before the hearing panel in the matter of the resource ... plan... · siobhan, karaitiana, carmen...

BEFORE THE HEARING PANEL IN THE MATTER AND IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 of proposed Plan Change 2 for the One Plan JOINT WITNESS STATEMENT OF EXPERTS PLANNING 29 July 2020

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Page 1: BEFORE THE HEARING PANEL IN THE MATTER of the Resource ... Plan... · Siobhan, Karaitiana, Carmen Tayler, Christine Foster, Abbie Fowler Nie Conland (departed at 4.00 p.m. following





of the Resource Management Act 1991

of proposed Plan Change 2 for the One Plan



29 July 2020

Page 2: BEFORE THE HEARING PANEL IN THE MATTER of the Resource ... Plan... · Siobhan, Karaitiana, Carmen Tayler, Christine Foster, Abbie Fowler Nie Conland (departed at 4.00 p.m. following


1. This joint witness statement relates to expert conferencing on the topic of

Resource Management Act Planning.

2. This joint witness statement relates to proposed Plan Change 2 (PC2) of

the One Plan by examining the policy framework proposed by PC2,

considering potential refinements to the changes proposed by PC2 arising

out of submissions, and considering the implications of the proposed

amendments and any refinements in terms of section 32 of the Resource

Management Act 1991 (the "Act").

3. The expert conferencing was held on 29 July 2020 at Palmerston North.

The experts have agreed to resume conferencing on 20th August 2020.

4. Attendees at the conference were:

(a) Gerard Willis;

(b) Natasha Hayward;

(c) Christine Foster;

(d) Vance Hodgson;

(e) Nie Conland;

(f) Chris Keenan;

(g) Carmen Taylor;

(h) Peter Wilson;

(i) Angus Gray;

U) Cynthia Ward;

(k) Greg Carlyon;

(I) Paula Hunter;

(m) Melaina Voss;

(n) Siobhan Karaitiana; and

(o) Abbie Fowler.

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5. We confirm that we have read the Environment Court Practice Note 2014,

and in particular Appendix 3 - Protocol for Expert Witness Conferences,

and agree to abide by it.


6. The purpose of conferencing was to identify, discuss and highlight points of

agreement and disagreement on planning issues arising from PC2 under the

Act, and the submissions received on the proposed plan change.

7. In addition, questions arising from pre-hearing meetings between submitters

and Horizons have been circulated for our consideration as part of

conferencing. We have addressed those relevant to our areas of expertise.

8. The scope of the issues covered at this conference included:

(a) RMA Planning.


9. None


10. None


11. Refer to Annexure A.


12. Refer to Annexure A.


• Horizons Regional Council Operative One Plan

• Horizons Regional Council (2016), Policy Evaluation Report: Freshwater Quality (17p);

• Environment Court Declaration 2017

• s. 35 Evaluation Report 2018

• Ellis Gould Independent legal advice for MfE 2018

• Horizons Regional Council (2018), Horticulture Problem Definition (5p);

• Horizons Regional Council (12 Dec 2017), Environment Committee Annex A Science & Innovation Activity (32p);

• Horizons Regional Council (2013), 2013 State of Environment (1 00p);

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• Dr J Roygard on behalf of Horizons Regional Council (undated), section 42A report (217p);

• Enfocus Ltd and Hill Young Cooper Ltd (12 October 2017), Draft report on Options to Change Nutrient Management Provisions of One Plan (6p);

• van Voorthuysen Environmental Ltd (29 June 2017) , One Plan - intensive farming land use activities.

• Enfocus Ltd (July 2017), Planning Opinion on consenting pathways for intensive farming : Horizons One Plan (9p);

• Enfocus Ltd (June 2017), Options for Change: One Plan Post Declaration;

• Horizons Regional Council (14 November 2017), Strategy and Policy Committee meeting notes, report 17-220.

• Enfocus Ltd (May 2017) , Implications of the Environment Court's declaration on One Plan implementation (14p);

• The AgriBusiness Group (October 2017), Farm Scale Economic Impact Analysis of One Plan Intensive Land Use Provisions (23p) ;

• Landcare Research (May 2016), Impact of the Horizons One Plan on farmers and the agricultural community (38p);

• KapAg Ltd (01/01/2018) , An impact assessment of One Plan policies and rules on farming systems in the Tararua District and the Manawatu Wanganui Region (91 p);

• KapAg Ltd (2015) , Selecting farm practices and preparing farm plans for land-use consents in the Manawatu-Wanganui region (9p) ;

• KapAg Ltd (March 2018), Selecting representative dairy farms for the upper Manawatu River catchment (37p);

• KapAg Ltd (May 2018), A comparison of changes to nitrogen loss allowances on dairy in the upper Manawatu River catchment (50p);

• GSL Diagnostic (30 June 2016), The feasibil ity of nutrient leaching reductions (N leaching) within the constraints of minimum impact on the profitability and production of five dairy farms in the Horizons Region (45p);

• Massey University (February 2018) Sensitivity of values in Table 14.2 of the 'One Plan' to a change in the version of OVERSEER® (40p);

• Statutory Acknowledgements; • Treaty Settlement Documents; • All available JWSs and Appendices; • Horizons Regional Council PC 2 S. 32 Report


13. None

Date: 29 July 2020

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Vant e Hodgson

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In the matter of Proposed Plan Change 2

Expert conferencing - Resource Management Act Planning

Participants: Gerard Willis, Peter Wilson, Angus Gray, Cynthia Ward, Vance Hodgson, Greg Carlyon, Paula Hunter, , Chris Keenan,

Siobhan, Karaitiana, Carmen Tayler, Christine Foster, Abbie Fowler Nie Conland (departed at 4.00 p.m. following Question 8 and

before Question 9), Melaina Voss (departed at 5.00 p.m., during discussion around Question 12)

Issue Statements Agreed Position Disagreements, with


1 What is the relevant Give effect to: Not all experts present have reviewed SK: I have concerns about the way that

RMA policy framework Part 2 Section 32: S.5, informed by 6,7,8 non RMA documents as highlighted or HRC undertook their assessment of S

for evaluation of PC2 CF: The purpose of PC2 and the objectives of formed an opinion and agree that the 6, 7 & 8.

(including higher order the One Plan, to the extent that they are weighting and requirements of them

planning documents and unchanged by PC2 and relevant to PC2 need to be considered further.

the One Plan)? Regional policy statement, are unchanged by All agreed that these One Plan the plan change 32 (3 & 6). objectives are relevant. Some experts Obj 5-1, 5-2 consider that there are others that are

Regional Plan Objective 12-1, 12-2, 13-1, 14-1 relevant and will be presented in evidence.

RPS Obj 2-1, 3-1, 4-1, 4-2

2005 NES for human drinking water

2017 NPS-FM - objectives and policies, all those that are within the scope of PC2.

NZCPS to the extent that they are relevant to PC2 and the coastal environment.

Obj 1 (Water Quality, biological processes and resilience)

Obj 3 (Treaty of Waitangi)

Obj 6 (Coastal resources should not be compromised by activities on land)

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Pol 2 (The Treaty of Waitangi Tangata and Maori heritage).

Pol 3 (Precautionary approach)

Pol 4 (Integration)

Pol 5 (Land or Waters held under other acts)

Pol 21 (Enhancement of water quality)

Pol 22 (reducing sources of sedimentation)

Must take into account: Relevant lwi management plans

Must not be inconsistent with:

Water Conservation Order Rangitikei River 2003

Must consider:

Te Awa Tupua Settlement Act 2017

Rangitane O Manawatu Settlement Act.

Any other treaty settlement legislation.

Statutory instruments separate from the RMA, that need to be considered:

Manawatu Rivers Leaders Forum Accord

Lake Horowhenua Accord

Other relevant considerations:

2020 NPS Urban development (Due to timing in relation to notification of PC2). Noting that it has replaced 2016 NPS Urban Development

The Reserves and Other Lands Disposal Act 1956 (relevant in regards to iwi and their relationship with Lake Horowhenua and land.

What is the impact of the Until the documents are enacted and All agreed.

proposed 2020 NPS-FM gazetted, they have no effect. Experts have agreed to offer further

and NES-FM caucusing on the implications of any amendments?

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When they are available, regard will need to relevant NPS, NES and regulation be given to them. changes, if or when they become

available during the process.

2 What is the correct Analysis for reasonably practicable options All agreed.

approach for s.32 and comparative costs and benefits of those

evaluation of PC2? options, in terms of what is the most appropriate way of achieving objectives and purposes s32.(1) (a) and (b) examine whether the provisions are the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives (purpose of PC2 plus existing plan).

What is the relevant The baseline is considered to be status quo

baseline for comparative One Plan unchanged with the assumption of

purposes? enforcement.

What are the relevant All agreed that there is a scenario from the baseline that needs to be considered. This

considerations? involves a continuation of One Plan and recent implementation.

3 Noting that some Schedule 1 Clause 3, 3A, 3B & 4A All agreed.

submissions raised concerns about the These require consultation with local GC identified concern that the issues

adequacy of pre-authorities and iwi authorities. raised in this regard have been a matter

of public record for some time and have notification consultation, not been responded to. what are the relevant requirements under the RMA?

4 How have statutory By reference, through a link in s32 report, but

acknowledgements in not discussed.

Treaty Settlements been considered and addressed within PC2?

5 On what basis is irrigation This question has been removed. excluded from the list of intensive land uses in Policy 14-5 (a)?

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6 What is the relationship Table 14.2 was and is intended to provide a All agreed.

between Table 14.2 and contribution towards achieving the values

the relevant values and and outcomes of schedules B & E.

attributes within It was not anticipated that compliance with

Schedules B and E of Table 14.2 on an individual farm basis and the One Plan? even on a catchment wide basis on its own

would achieve the relevant values and attributes within Schedules Band E ofthe One Plan.

It is generally not possible at the enterprise scale, for a consent applicant to demonstrate the direct impact of their activity on the relevant values and attributes within Schedules B & Eat a catchment scale.

lwi will have the opportunity to consider how their values may be affected, at the time of a consent application, as per the deed of settlement.

7 Should discharges of They are not. They are captured by Rule 14- All agreed.

treated municipal 30.

wastewater to land be subject to the intensive farming provisions of the One Plan?

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8 Should intensive farming CF considers that they should. All except, PH, AF, CW & MV agree CF does not consider that exemption

land use associated with for new activities is within the scope of

the irrigation of treated PC2.

municipal wastewater to PH: It should be excluded because there are AF, and MV agree. Everyone else disagrees and CW land be subject to the opportunities through the discharge reserves her opinion. intensive farming application to consider the land use issues. provisions of the One Plan? PH: Also does not consider that the land use All agreed

is extremely difficult to consent if it is an IFLU and if it is required to meet Table 14.2 and GMP.

GW considers that they should be regulated, GC has not expressed a view on these

but not necessarily by requiring compliance All agreed except GC matters

through Table 14.2. NC to Farm Systems Experts: Is it

Experts consider that this raised the question possible to adjust your farm system to

of scope and note that the question of scope All agreed. enable irrigation with municipal

is to be determined. wastewater and be able to be consented?

AF to Farm Systems Experts: Is it possible to adjust your farm system to enable irrigation with industrial waste water and to be consented?

9 Noting that specific To be discussed on Day 2.

alternative regulatory CF will circulate her responses to submissions approaches were

signalled in some and written responses may be submitted

submissions: what are before then.

the primary alternatives available and what are their relative merits, in terms of s.32, compared with PC2?

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10 What refinements could Deferred to Day 2

be made to the PC2 policies and rules to address issues raised by submissions? (please identify the submission points that provide the scope for any proposed amendments)?

11 Does PC2 provide CF: No it doesn't provide guidance. All agreed

sufficient guidance on the extent of exceedance of Table 14.2 that will be acceptable for those I FLU activities that seek resource consent to exceed Table 14.2?

If not, how could PC2 be Deferred to Day 2

refined to better guide or limit exceedance of Table 14.2?

12 What impact does the This question is still being worskhopped and

requirement that all is not complete.

regional councils must, by 2024, publicly notify plan changes to give effect to the revised NPS-FM have on the implementation of PC2? In particular, are there any implications in terms

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of consent durations or consent review requirements?

13 How are cumulative This question is still being workshopped and

effects of individual is not complete.

INFLUs assessed and managed under PC2?

14 What should be the minimum and maximum information requirements for applications for consent under PC2?

15 What should be the minimum and maximum information requirements for applications for consent under PC2?

16 How should the impact of regulation under PC2 (and the implementation of GMPs and BMPs required under the PC2 consent framework) be monitored and measured? And over what time frame?

17 Given that all I FL Us in targeted water management zones have been required to

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secure consents since 2014, what time frame is reasonable for lodging appliations for consent under PC2?

18 How can future Overseer FM version updates be accommodated within the PC2 rule framework?

19 What are the merits and disadvantages of including a list of agreed minimum management practices in the proposed definition of 'good management practices'?

20 Noting the Government's intention to introduce regulation to require 'freshwater farm plans' for intensive farming activities, how would the nutrient management plans required under the One Plan (and required by PC2) be integrated with 'freshwater farm plans'? Will it be necessary to change the name or content of

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nutrient management plans required by PC2? Pre-hearing meeting discussions identified six potential uses for the Overseer FM farm systems modelling tool:

(a) As a tool for calculating (permitted activity) limits in a Plan;

(b) As a tool to set threshold for activity status in a Plan;

(c) As a monitoring tool for

compliance monitoring and enforcement;

(d) As an information tool to test the

efficacy of on-

farm system

changes to inform adaptive management (i.e. a decision support tool);

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(e) As an allocation tool for allocating individual shares of N or

P contributed to the catchment;

(f) Related to (e) above: as a basis for establishing a

trading mechanism for

N contamination 'rights'.

Do the experts agree that these are valid uses of Overseer FM?

21 What should be included, as a minimum, in the nutrient management plan accompanying applications for consent for each of the listed intensive farming land use activities? Is there an appropriate nutrient management plan template available that could be adopted?

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