before and after

This photo is very over exposed and a bit hard to look at. The sun is shinning so bright it makes a lot of the branches look invisible. This photo doesn’t grab you. It looks to usual. It doesn’t really have a clear theme. It doesn’t look very professional. I like the second image because it’s easier to look out and provokes nostalgia. It looks like it could have been a badly exposed 1980s photo. By giving the image a bit of a dark contrast it brings out the grass and the trees more, which I find strange. It makes you take more notice of it. The

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Post on 14-Mar-2016




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it's the before and after i editted two of my photo's on photoshop


Page 1: before and after

This photo is very over exposed and a bit hard to look at. The sun is shinning so bright it makes a lot of the branches look invisible. This photo doesn’t grab you. It looks to usual. It doesn’t really have a clear theme. It doesn’t look very professional. The sides of the building aren’t parallel and the image looks like it’s tilted. The photo looks a bit blurred like it’s out of focus.

I like the second image because it’s easier to look out and provokes nostalgia. It looks like it could have been a badly exposed 1980s photo. By giving the image a bit of a dark contrast it brings out the grass and the trees more, which I find strange. It makes you take more notice of it. The picture now looks straight and professional and the tower block’s sides are now parallel and it makes it look more vertical.

Page 2: before and after

I think this photo is too under exposed and there for looks dark and dreary and wouldn’t grab any attention. When people see this photo most people will probably just see the cranes. They will probably not notice the tower block in the background and the point of the photo will be lost. I do think the dark sky makes the composition of this photo look better. But this photo wouldn’t make people stop and look.

I gave this photo a brighter colour contrast so it wouldn’t look so dreary. I was going for more of a scary, poetic theme to bring out the surrealism of the Ferrier regeneration. Also the fact the sky is clearer makes it easier to see the tower block as well to give the effect I was going for. I increased the yellow colour saturation so it would stand out and draw people in. the red also helps add to the surreal effect, the colour scheme looks a bit like clockwork orange.