlmds^ Hiri is EPWtRTH LEAGUE tlTERAKY_MEETlN6 The Literary Meeting Oi tbe Xpiwortfa LeegoerMir be held at tbiibomeof Miss Lanra Browa thM evenie*. Tbe asbjeot of tbe •w44isg «ilt be ••ffeee."' Tbe preikram Fs as follows : AoH Call Answered with fav- oril« Tree. ioH^"Tk« Leaves of Life" •'^rlVs« by^ltev. Orait. |^a^er-^"Tfae Importance of Piateetiog Trees.*' IfisaMarcar- e^i^^ ' *Trees of the Bible""— Fannie Folate, Mrs. Qrant, Louise New- ton, Bernard Murphy, and May Lillia«Fi.h. Hist<»rMar'nreee-By Sue Wade Davis, Coriane Asbby and Lelia Todd. lastraaieatal Sblo—"ThoBoat- lioK Leaves*^ Gladys Walker. Reading— "A Forest Hymn" Mrs. Cam Asbby. The Sterr^TU»'Oherr|> |!roe ford 'WU. •* Solo—"Maple Leaves are Fall- ing" Mary Lou Asbby. Followed by Sooial Hour. 8iek beadaohe, biliouaiMii, pilaa and "reauasd^i bad breath ate BSuaUy eauasd by tna^ tive bowab. Gel a bos of sexaB Ordariiaa. They aet gsntly and affee- tivsly. Sold ooly by as at 10 eanta. •fe aataaK Mjalai Oe. - ^atic Nominee For Qofvamor Addrttaaa Vo- ter! at 0|Mra HdaM The Democratic nominee for Qovernor of Kentucky, Hon. A. O. Stanley, spoke to a large orowd in tbe opera bouse here last Toes* day evening, Mr, Stanley was introdnoed by Hon, Lee Qibson, nominee for Cirenit Judge of this district. Mr, Stanley node a speech of abool one boar and a half. The oiowd gave the speak- er good •ttention end at times was appHaaded for eevetal^ asia' ates. Mr, Stealey arrived in Karlington aboat f o'oloek and after aaiagling iritk hie friends was ooadueted to the home of Ml. and Mrfc Charlie BarMtt, where a very tempting sapper was served ^ Ide banor. Those p OebadT hendee Me. and Mrs. Barnett ware : Wm. Brad- ley, Dr. L N. Viekers, YaakeU Tilfoed uA'U n. antMiek. DEMOCRATIC SPEAKING Hon. H. V. McCbesney will speak at the Court bpnse in^|d- isonville, Wednesdiey afternoon at lOK) o^k. That ni 7:80 he and BbnlD: B loe will speek at Mortons Qap, A cordial invitation is extended to all. Ladies eapeolelly ° invited to attend. A leafar oatalda a aaloon One eveDiDg ttarted to «<><iud ; Wbeu a maldeu paKied b^, He bliuked hia uortb eyr. Ue'll be out u( tha hoapltal soon. [Fmn, Tfie London Ti'mee] I' wu» Htttfed at an inqueet allji''''''* Heckney on ki'bodypfa ebao- ter, named Oharies Mall, Aged 21. who was run ov^'oti the railway and kille.l, that be Was perfectly bald aod that the ^Iver. ootio- inic bim ua tbe liae^ 'ttlatook tbe b <ck <if tiis head for his face, an thoD^ht he waa coming toward the encine, ead eoold see It. rasher and tbe chairman hat tbe By-Laws of the •tided for such a oon- BAKING POWDER Absolutely'Pune . * ConttUns No Alum Prof. Dudley then for a live line of ad- bo distriboted and b have ereeted a attention to tbe e. tiJfCeneyv mad^'pliaf. vertisMi^ that thlr Ch board ckHing" benfits of tbb oit, investors tb' l^Wli. Tbe club decfd^a question open uttt. meeting night. idMia would be decided ott' The question of an icfp^ then raised, aud tbe sOk was made that aa tbe^&. Ice Plant at Mortons Qi^h. aa a nlaee for to leave tbe U tbe next the board definitely lent was 'geation ington ad a V is be SiiBdayEtiquitti OBSERVING tbe success of tbe Billy Sandey methods in the matter of eoaveraion, Paokriees to suggest that the attempt be made to apply tbe aame methods to other ohareh eeremonies and activities, proposing tbe foUow- iofc formnlts : Pastor (christening infant)— 'What do you %ant to call thia hunk of excess baggage, Bot" Presiding Parson— "What mis- erable mutt giveth tbia akirt to be married to thU ginkT" Tbe Bridee>e Fethet—"I'm the Kuy." lainetrloaa naher-*nM4e. yon icecartl Slide 1" PasaiDR tbe Plate— ^'Oomo on aoroaa with the iron-men, fum low-lifodtigbtwadal" Sunday School Soperinteadent —"All oi you little flivvers that want to awat Satan, stand on one leg." IF YOU Want a Cook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Want a Sitnation Want a Hired Hand Want to Sell a . Piano Want to sell your Farm Want to sell town Property Want to sell Yonr Groceries Want to sell Your Hardware Want Onstonera for Anything Advertise Weekly in The Beo Advertising tbe way to Suocese Adve^ieing bringaCnstomere Advertising keeps Customera Advertising Insures Snocesa Advertising shows Bnergy Advertising showa Plaok Advertising la "Bin" Advertise or Boat Advertise Long Advertise Well ADVBKTISB At Once COME FROM ncmoifc SEC- TIONSOF GLOBE Tanlac Drawa Madidaal M parties Prom Many Points Par Away . . The ingredients, or medidinal elements, which eompowcjtsmlad comefna atay teaiote'eeatiaad of tbe earth, tha Alps, Appe»A ines, Pyreaees, Beiseia* , 4fU# Europe, JaxnaituK Biairifailaeeft Indies, Moootein Stateet neae the' Bocky mooBtaina, Asia Miners Persis, India, Russia, finglaivd, Fraaoe, 6arnaay, Meaiieo. Ce«* lomhia ted Pefl« era among tb» points from which the prinoipel properties ol tbie remaikaj>)e preparatioae are obtained. X In the principal laboratory of the Cooper Medicine Company, incorporated, under tbe efSoieat direotjioa ef:8;etr losepb Trijos- baeh, aflolifa Oemao ebemist, these medieinal herbs, berks, aajl flowers are. assembled in rough and pains'tekingly deveN oped so as to obtida el that kUh standard of efleieney showk py tbe uniform preparation Tanlac. In steriliaed bottlip, medo presely lee tho p«rMie,faallie.iB placed, fabeled and cartoned. Tbe preparation is inspeeted a0i|n,ap^ tbf^^ Crated for ship* night Vtimant 'tll i. MUitf the woAd ^CSSM^hrbe^^ Tanlac, the premier preparer" tiott ia now obtained in Ibia Olt and St. Charlee, Ky.. at King * Sons drug store : in Mortons Gap. Ky., at Ben T. Robinsons and in Nortonville at the City Drag Store. FaetaFor Boflsrefs Pain results from lojary or oon- fceatloD. Be It Qsaralgia, rbaoma- tlam, lumbago, nenrttls. toothache, apraln, brotae, aore stiff masolaa or whatever pain you bare yleMa to Sloan'a Ltnlment— brings new fteah blood, dlsaolvea the eoBgeattoSK re- Uevea the lD)ary, tbe oireniaHeo la free and your pain leavee aa It l>7 maKio. The nature of IM qoeMUea penetrate Immediately to the sore apot. Don't keep on infferinK. Oet a bottle ot Btoau'a IjlnlmeDt. Vac It. It meada Inatant rallet. Vrlee aSeandSOe. tlOO bottle holds als slaaes ea mueb aa the S6e alee* scarcity of water and this cit, well supplied along that line;' . be gotten in touch with and pos ibiy prevailed upon to run hiire the next aeaaon. The question^ of poor telephone aervioe to Mad- lonville beeaase of lack of linea was disonseed. Tbe question of f the Inter-couuty Sjat Road was tbeu broogbl to the attention of tbe Gabby Seereter^ Cowaad, who atated that Earlington waa iu great danger of being left en- tirely off the Dixie Bee Line by tbe action of the Fiacal Court in running tbe County Seat Road by he way of Richland and Bealab. A committee composed of R. F. b> year will t Oourie ONLY A m DAYS LEFT to take advaatage of tbe Bvans- ville Coorier*s October bargain offer. This month only our read- ers have tbe opportunity to get the favorite daily e wbrto year by mail for only 12.60. Think of don'i let the opportunity go " All subscriptions must be •OJlober31. This will bo a of wonderful news, wbiob eaoh OS Itst throagh the r. Hurley Bros. FIRST Wall Paper Sale 200 ROOMS HmM and Pspsr Complite Jitfiv be prolBp^y > Is No QuaBtlon digeatioD and tbe diatrewed H iilwiivs Boea with it cua i.U. ^oU by takiug a Ojrspapsia «ch T«blat SSealK)! mm The Triangle met on Tnesday night witb Miu Frieda Hellar at the home of Mrs. D. M. Evans. After the business meeting and the sewiuK hour, the hostess serv- ed a deligbtfal salad eoorse. All the nembere wero present and tbe meeting adjoarned to meet next Tuesday night with Miss Geneva Haffaker. A Texas Wonder The Texas Wonder ourea klduey and bladder troublea, dlaaolvea grav- el, ourea diabetes, weak and lame baoka, rbeumatiam and aU irregn- laritlea of bladder Uoablea, remov- ing gravel, tbe klduaya and bladder In Doth men and women. Regulates bladder troublea in children. If not aold by yonr dragglata will be aeni by mall on raeeipt of |t.O0. One small Iwttla la two months treat- ment and seldom talla to parfeot a enre. Iiieud for teatimiulala from Kentucky and other HtaMa. Dr. W. Uall, auas Ulive St.. Ht. Loale, Uu. Sold by UruKifiata. Coma first aod gat tba pick of as Oat Meal going at this price. Sale lasts IS days OLD ROCK HOUSE Iearlington, ky. Wbiti Sliiofs CwMni A total of 1,300 couvictious re- suiting in prison sentenoei amounting to S.OOO years, were obtained by the federal govern- meot in wbi<e slave cases be- tween Jnne 1, 1910, when the Mann act went into effect, and June 1, of liiiH year, according to A. Bruce Biebeki, chief of Bureau of luveatigatioo of the DepartsHnt of Jastiee.

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Post on 09-Apr-2022




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REV. H. J.

BRAZEUONAea«pU Cftll to Church At



Rev. riowjid J. Hrazelton, pas

tor of the (Jhri!>tian church, of this

city, hM Nceivad u unanimous call

from the Christian church at Russell-

vilie, Ky , and' has accepted same.

.-ii^Y« for fbc new c|ia(;j p«, \

The laaay friends of Rev. Brazelton

VCfrat txcecdinKly to see him leave

:ailMte endeared I imsdf to the

tpeapk of this city in maify ways

kdarinfkis several years as pastor

IMIB. The church at this place has

b«ev considerably strenftheaed in

lOMBbcrf ^urin^ Rev. Brtaelton's

S'iidthi'initkitachasbMn com

pSily remodUd ind greatly enlar{-

•A tWdrurchat RussclWille has

IMMit 400 members and is a new

fWjjfOlwQding. TbeparsonafC is

wSSTtonted. and equipped with all

modern conveniences. While the

peopid of Earlington refret to lose

Biv. Brazelton and his excellent

UmXIy. They are {lad to know his

iiMS bave fallen in pleasant places.;

YOU CAN'T FIND ANY jBooslers' ISieting



I At City Hall Last



SNiity HippioiBgs

Ftab •Dterlained a

Tew fr.*.<#\-«T*«"«»»''"''ji''^Ir M pro«r«t«ij»

•vMOi were;Friday «vt>ulv

--- ^_ u I^.lie. Rffreali-

^ te#ata wtr«i MfTcd #1


£l Hu!*) eutertai'M^

Mrs. W/ A. with one'

of Auction Ob Muodav afterD^c^yP;

Mn. Dtvefi n'MKlitsr tl:Q hi^lic



Save your hair I Make it thick

wavy, glony and beauti-

ful at Qnc«

Try at you will, afttr ad Ipplioatiou of Daod«riae, yoi/etn notHiid a hIiikIh triice of daodroiT orfalliuK bmr aod your toaJp will

p»t itfh, bat will pl«»ie

von mo«^ frill be Aft«r a fewWCfchi 0a«, «bca yon s«e newbair, Itti ibd downy at flrat-'-

yea—bpt really MW bair»||row-

iQg all over (be tdalp<

A little Danderine imiHtftflttc-

ly doobles kb* beaoty of (bflNlf^

No diffcrenoe bow 'doll, fad*4,

brittle and icraxgy, jo*t moiiten

a eUtb with daadorine and ear*

A 25-cent bottle »iii.tiu»bia JM lofavttel bai V#f«>l

.hdHr»V '^m'

OIl.Dlsiilicis Coil

More. Tho5o premit v

foHpwa: Mec ameV A kU"JKliAe an't Dav.v.

gfaitiiii (ited

"Next Sunday will be Promotlorf'

and QMdteKoUDay. Tbe Baflesand mtmMmt mm bt pKsei*.

Miss A<fBes Lynn is the splendid

Superintendent of this Department,and has nearly fifty names on the

roU. A Intge number will be given

•certificates of promotion from the

Beginners Department under the

supervision of Hiss Mary Motbers-hetd, and •pfMpriate exercises will

mark the occasion.

The pastor, Howard J. Brazelton.

win preach at both morning andevening services. The public is cor-

dially welcomed at aU meetings of

tbts churob.

Waibinpton — Owing to tie

Kreat output of petroleum in

^-tliforob and itt um as amanu--^rlBf, railroad and steamer

i^ftt^ prodactioD of coal in

1 iiMt been cousider-

WasMiy)tte. Ir ia estimated

•biy rK^inflhi. ^loa of Oalifor-

that tbe cons'ijUH, tbe Paoifio

nia oil for fopT ek boot 21,-

coast IS fqnivalt nt' k. Hween

0<M,0<)itl.'toni of cfrii; tie k. ^oal


Lilt eveninft' h^Hi ihi r^jilalaf

meeting oinbt of tbe Barlington

Boosters' Olob, a crowd of over

tfky of oar repreientativt citi-

leaa met nt the City Ball end

bad B very eathoalaitU meeting.

The meetioK was ealled to order

tbe ebeifnes. jMiaatea of tbe

prevtoM aeetiaic'^reed Ipproved. The report of Commif-teei wu (ben called for. Only

two pMBlMIDi ^,|he Ceoami^j^e

on Civie lapeoyeasiiat were prea*

ent, Prof. Dadley end Claude

Loaf. Tbey reported no meetieg

bed been ealled end ao notbieg

doneeo far. See'y Oowand re-

ported aa committea on seonnng

Button for elnb, that he was in

B aVrr, B. D Uowtnd, 0. F.

Uarneft ann W. L. Pbillipa witb

Hoe. ill. R. Rub as honorary

meipher w^r app<?i3t?4 to request

tbe C'lunty Judge not to all>w

tb? aw.irdmg th" coHrflPl fot

the roid uutil EuliDgfoa has anopportunity to present their s<de

of the question acd sbow why the

roed shooIJ be run tbron^h Ear

liOxtoDt The Olob then adjourn

ed to n)eet Ibarsdny aigbt» November it,



folly draw it tbretgh year bafr, fOorreepoadenee ia reaterd^ to tbo;

takinj^ one small rtrand at a time.

The effect >• immediate and

amakiog^yoor bau will t>e light.

Unify end Vevy, and bave an ap-

pearance of ftbandance; an in-

comparable laatre, softoesi and

luxuriance, tbe beanty and ahim-

mer of trae bair health.

Qet a 25, cent bottle of KdowI-tob'« Danderine from any drufc

store or toilet counter, and prove

that your hair ia as prettv ae any—^hat it has been iMal* cted or

ifijared -Ifyi oarvie**. ireiiiment>

matter and woaldMMMoaiethingto report next eotiag. The

lOommittee oa Beaolntions to the

ofleiala of the L. dt N. B.

Bwde tbeir oavort ead were die>

charged. Hie Chairman read a

letter fro* Mr. O. D. Iviine, 4tb

Vioe-BreUdaisI of the I« & N..

stating that the reason the work

on the repair track here bad fall-

en off wu because this point was,

not able to baqdle heavy rL-paira

and that tbe Oonpany bad not

had calla for the cars and tbere-

wofk. b«ithe work possible and would con-

tinue to put mora men at work

ea (bey were able to do so. Aletterwae alao read from tbe sec-

retary of Mr. Henry Walter, ad-

dressed to Bro. BraaeltOD, stat-

ing that be wea not at home at

that time, b«l that he woold

write later. No, letter has yet

beea received from Mr. F. F.

Wheeler, President of the Ken-

tucky Central at Oentral City.

The Chair then aanoanoed that

our fellow townsman, Qeo. Mil-

ler, would inatall a griat mill at

an early date. Tbia was greeted

with much enthasiasm by the6 and 7 times tiie iWit^Af of <^

in WashioKUin, or iHt tbti mt> . ^Inb. Qny Aahby then made a

ter in all the Paciffe ^11*I

* tobaooo faetory at this

cbtnbined la lil4. r /i/ asked that correspond-pofBl dl^* "vith various peo-

fiif winiii ti 't «rX.ho«term of years wee raised by


BtHlmds^ Hiri is



The Literary Meeting Oi tbe

Xpiwortfa LeegoerMir be held at

tbiibomeof Miss Lanra BrowathM evenie*. Tbe asbjeot of tbe

•w44isg «ilt be ••ffeee."' Tbepreikram Fs as follows


AoH Call—Answered with fav-

oril« Tree.

ioH^"Tk« Leaves of Life"

•'^rlVs« by^ltev. Orait.

|^a^er-^"Tfae Importance of

Piateetiog Trees.*' IfisaMarcar-

e^i^^' *Trees of the Bible""—Fannie

Folate, Mrs. Qrant, Louise New-ton, Bernard Murphy, and MayLillia«Fi.h.

Hist<»rMar'nreee-By Sue WadeDavis, Coriane Asbby and Lelia


lastraaieatal Sblo—"ThoBoat-lioK Leaves*^ Gladys Walker.

Reading—"A Forest Hymn"Mrs. Cam Asbby.

The Sterr^TU»'Oherr|> |!roe

ford 'WU. •*

Solo—"Maple Leaves are Fall-

ing" Mary Lou Asbby.

Followed by Sooial Hour.

8iek beadaohe, biliouaiMii, pilaa and"reauasd^ibad breath ate BSuaUy eauasd by tna^

tive bowab. Gel a bos of sexaBOrdariiaa. They aet gsntly and affee-

tivsly. Sold ooly by as at 10 eanta.

•fe aataaK Mjalai Oe.

-—^atic Nominee For

Qofvamor Addrttaaa Vo-

ter! at 0|Mra HdaM

The Democratic nominee for

Qovernor of Kentucky, Hon. A.O. Stanley, spoke to a large orowdin tbe opera bouse here last Toes*day evening, Mr, Stanley wasintrodnoed by Hon, Lee Qibson,nominee for Cirenit Judge of this

district. Mr, Stanley node a

speech of abool one boar and ahalf. The oiowd gave the speak-

er good •ttention end at times

was appHaaded for eevetal^ asia'

ates. Mr, Stealey arrived in

Karlington aboat f o'oloek andafter aaiagling iritk hie friends

was ooadueted to the home of

Ml. and Mrfc Charlie BarMtt,where a very tempting sapper

was served ^ Ide banor.

Those pOebadT hendee Me. and

Mrs. Barnett ware : Wm. Brad-

ley, Dr. L N. Viekers, YaakeUTilfoed uA'U n. antMiek.


SPEAKINGHon. H. V. McCbesney will

speak at the Court bpnse in^|d-isonville, Wednesdiey afternoon

at lOK) o^k. That ni

7:80 he and BbnlD: Bloe will speek at Mortons Qap,

A cordial invitation is extended

to all. Ladies eapeolelly ° invited

to attend.

A leafar oatalda a aaloonOne eveDiDg ttarted to «<><iud


Wbeu a maldeu paKied b^,He bliuked hia uortb eyr.

Ue'll be out u( tha hoapltal soon.

[Fmn, Tfie London Ti'mee]

I' wu» Htttfed at an inqueet allji''''''*

Heckney on ki'bodypfa ebao-ter, named Oharies Mall, Aged 21.

who was run ov^'oti the railwayand kille.l, that be Was perfectlybald aod that the ^Iver. ootio-inic bim ua tbe liae^ 'ttlatook tbeb <ck <if tiis head for his face, anthoD^ht he waa coming towardthe encine, ead eoold see It.

rasher and tbe chairman

hat tbe By-Laws of the

•tided for such a oon-

BAKINGPOWDERAbsolutely'Pune .


ConttUns No Alum

Prof. Dudley then

for a live line of ad-

bo distriboted and

b have ereeted a

attention to tbe




vertisMi^that thlr Chboard ckHing"

benfits of tbb oit,

investors tb' l^Wli.

Tbe club decfd^a

question open uttt.

meeting night. idMiawould be decided ott'

The question of an icfp^

then raised, aud tbe sOkwas made that aa tbe^&.Ice Plant at Mortons Qi^h.

aa a nlaee for

to leave tbe

U tbe next

the board


lent was



ad a

V is



OBSERVING tbe success of tbe

Billy Sandey methods in the

matter of eoaveraion, Paokriees

to suggest that the attempt be

made to apply tbe aame methods

to other ohareh eeremonies and

activities, proposing tbe foUow-

iofc formnlts


Pastor (christening infant)—

'What do you %ant to call thia

hunk of excess baggage, Bot"

Presiding Parson—"What mis-

erable mutt giveth tbia akirt to

be married to thU ginkT"

Tbe Bridee>e Fethet—"I'm the

Kuy."lainetrloaa naher-*nM4e. yon

icecartl Slide 1"

PasaiDR tbe Plate—̂ 'Oomo on

aoroaa with the iron-men, fum


Sunday School Soperinteadent

—"All oi you little flivvers that

want to awat Satan, stand on

one leg."

IF YOUWant a CookWant a Clerk

Want a Partner

Want a Sitnation

Want a Hired HandWant to Sell a .Piano

Want to sell your FarmWant to sell town Property

Want to sell Yonr Groceries

Want to sell Your Hardware

Want Onstonera for Anything

Advertise Weekly in The Beo

Advertising tbe way to Suocese

Adve^ieing bringaCnstomere

Advertising keeps Customera

Advertising Insures Snocesa

Advertising shows Bnergy

Advertising showa Plaok

Advertising la "Bin"

Advertise or Boat

Advertise Long

Advertise Well



ncmoifc SEC-


Tanlac Drawa MadidaalMparties Prom Many Points

Par Away .


The ingredients, or medidinalelements, which eompowcjtsmladcomefna atay teaiote'eeatiaad

of tbe earth, tha Alps, Appe»Aines, Pyreaees, Beiseia* , 4fU#Europe, JaxnaituK Biairifailaeeft

Indies, Moootein Stateet neae the'

Bocky mooBtaina, Asia MinersPersis, India, Russia, finglaivd,

Fraaoe, 6arnaay, Meaiieo. Ce«*

lomhia ted Pefl« era among tb»points from which the prinoipel

properties ol tbie remaikaj>)e

preparatioae are obtained. XIn the principal laboratory of

the Cooper Medicine Company,incorporated, under tbe efSoieat

direotjioa ef:8;etr losepb Trijos-

baeh, aflolifa Oemao ebemist,

these medieinal herbs, berks, aajl

flowers are. assembled in

rough and pains'tekingly deveNoped so as to obtida el that kUhstandard of efleieney showk pytbe uniform preparation Tanlac.

In steriliaed bottlip, medopresely lee tho p«rMie,faallie.iBplaced, fabeled and cartoned.

Tbe preparation is inspeeted

a0i|n,ap^ tbf^^ Crated for ship*

night Vtimant 'tlli. MUitf the woAd

^CSSM^hrbe^^Tanlac, the premier preparer"

tiott ia now obtained in Ibia Olt

and St. Charlee, Ky.. at King *Sons drug store : in Mortons Gap.

Ky., at Ben T. Robinsons and in

Nortonville at the City DragStore.

FaetaFor Boflsrefs

Pain results from lojary or oon-fceatloD. Be It Qsaralgia, rbaoma-tlam, lumbago, nenrttls. toothache,apraln, brotae, aore stiff masolaa orwhatever pain you bare yleMa toSloan'a Ltnlment—brings new fteahblood, dlsaolvea the eoBgeattoSK re-Uevea the lD)ary, tbe oireniaHeo la

free and your pain leavee aa It l>7

maKio. The nature of IM qoeMUeapenetrate Immediately to the soreapot. Don't keep on infferinK. Oeta bottle ot Btoau'a IjlnlmeDt. VacIt. It meada Inatant rallet. VrleeaSeandSOe. tlOO bottle holds alsslaaes ea mueb aa the S6e alee*

scarcity of water and this cit,

well supplied along that line;' .

be gotten in touch with and posibiy prevailed upon to run hiirethe next aeaaon. The question^of poor telephone aervioe to Mad-lonville beeaase of lack of lineawas disonseed. Tbe question of fthe Inter-couuty Sjat Road wastbeu broogbl to the attention oftbe Gabby Seereter^ Cowaad,who atated that Earlington waaiu great danger of being left en-tirely off the Dixie Bee Line bytbe action of the Fiacal Court inrunning tbe County Seat Road byhe way of Richland and Bealab.A committee composed of R. F.

b>i»yearwill t



to take advaatage of tbe Bvans-

ville Coorier*s October bargain

offer. This month only our read-

ers have tbe opportunity to get

the favorite daily e wbrto year

by mail for only 12.60. Think of

don'i let the opportunity go


All subscriptions must be

•OJlober31. This will bo a

of wonderful news, wbiob

eaoh OS Itst throagh the


Hurley Bros.

FIRSTWall Paper Sale


HmM and Pspsr Complite


be prolBp^y

> Is No QuaBtlondigeatioD and tbe diatrewed

H iilwiivs Boea with it cua

i.U. ^oU by takiug a




mmThe Triangle met on Tnesday

night witb Miu Frieda Hellar at

the home of Mrs. D. M. Evans.

After the business meeting and

the sewiuK hour, the hostess serv-

ed a deligbtfal salad eoorse. All

the nembere wero present and

tbe meeting adjoarned to meet

next Tuesday night with Miss

Geneva Haffaker.

A Texas WonderThe Texas Wonder ourea klduey

and bladder troublea, dlaaolvea grav-

el, ourea diabetes, weak and lamebaoka, rbeumatiam and aU irregn-

laritlea of bladder Uoablea, remov-ing gravel, tbe klduaya and bladderIn Doth men and women. Regulatesbladder troublea in children. If not

aold by yonr dragglata will be aeni

by mall on raeeipt of |t.O0. Onesmall Iwttla la two months treat-

ment and seldom talla to parfeot aenre. Iiieud for teatimiulala fromKentucky and other HtaMa. Dr.

W. Uall, auas Ulive St.. Ht. Loale,

Uu. Sold by UruKifiata.

Coma first aod gat tba pick

of as Oat Meal going at

this price. Sale lasts

IS days


Iearlington, ky.

Wbiti Sliiofs CwMni

A total of 1,300 couvictious re-

suiting in prison sentenoeiamounting to S.OOO years, were

obtained by the federal govern-

meot in wbi<e slave cases be-

tween Jnne 1, 1910, when the

Mann act went into effect, and

June 1, of liiiH year, according to

A. Bruce Biebeki, chief of

Bureau of luveatigatioo of the

DepartsHnt of Jastiee.


Stemt Duiriet FuklUktrt Ltagmt

Adt^rtiting RataDItpUy AdT«rtUenieutt

•ln«rl« iMV« 160 p«r inch

LooaU mad iMKto Pmm.Reader* _ •opjrllne

Reeotationa Mtf Owd* ofThanm VT )•«»•

Obitnary Poewy Be per IId»

Slight rndiiotioni on time

or.ntraot ulaplay adTarllae-

manta. AIM loMla UiM tmmaeveral montha witboat ahMwa

BDtarad at tbe KarliuKtvuPoet Oflaa aa Baw>Bd OUaaMatter.

Bramek Otkt hPJb«MM*.<l

Itlephone 47 Fridaj, Od»kaU,l91S


Spend your money in EtrHnf:ton,

and stand by your own iiomc tmv n.

No town can be prosperous in which

'^fliedtlzein dependent upon each oth

er, do not patronize each other. The

time is now here when it behooves

every man, and womatf in the town

to do all their trading: in EaiIin{ton.

The merchants of this city have ev-

erything you need and at prices as

low as can be found elsewhere. Sup-

pose there are some few tUngs you

can get in the nearby towns for a few

«nts4ess, when you count the «-fMse of railroad fare, express or

parcels post the price is equalized

- and then your money is sent out of

"town where it is absolutely of no

> benefit; to the commniiity. Whyhelp build up tome otker ttfwn -and

' let your own go to ruin, why send

your money out of Earlington to

keep up streets and pty current ex-

penses of some other town when

these same merchants never spend a

dollar in your town. Who is it

comes to your home when some of

your loved ones are ill and you are

m trouble? Is it the out-of-town

merchant ? Who helps keep up your

schools and churches and other pub-



"— eoodiei that juit^

n>-«-l-t in yoor mouth*— licht, flu^, tender •

cakat^ biacuiti andJooihmitt tlut just

keep you hanging

'round the pantry—all

made with Calumet

ih* iafett, purnt, moitecooomicu Baking Pow-der. Try It—dfiTe eweybake-day failure*."

Raeahad Hi«bM< AwwdaSf ruuk lu^ik in—a** Blip i» JVuml Can.



|c^.- ...,JblccitnIld(lo|PDwderadoBotl

jaavvyou a>oo«y. Calumetdoea-tt'ePiBfj

Jan*land bn euyrtof to milk «pd aode.|

FKe hreBxe touched thecottoTvvrood[_treel'wltt\


\JZ.r\d ^ ~'

Arid its letvea'turTkedto silver a miiNV/te—I juat 6et aurprbed fe.t

this vA^ole vjorld

aometlnses,Arvd the

thli^ tK^twe in Itl


lie institutions? Do the Qut of-te«-n

merchants ever donate a dollar to

the cause of charity or help take care

of the needy in Earlington? Whenthe death angel hovers over your

hone and OM of jour chOdren is

called, do the out-of town merchants

ever offer any assistance, or follow

the little foonjb its last resting place.

No, it ii your own home merchant

who comes to the front and in an

humble way renders what assistance

he can, it is your home merchant

who sells you what you need on a

credit and walls patiently for the pay

when you are in hard luck or work

is slack. How much credit could

you get from the out>of-town mer-

chant? If you were in destitute cir-

cumstances and vour children were

crying for bread yoa could not get adollars worth of floor from the menoutside of Earlington with whom youhave been spending your money.

The fact is but little is ever made by

going away from home to trade and

oftener counting all expenses there

is a loss that can never be replaced.

The dollar once sent out of Earling-

ton is forever gone and no commun-ity can expect to be prosperous where

the people do not trade at home.

You make your money in Earlingtoa

why not spend it in Earlington where

it will be kept in circulation and

eventually come back to you. The

same dollar that buys a |oad of coal

will be »peht by the coal man for

drygobds and by the drygoods manfor groceries and by the grocery^an

for meat and by the nneat man for

repairing a fence and so will continue

a ceaseless round of activity in the

commumty. Just now while other

things are working adversley to the

interests of the city, every man in

town should join the Boosters CHub,

put his shoulder to to the wheel and

push hard for the prosperity of EarU

ington, and one of the most essential

things we can do is to begin nowand spend aU our money at HOME.

To Driva Out MalariaAwl BttIM Up Tb* Syatam

Take the Old Standard GROVE'STASTELESS chill TONIC. You knowwhat you are taking, ai the (otmula ii

printed on every label, ehowlag it it

bninlsa and Iron In a taatelaea form.Tke Qoiaine drivaa oat malaria, the

Im balMa i» the ^ftUm. 10

A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to

bcjlluoived.inwater as ixicded

For Douchet.In tbe local treatment of woman'* illii,

Rich aa leacorrhuea and inflammation, hotduuuhu* of Paxtine are Ttiy afllcacloiu.Vu Kumaii who has aver ua«<l utedlcatedduuc'hos will full to aiiprcolate the clean andhtittltliy cuikUiIuu l'aj^tii;o pruJuooa and theprompt ruliof (rum aureueaa aud diicomfortwUvb foUowa ila uae.Thit U Uxauae FazUneyweMMi laparior aleanalnfc 't'«t»*i«t-iam and keMlac propertlee. auLrfk a

Par tea rean the Lvdii K.MaUaM ll«Mliclui» Cu. liaa r«<v

emmeaded Paztlnu in ti > ir

private oomapoadilui-ij, which ptOY'oilty. AVo'iikii » h.i I. i>. I , . ii

ri'liBvi-d ^.y it i« "worth it*

i ^:"lil." Atdru||(tM«. ~~B()<-. N'.'q '.. TorhviuiUI. BaiapU i

Th. l\...oa ToUetCOi. BotUsn, Maaa,

Toam start an old-pal-party via a pipe ora makin's cigarette quick as a flash, u oonas you realize it's a live bet to let your goodmoney rub up against some Prince Alberttobaooa Why» itfi Uke beatiiu; back to ttebushes for old-homeweek,P.A~sio friendly,so chummy-7i/re.

You see, Prince Albert lets you hear thesong of the joy'us jfanmy pipe and themakin's cigarette all the day long I Thepatented process takes care of that—andcutsoat the Ute and parch 1

PrinceAlbertthm national jny amoka

Just hands you home-made qanlion UmWere you ever pipe-happy? Did jrou everhit a brand diat justpushed pleasure againstyour pidate? The kindthat sort of tMHd jrour

more nre-up, then an-other—and so on, rightto the pillow-iMriodI

WeU, that's P. A.,no matter how j^ou ho<ric

it up—pipe or cigarette. Itjust-Jamm-Joyintoyourmyiml You nail that ttct hot off thebat, bacwMs W% caw cids faMnnatlool Andhanded out to youforpersona/andimmediateattention as being about as real and troa myou've heard ainoe Hectcr a pq) I

P. A is sold in the toppy red bag for theprice of a jitne^ ride, 5c; tidy red to^ 10c;pound and half-pound tin ImmMtw aiiif Un damj poundoyf"*;*!*"* humidor with the spooge-moistener top that's not

Ra X KEyifOia»^TOBAax> 00, Wfasioii.Sa^


Mayor—W. B. Raah.Poflof Judge—John M.'-r

Chief of Police—J H. Hamby.NlRht Cbief—A. J. Bpi.nptt.City Clerk—Paul P. Price.Treaenrer—Frank B. Phvelclan—W K. NIahet.City EntriDeer-R. E. Wblpfler.StreelCommlBBloner— AmosNaiiceConncllmeu—Madison Oldhaiu.M.

Boban, F. D. Raah,D M BraDa.Thoa.Blair, O. M. Hanrj. Maatlng niKbtflrat Monday niicbt In aaeh montL.School Trustee*— Paul M. Moore,

Pres.; Ernest Nhhdh. Secy.; W. E.Davei, Traat.

i £. L. Wite aod A. O.Biak.Board of Health—Dr. W. K. Nla-

bet H. D. Cowand and £. M. Trahern.Postmaater—Chas. E. Barnett.FiBK Depabt.mknt—H. W. KOK-

eri. Chief; F. B. Arnold, AssistautChief; Cbaa. Bamatt, Captain;Claude TiODjr, W. D. OavaoajM) Bak-er Fa«cata, Oao. T. Millar, Will BhT-bnrn, Bryaat Daalaad O. T. TlUord,Firemen.

iVeatiier Hureaa— Briakwortb, ObaerTer.

CHURCHES.Oatholio Church.— FirHt uiaa»

aTary Sunday and holy day at 6 S '

a. m. Baoond maaa and praaebluyB:16 a. m., followed by benadlotloo.

ReT, J. P. McParland, PMtor.

Crhibtiak Chuboh. — Sunday•ebool at tdO a. m. PraaohlngeTer}Lord'a day at 10:46 a. m. and 7 :46 (


m. Prayer meeting erery Wednee-dav at 7:46 p. ni.

Rkv. H. J. Bba-zkltun, Paetor.

M. E. Chukoh.—Regular emc»»third Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :80p. in.

Prayer meeting Thuraday eTeniuvat 7 :80. Sunday-aebool at 9 :00 a. m


Olaaa meeting, aaooad Baaday a>

10:80 a. m.Bav. J. It. BuBTOM, Paator.

M. B.Oavaoa, riooTR.—iut. wA. Grant, paator. Berricea ouevery Sunday at 11 a. m. and7:4op. ui. Sunday aoboot at U:]kJ

a. m. Prayer meeting, WednesdayeTeninga at 7:80 o'eToak. Iiadiea'Aid Society erary Monday aftar-noon. Official Board maatia^ Mon-day altar flrai Bandajr la aaobmonth,MiaaiOKAav fiAM-iat Chuboh -

SerTicua every Buuduy at 11 a. m.and 7:46 p. ui. Sunday achool 9:4fcPrayer meeting evety Wadaaadajrevening at 7:83. Ladiaa Aid Biaauevery Tueaday at 1:60 p. m.

Rav. Z. L. CoHowAY, Paetor.

Ubnvkal Baitist Chuboh. -

Strvioee tuurth SuiUay morning andeveuiug In eaob mouth and Satur-day eTeuing praaadlng. Prayermeeting Tuaaday avaniLg. SundayHt'hool 10 a. m. /

Rav. L..X. Toop, Paalar.

Kt' I MOO PA I. Church—Servloea andand -till Sunday uiglit at 7:46 at theLibrary. Sunday Suhoi>l at 8 p.m.

Kav. Qaa. O. Aaain. Baalor.

LODGES.Maauuio XA>dKa—£, W. Turner,

No. M8 maata lal, and 8rd. Frldayiin each montb.

ELUWOBTH RvANt. SerVictoria Lodge. No. 84, K. nf H

meata evary Monday nigbt. Visitora wtleoma.

Ebkbbt Nkwton,K. of R. and S.

Hopklne Lodge, A. O. U. W. N' .

Ml maata •vanTbaraday alabt.T. Q. Waucaa. 8a«i.

Golden Croea Lodge, BarlingtonNo. 636 meets Ist. and 8rd, Saturdaynight In each month.

Mrs. Bibtba Umbtkad, Sec.

Degree of Honor, No. 10 meets Utand 8rd Saturday nights In en;-i:

month. Miaa LicciB Horv. See.

Ben Hur Lodga, EarllngtoiCourt, No. 66, maata avary let au<>8rd Monday night at old ilasonicUMI. Dr. C. B. JoHMaoB, BcribnCWoortniHii nf the World, Catalp >

Cauip No. ;wi inet'tB every Weduen-day night. All members are ear-aaatly raqaaatad to be there.Bbbbabd Waltoit. Clerk.MoNROB Davis, Deputy Clerk.

Modern Woodmen of the WorkINo. 11802 meets every Wednesday

Y. Q. Wai.kkk, Sec.Elka, B. P, U. No. 7au meets Kt

Madlaonvllla Monday night.J. F. Dbmpsbt, Bxalted Baler.Roy S. Wilson, Secretary.

Barllngton Oliapter, U D. i.).

meeta Ut Tburaday in each montl-at>:80p. m.

Miaa. riiOBA Pbabob, Pre*.KnigbM and Ladiea of Beourlty

will meet erery aeeoad and fourthMonday nigbta. Visiting membersInvited to attend.

Will Cabbioab, Clark.Vlaiting membera are aordlall)

invited to attend any of theaeLodgea



Fog lafuti an£ Chlldrea

InUm For 0^«r 30YmtsAlwa^a^beara


FAI^ $S22

MOTHER TELLS HOW VIHOlMade Her Delicate Boy Strong

New York City. -" My little boy vi^aa

In a very weak, delicate condition as a

reault of gastritis and the meaalea anq

there seemed no hope of saving his life.

The doctor preaeribed cod liver oil but

he couU not take It I decided to tnr

Vinol — and with splendid resulu. It

seemed to with him so that now he

is a strong healthy boy.

FmaaaALD.lOW Park-Mrs. tuoMAa

Aye., N.Y. City.

We _rod liver


St. Bernard Mlnlni; Co.,rated. Uiug Departiuuut,tan, Ky.

gnaraatee VInol, our delicloua

er and Ifoa tenia. Cw l<«Hh>wnuns. dMoola eMriML adii Md






Bargain Club OfferTHE-


— AND —

!!^ Evansville Courier^DAILY BY MAIL ONE YEAR

Both for $3.00IN OCTOBER ONLY

Do not this cipfjortunity to secure the favorito

daily and your.home paper at a bargain rate. Address or*

ders to the Courier, BvanatriUe, lad., or to the Bee, Ba^l-ington, Ky.


Day More People Are Getting to Know the

DIffcrcnco Bttwocn

m\Qn ART CLOTHES'And the Ordinary Kind

Dressing Well Is an Art—Not»• unmn pAopU think, »n aealdent or M •xp^nniT* bablt.Olothoi that tult yoar pnrton»llt.y cnct no more than thnnawlifoh dn nut. Nnr do eorrect itylei and nnw patt«rui contpstra. It't maralx Ui« koowUd* Bod ooDfldvDo* r»qairadtn Ko lotofi atora tbM Knowa tbaaa tbiDR«, and gattlDfrthfliQ.

Such a Store is the ''HighArt Btoro"— For alninit n half a centary we have beanarrlDK the beat dreateia with the beat elotbea. We bavfbaMdaTalopiDK oar factory, and Inereaaing oor bnalaaaa;wa bare baan rItIdk blir ralaaa and good aerrloa.

TodayWe are Better Preparedthan aver to aarra joo, to ahow 70a why moraipeople arelaarnloK tha diflarenea betwaan "HiKb Art" Olotbr* andthe ordinary kind. At $10, f 16, |90 and np to fSi wa ahowa moat aomplata Una '.nl Baita and Qyereoala II new.itood and correct. Fall ratliHna are onmpletely tCTaalad,each new ityle Audi oorrect >-xnr<>i«ion h<>ro; and tba.val-naaara tba kind for which, thla ature la tamoaa.Battar aaa tbam NOW.

IJ I ' J ' "


—AdMB wke vklifeie <•« »

£1 tti tkUfi ie hM te mUMmreefeeM« efiellankawhoaUiAe a tm aai

1NtWi of the lown

' "Ckod mornlngt Havem. Men The Oonrier?Ifaaivflli'i bett p^tr."Mra. J. T. FaatharatoM and

daagbUra,.B»rab aod OaoniiakUaTtalUag ratoUvaa ia BvHafftaM MUawaak.

Mr. and Mra. W. K. LaraDdar anddaugbtar. Mlaa Rana Mar, who bavakaan Plaiting (riand« In tba olty,

kirataturnad to thalr boma In Maab-Ola.WAHnD—To do plala taviag w

Moebat work. Priaaa raaeeaafcli

aaA wj>ik prompt!/ doaa.

CoaiMin MoCoBD Bali.

Meadamaa W. K. CoylaaatfF. B.

Arnold eot^rtalnad tbe I^adiaa' Aid

Society of tbe Cbriitian Cbnreb at

tba 1 atter'a home yeatarday. Thaocoaalon waa a wbita Rooda abowar,

tha object of which la to make ready

ror their annual December Baiaar.

Tdii w^II be foliowad by otbara of

almllar nature at Ilia benaa o(

tarant membera.

B. E. MIzOD waa in HatflMBtlllaTboraday on baalnaaa.




> Evantvilli

Couriwdaily by mail one year

$2.50Daily and Sunday by mail

^one year, $4.00

' These prices in

OctobiL Only

Send subscriptions

at once to

Tha Evaflsville Courier

Evaniville, Ind.

B. L. Fenwtek la having tba boigabe reoantly pnrcbaaad on Main atraetremodelad and will ooenpy It aa aoonaa eompleted. Tbia will add greatlyto tbe appearance ot that aaetlon oftba olty, maklDg tba third naw bomaIn tbai part.

Qalta • aambar of Barllagton par-

<MjM .b«M aatMag tba paatwaak, all retarning wttb baabala of

aula In their poaaaaalon.

Mrt. H. R. Browning entertainedtbe Needleoraft Clob Taeaday even-ing In honor of her dangtiter, Mri.

W. 8. MoOarf , wbo la boma on aTlalt.

Tha Baa «Dd tfca diabaat Ibat'a

tbatlma. *

Rav. J. T. Coonoway and wife

have retcrned from a Tlalt to rela-

tlvea in Henderaon and LonlaTllle.

Mr. feail Mr*. Jauaa R. Raab will

•000 mova baak ta Barlibgton. Theywill oeasp/^ tbatr lormar boma onFarran aTaooa, whtob la bow aadar-going rapalra.

Oakmoor, tba realdenoe of PanI M.Moore wblob waa recently damagedby lira, baa undergone eztenalva ra-

palra and wilt aoon be ready for oc-

onpanoy. Soma addltlona have alao

baan made and It will ba eyan moraattraetlve than formerly.

Go to the Barnard Green

Front Ca^ Otooiry for your

goods. You get sure for

your money.

Inyltatlona have been received bya number of our prople to tbe mar-rlaKa of Mlaa Marrie Vernon Robert-

aon and Mr. Tbomaa Edwin BIgga,

on October 26th, at high noon at tba

Firat Baptiat Church in Baadaraon.Tba bride-to-ba baa ralatlTaa asdmaax trianda la BarUnfloit> wbaraha baa baaa a fraqaaal wlaltor, anda nambar will aMaatf tba weddiair,

Mri. J. W. Reufro laylaiMBgrala-tlvea in Etawab, Teun.

Laat Sunday waa rally day at tbe

Chrlatlan Sunday Bohool. The at-

tsndanoa waa S287, the largeat claaa

balag tba Baglnnera, numbering 63.

lir..H«uy Olay Smith, Mra. Olllam

•ad Mlaa Mabal Baaklaa wara aaob

praaaatad wttb a baaqabtM flowara,

tbay balof tba oldtil man and wo*

man and tba yooitgaat obUd<

Ed BImpion waa lo tba aaantry

Tueaday night.

Mlaa Ida Martin waa In Norton-

TlUa WadaaedftT Waweno.Mra. Babert Matlte vb*baa been

vlalUng tha family of Dr. O. B.

Jobnaon, laft Wadnaaday for Bliia-

batbtown for a vialt.

Chaa. Onrtla, ot Hopklnayllle, waaIn town Tboraday.

AfB Yoy I Womao?

CarduiTb Wann'sM

B.|B. Whipfler, wbo baa baan yla-

Ulng In Detroit, HllNad feanaWednaaoay night.

Mra. Toba Wright and children

laft Tbafadar far a law waaka riatt

to bar atatfiat Hta. Blakae •! Ora-ham-

Dave Lamb waa In tba Sntbardcountry Tueaday night.

Cha*. Ray waa In tba oonntry near

Pumpkin Center Wadaatdaf Bight

ylalting (rlaada.

Every family la Bopklaa ccnntv

ean bavp a aaw aat at diabaa by *ak

iBg tba B* mi-Waakly Baa aad paylag ISjOO extra.

Robt, Marrihaw laftTbnraday for

Norfnrk, Va., «barc ba will apaod a

fpw week*.

Robt. Merrlbaw apaat TbnradayIn Evauavllle.

J. R. Smith and Naal Btlvarf are

back from Detroit, wbara tbay havebeen to parehaaa aama aaw can.RKoh of them drove ona back.

Mra. B. E. NIzon, driving bar Stu>

debaker, waa iBMiidiaenTillaTbnri-day tnnrning,

MiRi Kffle Almiin \ff\ Thureclny

for Graham, where aba will ip«nd a

law waaka with Mra. Ollie Stokea.

Wa hava a faw mora of tba Art>

craft Mazleaa War toga that go withthe Baa for 11.60 astra. Battar gat

one now.

Mra, L.illy Morgan waa iB Madi*aonvllle Wedneaday.

Mra. Monroe Dadia vlalted frienda

In Madiaonvllla Wadnaaday after-


BryaatOaal bad aao Babeeft.laft

Wadaaaday fbr a abart wlatt to rala-

tlvaa la Evanavllla.

Mra. Corrinna Hale, of tbe c< nutrymade a abort vlalt to MadiaonTlllaWedneaday.

Marion Btokaa laftThnraday morn-ing for a faw daya vialt tn Hopkina-viUa. .1 ^

Waatad—Ta paiabaab a aaaond*band Typawriter. Apply to thla

office. St.

Mra. Ben Wllaon waa In Madiaon-vllla Wedneeday viaitinK.

Mra. Bllaa Doyal want for a vlalt

to Haaaoa Wadeaaday moraiag.

Mia. Bd Batoatt auda a abort ria-

It to MadliOBTllM Wedaeediy.

Mra. Roaa Baogb waa In Madiaon-Tllla Wedaaaday.

Mlaa Katfa O'BnoB vlaliad la Mad-iaonvllla Wedneaday.

Mra. Sam Magenbalmar waa in

Madiaonvllla Wadnaaday.

Mra. Anaia Morgan and aon waraIB MadlaoBTlUa Wadaaaday.

Mra. Jno R. Flab la apanding tbawaak -and with frlaada In Howell.

Thia la a good propoaltion. TbeEarlingtoa Baa, tha Woman'a Worldand a M-piaaa aat a( dtabat all for


Newman Hlggiaa waa la Madiaon-vllla laat night.

Charlie Tucker waa In Madiaon-Tllla laat night.

Mrt. EgloS 18 prepared to kaap tlx

roomera warm and eogafartabla for

the winter.

Mrr. Lucy Baan waa la ikadlaon-

vllla Wedneaday.

Mra. Eliza Davta waa in Madlaon-vlUe Wedneaday.

Mra. Mike O'Conner waa In Madl-Bonvllle Wedneaday.

Mlaa Mandy O'Oonaara waa in

MadtaiaaTlUa Wadaaaday.




Any ttyU and price. Bett qaol-

ity pmUm markrtr-immt httttr

Saciag aqr aaaiflM aiff caaaiiM jwa


Have yon aaaa tba baadaoma blue

and gold 86-plaoa dlanar aat the

Barllagton Baa la giving with each

yaarly tubacrlptlon and $8.00 extra.

Miaa Oeoeva Haflakar waa oa tba

albk Hat Tbnraday.

^ill John Bolmon and daughter

Ooldia, aad Mra. DoTld Cowail XTaabTiUa Tbaiaday.

Mraijr.a McGary apaat Wad-naadar m kortona Gap.

Mr. and Mra. Mike Long apent

Wedneaday In Mortona Gap the

gueaia of Mr. aad Mia. H. 1* Brown-ing.

Miaaaa Laaa DavU and Oladya

Wbitlord waia la MadlaoaTilie

Maaday.MarTin Mitchell, ot LonlaTllle,

waa In tba city a faw daya thla weekvlaitlng bla parenta.

Mlaa Laoy Fawoatt waa In Madi-aonTllla yaalatdaT M tba BridgeOlab.

Ural Hardwiak, af MadiaaaTlUe,waa la tha city today.

Jmti Sary, ot MadlaonTiIla. waa In

Iba ally Taaaday night.

Corad la 0 to 14 Oaya«U1 Mfaad iMiy il VAZOM «U1 Mfaad mamtr « VAZO

ianaJe e«i.aaLgy_el MiMpfc

BBSaamnRneeMaSaL aS

WH YWe Would Like to

Fill Your Pre-


[|T1|ECAUSE we conscientiously believe-

IE£«1 that we have one of the best equipped

prescription departments in the city. This

you may think is a broad claim, but we can


back up this claim by giving ydu the very

best kind of service. Accur: *1 scientific

weighing of all drugs and ^ 1 cals. Thevery best full strength drug^ ui all kinds.

Add to this years of experience in whicb.

time we have filled thousands of prescriptions:.

from tbe most technical and scientific physi-

cians and specialists: It makes no di£FerenCe»

how diflBcolt and complex your prescription-

is, we can fill it for you. Moreover cnxr

charges are reasonable and right. We will

be pleased^ aenr* you quitti pimapfiyt




Woman TaU Why Tliey\

Lore Thia Magaxiiie"From Falbion to Fiction, it 1« Su-

preme" writes Mrs. J. H., ol New York.

ttoia suomUous. food, cMu brum etorta^

•ad U A Twry otaiTMilaul alasw bUOM." 7weavoju.l copy 1 rauaivwd saved far mre Uiamtii»ugh to pay lur s FMf's eubw*rlp(lon.

wntM Mra. A. J., irf TaxAi- "I CAunot tril

lou all that It lutiaiii (» m*." wrltca a

rarolifia aiitiaiTlli " ""

k1A<iA/.lM.' 'u.

tn "

I .

•uil hm la tigbl.

I Ubt* lakitii M.t'AI.l. S< 1 MM uarn«'<l am) my

! > t>«/<ita ait'l (loon ii'<M

.1. Eyary urv. Uirti 1

I . .kftt. my htut>AUi) ea)»..uii that from M'-fAU/St cwulil ui>t Oo wllbuul U "

A KaeafBbeJ ftthkm AatUrity l«r Years

mlMsn Thia A« OriM fasUsa Hipitas"1 BU in Mur TOtb rear and aUU support-

IM Mifaeir 1 Uke llcCALL'S tbe bwt and1 hAf* bMo drMwmaklng elno* I wu U."wrllaa Mra. M L. J . uf Coimectlrut. "Fruta

Ha ilrfaamakliig kaa-.tiM aiitt Uj aliuiilo ai»t lii-

atruidvi] i>atiiTiis, I haw karitvtl to dr«as myfaiully neatly ami ai>IU)ily." wrKaa Idra. H,

M . iit KMiilucky "Our (aiDllr has workadyuu fMiry year hul iwn elnfa /uur maaa-

~ of NeUaeka.•Of wfhtt

lilbia book oat)«pftrtiiMlit hufot M." wniM

Ailm, THE MaCALLIT05M€C«aai^



Rararrmn PtIUm C*lll<ifU>" rREE uo na|ile><.

T» Faocy NM4l«iliarktr»1 -i t<i«a "k«u.'>-Wurk th-ok" with u»w <W.tsiu kiij IttMOit. In

Aabroldonr SUIdMS. ritka for 3-cinl uuvClMMell

T* Aoaato u4 Cluk NalMftl Aik fur

1.** CAlliiu<'il< IIWQ.Wf >'A:1II liKt'KK

To Bo» Ud CIrll! Blirclti uiJ huu.m.liFrl... UIVKN AWAT WrHf fot

I i.ikjul (inur lu hujt oluJ QlrU."



The Hon. H. V. McChesneyWill address the voters of Hopkins county at the:

Court House, Madisonville

Wtdnadey, October 27, at 1:30 P. IL'

And will also.address the voters at.

Mortons Gap

At 7:30 Ae Sam Dm

Han, D, H. Kincheloe

WiU also speak at the latter place

URAL HARDWICKChairman Democratic Campaign Commkt€tr


Bay It Now>Buy rt now because the

undney you ipend will

•4tart the milk going full

riime ; because it will

save thousands of fami-

' lies from wffering ; be-

xause it will speed up

trade and bring back

prosperity to the whole

icoiiiUry; because you

-wdl gMn if you buy

necessaries, not luxuries;

Ibecause circulation is the

heart throb of trade.







i ^^^^^ .

<^Id CompoimdI c6Bi ttd grippe in

ce "Pa{Mp»CM4C«oipoand"two honn notii yov haTCi

E«a tbrM dkMM. th«B all taeiwr^09» and your cold will be

<<Wiikcn. 'It'prMaptij opens yoor

'^Hmfl'OP BOwtrtk rad the air

i^pMaac**'oM'M bead; stops nasty

x^BaBbarce -or -nbsA raoninfc; re-

VlevM basdache. (Jolloesf,.

#»v«riahs«|f, •oc«|iVoat, aqerfAia«,rflor«BaM and Hiffoess.

^Son't stay ftoffed-npl Qait^%l*4rinraQd fnoffl as. Base yoDt

4ArAbify bea^—•notb^nn^ el<ie iq

•ttio world lEi^ea prompt relief as

""apeVOold Oorapound" which

Ib^afs only.96 '^ents at nnv dra^

mUttt. It »cff iil|i,oaj^.aaii|jkiiDoe

c4*Ktai niop, a>i4 t*nma nn tuoon-

•'•TMUeae^. . Arc -pi no snhatifote.

W Saras, I Wea't Cun.JTkc«*r<t CMCt, asHMIcrotkow lOBc andinc,mm ««rad bg. th«. «io«djtrf>il. M nUuilcSr.

<i»i Mmji Iti aiiV' iH ii>-i.- ilmfAw

Until further notice we

will club the Semi-Weekly

Bee with the three magtskiet

"Plain and Fancy Needle-

work" , "Woman's World"and "Home Life" for $1.35.

This applies to new and re-

new subscribers and is un

doubtedly the best offer wehave ever been able to make.

For $1.15 more maUng $9,50

in all we will give one of

those handsome Artfelt Rugs.

These rugs are a novelty and

are selling in the city stores

for $5.00. Better get in on

this proposition NOW.The Bee Barlington, Ky.



- -•'<•


The Tax Amaodmant to b< votodon at the NoT«mb«r Election Is eO'

doraed by all olaaaea of Oltiiena ra>

Kardleaa of Party afflllatlona aa tbe

following: extraets from tbe Plat-

forma of tbe three prlnstpal politloal

organiiattona clearly InJIeate.

AJI.poUtleal partiaa faror ReformIn tbe Tax Lawa and ttala ia one la-

ana on wbtoh aU airaa.~

BTary TOMT BbaaM vola "jtm" for

tbe Tax AaaittaMt aa aa feform la

poaalblf wlttMmt its adaptlea nomatter wbloh party wina.

DKMOORATIO PLATFORM"We fATor the adoptloD of tbe Tax

Amendmrnt to the Cooitltatlon to

be Toted on at tbe regular NoTem-ber Election. We faror a wiie Re-Tliion of our Tax Lawi ao aa to dia-

mba.le tb» ^wrdene of taxation

aaaeoir tbe Taz'Payera of Uio State"

ftSPUBLIOAN PLATTORM"We favor tbe adoption

,by tbe



SICK, MIPATEDBest for liver and bowels, bad

breath, bad colds, sour


Qet a 10-cent box

*)iek bMdaeba, biliovtness,

coated tonpae, hend and nose

cloged-ap with a cold—always

trace this to torpiJ iiver ; deliy-

layed, fermenting food 10 the

bowels or aonr, uwj ttonacb.

Poisonons matter cloejied in

tha intaatioaa, ioi^««4 9f l^eing

oast OQt of tha lyitem is rt-ab'

sorbed into the blood. Whatpoison raaches tba delieata bratn

titNM it oansta ooosastion and

that dnil, tbtobMaft stekaainK


Caacarots imnadiataly elaaaaa

tbe itomaob, ranore tba soar,

nndigested food and fool gMca,

takes the exoesa bile from the

Mrar and carry oat all constipa-

ted wuta fflsttar tnd poiePoa is

the bowala.

, A Oaa«arel toaight will sarsly

atraiibtao Tra oat by morning.

They work while yoa sleep—a 10

cent box from yoar druggist

means yoar bead eiaar, stomachsweetf braath tU^, qoapiraionroay and foer Mm and' bowelsragnlar far BKNiCbsi


Time of departure of trataa' ^taaa-

iiiv tbromtb aariuatoB.MeMre Bntadaf, Anir. 1, HM.




No. mi fl.2fl ».

No. 6S 11.13 a.

No, 94 ... 8.16 p.

64 11.80 p.

46 7.40 a,

104 arrlTe 7.86 a.

108 1.06 p.

106 S-46 p,

110 rrr. *4t» p.

soon BouiiD.

No. M 4.S7 a.

No. IS 8.S9 a.

No. U 4JeNo. SS 10,58

No, 108 8 61

Mo. lOT 1.48

He. M9Vo. Uft UtlS pHo. UN, 101 and V/IMUreept Sunday.No. 106 Sunday only.








m., m.. tn.


. m,


people of the Cunetrtottonal Amend-ment enlargluK tbe poirer of theOeneral AaaemblT on tbc matter of

Taxation and a tboroQKb retlalon of

tbe Tax Lawa wbleh will f^aally

distribute the burdeaa of Taxationand iBTlleaapltal.**-

FBOOBKSBIVS PUITFORM"We denoonee the loeqaltable an-

jaat and inefflclcnt lynteni of Taxa-tion In Kenturk <r aud pledge onr-aelvet to enaci » law cqaallcing theburden of taxation and deinn away•a far aa poaslbie urltb double taxa-tion."

Tha Dime—Doia'a latpIrM coaSdmM—Omd iKidney Pilli for kidaty llli. Oeaa't Oiaunmtor ikln iicblbn. Doon'i RcgelM) lir Bild luulv* Sold «l til drag •lom. I


Tnae «f depanaia of XUlaola Oen.irai tratna from HoMoBTllla, Ky.


No. 108 1,18 p, m.No 104 8,S6 a. m.No. US, looal pasa.10.46 a m.Ko. US. loeal S.S6 p. m.

fopTl! Popxr.


101.90, 101 iM 0.111,

o. 101.. l.fia< tBi

Yoa Need § Oiuirai TaaleTake Orove'a

Tha Old Staadatd Otova'a Taalslasacua Do«M ia aqaelly irafaMbie es aOenarel Todo keeaase h cealalae tbewenkaowatoolepropartieaofQUINIMBaad IRON. It adsoa tbeUw, Dtivaa

MRS. MELTON'S LEHERTo Tired Wom-ont Xothan

. Jaekaoo. Miaa.—"I ahall feel repaidfor writing thia letter U I can help any(irad, wom-ont mother or boqaekeapesto find health aad atnugtii aa I bava. «i

"I bare a family orflTe. a«w, eookand do my hooaeworfc and I became verymnch ran-down in health. A fHeodasked me to try VlnoL IdidsoaadnowI am well and strong and my aU tiniaSBssp has been rselaaeA ViBolhaaBaanpartor aa a tooie isr wnB-oat, n»down, tired motheta or hooadMepata.^-Mra. J. N. Mbltom. iaSaaOoiB.St. Bernard Walat Oo.« Iaa«rpo-

ratad. Drug nspai )msa>. Badlair-ton, Ky.


Twenty-Five Cents

Clock Guessing Contest

Begins Monday, Oct- 25

For each 2i€ Cash Purchase

made jn this store you will be given

one guess as X6 what time the clock

in the window will stop. The party

who makes the correct guess or the

nearest to it will reciye 9^

$1 %et Reaiy^ Saietv Razwt

with 12 blades or $1 worth of any

meirehatidise in thfe store. The guess*

ing continiied lor several weeks andthe dock will be wound every Mon-day morning. , Don't forget you re-

ceive one guess for each iSc eMfci

purchasCf and do not, fail to register

your name and guess. The premi-

um will be awarded each Saturday

night at 7 o'clock.



AT THIS STOREJHIS IS "YOUR STORE, where the ^oods that YOU WANT are for sale at the prices that YOU WANT TO PAY. We outfit you—we fetd you—w« equip yoil*

with anything you want for your peraeo. your home, your gerden or yonr farm. W* equip yoa aad the whole family, and do it eoonomioally and to your entiresatisfaction. ^ , ' '

py^Jl^gP He wants a substantial, dignified suit, one that

^ will give excellent service and maiataiB Ms stand-

ing fai'the community. Wefitfalh(miaecommumiy. went tun ^4 A 0%g% .,_with MiAi suit for $10.00 and up

MOTHER '^'''^^'""S^'ccnt and in lieeping witli lier posi-

.......i..^ Hon In MMiety, yet posscsiing all the qutHHes of

durability, that is what mother wants, and her material for a

suit will cost but little, or we can


waioostDut little, or we can aa AA ..J ...a.»ttfor SoaOO and up

SON the dictates of fashion, and his suit

must be equal in style and wearing qualities to those of

other young men of bis acquaintance. Son may even want to

set the pace, but in any event we can equip bim with a suit to

liii«Bto utisfsction as

low as. $10.00 and up

DAUGHTER course daughter must have something in

harmony with the bloom and bubbling spir-

its of youth, and daughter will tind just that in ourMOCkofready made suits, or in the material for

iiKiaukiof. Aadcfaat suit for only.. $8.00 ud up

SCHOOL BOYS ^'^^ '^"^ °" wearing ap-— panel, but we equip your boy with

clothing that is attractive and yet stands the test of the hardest

usage. Our school suits are very economical,

aad art sold as low as ^C.OO

SCHOOL GIRLS ^'''"''^^ our winter coata^

very desirable in every respect, as low as '•^mmm»9

SHOES ^" ^" ^"'^ loP iranir tlka to

buy a pair of those all-round shoes ^4we sell at the low price of ^1 ,U0

WINTER UNDERWEARsure to please every mem-

bar. Quit btat it aaywteve. aad you caal belt Vie price either.


For RMS, per suit. .


For womea, per suit.

For children, per suit

FURNISHINGS ^" °^ '^'^

' little things that go to complete the toilet

from a hair ribboa to a pair of horn. Varj complete line, and

prices are eatidaf.

GROCEI^IES You eannot supply your (abU to better ad

' ' vantage or at less cost than right at this

storrf. The acme of economy is achieved here because the qual-

ity of our goods is high and the priccJs low. It is a corobina-

tion you Maaelraaiiti one that EIIPS MONET HI YOURPOCUT aad your <^t(>mach well filled.

TABLE LINEN Splendld showing of the latest designs————— in table cloths, aapkias, doilies, etc.,

all of best material aad very aiodest fai price.

FOR THE ^^ry^^^^mb of shuts, spreadi,—————— pillow slips, comforters, blankets, etc.

Every piece of »be bcst aad pricc away down. No wear-out to

these linens.