before giving care ch1 first aid

Before giving Care Ch. 1

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Post on 07-May-2015



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first aid overview prior to providing care


  • 1.Ch. 1

2. What is first aid Immediate care given to suddenly ill or injured 3. Steps to there is an emergency1. Recognize take in an emergency- Unusual noises- Unusual sights- Unusual odors- Unusual appearance/behavior 4. Steps to take cont2. Decide to act- Overcome barriers:- Fear get disease? Injury overwhelming?- - do something wrong? Sued?- Assuming someone else takes over- Should I call 911? 5. Good Samaritan Law-Protects responder from being sued- Must provide reasonable & prudent 6. Steps to take cont3. Call 911-provide informationphone #, address, necessary information-Operator hangs up first 7. Steps to take cont4. Provide care until- You see signs of life- Trained responder arrives- You are too exhausted to continue- Scene is becomes unsafe 8. Consent permission to treat-Expressed Consent- victim says ok to treat-Implied consent- assume victim wants help. unconscious/underage/confused 9. Consent for minors If conscious person is child or infant given from parent or guardian if life-threatening: Consent is implied without parent or guardian present 10. Prevent disease Wear PPE Use CPR mask Use a barrier if donthave PPE (ex:clothing, plastic bag) Wash hands after care Report exposure 11. Blood clean up Use gloves Wipe up spill with papertowel Clean with:1 part bleach10 part water 12. Emergency Action Steps:CheckCallCare 13. Check: Look the scene over and try answer the following: Is it safe? Is immediate danger involved? What happened? How many people are involved? Is anyone available to help? What is wrong? 14. Is it Safe? Check for anything unsafe: Spilled chemicals Traffic Fire Escaping steam Downed electrical lines Smoke Extreme weather Collapsed structures Stay at a safe distance and call 911 15. Is immediate danger involved?DO NOT move a seriously injured person unless there is an immediate danger 16. What happened? Look for clues: what caused emergency & how the person may be injured Nearby objects, such as fallen ladder, broken glass, or spilled medicine bottle may give you info 17. How many people are involved? Look carefully for more than 1 victim With more than 1 victim, you may need to prioritize care 18. Complete scene survey 19. Is anyone else available to help? Presence of bystanders doesnt mean they are helping Ask others to help Bystanders may be able to provide info Bystanders can help comfort the victim or family 20. What is wrong? Look for signals that may indicate life-threatening emergency: Conscious: speaking Moaning, crying, moving around, making noise Reassure victim & try find out what happened 21. Identifying life-threateningconditions Unconsciousness Life-threatening emergency Call 911 Signals of life-threatening injuries: Trouble breathing Absence of breathing Breathing abnormal Severe bleeding Use your senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch 22. Call Unconsciousness or altered LOC level of consciousness Breathing problems Chest pain or discomfort Persistent abdominal pain Severe bleeding Vomiting blood Severe burns Suspected poisoning Seizures Stroke Head injuries Painful, swollen, deformed areas suspected broken bones 23. Care Give care until EMS arrives: Do no further harm Monitor breathing & consciousness Rest in most comfortable position Keep from getting chilled or overheated Reassure Give specific care as needed 24. Moving injured victims:Moving in following situations:- Immediate danger: fire, risk of explosion, collapsingstructure To get to another more seriously injured victim When necessary to give proper care (ex. Perform CPR) 25. Techniques for moving injuredvictim Use good body mechanics use legs, not back Bend at knees & hip, avoid twisting Walk forward Do not move victim too large to move comfortably 26. Practice moving victims Walking assist 2 person carry Pack strap carry Clothes drag Blanket drag Ankle drag Pg. 12-14 27. At the scene activity slides dCrossPresenterProject/index.htm 28. Checking a conscious victim: If conscious & no immediate life-threatening condition: check for other conditions that need care Interview victim / bystanders Check victim from head to toe 29. Conduct InterviewAsk victim / bystanders simple questions: What happened? Do you feel pain / discomfort anywhere? Allergies? Have medical conditions? Medications? Give info to EMS when arrive 30. Victim has Pain: Describe pain Terms: burning, crushing, throbbing, aching, sharp Location When pain started What doing when pain began Rate pain on scale of 1 10 1 being mild 10 being severe 31. Checking from head to toe: Visually check from head to toe Do not move areas where there is pain or discomfort /suspect head, neck, spinal injury Check head Look cuts, bruises, bumps or depressions Watch for changes in consciousness Note drowsiness, confusion, not alert 32. Breathing assessment: Look for changes in breathing Normal : easily, quietly, regularly, without discomfort or pain Normal respiratory rate adult = 12 20 min. Not normal: Noisy breathing Gasping for air Rasping Gurgling Whistling Unusually fast or slow breathing Painful breathing 33. Head to toe assessment how skin looks & feels? Dampness, dry, cool, hot Look over the body Ask victim to move body parts do not hurt Medical ID tag Provides medical information Medical condition Whom call for help 34. Checking Unconscious Victim:Victim unconscious, tap on shoulder - ask if OK. Speak loudly Use persons name Infant: Tap bottom of footNo response, call 911 Check for other life-threatening conditions 35. Checking Unconscious Victim: If think victim unconscious, tap on shoulder and ask ifhe / she is OK. Speak loudly Use persons name if know it Infant: Tap bottom of foot to see if infant responds If no response, call 911 Check for other life-threatening conditions 36. Unconscious victimFirst: Check for open airway & normal breathing Severe bleeding Signs of life 37. Airway Check victim for open airway & breathing Blocked airway life-threatening Unconscious: Head tilt / chin lift Demonstrate If suspect a head, neck, or spinal injury use a chin lift to open airway 38. Breathing Normal regular, quiet, effortless What is normal RR for an adult? Look / listen / feel: Look At victims chest for chest rise and fall Listen For escaping air Feel For air against your cheek 39. Breathing If breathing normally heart is beating & bloodcirculating Check for breathing no more than 10 seconds Infants and children recognize breathingemergencies No cardiac issues breathing emergency lead to cardiac arrest Will practice breathing during CPR 40. Breathing barriers Uncomfortable giving breaths to stranger Face shield: Pocket mask: 41. Ambu bag: 42. Circulation Look for severe bleeding Look for signs of life Check carotid pulse 43. What to do with unconsciousvictim Breathing normally: Maintain open airway Check ABC frequently Irregular, gasping or shallow breaths: give rescue breaths start CPR 44. Recovery Position Generally, leave victim face up, but If need to leave unconscious victim to get help, or cantmaintain open airway due to fluids or vomit: recoveryposition 45. Putting it all together: Check Call Care Be prepared, respond immediately and make a difference!