being a highly effective key executive

Get Things Done Being a Highly Effective Key Executive @ 2015 . All Rights Reserved . Lighthouse Indonesia .

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Get Things Done

Being a Highly Effective Key Executive

@ 2015 . All Rights Reserved . Lighthouse Indonesia .

Page 2: Being a highly effective key executive

Food for Thought Thinking Right Get Thing Done MODEL Achieving the Task

Lessons Learned Developing the

Individual Lessons Learned

Building and Maintaining the Team Lessons Learned

Presentation Content

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Page 3: Being a highly effective key executive

Food for Thought

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Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to

fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Chinese Proverb

Page 4: Being a highly effective key executive

Thinking Right

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This is how good you want

to be!

To strengthen management skills of key executives of

Aston Cirebon.

Page 5: Being a highly effective key executive

Reference: Good to Great by Jim Collins.People are not principal asset. The right people are.

Thinking Right

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Thinking Right

Groups Characteristics:

Disciplined PeopleDisciplined ThoughtDisciplined Action

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Thinking Right

Leaders with personal humility and

professional will.

Just because you have been doing it for years,

does not necessarily mean you can be the

best in the world at it.

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Thinking Right

Key Executive as a preferred coach!

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Thinking Right

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Thinking Right

The Story

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The Solution

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Thinking Right

Page 12: Being a highly effective key executive

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Thinking Right

Page 13: Being a highly effective key executive

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Thinking Right

Page 14: Being a highly effective key executive

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Thinking Right

Page 15: Being a highly effective key executive

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Thinking Right

Page 16: Being a highly effective key executive

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Thinking Right

Page 17: Being a highly effective key executive

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Thinking Right

Mind Map by Tonny Buzan will be used as one of creative learning tools.

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Thinking Right

People want to...Know that their

contributions make a significant impact or difference.

Be a part of something big.Feel a sense of belonging.Go on a meaningful journey.

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Thinking Right

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Thinking Right

Page 21: Being a highly effective key executive

Building and maintaining

the team

Developing the


Get Things Done MODEL

Achieving the Task

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Page 22: Being a highly effective key executive

Building and maintaining

the team

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Achieving the Task

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Achieving the Task

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Achieving the Task

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Achieving the TaskDefine the taskMake a planAllocate work and resourcesControl quality and tempo of workCheck performanceAdjust the plan

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Achieving the Task

Success Factor Question to Ask Yourself Always Often Rarely

Purpose Am I clear what task is?

Responsibilities Am I clear what mine are?

Objectives Have I agreed these with my superior, the person accountable for the group?

Programme Have I worked one out to reach objectives?

Working conditions

Are these right for job?

Resources Are these adequate ( Authority, money, materials)?

Target Has each member clearly defined and agreed with them?

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Achieving the Task

Success Factor

Question to Ask Yourself Always Often Rarely

Authority Is the line of authority clear ( accountability chart)?

Training Are there any gaps in the specialist skills or abilities of individuals in the group required for the task?

Priorities Have I planned the time?

Progress Do I check this regularly and evaluate?

Supervision In case of my absence, who covers for me?

Setting an Example

Do I set standards by my behaviors ?

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Achieving the Task

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Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

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Group Presentation on Pre-Course AssignmentAll group members do the

presentationDuration: Maximum of 30 minutesScoring will be given to each group

100 points: Excellent80 points: Very Good60 points: Good

Achieving the Task

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Achieving the Task

Lessons LearnedWhat did I do well?What could I improve?What mistakes to avoid?What problems that could have avoided?

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Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

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Developing the Individual

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Developing the Individual

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Developing the IndividualListen with understandingProvide necessary encouragement and support

Deal with individual challengesRecognize and utilize individual’s strengths or talent

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Developing the IndividualSuccess Factor

Question to Ask Yourself Always Often Rarely

Targets Have they been agreed and quantified?

Induction Does s/he really know the team members and the organization?

Achievement Does s/he know how his/her work contributes to the overall result?


Has s/he got a clear and accurate jobs description? Can I delegate more to him/her?

Authority Does s/he have sufficient authority for his/him task?

Training Has adequate provision been made for training or retraining both technical and as a team member?

Recognition Do I emphasis on people’ s successes? In failure: is criticism constructive?

Growth Does s/he see the chance of development? Does s/he see some pattern of career?

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Page 34: Being a highly effective key executive

Developing the IndividualSuccess Factor

Question to Ask Yourself Always Often Rarely

Performance Is this regularly reviewed?

Reward Are work, Capacity and pay in balance?

The Task Is s/he in the right job? Has s/he the necessary resources?

The Person Do I know this person well? What makes him/her different from others?

Time / Attention

Do I spend enough with individuals listening, developing and counselling?

Grievances Are these dealt with promptly?

Job Security Does s/he know about pensions, redundancy and so on?

Appraisal Is the overall performance of each individual regularly reviewed in face-to-face discussion?

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Developing the Individual

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Executive of the past is a person who knows how to tell. The Executive of the

future is a person who knows how to ask.

The Practical Executive & Leadership, Dayle M. Smith, PHD

Page 36: Being a highly effective key executive

Developing the Individual Work in pair 1st Round

Decide who will be the Coach and the Coachee

Coachee will share challenging issueCoach will use the Developing the

Individual Model

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Developing the Individual

Work in pair 2nd Round

The Coach will become the Coachee, and vise versa

Coachee will share challenging issueCoach will use the Developing the

Individual Model

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Page 38: Being a highly effective key executive

Developing the Individual

Lessons LearnedWhat did I do well?What could I improve?What mistakes to avoid?What problems that could have avoided?

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The limit of possibility is only in the brain.

Albert Einstein

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Building & Maintaining the Team

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Page 40: Being a highly effective key executive

Building & Maintaining the Team

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Building & Maintaining the TeamSet standardsBuild team spiritMaintain discipline and unityAchieve objectives by the group

Communicate within the groupDevelop and train the group

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Building & Maintaining the Team

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Success Factor Question to Ask Yourself Always Often Rarely

Objectives Objectives : Does the team clearly understand and rationally accept them?

Standards Standards : Do they know what standards of performance are expected?

Safety Standards Safety Standards: Do they know consequences of infringement?

Size of Team Size of team : is the size correct?

Team Members Team members : Are the right people working together? Is there a need for sub-groups to be constituted?

Team Spirit Team spirit : Do I look for opportunities for building teamwork into jobs? Do method of pay and bonus help to develop team spirit?

Discipline Discipline : Are the rules seen to reasonable? Do I take action on matters likely to disrupt the group?

Objectives Objectives : Does the team clearly understand and rationally accept them?

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Building & Maintaining the Team

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Success Factor Question to Ask Yourself Always Often Rarely

Consultation Is this genuine? Do I encourage and welcome ideas and suggestions?

Briefing Is this regular?Does it cover current plans, progress and future developments?

Represent Am I prepared to represent the feelings of the group when required

Support Do I visit people at their work when the team is apart? Do I then represent to the individual the whole team in my manner and encouragement?

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Building & Maintaining the Team

Create “Legacy Game” Group Actualization

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Building & Maintaining the Team

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Together we can achieve more, even it is perceived

as impossible to accomplish.

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Lessons LearnedWhat did I do well?What could I improve?What mistakes to avoid?What problems that could have avoided?

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Building & Maintaining the Team

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Get Things Done MODEL

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Any Questions?

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