behind bars (original)

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  • 7/27/2019 Behind Bars (original)



    I glanced up from the book I was reading out loud, smiling back at all the littlefaces that were watching me, before turning back to the text. If You Give a Pig aParty.

    "Then she'll make a fortress out of blankets. Of course, when she's finished,

    she'll want to decorate it. So she'll ask for some--" I flipped the page-- "balloons. Andchances are, if you give her some balloons--" another page flip-- "she's going to askyou for a party. The end!"

    The little kids squealed while I closed the book, begging for one more. Ichuckled, watching the parents move from the side wall of the kiddie area to pick uptheir kids. It was nice, getting to volunteer at the bookstore and read to little kids. Noshady characters came in here, it wasn't that far a walk to my house, and my workwas right next to it.

    My house.

    Baha, house. Not home. Never home. Unless home was a place filled with thescent of cigarettes and cluttered with glass shards from broken beer bottles. Oh, howfun.

    I stood up, turning around to put the book back on its respective shelf, stillhearing a couple kids wailing for another story. I smirked. Nothing like waning kids.Makes me feel special.

    Ah. Special. Last time I felt special, it was when my fa--

    A shadow lunged out. A hand, reaching to tap me. I spun around, catching theperson by surprise. Then I relaxed, surveying him. Brown hair, cute eyes, definitelynot from around here. Couldn't be more than 20 or 25.

    His hand retreated, eyes sparkling. "I'm Nathan."

    I ducked my head, extending my own hand out for him to shake. "Alyssa."

    He grinned, shaking my hand before pulling me forward a bit. "Well, Alyssa, I

    was wondering if you knew any good places around here? For food, I mean. For myfriends and I." Wow, socially awkward much? And British. Very veryBritish.

    Smirking a little, I nodded. "Yeah, there's a bit of places around here. I'd loveto show you around, but eh, I kinda sorta have to go." Oh, who's socially awkwardnow? >:(

    He smirked back, wrapping his fingers around my hand, which was still beingheld by him. "Well, I'd love to show you out then, oi?"

    'Oi?' What the fudge is an 'oi?'

    I nodded, letting him pull me outside and down the road, him not evenbothering to ask where I lived. I was watching his face the whole time, ignoring wherewe were headed, until we stopped. Have I met this guy before?

    I glanced around when we stopped. We weren't anywhere I knew, but wecouldn't have been walking for that long. I checked my watch. 6:30. Whoops, I waswrong :P

    His grip on my hand released, so I shook it, trying to get some feeling back init. I looked down at my shoes, then back to him, only to freeze.

    Gun was the only thing I registered before I tore away, running down the

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    street, not thinking clearly. Gun gun gun gun gun.

    I could hear Nathan's footsteps pounding behind me, so I looked behind me.Bad idea.

    I ran straight into a van that was parked-- quite conveniently, might I addsome sarcasm here-- in the middle of the road. Immediately, I was on the ground,

    holding my head and groaning in pain. Nathan was still running, as it seemed, hisfootsteps getting closer and harder until they leveled off. He was walking. He got menow.

    The door to the van made a squelching sound as it was eased open, and theresounding slap of sneakers hit the pavement on both sides of me.

    And in an instant, 4 faces were leaning over me.

    I groaned again, ignoring the fact that I just ran into a van, some randompeople were staring down at me, and the fact that I'd probably have a bruise in themorning. Only relative facts were that I was in an immense amount of pain and acrazed gunman was after me.

    Shoot. Gunman.

    I shot up, bracing myself for the guy with the gun-- Nathan-- to come find me.Shooot. Not a good idea.

    A new wave of pain came over me, and I tipped back, all the while hearingNathan's footsteps continuing to come closer.

    Some shuffling before I was lifted-- actually, more like dragged-- ontosomebody's lap, my head being raised and set down onto their chest.

    I peeked open one eye, glancing at the guy holding me, before shutting itagain. Black hair in a quiff-ish thing, dark eyes. Deffs not American. Peachy, anotherpossible Britt.

    The guy stroked my hair, rubbing one long finger across my forehead. It easedthe pain a bit, and I moaned. His chest rumbled as he laughed.

    Now that the pain was being relieved,I took in some of the sounds around me.The van was definitely still running, the guys around me were talking quietly, and Icouldn't quite hear Nathan's footsteps anymore. Oh, great.

    Either way, I strained my ears a bit, trying to hear what the guys were saying.

    "What the bloody hell happened to her?" Okay, that was Nathan.

    "She ran into the van. And kind of, um, fell."

    "God!" Nathan cussed. "The damn guys were right about one thing, at least."

    A new set of hands went on my face and I winced a bit as they pressed ontothe spot where I had hit myself the hardest. "Why aren't her eyes open? Did it fuckingkill 'er or something?"

    The guy holding me laughed again. "Nah, prob'ly just hurts a bit. She took abit of a hit." Ay, this one wasn't a Britt, more like... Irish, maybe.

    One finger-- either the guy holding me or Nathan's-- moved down to myeyelid, pulling it open a bit before moving down to my jawline, tracing it. One chance,one chance, one chan--

    "Fuck it! She fucking bit me!" Nathan howled. I smirked a bit, opening my eyesto see him shaking his hand, watching me.

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    Lemme tell you something. Getting tied up and thrown in the back seat of avan with someone sitting on you isn't fun. In fact, it's more of the opposite. It hurtswhen some 150-pounder sits on you.

    Every couple minutes, someone was poking me. Poke poke poke. Whether itbe Nathan or his friends.

    The van was one of those British ones, with the steering wheel on the rightside of the van. How it got into America like that, I have no idea. Curly was driving,with the guy whose lap I was on a bit ago next to him. 2nd row of seats-- a brunette,skinny dude and a bald guy. And sitting on my stomach, annoying the fudge out ofme? Oh, none other than Nathan.

    "Please get your ass off of me." I struggled underneath Nathan, trying to gethim to shift a bit. I could barely breathe, and him pinching my nose shut every 5minutes didn't really help.

    He grinned. "This'll be kinda fun actually, if you think about it."

    I raised an eyebrow, lifting my head up to see him more clearly. "Oh, really?Because I would love to know how this works for you."

    His grin never fading, he replied, "Imagine yourself as a kidnapper. Orpedophile. Criminal, even. Who would you want first?"

    "Oh, so you want me to imagine myself as a sadistic rapist? Hmm, okay. Like ahorror movie. I'd want the skinny little virgin."

    "Exactly." Ohhh.


    Who's a virgin? Who's skinny? Oh yeah, me.

    Curly peeked up from the wheel, glancing back at us, smirking a little. "Yeah,

    ought to be fun."

    Nathan fingered his waistband, pulling up his shirt a bit and twisting so I couldsee. Gun? Check. I rolled my eyes. "Ooh, fancy," I droned out. "Betcha it cost a bit forthose pretty Calvin Klein's."

    He moved his fingers away from the gun, instead moving to trace shapes onmy face, keeping away from my mouth. I guess pretty boy learned.

    His fingers stopped by my cheek, and he leaned forward a little, moving towhisper in my ear.

    "You disobey, and I'll make sure that you getting kidnapped won't be the worstthat's happened to you."


    Nathan is going to be the end of me.

    Along with him poking me, he started a round of "who wants to sing in themost annoying voice fucking possible." So I'm here, listening to them squealing alongto the radio, unable to plug my ears. As if the singer on the radio wasn't irritating

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    enough already.

    "You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

    You shine it when I'm alone

    And so I tell myself that I'll be strongAnd dreaming when they're gone

    'Cause they're calling, calling, calling me home

    Calling, calling, calling home

    You show the lights that stop me turn to stone

    You shine it when I'm alone"

    Nathan clapped his hands, bouncing a little. He grinned, looking down at me.

    "Yo, bitch. Who's best?"I raised an eyebrow. Bitch. Well, that's new.

    He poked me, his eyes narrowed. "I said, who's best, bitch?"

    Rolling my eyes, I replied, "Well, I'd rather say the singer, since you're allsquealing like idiots."

    He set his jaw, raising his fist, but instead of punching me, he reached aroundnext to him, pulling out a phone. My phone.

    I admit, I got a little nervous now. The only 2 contacts on there were my bestfriend & my boyfriend, and if he called the latter.. well, that wouldn't be good.

    Nathan glanced at me, unlocking it & immediately going to my contacts. Oh,

    perfect."Nathan, what are you doing?"

    He glanced at me, smirking. "Well, I ought to call--" He consulted myphone--"Isaac. Eh?"

    Shit shit shit.

    I watched as Nathan's finger hovered over the 'call' button, his gaze resting onthe photo of Isaac & me that defined his contact info. Nathan's eyebrows werefurrowed, his jaw still set from when I hadn't answered him & had thought that hewas gonna punch me.

    I turned my own gaze to the photo on screen. It was when we first startedgoing out, before he became all abusive. I was on his back, my legs wrapped aroundhim. I remember.. his uncle took that photo of us, we were at the beach & I had

    jumped on Isaac's back.


    "To the water!" I screeched, running around the beach. Behind me, Isaacchuckled, and I already knew that he would be watching me with a smile on his face,his eyes lit up, his hair looking golden in the sunlight. I turned, pouting at him whilehe just smirked at me, carelessly throwing our towels on the sand before runningover to hug me again.

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    "You know, I'm so lucky to have you, " he mumbled into my hair. I giggled,kissing his cheek before wriggling out of his grass and taking down the beach again."Catch me if you can!"

    There was a moment of silence before his pounding footsteps started to followme, and I slowed, turning around again to watch as he came up, panting.

    He bent down, gesturing with his hands for me to hop on his back. I grinned,climbing onto his sturdy frame before he took off again, bringing us back over to hisuncle and nephews.

    Jack, Isaac's uncle, smiled. "You guys are cute," he commented. "Why don'tyou two run down to the water real quick?"

    I prodded Isaac. "Yeah, why not?"

    He tilted his head to look at me before running again, and I heard the tell-taleclick of a camera going off. I looked back to see Jack's eyes averted to his phone, aslight grin still on his face.

    -end flashback-

    Nathan glanced over at me, his finger still getting closer to the button, and my

    eyes widened. Uh oh.

    He pressed the button, putting it on speaker. The phone rang a few timesbefore Isaac answered, his voice slow.

    "Alyssa, where are you?"

    I gulped, not sure if I should reply or if Nathan was going to. But a look fromhim said that I should.

    "Hi Issac! I'm just out. We needed some milk." Lie. Neither of us drank milk.Whoops.

    "I could've gotten some for you. You know I don't like you going out withoutme."

    Nathan grinned a little, opening his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

    "I know, but the store was so close, I didn't think it'd be this long."

    Issac was silent for a minute before he answered. "Where are you now?"

    "Uhh.." Where was I? Not at home, not at the store..

    Nathan cut in, slapping a hand over my mouth. "Hi, Issac. I'm Nathan and I'mwith Alyssa right now. We're heading over to my place."

    My eyes grew wide. Shit shit shit.

    "Oh, really? Well then, tell Alyssa that we'll be having some fun when she getshome."

    There was a click.He hung up.



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    Alyssa lay on the bed in Nathan's room, her focus on the clock on his bedsidetable. It had been three days-- 3 days!-- since she had been kidnapped. Today washer first day in the UK, in the shared house of The Wanted. Yes, The Wanted. The boyband.

    During the days between when she was kidnapped & now, she had beenforced onto a plane going to Gloucester, Nathan's hometown. She had been dragged

    from place to place while the boys got supplies, being put in the trunk of the car--they were using Max's car while in the UK, leaving Jay's van in the states-- wheneverthey went out for long periods of time.

    And now, here she was, handcuffed to the bed post by her left hand. Themattress was devoid of sheets or covers, leaving her to lay on the cold, bare mattressby itself.

    She had, however, gained use of Nathan's clock radio while the boys were out,just for some entertainment. Flicking through each station..

    Meanwhile, Nathan & the rest of the boys-- Tom, Max, Siva & Jay-- wereoutside on the back porch, a cooler of drinks by their feet, them discussing the planfor what was to happen next.

    Jay leaned forward, his beer can tipping dangerously in his unsteady hand."Maybe we could rob another bank?" he suggested, dropping his Bud Lite in theprocess of speaking.

    Tom scoffed, along with Nathan, reaching over to hit him. "We're talking aboutwith the girl, idiot."


    Now it was Nathan's turn to lean forward. "We could always bring back Jacie.She was pretty good."

    The boys sat back, their thoughts redirecting back to Jacie. She had been theirsecond-- no, third-- kidnap victim, and the boys had gone harder on her than withthe previous people they had taken. She was used, not only as a sex-toy, but as their

    punching bag. She took the blows.That is, after she was trained.

    Alyssa's Pov

    I glanced back over at the clock. 2:15. The "boys" had been outside for awhile now, and I could hear them yelling about someone named Jacie & someonenamed Issac. But hopefully not my Issac.

    Reaching over, my fingers danced over the switches on top of Nathan's clockradio. I had yet to find a good station to listen to, since most of them were either toostatic-y or played (very old) 80s music.

    The song on the station I was currently listening to ended, and I paused,turning up the volume in an attempt to hear the next song. Maybe something otherthan Billy Joel.

    "It's these substandard motels on the lalalalala corner of 4th and Fremont Street"

    I froze, turning up the volume some more. Finally! Good music!

    The song was about half over when Nathan stumbled into the room,

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    immediately collapsing on the floor. Normally, I'd go & help someone who drunkenlyfell, but I was kind of.. chained up, if you don't remember ;)

    Nathan looked up, still on the floor, one of his arms under him and the otherpointed in a sort of "Hitler" salute. Okay den..

    His eyes narrowed, and he pulled himself onto all fours before clambering over

    to me. He rested his body over mine, pinning my hands to the bed, his knees on theirside of my hips.

    Leaning down, he moved to brush some of my hair away from my face withhis breath.. blowing it away.. and I caught the heavy scent of alcohol, along with hisred-rimmed eyes and shaky figure.

    He took one of his hands away from my wrist-- my lefty-- to stroke my face.

    But only for a second, since he pulled it back before leaving a stinging blow onmy face. Then, he got up & left the room, mumbling things about 'ponies andrainbows.' Making his way over to a different part of the house.

    Day 1 of 12 days of pain has started.



    After Nathan had slapped me and left, I was pretty much left alone for the restof the day yesterday. Which gave me more than enough time to plan out my escape.But since my amazing boyfriend wouldn't like my being gone, I'm having to think ofboth an escape plot and a good excuse. So far, my plan goes as such:

    1. Wait until these asses leave me alone. Like, they're gone from the house. Foodshopping or something.

    2. Pick the lock on the handcuffs ;) I have a bobby pin in my hair.

    3. Freaking run out of the house & book it to the nearest public place.

    4. Figure my way out of the UK.

    And as for excuses? I have a couple:

    1. My great-grand uncle died & I had to go up for the funeral on short notice.

    2. I was helping some people get out of a fight, got arrested, and just got out of jail.

    Yeah, I'm not real good at this 'making excuses' thing.

    Currently, it's around 8 in the morning, and the boys are still asleep. Hopefully.I haven't heard nor seen them, so I'm guessing that they're sleeping off theirhangovers. See, this is why I don't drink. The head pain.

    Sighing, I reached over to flick on the radio. Might as well pass some time,right?

    "Hello from Gloucester's favorite radio station, The Next. Time for the Top 5 Pop songsof 2012!"

    "At number 5, it's One Direction with Little Things!"

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    "Your hand fits in mine

    Like it's made just for me

    But bear this in mind

    It was meant to be..."

    It was down to number 1 now. So far, we'd passed some Carly Rae Jepsonsong at #4, Beauty & a Beat at #3, Chris Wallace at #2, and now I was hanging ontothe edge of my seat. Who next? Of course, I wasn't on seat to fall out of, and Icouldn't fall out of bed, seeing as I was chained onto it. -_-'

    "I know you've all been waiting, so here it is. At number 1... The Wanted with I FoundYou!"

    The opening chords started, and I turned up the volume. The Wanted... I

    hadn't heard them in forever...

    "She wants me to come over

    I can tell her eyes don't lie

    She's calling me in the dark

    She moves, I swear the room around her lights up like the sky

    Confidence like a rock star--"

    Wait. Was that...?

    "--The night is getting older

    And I can't come off this high

    I don't want this here to end

    I know she feels the same

    Cause I can see it in her eyes

    She says, "Can we start again?--"

    And was that...?Yes.



    My kidnappers?

    Oh, none other than The Wanted.

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    "Oh, god."I bolted up, hearing one of the 'guys'-- Tom, I think-- groan. No duh.


    There was some shuffling & stumbling before a half-asleep Tom came aroundthe corner, glancing into my-- well, Nathan's-- room. His eyebrows crinkled, and hetook a step in.

    Tom kept making his way into the room, eventually stopping next to me. Hefrowned, tapping on Nathan's radio. "He said you could use this?"

    By now, the song-- their song-- was reaching the final chords, and I hoped--key word, hoped-- that the station would just launch into a new song automatically.

    But I'm never that lucky.

    "And that was The Wanted, in I Found You," the chipper radio voice personannounced. "The Wanted have gone from being young and innocent to kidnappingsaviors in such short time. What's next? Actually kidnapping people? Let's hope not.Next is--"

    Tom hit the switch, turning off the radio before turning to me, his face red.

    I'm guessing from anger, not embarrassment.

    He pointed a finger at me. "Did he say you could use this?"

    Scoffing, I narrowed my own eyes. "How should I know? Last time he came inhere, he slapped me. No talk. Slap. So obviously, you faggots have no idea whatchivalry is." Ooh, nice one, Al. Go use that sass.

    Or not.

    Tom reached over, grabbing my chin in his hand. Forcing me to look at him.

    "Bad. Bitch."

    He dropped his hand, moving backwards. Out of the room. Going back towhere ever he came from.

    Good one, Al.

    That is, I thought it was good. Until Tom came back into the room. WithNathan following-- closely-- behind. His belt unbuckled & half of it torn away from thebelt loops on his jeans.

    Bad one, Al.

    Tom stood by the doorway, playing with his hands & just watching us. Nathan,meanwhile, just kept getting closer, eventually making it so he was standing next tome. In front of the radio, just like Tom had been.

    In one swift motion, he grabbed my left wrist in one hand, his other workingferociously-- with a key-- to unhandcuff me from the bed.

    He pulled me up, dragging me with him as we left the room. Tom's ownfootsteps drifted in the opposite direction, leaving only Nathan with me. Peachy.

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    Note the sarcasm.

    Suddenly, Nathan stopped, turning around to face me. In (another) swiftmotion, he picked me up-- bridal style, none the less-- pressing my face into hisshoulder at the same time. "Don't look, got it?"




    "This--" Nathan brought his arm up again-- "Is--" down-- "Why--" up-- "You--"down-- "Should--" up-- "Be--" down-- "Good."

    Alyssa's face was pressed onto the cold floor, her hands tied to the couch legin front of her. Nathan was above her, still holding his belt. Perhaps thinking ofbringing it down again. But instead, he bent down, reaching out to touch her back.His cool fingers pressed up against each of the red marks, making her wince.

    27 times.

    He had brought his belt down on her back 27 times.

    Her back wasn't as smooth as it was before-- tan & unmarked. No, now it wasred & angry-looking, the shirt pulled up halfway, exposing the skin to the cool air ofthe sub-basement.

    This was his basement. Each of the boys had their own sub-basement, alongwith their bedrooms. To be used either as a place of gentle relaxation or a place fortheir whippings to be taken place in. And no boy could be in another's basementarea. Not without permission.

    So it was good, in fact, that the room was soundproof. But it needn't be,seeming as the pain had started to leave Alyssa around whipping number 15. It hadbeen hard at first, when the leather had hit her skin, opening it for the first time sincesummer, when she had gotten peeling skin from sunburns. But now, these weredeeper. And as the belt hit over previous cuts on her, it almost felt.. good.

    And even Issac hadn't hit her this hard.

    It wasn't a relief to have him stop hitting her. Instead, it brought more pain,now that there wasn't anything rubbing on her skin. No more of the warm leather onher own cool skin.

    And this wasn't a lesson for her, merely for him.

    Him telling himself that no matter what, she would be trained.

    No matter what if she had done something bad or not.

    So maybe, just maybe, in a week, she'd be in one of the bedrooms, pleadingfor something.


    Anything to end the pain.

    And they wouldn't give it to her.

    Just to see.

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    Just to see....

    Alyssa's PoV

    Nathan ran his fingers over my back again, pushing them deeper around theedges of where his belt had hit me. I moaned-- actually, more like groaned-- in painas he pressed his fingers into the small of my back. The place where I had gotten

    most whip.He moved his fingers up, under my shirt. Pushing down on my shoulder


    He leaned down, his lips brushing against my ear. "Just relax, babe."

    I groaned again, trying to loosen up the tension in my body so that maybe--just maybe-- he wouldn't hit me again.

    His fingers pressed down on my shoulder again, ultimately trying to massagethe tension out of me. He hit the spot, and I moaned-- actually moaned-- in pleasure,feeling his fingers probe around there.

    Nathan hadn't removed his lips from my ear yet. Instead, he moved a littlecloser, eventually moving his whole body so that he was straddling my back, both

    hands trying to massage some feeling into me, his lips moving their way down to myneck.

    He leaned down some more, attaching his lips to the skin on my neck,sucking.

    What is this boy? A tick?

    But I can't deny that it felt good.

    He hit my sweet spot, causing me to moan again, my toes curling up. Nathansmirked against my skin, sucking harder, jutting part of his jaw out. Was he...?

    His teeth gripped a bit of my skin, and he sucked more now.

    Damn, I am a moan-fest today, aren't I?

    Finally, he stopped, rolling off my back and flopping down onto the floor nextto me, both of us panting heavily. Him from kissing-- well, giving me 'love bites'-- myneck with such speed, and me from the adrenaline rush & from the pain that was stillcoming from my back. That, and the awesome massage.

    Oh, shaddup, Al.

    Nathan finally stood up somewhat-- well, he bent over above me again-- topull my shirt down & over my back. He leaned over, working to untie my hands fromthe couch leg.

    Pulling himself up from the floor, Nathan grabbed my hand, bringing me withhim. Also bringing on a new wave of pain from my back bending.

    He gripped my waist, once again bringing me up bridal-style, my face-- alsoonce again-- being shoved into his shoulder.

    "Back or side?"


    I glanced up at Nathan, then around at the room. Oh.

    I curled up a little more into him, ignoring the pain. "Side."

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    He laid me down on the bed, bringing another pair of handcuffs out of his backpocket & slipping one cuff over my left wrist, the other, he clicked onto the bedpost.

    One of his hands massaged my side again, the other bringing up the covers.He leaned down again, his face dangerously near to my own. "You be good, or elsethis'll happen again. And I won't relieve the pain."



    Now it was Siva's turn to enter the room.

    Each of the 'boys' had been in my-- Nathan's-- room, coming & going for thepast half hour, each giving me a warning to be good. First Tom had come back in,then baldy (who I just realized was Max) and curly (Jay), who both flicked me off andcalled me a couple words I probably shouldn't repeat. Then Nathan. And now, Siva.

    "So," he stated, walking in and residing over by the dressers on the far side of

    the room, "Nathan told us what happened."I shifted, turning myself so that I could see him more clearly, seeming as he

    was behind me and beyond my line of sight. "Yeah? Care to explain to me exactlywhat happened?"

    He didn't grin like I thought he would. Instead, he moved back over to thedoor, closing it, before moving back over to the bed & sitting across from me on it."I'm not really sure, but he didn't like you using his stuff. Especially without hispermission."

    "He didn't say that I couldn't use his things."

    "He didn't say that you could, either."

    I sighed, turning onto my other side so I could see him better. "Do you reallythink it matters now? I got whipped, the end."

    Siva frowned, reaching over to brush some of the hair from my neck. Oh,yeah.... "Why aren't you crying over being whipped? Or even over being kidnapped?"

    I shrugged, being careful to not mess up my back more. "My boyfriend doesthe same thing to me."

    Siva's mouth dropped open, almost like he was in shock. But he couldn't be,not when he was in a gang-- at least, I'm supposing he's in a gang-- that kidnappedpeople & did this on a daily basis.

    "You're not like the others, are you?" He was shaking his head, his eyes neverleaving my own. It wasn't until I leaned over & bit him-- bit him!-- that he snappedout of his trance.

    Maybe I was expecting a bigger entrance from him. So far, he wasn't beingmean, he wasn't rude, he hadn't jeered at me or pressed on my back for the pleasureof it. He was just... acting like a normal person. Like someone forced into this....

    Slowly, he crept one hand over my side, smoothing out the back of my shirt.But when the soft folds of fabric hit my skin, I winced, biting down on my lip.

    Seev-- I'mma call him Seev now-- ignored my whimpers, instead leaning overand pulling up my shirt. His face went from uncertain, back to shock, and he leaned

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    forward, reaching over to fiddle in the drawers in Nathan's bedside table, all the whilekeeping one hand on my shirt.

    He let me see what he brought out-- an ACE bandage & Neosporin. Um, sorrybuddy. You're not putting that on me. I made a face :P

    "Come on," he cooed, "We just need to make sure your back doesn't get

    infected.""Nu-uh." I scooted back, and instead of falling off the side of the bed like I

    thought I would, I rammed into the still-open drawer of the table next to the bed. "Ohholy mother fudging sh--"

    Siva clamped a hand over my mouth, chuckling slightly at my choice of words.

    What? I don't swear a lot >.