before t h electricity regulatory commissionarr.pdf · dec-14] page i petition for apr fy 2014-15...

BEFORE THE HARYANA ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION Filing of the Petition for Annual Performance review for FY 2014-15 and revised Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 by Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitaran Nigam Limited under HERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Distribution & Retail Supply under Multi Year Tariff Framework) Regulations, 2012 along with the other guidelines and directives issued by the Hon’ble Commission from time to time and under Section 45, 46, 47, 61, 62, 64 and 86 of the Electricity Act 2003 read with the relevant guidelines. FILED BY, DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED, HISAR Superintendent Engineer (Regulatory Affairs) FIRST FLOOR, VIDYUT SADAN, HISAR - 125005

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Filing of the Petition for Annual Performance review for FY 2014-15 and revised

Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 by Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitaran

Nigam Limited under HERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff

for Distribution & Retail Supply under Multi Year Tariff Framework)

Regulations, 2012 along with the other guidelines and directives issued by the

Hon’ble Commission from time to time and under Section 45, 46, 47, 61, 62, 64

and 86 of the Electricity Act 2003 read with the relevant guidelines.



Superintendent Engineer (Regulatory Affairs)


HISAR - 125005

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Petition for APR FY 2014-15 and ARR for FY 2015-16 for DHBVNL


The Secretary,

Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission,

Bays No.33-36, Sector- 4,


Memo No. Ch. /SE/RA-500 Date: 30.11.2014

Subject: Filing of Annual Performance Review (APR) Petition for FY 2014-15 and

Revised Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 (including truing

up for FY 2013-14 ) as per MYT Mechanism by the Distribution and

Retail Supply Licensee for South Zone Territories of Haryana, DAKSHIN


Haryana Electricity Reforms Act, 1997 (“the Act”) read with relevant

Guidelines issued by the Hon’ble Commission.

Please find enclosed herewith an application for Filing of Annual Performance

Review (APR) Petition for FY 2014-15 and Revised Annual Revenue Requirement for FY

2015-16 (including truing up for FY 2013-14) as per MYT Mechanism by the Distribution

and Retail Supply licensee for South Territories of Haryana, DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI

VITRAN NIGAM (“DHBVN” or “the Nigam”), under Section 26(5) of the Haryana

Electricity Reforms Act, 1997 (“the Act”) read with the applicable provisions of the Haryana

Distribution & Retail Supply License (License no. 1 of 2004) (“the License”), Haryana

Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms & Conditions for Determination of Tariff for

Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Distribution & Retail Supply under Multi Year

Tariff Framework) Regulations, 2012 for the kind consideration of the Hon’ble Commission

along with Executive Summary of Distribution and Retail Supply Business.

Superintending Engineer/RA,

DHBVN, Hisar


1. 10 sets of APR and Revised Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16

(including truing up for FY 2013-14) along with affidavit and authorization.

2. 35 sets of Executive Summary.

3. Cheque No. 089128 dated 29.11.2014 for Rs. Two crores only.

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Filing No.__________ Case No.____________

In the matter of:

Filing of Annual Performance Review (APR) Petition for FY 2014-15 and Revised Annual

Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 (including truing up for FY 2013-14 ) for DHBVN.


I, K.K. Gupta, son of Shri Madan Gopal Gupta aged about 56 years working at Vidyut Sadan,

DHBVN, Hisar, do hereby solemnly affirm and state as under:-

1. That, I am working as Superintending Engineer/ Regulatory Affairs of Dakshin Haryana Bijli

Vitran Nigam (DHBVN), I am competent authority and duly authorized to affirm, execute

and file this affidavit on behalf of DHBVN.

2. That I have read and understood the contents of accompanying Filing of Annual Performance

Review (APR) Petition for FY 2014-15 and Revised Annual Revenue Requirement for FY

2015-16 (including truing up for FY 2013-14 for DHBVN) as per MYT mechanism by the

Licensee i.e. Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) with respect to its Distribution

and Retail Supply Business in South Zone under section 26 (5) of Haryana Reform act, 1997

(“the act”) read with the applicable provisions of the Haryana Distribution and Retail License

(License issued by the HERC vide their office memo No., HERC/PRO-2,3,4/99/11650 dated

5.11.2004)(“the License”), Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and

Conditions for Determination of Wheeling tariff and Distribution & Retail Supply Tariff)

Regulations, 2008 (“the Tariff Regulations”)and Section 62 & Section 64 of the Electricity

Act, 2003. The facts stated in the filing are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and

derived from the records of DHBVN in the ordinary course of business.



I, the above-named deponent, do hereby verify on this 30th day of November, 2014 at Hisar and state

that the contents of the foregoing affidavit are true and correct. Nothing stated therein is false and

nothing material has been concealed.


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Petition for APR FY 2014-15 and ARR for FY 2015-16 for DHBVNL

Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam

Sub: - Filing of Annual Performance Review (APR) Petition for FY 2014-15 and Revised

Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 (including truing up for FY 2013-

14) for DHBVN.

Certified that Petition for Filing of Annual Performance Review (APR) Petition for FY

2014-15 and Revised Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 (including truing up for

FY 2013-14) for DHBVN as per MYT Mechanism alongwith the supporting documents be

and is hereby approved for filing with the Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission in

accordance with power delegated by Board of Directors of DHBVN in its meeting held on

20.06.2014 against Agenda Item No.157.61.

Further Sh. K.K. Gupta, Superintending Engineer/Regulatory Affairs of the company

is hereby authorized for Filing of Annual Performance Review (APR) Petition for FY 2014-

15 and Revised Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 (including truing up for FY

2013-14) for Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) as per MYT Mechanism and

also to sign, execute and certify, file affidavit in support and any other document that may be

necessary and pursue on behalf of DHBVN Before Haryana Electricity Regulatory


Managing Director,

DHBVN, Hisar

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Petition for APR FY 2014-15 and ARR for FY 2015-16 for DHBVNL


IN THE MATTER OF: Filing of the Petition for Annual Performance Review (APR) for FY

2014-15, Revised Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) for FY 2015-

16 by Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Ltd. under HERC (Terms

and Conditions for determination of tariff for generation,

transmission, wheeling and distribution & retail Supply under Multi

Year Tariff Framework) Regulations, 2012 and under Section 45, 46,

47, 61, 62, 64 and 86 of The Electricity Act 2003 read with the

relevant guidelines.



referred to as "DHBVN”), having its registered office at Vidyut

Sadan, VIdyut Nagar, Hisar, Haryana.

DHBVN respectfully submits as under: -

1. The Petitioner is a State owned Distribution Company and registered under the

companies Act, 1956, formed under corporatisation/ restructuring of erstwhile Haryana

State Electricity Board (HSEB) and is creditworthy for the distribution and retail supply of

electricity (License No. DRS-2 of 2004) in the South Zone of State Haryana.

2. Pursuant to the enactment of the Electricity Act, 2003, every utility is required to submit

its Aggregate Revenue Requirement (ARR) for the control period and Tariff Petitions as

per procedures outlined in section 61, 62 and 64, of Electricity Act 2003, and the HERC

(Terms and conditions for Determination of Tariff for Distribution & Retail Supply under

Multi Year Tariff Framework) Regulations, 2012 and as amended from time to time.

3. The Multi-year Tariff (MYT) petition for control period FY 2014-15 to FY 2016-17 was

filed on 19.12.2013 by DHBVN and accordingly the Hon’ble Commission had issued the

MYT order against the said petition on 29.05.2014.

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4. The present petition is filed to the Hon’ble Commission for Annual Performance Review

(APR) for FY 2014-15 and Revised Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR and Tariff for FY

2015-16) considering the approved values of MYT order dated 29.05.2014.

5. This petition has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Part VII- Principles

for Determination of Tariff and Norms of Operation for Distribution Business and Part VIII

-Filing Of Aggregate Revenue requirement, as per the HERC (Terms and Conditions for

Determination of Tariff for Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Distribution & Retail

Supply under Multi Year Tariff Framework) Regulations, 2012 along with Sections 61, 62

of the Electricity Act, 2003,

6. DHBVN along with this petition is submitting the regulatory formats with data &

information to an extent applicable and would make available any further information/

additional data required by the Hon’ble Commission during the course of proceedings.

7. In view of power delegated to Managing Director by Board of Directors in its meeting

held on 30.06.2014 against agenda item no. 157.61, the current APR being filed has been

discussed and approved by the Managing Director of DHBVN and Mr. K. K. Gupta,

GM/RA, DHBVN has been authorized to execute and file the said APR on behalf of


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Prayers to the Commission:

The petitioner respectfully prays that the Hon’ble Commission may:

a) Take the accompanying current APR filing of DHBVN on record and accept the

petition for filing including requests for true up of expenses and revenue for FY 2013-

14, Re-estimated ARR gap for FY 2014-15 and re-projected ARR gap for FY 2015-16;

b) Treat the current APR filing as complete in view of substantial compliance as also the

specific requests for waivers with justification placed on record;

c) To pass suitable orders to address the total estimated gap of Rs 3898.72 Cr

consisting of the estimated gap for FY 2014-15 along with the projected ARR of FY

2015-16; and including the recovery of the un-recovered revenue gap for FY 2013-14

as per the true up petition filed separately to the Hon’ble Commission.

d) To approve reasonable return on equity as proposed

e) Condone any inadvertent omissions/errors/shortcomings and permit DHBVN to

add/change/modify/alter this filing and make further submissions as may be

required at a future date.

f) Pass such Order, as the Hon’ble Commission may deem fit and appropriate keeping

in view the facts and circumstances of the case submitted by the Petitioner.

Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited


Hisar, Haryana

Dated: 30th Dec-14

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Petition for APR FY 2014-15 and ARR for FY 2015-16 for DHBVNL

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 10

1.1 PROFILE OF DHBVNL ............................................................................................................. 10

1.2 CURRENT PETITION ................................................................................................................. 12

CHAPTER 2. TRUE-UP SUMMARY OF FY 2013-14 ................................................................. 14

2.1 PREAMBLE ........................................................................................................................... 14

2.2 APPROACH OF TRUE-UP PETITION FOR FY 2013-14 ....................................................................... 14

2.3 SUMMARY OF TRUE-UP FOR FY 2013-14 .................................................................................... 14


REQUIREMENT FOR FY 2015-16 ............................................................................................... 16

3.1 PREAMBLE ........................................................................................................................... 16

3.2 ASSESSMENT OF ENERGY SALES FOR 2014-15 AND 2015-16 ........................................................... 16

3.3 ENERGY AVAILABILITY FOR HARYANA ......................................................................................... 17

3.4 TRANSMISSION LOSSES ............................................................................................................ 21

3.5 DISTRIBUTION LOSSES ............................................................................................................. 21

3.6 TRANSMISSION CHARGES ......................................................................................................... 21

3.7 ENERGY BALANCE .................................................................................................................. 22

3.8 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE EXPANSES..................................................................................... 25

3.9 COMPUTATION OF INFLATIONARY INDICES ................................................................................... 27

3.10 EMPLOYEE EXPANSES ............................................................................................................ 28

3.11 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE EXPANSES ......................................................................................... 29

3.12 ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL EXPANSES ................................................................................... 30

3.13 SUMMARY OF O&M EXPANSES .............................................................................................. 31

3.14 NON-TARIFF INCOME ............................................................................................................ 31

3.15 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE .......................................................................................................... 32

3.16 CWIP & GFA WORKINGS ...................................................................................................... 34

3.17 RETURN ON EQUITY .............................................................................................................. 35

3.18 INTEREST & FINANCE CHARGES ............................................................................................... 36

3.19 TRUE UP OF SUBSIDY FOR FY 2011-12 AND FY 2012-13 .............................................................. 42

3.20 TRUE UP OF RE SUBSIDY FOR FY 2013-14 ................................................................................. 45

3.21 DEPRECIATION .................................................................................................................... 46

3.22 REVENUE ESTIMATIONS ......................................................................................................... 47

3.23 REVENUE FROM INTER-STATE SALES .......................................................................................... 49

3.24 AGRICULTURE SUBSIDIES ....................................................................................................... 49

3.25 REVENUE FROM FSA ............................................................................................................ 50

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3.26 APPORTIONMENT OF AP SUBSIDY FOR FY 2014-15 ..................................................................... 51


REQUIREMENT FOR FY 2015-16 ............................................................................................... 55

CHAPTER 5. RECOVERY OF GAPS ........................................................................................... 57

5.1 RECOVERY OF GAPS ................................................................................................................ 57

CHAPTER 6. PRAYERS TO THE COMMISSION: ....................................................................... 58

CHAPTER 7. COMPLIANCE OF DIRECTIVES ............................................................................ 59

CHAPTER 8. OTHER SUBMISSION TO THE HON’BLE COMMISSION ...................................... 71

8.1 PRACTICAL ISSUE OF BULK-SUPPLY DOMESTIC TARIFF ..................................................................... 71


STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................................. 71

CHAPTER 9. ANNEXURE ......................................................................................................... 73

ANNEXURE: A: OFFICE ORDER FOR TRANSFER OF JIND CIRCLE .................................................................. 73

ANNEXURE B (1): POWER PURCHASE DETAILS FOR FY 2014-15 ............................................................... 75

ANNEXURE B (2): POWER PURCHASE DETAILS FOR FY 2015-16 ............................................................... 80

ANNEXURE C: CIRCULAR FOR REVISION OF DEARNESS ALLOWANCE ............................................................ 84

ANNEXURE D: QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN ........................................................................................... 85

ANNEXURE E: STATUS OF E-TENDERING ............................................................................................ 104

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List of Tables

Table 1: Summary of truing up gap for FY 2013-14 (Rs. Cr.) ................................................................. 14

Table 2: Statement of sales for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 (MU) ....................................................... 17

Table 3: Summary of Energy Availability for FY 2014-15 ...................................................................... 19

Table 4: Summary of Energy Availability for FY 2015-16 ...................................................................... 20

Table 5: Summary of Transmission Charges for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 (Rs. Cr.) ......................... 22

Table 6: Energy Balance for Haryana FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 ..................................................... 23

Table 7: Energy Balance for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 of DHBVN ................................................... 23

Table 8: Bulk Supply tariff for DHBVN ................................................................................................. 24

Table 9: Inflation factor for WPI & CPI ................................................................................................ 27

Table 10: Employee Expenses for FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16 ............................................................... 29

Table 11: R&M Expenses for FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16 ...................................................................... 30

Table 12: A&G Expenses for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 .................................................................... 30

Table 13: Summary of O&M Expenses for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 .............................................. 31

Table 14: Non- Tariff Income for FY 2014-15 ....................................................................................... 32

Table 15: Capital Expenditure for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 ........................................................... 33

Table 16: CWIP for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16................................................................................... 35

Table 17: GFA for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 ..................................................................................... 35

Table 18: Return on Equity for FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16 ................................................................... 36

Table 19: Existing Working Capital, Operation Loss and REC/PFC for fY 2014-15 ................................ 39

Table 20: Existing Working Capital, Operation Loss and REC/PFC for FY 2015-16 ............................... 40

Table 21: Interest & Finance Charges for FY 2014-15 ......................................................................... 41

Table 22: AP consumption Calculations for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 (in Rs. Cr.) ............................ 43

Table 23: True Up of RE subsidy for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 (in Rs. Crores) .................................. 45

Table 24: True up of RE subsidy for FY 2013-14 (in Cr) ......................................................................... 45

Table 25: Depreciation for FY 2014-15 (Rs. Cr.) ................................................................................... 46

Table 26: Depreciation for FY 2015-16 (Rs. Cr.) ................................................................................... 47

Table 27: Revenue Estimations for FY 2014-15 ................................................................................... 47

Table 28: Revenue from Sale of Power for FY 2015-16 ....................................................................... 48

Table 29: Revenue from Inter-state Sale of Power for FY 15 and FY 16 ............................................. 49

Table 30: RE subsidy Projections for FY 2015-16 .................................................................................. 50

Table 31: Proposed Subsidy apportion for FY 2013-14 ......................................................................... 54

Table 32: ARR for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 .................................................................................... 55

Table 33: Wheeling and Retail ARR for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 .................................................. 56

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Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Profile of DHBVNL

1.1.1 The Company is a Distribution Licensee within the meaning of Section 2 (17) of

Electricity Act 2003 and pursuant to the Section 14 of the Electricity Act. Further,

Section 42 and 43 of the Electricity Act 2003 prescribes the following duties of the

Distribution Licensee:

To develop and maintain an efficient, co-ordinated and economical distribution


To supply electricity on an application of the consumer in accordance with the

provisions specified in the Electricity Act 2003;

To provide non-discriminatory open access to the consumers;

To establish a forum for redressal of grievances of the consumers;

1.1.2 Since DHBVN has been vested with the function of distributing power by the State

Government of Haryana, the Business Scope of the Company falls within the legal

framework as specified in the Act and can include:

To develop and maintain an efficient, co-ordinated and economical distribution


To Operate the existing distribution infrastructure efficiently & effectively;

Merchant Sale of Power in the event of availability of surplus power after meeting

the requirement of own consumers with whom the capacity is contracted


Other associated business like providing Training, Research and Development

activities, Technical consultancy services and O&M related services;

Contracts for outsourcing of distribution related activities, joint venture


1.1.3 DHBVN is responsible for distribution of power in following districts of South





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1.1.4 It is submitted that Jind is now under DHBVN area of operation, w.e.f. July 03rd,

2013. However, the approved MYT by Hon’ble HERC in MYT Order, vide dated 29th

May 2014, the Jind was considered under the operational area of UHBVNL as the

segregation of accounts was to be completed post the implementation of scheme

1.1.5 However the allocation of assets and liabilities from UHBVN to DHBVN is completed

thereafter and same has been available in detail with the annual accounts of Discoms

of FY 2013-14. It is therefore submitted that, JIND circle has been considered part of

UHBVN (for initial 03 months) and for rest period with DHBVNL (for remaining 09


1.1.6 The Hon’ble Commission had issued HERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination

of Tariff for Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Distribution & Retail Supply

under Multi Year Tariff Framework) Regulations, 2012 (herein MYT Regulations)

notified on 5th December 2012. As per the MYT Regulations, a Distribution Licensee

is to file the MYT Petition (ARR and Tariff Proposal for the control period) by 30th

November of the year proceeding the first year of the control period.

1.1.7 As per the MYT Regulations 18.1 -

The petition shall contain information regarding salient features of the project

including the capacity, location, site specific features, fuel, beneficiaries, break-up of

the capital cost estimates, financial package, schedule of commissioning, reference

price level, estimated completion cost including foreign exchange components, if any,

consent of beneficiary licensees to whom the electricity is proposed to be sold etc.

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1.1.8 DHBVN had filed its MYT Petition on Dec. 19th 2013 for the control period of FY 2014-

15 to 2016-17 for approval of the year wise Annual Revenue Requirement (ARR) ,

under MYT Tariff Framework. Further, the Hon’ble Commission issued a common

MYT Order for both Discoms on the same on 29th May 2014.

1.1.9 DHBVN has been filed the present petition to perform the annual performance

review of FY 2014-15, on the basis of available cost & expenditure of initial half year.

In line with the above, DHBVNL is filing its Annual Performance Review for FY 2014-15

and Revised Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 for consideration of the

Hon’ble Commission.

1.2 Current petition

1.2.1 This petition for Annual Performance Review (APR) for FY 2014-15 and Revise Annual

Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16 is being submitted by “Dakshin Haryana Bijli

Vitaran Nigam Limited” considering half yearly available income & expenditure of

DHBVNL for FY 2014-15 and on the basis of further revised estimates for next six

months of FY 2014-15 and thereafter new projections for FY 2015-16 has been


1.2.2 The current petition has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the

following Acts/ Policies/ Regulations:

a) Electricity Act 2003;

b) National Electricity Policy;

c) National Tariff Policy;

d) HERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Wheeling and

Distribution & Retail Supply under Multi Year Tariff Framework) Regulations,


e) HERC (Terms and conditions for grant of connectivity and open access for intra-

State transmission and distribution system) Regulations, 2012 and applicable

current amendments;

1.2.3 DHBVN has made genuine efforts for compiling all relevant information relating to

this APR for FY 2014-15 and ARR tariff petition for FY 2015-16, as required by the

regulations issued by the Hon’ble Commission and has also made every effort to

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ensure that information provided to the Hon’ble Commission is accurate and free

from material errors. However, there may be certain deficiencies owing to the

compilation of accounts of Petitioner company and hence, DHBVN prays to the

Hon’ble Commission that the information provided be accepted for the current filing

and at the same time DHBVN assures that it is taking appropriate measures to

improve its management information system for improved data collection.

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Chapter 2. True-up Summary of FY 2013-14

2.1 Preamble

2.1.1 This section deals with summary of true up exercise carried out for FY 2013-14, which

has been separately filed by the Petitioner.

2.2 Approach of True-up Petition for FY 2013-14

2.2.1 The Commission in the order dated 30th March 2013 has determined the Aggregate

Revenue Requirements and Wheeling/distribution & Retail supply tariff for

wheeling/supply of electricity by Discom within the state of Haryana for FY 2013-14.

2.2.2 The true up exercise for FY 2013-14 has been performed on the basis of available

provisional annual accounts of DHBVNL.

2.3 Summary of True-up for FY 2013-14

2.3.1 The summary of truing-up of FY 2013-14 is hereby tabulated for reference purpose only.

The effect of truing-up has been provided in the APR and ARR tariff petition of DHBVNL.

The difference in approved and actual expenditure as per the summary table below for

DHBVN has been given below:

Table 1: Summary of truing up gap for FY 2013-14 (Rs. Cr.)

Particulars Approved Actual

Power Purchase Expenses 7,765.58 10,811.36

Transmission Charges 274.12 319.99

SLDC Charges 2.30

Operations and Maintenance Expenses 715.55 968.93

Employee Expense 418.48 687.15

Administration & General Expense 52.84 66.57

Repair & Maintenance Expense 85.79 58.91

Terminal Liability 158.44 156.30

Depreciation 129.13 149.88

Total Interest & Finance Charges 300.34 991.69

Return on Equity Capital - 201.48

Prior Period Expenses - 0.04

True up of expenses of previous years 42.12 -

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Particulars Approved Actual

Other Debts, (including wealth tax) - 457.13

Total Expenditure 9,229 13,900.49

Less: Non-Tariff Income 96 213.48

Less: Subsidy from GoH - 1,460

Net Aggregate Revenue Requirement 9,133 12,227

Total Revenue


From Sale of power and Banking Outside the state


From Sale of power within the state




Less: FSA recovered as per Provisional accounts of FY 14 1,228.6

Total Gap (3,675.1)

Tentative Quarterly FSA leviable for FY 2013-14 (for entire year)* 2,139.6

Net GAP (1,535.4)

Add: Regulatory asset recovery @ about 45% of Rs. 23435.54 million as per Tariff Order for FY 2013-14


Add: Recovery of tentative FSA for FY 2011-12@ 40% of 24463.7 million as per Tariff Order for FY 2013-14


Final True up Gap (2,688.07)

*True up of the FSA for FY 2013-14 shall be submitted to the Hon’ble Commission shortly.

2.3.2 The Petitioner (DHBVNL) has requested Hon’ble Commission to approve the net

revenue (gap) of Rs. (2,688.07) Cr. along with the suitable carrying / holding cost for

FY 2013-14 to be recovered through tariffs for FY 2015-16 of Distribution Company

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Chapter 3. Performance Review for FY 2014-15 and Revised Annual Revenue Requirement

for FY 2015-16

3.1 Preamble

3.1.1 This chapter deals with the annual performance review of ARR for FY 2014-15 and

revised ARR for FY 2015-16 against as approved by the Hon’ble Commission vide MYT

order dated 29th May 2014. In order to undertake Annual Performance Review for

FY 2014-15 & Revised Annual Revenue Requirement for FY 2015-16, various

assumptions and other practical approaches have been taken into the consideration.

The same has been described in detail, while projecting each component.

3.2 Assessment of Energy Sales for 2014-15 and 2015-16

3.2.1 DHBVNL submits herewith that for the sales projections of FY 2014-15, the sales for

FY 2014-15 have been arrived at by projecting the sales of FY 2013-14 based on CAGR

for last three years with sales of FY 2012-13 as the base.

3.2.2 The sales for the previous years have been adjusted after adding the sales of Jind circle

in the sales of DHBVN. Similarly, the sales for FY 2015-16 have been projected by

applying the same CAGR over the estimated sales for FY 2014-15.

3.2.3 For agriculture, 5% growth has been considered in line with the methodology adopted

by the Hon’ble Commission.

3.2.4 It is re-iterated that the sales projections for FY 2014-15 is based on previous sales

growth trend and has been arrived after validating the effect of energy sales of Jind

Circle of the previous years.

3.2.5 Hence, keeping the above basis, DHBVN envisages the expected sales figures in

following table:

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Table 2: Statement of sales for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 (MU)

Particulars FY 14 (Actual)

FY 14 (Including Jind)

FY 15 (Revised Estimate)

FY 16 (Projected)

Domestic 3,671.97 3,751.25 4,071.71 4,419.55

Non Domestic 1,864.03 1,888.52 1,967.18 2,049.11

HT Industry 4,563.45 4,597.64 4,930.46 5,287.37

Lift Irrigation 156.06 157.90 160.30 162.74

LT Industry 780.46 788.86 812.49 836.83

Agriculture Metered 2,711.16 2,848.98 2,991.43 3,141.00

Agriculture Un - Metered 1,687.77 1,779.13 1,678.69 1,583.92

Bulk Supply 773.64 775.27 802.62 830.93

Railway Traction 130.21 131.04 132.05 133.07

DMRC 27.17 27.17 30.80 34.92

Street Lighting 57.48 58.01 58.90 59.79

Public Water Works 414.93 426.38 455.15 485.87

Total 16,838.32 17,230.13 18,091.77 19,025.10

3.2.6 DHBVNL request Hon’ble Commission to approve energy sales, as per revised

projections for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 tabulated above.

3.3 Energy Availability for Haryana

3.3.1 For FY 2014-15, energy availability has been projected by taking into consideration

actual power received from all stations from April 2014 to September 2014, i.e. the first

six months of the current financial year, as received from HPPC.

3.3.2 For FY 2014-15, energy availability has been projected by taking into consideration

actual power received from all stations from April 2014 to September 2014, i.e. the first

six months of the current financial year, as received from HPPC.

3.3.3 The actual data for April 2014-September 2014 was available from the HPPC. The annual

power purchase of FY 2014-15 has been projected based on this actual data as well as

the MYT trajectory. The projections were done month wise and plant wise for FY 2014-

15. The ratio of power received from each station in the first six months of the current

financial year i.e. percentage of units purchased with respect to total Long Term for first

half of 2014-15 from each station, has been considered for plant wise projections in FY

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2014-15. The short-term purchase, though not planned in the current year (FY 2014-15)

has been retained at the same quantum as already purchased in the current year till

September 2014.

3.3.4 The power purchase quantum for UHBVN and DHBVN have been divided on the same

proportion as per the approved MYT tariff order

3.3.5 The rate for power purchase for each plant have been assumed to be equal to average

rate of power purchased during first half of FY 2014-15 as received from HPPC. The intra

state transmission charges have been taken as approved by the Hon’ble Commission

vide MYT tariff order dated 29th May 2014.The interstate transmission charges of 805

Crores have been approved in the MYT tariff order dated 29th May 2014; and the same

have been bifurcated in UHBVN and DHBVN in the ratio of respective inter-state power

purchases of the two utilities in FY 2014-15.

3.3.6 For 2015-16, the approved quantum for power purchase from various stations are

considered subject to variations in case of upcoming stations that are given below:

Parbati II, HEP (H.P.)

Koldam HEP NTPC (H.P.)

Barh, Stage II, ER (NTPC)

Uri II, HEP (J&K)

Raghunathpur TPP Phase I (DVC) (West Bengal)

Koderma TPP (DVC) (West Bengal) (in Unit II)

Parbati III HEP (H.P.)(Har. share 5.38%)

3.3.7 For these stations, the power purchase has been considered 50% of the quantum that

was approved vide MYT order dated 29.5.2014, assuming that they shall start power

generation by mid of FY 2015-16.

3.3.8 Additionally For FY 2015-16, the power purchase and rate for the following stations

have been taken as equal to that projected for FY 2014-15; as they are expected to

provide power congruently in FY 2015-16 as well. Consequently, the extra power

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purchase from HPGCL has been reduced as the power from the following stations is

cheaper comparatively:



3.3.9 The solar power purchase from SECI that would be available to the extent of 80 MW

from 2015-16 has also been added as the same shall be available in 2015-16.

3.3.10 The rate for power purchase from each station has been calculated by increasing the

actual rate of power purchase from each station (projected in estimations for FY 2014-

15) in the same proportion as per the increase in approved power purchase cost of FY

2015-16 w.r.t. FY 2014-15 vide MYT order dated 29.5.2014.

3.3.11 The intra state transmission charges have been taken as approved by the Hon’ble

Commission vide MYT tariff order dated 29th May 2014.The interstate transmission

charges of 805 Crores have been approved in the MYT tariff order dated 29th May 2014;

and the same have been bifurcated in UHBVN and DHBVN in the ratio of respective

inter-state power purchases of the two utilities in FY 2015-16.

3.3.12 The details of power purchase quantum, amount (for within and outside state) and

other applicable charges has been tabulated below. Source wise detailed power

purchase for the state of Haryana and DHBVN has been shown under Annexure-B.

Table 3: Summary of Energy Availability for FY 2014-15

Power Purchase Quantum (FY 2014-15)

Particulars Total UHBVN DHBVN

Intra State PP (MU) 27,923.68 12,404.71 15,518.97

Inter State PP (Mu) 22,771.42 10,115.89 12,655.53

Total PP (MU) 50,695.10 22,520.59 28,174.50

Total Power Purchase Cost (FY 2014-15) (Rs. Cr.)

Particulars Total UHBVN DHBVN

PP Cost 19,207.26 8,532.56 10,674.70

Inter State Transmission Charges 805.00 357.61 447.39

Intra State Transmission Charges 1,009.45 491.12 518.33

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Total Power Purchase Cost (FY 2014-15) (Rs. Cr.)

Particulars Total UHBVN DHBVN

Grand Total (Rs. Cr.) 21,021.71 9,381.29 11,640.42

Per unit Cost (Rs./kWh) 4.15 4.17 4.13

Table 4: Summary of Energy Availability for FY 2015-16

Power Purchase Quantum (FY 2015-16)

Particulars Total UHBVN DHBVN

Intra State PP (MU) 31,086.64 13,809.81 17,276.83

Inter State PP (MU) 21,829.47 9,697.44 12,132.03

Total PP (MU) 52,916.10 23,507.25 29,408.86

Total Power Purchase Cost (FY 2015-16)

Particulars (Rs. Cr.) Total UHBVN DHBVN

PP Cost 21,496.24 9,549.40 11,946.83

Inter State Transmission Charges 805.00 357.61 447.39

Intra State Transmission Charges 1,084.19 527.47 556.71

Grand Total (Rs. Cr.) 23,385.42 10,434.49 12,950.93

Per unit Cost (Rs./kWh) 4.42 4.44 4.40

3.3.13 The Nigam has assumed that the surplus power available will be sold entirely as ‘inter-

state sales’ throughout the FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 at 80% of the average power

purchase cost including transmission charges for DHBVN.

3.3.14 The Nigam has assumed that the surplus power available will be sold entirely as ‘inter-

state sales’ throughout the FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 at 80% of the average power

purchase cost including transmission charges for DHBVN.

3.3.15 However, in practice i.e. during lower demand or surplus availability the Nigam shall

resort to boxing down of plants thereby reducing losses by just paying fixed cost for box-

down units and turning out the loss incurred in inter-state sale of power.

3.3.16 The Nigam prays that in case of any variance in the cost of new plants, the Nigam should

be allowed to recover the additional cost.

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3.3.17 The total power purchase cost from external and state sources for DHBVN has been

assessed at Rs 11,640.42 Cr. for FY 2014-15 and Rs. 12,950.93 Cr. for 2015-16 including

inter-state and intra-state transmission charges.

3.3.18 DHBVN request the Hon’ble Commission to approve total power purchase quantum and

cost for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 as per above submission.

3.4 Transmission losses

3.4.1 For the FY 2014-15, the inter-state transmission losses and intra-state transmission

losses have been considered as 3.82% and 2.50% respectively. However for the FY 2015-

16, the inter-state transmission losses and intra-state transmission losses have been

considered as 3.82% and 2.48% respectively, as approved by the Commission.

3.5 Distribution losses

3.5.1 For FY 2014-15 and 2015-16, the distribution losses of DHBVN have been projected as

24.46% and 21.96% respectively based on the AT&C losses as notified by the Ministry of

Power, Government of India.

3.6 Transmission Charges

3.6.1 The intra state and interstate transmission charges for FY 2015-16 have been taken as

approved by the Hon’ble Commission vide MYT tariff order dated 29th May 2014.

3.6.2 As per the MYT Order for 2014-15 to 2016-17, the Hon’ble Commission has allowed the

transmission charges for both the Utilities Rs. 805 Cr. for FFY 2014-15 and same amount

for FY 2015-16.

3.6.3 For FY 2014-15 inter-state transmission charges and Intra state transmission charges

have been projected on the basis of the actual details available from HPPC, by

proportional estimates in FY 2013-14.

3.6.4 For FY 2014-15 inter-state transmission charges and Intra state transmission charges

have been projected on the basis of the actual details available from HPPC, by

proportional estimates in FY 2013-14.

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3.6.5 It is submitted that the amount of Rs. 805 Cr. has been divided between both of the

Discoms based on the actual power drawl ratio of individual Discoms. On the same

presumption, the detailed working of RE transmission charges for Discoms for the

period of FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 has been tabulated below:

Table 5: Summary of Transmission Charges for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 (Rs. Cr.)


Inter State (Rs. Cr.) 357.61 447.39 357.61 447.39

Intra State (Rs. Cr.) 491.12 518.33 527.47 556.71

Total 848.73 965.72 885.08 1,004.10

3.6.6 The Nigam prays that in case of any variance in the cost of new plants, the Nigam should

be allowed to recover the additional cost.

3.7 Energy Balance

3.7.1 DHBVN has computed the energy balance based on the availability of power based on

the drawl ratio, sales forecast and transmission and distribution losses for FY 2014-15

and 2015-16.

3.7.2 The total power purchase quantum is divided into power availability within the state i.e.

(generating stations within the state) and power availability outside the state i.e.

generating stations located outside the state.

3.7.3 Distribution losses for DHBVN has been taken based on projected loss trajectory of

Ministry Of Power, in which Jind circle has been taken as a part of UHBVN. However, in

actual Jind has been transferred to DHBVN, as per the Transfer Scheme, dated, 3rd July,


3.7.4 Thus, in order to take in the effect of losses on account of Jind Circle, the loss trajectory

as specified by MoP has been re-stated by DHBVN, with due treatment of actual losses

of Jind and the re-stated figures of losses (24.48% for FY 2014-15 and 21.96% for

FY 2015-16) has been considered for energy balancing of DHBVN.

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3.7.5 The petitioner has summarised the working of energy balance as state as a whole, as

tabulated below:

Table 6: Energy Balance for Haryana FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16

Particulars Units FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Estimated sales (UH) MUs 12,163 12,867

Distribution Losses (UH) % 28.58% 24.79%

Energy Requirement at Distribution Periphery (UH) MUs 17,031 17,109

Intra-state transmission losses (UH) % 2.50% 2.48%

Energy requirement at State Boundary (UH) MUs 17,467 17,544

Estimated sales (DH) MUs 18,092 19,025

Distribution Losses (DH) % 24.48% 21.96%

Energy Requirement at Distribution Periphery (DH) MUs 23,956 24,379

Intra-state transmission losses (DH) % 2.50% 2.48%

Energy requirement at State Boundary (DH) MUs 24,571 24,999

Total Energy requirement (UH + DH) MUS 42,038 42,542

Purchase within the State (Haryana) MUs 27,924 31,087

Gross Purchase outside the State (Haryana) MUs 22,771 21,829

Inter-state transmission losses (Haryana) % 3.82% 3.82%

Net Outside state Purchase after reducing inter-state losses (Haryana)

MUs 21,902 20,996

Total Power available at state boundary (Haryana) MUs 49,825 52,082

Surplus/(Deficit) (Haryana) MUs 7,787 9,540

3.7.6 The petitioner has summarised the working of energy balance as DHBVN individual as

tabulated below:

Table 7: Energy Balance for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 of DHBVN

Particulars Units FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Estimated sales (UH) MUs 12,163 12,867

Distribution Losses (UH) % 28.58% 24.79%

Energy Requirement at Distribution Periphery (UH) MUs 17,031 17,109

Intra-state transmission losses (UH) % 2.50% 2.48%

Energy requirement at State Boundary (UH) MUs 17,467 17,544

Estimated sales (DH) MUs 18,092 19,025

Distribution Losses (DH) % 24.48% 21.96%

Energy Requirement at Distribution Periphery (DH) MUs 23,956 24,379

Intra-state transmission losses (DH) % 2.50% 2.48%

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Particulars Units FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Energy requirement at State Boundary (DH) MUs 24,571 24,999

Total Energy requirement (UH + DH) MUs 42,038 42,542

Purchase within the State (DH) MUs 15,519 17,277

Gross Purchase outside the State (DH) MUs 12,656 12,132

Inter-state transmission losses (DH) % 3.82% 3.82%

Net Outside state Purchase after reducing inter-state losses (DH)

MUs 12,172 11,669

Total Power available at state boundary (DH) MUs 27,691 28,945

Surplus/(Deficit) (DH) MUs 3,121 3,947

3.7.7 It is submitted that DHBVN presumed that the surplus power at state boundary has

been considered at inter-state sales @ 80% of Average Power Purchase cost of DHBVN.

3.7.8 DHBVN request to Hon’ble Commission to approve the above submission for FY 2014-15

and FY 2015-16.

3.7.9 The Petitioner also submits the bulk supply tariff computed for DHBVNL as given below:

Table 8: Bulk Supply tariff for DHBVN

Particulars Units FY2014-15 FY2015-16

Per unit Rate (Estimated) (Projections)

Gross energy procured from outside the state sources MUs 12,656 12,132

Inter-state transmission losses % 3.82% 3.82%

Inter-state transmission losses MUs 483 463

Net energy available from outside the state MUs 12,172 11,669

Add energy generated within the state MUs 15,519 17,277

Net energy available at state boundary for use in DHBVN MUs 27,691 28,945

Intra-state transmission losses % 2.50% 2.48%

Intra-state transmission losses MUs 692 718

Energy available for sale to distribution licensee at

distribution periphery MUs 26,999 28,228

Power purchase cost Rs Cr 10,675 11,947

Inter-state transmission charges Rs Cr 447 447

Intra-state transmission charges Rs Cr 518 557

Total bulk purchase and transmission charges Rs Cr 11,640.42 12,950.93

Power purchase per unit Rs/kWh 3.95 4.23

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Particulars Units FY2014-15 FY2015-16

Per unit Rate (Estimated) (Projections)

Inter-state transmission charges Rs/kWh 0.17 0.16

Intra-state transmission charges Rs/kWh 0.19 0.20

Average BST for DHBVN Rs/kWh 4.31 4.59

3.8 Operation & Maintenance Expanses

3.8.1 The operation and maintenance expenditure of DHBVNL comprises of Employee

Expenses, Repair & Maintenance expenses and Administration & General expenses. The

O&M expenses, as per the MYT regulations, 2012 are considered as controllable Factor

with the exception of terminal benefits. The cost of terminal benefits has been

considered as uncontrollable factor.

3.8.2 The MYT Regulations have clearly set out the methodology to calculate the O&M

expenses for the Distribution and Retail supply business for the control period, the same

is reproduced below:

The actual audited O & M expenses for the financial year preceding the base year,

subject to prudence check, shall be escalated at the escalation factor of 4% to arrive at

the O & M expenses for the base year of the control period. The O&M expenses for the

nth year of the control period shall be approved based on the formula given below.

O&Mn = (R&Mn + EMPn + A&Gn)* (1-Xn) + Terminal Liabilities


R&Mn – Repair and Maintenance Costs of the Distribution Licensee(s) for

the nth year;

EMPn – Employee Costs of the Distribution Licensee(s) for the nth year

excluding terminal liabilities;

A&Gn – Administrative and General Costs of the Distribution Licensee(s)

for the nth year;

The above components shall be computed in the following manner.

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(a) R&Mn = K * GFA * INDXn / INDXn-1


‘K’ is a constant (expressed in %) governing the relationship between

O&M costs and Gross Fixed Assets (GFA) for the nth year. The value of K

will be 1.65% for DHBVN and UHBVN respectively for the entire control


‘GFA’ is the average value of the gross fixed asset of the nth year.

‘INDXn’ means the inflation factor for the nth year as defined herein


(b) EMPn (excluding terminal liabilities) + A&Gn = (EMPn-1+A&Gn1)*(INDXn/ INDXn-1)


INDXn – Inflation Factor to be used for indexing the Employee Cost and

A&G cost. This will be a combination of the Consumer Price Index (CPI)

and the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) for immediately preceding year and

shall be calculated as under:

INDXn = 0.55*CPIn +0.45*WPIn.

Note 1: For the purpose of estimation, the same INDXn value shall be used for all

years of the control period. However, the Commission shall consider the actual

values of the INDXn at the end of each year during the annual performance

review exercise and true-up the employee cost and A&G expenses on account of

this variation.

Note 2: Any variation in employee cost and A&G cost on account of reasons

beyond variation in INDXn shall be subject to the incentive and penalty

framework specified in regulation 12.

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Note 3: As and when any material price index specific to power sector or a more relevant

Index becomes available, the same shall replace the Index used for working out R&M


Note 4: Terminal liabilities shall be approved as per actual expenditure incurred

by the distribution licensee or established through actuarial valuation for the

ensuing year.

Note 5: O&M expenses made on account of extraordinary situations (if any) shall

be submitted to Commission for its approval. Such expenses shall be filed

separately and will not be subjected to incentive and penalty framework. The

approved amount by the Commission shall be trued up in the annual

performance review.

Note 6: Changes in the pay scales of employees necessitated on account of pay

revision by Pay Commission or by the State Government orders shall be

considered by the Commission for true-up during the annual performance review.

(c) Xn is an efficiency factor for nth year

The Value of Xn will be determined by the Commission in the MYT order for the

control period.

3.9 Computation of Inflationary Indices

3.9.1 The computation of applicable Inflationary Indices for the projection of O&M expenses

and its sub-heads are as under:

Table 9: Inflation factor for WPI & CPI

WPI Inflation

Month/Year Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Average Increase

FY 2013-14 171 171 173 175 179 181 181 182 180 179 180 180 178 5.97%

FY 2012-13 164 164 165 166 167 168 169 169 169 170 171 170 168

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CPI Inflation

Month/Year Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Average Increase

FY 2013-14 226 228 231 235 237 238 241 243 239 237 238 239 236 9.68%

FY 2012-13 205 206 208 212 214 215 217 218 219 221 223 224 215

Period WPI CPI Total

Weightage 0.45 0.55 1.00

Avg Indexation for FY12-13 167.58 215.17

Avg Indexation n-1 (Index * Wt) 75.41 118.34 193.75

Avg Indexation for FY13-14 177.59 236.00

Avg Indexation n (Index * Wt) 79.92 129.80 209.72

Combined Inflation (Indxn/Indxn-1) 8.238317%

3.9.2 DHBVNL submits herewith that as per the calculations tabulated above, the applicable

combined inflation indices, after taken considerations of weightage average ratios of

WPI & CPI of 45:55 of the FY 2012-13 and FY 2013-14 has been computed as 8.24%, and

the same has been put into the calculations of O&M Expenses , discussed in consecutive

sections of this submission.

3.10 Employee Expanses

3.10.1 The employee expenses primarily include costs towards salaries, dearness allowances,

bonus, staff welfare and medical benefits, leave travel and earned leave encashment,

and the terminal benefits in the form of pension, gratuity etc.

3.10.2 The Inflation Index of 8.24% as indicated in above table has been considered over

FY 2012-13 to arrive at employee cost for FY 2013-14.

3.10.3 The Petitioner would also like to submit to the Hon’ble Commission that, it has re-stated

the base Employee Expenses for fY 2013-14 to Rs. 727.15 Cr. from Rs. 687.15 Cr. in

order to take into effect the employee cost corresponding to Jind Circle.

3.10.4 However, the petitioner has projected the amount paid for terminal benefits, as

Rs. 150 Cr. which is in line with the approved figures for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 by

Hon’ble Commission.

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Table 10: Employee Expenses for FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16

(Rs. Cr.)

Particulars Actual Approved for

FY 2014-15

Total RE for FY

2014-15FY 2015-16

Employee cost excluding terminal benefits as per

annual accounts of FY 2013-14 727.15 - - -

Estimated Employee cost (excluding terminal

benefits) - 495.00 787.05 851.90

Terminal benefits 150 150 150

3.10.5 It is submitted that revised dearness allowance of employees, which will be effective

from 01/07/2014, is attached as Annexure- C of this submission.

3.10.6 DHBVN request the Hon’ble Commission to approve total employee cost for FY 2014-15

and FY 2015-16 as per above tabulated computation.

3.11 Repair & Maintenance Expanses

3.11.1 The petitioner has projected R&M expenses for the FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16, as per

the formula defined in MYT regulations, 2012 and same has been quoted again as


(a) R&Mn = K * GFA * INDXn / INDXn-1


‘K’ is a constant (expressed in %) governing the relationship between

O&M costs and Gross Fixed Assets (GFA) for the nth year. The value of K

will be 1.65% for DHBVN and UHBVN respectively for the entire control


‘GFA’ is the average value of the gross fixed asset of the nth year.

‘INDXn’ means the inflation factor for the nth year as defined herein


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3.11.2 The petitioner has projected R&M expenses for the FY 2014-15, on the applicable/

approved average GFA of DHBVNL with the appropriate inflation factor i.e. 8.24%,

tabulated as below:

Table 11: R&M Expenses for FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16

(Rs. Cr.)

ParticularsApproved for FY


Total RE for FY


Total RE for FY


Estimated R&M expenses 106.73 107.58 118.97R&M expenses has been projected @ @ 8.24% inflation factor for FY 2014-15 and as per MYT

Regulations, 2012

3.11.3 DHBVN request the Hon’ble Commission to approve total R&M expenses for FY 2014-15

and FY 2015-16 as per above submission.

3.12 Administration & General Expanses

3.12.1 Administration and General expenses mainly comprise costs towards rent charges,

telephone and other communication expenses, professional charges, conveyance and

travelling allowances and other debits.

3.12.2 As per MYT Regulations, 2012, the Inflation factor of 8.24% has been considered over

FY 2013-14 to arrive at A&G cost for FY 2014-15 and so on. The computation of A&G

cost considering actual expenses of FY 2013-14, works out to as below:

Table 12: A&G Expenses for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16

(Rs. Cr.)

ParticularsApproved for FY


Total RE for FY


Total RE for FY


Estimated A&G cost

(Rs. Cr.) 59.75 72.06 77.99

A&G expenses has been projected @ @ 8.24% inflation factor (as per

MYT Regulations, 2012)

3.12.3 DHBVN prays to the Hon’ble Commission to approve total A&G expenses for FY 2014-15

and FY 2015-16 as per above submission.

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3.13 Summary of O&M Expanses

3.13.1 The summary of projected O&M expenses for FY 2014-15 is tabulated below for


Table 13: Summary of O&M Expenses for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16

Rs. Cr

Sr. ParticularsApproved for

FY 2014-15

Total RE for

FY 2014-15

Total RE for FY


1 Employee Expense 495.00 787.05 851.90

2 Administration & General Expense 59.75 72.06 77.99

3 Repair & Maintenance Expense 106.73 107.58 118.97

4 Terminal Liability 150.00 150.00 150.00

Total 811.48 1,116.69 1,198.85

3.13.2 DHBVN prays the Hon’ble Commission to approve total O&M expenses for FY 2014-15

and FY 2015-16 as tabulated above.

3.14 Non-Tariff Income

3.14.1 The Non-Tariff income mainly comprises the following elements:

Interest on staff loans & advances;

Interest on fixed deposits with banks & company etc;

Delayed payment charges from consumers;

Meter Service Rental;

Recovery of theft of Power;

Interest Income on Provident Fund;

Misc. Charges from consumers;

Income from staff welfare activities;

Miscellaneous receipts;

Rent from Residential Building;

3.14.2 The petitioner projects the non-tariff income, in line with the approved figures for FY

2014-15 by Hon’ble Commission and the same has been reproduced in the table given

below for the kind consideration of the Hon’ble Commission

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Table 14: Non- Tariff Income for FY 2014-15

Rs. Cr

Sr. ParticularsApproved for

FY 2014-15

RE for FY

2014-15 FY 2015-16

1 Non-Tariff Income 133.93 133.93 149.83

3.14.3 The Petitioner further submits that delayed payment surcharge is collected against the

receivables from the consumers that are not received in time. As there is a delay in

receiving the revenue, the Nigam has to procure additional working capital. Therefore,

the revenue received on account of delayed payment surcharges is not income of the

Nigam, rather it’s a carrying cost recovered from consumers to pay the interest on the

increased portion of working capital which occur because of delay in receiving the

revenue. Therefore, it is requested that the revenue from delayed payment surcharge

should not be considered as income of the Nigam.

3.14.4 DHBVN prays the Hon’ble Commission to approve non-tariff income for FY 2014-15 and

FY 2015-16 as tabulated above after adjusting the income on account of delayed

payment surcharge.

3.15 Capital Expenditure

3.15.1 The Hon’ble Commission has approved a Capex Plan of Rs 959.39 Cr. for

FY 2014-15. However, against the same based on the available half yearly details of

capital expenditure done by DHBVN, it has estimated to undertake an expenditure of Rs.

857.39 Cr. for FY 2014-15 and Rs. 1334.22 Cr. for FY 2015-16.

3.15.2 The detailed expected capital expenditure for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 has been

given as below:

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Table 15: Capital Expenditure for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16


FY2014-15 FY 2015-16

Approved By HERC

Revised Approved By HERC


AT&C loss reduction plan 52.50 60.00 47.50 90.00

Procurement of single phase meters for replacement of defective meters and release of new connections.

17.80 40.00 17.80 40.00

Procurement of three phase meters for replacement of defective meters and release of new connections.

9.70 13.00 9.70 30.00

LT Connectivity of already executed HVDS works. 20.00 2.00 20.00 20.00

Power Factor Improvement (Providing automatic power factor correctors)

5.00 5.00 0.00 -

Load Growth schemes 445.39 452.03 347.70 618.80

Creation of new 33 kV sub-stations 104.88 30.00 75.12 75.12

Augmentation of existing 33 kV sub-stations 61.69 20.00 24.19 24.19

Erection of new 33 kV lines 26.40 5.00 14.40 14.40

Erection of new 11 kV lines 8.80 3.00 4.80 4.80

Augmentation of existing 33 kV lines 2.35 20.00 1.68 20.00

Bifurcation of 11 kV feeders (Work of bifurcation of feeders, augmentation of ACSR)

11.27 8.00 18.00 18.00

Material required for release of Non-AP connections & replacement of old assets

150.00 250.00 150.00 300.00

Procurement of power transformers and allied equipment such as 33 kV CTs, 33 kV PTs, 33 kV and 11 kV VCBs, 33 kV Control and Relay Panels etc.

20.00 60.00 50.00 100.00

Release of Tube well connection on turnkey basis 50.00 50.00 9.51 50.00

Release of BPL connections under RGGVY schemes 10.00 6.025 0.000 12.29

R-APDRP schemes 461.50 345.37 472.09 625.42

Implementation of R-APDRP (Part-A), including SCADA 40.00 79.93 15.00 83.04

Implementation of R-APDRP (Part-B) 205.00 10.00 250.00 325.00

Relocation of energy meters of DS & NDS consumers outside their premises in Meter Pillar boxes.

50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00

Civil Works 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

System Strengthening Works under IBRD loan and IBRD equity


Under IBRD Loan 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00

Under IBRD Equity 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50

Scaling of IT infra in non -RAPDRP area 0.00 3.52 0.00 26.91

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FY2014-15 FY 2015-16

Approved By HERC

Revised Approved By HERC


Revamping of existing Meter Testing labs. at Dadri, Sirsa, Hisar, Faridabad & Gurgaon

0.00 0.00 13.59 13.59

Maintenance free earthling using 'Ground Enhancing Material for Distribution Transformers, Meter Pillar Boxes and H-pole etc.

6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50

Installation of meters on 33 kV Incomers at sub-stations for energy auditing.

5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00

Providing RF Meters. 12.50 0.00 12.50 0.00

AMR on large NDS & LT consumers having load about 10 kW (IBRD funded work).

45.00 10.50 27.00 22.88

New work: MGGBY 0.00 85.42 0.00 0.00

Total 959.39 857.395 867.29 1334.22

3.15.3 The petitioner requests Hon’ble Commission to approve the projected capital

expenditure for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16, as tabulated above.

3.16 CWIP & GFA workings

3.16.1 Capital Work in Progress for the control period has been projected on the basis of

estimated capital expenditure and the capitalization schedule assuming 70% transfer of

total cap-ex (including the CWIP carry forwarded from the previous year and capex

added during the year) to fixed assets and 30% transfer of total cap-ex to capital works

in progress (CWIP) for each year of operation.

3.16.2 While estimating CWIP it is assumed that 70% of the opening balance of CWIP and fresh

capital investment shall be capitalized during each year of operation.

3.16.3 Based on the estimated capital expenditure and capitalization schedule, the gross fixed

assets (GFA) are estimated for each year the Control Period. The category wise additions

have been estimated on the basis of the category wise additions made during the

previous year.

3.16.4 The CWIP & GFA of DHBVN for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 is shown in the table below:

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Table 16: CWIP for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16

Table 17: GFA for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16

3.16.5 The petitioner requests Hon’ble Commission to approve the estimated CWIP and GFA

figures for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16, as tabulated above.

3.17 Return on Equity

3.17.1 As per Regulation 20.1 of HERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for

Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Distribution & Retail Supply under Multi Year

Tariff Framework) Regulations, 2012; the rate of return on equity shall be decided on

the basis of overall performance subject to a ceiling of 14% provided that the ROE shall

not be less than the net amount of incentive and penalty.

3.17.2 The computation of return on equity for FY FY2014-15 and FY 2015-16 is tabulated



Sr. No Particulars RE for FY 14-15 RE for FY 15-16


1 Opening CWIP 1,017 691

2 Capex During the year 857 1,334

4 Less: Trfd to GFA 1,311.75 1,417.82

3 IDC during the year 129 171

5 Closing CWIP 691 778


Sr. No Particulars FY 14-15 FY 15-16

Gross Fixed Assets (GFA)

1 Opening GFA 5,386 6,661

2 Add: Trfd from CWIP 1,312 1,418

3 Total GFA 6,698 8,079

4Less: Retirement/Disposal of

Assets37 44

5 Closing GFA 6,661 8,035

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Table 18: Return on Equity for FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16

Rs. Cr.

Particulars ApprovedEstimated

(FY 2014-15)


(FY 2015-16)

Opening Equity - 1,439.12 1,593.45

addition 154.33 240.16

Closing Equity - 1,593.45 1,833.61

Average 1,516.28 1,713.53

Rate of RoE - 14% 14%

Total RoE - 212.28 239.89

3.17.3 DHBVN in its APR and ARR Tariff petition submits that RoE is very vital source of funding

a portion of Capital Expenditure planned by the Utility in order to improve the system

and to achieve further loss reduction. Disallowing RoE on the context of financial

performance deprives the Discom of an indispensable source of internal accrual which is

more important in view of the financially constrained position that makes it very difficult

for it to borrow funds from the market to fund basic capital expenditure. Moreover,

DHBVN would like to state that it has submitted an application against Review of HERC

MYT Regulations 2012 wherein it has requested the Hon’ble Commission to allow the

RoE at a rate of 14%.

3.17.4 The petitioner requests Hon’ble Commission to approve the computation of return on

equity for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16, as tabulated above.

3.18 Interest & Finance Charges

3.18.1 As per Regulation 21 of HERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for

Generation, Transmission, Wheeling and Distribution & Retail Supply under Multi Year

Tariff Framework) Regulations, 2012; Interest on Loan Capital for existing loans shall be

computed loan-wise and for new loans it shall be equal to the base rate of SBI as

applicable on 1st April of the relevant financial year. The relevant regulations are

provided here for ease of reference:

“ ..21.1 Existing Loans

(i) Interest on loan capital shall be computed loan-wise for existing loans

arrived in a manner specified in Regulation 19 and shall be as per the

rates approved by the Commission.

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(ii) The loan outstanding as on 1st April of each financial year shall be

worked out as the gross loan in accordance with regulation 19 by

deducting the cumulative repayment as admitted by the Commission

up to 31st March of previous financial year from the gross normative


(iii) The rate of interest shall be the weighted average rate of interest on

institutional loans calculated on the basis of the actual loan portfolio

at the beginning of each year applicable to the project. In case the

weighted average rate is not available, the interest rate approved by

the Commission in its earlier tariff order shall be allowed.

Provided that if there is no actual loan for a particular year but normative loan

is still outstanding, the last available weighted average rate of interest shall be


Provided further that if the generating plant/project does not have actual loan,

then the weighted average rate of interest of the generating company/licensee

as a whole shall be considered

(iv) The interest on loan shall be calculated on the normative average

loan of the year by applying the weighted average rate of interest;

(v) The generating company and the licensee shall from time to time

review their capital structure i.e. debt and equity and make every

effort to restructure the loan portfolio as long as it results in net

savings on interest. The costs associated with such re-financing shall

be borne by the beneficiaries and the net savings (after deducting

the cost of re- financing) shall be subjected to incentive / penalty

framework as mentioned in the regulation 12 which shall be dealt

with at the time of mid-year performance review/true-up.

(vi) The changes to the loan terms and conditions shall be reflected from

the date of such re- financing and benefit passed on to the


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(vii) In case of any dispute relating to re-financing of loan, any of the

parties may approach the Commission with proper application along

with all the relevant details. During the pendency of any dispute, the

beneficiaries shall not withhold any payment on account of orders

issued by the Commission.

(viii) In case any moratorium period on repayment of loan is availed of

by the generating company or the licensee, depreciation provided

for in the tariff during the years of moratorium shall be treated as

repayment during those years and interest on loan capital shall be

calculated accordingly.

“ ..21.2 New Loans (on or after ϭst April 2013)

(i) Rate of interest on new loans shall be equal to the base rate of SBI as

applicable on 1st April of the relevant financial year plus an

appropriate margin that realistically reflects the rate at which

generating company or the licensee can raise loans from the market.

They shall however, be required to submit due justification to the

Commission for the terms and conditions of the loans raised by them.

Provided that interest and finance charges on works in progress shall be

excluded and shall be considered as part of the capital cost;

Provided further that neither penal interest nor overdue interest shall be

allowed for computation of Tariff

(ii) Any variation above or below the allowed interest rate shall be

subject to the incentive and penalty framework specified in regulation


(iii) The amount of loan shall be arrived in the manner as specified in

regulation 19 and shall be based on the approved capital investment


(iv) In case any moratorium period on repayment of loan is availed of

by the generating company or the licensee, depreciation provided for

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in the tariff during the years of moratorium shall be treated as

repayment during those years and interest on loan capital shall be

calculated accordingly.

3.18.2 In FY13-14, The discoms of Haryana has undergone through the Financial Restructuring

Plan (FRP Scheme of Govt of India). The restructuring scheme under FRP is already

approved by the Hon’ble Commission, Govt. of Haryana and Ministry of Power, Govt. of


3.18.3 In line with the above Regulation as well as the financial restructuring under approved

FRP scheme; DHBVN has adopted the following methodology to estimate the Interest &

Finance Charges for the control period:

3.18.4 Pre-Existing Capex Loan:The total opening balance at the start of the FY-2013-14 was Rs

1657 Cr. The details have been shown in the table given below:

Sl. No

. Particulars

Opening Balance at the beginning of the year

Amount received during

the year

Principal repayment

Loans Re-structured


Closing Balance

(Figures in Rs. Crores)

Principal not


Principal overdue

Interest overdue

Total Due Paid

Due Paid


FY 2014-15

Total 1,657 - - 1,657 686 237 237 - 230 230 2,106

FY 2015-16

Total 2,106 - - 2,106 1,067 301 301 - 305 305 2,872

3.18.5 Existing Working Capital Loan, Operational Loss and REC/PFC as per the provisional

accounts: The detailed interest and finance charges under the aforementioned category

are as given in the table provided below:

Table 19: Existing Working Capital, Operation Loss and REC/PFC for FY 2014-15

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Particulars Opening Balance

as on 1.4.2014



Payment Made

Closing Balance

As on 31.03.2015

Interest Charges

Bank Loan 3067.85 12.25% 2501.41 0.00 5569.26 529.02

REC STL 53.03 13.25% 0.00 53.03 0 3.51

PFC/REC- Transitional Loss

1200 12.62% 0.00 0.00 1200 151.44

500 12.38% 100.00 0.00 600 68.09

800 12.37% 0.00 0.00 800 98.96

HVPNL 293.4 9.45% 0.00 0.00 293.4 27.73

HVPNL 200 9.83% 0.00 0.00 200 19.66

CC/OD 312.93 11.50% 521.67 225.30 609.3 53.03

Total 6427.21

3123.08 278.33 9271.96 951.44

Table 20: Existing Working Capital, Operation Loss and REC/PFC for FY 2015-16

Particulars Opening Balance

as on 1.4.2015



Payment Made

Closing Balance

As on 31.03.2016

Interest Charges

Bank Loan 5569.26 12.25% 1477.75 395.29 6651.72 748.54

REC STL 0 13% 0 0 0 0

PFC/REC- Transitional Loss

1200 12.62% 200 0 1400 164.06

600 12.38% 0 0 600 74.28

800 12.37% 1200 0 2000 173.18

HVPNL 293.4 9.45% 0 0 293.4 27.73

HVPNL 200 9.83% 0 0 200 19.66

CC/OD 609.3 11.50% 0 0 609.3 70.07

Total 9271.96

2877.75 395.29 11754.42 1277.51

3.18.6 Cash Credit/Overdraft: Cash credit/over draft liabilities for DHBVN is considered to be

constant over the projection period. The base for the cash credit /overdraft is taken to

be FY 2013-14 for which actual closing balance was available. The total outstanding

CC/OD is Rs 312.93 Cr as on 31.03.2014. The interest rate considered @11.5 %. The

interest charge is given in the aforementioned table.

3.18.7 Guarantee Fee: Assumed at the rate of 2% of new disbursements done for non capex

loans along the control period

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3.18.8 Interest on Capex: Loan to be raised for the ensuing control period: Estimated as per

the debt to be raised as per the Capital Investment Plan and at the interest rate of


3.18.9 Interest on Consumer Security Deposit: Payable @9% (per annum on average

opening and closing balance. The petitioner submits that Interest on Security Deposit

amount has been claimed as per the provision of MYT Regulations, 2012.

3.18.10 Repayment of Working Capital Loans: As per the approved Financial Restructuring

Plan of Haryana, the repayment of loans restructured under the aforesaid scheme is

scheduled to commence from FY 2015-16. Thus, the Petitioner requests the Hon’ble

Commission to kindly allow the repayment of such loans to be considered under

Interest and Finance charges as an exceptional scenario. It is further submitted that

these are different from capex wherein the repayment of loans are funded through

the depreciation allowed by the Hon’ble Commission.

3.18.11 As per Para 21.4 of MYT Tariff regulations, dated 26/12/2012,

“Interest shall be allowed on the amount held as security deposit held in cash from

Transmission System Users, Distribution System Users and Retail consumers, at the

Bank Rate as on 1st April of the financial year in which the petition is filed provided it is

payable by the transmission/distribution licensee. “

3.18.12 Interest Capitalized: It is based on proportion of 70% of the asset capitalized over the

opening CWIP and capex added during the year;

Table 21: Interest & Finance Charges for FY 2014-15

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Total Interest and finance charges as per FRP in Cr excluding

Capex loan /(loss funding as well as for working capital


951.44 1277.51

Interest on Capex Loan 230.46 304.92

Total Interest and Finance Charges 1181.90 1582.43

Less: Interest and Finance Charges capitalised during year 129.06 170.76

Net Interest and Finance Charges 1052.84 1411.68

Interest on security deposit 87.13 94.01

Other Int. & Fin Charges 10.00 10.00

Guarantee fee (2%) 62.46 57.56

Repayment of loans under FRP 278.33 395.29

Total Interest and Finance Charges 1490.76 1968.53

Particular FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

3.18.13 The petitioner requests Hon’ble Commission to approve the estimated interest and

finance charges for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16, as tabulated above.

3.19 True up of Subsidy for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13

True up of subsidy of FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 (DHBVN)

3.19.1 It is submitted that the discoms had proposed True up of subsidy of FY 2011-12 and

FY 2012-13 in the respective MYT tariff petitions but the Hon’ble HERC has not

addressed the same in the said tariff order dated 29th May 2014 and the same has also

not been dealt in the order of the Hon’ble Commission dated 20/10/2014. Hence the

same are reiterated here with details as under:

3.19.2 In the hearing dated 11.09.2014 on the review petition of the MYT filing for the FY 2014-

15 to FY 2016-17, Hon’ble HERC has directed to furnish the requisite details on account

of True-up of RE Subsidy for the FY 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.

3.19.3 In this connection, it is intimated that, while discussing the matter of true-up of subsidy

for FY 2011-12 and 2012-13, the officer of HERC pointed out that the HERC had reduced

the RE Subsidy for the FY 2010-11 from Rs 3424 crore to Rs 2974 crore, as such an

surplus of Rs 450 crore emerges in FY 2010-11. On this it was clarified, that the HERC

vide its letter dated 21.07.2011 had reduced the subsidy and State Govt had also

released the reduced subsidy amount accordingly as per the revised subsidy vide above

mentioned HERC letter.

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3.19.4 In case of true up of RE Subsidy for the FY 2011-2012 and FY 2012-2013, the calculations

have been done based on the actual data. The calculations as per HERC have also been

given so that the difference may be perused accordingly.

3.19.5 The tables below provide the details of AP sales considered by HERC and Discoms for

the FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 for UHBVN and DHBVN:

Table 22: AP consumption Calculations for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 (in Rs. Cr.)

AP consumption calculated by HERC in ARR order of FY 2014-2015 (In MUs)

UHBVN 11-12 DHBVN 11-12

AP unit on segregated feeder 4,615.85 4,074.69

Loss @ 16% 738.54 651.95

Net AP consumption 3,877.31 3,422.74

Add AP units on other feeder 151.96 110.75

Less Consumption of other category consumer on

segregated AP feeder

- 186.83

Total AP consumption 4,029.27 3,346.66

AP consumption calculated by Discoms (In MUs)

UHBVN 11-12 DHBVN 11-12

AP unit on segregated feeder 4,615.85 4,074.69

Less Consumption of other category consumer on

segregated AP feeder

0 187

Gross AP consumption 4,615.85 3,887.69

Loss @ 16% 738.54 622.03

Net AP consumption 3,877.31 3,265.66

Add AP units on other feeder 151.96 110.75

Total AP consumption 4,029.27 3,376.41

AP Consumption as calculated by HERC in ARR order of FY 2014-2015 (In MUs)

UHBVN 12-13 DHBVN 12-13

AP unit on segregated feeder 4,831.01 4,205.67

Loss @ 16% 772.96 672.91

Net AP consumption 4,058.05 3,532.76

Add AP units on other feeder 100.26 108.11

Less Consumption of other category consumer on segregated

AP feeder 118.26 145.30

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AP Consumption as calculated by HERC in ARR order of FY 2014-2015 (In MUs)

UHBVN 12-13 DHBVN 12-13

Total AP consumption 4,040.05 3,495.57

Discom’s calculation of AP consumption (In MUs)

UHBVN 12-13 DHBVN 12-13

AP unit on segregated feeder 4,831.10 4,205.67

Less Consumption of other category consumer on segregated

AP feeder 0 145.29

Gross AP consumption 4,831.10 4,060.38

Loss @ 16% 772.98 649.66

Net AP consumption 4,058.12 3,410.72

Add AP units on other feeder 118.25 108.11

Total AP consumption 4,176.37 3,518.83

3.19.6 Thus it may be seen that the difference in the sales quantum of AP sales arises owing to

the following grounds:

In case of AP Consumption as calculated by HERC for FY 2012-13, the Hon’ble

Commission has considered 100.26 MUs as AP units on other feeders of UHBVN;

which does not emerge as per the actual data received from the Energy Audit

Division of UHBVN

The Consumption of other category consumer on segregated AP feeder that

emerges to 118.26 MUs should be added to the Net AP consumption (4,058.12

MUs) after 16% losses to get the Total AP consumption of 4,176.37 MUs in

respect of UHBVN for FY 2012-13

The Consumption of other category consumer on segregated AP feeder in respect

of DHBVN for FY 2011-12 and 2012-13 has been taken before applying the losses

of 16% as the feeder remains the AP feeder only, whereas, the Hon’ble HERC has

considered subtracting the same post applying the losses of 16%.

3.19.7 Thus, the calculations of RE Subsidy based on the actual AP sale as per feeder data and

following the HERC methodology of considering 16% losses on the total consumption

recorded on AP feeders recorded by the energy meters installed on 11KV segregated AP

feeders has been placed below:

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Table 23: True Up of RE subsidy for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 (in Rs. Crores)


AP Units

Approved By

HERC for





Approved By


(Rs. Crores)

Rate of Subsidy

Approved per Unit


(Rs. Per Unit)

Actual AP



Actual Subsidy

(Rs. Crores)

Difference of

Subsidy to be

allowed by the


(Rs. Crores)

2011-2012 6787 3421 5.04 7,405.68 3,732.85 311.85

2012-2013 7520 3974 5.28 7,695.20 4,066.59 92.59



3.19.8 Hence, it is humbly prayed to Hon’ble Commission that the true up of subsidy on actual

basis be allowed as above by the Hon’ble Commission to the appellants.

3.20 True up of RE subsidy for FY 2013-14

3.20.1 The total agricultural sales approved by the Hon’ble Commission in FY 2013-14 were

8109 MUs and against the same a subsidy of Rs. 4853.40 Cr. for UHBVN and DHBVN was

allowed. This amounts to a per unit subsidy of Rs. 5.99/unit. Based on the feeder data,

the actual agricultural sales, following HERC methodology of 16% losses on AP Feeder

data emerges to 3705.09 MUs for UHBVN and 4158.06 MUs for DHBVN.

3.20.2 Therefore, for total sales of 7863.15 MUs, the eligibility of subsidy emerges to Rs.

4706.25 Cr (7863.15 MUs*Rs. 5.99 per unit). Consequently, post true up, the surplus

subsidy emerges to Rs. 147.15 Cr.

Table 24: True up of RE subsidy for FY 2013-14 (in Cr)

Particulars 2013-14

Total RE subsidy allowed by HERC in Tariff order for 2013-14 (Rs Crs) 4853.40

Total Agricultural sales approved by HERC in T.O (Mus) 8109.00

Approved Per unit Subsidy (Rs./unit) 5.99

Agriculture Sales based on Feeder data minus 16% losses (Mus) UHBVN 3705.09

Agriculture Sales based on Feeder data minus 16% losses (Mus) DHBVN 4158.06

Agriculture Sales based on Feeder data minus 16% losses (Mus) 7863.15

Eligibility of subsidy based on actual sales of 2012-13 (Rs. Crs) 4706.25

Subsidy Outstanding/(Surplus) (Rs. Crores) (147.15)

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3.21 Depreciation

3.21.1 For FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16, DHBVN has estimated depreciation charges on the basis

of estimated additions in GFA as per the capital investment plan for the FY 2014-15. The

transfer of total Capex to fixed asset has been considered as 70%. Based on the Capex

done from April 2014 to September 2014, the Capex is estimated to be Rs. 857.39 Cr. in

FY 2014-15 and Capex during FY 2015-16 has been projected Rs. 1334.22 Cr.

3.21.2 For the purpose of projecting depreciation charges for FY 2014-15, the licensee has

considered the category-wise actual depreciation rates (as a percentage of opening

balance of asset-class-wise GFA for that year).

3.21.3 It is also submitted to the Hon’ble Commission that the depreciation has been projected

considering the addition of transferred assets of Jind during FY 2013-14 at an average

rate of depreciation.

3.21.4 The following depreciation workings have been provided for the reference:

Table 25: Depreciation for FY 2014-15 (Rs. Cr.)


Additions during the year

Rate of depreciation (%)

Depreciation during the


Arrears of depreciation written off during the year


Land & Land Rights - -


Buildings & Civil Structure 3.3% 4.54


Plant & Machinery 5.3% 250.61


Vehicles 18.0% 2.26


Furniture & Fixture 6.3% 1.05


Fixed Assets Receivable from UHBVN on Account of Jind Circle Transferred

5.4% 24.10


Less: Depreciation on assets contributed by Consumers and grants






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Table 26: Depreciation for FY 2015-16 (Rs. Cr.)


Additions during the year

Rate of depreciation (%)

Depreciation during the


Arrears of depreciation written off during the year


Land & Land Rights - -


Buildings & Civil Structure 3.3% 4.96


Plant & Machinery 5.3% 317.11


Vehicles 18.0% 2.52


Furniture & Fixture 6.3% 1.16


Fixed Assets Receivable from UHBVN on Account of Jind Circle Transferred

5.4% 24.10


Less: Depreciation on assets contributed by Consumers and grants






3.21.5 The petitioner requests Hon’ble Commission to approve the depreciation computed

based on the estimated addition to GFA for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16, as tabulated


3.22 Revenue Estimations

3.22.1 The revenue calculations have been done based on the Average Billing Rate of FY 2013-

14 as per the category wise actual revenue collected and actual units sold in FY 2013-14.

The ABR achieved as above was increased by 50 paise per unit (in all categories except

agriculture and domestic) as per the increase in tariff that was done vide tariff order

dated 29th May 2014. The tariff of domestic category has been reduced by 38 paise per

unit. The details of revenue calculations have been given below:

Table 27: Revenue Estimations for FY 2014-15

Consumer Category Sales (MU) Average Billing Rate (Rs./kWh) Revenue (Rs. Cr.)

Domestic 4,071.71 4.20 1,709.14

Non Domestic 1,967.18 6.31 1,241.57

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Consumer Category Sales (MU) Average Billing Rate (Rs./kWh) Revenue (Rs. Cr.)

HT Industry 4,930.46 6.06 2,987.14

Lift Irrigation 160.30 8.00 128.24

LT Industry 812.49 6.22 505.09

Agriculture 4,670.12 0.10 46.70

Bulk Supply 802.62 5.93 475.86

Railway Traction 132.05 5.30 70.04

DMRC 30.80 5.35 16.47

Street Lighting 58.90 6.40 37.69

Public Water Works 455.15 7.16 325.84

Total Energy Charges 18,091.77 4.17 7,543.77

Fixed Charge

0.41 736.19

Total 18,091.77 4.58 8,279.97

Less: Collection Efficiency 98.50%

Net Revenue 8,155.77

Table 28: Revenue from Sale of Power for FY 2015-16

Consumer Category Sales (MU) Average Billing Rate (Rs./kWh) Revenue (Rs. Cr.)

Domestic 4,419.55 4.20 1,855.15

Non Domestic 2,049.11 6.31 1,293.27

HT Industry 5,287.37 6.06 3,203.38

Lift Irrigation 162.74 8.00 130.19

LT Industry 836.83 6.22 520.22

Agriculture 4,724.92 0.10 47.25

Bulk Supply 830.93 5.93 492.65

Railway Traction 133.07 5.30 70.58

DMRC 34.92 5.35 18.67

Street Lighting 59.79 6.40 38.26

Public Water Works 485.87 7.16 347.83

Total Energy Charges 19,025.10 4.21 8,017.46

Fixed Charge

0.43 820.42

Total 19,025.10 4.65 8,837.87

Less: Collection Efficiency 99%

Net Revenue 8,749.49

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3.22.2 It is submitted by petitioner that above computed revenue is based on the approved

tariffs and revised projections of sales, consumers and loads for respective years and

thus, the Hon’ble Commission is requested to approve the same.

3.23 Revenue from inter-state sales

3.23.1 Revenue from inter-state sales has been projected for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 at 80%

of average power purchase cost including transmission charges.

3.23.2 The estimated revenue from interstate sales for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 has been

worked out as below:

Table 29: Revenue from Inter-state Sale of Power for FY 15 and FY 16

Particulars FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Inter State Sales (MU) 3,120.54 3,946.79

80% of the Average Power Purchase Cost (Rs./kWh) 3.31 3.52

Total Revenue (Rs. Cr.) 1,031.41 1,390.46

3.23.3 It is requested Hon’ble Commission to approve the same.

3.24 Agriculture Subsidies

3.24.1 The Hon’ble Commission is requested to consider the combined subsidy of Rs. 5284 Cr.

as approved vide tariff order dated 29.5.2014 for both the discoms, for FY 2014-15 and

the same has been calculated to be Rs. 5623 Cr. for both the discoms for FY 2015-16. The

amount of subsidy allocation for DHBVN has been taken in the proportion of projected

agriculture sales of DHBVN against the projected agriculture sales of entire state. The

detailed justification of the aforesaid methodology has been submitted in the

subsequent chapters of this Petition.

3.24.2 The subsidy requirement for the year 2015-16 after adjusting the average rate of growth

on the subsidy approved by HERC for the FY 2014-15 has been given below. The AP sales

for FY 2015-16 has been taken at 5% increase with respect to the AP sales in FY 2014-15

as has also been approved by the HERC. Moreover, the effect of increase in approved

average cost of supply by the HERC vides MYT tariff order dated 29.5.2014 has also been

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Table 30: RE subsidy Projections for FY 2015-16

Parameter 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Total Expenditure (UHBVN) (Rs. Crores ) 11106.84 11617.36 12630.9

Total Expenditure (DHBVN) (Rs. Crores ) 11211.77 12631.34 13453.59

Total Expenditure (Combined) (Rs. Crores ) 22318.61 24248.7 26084.49

Sales (UHBVN) in MUs 16027 17342 19163

Sales (DHBVN) in Mus 19162 20365 21324

SALES COMBINED in Mus 35189 37707 40487

AVERAGE COST OF SUPPLY (Rs/kWh) 6.34 6.43 6.44

Calculation for AP subsidy (FY 2014-15)

Parameters Unit Value

Total units supplied to AP supply MU 8097

Estimated cost of service Rs. Mil 53753

Cost/ Tariff per unit = 2/1 Rs/kWh 6.64

Revenue at subsidized tariff Rs. Cr. 91.2

Subsidy required to keep the tariff at current levels = 2-4

Rs. Cr. 5284.1

Calculation for AP subsidy (FY 2015-16)

Parameters Unit Value

Total units supplied to AP supply MU 8502

Increase in Average cost of supply Rs/kWh 0.09

AP subsidy owing to increase in average COS

Rs. Crores 75.09

AP subsidy owing to Approved AP sales in 2015-16

Rs. Crores 5,548.40

AP Subsidy required for FY 2015-16 Rs. Crores 5,623.50

3.25 Revenue from FSA

3.25.1 Revenue from FSA has been calculated for the existing FSAs (except recovery from the

quarterly FSA for power purchase in FY 2014-15). The FSA recoveries vide HERC order

dated 26 June 2012 and Automatic recovery of FSA from September 2012 (FSA for 2012-

13) have been considered in FY 2014-15 and FY 2016-17 for the entire year as the

recovery of the aforesaid FSAs have been considered to be continue over the projection

period of FRP without sunset (FRP stands approved from the state Cabinet and approved

in-principle from the Hon’ble Commission). The recovery from the FSA for FY 2014-15 has

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not been included in the revenue from FSA.

3.26 Apportionment of AP Subsidy for FY 2014-15

3.26.1 It is submitted that the total agricultural sales approved by the Hon’ble Commission in FY

2013-14 were 8109 MUs (4397 MUs of UHBVN and 3712 MUs of DHBVN).

3.26.2 It is further submitted that, the actual combined agricultural sales arrives at 7863.15

MU’s (3705 MUs for UHBVN and 4399 MUs for DHBVN) for FY 2013-14.

3.26.3 However, in the Tariff Order, vide dated 30th March, 2013; the Hon’ble Commission has

approved a consolidated/ combined subsidy amount of Rs. 4853.40 Cr. for both Discoms-


3.26.4 It is submitted that vide Government of Haryana notification No- 22/4/2012-3 power

dated 03rd July 2013, the Jind Circle has been transferred from Zone- I (UHBVN) to Zone-II


3.26.5 Historically Jind circle is has considerably higher amount of AT&C losses Approx. 50%

after the transfer scheme Jind is now a part of DHBVN so for as per annual audited

account of DHBVN, Jind Circle has been accounted approximately for the period of nine


3.26.6 However as per the ARR Of UHBVNL & DHBVNL for their distribution & retail supply

business under MYT Framework for the Control Period

FY 2014-15 to FY 2016-17 and Distribution and Retail Supply Tariff For FY 2014-15 dated

29th May 2014, Jind has been conceded as a part of UHBVN, However the Hon’ble

Commission has estimated normative AP sales for the Jind circle as 514 MUs.

3.26.7 It is further submitted that presently the tariff applicable for AP (Agriculture Pump set)

consumers in Haryana is currently under two categories i.e. AP metered consumers billed

on energy consumption basis and AP un–metered consumers who are currently paying a

flat rate per BHP per month. There is a huge difference between the actual CoS (Cost of

Supply) to these consumers and the applicable concessional tariff. The State Government

is providing subsidy to bridge this gap to the Discoms.

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3.26.8 It is further submitted that Hon’ble HERC issued the impugned single order dated

31.03.2012 for aggregate revenue requirement of Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam

Limited (UHBVNL) and Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited (DHBVNL) for their

distribution and retail supply business tariff for FY 2012-2013 (impugned tariff order), the

Hon’ble Commission has segregated the subsidy between the Discoms on the basis of

approved revenue gap of respective Discom.

3.26.9 The DHBVN further submits that such allocation of subsidy received from the State

Government on the basis of revenue gap instead of agricultural sales is contrary to the

provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003, National Tariff Policy and the provisions of the

Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for Determination of

Wheeling Tariff and Distribution & Retail Supply Tariff) Regulations, 2008.

3.26.10 However, The DHBVN would also kind to bring to the kind notice of the Hon’ble

Commission that in the previous tariff orders passed by the Hon’ble State Commission,

it had adopted the methodology for subsidy allocation based on Agricultural sales of

respective Discom. The relevant portion of the tariff order dated 13.09.2010 for the FY

2010-11 is represented below for ready reference:-

“……….Consequently, the Commission has apportioned the State Government

subsidy between UHBVNL and DHBVNL in proportion to the projected

volume of sales to the AP consumers. Resultantly, Rs. 17559.54 million has

been considered as subsidy in the case of UHBVNL as against the

requirement of Rs. 20289.10. In the case of DHBVNL, the allocation of

subsidy is Rs. 12082.46 million as against the requirement of Rs.13960.63

million. ……...”

3.26.11 Similarly, in the tariff order for FY 2011-12 also, the Hon’ble State Commission had

apportioned the subsidy support on the basis of the projected volume of sales to the AP

consumers. The relevant paragraph of the tariff order dated 27th May 2011 for the FY

2011-12 is represented below:

“........Consequently, the Commission has apportioned the remaining amount

of State Government subsidy amounting to Rs. 29657.50 million between

UHBVNL and DHBVNL in proportion to the projected volume of sales to the

AP consumers…….”

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Emphasis added:

3.26.12 Para 8.2.1 (3) of National Tariff Policy notified by the Central Government in compliance

with Section 3 of the Electricity Act, 2003 is reproduced below for the reference:

".......Section 65 of the Act provides that no direction of the State

Government regarding grant of subsidy to consumers in the tariff

determined by the State Commission shall be operative if the payment on

account of subsidy as decided by the State Commission is not made to the

utilities and the tariff fixed by the State Commission shall be applicable from

the date of issue of orders by the Commission in this regard. The State

Commissions should ensure compliance of this provision of law to ensure

financial viability of the utilities. To ensure implementation of the provision

of the law, the State Commission should determine the tariff initially,

without considering the subsidy commitment by the State Government and

subsidised tariff shall be arrived at thereafter considering the subsidy by

the State Government for the respective categories of consumers.......”

3.26.13 Further, According to Section 65 (Provision of subsidy by State Government) of the

Electricity Act, 2003:

“...........If the State Government requires the grant of any subsidy to any

consumer or class of consumers in the tariff determined by the State

Commission under section 62, the State Government shall, notwithstanding

any direction which may be given under section 108, pay, in advance and in

such manner as may be specified, the amount to compensate the person

affected by the grant of subsidy in the manner the State Commission may

direct, as a condition for the licence or any other person concerned to

implement the subsidy provided for by the State Government..............”.

3.26.14 Therefore, it is humbly submitted that the subsidized tariff for a particular category of

consumer is determined after considering the subsidy to be provided by the State

Government. The amount that the State Government provides for subsidy should

compensate the person affected by the grant of subsidy.

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3.26.15 In continuation of above, DHBVN has worked the subsidy allocation on the based on the

approach of actual agricultural sales, as per the table below:

Table 31: Proposed Subsidy apportion for FY 2013-14

3.26.16 DHBVN submits herewith that on the basis of actual AP sales, the subsidy receivable

arrives at Rs. 2566.52 Cr. against Rs. 1460.33 Cr. as actual subsidy received in the annual

accounts of FY 2013-14 of DHBVN.

3.26.17 It is very much clear from above tabulated workings that there is a huge difference

(approximate Rs. 1106.19 Cr.) between the subsidies received in real and to be received

for provided supply to agricultural consumers of DHBVN.

3.26.18 In the light of above submissions, the DHBVN prays to Hon’ble Commission to allocate

Agriculture (AP) subsidy for FY 2013-14 between two of Discoms (DHBVN & UHBVN)

based on actual Agriculture (AP) sales, which would be justified/ realistic approach to

bridge the financial gap of DHBVNL to provide supply to AP consumers at subsidised tariff

as well as pass such order(s) and or direction(s) for upcoming years, which the Hon’ble

Commission may deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances described above.


Actual AP Sales (MU) (Met.+ Unmetered) 3705 4158.06

Ratio of AP sales (%) 47.12% 52.88%

Total Subsidy received (Cr.)

Subsidy allocation (on the ratio of AP

sales) (Cr.)2286.88 2566.52


Note: The actual sales of DH included Jind circle for 9 month .


On Actual AP Sales

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Chapter 4. Performance Review for FY 2014-15 and Revised Annual Revenue Requirement

for FY 2015-16

4.1.1 This chapter summarises the aggregate revenue requirement for the control period FY

2014-15 and also provides the break-up into Wheeling and Supply business on the basis

of the Allocation adopted by DHBVN.

Table 32: ARR for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16

ARR of DHBVN as per approved MOP

Particulars FY2013-14 FY2014-15 FY2015-16

Power Purchase Cost

11,640 12,951

O&M Expense

1,117 1,199


253 320

Interest & Finance Charges ( Net)

1,491 1,969


212 240

Other Miscellaneous Expenses

14,713 16,678

Non-Tariff Income

134 150


14,579 16,528

Income / Receipts @ Revenue

9,187 10,140 Aggregate Revenue Requirement ( Expenses – Income) 2,688.07 5,391.60 6,388.27

Income from FSA

1,387.67 1,310.66


3,130.41 3,423.62

Carrying Cost 164.64 429.25 Gap to be addressed 2,852.71 1,302.77 1,653.99

Less : Depreciation 320 FSA for FY 2014-15 - Add: Loan Repayment - Capex 300.84 WC Changes 382 Net Cash Gap / (Surplus) 2016.99

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Table 33: Wheeling and Retail ARR for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16

ARR of DHBVN Criteria FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Particulars Wheeling Retail Wheeling Retail Wheeling Retail

Power Purchase Cost 0% 100% - 11,640 - 12,951

Employee Cost 48% 52% 378 409 409 443

A&G Expenses 42% 58% 30 42 33 45

R&M expenses 70% 30% 75 32 83 36

Terminal Liability 48% 52% 72 78 72 78

Depreciation 82% 18% 207 45 262 58

Interest on Long Term Loan 90% 10% 102 11 130 14

Interest / Repayment on Short Term Loan 10% 90% 129 1,162 173 1,557

Interest on security Deposit 10% 90% 9 78 9 85

ROE 90% 10% 191 21 216 24

Non Tariff Income 11% 89% 15 119 16 133


1,178 13,401 1,371 15,157

Revenue (Interstate) 0% 100%



Revenue (Intrastate) 29% 71% 2,365 5,791 2,537 6,212

Agriculture Subsidy 0% 100%



Interest from FSA 0% 100%



Carrying Cost


Total Revenue

2,365.17 10,910.83 2,537.35 12,336.88

Gap to be addressed

(1,187.06) 2,489.83 (1,166.20) 2,820.19

4.1.2 Thus, the cumulative revenue gap from FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 is estimated to be

Rs 5809.47 Crs. after taking into consideration the revenue gaps, holding costs and subsidies to be availed.

4.1.3 The net cash gap in FY 2015-16 is estimated to be Rs 2016.99 Cr

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Chapter 5. Recovery of Gaps

5.1 Recovery of Gaps

5.1.1 To address this gap, the Nigam proposes to increase the tariff across the categories by

15% in line with the FRP.

5.1.2 Further, in view of the fact that no further funding is available for FY 2015-16 and also

given that repayment of loans are scheduled to begin in FY 2015-16, the Nigam

proposes to meet the additional funding requirements by scheduled drawl of already

approved loans undertaken under FRP.

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Chapter 6. Prayers to the Commission:

The petitioner respectfully prays that the Hon’ble Commission may:

a) Take the accompanying current APR filing of DHBVN on record and accept the petition

for filing including requests for true up of expenses and revenue for FY 2013-14, Re-

estimated ARR gap for FY 2014-15 and re-projected ARR gap for FY 2015-16;

b) Treat the current APR filing as complete in view of substantial compliance as also the

specific requests for waivers with justification placed on record;

c) To pass suitable orders to address the total estimated gap of Rs 3898.72 Cr consisting of

the estimated gap for FY 2014-15 along with the projected ARR of FY 2015-16; and

including the recovery of the un-recovered revenue gap for FY 2013-14 as per the true

up petition filed separately to the Hon’ble Commission.

d) To approve reasonable return on equity as proposed

e) Condone any inadvertent omissions/errors/shortcomings and permit DHBVN to

add/change/modify/alter this filing and make further submissions as may be required at

a future date.

f) Pass such Order, as the Hon’ble Commission may deem fit and appropriate keeping in

view the facts and circumstances of the case submitted by the Petitioner.

Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited


Hisar, Haryana

Dated: 30th Dec-14

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Chapter 7. Compliance of Directives


The Hon’ble Commission issued MYT Order for the control period FY 2014-15 to 2016-17 for

both the Discoms, vides dated 29th May 2014. Vide same order; Hon’ble Commission also issued

some directives for the Discoms to be complied. Hence, DHBVNL has been submitting the

compliances of the respective directives in consecutive paras as below:

Directive 1: In respect of Business Plan, HERC directs DHBVNL to resubmit the Business Plan, covering at least the entire control period,

after incorporating changes/amendments in line with various approvals given in the instant

Order within three months from the date of tariff Order for approval by HERC.


DHBVNL humbly submits herewith that in order to comply with the above directive, DHBVNL

need to understand as well requires all the basic assumptions/ workings in detail behind the

approved figures in MYT Order, issued by Hon’ble HERC, vide dated 29th May 2014.

It is also submitted that DHBVNL has also requested to Hon’ble HERC vide its letter Memo No.

Ch. 28/SE/RA-441/Vol-I, dated: 10/09/2014 to provide this essential working in detail.

DHBVNL submits herewith that only after understanding Commission’s calculations/workings of

MYT Order, it will be able to resubmit the Business Plan for the control period with due

consideration of Commission approved figures in MYT Order as well as proposal of some new

initiative (if any).

Directive 2: DT Failure Rate As per HERC Standards of Performance for Distribution Licensee) Regulations 2004, the failure

rate of distribution transformers is maximum 5% for urban area DTs and maximum 10% for

rural area DTs. HERC observes that for DHBVN; DT damage rate both in urban & rural areas is

above the prescribed limits in the years 2009-10, 2010-11 & 2012-13. Discoms are asked to

examine the cause of damage of DTs in the areas where it is above the norms and endeavour to

bring down the distribution transformer damage rate below the prescribed limits and also to

exercise proper quality checks on new procurement to ensure least damage rate within the

warranty period.

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DHBVNL submits herewith that to ensure quality checks on new purchases, the Standard

Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) duly approved by BODs, stand implemented and is being

followed and monitored in all cases. In support of the same, a copy of new QAP is also

attached herewith, as Annexure- D for ready reference please.

Directive 3: Online Tenders In order to bring in efficiency / transparency in the process of procurement, Commission directs

Discoms to ensure that E – procurement may be implemented and the NIT with short description

may be published in the Newspapers and details should be provided on the website to exercise

economy. The officers / officials concerned may also be trained for this purpose at the earliest.


E- Procurement process through e-tendering has been implemented in DHBVNL since May-

2013 and all the NIT’s are being floated online by this Office on e-procurement portal provided

by M/s MSTC, New Delhi.

Besides of this, the NIT’s with short description are being published in leading news papers, as

well as the complete NIT documents are being made available on Nigam’s website also.

A copy of latest status of e-tendering as on 01st Sept, 2014, has been provided herewith as


Directive 4: Monitoring of Court Cases

Commission directs Discoms to ensure the monitoring of the court cases regularly with proper

care and caution on daily basis. In case of any lapse / negligence committed on the part of any

officer / official concerned in this regard, the responsibility of the erring officer / official should

be fixed and the financial loss be also recovered.


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Monitoring of court cases on regular is being ensured through the concern AE of the

department, who has been appointed as Nodal Officer to take care of all the court cases in

consultation with the advocate engaged on behalf of Nigam.

It is also submitted that compilation of status of court cases on monthly basis is too being

assured as well as action is being taken against the errant Officer in case of any negligence.

Directive 5: Distribution Loss

Discoms are directed to bring down the loss level of such feeders, which have losses above 50%,

to a reasonable level by 31st March, 2015. HERC has approved the loss trajectory in line with

FRP. HERC further states that any overachievement and underachievement of above loss

trajectory shall be subject to incentive and penalty framework.

Discoms are directed to upload circle wise losses on their respective websites along with the

name (s) and designations(s) of the officers concerned working in the supervisory capacity. Such

information should be updated periodically on quarterly basis.


The circle wise losses as presented before the BOD of DHBVN has been uploaded on the

website of Nigam (i.e. & under the Heading

“Information” along with the name of corresponding SE and XENs of the circle.

It is further submitted that the information shall be updated quarterly as per directive of HERC.

Directive 6: Phone Number & E-mail id of the Officers for complaints

Commission directs all Government Power sector companies that the office phone numbers,

mobile numbers along with email id of all officers working in a supervisory capacity in

HVPNL/DHBVNL/UHBVNL and HPGCL should be published in local Newspapers and local media

channel for making complaints by the consumers for immediate redressal of their complaints.


Office Phone Number, Mobile Numbers & Office E-Mail ids of all the officers of DHBVN

(whether in Supervisory Control or not) is available on the website of the Niagm (i.e. & The toll free number of Call Centre (i.e. 1800-180-

1615) is being advertised on regularly basis through news paper via Press Releases from the

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O/o CCO, DHBVN, Hisar. For publishing the contact details of the officers in supervisory control

in local newspaper and local media channel the necessary directions may be issued to

concerned SE/OP.

Directive 7: Payments of Electricity Bills & Other Financial Transactions through Banks

Commission directs Discoms to ensure payment of all electricity bills and other types of financial

transactions must be done through the Nationalised Banks. The Commission also avers that the

power utilities must allow all payments towards electricity bills and all other financial

transactions through e-payment. The cadre of cashiers may be considered as diminishing cadre

and they may be deployed elsewhere as per requirement.


DHBVNL submits herewith that the facility to pay electricity bills online through Net Banking,

Debit Cards & Credit Cards has been provided to all the consumers of DHBVN from January,

2014 onwards.

Directive 8: RPO Obligation Discoms are directed to purchase renewable energy as per RPO targets set for FY 2014-15 and the shortfall carried forward, on actual basis, for previous years. In case the purchase is done at a tariff lower than determined by HERC Discom may do so, otherwise Discom must purchase all such power offered to them by the renewable energy power producers at the tariff determined by HERC. The shortfall in meeting the RPO for the FYs 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 shall also be met in the FY 2014-15 in addition to the RPO of FY 2014-15. HERC has taken a serious note of non-compliance of RPO targets including non purchase of REC to meet RPO and submits that in case no action is taken by the Discoms, the officer concerned shall be held liable for non-compliance and proceeded against u/s Section 142 of the Act. The Discoms are directed to submit an action plan as per the Regulation in vogue to meet their RPO shortfall for the previous years and the current year. The action plan shall be submitted by the Discoms within a month from the date of this order.


It is submitted that HPPC has already submitted its action plan regarding fulfilment of RPO of

Discoms, vide its letter Memo no. Ch-07/CE/HPPC/SE/C&R-II/T-26/9 to Hon’ble Commission.

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However, DHBVNL also describing the steps has been taken to meet its RPO mandate as


(A) Solar RPO:

HPPC has signed Power Sale Agreement (PSA) with Solar Energy Corporation of India

(SECI) on 22.8.2014 for purchase of 80 MW of solar power at per unit price of Rs.

5.5/Kwh for 25 years. Considering 19% PLF, HPPC will get 133 MUs in a year.

In addition to above, HPPC has floated NIT for purchase of 50 MW of solar power

whose date of opening has been fixed as 13.10.2014. With this power available, HPPC

will get 83 MUs of solar power in a year.

HPPC has signed PPA with M/s Siwana for 5 MW of Solar Power. The solar power

plant is likely to be commissioned by 31.10.2014. With it 34 MU’s of energy would be

generated from November onwards till March 2015.

Thus, against the cumulative shortfall of 143 MU’s from FY 2011-12 to FY 2014-15, HPPC will

be almost close to meet the RPO target.

(B) Non-Solar RPO:

HPPC has floated NIT for purchase of 100 MW of non-solar power, whose date of

opening has been fixed at 17.10.2014. Considering 50% PLF, HPPC will get 438 MU’s

of non-solar power in a year.

Further, HPPC has signed PPA with following renewable energy developers:

Envisaged Projects

Sr. Projects Capacity


Latest Status

1 Shri. Jyoti Biomass Energy Lyd.,

Bhiwani 9.5 PPA signed on Nov. 13

2 Naraingarh Sugar Mill, Ambala 25 PPA signed on 10.03.14

3 GEMCO Biomass, Bhiwani 09 PPA signed on 12.07.12

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Envisaged Projects

Sr. Projects Capacity


Latest Status

One Unit of 8MW commissioned & 9

MW Unit II yet to come

4 A. B. Grains, Ambala 05 Yet to be commissioned

5 Siwana Solar Power Plant, Bhiwani 05 PPA signed on 21.02.14

Total MW 53.5

With this availability of 53.5 MW, HPPC would get 234 MU’s in a year.

HPPC is purchasing 50 MW of Hydro power (renewable power) on short term basis

from HPSEB in the months of August and September and is in the process of

purchasing more such power in near future.

Directive 9:

The Discoms are directed to file the status of subsidy claimed by them and the actual amount of subsidy released by the State Government on a quarterly basis.


DHBVNL submits herewith that for FY 2014-15, the Budgeted subsidy amount of both Discoms

(UH and DH) is Rs. 4495.28 Cr. and State Govt. released Rs. 1123.82 Cr. as subsidy for first

quarter of FY 2014-15 till now.

However, Hon’ble HERC has approved Rs. 5281 Cr. as subsidy for FY 2014-15, as per MYT Order,

dated 29th May 2014.

Directive 10: The status of works of extension/augmentation of the distribution system and the creation of bays at HVPN sub-stations & the augmentation work being carried out by HVPN for release of load of the consumers must also be provided to HERC. Additionally, the Discoms are advised to create & fill a dedicated post of Chief Engineer who would have exclusive mandate to manage and optimise day to day and hourly trading function and instruct the SLDC accordingly.


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Chief Engineer/Commercial, DHBVN, Hisar bearing his office memo no. Ch33/SE/Comml./R-

16/380/2005 dated 24.07.2014 has issued a Sales Circular No. D-33/2014 vide which a

committee has been constituted comprising of CE/OP, SE/P&D, SE/T&S, SE/OP and SE/NCR for

deciding technical feasibility for load sanction cases (except Electrification Plan and single

point connections of Group Housing/Commercial Complexes/Colonies developed by Private

Developers/Colonizers/HUDA/HSIIDC) with load up to 5 MVA where augmentation/creation of

new S/Stn by DHBVN/HVPN is not involved. For technical feasibility of Electrification Plan and

single point connections of Group Housing/Commercial Complexes/Colonies developed by

Private Colonizers/Licensee/SEZ/HUDA/HSIIDC irrespective of their load and other connections

under HT category with load more than 5 MVA and load up to 5 MVA involving

augmentation/creation of new S/Stn. by DHBVN/HVPN shall be examined and decided by a

distinct committee chaired by worthy MD (DHBVN), Hisar and comprising of following


Director/Operation, DHBVN.

Director/Project, DHBVN.


CE/Commercial, DHBVN (Convener)

Chief Engineer/OP, (Convener Zone)

Chief Engineer/TS, HVPN.

Further, it is intimated that in the above referred sales circular, it has been conveyed that the

Committee shall hold meeting twice in a month at venue and date to be notified by CE/Comm.

in consultation with MD (DHBVNL), Hisar. The cases for technical feasibility of connections

shall be sent to CE/Comm. by CE/OP concerned to finalize a convenient date for meeting of

above Committee. Notification and agenda of meeting is to be circulated by CE/Comm. to all

members of Committee, well in advance. CE/TS is to bring along with him, concerned SE/TS

and SE/NCR for consultation required in the meeting.

It is further submitted that a dedicated CE i.e. CE/ HPPC, Panchkula is already fulfilling this

responsibility on behalf of both Discoms (UH & DH) for the function of day to day trading and

to instruct the SLDC.

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Directive 11: Pending Application for New Connections Discoms are directed to submit report in respect of category wise pending applications and the load as on 31st March, 2014, applications and the load received during the month and the pending applications and the load to be released at the end of the month.

Compliance: DHBVNL submits herewith the status of pending connections as tabulated




1No of Applications at the

end of previous month29153 2442 477 270 16329 86 59 489 182 22 49509

2Applications received

during the month6831 1325 252 78 1107 11 13 28 35 1 9681

3 Application disposed off

(a) Connection given 8798 1503 266 86 1136 3 17 63 56 0 11928(b) Application cancelled 4478 103 21 17 154 6 0 3 1 0 4783

Total (a+b) 13276 1606 287 103 1290 9 17 66 57 0 16711


No of Applications

pending at the end of

the month under


22708 2161 442 245 16146 88 55 451 160 23 42479

Sr. Particulars Domes





AP Bulk


Status of Category wise New Connection Pending Applications , as on 31st March, 2014

PWW Temp Othe





DHBVNL further submits the status of pending load as below:



Pending load at the

end of the month

under review

34,244 98,420 8,995 152,454 185,448 264,677 474 8,743 1,278 326 755,058

Particulars Domestic Non-


AP Bulk


Status of Category wise New Connection Pending Applications , as on 31st March, 2014

PWW Temp Others TotalStreet



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Directive 12:

Commission directs the Discoms to issue the requisite local advertisement inviting expression of

interest from the interested parties for those areas wherein no improvement has been noticed

for the past many years and feeders reporting losses are in excess of 50%. A copy of the model

has been made available to all the SEs/Op in the distribution circles of UHBVNL and DHBVNL.

The commission also submits that this model may be extended to un– authorised colonies /

Jhuggi / Jhopdis etc.


DHBVNL submits herewith that an official correspondence (Memo No. CH-6/SE/C-333/14), vide

dated 11/06/2014 has already been issued to all SE/OP of DHBVNL from the office of

SE/Commercial Annexure- H, DHBVNL regarding implementation and further action in order to

comply with Hon’ble HERC’s directive.

Directive 13: Introduction of ‘Tatkal’ scheme

Commission advises Discoms to introduce tatkal scheme for release of new electricity

connections to DS/NDS/LT/HT/Bulk Supply and all category of consumer. Commission has

proposed the following charges for release of connections.

Consumers category Rate ( Rs./kW)

DS and AP 1000

Industrial, commercial and any other categories 5000


DHBVNL submits herewith that Tatkal Scheme for release of connections under different

category has been introduced by DHBVN vide Sales Circular No. D-41 of 2014 dated


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Directive 14: Collection Efficiency HERC directs Discom to compute consumer category wise collection efficiency of the current revenue in each billing cycle excluding arrears and upload the same on the website and regularly update the same as per the latest data available.


DHBVNL submits herewith that the information regarding computed consumer category wise

collection efficiency is being placed on Discom’s website which is also updated time to time.

Directive 15: Replacement of Defective Meters Discoms are directed to ensure that all defective meters existing prior to 31st March, 2014 shall be replaced before 31st July, 2014. A monthly report with regard to replacement of defective meters shall be submitted to the Commission by 10th of every month starting from the month of June, 2014.


DHBVNL submits herewith that in order to remove/ replace all the defective meters as per the

given direction, Discom put every possible and necessary step. But due to some practical and

existing conditions, there are some defective/ faulty meters still exists, as per the below

tabulated status, as on 31st July 2014.





Total Singal




Total Singal




Total Singal





139,893 43,366 183,259 49,003 13,420 62,423 94,747 14,707 109,454 94,149 42,079 136,228

Balance Defective Meters as

on 31.07.14

No. of Defective meters in

the system at the end of

Defective meters added

from Apr-14 to Jul-14

Meters replaced during July-


Status of defective meters ,ending 31st July,2014


It is further submitted that Discom still in process of faulty meter removal/replacement and

very soon it will achieve it in near future.

Directive 16: The Commission observes that due to delay in payment of subsidy committed by the State Government as well as poor collection efficiency of revenue billed at the subsidized tariff, the

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burden in the form of additional working capital requirement is passed on to the other consumers. Hence the Commission decides that the Discoms shall enforce all the measures including disconnection of AP consumers on the same lines as is done in the case of other consumers. However, if for any policy reasons the Discoms fail to do so then the cost of such additional working capital shall be borne by the State Government. The Commission directs the Discoms to undertake effective economic measures in their respective utilities to contain un–productive expenditure. The suitable directions / guidelines may be issued to the officers / officials concerned in this regard.


DHBVNL submits herewith that it took every possible measure in order to improve its

collection efficiency as well as in the direction of loss reduction. Below tabulated is the

detailed collection efficiency of government and private segment consumer’s, up to March


1 DS 91.14%2 NDS 100.59%3 H.T. Industrial 101.76%4 L.T. Industrial 94.91%5 Agriculture

(a) Metered 104.32% (b) Un-metered 114.47%


6 Bulk Supply (a) Domestic 98.83% (b) Non Domestic 99.36%

7 Railway Traction 100.27%8 MC 68.23%9 Irrigation 81.34%

10 P.W.Works (PH) 88.50%11 MCF 113.22%12 Panchyat 76.43%13 Huda 137.62%14 Other Govt Deptt 90.86%


97.36%Total PVT+ Govt

Total Private

Total Govt




Efficiency (%)Sr. Category

Categorywise collection efficiency of

DHBVN (upto March 2014)

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It is submitted that already DHBVNL has addressed this issue on priority and assures to improve

further in near future.

It is further submitted that as per the direction of Hon’ble Commission, regarding curtailing of

un-productive expenses, DHBVNL has already taken some concrete steps to maintain the

economy in the utility and the suitable directions/ guidelines has been issued by the

Management in same regard. The order copy of the these measures has been attached as

Annexure- I

Directive 17: Rest House / Guest House maintained by the Nigam

Due to financial constraints of Discoms the Commission has directed Discoms to close all rest houses of DHBVNL & UHBVNL located in private buildings (except Panchkula, Gurgaon & Faridabad) with immediate effect and the regular staff working in such rest houses should be adjusted against vacant post elsewhere. Further the rates of the guest/rest houses have also revised as tabulated below:

Purpose Rs./Day

For Official 100

Non-official 300

Private Person 1500


DHBVNL humbly submitted that no rest house/ guest house is being operated by DHBVN at

place other than Gurgaon & Faridabad in hired building.

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Chapter 8. Other Submission to the Hon’ble Commission

8.1 Practical issue of Bulk-supply Domestic Tariff

8.1.1 The Slab-wise tariff depending upon consumption per flat/dwelling unit has been made

applicable for Bulk Domestic Supply in relevant tariff order issued by Hon’ble

Commission w.e.f. 1.04.2013. The implementation of new tariff is not practical as

number of dwelling units varies month on month basis and it is not possible to verify the

number of dwelling units by the DISCOM’s field staff and the figures intimated by

builders/ RWAs is being relied upon. Due to operational constraints, the Nigam is

compelled to charge highest slab stipulated in the relevant Tariff order issued by

Hon’ble Commission for FY 2013-14 & onwards.

8.1.2 In this context, it is pertinent to mention here that earlier only single tariff was

stipulated in the tariff order issued by Hon’ble Commission since the introduction of

above category of consumers till FY 2012-13.

8.1.3 Moreover, it is worthwhile to mention here that the occupant of flats of Group Housing

Societies /Cooperative Societies are higher end consumers and generally located in big

cities. Therefore it would be appropriate if the tariff of bulk domestic supply is kept at

par with the highest tariff prescribed by Hon’ble Commission for Domestic Category.

However, it is further submitted that since the Operation & Maintenance of internal

electrical system is carried out by developers on their own and character of supply is at

11kV level or higher voltage level, suitable tariff as deemed fit may be considered.

8.2 Additional clarifications to be sought from the Hon’ble Commission regarding Tariff


8.2.1 In reference to Sr. No. 11 of table 4.14 of Tariff order for FY 2014-15. The Hon’ble

Commission is requested to clarify whether the energy charges for Bulk supply (LT) in

KVAH is compulsory or optional. In case it is optional then KWH rates be specified. It is

pertinent to mention here that the Bulk Supply (LT) category is not mentioned at Sr. No.

2 in the note given below table 4.14 where the categories on which KVAH billing is

applicable is specified

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8.2.2 In reference to Sr. No. 11 of table 4.14 of the said order, the Hon’ble Commission is

requested to clarify whether the rate of fixed charges in KW or KVA is to be kept the

same for Bulk supply at 11 KV voltage level and above.

8.2.3 The Hon’ble Commission is requested to clarify the procedure for levy of fixed charges

on LT industrial consumers (defied at Sr. No. 4 below table 4.14 of the order) with

illustration for meters with or without MDI facility. In case where MDI facility is available

in case of MMC billing, the Hon’ble Commission is requested to clarify whether fixed

charges are to be recovered additionally or same is covered in MMC.

8.2.4 The Hon’ble Commission is requested to refer to LT and HT Industrial category under

schedule of Tariff for FY-2013-14:- If the first month consumption of any industrial

consumer who has been allowed temporary disconnection exceeds the minimum

charges @ Rs.220 per kW or part thereof of the connected load and Rs.400 per KVA or

part thereof of the contract demand for LT & HT Industry, respectively then the facility

extended to the consumer is to be continued or withdrawn.

8.2.5 The tariff to be charged for building used partly or exclusively for PG (Paying Guest)

purposes may be defined by the Hon’ble Commission

8.2.6 The tariff for schools i.e. Government School & Colleges and private school with and

without hostel facility may be defined by the Hon’ble Commission

8.2.7 The Petitioner humbly submits that a surcharge of Rs 0.20 per unit is imposed on

ARC/Induction furnaces/steel rolling furnaces. The Hon’ble Commission is requested to

clarify whether this surcharge is also applicable on furnaces used for Aluminium metal.

8.2.8 The Hon’ble Commission is requested to clarify whether milk chilling/ water chilling

plant is to be categorized under Industry or NDS tariff.

8.2.9 The Petitioner submits that the R&D units have been categorized under NDS tariff. The

Hon’ble Commission is requested to clarify whether this categorization holds good for

such R&D units where bulk of the load is motive and used for development and testing

thereof of prototype units before its mass production at some other location.

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Chapter 9. Annexure

Annexure: A: Office Order for Transfer of Jind Circle

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Annexure B (1): Power Purchase Details for FY 2014-15

April'14-March'15 April'14-March'15 DHBVN

Project Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Effect

ive Rate


Amount (Rs) Effective


NTPC stations

Anta (G) 635 317863544 5.00 353 176657067 5.00

Auraiya (G) 821 702696332 8.56 456 390533220 8.56

Dadri (G) 721 530974944 7.36 401 295096680 7.36

Faridabad GPP 16968 8874049107 5.23 9430 4931875717 5.23

NCTPS (Dadri-II) 49 34417804 6.99 27 19128172 6.99

Farakka STPS 574 239019872 4.17 319 132838605 4.17

Kahalgaon 1090 458971089 4.21 606 255079540 4.21

Kahalgaon II 3086 1315563561 4.26 1715 731142673 4.26

RHTPS 3339 893782715 2.68 1856 496732125 2.68

RHTPS-2 3497 966363823 2.76 1943 537070081 2.76

RHTPS-3 (New Station) 2994 937430220 3.13 1664 520989830 3.13

Singrauli STPS 12419 2230544735 1.80 6902 1239656134 1.80

Unchahar-I 423 188259000 4.45 235 104627547 4.45

Unchahar-II 956 407648007 4.27 531 226556027 4.27

Unchahar-III 550 270229515 4.92 305 150183796 4.92




Koldam (New Station)



Total NTPC 48,120.79 18367814267 3.82 26744 10208167215 3.82




Bairasuil 3,242 525253050 1.62 1802 291916659 1.62

Chamera I 7,459 1103931697 1.48 4145 613525333 1.48

Chamera II 205 63142865 3.08 114 35092522 3.08

Chamera III 5,989 882541125 1.47 3328 490484455 1.47

Dhauliganga 2,067 547838972 2.65 1149 304469098 2.65

Dulhasti 1,330 698386118 5.25 739 388137759 5.25

Sewa-II 565 251446566 4.45 314 139744912 4.45

Uri-Hydel 1,639 863962204 5.27 911 480158963 5.27

Salal 474 195571769 4.13 263 108691720 4.13

Tanakpur 888 330404181 3.72 493 183626700 3.72

Uri II (New Station) 629 290896232 4.62 350 161669611 4.62

PARBATI III 1,127 503814725 4.47 626 280002012 4.47




Total NHPC 25,615 6,257,189,506 2.44 14236 3,477,519,74 2.44

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SJVNL 4,559.97 1293466013 2.84 2534 718861654 2.84

Nathpa Jhakri



THDC 1,492.11 683387409 4.58 829 379802019 4.58

Koteshwar- (Unit-1,2) 628.25 273287344 4.35 349 151883227 4.35

Total SJVNL 6,680.33 2,250,140,765

.14 3.37 3713 1,250,546,89

9.80 3.37




NAPP 1,400 348433060 2.49 778 193646499 2.49

RAPP (3-4) 5,695 1742680455 3.06 3165 968518803 3.06




Total NPCIL 7,095.23 2,091,113,515 2.95 3943

1,162,165,303 2.95

Other Stations



HPGCL 130,601 59602404808 4.56 72583 33124862101 4.56

BBMB 34,926.54 1550112443 0.44 19411 861496463 0.44

PTC Tala 782.05 157973938 2.02 435 87796204 2.02

PTC J&K 4,277.54 1599800161 3.74 2377 889111101 3.74

PTC Lanco Amarkantak

0 0 -

P&R Gogripur 41.07 19342855 4.71 23 10750060 4.71

Bhoruka 122.73 39026931 3.18 68 21689757 3.18

Puri Oil Mill 172.08 67973314 3.95 96 37777111 3.95

Biomass Projects 1,081.04 567769555 5.25 601 315545795 5.25

Solar Projects 107.34 60862736 5.67 60 33825309 5.67

Aravali 16,386.19 12775278802 7.80 9107 7100038161 7.80

Mundra UMPP 19,647.44 4980825234 2.54 10919 2768162619 2.54

Sasan UMPP 14,748.97 1958494201 1.33 8197 1088460282 1.33

Pragati Gas Bawana 1,854.09 1741835717 9.39 1030 968049328 9.39

DVC Raghunthpur




16,103.44 3378501197 2.10 8950

1877648840 2.10

Rampur HEP

0 -

Mundra Adani 79,312.59 26908431310 3.39 44079 14954733444 3.39

DVC Mejia-B 5,571.22 2367738918 4.25 3096 1315903702 4.25

Koldam HEP



Teesta III



Parbati III



MG STPS CLP Jhajjar 50,831 22168327257 4.36 28250 12320354955 4.36

Koderma 675.23 311329788 4.61 375 173025842 4.61

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Barh II




11,614.83 4054549339 3.49 6455

2253371960 3.49


869.65 361773489 4.16 483

201060628 4.16

Total Others 389,726 144,672,351,9

94 3.71 216596 80,403,663,6

62 3.71

Short Term Projects



HPSEB/HMM/MITTAL 1,478.58 557,426,470 3.77 822 309797482 3.77

RAJASTHAN/DIRECT 14,571.52 5,493,464,246 3.77 8098 3053068852 3.77

J&K/ MITTAL/Direct 1,932.58 728,584,413 3.77 1074 404920880 3.77

HIMACHAL/DIRECT 3,253.56 1,226,592,120 3.77 1808 681695562 3.77

MEGHALAYA/MITTAL 1,683.41 634,645,016 3.77 936 352712759 3.77

UP/GMR 194.34 73,267,990 3.77 108 40719700 3.77

UP/MITTAL 464.41 175,083,890 3.77 258 97305297 3.77

ASSAM/MITTAL 128.45 48,425,273 3.77 71 26913016 3.77

SIKKIM/TATA 81.75 30,819,750 3.77 45 17128503 3.77


5,885.78 2,218,938,140 3.77 3271

1233205609 3.77

PTC GRIDCO Banking Power 0


PTC JSEB Banking Power 0


J&K/PTC PDD Banking Power 0


Total Banking of Power

29,674.40 11187247306.

48 3.77 16492 6217467659.

10 3.77

NVVN/Karcham Wangtoo 0


Knowledge Infra/Raipur 0


Shree Cement Ltd. 365.68 220,614,002.0

0 6.03

203 122609288


Total short term projects

30,040.08 11,407,861,30

8 3.80 16695 6,340,076,94

7 3.80

Grand Total



PGCIL-UI (326.36) 1,085,347,314

.00 (33.26

) -181 603196804





Less: UI (326) 1,085,347,314 (33.26) -181

603,196,804 (33.26)

CTU Transmission



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Open Access

1,706,420,321.06 0 948366731 -

Refund OA

(1,023,861,591.84) 0 -569025262 -


0 0 -


8,050,000,000.00 0 4473899011 -

HPGCL Surcharge/Impact of APTEL


.00 0 2922321994 -




Sub-total - 13,990,766,83

7.23 0 7,775,562,47

3.75 -

Add: Intra state Transmission Charges 0


HVPNL Transmission Charges

10,677,680,000.00 0 5766509000 -

SLDC Charges 0


Reactive energy charges 0


Sub-total - 10,677,680,00

0.00 0 5,766,509,00

0.00 -

Grand Total 506,951 210,800,265,5

07 4.16 281745 11698740804

9 4.17

Unitary Charges



Grand Total 506,951 210,800,265,5

07 4.16 281745 11698740804

9 4.17

Summary -

Haryana DHBVN

Particulars Units (MU) Cost (Rs. Cr.) Rs./kWh Units (MU)

Cost (Rs.

Cr.) Rs. / kWh

Power Purchase Cost 47724 17958 3.76 26523 9980 3.76

Inter State Transmission Charges 0 805

0 447 -

Intra state Transmission Charges & SLDC charges 0 1009

0 518 -

OA and UI 2971 1249 4.20 1651 694 4.20


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Grand Total 50,695.10 21,021.71 4.15 28175 11,640 4.13

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Annexure B (2): Power Purchase Details for FY 2015-16

Source FY 15-16 FY 15- 16 Amount FY 15-16 FY 15- 16 Amount

MU Rs/kWh Rs. MU Rs/kWh Rs.


Singrauli STPS 1,451.00 1.85 268.5 806.41 1.85 149.22

Rihand I 510 2.76 140.54 283.44 2.76 78.11

Rihand II & III 549 3.03 166.5 305.11 3.03 92.53

Unchhahar I 68 4.58 31.16 37.79 4.58 17.32

Unchhahar II 141 4.39 61.94 78.36 4.39 34.43

Unchhahar III 128 5.07 64.84 71.14 5.07 36.03

Anta CCGT 149 5.15 76.8 82.81 5.15 42.68

Auraiya CCGT 223 8.81 196.56 123.94 8.81 109.24

Dadri CCGT 235 7.57 177.96 130.6 7.57 98.9

Faridabad CCGT 2,478.00 5.39 1,335.64 1,377.18 5.39 742.3

NHPC - - - - - -

Salal I 248 0.96 23.81 137.83 0.96 13.23

Bairasiul 125 1.67 20.88 69.47 1.67 11.6

Tanakpur 13 3.17 4.13 7.22 3.17 2.29

Chamera I 195 1.52 29.64 108.37 1.52 16.47

Chamera II 61 2.61 15.92 33.9 2.61 8.85

Dhauliganga 86.07 2.73 23.5 47.83 2.73 13.06

Dulhasti 115 5.43 62.47 63.91 5.43 34.72

Uri (inc Uri III FY 16 & FY 17 150 1.74 26.1 83.36 1.74 14.51

Sewa II 36 4.58 16.49 20.01 4.58 9.16

SJVNL (Nathpa Jhakri) - - - - - -

SJVNL 312 2.92 91.09 173.4 2.92 50.63

Tehri (THDC) 219 4.72 103.37 121.71 4.72 57.45

Koteshwar HEP 1&2 129 4.48 57.79 71.69 4.48 32.12

Kahalgaon I 152 4.34 66.03 84.48 4.34 36.7

Kahalgaon II 370 4.39 162.31 205.63 4.39 90.2

NPC - - - - - -

NAPP 135.96 2.56 34.79 75.56 2.56 19.33

RAPP (3-4) 463.07 3.15 145.87 257.36 3.15 81.07

HPGCL 17,377.63 4.67 8,120.19 9,657.86 4.67 4,512.91

Shared Project - - - - - -

BBMB 2,884.80 0.46 131.69 1,603.27 0.46 73.19

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Othres - - - - - -

Farakka STPS 59.46 4.29 25.49 33.05 4.29 14.17

PTC Tala 62.42 2.08 12.98 34.69 2.08 7.22

PTC J&K 208.12 3.85 80.13 115.67 3.85 44.53

PTC Lanco Amarkantak 525.17 3.71 194.84 291.87 3.71 108.28

P&R Gogripur 11.42 4.85 5.54 6.35 4.85 3.08

Bhoruka 34.84 3.28 11.43 19.36 3.28 6.35

Puri Oil Mill 17.3 4.07 7.04 9.61 4.07 3.91

Biomass Projects & Cogen 90.42 4.18 37.78 50.25 4.18 21

Solar Projects 134.39 5.84 78.48 74.69 5.84 43.62

Aravali 3,109.74 8.03 2,496.71 1,728.28 8.03 1,387.58

Mundra UMPP 2,046.82 2.62 535.43 1,137.55 2.62 297.57

Sasan UMPP 1,817.90 1.37 249.44 1,010.32 1.37 138.63

Pragati Gas Bawana 671 9.67 649.01 372.92 9.67 360.7

DVC Raghunthpur 269.5 4.65 125.32 149.78 4.65 69.65

Rihand III - - - - - -

Rampur HEP 32.96 4.6 15.16 18.32 4.6 8.43

Adani Power 7,670.16 3.38 2,591.03 4,262.80 3.38 1,440.00

DVC Mejia-B 538.64 4.38 236 299.36 4.38 131.16

Chamera III - - - - - -

Koldam HEP 89.5 4.6 41.17 49.74 4.6 22.88

Teesta III - 4.6 - - 4.6 -

Sabansari - - - - - -

Parbati III 70.77 4.76 33.66 39.33 4.76 18.71

Parbati II - - - - - -

MG STPS CLP Jhajjar 3,199.50 4.5 1,439.37 1,778.17 4.5 799.95

Koderma DVC 269.32 4.75 128.02 149.68 4.75 71.15

Barh II 123.89 4.33 53.64 68.85 4.33 29.81

Uri II 13.53 4.6 6.22 7.52 4.6 3.46

PTC GMR KAMALANGA 1,610.34 2.1 337.85 894.97 2.1 187.76

PTC KARCHAMWANGTOO 1,161.48 3.49 405.45 645.51 3.49 225.34

STAR WIRE INDIA 63.26 5.83 36.88 35.16 5.83 20.5

GEMCO ENERGY LTD. 9.71 5.83 5.66 5.4 5.83 3.15

Wheeling & Other Charges -


TOTAL 52,916.10 21,496.24

29,408.86 11,946.8


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Sources Within State

April'14-March'15 April'14-March'15

Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate

HPGCL 17378 4.67 8120.19 9658 4.67 4512.91

P&R Gogripur 11 4.85 5.54 6 4.85 3.08

Bhoruka Power 35 3.28 11.43 19 3.28 6.35

Puri Oil Mills 17 4.07 7.04 10 4.07 3.91

Solar Power 134 5.84 78.48 75 5.84 43.62

CLP Jhajjar 3200 4.5 1439.37 1778 4.5 799.95

Biomass projects & cogen 163 4.92 80.32 91 4.92 44.64

Faridabad Gas 2478 5.39 1335.64 1377 5.39 742.3

Adani Power 7670 3.38 2591.03 4263 3.38 1440

Total 31087 4.4 13669.06 17277 4.4 7596.77

Sources Outside State

April'14-March'15 April'14-March'15

Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate

NTPC Stations 3454 3.43 1184.79 1920 3.43 658.46

NHPC 1029 2.17 222.92 572 2.17 123.89

SJVNL & THDC and Kotesshwar 660 3.82 252.25 367 3.82 140.19

NPCIL 599 3.02 180.66 333 3.02 100.4

Others 13203 4.43 5854.87 7338 4.43 3253.92

BBMB 2885 0.46 131.69 1603 0.46 73.19

Total 21829 3.59 7827.18 12132 3.59 4350.06

Short Term Power Purchase 11947

OA charges 0.0012

Intra state Transmission Charges 1,142.51

Inter State Transmission Charges -

UI Charges

SLDC charges

Power Purchase Cost 52916 4.06 21,496.2

4 29,408.86 4.06 11,946.8


Inter State Transmission Charges 0 - 805 447.39

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Intra state Transmission Charges & SLDC charges 0 - 1,084.19 556.71

OA and UI 0 - - -

- -

Grand Total 52916 4.42 23385 29,408.86 4.40 12951

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Annexure C: Circular for Revision of Dearness Allowance

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Annexure D: Quality Assurance Plan





Sr No Description Page No

1. Sources of material 3

2. Material Quality Assurance 3

2.1. Submission of Quality Assurance Procedure 4

2.2. Inspection Call Raised by vendor / contractor 4

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2.3. Inspection Requisition to Inspecting Officer / Third Party Agency 5

2.4. Material Inspection at the firm’s premises 6

2.5. Sealing Procedure for the inspected material 7

2.6. Dispatch Instructions 7

2.7. Acceptance of material at the stores 8

3. Material Inspection at DHBVN/UHBVN stores for Nigam Purchase 8

4. Material Inspection at Contractor stores for Turnkey Contracts 9

4.1. Verification of material at stores by Joint Verification Committee 9

4.2. Team of XENs 10

5. Workmanship and measurements of erected material 10

5.1. Checking during erection phase 10

5.2. Team of XENs 10

5.3. Taking over 10

6. Delivery and Payment Schedule 11






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1. Sources of Material

DHBVN/UHBVN undertakes material procurement through various media as per its

requirement to execute various projects. The pre-dispatch and post-dispatch quality

inspections for the following three major categories are required:-

a) Material directly procured by Nigam : MM Department

b) Material procured under the turnkey contracts : PD&C Department

c) Material procured under turnkey contracts : Field Offices

Apart from pre-dispatch quality inspection, the measurement and workmanship of erected

material is also essential in the following cases:-

1) Turnkey execution of the contract by PD&C and field offices

2) Work executed departmentally

3) Work got executed by prospective consumers through private contractors

The Material is required to be inspected under all the three heads as mentioned above to

ensure proper quality. The material shall be inspected as per the provisions of relevant

IS/IEC and specifications of the Nigam which should necessarily be referred to during

inspection and it shall be ensured that the test results are in accordance with the


Hereunder, a process flow is laid down for inspection of the material being procured by the

Nigam to ensure effective quality checks.

Large number of items required for day to day maintenance of Low Distribution system (not

enlisted against centrally procured items) are being procured locally by field offices as per

provision in Delegation of Power (DOP). Since these items are procured in smaller numbers

at a time, (though the total quantity becomes sizeable) as such it become necessary to

procure these items on central level as there is no proper procedure to check & ensure the

price & quality of the material. It would be appropriate that items of regular use required in

sizeable quantity may be procured by MM for the entire utility.

2. Material Quality Assurance

This includes the material which is:

o Procured directly by the Nigam through MM department.

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o Supplied to the Nigam under turnkey contracts i.e. supply, erection and

commissioning of new 33kV sub-stations, replacement of defective equipments,

bifurcation of feeders, erection of new LD system, release of tubewell connections

or any other project etc. These projects are mainly dealt by PD&C department in

DHBVN/UHBVN and also by field offices.

2.1. Submission of Quality Assurance Procedure

The Vendor / Contractor at the time of submission of the drawings for approval from

DHBVN/UHBVN is also required to submit a Quality Assurance Procedure (QAP) of the

materials to be supplied for review and approval. In this QAP, the vendor / contractor

shall clearly indicate the quality measures being taken by the manufacturer to maintain

the quality of the finished product. The drawings/QAP once approved shall not be

required to be submitted for approval again.

QAP will indicate the following details:-

i) Tests being performed on the raw material purchased by manufacturer for

manufacturing of the finished product.

ii) Tests being conducted during manufacturing of the product (In process testing).

iii) Tests which shall be done on the finished product at the time of pre-dispatch


iv) Test results assured by the vendor.

v) Tests procedure followed for the inspection with full details of test setup etc.

The Inspection shall be carried out on the basis of the approved QAP. All the details

provided by the vendor / contractor shall be verified by Nigam / Third Party during the

inspection and if any deviation is found from the approved documents, it will be noted

in the inspection report.

2.2. Inspection call raised by Vendor / Contractor

The vendor / contractor will give inspection call notice 20 days in advance of date of

readiness of material or as provided in the NIT to the below mentioned agencies:

1. For Work Orders issued by PD&C : CGM / PD&C

2. For Purchase Order issued by MM : CGM / MM

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3. For work order issued by Field offices : SE/OP (Concerned)/Const.

The Inspection call will be generated in a pre-defined format as per Annexure – I.

The vendor / contractor shall also provide a copy of approved QAP, drawings along with

the inspection call. Vendor / contractor should give it in writing that he is ready for the

inspection and in case of any default on his part, appropriate action in form of penalty

will be taken by DHBVN/UHBVN.

2.3. Inspection Requisition to Inspecting Officer / third party agency

After the Inspection call is received by the concerned department, the department shall

depute inspecting Officer from DHBVN/UHBVN / third party for inspection of the said

item within stipulated time frame as below :-

1 PD&C Department : Within 2 working days of receipt of Inspection Call from the Vendor / Contractor

2 MM Department For material within Contract Delivery Period (CDP)


Within 5 working days from date of receipt of Inspection Call

3 For material beyond CDP : Within 7 working days from date of (i.e. for delayed delivery) receipt of Inspection Call

4 Field Offices : Within 2 working days of receipt of Inspection Call from Vendor / Contractor

The Inspection requisition shall be provided in the format as per Annexure – II.

The Inspecting officer/agency shall be provided with all the relevant documents like

QAP, Drawings, Minutes of Meetings of previous Inspection etc. before the inspection

for preparation.

The nomination of inspecting officer would be delegated to CGM(PD&C) / CGM(MM) /

SE(OP). The following norms shall be applicable for the nomination of inspecting officer

deputed for the inspection of material.

Material worth upto and including Rs. 30 Lacs : DHBVN/UHBVN officer

Material irrespective of cost . : Third party agency

such as QSS, QUEST

Shanthala Power


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In case of T/Fs & electronics meters :Joint inspection of 3rd party and Nigams officer/s

The Third Party Agency will be nominated by WTDs at their level irrespective of

cost payable to the inspecting agency.

The Inspecting Officer will be deputed in rotation for which a separate register will be

maintained in the office of CGM(PD&C) / CGM(MM) / SE(OP)/Const. Any deviation from

the above will be with the approval of Director (Projects). Duty once assigned will not be

changed under any circumstances.

It is the duty of the Inspecting officer to prepare himself for the inspection. The

inspector shall be well conversant with the relevant Standards, Specifications, Test

methods, test results etc before going for the inspection.

2.4. Material Inspection at the firm’s premises

The Inspector shall carry out the inspection at the works of the vendor as per the

approved QAP and the progress of the same shall be apprised to the Head of the

Department on regular basis. The instructions for the inspecting officers for conducting

inspection at the vendor’s works are as follows:-

Inspecting Officer/agency shall contact the firm’s representative/s responsible

for testing and inform him the time of visit for the inspection by mail. A copy of

the mail shall be given to HOD of concerned department for reference and


Inspecting officer(s) will report their arrival at & departure from firm’s premises

through landline phone to HOD of Inspection Requisition (IR) Agency.

As soon as the Inspecting Officer reaches the firm’s premises for inspection, he

shall ask for the list of the materials being offered for inspection.

In case of change in the quantity from the quantity indicated in the Inspection

Call / Requisition, a variation of maximum +20% shall be allowed and the

inspecting officer(s) will inform the HOD, about the quantity offered and obtain

telephonic approval to be confirmed in writing, later.

Have a casual round of the premises to cross check the quantity indicated in the

Inspection Requisition (IR) or offered for inspection.

Only ready material to be accepted for testing.

Randomly tick mark on the packing list to draw the samples as per the sampling

procedure indicated in the relevant Indian Standard.

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Append signature on samples with permanent ink marker.

Obtain copies of raw material / in process tests carried out by the firm as per the

QAP. Verify the results as indicated in the QAP.

Check calibration certificates of testing instruments.

Check validity of BIS license, wherever applicable.

Test check the testing instruments.

The entire inspection procedure shall be videographed. The video shall clearly

show the quantity offered for inspection, sample selection & tests carried out.

Follow the IS & technical specifications for conducting acceptance tests on


All the tests must be witnessed personally by the Inspecting Officer. The Test

results shall be noted down separately by the Inspecting Officer. The test results

indicated in the final test reports shall be cross-checked with the noted values

available with the Inspecting Officer.

The copies of the inspection report may be mailed to the IR Agency from the

firm’s premises itself before leaving the premises.

Hard copy of Inspection report may be submitted on the next date positively.

2.5. Sealing Procedure for the inspected material

Before the officer leaves for the inspection, the concerned department shall provide

seals to the officer required for material to be inspected. A proper record shall be

maintained by the concerned department regarding the details of seals issued to the

concerned inspecting engineer.

Once the material clears all the acceptance tests as per specifications, it shall be

effectively sealed with seals provided by Nigam and the details of seals affixed may be

clearly indicated in the inspection report. The seals shall be provided on the material in

such fashion that these do not get damaged / defective during transportation, loading

& unloading. Where it is not possible to affix Polycarbonate seals, digitally signed paper

seals be affixed duly covered and protected with cellular tape.

Procedure for sealing arrangement for major equipments is under process and shall be

approved by WTDs separately.

In case of inspection being conducted by 3rd part agency, polycarbonate seals

shall be issued to them as per requirement (in lump –sum on monthly basis )

2.6. Dispatch Instructions

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The Inspection Requisition (IR) agency will issue dispatch instructions within maximum

two days of receipt of inspection report. Simultaneously, copies of the inspection report

may be mailed to consignees.

The IR agency will monitor to ensure that the material inspected is dispatched within

reasonable time after the issue of dispatch instructions to crosscheck fake inspection, if

any. Delay in dispatch, if any, has to be justified with reasons.

2.7. Acceptance of material at the stores

As soon as the material is received, the Store Incharge shall verify the seal numbers

provided against the items as listed in the inspection report. In case of any discrepancy

in the seal numbers, the same shall be brought to notice of Inspection Requisition

Agency. The store incharge will also carry out the physical checking of material for

various parameters and in case of any observation, report the matter to Requisition


The material found with seal numbers not matching with the list or observed doubtful

in physical parameters shall not be taken on books for issue to the field offices.

3. Material Inspection at DHBVN/UHBVN stores for Nigam Purchase

Checking of material received at DHBVN/UHBVN store shall be carried out as under:

a) A team of 2 XENs to be nominated by CGM/MM will carry out random checking

to ensure quality and quantity of material received in Nigam’s stores.

b) The team will draw sample from each lot received in anyone of the stores to

carry out checking as under:-

Genuineness of seals provided during inspection

Workmanship of material received in store

Quantity of material inspected viz-a-viz received quantity.

Quality of material received in the store

c) The above said inspection / checking would be carried out to check all physical

parameters as per approved technical specifications of the Nigam / Engineering

Design / Drawings.

d) The above said team would also draw samples randomly for any material for its

testing from any NABL accredited testing lab as approved by the Nigam.

e) A committee of two XENs to be constituted by Director/Projects at random may

also draw sample from any lot for cross checking as per (b) & (d) above.

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f) The material received at the store shall not be issued to field offices before the

test reports from NABL accredited lab is received by DHBVN/UHBVN. However,

in case of any urgency to issue material in the field, an undertaking may be

obtained from the Vendor stating that in case the material fails in the NABL Lab,

the cost of replacement of material including its erection and dismentaling at

site, transport of material from store of DHBVN/UHBVN etc. shall be borne by

the vendor. The whole LOT of material shall be considered as rejected in such


4. Material Inspection at Contractor stores for Turnkey Contracts

4.1. Inspection of material procured under turnkey contracts shall be conducted in the

similar manner as envisaged for material procured by MM department.

Verification of material received at contractor’s site store shall be carried out as under:

a) A committee of 2 officers of the rank of Executive Engineers would ensure

checking quality and quantity of material brought by the turnkey contractor in

his site stores. The officers for the said committee would be appointed by

CGM/PD&C or CE/OP concerned, in rotation.

b) The above said checking would be carried out in line with the source of

procurement of material i.e. to be procured from prescribed empanelled firms

only and further for the quantity & quality mentioned in the contract.

c) The committee will draw sample from each lot received in anyone of the store

to carry out checking as under:-

Genuineness of seals provided during inspection

Workmanship of material received in store

Quantity of material inspected viz-a-viz received quantity

Quality of material received in the store

d) The above said inspection / checking would be carried out to check all physical

parameters as per approved technical specifications of the Nigam / Engineering

Design / Drawings as stipulated in the turnkey bid documents.

e) After completion of the above said inspection / checking, a joint verification

report (JVR) would be prepared by this committee for submission to the

concerned office and monitoring agency i.e. SE/Const. or concerned SE (OP) as

the case may be for reference and record in their office.

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f) The above said committee may also draw samples randomly for any material for

its testing from any NABL accredited testing lab as approved by the Nigam,

maintaining confidentiality. No single Lab is to be patronized.

g) The payments to the contractors would be released on the basis of reports

submitted by the committee through JVR and subject to reports received from

testing lab.

h) The material received at the site stores of contractor shall not be allowed for

use unless the test reports from NABL accredited lab is received by

DHBVN/UHBVN. However, in case of any urgency to issue material in the field,

an undertaking may be obtained from the Vendor stating that in case the

material fails in the NABL Lab, the cost of replacement of material including its

erection and dismentaling at site, transport of material from stores of

DHBVN/UHBVN etc. shall be borne by the vendor. The whole LOT of material

shall be considered as rejected in such case

4.2. Randomly, a committee of two XENs to be constituted by Director/Projects may also

draw sample from any lot for cross checking as per (c).

5. Workmanship and Measurements of erected material

5.1. Checking during erection phase

It is the responsibility of concerned office to carry out inspection during the erection of

material at site by Contractor. The following shall be checked:-

a) Whether the work is being carried out as per the Work Order

b) Standard Drawings are being followed or not

c) Erection is being done as per the standard practices

d) Inspected material is used at the site

e) Measurement of works

To ensure proper quality and workmanship on the works under execution, the

following checks shall be exercised by various field officers / officials without any


1. JE (OP/Const) : 100% of work done under each turnkey contract in his


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2. SDO (OP/Const) : 20% of work done under each turnkey contract in his


3. XEN (OP/Const) : 20% of work checked by SDO/OP/Const. under each

turnkey contract per sub-division

5.2. The team may be nominated at random by Director/Projects which will carry out the

inspection of minimum 10% works executed to check workmanship, quality and

quantity of material used.

5.3. Taking-Over

In addition to the above checking, a committee of two XENs, one each from

operation and construction wing will be constituted by CGM/PD&C or CE/OP

concerned to carry out joint inspection of works executed by turnkey contractor

before taking over the work and their report will be considered final for all

intents and purposes.

A joint verification report shall be made, indicating all the shortcomings

observed in the erection.

Contractor shall be given time to rectify the erection works as per the

observations in the JVR.

The contractor shall give in writing that all the shortcomings have been resolved

and the works are ready for taking over as per the DHBVN/UHBVN standards to

be verified by same team which raised the observation points.

The balance payments to the contractors would be released on the basis of final

reports submitted by the committee.

6. Delivery Schedule and Payment Terms

The material provided in the turnkey contract shall be allowed to be delivered in order of its

sequence of installation in the field. Material required later and delivered earlier shall not

qualify for release of payment. Normally the supply of material shall be splitted into 3 to 4

lots as per its requirement to complete the work within Contract Delivery Period (CDP).

However, in case the value of the turnkey contract is high and CDP is longer in case of work

order issued by PD&C, the number of lots beyond 4 (lots), if any will be decided by

CGM/PD&C. Similarly, if the value and CDP of the contract is low, the material can be

accepted in two lots with the approval of CE/OP.

Please refer Annexure – V for the delivery and payment schedule for the turnkey contracts

to be executed under PD&C.

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Chief Engineer/MM DHBVN Hisar


Format for raising Inspection Call by the Vendor / Contractor


Name of the Firm with Complete Address


Concerned Department (CGM(PD&C)/CGM(MM)/SE(OP))


Subject:- Inspection Call for _____ No [Items] as per Work Order / Purchase Order No -

__________ dt. _________


This is with reference to subject cited Work Order / Purchase Order. We would like to inform

that below mentioned material is ready for Inspection:

Sr No Item


Quantity as

per WO/PO

Quantity already

Inspected &


Quantity offered

for Inspection






It is requested to kindly depute an officer for inspection of the materials. The name and contact

details of the person responsible for getting the inspection conducted is:-

_______________ [Contact Details of Person]

_______________ [Date and Place for Inspection]



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Company Seal


All the details like WO/PO number, quantity ordered, quantity already inspected, quantity

offered for inspection, date of inspection, place etc shall be clearly indicated in the format.

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for FY 2015-16 for DHBVNL

ANNEXURE – II Format for Inspection requisition to Inspecting Officer / Third Party

From, Concerned Department (CGM(PD&C/CGM(MM)/SE(OP)) Address To, Inspecting Officer / Third party agency Subject:- Inspection Requisition for _____ No [Items] as per Work Order / Purchase Order No - __________ dt. ______________ placed on M/s _________________ With reference to subject Work Order / Purchase Order No. and Vendor / Contractor inspection call dated. ___________, you are requested to carry out the inspection of following material:

Sr No

Name & Complete Address of the supplier along with works, telephones/Fax & telegraphic address

Material Description

Reference Standard, DHBVN/UHBVN specs, drawings

Quantity as per WO/PO

Quantity already supplied

Quantity now offered for Inspection

Balance Quantity

Contract Delivery Period

The name and contact details of the person responsible from for getting the inspection conducted is:- _______________ [Contact Details of Person] _______________ [Date and Place for Inspection]

Signature & Designation of Inspection Requisition Agency Encl: - Inspection Call by the Vendor / Contractor


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Format for Joint Verification Report

Name of the Work : - ___________________

Name of the Contractor : - ___________________

Work Order No : - ___________________ dt. ______________

Circle / Division/ Sub-Division : - ___________________

Joint Verification Committee : - ___________________ DHBVN/UHBVN

[Name of Officers] ___________________ Contractor’s representative

Short description of Work:





____________ Joint Verification of the material received at the stores of _____________________ [Name of

Contractor] was performed on ___________ [date]. The observations on the same are listed


Sr No


Particulars of the Material

Quantity as per

Work Order

Quantity as per

Inspection Report

Quantity Received at site


Balance Quantit


Position of


Physical Parameter



In view of the above mentioned remarks, __________________________ [Name of the

Contractor] shall rectify the defects observed at the earliest and the same shall be verified by

the Joint Committee for confirmation.

It is also informed that the _______________________ [Material Name] bearing Sr No.

____________ [Serial number] shall be sent to the ___________________ [NABL accredited

testing Lab] for testing.

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Signature of Contractor Signature & Designation

Signature & Designation

or his representative of checking officer

of checking officer

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Format for checking during erection of material by the contractor

Name of the Work : - ___________________

Name of the Contractor : - ___________________

Work Order No : - ___________________ dt. ______________

Circle / Division/ Sub-Division : - ___________________

Name of Inspecting Officer : - ___________________

Inspection Report No. & Date : - ___________________

Short description of Work:




Checking was conducted on the progress and quality of erection work on __________ [date]

and the report of the same is as below [Example]:-

Sr No. Description of Work As per Standard

Practice (Yes/No) Remarks

1. Distribution Transformer Erection Yes --

2. DT Earthing No Earthing Strip not connected to earth point.

3. Conductor stringing for HT feeders No

1. Sag not maintained by the contractor.

2. Steel Structure at H Poles not earthed



In view of the above mentioned remarks, the contractor __________________________ [Name

of the Contractor] be directed to rectify the defects observed at the earliest and the same shall

be communicated to this Office for necessary verification.

Signature and Designation of 1.

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Checking Officers 2.


Delivery and Payment Schedules for Turnkey Contracts

Sr No

Lot No Material to be

supplied Eligibility for supply of material

Payment against supply and erection

1 Lot – 1 30% of material as per Bid

As mentioned in the bid document

50% of the cost of material supplied in Lot-1 on the basis of JVR

2 Lot – 2

30% of material as per foot survey Including spillage as above

After erection of 80% of the material supplied in Lot-1 and certified by Xen (OP/Const)

50% of the cost of material supplied in Lot-2 on the basis of JVR + 40% of cost of material of Lot-1 against erection + 85% of erection charges of the work done.

3 Lot – 3 30% of material as per foot survey

After erection of 100% of material supplied in Lot - 1 AND 80% of the material supplied in Lot-2 and certification by Xen (Op/Const.)

50% of the cost of material supplied in Lot-3 on the basis of JVR + 40% of cost of material of Lot-2 on erection + 85% of erection charges of the work done.

4 Lot – 4 Balance 10% of material as per Foot survey

After erection of 100% of material supplied in Lot - 2 AND 80% of the material supplied in Lot-3 and certification by Xen (“Op/Const.)

50% of the cost of material supplied in Lot-4 on the basis of JVR + 40% of cost of material of Lot-3 on erection + 85% of erection charges of the work done.

5 -- -- --

Balance Payment (i.e. 10% of cost of material in Lot - 1, 2 & 3 + 50% of cost of material in Lot-4 + balance payment for erection) to be made after taking over (including CEI Clearance if

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1 Item no.

2 Originating office

Chief Engineer/MM

3 MD/Director concerned


4 Approved by


5 Subject

Quality Assurance Plan

6 Meeting to be placed in (BOD’s)

Board of Directors

Quality Assurance Plan for DHBVN/UHBVN is prepared and put up for kind

consideration and approval of the Board of Directors please.

DA/As above

Chief Engineer/MM DHBVN Hisar

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Annexure E: Status of E-Tendering

Status of e-Tendering by M/s MSTC (As on 01.09.2014)

2013-14 (since 16.05.2013)

8 no. procurement cases finalized through e-tendering (during the FY 2013-14)

Since 01.04.2014 to 01.09.2014

15 no. procurement cases have been finalized as per details noted below:-

Sr. Name of Item Tender No. Status





QD-656 (ET-12) Tender finalized in HPPC (Nigam) meeting dated

17.07.14. Purchase order for 30 nos. incoming &

82 nos. outgoing VCBs has been placed on M/s

Toshiba Transmission & distribution System (India)

Pvt. Ltd., Rudraram.

2 5MVA,33/3.3

KV Power T/F

QD-657 (ET-13) Tender finalized in SPC meeting dated 16.07.14.

Purchase order for one nos. 5 MVA, 33/3.3 KV

Power T/F. has been placed on M/s Century

Infrapower (P) Ltd., Jaipur.

3 3.5MVA,33/3.3 KV

Power T/F

QD-658 (ET-14) Tender finalized in SPC meeting dated 16.07.14.

Purchase order for one nos.3.5 MVA,33/3.3 KV

Power T/F LOI has been placed shortly on M/s

Century Infrapower (P) Ltd., Jaipur.

4 400 KVA DTs QD-659(ET-15)

Tender finalized in HPPC (Nigarn) meeting dated

17.07.14. Purchase orders for 21 nos. T/Fs placed

on M/s J&G,Gurgaon, for 22 nos. T/Fs placed on

M/s Toshiba Transmission & distribution System

(India) Pvt, Ltd., Rudraram and for 22 nos. T/Fs

placed on M/s Jay Bee Ind., Nalagarh.

5 630 KVA DTs QD-660 (ET-16) Tender finalized in HPPC (Nigam) meeting dated

17.07.14. Purchase order for 45 nos. T/Fs has been

placed on M/s Toshiba Transmission & distribution

System (India) Pvt. Ltd., Rudraram.

6 990 KVA DTs QD-661 (ET-17) Tender finalized in HPPC (Nigam) meeting dated

17.07.14. Purchase order for 10 nos. T/Fs has been

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Sr. Name of Item Tender No. Status

placed on M/s Jay Bee Ind., Nalagarh.

7 12.5 MVA, 33/11

KV Power T/Fs

QD-666 (ET-19) Tender finalized in HPPC (Nigam) meeting dated

21.06.14. Purchase order for 5 nos. 12.5 MVA,

33/11 KV Power T/Fs has been placed on M/s

Century Infrapower (P) Ltd., Jaipur.

8 10MVA, 33/11

KV Power T/Fs

QD-667 (ET-20) Tender finalized in HPPC (Nigam) meeting dated

02.07.14. Purchase order for 43 nos. 10 MVA,

33/11 KV Power T/Fs has been placed on M/s

Nucon Switchgear (P) Ltd., Ludhiana.

9 LT CT operated DT

meters .

QD-668 (ET-01) NIT finalized on 21.06.2014 and Purchase orders

issued on 03.07.2014. Rate contract for 4025 no

min qty. & 6038 no. max has been issued. Further

the Purchase order for 4025 no qty. has been

issued. .

10 LT-CT operated



QD-669 (ET-02) NIT finalized on 21.06.2014 and Purchase orders

issued on 03.07.2014. Rate contract for 6280 no

min qty. & 9420 no. max have been issued. Further

the Purchase orders for 6280 no qty. have been


11 ACSR Dog


QD-671 (ET-4) Tender has been finalized in the HPPC (Nigam)

meeting held on 25.08.2014 and Rate contract for

100 Kms min. & 200 Kms. max. has been issued.

Further the Purchase order for 100 Kms has been


12 ACSR Rabbit


QD-672 (ET-5) Tender has been finalized in the HPPC (Govt.)

meeting held on 11.08.2014 and Rate contracts for

7000 Kms min. & 10500 Kms max. have been

issued. Further the Purchase orders for 3500 Kms

have been issued.

13 ACSR Raccoon


QD-673 (ET-6)

Tender has been finalized in the HPPC (Govt.)

meeting held on 11.08.2014 and Rate contracts for

2600 Kms min. & 3900 Kms. max. have been

issued. Further the Purchase Orders for 1300 Kms

have been issued.

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Sr. Name of Item Tender No. Status

14 25 KVA DTs QD-676 (ET-09) Tender has been finalized in the HPPC (Govt.)

meeting held on 11.08.2014 and Rate

contract for 3615 nos. min. & 5423 Kms. max. has

been issued. Further the Purchase orders for 1808

has been issued.

15 LT CT of various


QD-675 (ET-8) Tender has been finalized in the HPPC (Nigam)

meeting held on 01.09.2014 and Rate contract for

8286 sets WPL type & 2549 sets (max.) Ring type

has been issued. Further the Purchase order 2850

sets WPL type & 830 sets (max.) Ring type has

been issued.

11 no. procurement cases through e-tendering are in process during the current year:-

Sr. Name of Item Tender No. Status

1 HT consumer


QD-670 (ET-3) Part-1 opened on 28.05.2014. Sample meter

to be sent to CPRl, Bangalore for testing.

2 Polycarbonate


QD-674 (ET-7) Part-I has been opened on 10.07.2014 and is

under process.

4 11 Mtr long PCC

400Kg- WL poles

QD-677 (ET-10) Part-l has been opened on 16.07.2014 and the

price bid is to be opened shortly.

5 11 KV, 400 Amp,

GO Switches

QD-679 (ET-12) Part-I is schedule to be opened 29.09.2014.

6 Feeder meters QD-680 (ET-13) Part-I has been opened on 04.08.2014 and is

under process.

7 33 KV PTs QD-681 (ET-14) Part-I is schedule to be opened 11.09.2014

8 33 KV CTs QD-682 (ET-15) Part-I has been opened on 02.09.2014 and is

under process.

9 33 KV Isolator &


earth switch

QD-683 (ET-16) Part-I is schedule to be opened 15.09.2014.

10 25 KVA DTs QD-684 (ET-17) Part-I is schedule to-be opened 19.09.2014.

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11 63 KVA DTs QD-685 (ET-18) Part-I is schedule to be opened 19.09.2014.

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Formats for APR Petition for FY 2014-15 & ARR for FY 2015-16

Filed by:-

Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam

Corp. Office: Vidyut Sadan, Hisar – 125005

'November- 2014'

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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16


Category of Consumers Approved Sales RE for

FY 14-15

RE for FY


Domestic 4606 4,072 4,420

Non Domestic 2439 1,967 2,049

HT Industry 5916 4,930 5,287

Lift Irrigation 163 160 163

LT Industry 837 812 837

Agriculture Metered 2286 2,991 3,141

Agriculture Un - Metered 1568 1,679 1,584

Bulk Supply 643 803 831

Railway Traction 174 132 133

DMRC 22 31 35

Street Lighting 57 59 60

Public Water Works 450 455 486

Total 19161 18,092 19,025

Projection of Sales for FY 2014-15 & FY 2015-16


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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Rs. Cr

Sr. ParticularsApproved for

FY 2014-15

RE for FY

2014-15 FY 2015-16

1 Non-Tariff Income 133.93 133.93 149.83


Projected Non- Tariff Income FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16

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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Rs. Cr.

Particulars ApprovedEstimated

(FY 2014-15)


(FY 2015-16)

Opening Equity - 1,439.12 1,593.45

addition 154.33 240.16

Closing Equity - 1,593.45 1,833.61

Average 1,516.28 1,713.53

Rate of RoE - 14% 14%

Total RoE - 212.28 239.89


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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Projected Interest on Consumer Security Deposit (FY 2014-15) and (FY 2015-16)

Rs. Cr

Sr. Particulars Approved for

FY 2014-15

RE for FY


FY 2015-


1 Opening Security Deposit - 855.86 968.08

2 Consumer Security Deposit Receivable from UHBVN

on account of transfer of Jind Circle

- 38.46 -

3 Add: Security Deposit during the year - 73.76 76.47

4 Total applicable amount to pay interest - 968.08 1044.54

5 Bank Rate (as on 01.04.2014) - 9.00% 9.00%

6 Interest on Security Deposit 89.76 87.13 94.01


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APR PETITION FOR FY 2013-14 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16


Sr. No Particulars RE for FY 14-15 RE for FY 15-16


1 Opening CWIP 1,017 691

2 Capex During the year 857 1,334

4 Less: Trfd to GFA 1,311.75 1,417.82

3 IDC during the year 129 171

5 Closing CWIP 691 778

Sr. No Particulars FY 14-15 FY 15-16

Gross Fixed Assets (GFA)

1 Opening GFA 5,386 6,661

2 Add: Trfd from CWIP 1,312 1,418

3 Total GFA 6,698 8,079

4 Less: Retirement/Disposal

of Assets

37 44

5 Closing GFA 6,661 8,035


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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Rs. Cr

Rate of

depreciation (%)


during the yearTotal

1 Land & Land Rights - - -

2 Buildings & Civil Structure 3.3% 4.54 4.54

3 Plant & Machinery 5.3% 250.61 250.61

4 Vehicles 18.0% 2.26 2.26

5 Furniture & Fixture 6.3% 1.05 1.05

6Fixed Assets Receivable from

UHBVN on Account of Jind

Circle Transferred

5.4% 24.10 24.10

7Less: Depreciation on assets

contributed by Consumers

and grants

30.00 30.00

Total 252.56 252.56

Rs. Cr

Rate of

depreciation (%)


during the yearTotal

1 Land & Land Rights - - -

2 Buildings & Civil Structure 3.3% 4.96 4.96

3 Plant & Machinery 5.3% 317.11 317.11

4 Vehicles 18.0% 2.52 2.52

5 Furniture & Fixture 6.3% 1.16 1.16

6Fixed Assets Receivable from

UHBVN on Account of Jind

Circle Transferred

5.4% 24.10 24.10

7Less: Depreciation on assets

contributed by Consumers

and grants

30.00 30.00

Total 319.84 319.84


S.No. Particulars

Additions during the year

Depreciation : FY 2015-16

Depreciation : FY 2014-15

S.No. Particulars

Additions during the year

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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Units(MUs) Amount (Cr.) Rate

NTPC stations

1 Anta (G) 635.33 31.79 5

2 Auraiya (G) 820.72 70.27 8.56

3 Dadri (G) 721.5 53.1 7.36

4 Faridabad GPP 16967.59 887.4 5.23

5 NCTPS (Dadri-II) 49.22 3.44 6.99

6 Farakka STPS 573.64 23.9 4.17

7 Kahalgaon 1089.64 45.9 4.21

8 Kahalgaon II 3086.17 131.56 4.26

9 RHTPS 3338.86 89.38 2.68

10 RHTPS-2 3496.92 96.64 2.76

11 RHTPS-3 (New Station) 2993.89 93.74 3.13

12 Singrauli STPS 12419.29 223.05 1.8

13 Unchahar-I 422.72 18.83 4.45

14 Unchahar-II 955.65 40.76 4.27

15 Unchahar-III 549.65 27.02 4.92

16 Talcher -

17 Koldam (New Station) -

Total NTPC 48120.79 1836.78 3.82


18 Bairasuil 3242.3 52.53 1.62

19 Chamera I 7459 110.39 1.48

20 Chamera II 204.82 6.31 3.08

21 Chamera III 5988.76 88.25 1.47

22 Dhauliganga 2067.32 54.78 2.65

23 Dulhasti 1330.26 69.84 5.25

24 Sewa-II 565.05 25.14 4.45

25 Uri-Hydel 1639.01 86.4 5.27

26 Salal 473.8 19.56 4.13

27 Tanakpur 887.7 33.04 3.72

28 Uri II (New Station) 629.42 29.09 4.62

29 PARBATI III 1127.1 50.38 4.47

30 Subansari -

Total NHPC 25614.54 625.72 2.44

SJVNL 4559.97 129.35 2.84

31 Nathpa Jhakri -

32 THDC 1492.11 68.34 4.58

33 Koteshwar- (Unit-1,2) 628.25 27.33 4.35

Total SJVNL 6680.33 225.01 3.37


34 NAPP 1400.2 34.84 2.49

35 RAPP (3-4) 5695.03 174.27 3.06

36 RAPS-C -

Total NPCIL 7095.23 209.11 2.95

Other Stations


Sr.No Project

FY 2014-15

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37 HPGCL 130601.01 5960.24 4.56

38 BBMB 34926.54 155.01 0.44

39 PTC Tala 782.05 15.8 2.02

40 PTC J&K 4277.54 159.98 3.74

41 PTC Lanco Amarkantak -

42 P&R Gogripur 41.07 1.93 4.71

43 Bhoruka 122.73 3.9 3.18

44 Puri Oil Mill 172.08 6.8 3.95

45 Biomass Projects 1081.04 56.78 5.25

46 Solar Projects 107.34 6.09 5.67

47 Aravali 16386.19 1277.53 7.8

48 Mundra UMPP 19647.44 498.08 2.54

49 Sasan UMPP 14748.97 195.85 1.33

50 Pragati Gas Bawana 1854.09 174.18 9.39

51 DVC Raghunthpur -

52 PTC GMR KAMALANGA 16103.44 337.85 2.1

53 Rampur HEP -

54 Mundra Adani 79312.59 2690.84 3.39

55 DVC Mejia-B 5571.22 236.77 4.25

56 Koldam HEP -

57 Teesta III -

58 Parbati III -

59 MG STPS CLP Jhajjar 50831.32 2216.83 4.36

60 Koderma 675.23 31.13 4.61

61 Barh II -

62 PTC KARCHAMWANGTOO 11614.83 405.45 3.49

HPSEB/MITTAL SMALL HYD. 869.65 36.18 4.16

Total Others 389726.36 14467.24 3.71

Short Term Projects

63 HPSEB/HMM/MITTAL 1478.58 55.74 3.77

64 RAJASTHAN/DIRECT 14571.52 549.35 3.77

65 J&K/ MITTAL/Direct 1932.58 72.86 3.77

66 HIMACHAL/DIRECT 3253.56 122.66 3.77

67 MEGHALAYA/MITTAL 1683.41 63.46 3.77

68 UP/GMR 194.34 7.33 3.77

69 UP/MITTAL 464.41 17.51 3.77

70 ASSAM/MITTAL 128.45 4.84 3.77

71 SIKKIM/TATA 81.75 3.08 3.77

72 MADHYA PRADESH/DIRECT 5885.78 221.89 3.77

73 PTC GRIDCO Banking Power -

74 PTC JSEB Banking Power -

75 J&K/PTC PDD Banking Power -

Total Banking of Power 29674.4 1118.72 3.77

76 NVVN/Karcham Wangtoo -

77 Knowledge Infra/Raipur -

78 Shree Cement Ltd. 365.68 22.06 6.03

79 Mittal Power/Sikkim -

80 Tata Power -

81 PTC GOHP & Karcham Wangtoo -

82 GMR -

83 TATA -

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85 Mittal/IEX -

86 Shree Cement Ltd. / IEX -

Total short term projects 30040.08 1140.79 3.8

Grand Total

89 PGCIL-UI -326.36 108.53 -33.26


Less: UI -326.36 108.53 -33.26

CTU Transmission Losses -

91 Open Access 170.64

92 Refund OA -102.39

93 NRLDC -

94 PGCIL 805


96 Prior Period -


98 HPGCL Surcharge/Impact of APTEL 525.82

99 Others -

Sub-total - 1399.08

Add: Intra state Transmission Charges 554332640.6

100 HVPNL Transmission Charges 1067.77

101 SLDC Charges -

102 Reactive energy charges -

Sub-total - 1067.77

Grand Total 506950.97 21080.03 4.17

103 Unitary Charges -

Grand Total 506950.97 21080.03 4.17

52381 1685.9

Interstate Sale

sources inside state

Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate

1 HPGCL 130601.01 6486.06 4.97

2 P&R Gogripur 41.07 1.93 4.71

3 Bhoruka Power 122.73 3.9 3.18

4 Puri Oil Mills 172.08 6.8 3.95

5 Solar Power 107.34 6.09 5.67

7 CLP Jhajjar 50831.32 2216.83 4.36

8 Biomass projects & cogen 1081.04 56.78 5.25

9 Faridabad Gas 16967.59 887.4 5.23

10 Adani Power 79312.59 2690.84 3.39

279236.77 12356.64 4.43

Units(Mus) Amount (Rs) Rate1 NTPC Stations 31153.21 949.38 3.05

2 NHPC 25614.54 625.72 2.44

3 SJVNL & THDC and Kotesshwar 6680.33 225.01 3.37

4 NPCIL 7095.23 209.11 2.95

5 Others 92530.64 3368.81 3.64

6 BBMB 34926.54 155.01 0.44

April'14-March'15 UHBVN


sources outside state

Sr.No. Sources Outside State


Sr.No. Sources Within State

April'14-March'15 April'14-March'15 UHBVN

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198000.49 5533.04 2.79


Short Term Power Purchase 30040.08 1140.79 3.8

OA charges 0 68.26 0

Intra state Transmission Charges 0 1067.77 0

Inter State Transmission Charges 0 805 0

UI Charges -326.36 108.53 -33.26

SLDC charges 0

Grand Total 506950.97 21080.03 4.17

Power Purchase Cost 477237.26 17957.94 3.76

Inter State Transmission Charges 0 805

Intra state Transmission Charges & SLDC

charges 0 1067.77

OA and UI 29713.71 1249.32 4.2

Grand Total 506950.97 21080.03 4.17


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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Project Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate Anta 635.33 317,863,543.52 5.00

Auriya 820.72 702,696,331.85 8.56

Dadri 721.50 530,974,943.84 7.36

Faridabad Gas 16,967.59 7,035,672,139.71 4.15

FGTPS 422.72 188,258,999.98 4.45

FGTPS-2 955.65 407,648,006.80 4.27

FGTPS-3 549.65 270,229,514.61 4.92

FSTPS 573.64 239,019,872.29 4.17

KHTPS1 1,089.64 458,971,088.59 4.21

KHTPS2 3,086.17 1,315,563,561.40 4.26


II) 49.22 34,417,804.37 6.99

RHTPS 3,338.86 893,782,714.88 2.68

RHTPS-2 3,496.92 966,363,823.26 2.76

RHTPS-3 2,993.89 937,430,219.90 3.13

SSTPS 12,419.29 2,230,544,734.79 1.80

Talcher - -


LTD (A) 48,120.79 16,529,437,299.81 3.43

NHPC - - -

BAIRASUIL 3,242.30 458,490,304.43 1.41

SALAL 7,459.00 687,206,591.10 0.92

TANAKPUR 204.82 63,142,865.10 3.08

CHAMERA-I 5,988.76 882,541,125.04 1.47

URI 2,067.32 317,621,312.22 1.54

CHAMERA-II 1,330.26 334,196,524.41 2.51

DHAULIGANGA 565.05 128,682,815.68 2.28

DHULHASTI 1,639.01 863,962,204.32 5.27

SEWA-II 473.80 195,571,769.13 4.13

CHAMERA III 887.70 330,404,181.06 3.72

PARBATI III 629.42 290,896,232.20 4.62

URI-II 1,127.10 403,523,294.76 -


LTD (B) 25,614.54 4,956,239,219.46 1.93

SJVNL 4,559.97 1,293,466,012.62 2.84

THDC 1,492.11 597,110,014.21 4.00


KOTESHWAR 628.25 242,874,407.22 3.87

RAPS 5,695.03 1,687,469,415.54 2.96

NAPS 1,400.20 348,433,059.58 2.49

BBMB 34,926.54 1,550,112,443.27 0.44



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Project Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate


PTC TALA 782.05 157,513,499.22 2.01

PTC J&K 4,277.54 1,591,245,076.33 3.72



Aravali Co. Pvt.

Ltd. 16,386.19 12,775,278,802.36 7.80


POWER LTD. 50,831.32 22,168,327,257.21 4.36


POWER 1,854.09 1,741,835,716.65 9.39

Coastal Gujrat

Power Ltd. 19,647.44 4,980,825,233.72 2.54


LTD 79,312.59 26,908,431,310.05 3.39


LIMITED 14,748.97 1,958,494,200.54 1.33


KAMALANGA 16,103.44 3,378,501,197.34 2.10




11,614.83 4,054,549,338.68 3.49

DVC MEJIA 5,571.22 2,367,738,917.67 4.25

DVC KODERMA 675.23 311,329,788.14 4.61

HPGCL 130,601.01 59,602,404,808.31 4.56

HPGCL (FSA) - 5,258,208,108.00 -


TERM ( C) 401,108.02 152,974,148,606.64 3.81



small hydro

41.07 19,342,855.28 4.71

Bhoruka Power

Corps. Ltd. Small


122.73 38,780,089.41 3.16


SMALL HYD. 869.65 361,773,489.48 4.16


SUGAR MILL 190.24 77,045,516.35 4.05


SUGAR MILL 9.02 3,787,679.13 4.20

Haryana Co.

Sugar Mill. 141.50 57,308,752.71 4.05

Hafed Sugar Mill 8.78 3,484,609.48 3.97

Meham Sugar

Mill 1.78 717,201.48 4.04

Puri Oil Mill

small hydro 172.08 67,112,895.31 3.90




1,556.84 629,353,088.62 4.04


PVT LTD. DH 16.09 9,125,427.56 5.67

C&S Electrical

DH 13.40 7,598,250.27 5.67

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Project Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate




10.42 5,910,850.42 5.67


SOLAR DH 14.72 8,348,621.45 5.67


DH 13.81 7,829,802.34 5.67


SOLAR UH 11.85 6,717,547.04 5.67


SOLAR UH 13.27 7,524,770.13 5.67

VKG SOLAR UH 13.77 7,807,467.06 5.67


(E) 107.34 60,862,736.27 5.67


INDIA 632.60 368,803,807.56 5.83


ENERGY LTD. 97.12 56,621,988.19 5.83


INDIA (F) 729.72 425,425,795.75 5.83

Total Long



477,237.26 175,575,466,746.56 3.68


POWER - - -



1,478.58 557,426,469.60 3.77



14,571.52 5,493,464,245.80 3.77


MITTAL/Direct 1,932.58 728,584,413.05 3.77



3,253.56 1,226,592,120.00 3.77



1,683.41 634,645,015.81 3.77

UP/GMR 194.34 73,267,989.60 3.77

UP/MITTAL 464.41 175,083,889.50 3.77

ASSAM/MITTAL 128.45 48,425,273.00 3.77

SIKKIM/TATA 81.75 30,819,750.00 3.77




5,885.78 2,218,938,140.12 3.77




29,674.40 11,187,247,306.48 3.77


IEX 365.68 220,614,002.00 6.03



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Project Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate



TERM (G) 365.68 220,614,002.00 6.03


Term H=(F+G) 30,040.08 11,407,861,308.48 3.80


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Project Units(Lus) Amount (Rs) Rate


PGCIL-UI (326.36) 1,085,347,314.00 (33.26)


TOTAL UI (I) (326.36) 1,085,347,314.00 (33.26)

Open Acess


PGCIL 6273158470.05


sion (J)

Charges (F)





506950.97 196048254160.15 3.87

HVPNL DH 4779826570.00

HVPNL UH 4589127600.00

TOTAL (L) 0.00 9368954170.00 0.00

TOTAL(K+L) 506950.97 205417208330.15 4.05

0.00 0.00 0.00


PURCHASE506950.97 205417208330.15 4.05


Generation216450.30 102271898832.47 4.72


purchase225205.94 91253749304.81 4.05


purchase281745.02 114163459025.34 4.05


Generation -


95567.14 45155091513.19 4.72


Generation -


120883.16 57116807319.28 4.72

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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

OB ROI Reciept Payment Made CB Int

as on 1.4.2014As on


1 Bank Loan 3067.85 12.25% 2,501.41 - 5,569.26 529.02

2 REC STL 53.03 13.25% - 53.03 - 3.51


Transitional Loss1200 12.62% - - 1,200.00 151.44

4 500 12.38% 100.00 - 600.00 68.09


Transitional Loss800 12.37% - - 800.00 98.96

6 HVPNL 293.4 9.45% - - 293.40 27.73

7 HVPNL 200 9.83% - - 200.00 19.66

8 CC/OD 312.93 11.50% 521.67 225.30 609.3 53.03

9 Total 6427.21 3123.08 278.33 9271.96 951.44

OB ROI Reciept Payment Made CB Interest

as on 1.4.1015as on


1 Bank Loan 5569.26 12.25% 1477.75 395.29 6651.72 748.54

2 REC STL - 0.13 - - - -


Transitional Loss 1200 12.62% 200.00 - 1,400.00 164.06

4 600 12.38% - - 600.00 74.28


Transitional Loss 800 12.37% 1,200.00 - 2,000.00 173.18

6 HVPNL 293.4 9.45% - - 293.40 27.73

7 HVPNL 200 9.83% - - 200.00 19.66

8 CC/OD 609.3 11.50% - - 609.30 70.07

9 Total 9271.96 2877.75 395.29 11754.42 1277.51






FY 2014-15 (Projections)

FY 2015-16

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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16


Total Interest and finance charges as per FRP in Cr excluding Capex

loan /(loss funding as well as for working capital req.)

951.44 1277.51

Interest on Capex Loan 230.46 304.92

Total Interest and Finance Charges 1181.90 1582.43

Less: Interest and Finance Charges capitalised during year 129.06 170.76

Net Interest and Finance Charges 1052.84 1411.68

Interest on security deposit 87.13 94.01

Other Int. & Fin Charges 10.00 10.00

Guarantee fee (2%) 62.46 57.56

Repayment of loans under FRP 278.33 395.29

Total Interest and Finance Charges 1490.76 1968.53


Particular FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Rs. Cr

Sr. Particulars


for FY 2014-


Total RE for FY 2014-


Total RE for FY


1 Employee Expense 495.00 787.05 851.90

2 Administration & General Expense 59.75 72.06 77.99

3 Repair & Maintenance Expense 106.73 107.58 118.97

4 Terminal Liability 150.00 150.00 150.00

Total 811.48 1,116.69 1,198.85


Projected O&M Expenses (FY 2014-15)

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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Particulars Units FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

Per unit Rate (Estimated) (Projections)

Gross energy procured from outside the state sources MUs 12,656 12,132

Inter-state transmission losses % 3.82% 3.82%

Inter-state transmission losses MUs 483 463

Net energy available from outside the state MUs 12,172 11,669

Add energy generated within the state MUs 15,519 17,277

Net energy available at state boundary for use in DHBVN MUs 27,691 28,945

Intra-state transmission losses % 2.50% 2.48%

Intra-state transmission losses MUs 692 718

Energy available for sale to distribution licensee at distribution

peripheryMUs 26,999 28,228

Power purchase cost Rs Cr 10,675 11,947

Inter-state transmission charges Rs Cr 447 447

Intra-state transmission charges Rs Cr 518 557

Total bulk purchase and transmission charges Rs Cr 11,640.42 12,950.93

Power purchase per unit Rs/kWh 3.95 4.23

Inter-state transmission charges Rs/kWh 0.17 0.16

Intra-state transmission charges Rs/kWh 0.19 0.20

Average BST for DHBVN Rs/kWh 4.31 4.59

Particulars Units FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

For DHBVN only (Estimated) (Projections)

Estimated sales (UH) 12,163 12,867

Distribution Losses (UH) % 28.58% 24.79%

Energy Requirement at Distribution Periphery (UH) MUs 17,031 17,109

Intra-state transmission losses (UH) % 2.50% 2.48%

Energy requirement at State Boundary (UH) MUs 17,467 17,544

Estimated sales (DH) 18,092 19,025

Distribution Losses (DH) % 24.48% 21.96%

Energy Requirement at Distribution Periphery (DH) MUs 23,956 24,379

Intra-state transmission losses (DH) % 2.50% 2.48%

Energy requirement at State Boundary (DH) MUs 24,571 24,999

Total Energy requirement (UH + DH) 42,038 42,542

Purchase within the State (DH) MUs 15,519 17,277

Gross Purchase outside the State (DH) MUs 12,656 12,132

Inter-state transmission losses (DH) % 3.82% 3.82%

Net Outside state Purchase after reducing inter-state losses (DH) MUs 12,172 11,669

Total Power available at state boundary (DH) 27,691 28,945

Surplus/(Deficit) (DH) MUs 3,121 3,947

Particulars Units FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16

For the State Haryana (Estimated) (Projections)

Estimated sales (UH) 12,163 12,867

Distribution Losses (UH) % 28.58% 24.79%

Energy Requirement at Distribution Periphery (UH) MUs 17,031 17,109

Intra-state transmission losses (UH) % 2.50% 2.48%

Energy requirement at State Boundary (UH) MUs 17,467 17,544

Estimated sales (DH) 18,092 19,025

Distribution Losses (DH) % 24.48% 21.96%

Energy Requirement at Distribution Periphery (DH) MUs 23,956 24,379

Intra-state transmission losses (DH) % 2.50% 2.48%

Energy requirement at State Boundary (DH) MUs 24,571 24,999

Total Energy requirement (UH + DH) 42,038 42,542

Purchase within the State (Haryana) MUs 27,924 31,087

Gross Purchase outside the State (Haryana) MUs 22,771 21,829

Inter-state transmission losses (Haryana) % 3.82% 3.82%

Net Outside state Purchase after reducing inter-state losses

(Haryana)MUs 21,902 20,996

Total Power available at state boundary (Haryana) 49,825 52,082

Surplus/(Deficit) (Haryana) MUs 7,787 9,540


Bulk Supply Tariff and Energy Balance

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APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Rs. Cr. Rs. Cr.

FY 2015-16

Approved RE Projected

Power Purchase Expenses 9,075.3 10,674.7 11,946.8

Inter state Transmission Charges 0.0 447.4 447.4

HVPNL scheduling & SLDC Charges 518.3 518.3 556.7

Operations and Maintenance Expenses 811.9 1,116.7 1,198.9

Employee Expense 495.4 787.1 851.9

Administration & General Expense 59.8 72.1 78.0

Repair & Maintenance Expense 106.7 107.6 119.0

Terminal Liability 150.0 150.0 150.0

Depreciation 241.9 252.6 319.8

Total Interest & Finance Charges 630.7 1,490.8 1,968.5

Return on Equity Capital 0.0 212.3 239.9

Total Expenditure 11,278.2 14,712.7 16,678.1

True up of expenses of previous years -66.4 0.0 0.0

Net Expenditure 11,211.8 14,712.7 16,678.1

Less: Non Tariff Income 133.9 133.9 149.8

Net Aggregate Revenue Requirement 11,077.8 14,578.8 16,528.2

Total Income 9,187.18 10,139.95

From Sale of power and Banking Outside the state 1,031.41 1,390.46

From Sale of power within the state (assessed) 8,155.77 8,749.49

Surplus/(Gap) (5,391.60) (6,388.27)

Govt. subsidy (excluding FSA subsidy) 3,130.41 3,423.62

Revenue from FSA 1,387.67 1,310.66

Net Surplus / (Gap) (873.52) (1,653.99)

Subsidy 5284 5623


Projected ARR working for FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16

FY 2014-15Particulars

Page 131: BEFORE T H ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSIONarr.pdf · Dec-14] Page i Petition for APR FY 2014-15 and ARR for FY 2015-16 for DHBVNL To The Secretary, Haryana Electricity Regulatory

APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Rs. Cr.

Wheeling Retail Wheeling Retail supply Wheeling Retail supply

Power Purchase Cost 0% 100% - 10,675 - 11,947

Employee Expense 48% 52% 377.79 409 408.91 443

Administration & General Expense 42% 58% 30.26 42 32.76 45

Repair & Maintenance Expense 70% 30% 75.31 32 83.28 36

Terminal Liability 0% 100% - 150 - 150

Depreciation 82% 18% 207.10 45 262.27 58

Interest on Long Term Loan Capital 90% 10% 856.3 95.1 1,149.8 127.8

Interest on security deposit 10% 90% 8.71 78 9.40 85

Return on Equity Capital 90% 10% 191.05 21 215.90 24

Non-tariff income 11% 89% 14.73 119 16.48 133

Revenue subsidy from Govt. (excluding FSA


0% 100% - 5284 - 5623

Revenue from SOP - Interstate 0% 100% - 1,031.41 - 1,390.46

Revenue from SOP - Intrastate 16% 84% 1,304.92 6,850.85 1,399.92 7,349.57

Gap (426.86) 1,737.17 (745.87) 1,581.72

Particulars Weightage FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16


Allocation of Wheeling & Retail Supply ARR

Page 132: BEFORE T H ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSIONarr.pdf · Dec-14] Page i Petition for APR FY 2014-15 and ARR for FY 2015-16 for DHBVNL To The Secretary, Haryana Electricity Regulatory

APR PETITION FOR FY 2014-15 & ARR FOR FY 2015-16

Rs. Cr.

Particulars Approved

for FY 2014-


FY 2014-15 Projected

FY 2015-16

AT&C loss reduction plan 52.5 52.5 47.5

Procurement of single phase meters for

replacement of defective meters and release of

new connections.

17.8 17.8 17.8

Procurement of three phase meters for

replacement of defective meters and release of

new connections.

9.7 9.7 9.7

LT Connectivity of already executed HVDS works. 20 20 20

Power Factor Improvement (Providing automatic

power factor correctors)

5 5 -

Load Growth schemes 445.39 441.415 359.99

Creation of new 33 kV sub-stations 104.88 104.88 75.12

Augmentation of existing 33 kV sub-stations 61.69 61.69 24.19

Erection of new 33 kV lines 26.4 26.4 14.4

Erection of new 11 kV lines 8.8 8.8 4.8

Augmentation of existing 33 kV lines 2.35 2.35 1.68

Bifurcation of 11 kV feeders (Work of bifurcation

of feeders, augmentation of ACSR)

11.27 11.27 18

Material required for release of Non-AP

connections & replacement of old assets

150 150 150

Procurement of power transformers and allied

equipment such as 33 kV CTs, 33 kV PTs, 33 kV

and 11 kV VCBs, 33 kV Control and Relay Panels


20 20 9.51

Release of Tube well connection on turnkey basis 50 50 50

Release of BPL connections under RGGVY


10 6.025 12.29

R-APDRP schemes 461.5 360.87 637.92

Implementation of R-APDRP (Part-A), including


40 79.93 83.04

Implementation of R-APDRP (Part-B) 205 10 325

Relocation of energy meters of DS & NDS

consumers outside their premises in Meter Pillar


50 50 50

Projected Ocapital Expenditure


Page 133: BEFORE T H ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSIONarr.pdf · Dec-14] Page i Petition for APR FY 2014-15 and ARR for FY 2015-16 for DHBVNL To The Secretary, Haryana Electricity Regulatory

Civil Works 10 10 10

System Strengthening Works under IBRD loan

and IBRD equity


Under IBRD Loan 70 70 70

Under IBRD Equity 17.5 17.5 17.5

Scaling of IT infra in non -RAPDRP area 0 3.52 26.91

Revamping of existing Meter Testing labs. at

Dadri, Sirsa, Hisar, Faridabad & Gurgaon

0 0 13.59

Maintenance free earthling using 'Ground

Enhancing Material for Distribution

Transformers, Meter Pillar Boxes and H-pole etc.

6.5 6.5 6.5

Installation of meters on 33 kV Incomers at sub-

stations for energy auditing.

5 5 0

Providing RF Meters. 12.5 12.5 12.5

AMR on large NDS & LT consumers having load

about 10 kW (IBRD funded work).

45 10.5 22.88

New work: MGGBY 85.42 -

New Work : SCADA - -

Total 959.39 857.395 1334.22
