beliefs about students

Rachel Kozak EDUC 250 D Julia Rheaume February 1, 2010 Beliefs About Students

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Page 1: Beliefs about students

Rachel Kozak

EDUC 250 D

Julia Rheaume

February 1, 2010

Beliefs About Students

Page 2: Beliefs about students

As a teacher I will : be patient, understanding and sensitive to the needs of the students.

I believe students want someone to take the time to understand them.

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As a teacher I will: be diversified in my teaching styles in order to enhance students well being physically, socially, intellectually and emotionally.

I believe students are diverse and want someone to challenge them in ways that will help better their lives.

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I believe students are creative and have a vast imagination.



As a teacher I will : be a role model to my student’s in order to help inspire and foster their imagination and creativity.

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As a teacher I will : be a disciplinary figure, but will enforce discipline in a positive manner that will encourage students to contemplate their actions and not take away their right and opportunity to learn.

I believe students push their boundaries in order to see what they can get away with.

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As a teacher I will : continually enhance my education in order to accommodate my student’s desires to learn and grow.

I believe that students have a desire to learn, despite the varying degrees of this desire.

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As a teacher I will : be organized in order to provide a structured environment where the students are able to receive the help they need in order to succeed.

I believe students want a structured environment in order to optimize their learning.

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As a teacher I will : create a positive environment where all children are equal; I will remain unbiased in order to reflect this to my students.

I believe that all student’s want to feel included, and not be judged if they have a disability, come from a different ethnic background, or any other aspect that some people would judge as being out of the ordinary.

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As a teacher I will : make myself adaptable and passionate about my work in order to accommodate for student’s energetic and inquisitive nature in order to gear their energy and curiosity towards education.

I believe student’s are active and curious.

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As a teacher I will: not limit myself in my teaching methods, and take away from the opportunity to learn from my students.

I believe student’s are inspiring.

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As a teacher I will : take time each day to reflect on the outcome of the teaching day in order to find ways to enhance student’s enthusiasm about learning and what I can do to improve myself as a teacher.

I believe that student’s need self mediation in order to focus their mind, body and soul.

Page 12: Beliefs about students

They never said it would be

easy, they only said it would be

worth it!