belize times april 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 1 TOP MODEL Issue No. 4792 SUNDAY April 22, 2012 Continued on page 6 Continued on page 4 Continued on page 4 Continued on page 6 Continued on page 14 TEACHERS WANT PAY RAISE www.facebook/Belize Times What gang truce? Catastrophic Conch Closure! See page 9 SCAN HERE Murder rampage continues UN RANKS BELIZE AS 5TH MOST DANGEROUS PLACE DOLORES GETS THE JOB DONE UDP SPENDS $600,000 ON LUXURY INSIDE THIS ISSUE 04 06 11 Fishermen say GOB’s decision leaves them high-and-dry BELIZE CITY, Tuesday, April 17th, 2012 By Alton Humes It’s been a long-standing issue be- tween the Belize National Teachers’ Union (BNTU) and the UDP Govern- ment of Prime Minister Dean Barrow; one that, frankly, is one of the reasons why teachers, even more than most civil servants and other workers, are feeling the economic crunch that has Belize in its tightest grips. The issue of a much-needed, much-overdue pay raise was one of the topics discussed at the BNTU National Convention, held in Orange Walk last week in Orange Walk Town. The consensus among the teachers was that they were long overdue a salary increase and that the Union should once again approach the Gov- ernment. The plan this time around, according to National President for the Union, Luke Palacio, is not to de- mand a lump-sum raise off the bat, instead the proposal calls for an ‘ad- justment’ of current salaries, amount- ing roughly to 30% that will “…… get back the value, [the] dollar for dol- lar….” Such a proposal, said Palacio, will increase the ‘purchasing power’ that is sorely lacking for all citizens, in- cluding teachers, right now. Barrow had agreed to a raise in 2008 as Opposition Leader, but rejected it in 2010 as PM Darrington Rivers Clifton Flores Tuesday, April 17, 2012 They say you live by the sword, you die by the sword. In Belize, the gun is the way of life for those in under- world connections, and a young man met his death viciously as he hung out on Wagner’s Lane (Jump Street) where he lived years before. It happened shortly after ten on Saturday night Calling out Godwin Hulse Belize City, April 16, 2012 Before the elec- tions, Business Sen- ator Godwin Hulse BELIZE CITY, Wednesday, April 18th, 2012 By Alton Humes How will the fishermen of Belize solve quite a perilous quandary such as this – salvaging the all- too-eminent conch season that will be closed next week, Monday April 24th, and more importantly, how will the fishermen and processors who are de- pendent on the product to gain income survive with- out, for many of them, their sole means of providing for their families? The abrupt and early closure of the 2012 conch season will negatively affect fishermen

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Belize Times April 22, 2012


Page 1: Belize Times April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 1




Issue No. 4792SUNDAY April 22, 2012

Continued on page 6

Continued on page 4

Continued on page 4

Continued on page 6

Continued on page 14

Teachers wanT pay raise

www.facebook/Belize Times

What gang truce?

Catastrophic Conch Closure!

see p

age 9


Murder rampage continues

Independent polls and opinions forecast PUP win

UN raNks Belize as 5th most

daNgeroUs place

dolores gets the joB doNe

Udp speNds $600,000 oN




Fishermen say GOB’s decision leaves them high-and-dry

BELIZE CITY, Tuesday, April 17th, 2012By Alton Humes

It’s been a long-standing issue be-tween the Belize National Teachers’ Union (BNTU) and the UDP Govern-

ment of Prime Minister Dean Barrow; one that, frankly, is one of the reasons why teachers, even more than most civil servants and other workers, are feeling the economic crunch that has Belize in its tightest grips.

The issue of a much-needed, much-overdue pay raise was one of the topics discussed at the BNTU National Convention, held in Orange Walk last week in Orange Walk Town. The consensus among the teachers was that they were long overdue a salary increase and that the Union should once again approach the Gov-ernment. The plan this time around, according to National President for the Union, Luke Palacio, is not to de-mand a lump-sum raise off the bat, instead the proposal calls for an ‘ad-

justment’ of current salaries, amount-ing roughly to 30% that will “…… get back the value, [the] dollar for dol-lar….” Such a proposal, said Palacio, will increase the ‘purchasing power’ that is sorely lacking for all citizens, in-cluding teachers, right now.

Barrow had agreed to a raise in 2008 as Opposition Leader, but rejected it in 2010 as PM

Darrington Rivers

Clifton Flores

Tuesday, April 17, 2012They say you live

by the sword, you die by the sword. In Belize, the gun is the way of life for those in under-world connections, and a young man met his death viciously as he hung out on Wagner’s Lane (Jump Street) where he lived years before. It happened shortly after ten on Saturday night

Calling out Godwin Hulse

Belize City, April 16, 2012

Before the elec-tions, Business Sen-ator Godwin Hulse

BELIZE CITY, Wednesday, April 18th, 2012By Alton Humes

How will the fishermen of Belize solve quite a perilous quandary such as this – salvaging the all-too-eminent conch season that will be closed next week, Monday April 24th, and more importantly, how will the fishermen and processors who are de-pendent on the product to gain income survive with-out, for many of them, their sole means of providing for their families?The abrupt and early closure of the 2012

conch season will negatively affect fishermen

Page 2: Belize Times April 22, 2012

2 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012



Alberto Vellos


Fay Castillo McKay


Doreth Bevans


Chris Williams


Alton Humes


Rachel Arana


Roberto Peyrefitte

Printed & Published ByTHE BElIzE TIMEs lTD.

#3 Queen StreetP.O. BOX 506

Belize City, BelizeTel: 671-8385

Email: [email protected]

Continued on page 19

Family of suicide victim demands Amandala’s


Callous Rene Montero

strikes again!

Don’t play politics with our lives, Minister

John Saldivar

More Public Officers victimized. Where is the PSU??

Judicial courts have no


EditorAmandala3304 Partridge StreetBelize City

Dear Sir,It is with much pain and sor-

row I write to you on behalf of the Vivas family concerning your head-line story of Wednesday, April 18, 2012 entitled “She took her Life for Love”.

Firstly, the picture on the front page of your paper has been very distressing to my family and all who are involved and have been

Dear Editor,A few months ago the twin towns

of Santa Elena and San Ignacio, like the rest of the country, was plagued with home invasions, burglaries, robberies, murder and mayhem. The perpetra-tors of this situation were young men many of whom were operatives for the political powers that ruled the area, ap-peared to be above law and order. They did as they pleased when they pleased and to whom they pleased. Ours was a community living in fear and uncertain-ty as citizens we were not safe in our own homes as these out of control, politically backed criminals operated at will. In Santa Elena alone we had no less than five home invasions one of which ended fatally with that town los-ing one of its most loved citizens Syl-van Roberts Jr. to this senseless crime wave.

Something needed to be done and quickly. The new commissioner of po-lice Mr. David Henderson who resides in Santa Elena moved quickly to move in a man he knew governed his life with principle and would work arduously to bring about a rapid reversal to the crime wave. This man was Superintendent Albert Gentle. He came in to take over the San Ignacio Formation of the Belize

Police Force. Mr. Gentle moved quickly and effectively to curb the crime wave. He immediately organized and lifted the moral of the local police force (that is a matter for another article). The mo-tivated officers got behind their new commander and started the cleanup process. In a matter of a few weeks many of the criminal elements were rounded up, charged and sent off to prison. This angered the political opera-tives whose agents were being sent to prison. They no longer could just make a phone call and have their people who were known criminals released from prison. Mr. Gentle was strict, too strict for their liking. He had to go. As soon as elections were over they made their move. Their operation seemed well planned as they got some of their loyal supporters to start calling the various media houses saying that Gentle was bad for business, that he was inflex-ible and needed to go. A few politically motivated individuals with their crimi-nal agenda were trying to speak for the larger community of law abiding, peace loving citizens.

Seems they were or are going to have their way, as rumors began circu-lating that Gentle would be transferred out of the area. The silent majority be-

gan speaking out. After all we want Gentle to remain in our area and to continue the good job he has been doing. We appeal to the Minister of National Security, Hon. John Saldi-var, not to play politics with our lives and those of our children. How many more Sylvans, and Chinese grocers have to die? We refuse to have this man transferred for no reason other than that he sticks to the rules and does not play politics. C’mon John, you bigga than this. We say leave Gentle alone and let the man do his job.

The UDP operatives may think they will have their way, but this time the people of the twin towns will have their say. If we must dem-onstrate then so be it. Leave the GENTLE man alone.

Signed.Concerned Cayo Resident

affected by her passing. We can not believe that your paper has gone so far as to publish the name of my niece in your sensational story along with the young man’s name in the private note. Our family is already going through a difficult time with Alicia’s untimely passing; imagine the additional pain and sorrow your article has caused!

Secondly, your newspaper pub-lished my niece’s age as 18. For your knowledge, my niece’s birthday was on 22nd September, 1994 which would put her age at 17; a minor.

Thirdly, the note published in your newspaper was one that was given to the Police and we do not know how Amandala got a copy of it. I will be re-questing the Minister responsible for the Police Department and the Com-missioner of Police to do an investiga-tion of it.

Fourthly, our family gave your newspaper no permission to publish my niece photograph and note on the front page.

This article has caused us unimagi-nable distress along with the grieving that our family will now have to cope with.

I had called Amandala on Tuesday, 17th April, 2012 asking for the Editor and I was told he was not in. I asked for the next person in charge and the re-ceptionist told me it was one Mr. Ciego but that he was not in. I then gave her my cell number but my call has yet to be returned.

Our family is now requesting a public apology for the article published otherwise we will be seeking legal ad-vice on the matter.

Your Sincerely,T.M. VivasJustice of the Peace

BELIZE CITY, Wed. April 18, 2012By Roy Davis

The Magistrate Courts in Belize City are short of 3 Magistrates.

There are no Magistrates for Court number 4, number 6 and number 7.

Roberto Ordonez, who was the Magistrate for court number 4, has been transferred to the Munici-pal Court at the Commercial Center. He has joined Albert Hoare, who was the Magistrate for court #5. Mr. Hoare was replaced at court #5 by Magistrate Hettie Mae Stuart.

Mrs. Dorothy Flowers, who was the magistrate for court #6 has retired. No new Magistrate has been appointed to fill that post since her retirement sev-eral weeks ago.

Mrs. Aretha Ford, who was the Magistrate at court #7, is on study leave. Another Magistrate Ms. Kathleen Lewis is also on study leave. Ms. Lewis was the Magistrate at court #3. But after she left the post was taken up by Ms. Sheringe Rodriguez.

Nevertheless, for the past 2 weeks only three courts have been operating at the Magistrate Court in Belize City.

According to a report, the Government plans to import more foreigners to fill the posts of Magis-trates.

Belize City, April 18, 2012A senior worker at the Public Officer in the Ministry

of Works appears to have been victimized simply for op-posing mass firing, and standing his ground against the Minister of Works, the callous Rene Montero.

On March 22nd, 2012, only two weeks after the general elections, Alfredo F. Cruz, who at the time was the Administrative Officer at the Ministry of Works and Transport, wrote Minister Montero a letter in which he advised against the firing of seven employees at the Ministry of Works in Orange Walk. This letter was re-sponding to a request for termination of employees by the Minister.

In the letter, which is referred to in an article “UDP targets OW Ministry of Works for victimization” which appeared in the April 1st 2012 BELIZE TIMES edition and also published in full in the subsequent April 8th 2012 edition, Cruz explained to Montero that he couldn’t find a reason for the employees’ termination. Cruz added that the workers’ supervisor “confirmed that the Officers performance is good” and that the employees are “ca-reer officers” with services ranging from 12 to 24 years.

Montero refused to heed the advice and went ahead

Page 3: Belize Times April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 3

Visit Us Online at:

Customs vs. Cuthkelvin: A “Crystal” clear caseUDP crony faces $2.3m fine for imported chemicals

linked to drug production

11 BUllets terrorise

Belama family

Belize City, April 16, 2012The contents of six containers

imported by UDP crony Vernon Cuth-kelvin have tested positive as being methylamine hydrochlorid, a precursor chemical for the production of meta-amphetamine drug also known as “Crystal Meth”.

When the containers arrived at the Port on February 23rd, Cuthkelvin claimed that the contents were fertil-izers for his company, Belize Garden Consortium. But Customs Officials found it irregular that a small company was importing six containers of fertiliz-ers when other well-known companies import a much smaller quantity. This drew red flags, and an immediate in-vestigation was initiated, with the con-tainers impounded and forensic scien-tists brought in to test the chemicals.

Vernon Cuthkelvin

The US Drug Enforcement Agency also became involved.

Preliminary tests showed that

Cuthkelvin’s claims were untrue, and more tests were conducted to make the results conclusive. Last week, the Customs Department remained mum as the BELIZE TIMES called over a doz-en times to get an update, but they fi-nally spoke on Thursday evening, after the newspaper published its weekly edition.

The Custom finding could be de-clared a huge bust. The almost 3,000 sacks of methylamine hydrochloride, valued at about $492,000, could pro-duce some 400 metric tonnes of crys-tal meth which is valued at about $10 billion in the U.S. market.

Cuthkelvin immediately hired an attorney, Lionel Welch, and is now

claiming he did not know the contents were not fertilizer chemicals. The for-mer UDP Housing Ministry employ-ee said he believes he was sent the wrong contents by the Chinese export-ers, and he claims has sent out a letter informing them of the mistake.

Cuthkelvin also claims he has been victimised by the Customs Depart-ment and is threatening to sue them for undue hardships, claiming compen-sation of $200,000.

Meanwhile, the Customs Depart-ment is said to be preparing its own le-gal case against Cuthkelvin for alleged “false declaration”. By law the serious felony carries a hefty fine calculated by taking the estimated market value of the item involved in the infraction, plus freight multiplied by three. This would bring the total fine against Cuthkelvin to over $2.3m.

This is a “crystal” clear case and Cuthkelvin must be dealt with accord-ingly. Let us see if the Barrow Admin-istration will interfere to save a known UDP supporter, or they will allow the Customs to do its job. We note that the US agents’ awareness of the case makes it difficult for the UDP to inter-fere, but one could never be surprised.

Belize City, April 18, 2012A Belama family lived through

terror when a gunman targeted their home, firing up to eleven shots in a reckless manner, for no apparent rea-son.

Juanita Lopez, a single mother, was at home with her three children, when just after 10pm they suddenly started to hear loud bursts that sound-ed like gunshots. Lopez said she threw herself to the ground for safety. While on the ground, she heard the bullets bursting through her glass window and hitting parts of the house.

The noise startled her children and they came out of their rooms, only to have to find refuge on the floor also, to escape injury.

The family endured the attack for several minutes before they were able to access their phone and call the 911 emergency number.

When the Police arrived, the in-spected the house and saw bullet house through the door, windows and room walls.

Lopez said she is clueless why anyone would assault them, but she is now living in fear.

This latest incident is just another in the increase in criminal activity in the Belama areas. Despite the assaults taking place, the Police Substation continues to operate for only a portion of the day, from 7am to 7pm, and with barely any resources.

Page 4: Belize Times April 22, 2012

4 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012

Continued from page 1Continued from page 1

“Homicide rate” in Belize City has

doubled in 6 years

Un ranks Belize as 5th most dangerous


UnpopUlar UDp

where is The BUDgeT?

Teachers wanT pay raiseBut while their immedi-

ate demands remain rea-sonable, past history all too clearly shows that Prime Minister Dean Barrow isn’t going to merely grant their request on a silver platter. The BNTU, led by then Presi-dent Jose Panti, had made a similar request for a salary increase two years ago. The request was received with near contempt by the Min-ister of Education and Prime Minister, and rejected whol-ly. At a House Meeting held in February 2010, the Prime Minister said the teachers were asking for too much, and that granting an increase was simply “an impossibil-ity”.

Well, the Prime Minister may have all the excuses in the world, but they are not

enough. The teachers say this time around they intend to stand strong and united on the matter.

The BNTU is also request-ing for the regularization of IT-VET teachers and that the Gov-ernment pays 100% of salaries for teachers working at aided-in secondary schools. The Orange Walk BNTU branch also submit-ted a request for the return of the Friday half-days, which Edu-cation Minister Patrick Faber had cancelled two years ago. Teachers say their schedule is busy, and the only time they have to take care of financial and personal business is that one Friday afternoon they tra-ditionally get free. The Orange Walk teachers, with support of their BNTU branch, have once more started the half-day Fri-days even though they don’t have the Ministry’s permission.

What gang truce?and claimed the life of known gang member, Clifton Flores, 25, who now resided at 171 Caesar Ridge Road.

Flores, who had a colourful past with the law and who has made his name as a gang member and also for being on the receiving end of bullets intended for him, was struck fatally several times to the left side of the head. Flores was reportedly sitting at the side of the street when his killer saw the opportunity to pounce -- and pounce he did, emptying the gun clip into him in the presence of friends.

In 2008, Flores suffered injuries to his face at the hands of a policeman wielding a baton. Flores had been the suspected culprit of a series of armed robberies for which police detained

and later charged him. But then the following year, Flores was shot four times in a ride-by. An-other time, he was shot at while sitting inside a car with relatives. He escaped that attack un-scathed. His murder will perhaps go down in his-tory as one of the many that was never solved, as did many of the crimes to which he was ac-cused of when he lived.

Just hours after Flores met his death, an-other man was gunned down also on the city’s south side. There were a series of gunshots ac-cording to the residents. This time, it happened on Banak Street at its corner with Central Ameri-can Boulevard, near where tacos vendors set up during the morning time to make their living.

The gunshots rang out at around1:30 Sun-day morning, and the victim, Darrington Rivers, 51 years, a laborer of #3179, Coffin Street, lay dead in his own pool of blood. He was shot to his forehead and left thigh. Rivers was walking on Banak Street towards the Boulevard when he was shot dead. The father of four was not known to have a conflict with anyone, and the circumstances of his killing have relatives looking for answers. Needless to say, the police have no suspects.

BELIZE CITY, Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

With over 400 murders in the last four years, and an almost daily dosage of murder and mayhem of recent, it may not be a surprise to many that Belize has been ranked the 5th most dangerous place in the world.

The international black-eye was be-stowed by the United Nations’ Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which said that at an estimated 39 murders per 100,000 citizens, Belize ranked fifth in the world. Per capita Belize even ranked worse than Guatemala and Jamaica in the region.

The list roughly comprises most of our Latin America and Caribbean neigh-bors, including: Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica, Venezuela and St. Kitts and Nevis. Honduras was ranked the most dangerous country with 86 mur-ders per 100,000, followed by El Salvador with 71 per 100,000. St. Kitts and Nevis was a surprise; they placed 3rd with 68 per 100,000 and Venezuela in 4th with 67 per 100,000.

The full report can be viewed in Adobe PDF format via the UN website ( The BELIZE TIMES discovered that the ranking has wors-ened in the last few years, with the rank-ing being 6th in 2010 and 7th in 2009.

Another interesting statistic is that Belize’s “intentional homicide rate per most populated city”, which in this case is Belize City, has doubled over the last six years, from 50.4 in 2004 to 106.4 in 2010. In 2008, when the UDP Admin-istration took office the rating stood at 70.5., which means the increase was steady until the Barrow regime took over and the rate of increase doubled every year.

We at the BELIZE TIMES can only hope that if nothing else gets the Bar-row Administration’s attention, that this latest horrible news will finally break through to them.

Page 5: Belize Times April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 5

HARD HITTINGThere is no way the UDP should have won the Belize City Council after six years of incompetence, recklessness and the worst internal political meltdown at City Hall. Zenaida Moya’s leadership was like a never-ending soap opera, filled with enough drama to get her an Oscar nomination, and Belize City residents sure had enough of it. Even Dean Barrow had to admit their failure so much that it was against this backdrop that he was forced to decide on a double election on March 7, 2012. Head the head, the PUP City Council team would have wiped out the UDP slate, and would have been the first serious dent on the UDP, leading to worse for Barrow when general elections were supposed to be held in 2013. That is how we ended up with a UDP Belize City Council. They were the beneficiary of a sinister double election plot that swept them into office riding on the coattails of the UDP’s big money. That’s what happened on March 7, 2012.

But while the CitCo and Town Council elections were being overshadowed by the general elec-tions, something that caught our attention with the UDP CitCo Mayoral candidate was that this was a green attorney tucked safely in a lucrative law firm. Why would he give that up to run for political office? The math just doesn’t seem to add up. To make matters worse, the UDP mayoral candidate is the son of UDP attack bush rat on “Wus Ting Dah Mawnin”, Joe Bradley. Nasty Joe has become an enemy of the public in ways he is too narcissistic to see or understand.

The biggest problem with Mayor Bradley is not only that he is politically naïve and that he has had absolutely no experience dealing with socio-economic issues, and it is now beginning to show, but it is that he is grasping at straws trying to spin them into gold. This is like his appointment to the Board of Central Bank, when he is no expert in the economy.

Already 42 days into office, Mayor Bradley has done nothing to tackle the real problems at City Hall which are the waste, corruption and those bloated contracts. Unless the Mayor deals with the contracts he will end up in the same fate of his past UDP colleague. Unless he deals with the real waste at City Hall he won’t be able to deliver on the services that have been neglected over the last six years. And unless he deals with those corrupt City Councillors that ended up back at City Hall and those that got away, there isn’t anything different between him and his embattled predecessor.

To make things worse, the Mayor fired twenty-five poor and hardworking CitCo workers (not-withstanding one has twelve children) while hiring connected UDPs to newly created posts. Then he embarks on a whimsical and haphazardly thought-out tax squeezing regime using the Traffic De-partment and the Trade Licensing Board to scrape every nickel and dime left in the suffering city. He completely ignores the fact that business owners have been seeing their worst days. And on top of all this, the Mayor announces a new residential Garbage Tax and the licensing of bicycles.

His last grand idea is to raise a 15 million dollar bond to finance his one hundred days agenda but if the government is in trouble with the Super Bond, how will the mayor pay for his mini bond? And most important what will he use for collateral…City Hall? We don’t think so! What guarantee do the residents of Belize City have that they will get for better service and value for their money when the mayor has already cut back on services essential to the public at City Hall, by an early closure for their offices from 5pm to 4pm.

The Mayor may mean well, we won’t knock him for that, but he needs help and he needs it fast. He lacks a sensible plan, a vision and the capacity around him to move this city forward. He needs to search across party lines and get help fast, for the more the Mayor talks, the further he appears to be from reality. So far all we see is like father like son. 42 days have already gone and all the Mayor has been doing is spinning straws and blowing bubble gun, while city residents are hungry for results and not bubble gum.

son of a Joe!

Page 6: Belize Times April 22, 2012

6 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012

Continued from page 1

Continued from page 1Future prime Minister embraced by social partners, Bcci

Economy stinks, but UDP spends $600,000 on luxury

Continued on page 8

Catastrophic Conch Closure!

The ‘announcement’ that was given by the Government of Belize and their Fisheries Department last week Friday, April 13th that the season would close early, stunned many and questions began to abound almost immediately.

The season isn’t due for closure until mid-September, but a series of fac-tors claimed by the Ministry of Fisher-ies, which includes both cooperatives meeting their quota even if four months early, and the threats of the Queen Conch population which has been declared an endangered species, reportedly called for such a decision.

As Fisheries Administrator Beverly Wade declared at a meeting, “What we have today is based on science; its management advice based on the cur-rent situation.” But what’s being left out of that information is that while the 2 ma-jor co-operatives, Northern Fishermen’s Co-operative and National Fishermen’s Co-operative, were consulted, most of the fishermen under contract, as it were, to supply the product were either not consulted, or never even saw the whole thing coming at all.

The BELIZE TIMES went down both to the docks behind the Commercial Center, and those at the Northern Fisher-man’s Co-operative on North Front Street. And while the men we spoke to were not up to be further identified for varying reasons, they were more than willing to speak about how this unforeseen and untimely closure will affect them. There’s the story of Mr. Villanueva, a 15-year vet-eran of the seas and a father of 2 high school-aged children. He insists that the co-operative he works for (i.e. National Fishermen’s Co-operative) did meet to discuss the closure, but they were not given any further warning. “It (the clo-sure) wa bad fi everybody,” he told me,

especially including fellow fishermen, processors who package the conch and other seafood, and even the co-opera-tives themselves.

It was a more frustrating feeling at the Northern Fisherman’s Co-operative on North Front Street. We spoke with Messrs. Terry Allen and Tirso Aragon, who had just come in from a long day on the seas. Neither man spoke great English, but they too are highly displeased with the seemingly callous manner in which they’ve been tossed aside after toiling a half-decade with the co-op, as they insist they were not warned about the closure by the co-op. As Terry, the more expres-sive of the two, put it to us, “Why denh di lef’ di fisherman denh like this?” Add in the fact that they’ll be sitting on the sidelines for at least two weeks without extra money, and the conditions are ripe that things will get “very bad…. [we wa] lose everything…”

One of his other colleagues, Cipri-ano Flores, was less wordy and more blunt in his assessment of those work-ing against the small man, referring to them in the TV and radio media as “vam-pires”, sucking the ‘life-force’ of earnings and good living out of them. He made it clear that they may consider launching a protest against the Government.

Fisherfolk said they are being left high and dry by the Ministry. They are concerned because currently the lobster season is closed and won’t be declared open until July, and with the impend-ing prohibition of harvesting conchs, there will be no business. They said the fish market is already saturated, leaving them with no options but to stay out of jobs for the next few weeks – a sad di-lemma which more and more Belizeans have been finding themselves in at a terrifyingly rapid pace under the Barrow Administration.

Belize City, April 17, 2012

Last week the BE-LIZE TIMES broke the story of the Barrow Administration’s pur-chase of a brand new 2012 Land Cruiser, val-ued at $180,000, for Deputy Prime Minister Gaspar Vega. This is Vega’s third luxury ve-hicle in just four years,

the total cost has ballooned to almost $600,000.

The callous Minister of Works Rene Montero, who is busy firing people in-stead of repairing the bad road condi-tions, has replaced his SUV with a new 2012 Toyota Prado that cost taxpayers $96,000.

Prior to the elections the architect of the unfinished Marion Jones fence, Her-man Longsworth had bought an F-150 truck for which he had requested import duty exemption. Now that he is a Minis-ter, Longsworth wants an upgrade and he has gotten a 2012 heavy duty F-150

truck which will cost Belizeans $71,736.The former Minister of Indigenous

Peoples now Minister of Fisheries and Forestry Lisel Alamilla has been as-signed a brand new 2012 F-150 also. This cost Belizeans $71,736

There is a strange discrepancy in the cost of the vehicles both by King and Alamilla/Longsworth, although they are the same brand and make. The BE-LIZE TIMES understands Alamilla/Long-sworth got theirs from an authorized

auto shop, but King who bought his from an auto dealer alleges that he paid $3,000 more for his.

The BELIZE TIMES also under-stands that there may be more luxury rides on the way, as Santi Castillo and CEO Mike Singh have submitted their orders.

The UDP has become drunk with power, which they have begun to wield with no regard for Belizeans. This shameful spending, exposed by the BELIZE TIMES, shows how much they care of the needs of our people. While the UDP ignores the much-needed sal-ary adjustments for Policemen, BDF soldiers, nurses, teachers and public of-ficers, they are finding ways of living like emperors.

and it is paid with taxpayer’s money. The BELIZE TIMES also discovered that a $65,000 2011 Toyota Hilux was bought for Ministry of Energy and Science CEO Colin Young, along with a $74,500 Ford 150 for Minister of Gangs Mark King.

Spending nearly $300,000 of tax-payers’ money on lavish things when Belizeans are struggling through a time of extreme hardship and austerity is downright disrespectful. But the BE-LIZE TIMES has discovered that there is more to the UDP’s wasteful spending. The list of new vehicles bought by the Barrow Administration has doubled, and

Mark King & Lisel Alamilla will be driving spanking new 2012 F150s

Page 7: Belize Times April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 7

Humor in UDP Politics!

The following matters were discussed in Cabinet:• ThatCuthkelvin’ssevencontainersfilledwithchemi-

cals that produce crystal meth be confiscated and sold on the black market in time to float Mayor Bradley’s $15 million Bond. When told how difficult it would be and that the Ameri-cans would be watching, Cabinet suggested that perhaps the best way around it is to nationalize the containers.

• Cabinet has asked the new Pantry Minister a.k.a“Shoes” to stop showing up at his Albert Street office at 4am in the morning to avoid people, which caused John Saldivar to say to “Shoes” for crying out loud man “get a life”, which caused “Shoes” to respond, saying “you should try to get down your belly because dat dah lone puh-puh”.

• SaldivarwasscoldedbyCabinetforappearingtobeawimp against Taylor Alley. “Yu cyaant hav yur cake and eat. Yu eeda kip the darn GSU or tek it off. What we wah do when the damn PUP Petitions come true?” This caused John to stand up and said, “Why yu tink I di keep on Vidal?”

• Cabinetspentawhilediscussingwhetherornottheywant to open the new Kendal Bridge. Faber read out a text sent by Melvin Hulse, Eden Martinez and Arthur Roches re-questing that the people of the South be punished more be-cause they voted PUP. This caused Gapi to remind Cabinet that it makes sense since they chose to punish the people of Corozal South East when they diverted the millions for their

road to Belize City several years ago.In other related news:• WhenCuthkelvinwastoldbyCustomsthathisfertil-

izer wasn’t fertilizer his defense was “I ordered fertilizer and if they sent me something else then that is their mistake”. But when Customs explained that mistake or not they will have to seize his containers and perhaps even charge him, Cuthkelvin was seen speeding away in a taxi saying to the driver “there goes my retirement plans”.

• DenysBarrowwasonabeachinPlacenciawithacoldpanty ripper in his hand, when he got a call that the PUP pe-tition for Cayo was on. Realizing he was caught off guard, he got his SMART phone and called Rodwell and begged that he hold over for him which caused Rodwell to ask: didn’t you say the PUP were screwed on this one? Denys responded “yes but eh look like dah me wah get weh di duck get”.

• Whenaskedhowheintendstopayforhismunicipalbond, the Mayor of Belize City responded saying he could sell the Barracks, sell Memorial Park or the Civic or if that fails the back-up plan is to start importing fertilizer.

• GodwinHulsewasshockedwhenhesawamemoto the Ministry of Finance from the Superbond team leader requesting only one first class seat for the team leaving on Saturday. The letter was signed by Mark Espat. When Hulse questioned Mark about it, reminding him he was now a Min-ister, Mark responded “Yes, but I’m now the UDP’s leader…figure it out”.

• While walking out of Cabinet meeting, Contrerasstopped Penner and asked if he won’t share his Miami pic-tures as he was made to do after his Cancun visit. Penner said the photos he has are too private to share, but if Con-treras is patient he might get to see the Mercedez Benz he rented and was driving all over Southbeach in Belize soon.

Page 8: Belize Times April 22, 2012

8 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012

Keron Johnson charged for Attempted Murder

of Christopher Jorgenson

Teenager sentenced to 13 years for illegal

guns & ammo

Citizen says he was robbed by cop, inside

Police Station

Continued on page 14


Kent Lynch

Leroy Gomez

Ronel Rivero John Myvette

Keyron Johnson

BELIZE CITY, Wed. April 18, 2012By Roy Davis

Kent Lynch, 19, a wood carver of 4439 Peter Seco Street who was one of 6 persons charged with 5 offences, among them having possession of ille-gal firearm and ammunition, was sen-tenced to 13 years and 6 months today in the #2 Magistrate’s Court after he pleaded guilty to the charges.

The charges were 2 counts of han-dling stolen goods, 2 counts of kept firearm without a gun license and 1 count of kept ammunition without a license.

After she accepted his guilty plea, Senior Magistrate Sharon Fraser sen-tenced Lynch to 6 years for each of the firearm offences with the stipula-tion that they are to run consecutive to each other. She sentenced Lynch to 6 years for the ammunition offence with the stipulation that it should run concurrent to the firearms sentences. She sentenced Lynch to 18 months for each count of handling stolen goods. The sentences of 18 months, she said, are to run concurrent to each other and consecutive to the firearm sentences.

She said that before she decided

on the sentences she took into con-sideration the fact that Lynch pleaded guilty and he had no previous convic-tion.

Lynch, by way of explanation, said that he bought the firearms and the lawnmower for $1,500 in Maskall. Lynch said he bought the firearms be-cause he felt insecure because he was the neighbor of now deceased and no-torious Edward Lord who was shot and killed.

The others charged with Lynch were his brother, Errol Lynch, 23; his mother Yvette Lynch, 52; Leroy Go-mez, 25; Woodrow Reyes, 27; and Vir-ginia Alvarez, 21.

Although Lynch pled guilty to the charges the prosecutor did not with-draw the charges from the others. They were remanded into custody until May 17.

The charges of handling stolen goods arose from a burglary that oc-curred on Monday, April 16, at Baker’s Ranch on the Northern Highway.

Armead Turton, a retired Public Officer residing at Baker’s Ranch, reported to the police that around 3:30p.m. a container trailer he uses

as a warehouse was broken into. He said the culprits stole one double bar-rel Winchester brand shotgun with a value of $400, and a lawn mower he borrowed from Arthur Saldivar which has a value of $746.

The police reported that their investigation into the burglary led them to a house, located at 4439 Pe-ter Seco Street.

On Tuesday, April 17, the police conducted a search at 4439 Peter Seco Street and the search resulted in the discovery of a double-barrel shotgun Winchester brand, a 16 gauge shotgun and 2 cartridges for the 16 gauge shotgun. The shotguns and cartridges were found beside an unpainted concrete house under-neath some pieces of board.

Later the same day the police returned to the house at 4439 Pe-ter Seco Street and found a red and black lawn mower.

Turton was called to Queen Street Police Station where upon his arrival he identified the double bar-rel shotgun and the lawn mower as items that were stolen from the con-tainer.

BELIZE CITY, Wed. April 18, 2012By Roy Davis

Keron Johnson, 20, a laborer of Jane Usher Boulevard, was charged with the attempted murder of Christopher Jorgenson, 18, when he appeared in the #1 Magistrate’s Court.

Johnson was also charged with dangerous harm and use of deadly means of harm.

No plea was taken because the offences are indictable.

Chief Magistrate Ann Marie Smith explained to him that the court cannot offer him bail because of the nature of the offences. She remanded him into custody until May 15.

The incident occurred around 8:30 p.m., on Sunday, April 15.

Reports ate that Jorgenson was playing basketball on a ball court on Jane Usher Boulevard when one of two persons took out a firearm from

the waist of his pants and fired sev-eral shots at him. Jorgenson was shot in his arm and the lower abdo-men. He was taken to Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital where he is re-ported to be in a critical condition.

According to a report, Jorgen-son’s assailant shot him from be-hind a clump of bushes, located a short distance from the basketball court. It is believed that the gun-man and his accomplice made their escape through the same bushes.

BELIZE CITY, Tuesday, April 17th, 2012By Alton Humes

Its official now: Belize now has the worst, most depraved system of ‘protection’ in modern history. In a space where the Gang Suppres-sion Unit (GSU) has Government-backed extensive reach to terror-ize both commoner and criminal, with nary a grey line in-between, and where Police must seek out illegal activities in order to supple-ment rather meager salaries, it’s not hard to fathom the lengths to which some would go to get their unclean mitts on another’s man hard-earned dollar.

33-year-old Ronel Rivero, a res-ident of the City of Belmopan, is

the latest of the many victims of such a ‘shakedown’ practice that has blighted the once-respected, and now-irrevoca-bly damaged name of the Belize Police Department. He was taken advantage of and allegedly robbed, and not even by a ‘regular’ criminal (as there doesn’t seem to be such a thing anymore), but rather by a notorious Police Special Constable, John Myvette.

The events that led to this hei-nous, unprofessional act started after a long night of partying in Belize City last Friday, April 13th. Rivero, who said he had over $1,000 on him, needed somewhere to ‘sober up’ safely and he went to the Queen Street Police Sta-tion thinking it was the safest place to be. When arriving at the station, Rivero

Page 9: Belize Times April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 9

Why wear makeup?

This Week’sTOP MODEL

Belizetimes sUNday april 22, 2012see full color at or Facebook/ Belize Times

Vicki• AttendingSJCJC• Sign:Taurus• FavouriteFood:Lasagna• Likes:Modeling,football,

volleyball• LivesinBelmopan• Fav.Quote:“Dreamasif



tipsBy Tania Tanesha

I know a lot, if not all, of my articles are geared toward women. But this week’s ar-ticle answers the most asked question by men: Why do women wear makeup? I love makeup: point blank, but before you jump to the conclusion that makeup is simply to make a woman look pretty, be prepared for a litany of reasons. Some reasons pretty much go hand in hand with other fixer-uppers women love to engage in, such as getting their hair and nails done. So why DO women spend their time and money on beautifica-tion? Here goes:

Pretty looks? ...Not reallyIn my very first article, I went over the

roles of makeup: to conceal and/or enhance what’s already there. Not to create. Per-sonally, I don’t think you can make anyone beautiful. Beauty already exists and the role of makeup is to enhance that natural beauty with minor techniques: evening out the skin-tone, adding appeal to the eyes and attrac-tion to the lips. You cannot create it. Raw beauty is the base. Every single person has beauty in them that is waiting to burst out the seams.

So what if it takes a booster such as getting your makeup done, your hair or nails done to get your natural self-confidence up? If it makes you feel good, do it.

It makes us feels good!Japanese scientists have done research

on the brain activity of women before and after they apply makeup. The brain releases dopamine which functions as a neurotrans-mitter—a chemical released by nerve cells to send signals to other nerve cells. Dopamine is responsible for reward-driven learning. Ev-ery type of reward that has been studied in-creases the level of dopamine transmission in the brain. So positive outside influences and activities such as getting your makeup done (likewise, the hair and nails) releases the dopamine. No wonder we feel awesome when we’re done! We’ve just rewarded our-selves!

…but be real to yourselfOverall, makeup goes much further than

just applying for a pretty face. I can’t under-stand why people are mean to others just because they choose to wear makeup; get their hair and nails done. Don’t become too enveloped in the madness of hype. Be true to yourself. Remember, ladies, you are all beau-tiful. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the beholder is you! You must see you as beautiful. If you don’t, no matter how much makeup, nails or hairdos you go through, you will feel satisfied just for the time being. And you are all beautiful despite anyone else’s standards. Each and every one of you is gor-geous. Feel it! Own it! Love you! And that is how you put your best self forward.

CATWALK FASHIONSWhat’s hip...What’s hot...What’s Now!

Phone: 203-2936 / 620-7481#148 Cor. Queen & North Front Streets

Belize City, Belize

Page 10: Belize Times April 22, 2012

10 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012

Page 11: Belize Times April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 11

Dolores gets the job done in Belize Rural Central!

Despite spike in crime, Belama Substation

remains closed!

Belize District, April 16, 2012Honourable Dolores Balderamos

Garcia, Area Representative for the Belize Rural Central constituency, has hit the ground running in her work of representing the people of this large suburban and rural divi-sion.

Not one to sit around and wait, Dolores has been active in address-ing the concerns and challenges in Belize Rural Central and showing the caring leadership that she brings.

With her hands-on style, Dolo-

res, along with her husband Pepe Garcia, PUP Chairman of BRC, has been in close touch with the people of Gales Point, working with them to restore running water to the village. Gales Point had been without water for several weeks, but the problem was quickly attended to, and now water service is restored in the vil-lage.

In Mahogany Heights, Dolores and her committee have made a con-tribution to the Mahogany Heights Dream Marching Band, which partic-

ipated in the Annual Bandfest, and in Hattieville attention has been given to the Badillo/Usher family, who lost their home in a fire.

The softball teams of Hattieville, Lord’s Bank and Ladyville have also received support for gears and uni-forms, as attention to sports will be given priority. Last weekend’s softball marathon in Lord’s Bank rocked, at-tracting large crowds from Belize Ru-ral Central and Belize Rural North!!

Plans are underway for the reno-vation of the Community Centers in

Hattieville and Gales Point, which also serve as Hurricane Shelters, and shortly work will start on construct-ing a proper basketball court for Ma-hogany Heights.

Dolores is also assisting several communities to form neighborhood watch committees, and town/com-munity meetings are planned to con-sult with residents in order to better understand and tackle the various de-velopment challenges.

Dolores and the People’s United Party BRC – Getting to it!!!

PUP Representative Hon. Dolores spending meaningful time assisting the residents of belize Rural Central

Page 12: Belize Times April 22, 2012

12 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012

Premier League Zone a PLayoff standings

Perry gibson wins B/C

Class riders

Millennium Girls claws Las Pumas 1-0

Belize to host World

Softball Games

2013 qualifier

Continued on page 12

Ex-Cross Country Champ wins Weekend Warriors

Cross Country



S #1





“Jawmeighan” still got it

Belize City, April 17, 2011Ernest “Jawmeighan” Meighan may not

have performed like he could in the old days in this year’s Holy Saturday Cross Country Cy-cling Classic, but he showed the country that he still has the legs of a champ when he won the Weekend Warriors Cross Country Cycling race for Category “A” Masters riders.

The Team Santino’s rider won clocking 3:56:59 on the 70-mile ride from La Loma Luz hospital in Santa Elena to the Western High-way, through Hattieville and Boom Road to the finish line in front of M&M Engineering Ltd on the Northern Highway to win the 1st prize and a trophy on Sunday, April 15. There were 29 finishers of the 45 riders who began the race.

Team M&M Engineering’s “Flying Scots-man” Liam Stewart was leading “Jawmeighan” entering the city at the first roundabout, but the 2001 Cross Country Champ pressed with a sprint to the finish, which relegated Stewart to 2nd place.

Team Scotiabank’s Barney Brown led the first chase group and outsprinted Team C-Ray’s Luigi Urbina for 3rd place. Team Horizon’s 3-time Lionman champ Kenroy “Smokes” Gladden, took 5th place, Team Santino’s James Framp-ton was 6th and Team Horizon’s Halton Ritchie was 7th. Team Santino’s Jack Sutherland led the second chase group and outsprinted Team Horizon’s Andrew Brown for 8th place, while invitee Calman Williams completed the top 10.

Other finishers:11th place – Team Santino’s Ernest “Tangalang” Thurton12th place – Santino “Chief”

Castillo13th place – Team B.C.B./F.T. Wil-

liams’ Mark Gentle14th place – Thirsty Thursdays’

Kirk Sutherland15th place – Team Horizon’s

Sherwin Latchman 16th place – Team M&M Engi-

neering’s Preston Martinez 17th place – Team B.C.B./F.T. Wil-

liams’ Dean Belisle18th place – Team B.W.S.L’s Ken-

neth Butler 19th place – Gordon Tillett

20th place – Team B.C.B./F.T. Williams’ Wilbert Jones

21st place – Team Horizon’s Ryan Willoughby

22nd place – Team Scotiabank’s Kenny Gladden

23rd place – Team Cayo Rentals’ Shawn Howard

24th place, 1st Place Women – Shalini Zabaneh

Other finishers:6th place – Team B.C.B./F.T. Wil-

liams Mark Lisbey 7th place – Team Scotiabank’s

Elvis Perez 8th place – Team Typhoon’s

Elmer Rivas9th place, 2nd Veterans B – Team B.C.B./F.T. Williams’

Wayne Arnold10th place – Team Truckers’ Ash-

ley Meighan11th place – Team BNE’s George

Gillett 12th place – Team Santino’s

Frank “Butter” Ferguson13th place – Team B.C.B./F.T. Wil-

liams Kevin Hope14th place, 3rd Veterans B riders – Team Truckers’ Mitchell Lewis15th place, 2nd Women – Team

C-Ray’s Kira Eiley16th place – Donald Matura

17th place – Team Truckers Val-entine Sosa

18th place – Team Truckers Wol-rick Thurton

19th place – Team Truckers Lloyd Sutherland

20th place – Team Truckers Manuel Esquiliano

21st place – Team BNE’s Chris Berry

22nd place, 1st C Masters – Team BNE’s Estevan Tejeda 23rd place, 2nd C Masters –

Team Truckers’ Lawrence Craig

Belize City, April 17, 2011Team AAA Loans’ Perry Gibson

clocked 3:12:15 to win the 50-mile race for B/C class riders from Roar-ing Creek to Belize City, while Team C-Ray’s Kaya Cattouse took the 2nd prize, while placing 1st among the women.

Team B.W.S.L’s Leroy Vargas was 3rd, Team Typhoon’s Charlie Slusher was 4th, and Team B.C.B./F.T. Williams Antonio Escarpeta completed the top 5, also winning a 1st prize and trophy among the Veterans B riders. Some 36 riders had begun the race in Roaring Creek but only 23 finished.

Belize City, April 17, 2012The Belize Softball Federation

is pleased to inform the softball community and the general pub-lic that Belize will host the World Games Qualifying Tournament for the English speaking countries of the Caribbean.

The World Games are sched-uled for Cali, Colombia in July of 2013 and eight countries will par-ticipate in the Women’s Softball Competition. The qualification for the World Games Cali, 2013 are as follows: the host nation of the World Games will directly qual-ify, ISF World Champion, Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania and the Caribbean (English-speak-ing).

The qualifying tournament for the English-speaking Caribbean is scheduled for November 27-De-cember 3, 2012, in Belize City.

Belmopan, Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Belize district champs, the Millennium Girls bounced back from two losses to upset Las Pu-mas of San Martin Village 1-0 at the Isidoro Beaton Stadium in Belmo-pan on Saturday.

Sheryann “Baby” Tracy and Christine Avila-Jacobs led the Mil-lennium attacks but made no im-pression on the Las Pumas’ defend-ers who held them scoreless up to the half time break.

After the break, Millennium’s

coach Anthony Phillips introduced Alisha Bermudez to replace Jacobs and Daytra Valencio took over from Gillett, but the vil-lage girls frustrated their efforts, refreshed by Faviola Vasquez who took over from Elizabeth Turner. But it was Sheryann Tracy who scored the single winning goal when she escaped Esther Cal’s marking, after Cal tripped and fell. Tracy eluded the remaining defenders and went head to head with goalie Anna Ramirez, drilling the ball to the far corner of the net.

Other game:Dangriga Pumas vs. Esperanza Vil-

lage Gentle Touch – 6-3

Francisco Briceno takes on Brian Chan

Jawmeighan outruns Liam Stewart to win 1st place

Barney Brown was 3rd

Page 13: Belize Times April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 13

UB Jaguars win volleyball games

Premier League Zone

B playoffs standings



S #1





Avengers win back to back U-19 softball games

Premier League Zone a PLayoff

standingsOrange Walk, Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Belize Defense Force FC are No. 1 in Zone A, having already qualified with 23 points, after their 7th win: 5-0 over World FC at the Norman Broaster Stadium in San Ignacio on Saturday night.

FC Belize, ranked No. 2 in the Zone A, still made the cut to the 2012 Premier League of Belize football playoffs with 19 points, en-joying their 5th win: 4-2 against Ju-ventus at the People’s Stadium in Orange Walk on Sunday, April 15.

World FC remained the Zone A

cellar dwellers after their 9th loss: 5-0 to the BDF.

San Felipe Barcelona needed 3 points from a win to qualify to the playoffs, but the San Pedro Sea Dogs denied their playoff dreams in a 4-0 rout at the Am-bergris Stadium on la Isla Bonita on Sunday.

BDF visits Placencia on Sun-day to challenge the Assassins, Zone B’s No. 2 team, in the play-offs, while it will be thunder at the Barracks between FC Belize and the undefeated Police on Sunday afternoon.

Belize City, Saturday, April 14, 2012The Police are top-dog in the Zone B of the 2012

Premier League of Belize football competition with 28 points, posting their 9th win: 6-0 over cellar dwellers Hankook Verdes of Benque Viejo at the MCC garden last Saturday night.

The Placencia Assassins secured the No. 2 spot in Zone B with 20 points from 6 wins and 2 draws, enjoy-ing their 6th win: 2-1 over San Ignacio United at the Placencia football field on Sunday, April 15.

The Paradise Freedom Fighters finished at No.4 af-ter their 2nd win: 1-0 over the Belmopan Bandits at the Isidoro Beaton Stadium on Saturday night. Ralph Flores struck the first winning goal in the 34th minute.

Belize City, April 14, 2011The defending champs Avengers won a double-

header in the under-19 girls softball competition at the home of softball at the Roger’s Stadium on Sat-urday, April 14.

The Avengers tranquilized the Hurricanes 17-8 by mercy rule, leading 3-0 when Arneek Baptist, pitch-er Kaylie Macfadzean and Crystal Hernandez came home in the top of the 1st inning.

The Hurricanes tied the ball game 3-3 when Sabrina Campos, Rebecca Nicholson and Kira Ar-nold came home in the 1st inning, but the Avengers soon took over the lead 10-2 when Lisa Macfadzean, Kelsey Robinson, Crystal Hernandez, Kaylen Fuller, Sherlene Humphreys, Clarissa Clarke, and Karena Cacho came home in the 2nd inning while only Tyra Moriera scored for the Hurricanes.

The Avengers led 13-6 after Kaylie, Kelsey, and Arneek came home in the 3rd inning, while only Mar-cie James and Shanice Longsworth came home for the Hurricanes. Baptist, Macfadzean and Robinson came home again in the 4th place inning for a 17-8 lead, as only Mardy Nicholson and Melissa Williams scored for the Hurricanes, and the game was called when Kaylen Fuller came home in the 5th place.

In Game 2, the Avengers then hammered the Junior Blazers 10-3 to avenge their humiliation by the Junior Blazers the 2 weeks before.

Belize City, April 17, 2012The Lady Jaguars and the Jaguars men’s team both

enjoyed back to back wins when the newly formed Belize District Volleyball Association began its Division 1 tourna-ment at the Belize Elementary school auditorium over the weekend.

On Saturday, April 14, the Lady Jaguars defeated War-riors 3 sets to 0; 25-7, 25-15, 25-10. On Sunday, the Lady Jaguars dominated SQ Stars (Junior Stars) 3 sets to 0, 25-18, 25-15, 25-22.

Jaguars defeated defending champions Scorpions, 3 sets to 1in the opening game of the men’s competition on Saturday night: 25-19, 25-21, 23-25, 25-19. Jaguars: Libero for all sets was Keegan Ack. Scorpions: Libero for the match was Sheldon Arnold.

On Sunday, the Jaguars won again over the SQ Drag-ons 3 sets to 1, 25-12, 22-25, 25-23, and 25-19.

Upcoming matches: 7:30 pm: Lady Jaguars vs. Moen

Stars (Saturday)9:00 pm: SQ Dragons vs. Scorpi-

ons (Saturday)11:00 am: Jaguars vs. Rebels

(Sunday)12:30 pm: SQ Stars vs. Warriors


Clifton West wins the ball with a header

Lennox Castillo tries to keep ball possession

Julian Maldonado on the attack

Kaylie MacFazean pitches

Jaguars spikes on Dragons

Page 14: Belize Times April 22, 2012

14 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012

Continued from page 8

Continued from page 1

Citizen says he was robbed by

cop, inside Police Station

asked an unnamed Sergeant to let him stay in until morning, when he would be able to catch a bus back home. He was in turn asked to be searched, to ensure that he carried nothing illegal. He did so, and was instructed to stay put. Enter John Myvette, who seemed to be coming on duty, and apparently unaware of what Rivero was there for. Myvette proceeded to search Rivero again, but this time allegedly taking $990 he found in a pocket, and then, attempted to hold.

Rivero says Myvette returned $190 and decided to threaten him with harm and false charges in front of his fellow officers if he went to the media. But Rivero was too angry to care. He filed official complaints with the Crimes Investigation Branch and the Police’s Internal Affairs. He also

went to all media houses to let the en-tire public know of the cop’s criminal behavior.

Myvette was charged for Theft lat-er that day and arraigned at the Magis-trate’s Court yesterday, April 16th. He was granted bail in the sum of, coinci-dentally, BZC$1,000, and is to return to the Court on June 4th.

While Rivero didn’t directly impli-cate any other officer, two others have also come under investigation for their involvement in the case. On Tuesday April 17th PC #647 Acasio Teck was charged with theft also, while he along with Sergeant #84 Aaron Zuniga has been given disciplinary charges by the Police Department’s Internal Affairs Section.

This is the third time Myvette is going before the court to face criminal allegations.

had so much to say. He was vo-cally against the 9th Amendment though he abstained from voting in the House, he was stirred up by the take-over of BEL, he was unnerved by the 25% increase in GST, and he was a serious advocate of meaning-ful Government reform.

That was the old Godwin Hulse. The new Godwin Hulse is now a UDP Senator, bought over by Min-isterial post and a promised politi-cal future in Belmopan by the Prime Minister who is no fan of the malpa-go/garnaches Minister. Godwin now seems to support the 9th Amend-ment, doesn’t care of the expropria-tion of private companies, and ap-parently doesn’t mind tax increases on the business community. If not so, how could he join PM Dean Bar-row who led all of those actions, without demanding the immediate reversal of everything he thought was wrong?

Yes, Godwin is a sell out and he will continue to prove it. Over the next few weeks, he will come un-der the microscope as he will be re-quired to make critical decisions on matters of governance.

The UDP has made a mess of our country. They have abrogated the rights of citizens. They have encroached on the authority of mu-nicipalities and village leaders, and have ruled over the people like Brit-ish colonialists of the past.

For example, in Xaibe Village UDP Representative Hugo Patt has used the Police to threaten and push over the elected Xaibe Village Council in an attempt to impose ille-gal authority over land distribution.

Calling out Godwin Hulse

Minister of Local Government God-win Hulse knows well that the Vil-lage Council is responsible for land distribution in villages, but appears to be protecting his UDP colleague and he has not addressed this mat-ter.

The Chairman of Xaibe Village Council Daniel Tzul had written to Minister Hulse, but the Minister hasn’t even acknowledged receipt, much less shown interest in the is-sue.

The problem is similar in San Joaquin Village where the UDP froze housing projects and has at-tempted to strip away land duly dis-tributed by the Village Council. Over 200 landowners have been left in limbo.

Tzul said they will write Hulse once more, with hopes that he in-tervenes before things get worse in the community.

The problem in Hopkins Village in Stann Creek is of greater urgen-cy. The village attractive to local and international tourists for its pristine coastal beach is today without wa-ter. The 1,500 residents say water was abruptly cut off on Sunday April 18, when the pump for the water reservoir went bad. Since then the Village Council has requested as-sistance from the Government, but three days later, there has been no response. This disaster has closed schools and has left the entire vil-lage almost paralysed.

The question is will Minister Hulse move rapidly to provide as-sist, or is it because Stann Creek West recently elected a PUP repre-sentative that their needs are being ignored?

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Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 15

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16 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012

Of this and that…PLUS TV IS SECULARTalk shows are back in style. Belize

has another morning talk show. It is on Plus Tv. The name of the show is Rise and Shine. The show worships the UDP.

There are three panelists. They are always apologizing for the UDP.

Brother Fem admitted he just voted UDP again. Patrick Andrews’ father be-got the UDP. Louis Wade Jr. is in love with Barrow. It is hard for them to pre-tend to be neutral anymore.

WUB has “dropped dah wata”. Love FM is too spineless and ‘fraida’ for Be-lize’s liking. All of Belize is tired of hear-ing Joe Bradley fuss thing dah mawning. Open Your Eyes is far too preppy and prissy.

Plus TV sold itself as a church show. Surely, Belize could believe the Pas-tor. Everyone in Belize thought it was a Christian talk show.

Hold your mule and cart. I heard Pas-tor Louis Wade Jr. correct a caller to the show. He said Plus TV is not a Christian show. It is not a Christian show.

At church we are taught there is only heaven or hell. Right or wrong. Good or bad. Christian or secular.

Belizeans must be tired of these confused people. Godwin is not Inde-pendent. He is UDP. Mark is not PUP. He is an exposed UDP. Now, Pastor Wade’s Plus TV is not Christian. It is worldly. It is in the same category as Fuss Thing da mawning.

Say it ain’t so.METER GOLDCorozal is the poorest district. The

latest hustle in the Coro is the stealing of water meters. It is being harvested from the backyards of sleeping families. The meters are hunted for its copper. It is being smuggled into Mexico and sold.

Each meter sells for two hundred dollars.

A child who should be in school was caught with ten of them. He was un-lucky. Police caught him wet handed.

He had the meters in a school bag. That bag should have had text books. He should be going to CXC classes. He should not be going to Hattieville.

Shameful.There are no jobs. The Government

has mashed up the Free Zone. They have crippled the cane industry. School drop outs are at the highest ever. They have no answers.

Imagine when this profitable crimi-nal trade spreads to the Old port City.

PAPI POTEYEdward Norman Orosco is a rock

star. He is a local celebrity. He has the smooth talk of a butterfly. He has the right hook of Ali.

Papi Potey or Lion is sixty years old. He looks thirty. Life shows him the best and worst. It reveals itself to him in ex-tremes. Lion would not have it any other way.

Orsoco was Belize’s first bank rob-ber. He held up the Bank of Nova Scotia on July 21, 1972. High noon. Alone.

Today, he has given life a second chance. The PUP has given Orosco new life. He is a new man. Life, however, has not forgiven his body. Orosco has pros-tate cancer.

There will be no crying for Potey. There will be no tv news coverage. There will be no expensive chemotherapy ses-sions. Only the thin rotting gate of can-cer between God and Orosco.

Papi Potey is a phenomenon. He is an inspiration. Papi Potey shall not know death.

TWO LITTLEThere is a television in every single

house in Belize. Our country has no con-trol over what it is being taught. Ameri-can tv controls Belizeans minds.

There is no local programing. The media in Belize need to step up.

Evening news of daily murders can-not count. Re-runs of old American docu-mentaries does not count. The media thinks that gambling, singing and com-plaining talk shows is local programming. Foolishniss.

More education happens in front of a nineteen inch than in front of a black board.

Channel 7 has zero local programs. This is unacceptable.

DEADLY BELIZESerious thing. Guatemala is safer

than Belize. Jamaica is safer than Belize.Only four countries are more deadly

than Belize. Living in the Belize City is more dangerous than living in 195 coun-tries. This is the city that the UDP bribed. The government is paying and protecting the criminal gangs. The gangs are re-sponsible for the murders.

There is another issue.It is unfair to all the new immigrants.

They were extorted by the UDP. They were tricked.

The largest groups of naturalized Be-lizeans were from Honduras and El Salva-dor. Honduras is the most dangerous and El Salvador second.

Some people fear that we are im-porting the violence. This is not the case. The immigrants voted against the UDP on March 7, 2012. They voted against this government because they left this kind of problem at home. They are running away from hard lives, poverty and violence.

They know what evil regimes and wicked leaders look like.

BEKA LAMBSaint Catherine’s Academy is one of

the best educational institutions in Be-lize’s history. The Bliss is a top class facil-ity. Zee Edgell is the sixth wonder of Be-lize. The book Beka Lamb is a must read.

The book is being translated to the-atre. Brilliant. It is about time.

It is being done as part of the 30 year anniversary of the most recognized liter-ary work in Belize.

It is an important story. It is about our culture. It is about discrimination. It is about youth. It is about decisions. It is about teen age pregnancy. It is about life.

The book is critical of the class struc-ture in Belize. Beka Lamb is a social com-mentary on discrimination. The book is a statement on the tug and war between ignorance and innocence.

It is a timeless classic. Beka Lamb is Belize. It belongs to all Belizeans.

ZEE WILL FIX ITI welcome the play Beka Lamb to the

stage. It should be a family event. Moth-er, father and daughter should squeeze into the Bliss.

But who can pay ninety dollars to go see it? This is a joke.

Nobody has bothered to answer the question. Why is it so expensive? Baron Bliss paid for the venue. It should be free. The author is not charging to use the story line. Not one single actor is be-ing paid.

Explain. Why does it cost three times the price for a ticket to Twilight at Princess Cinema?

Only rich people can go see this play. These are the chin up, stiff pinkie people.

This book is an emblem of achieve-ment and awakening. It is sacrilegious to bury it under a $30 mortgage. Free up the play.

Zee will fix this.SAHOÜ

Grigalizeans have livity. We can strengthen up. We know how to put it back. Sahoü drops good. It drops heavy.

Sahoü is cassava porridge. The reci-pe is simple.

Grate the cassava. Grate the coco-nut. Strain both. Cook on a fireheart or stove. Bring it to a boil. Add nutmeg. Add cinnamon powder. Add vanilla essence.

The UDP hate Griga. I do not know why. The Garifuna have a lot to be proud of. The people of the South are strong. They are descendants of warriors. They are survivors.

They know how to live.TOUGH LIKE CONCHLisel Alamilla is the Minister of For-

estry, Fisheries and Sustainable Devel-opment. She should be the minister of stopping.

She cut down loggers’ cold turkey. No Rosewood. She cut off the Indig-enous people. No more ministry. Now she cuts the net of fishermen. No more conch.

None of these decisions were made after consultation. No scientific reasons. In fact the scientific report is done in July.

The quota for the export market on conch is maxed out. But the quota has nothing to do with the local market. The locals should not punish. The season should not be closed on us.

It has been shut down because the foreigners took all. They have been satisfied. Their pocket and belly is full. That has nothing to do with us. When the exporters swallow, housewives do not fart.

This maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is recorded for the export at some Corp. This is not about Vernon Street Bridge.

Yes, we should export no more. But leave my conch soup alone for two more months

HULSE HYDING?Where is the saint formerly known

as Godwin? Ever since he became Min-ister he has disappeared.

Local government is in a mess. UDP CitCo fired 25 without reason. Another retrenchment.

They removed the Financial Control-ler. Thousands of dollars get thief. Coun-cilors must have been involved. There is no audit. Godwin is still seated.

It gets worse. The UDP want to get their klepto-hands on $15 million more. A mini superbond to super steal. Nay a word from Godwin.

Orange Walk Town council has ex-posed bare wotlessness from the past UDP Council. It sounds terrible. All of Belize is disgusted. Not a squeak from Godwin.

Rejected UDPs are causing mis-chief for water boards in the south. Lots committees are disrespected in the north. Godwin is silent. It is deafening.

In two months Godwin has done nothing. He has changed nothing. God-win is a gigantic failure. He is a disap-pointment.

AESOP’S FABLESJesus was a parables man. Parables

are incredible. The idea was not original to JC,

however. Aesop’s fables were before the Christ Child. They were around five hundred years before our Savior laid in a manger.

The Aesop’s scripts and fables are excellent. Families should read and dis-cuss them together. The fables, or sto-ries, are all very short. They keep the attention of children. Aesop’s fables fea-ture familiar animals loved by children and kids.

The fables are full of advice, enter-tainment and wisdom. It can be gotten free off your computer. You just have to go on the internet.

Today, kids are taught by mind-less and naked cartoon character called Sponge Bob, not Jesus or Aesop.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 17 CO




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18 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012

THINK ABOUT ITNO JOBSOne month, one week after the general

elections and municipal elections there has been no job programme for the sufferers.

In a country in which life has become real hard for the majority of people, there is no relief from the new government.

Indeed petrol prices have been allowed to jump up to $12.00 per gallon. One imme-diate effect is another upward spiral in the cost of living.

The frightening violence that is the worst scourge on our people has returned with a vengeance. It coincides with a drastic reduction in Police presence and Police pa-trols in Belize City.

THE MOST UNHAPPY DEPUTYHe is the most unhappy Minister in the

UDP Government. Although he won re-elec-tion on 7 March and is in the Cabinet he is sad and blue.

And he holds a very high position in his party and in the Government.

No, it ain’t Boots Martinez, although he is unhappy and embarrassed by the public humiliation of his huge demotion.

We are talking about Gapi. The Hon. Gaspar Vega, Deputy Party Leader of the UDP and Deputy Prime Minister of the Gov-ernment.

There high titles don’t mean zilch.Hon. Vega was Minister of Natural Re-

sources. This huge, powerful and important Ministry has been taken away. The most important part – Petroleum – has been giv-en by the Prime Minister to a person who doesn’t even live in Belize. Neither has she participated in an election. She is a long time personal friend of the Prime Minister.

Hon. Vega is now the Minister of a tiny department called Lands, from which it is the most difficult of experiences for citizens to obtain a piece of land in the country of their birth. Foreigners get much better break.

In Orange Walk, Corozal and the rest of the country, Gaspar Vega has been reduced from a man to a boy; from a powerful politi-cian to just another has been/wanna be. His ambition to become the next UDP Prime Minister in 2022 is fading fast.

The Don of the North who is so wealthy and once so powerful has become the Done of the north. Under Dean Barrow Gaspar Vega done, sold out for personal appoint-ment of a female friend. That friend is front-ing for Barrow who is the real Minister of Petroleum.

Did somebody say we’re living in ani-mal farm?

MAYOR DOING OTHER JOBBelize City is the gateway to the coun-

try of Belize.It is the largest, by any standards of the

other municipalities. It has the largest single population. It is home to the largest congre-gation of indigenous people in the country – the creoles; a peculiar blend of British bay-men and African slaves. Their forefathers built Belize City, from out of the swamp and pestilence, hurricanes and other ravages.

Belize City was a relatively clean and tidy city. There was price in Belize City. There was love in Belize City. Those values are gone.

Belize City has recently elected another City Council. The previous City Council, in of-fice for two terms, screwed up the city.

Belize City in April 2012 is not a clean city. Its dirt and mud drains are a disgrace. It is rat infested, yards are overgrown. The majority of its streets are mud clay, or stone or dust. Many paved streets are in disrepair.

Over the years, City Councillors have become full time employees drawing huge salaries for doing nothing. The role of City Councillors has been changed, by them-selves, to reflect so called portfolio respon-sibilities for everything from space explora-tions to tourism and deep sea diving. No one is responsible for litter, cleanliness and other basic functions of the city. Alas! Alas! Woe unto us.

The newly elected Belize City Council Mayor was seen happily going to Court to represent his client.

But, his job and his salary is a full time Mayor’s one.

The Mayor cannot work on two jobs during the day.

NEW JUDGEThere is likely to be an appointment of a

new Judge of the Supreme Court.Word is that the Director of Public Pros-

ecutions is on the top three choices.She will have competition as consider-

ation is being given to the new Chief Mag-istrate.

GOVERNMENT BRUKThe Belize City Council has admitted

publicly what has been common knowledge for some time. They are broke. No money.

In fact, within days of being elected on 7 March this, the new City Councilors fired some twenty five low-level employees, claiming there was no money.

None of the many overpaid high-level, high salaried, not-needed administrators and executives have been released.

Nearly all the monies spent by the City Council are on contracts for garbage collec-tion and on salaries for dozens of high paid hangers-on of the ruling party.

But as it is with the City Council so it is with the central government. Years of waste and failure to curb unnecessary ex-penditures plus a refusal to extract more revenues from the oil company plus crush-ing debt service has taken their toll. The gov-ernment is broke.

EVERY CHILDThe weather for the Easter weekend

could not have been more pleasant and gor-geous – for a little vacation down by the river side, down by the sea.

Every child in Belize should know the sheer joy of being on a boat and going to one of the many islands.

There is great recreation and joy in bathing in the rivers and the seas of this ex-traordinarily beautiful country of ours.

For this and for the many other impor-tant reasons we all know, organisations like the Sea Scouts and the regular Scouts and Guides and Church Youth groups need to be encouraged and strengthened in order to make the lives of our younger citizens more rewarding and fulfilling.

As things now stand the younger citi-zens, our pre-teens, have been abandoned by the society. They are left to their own de-vices which are primarily senseless movies and music and cell phones.

NEW MOONThis Saturday 21 April a New Moon will

rise shortly after 3:00am in the sky.This Wednesday morning, 18 April,

there came a sudden and hard rain from the South. All across Belize, the grass and crops and plants and trees quietly gave thanks to the Almighty. The April weather has been all heat.

And then shower came pouring down.On Wednesday night, 18 April the sky

revealed a wondrous sight. Big Dipper can be seen upside down around midnight and Little Dipper can be seen way below as if re-ceiving “water” being poured by Big Dipper.

One of many of God’s wondrous beau-ties to behold – on land, in the sea and in the sky. His beauty is all around – just look.


Officials at the Customs Department were shocked to learn that the Ministry of Finance had interfered in their legitimate work.

Our infamous UDP hangers-on import-ed certain items from abroad, in large quan-tities. There may be some illegality but it is probably hard to prove.

Customs officials believed they had good ground for a number of charges. Bel-mopan put them in check. Leave the matter alone.

At his late stage of the scandal, some-one advised that should the importer get the source to say they sent the wrong items the matter will be treated as dead.

Officials of the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the US Embassy are most impressed.

UNCLE SAM WANTS UIn Belize the human rights situation is

in rapid decline. Human rights which are GUARANTEED in the constitution are vio-

lated with impunity.There is supposed to be an Ombuds-

man paid for by taxpayers’ money, who is available for victims of abuse to make com-plaints and obtain justice. The UDP govern-ment has ensured that such an important position become ineffective.

There are supposed to be lawyers in the Solicitor General’s office who are to advice against any breaches of the law by Police, BDF, Lands Department officials, Public Of-ficers and Ministers. Nothing is ever done.

Against such a dismal background the timing and weak human rights organisations in Belize is embarking on a public campaign for support and membership.

Let all men and women who care for what is going on in the country contact Ann Wade and Simeon Sampson to offer their help.

When good persons do nothing, bad persons get away with wrongdoing.

The price of protecting our liberties and rights is for us to help, to be involved and to be every vigilant.

WORLD HEALTH DAYBelize celebrated World Health Day on

Wednesday 18th April.The Ministry did nothing to observe the

day.Indeed the Ministry of Health should be

ashamed of themselves for abandoning el-derly Belizeans and mentally disturbed Beliz-eans who can be seen wandering the streets, some begging, others in unsightly manners searching through garbage and sleeping on the sidewalks and in the main Park.

What a shame.The newly elected City Council which

can’t even keep the streets and drains clean has ventured into Ministry of Health territory. They have come up with a proposal to put these unfortunate persons in the prison.

MONEY“A feast is made for laughter, and wine

maketh merry; but money is the answer to all problems.” – Ecclesiastes Chapter 10, verse 19.

Page 19: Belize Times April 22, 2012

Sunday, April 22, 2012 THE BELIZE TIMES 19

“Powerful people” blamed for sudden transfer of Cayo Police Chief

Continued from page 2

Manhole ‘wata’ stinks up Finnegan Market

Stats that don’t lie• GeorgePriceneverboughta fleetofnewvehi-

cles for a new government.• George Price never passed a Belizean on the

road that he would not pick up.• George Price made it his business to interact

with you by learning your family tree and never forgot it.• George Price gave away land to all Belizeans

alike.• GeorgePriceneversaidanythingbadabouthis

Party and loyalty comes first.• George price understood ourmulti-cultural eth-

nicity. He embraced all.• GeorgePriceunderstoodBelize’sroll,asabridge

between the Caribbean and Latin America.• George Price understood you had to get rid of

colonial masters in order to become independent.• GeorgePricesawtheneedforanewcityaway

from direct hurricane threats, and he built it.• GeorgePrice’slivedalegacyof“ServeThePeo-

ple”. This is why Belize will never have another Leader like George Price.

Callous Rene Montero strikes again!

with the firings, and we’ll get to that soon, but first we must expose much worse. Cruz is no longer the Administra-tive Officer and he is no longer working at the Ministry of Works and Transport. This is the vindictive nature of the UDP!

The BELIZE TIMES understands that on Monday April 2nd, 2012, which is the day after the BELIZE TIMES published its story, Cruz was suddenly transferred from the Ministry of Works to the Minis-try of Forestry, Fisheries and Sustainable Development.

With Cruz out of the way, Montero is now picking off hardworking employ-ees one by one. Last week Friday, April 13th, turned black Friday for two employ-ees, Adrian Wade and Cirilio Teul, when letters signed by CEO Carlson Gough were faxed to Orange Walk Ministry of Works instructing their termination.

Both employees were on the list of workers who Cruz had advised Montero not to terminate. Wade who was hired in July 2008 and was recently promoted from second class welder to first class welder and then reposted as assistant mechanic, as a sign of his good perfor-mance. He told CTV-3 News in Orange Walk that he was hard at work when he got the bad news, “I was in the store room with my good friend Barraho-

na when they give me the letter. I didn’t believe it and I open it and I saw well you are terminated.”

Teul was working in the fields when he was warned that a letter awaited him at the office. He told CTV-3 News that the firing is politi-cal victimization, “Were working on the highway and when I got back to work in the afternoon they call me upstairs and they gave me my letter. It is political because I don’t have a bad record and or nothing on my paper. I don’t have any kind of problem with them, I like to treat everybody like human here I don’t rough up anybody here and they cooperate with me and I cooperate with them so I don’t see what is the problem.”

Teul has been an employee at the Ministry of Works for twelve years, and he was up for promotion.

The Public Service Union, which has been conspicuously quiet amidst the string of victimization, is report-edly investigating the firings. We have confirmed that Wade is a member of the PSU and has called on his Union to provide defense.

It is not clear whether the PSU will choose to investigate Cruz’s transfer.

BELIZE CITY, Monday, April 16th, 2012By Alton Humes

The newly-elected Belize City Coun-cil, under the leadership of Mayor Darrel Bradley, hasn’t even been in power for a month, and they’re facing more chal-lenges than ever before (gross financial mismanagement and debts up the pro-verbial ‘wazoo’, for starters), and seem-ingly, without a single clue as to how to ‘deal’. But what we’re about to report will make even their biggest difficulty seem terribly miniscule.

A manhole cover located roughly in the middle of the Michael Finnegan Market, formerly known as the Queen Square Market, is literally infecting the vendor area with bad smell and possibly more, causing immense headaches for the vendors, and driving away needed business.

One of the male vendors, spoke to the BELIZE TIMES and said that the manhole’s gross and overboiled filthiness began seeping out last week Thursday, April 12th, and was likely caused by the work around nearby West Collet Canal, which is supposed to ease the overflow and stench. Instead, we were told, the bathrooms and even the water supply have been worsened.

The vendor broke his silence and file his complaint on the morning show circuit, and amongst them was ruling party’s radio station WAVE Radio’s ‘Fus Ting Da Mawnin’ Indeed, the Mayor’s father who is employed at City Hall, radio personality ‘Joe’ Bradley was among the first to comment, saying “ah

hope Mista Percival do sohnting…”, directly referring to Percival Murillo, the ostentatious Manager for Sanitation for the City Council. Since this is rather a market problem than a sanitation problem, there ought to be a Mar-ket Manager to handle this, right? Well, that isn’t the case. Other than Councilor Kevin Singh, who holds the market portfolio and always seems to be in the wind, there is no singular Manager who is tasked with over-seeing the smooth running of the market.

There seemed to be no reporting au-thority at the market, so much that not even the security officers knew a manhole was stinking up things.

Belize City, April 17, 2012Residents of the twin towns in

the Cayo District are being victim-ized by the spiteful and vindictive UDP Government, who is firing the person responsible for a significant reduction in crime in their neigh-bourhoods.

Since taking up the challenge of Officer in Charge of the San Igna-cio/Santa Elena Police Station two months ago, Senior Superintendent Alvan Gentle has done a superb job. Homicide statistics in the twin towns have fallen to 1 murder in the last 3 months while there has been a 40% reduction in robberies, 30% decline in burglaries and 25%

decrease in thefts. With such an excel-lent record, one would think Sr. Sptd. Gentle and his team would be getting an award, or at least greater support of resources and manpower. But not under the petty and uncaring UDP. Instead, Sr. Sptd. Gentle has been informed that he is being transferred out of Cayo.

This kind of backward thinking is synonymous to the UDP. When things are good the UDP finds a way to make it bad, and when things are bad the UDP will get it worst. It is incredible to believe that after Sr. Sptd Gentle strengthened the Police Department, employed good crime fighting strategies and enforced the laws – all reasons crime in the twin towns has reduced – the Police Depart-ment would see it fit to get rid of him. According to the Police Cayo Chief, it is his strict and no-nonsense attitude that made him a target. Speaking to the me-dia, Sr. Sptd Gentle said some “powerful people” wanted him out of the way.

“There have been again some un-scrupulous business people around the place, telling people that they will see

to it that Mr. Gentle is transferred from here because of them being dealt with because of infractions where the law is concerned. I don’t think that should be so; the work that I am doing here is not personal, the work that I am doing here is not to gain any fame, in fact it is just the opposite,” remarked Sr. Sptd Gentle.

The Cayo Police Chief said he was told of the transfer by no other than act-ing-Commissioner of Police David Hen-derson. While under rules of the Police Department he can be transferred or deployed as the Department sees fit, Gentle said this is a clear case of victim-ization.

“I am a Police Officer, I am transfer-able, but at the same time I believe that if that is the case, then it is vindictive, for what reason, I don’t know,” he added.

The sudden firing/transfer of the Cayo Police Chief has angered the local community. Members of the Justice of Peace Association, the People’s Coalition and business sector have called on the Commissioner of Police for an explana-tion behind the injustice.

The City Council’s lack of maintenance poses serious health risks at the Market

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20 THE BELIZE TIMES Sunday, April 22, 2012