behavioristic theories

Behaviorist theories Personality Theories

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Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Advocated by famous psychologists such as John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner, behavioral theories dominated psychology during the early half of the twentieth century. Today, behavioral techniques are still widely used in therapeutic settings to help clients learn new skills and behaviors


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Behaviorist theoriesPersonality Theories

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Prepared By Manu Melwin JoyResearch Scholar

School of Management StudiesCUSAT, Kerala, India.Phone – 9744551114

Mail – [email protected]

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Page 3: Behavioristic theories


Learned Behavior

Previous aggressive behavior rewarded

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Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select -- doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors.

--John Watson, Behaviorism, 1930

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a. Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a theory of learning based

upon the idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning.

b. Advocated by famous psychologists such as John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner,

behavioral theories dominated psychology during the early half of the twentieth

century. Today, behavioral techniques are still widely used in therapeutic settings

to help clients learn new skills and behaviors.

c. The school of behaviorism emerged in the 1910s, led by John B. Watson.

d. Unlike psychodynamic theorists, behaviorists study only observable behavior.

e. Their explanations of personality focus on learning.

f. Skinner, Bandura, and Walter Mischel all proposed important behaviourist


Behaviourist Theories

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1. Learning occurs through interactions with the environment.

2. The environment shapes behavior and

3. Taking internal mental states such as thoughts, feelings and emotions

into consideration is useless in explaining behavior.

Assumptions of behaviorism

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Classical Conditioning

Ivan Pavlov was a noted Russian physiologist who went on to

win the 1904 Nobel Prize for his work studying digestive processes.

It was while studying digestion in dogs that Pavlov noted an

interesting occurrence – his canine subjects would begin to salivate

whenever an assistant entered the room.

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Classical Conditioning

1. The Unconditioned Stimulus - The unconditioned stimulus is one that

unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response.

2. The Unconditioned Response - The unconditioned response is the

unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned


3. The Conditioned Stimulus - The conditioned stimulus is previously

neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned

stimulus, eventually comes to trigger a conditioned response.

4. The Conditioned Response - The conditioned response is the learned

response to the previously neutral stimulus.

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Classical ConditioningBehaviorists have described a number of different phenomena associated with

classical conditioning.

1. Acquisition - Acquisition is the initial stage of learning when a response is first

established and gradually strengthened.

2. Extinction - Extinction is when the occurrences of a conditioned response

decrease or disappear.

3. Spontaneous Recovery - Spontaneous Recovery is the reappearance of the

conditioned response after a rest period or period of lessened response.

4. Stimulus Generalization - Stimulus Generalization is the tendency for the

conditioned stimulus to evoke similar responses after the response has been


5. Discrimination - Discrimination is the ability to differentiate between a

conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that have not been paired with an

unconditioned stimulus.

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Operant Conditioning

Operant conditioning was coined by behaviourist B.F. Skinner. As

a behaviorist, Skinner believed that internal thoughts and

motivations could not be used to explain behavior. Instead, he

suggested, we should look only at the external, observable causes of

human behavior.

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"The consequences of behavior determine

the probability that the behavior will occur


-B. F. Skinner

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Operant Conditioning

1. Skinner used the term operant to refer to any "active behavior that

operates upon the environment to generate consequences.”

2. Reinforcement is any event that strengthens or increases the behavior it

follows. There are two kinds of reinforcers:

a. Positive reinforcers are favorable events or outcomes that are

presented after the behavior. In situations that reflect positive

reinforcement, a response or behavior is strengthened by the addition of

something, such as praise or a direct reward.

b. Negative reinforcers involve the removal of an unfavorable events or

outcomes after the display of a behavior. In these situations, a response

is strengthened by the removal of something considered unpleasant.

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Operant Conditioning

1. Punishment, on the other hand, is the presentation of an adverse event or

outcome that causes a decrease in the behavior it follows. There are two

kinds of punishment:

a. Positive punishment, sometimes referred to as punishment by

application, involves the presentation of an unfavorable event or

outcome in order to weaken the response it follows.

b. Negative punishment, also known as punishment by removal,

occurs when an favorable event or outcome is removed after a behavior


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Operant Conditioning

1. In operant conditioning, schedules of reinforcement are an important component of the

learning process. When and how often we reinforce a behavior can have a dramatic

impact on the strength and rate of the response.

a. Continuous Reinforcement - In continuous reinforcement, the desired

behavior is reinforced every single time it occurs. Generally, this schedule is best

used during the initial stages of learning in order to create a strong association

between the behavior and the response. Once the response if firmly attached,

reinforcement is usually switched to a partial reinforcement schedule.

b. Partial Reinforcement - In partial reinforcement, the response is reinforced

only part of the time. Learned behaviors are acquired more slowly with partial

reinforcement, but the response is more resistant to extinction.

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Operant ConditioningThere are four schedules of partial reinforcement:

1. Fixed-ratio schedules are those where a response is reinforced only after a

specified number of responses. This schedule produces a high, steady rate of

responding with only a brief pause after the delivery of the reinforcer.

2. Variable-ratio schedules occur when a response is reinforced after an

unpredictable number of responses. This schedule creates a high steady rate of

responding. Gambling and lottery games are good examples of a reward based on a

variable ratio schedule.

3. Fixed-interval schedules are those where the first response is rewarded only after

a specified amount of time has elapsed. This schedule causes high amounts of

responding near the end of the interval, but much slower responding immediately after

the delivery of the reinforcer.

4. Variable-interval schedules occur when a response is rewarded after an

unpredictable amount of time has passed. This schedule produces a slow, steady rate of


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Techniques in behaviorism

Some of the techniques used by behavior analysts include:

1. Chaining: This behavior techniques involves breaking a task down into smaller

components. The simplest or first task in the process is taught first. Once that task has

been learned, the next task can be taught. This continues until the entire sequence is

successfully chained together.

2. Prompting: This approach involves using some type of prompt to trigger a desired

response. This might involve issues a verbal cue, such as telling the person what to do,

or a visual cue, such as displaying a picture designed to cue the response.

3. Shaping: This strategy involves gradually altering a behavior, rewarding closer and

closer approximations of the desired behavior.

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Stages to behavioural change

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Stages to behavioural change

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Stages to behavioural change

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Stages to behavioural change

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Stages to behavioural change

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Stages to behavioural change

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1. Behaviorism is a one-dimensional approach to understanding human behavior

and that behavioural theories do not account for free will and internal influences such

as moods, thoughts and feelings.

2. Behaviorism does not account for other types of learning, especially learning

that occurs without the use of reinforcement and punishment.

3. People and animals are able to adapt their behavior when new information is

introduced, even if a previous behavior pattern has been established through


4. Behaviourist researchers often do animal studies of behavior and then generalize

their results to human beings. Generalizing results in this way can be misleading,

since humans have complex thought processes that affect behavior.

5. Behaviourists often underestimate the importance of biological factors.

6. By emphasizing the situational influences on personality, some social-cognitive

theorists underestimate the importance of personality traits.

Criticisms of behaviorism

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