benedictine update - sacred heart monastery …€¦ · sister janet marie, osb benedictine update...

Dear Friend, Here at Sacred Heart Monastery, spring is especially rich in beauty and in liturgical celebrations. Redbuds and dogwoods, daffodils and azaleas have given way to magnolia blossoms and the heat of early summer. In the midst of such splendor we celebrated the glorious feasts of Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. Now we prepare to honor Christ in our own special Feast of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart. With the Blessed Mother, we sing her Magnificat daily: our hearts indeed rejoice in God our Savior. In the midst of today’s struggles and uncertainties we continue to celebrate joyfully the presence of the Risen Lord among us. We thank God daily for the goodness which surrounds us, particularly the gift of community life. We celebrate the life and death of Sr. Mary Wilfrid Huettel, OSB. We also rejoice in the gifts of our Sisters who will celebrate jubilees this year. Marking their 60 years of Monastic Profession are: Sr. Mary Grace Mecke, Sr. Emilie Schmitt and Sr. Mary Stella Williams. In October we will honor two Golden Jubilarians, Sisters Kathleen Gallas and Eleanor Harrison. While celebrating the gift of fidelity and perseverance in religious life we also welcome Sara Burress into the novitiate as she continues her journey toward Monastic Profession. We are aware that these are very difficult times for all of us as we share in your struggle to weather this economic crisis. I would like to thank all of you who have continued to contribute to the support of our monastery and our corporate ministries of Benedictine Manor and our Retreat Center. Please know that you are all remembered in our daily prayers and at the Eucharist. Sister Janet Marie, OSB Benedictine Update Benedictine Update Volume XXII, No. 1 Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama Summer, 2009 A Master Plan For several years the Visioning and Planning Committee has been leading a process for developing a Master Plan for the monastery. The basic question has been: How will the buildings and grounds be reconfigured to meet future needs? The Sisters first determined that they wanted to preserve the 105 year old Ottilia Hall as the primary monastery building. At the same time the unused auditorium will be transformed into the monastic dining room and kitchen. To make these changes, ArchitectureWorks of Birmingham (AW) was hired to develop plans to update the buildings, replacing the worn-out and inefficient systems in the two buildings, while maintaining the lovely doors, wood trimming, and classic windows. After a feasibility study, AW drew up a schematic design that the Sisters approved. Golden and Associates was hired as the contractor so they could give accurate pricing for the project. Now American City Bureau of South Barrington, IL, is helping organize efforts to raise the necessary funds before reconstruction can begin. Environmental stewardship is important to the Sisters. Besides retaining a revered existing building and maximizing reuse of building components, other elements being included are maximum use of daylight, high efficiency light fixtures, storm windows for thermal insulation, use of low-flow water- conserving plumbing fixtures, efficient heating and cooling systems, responsible storm water management, and environmentally friendly interior materials. Future planning will look at restructuring the Retreat Center, deconstructing unused buildings, and landscaping around the buildings. The natural setting of 200 acres will be maintained, including lawns with flower gardens, wooded hillsides, and a small lake. Before the plan can be implemented, the monastery must be cleared of all unnecessary items. Appropriate equipment and furniture will be recycled for use. Unneeded materials and goods will be sold to raise money for the building project. In this photo, Sisters Mary Vincent Beckman, Mary McGehee, and Mary Adrian McLean meet to plan the Renovation Yard Sale, held this past May, and plan for the Auction to be held in September. Sacred Heart Monastery

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Page 1: Benedictine Update - Sacred Heart Monastery …€¦ · Sister Janet Marie, OSB Benedictine Update Volume XXII, ... Richter’s is a family business that has been in Cullman since

DDeeaarr FFrriieenndd,,Here at Sacred Heart

Monastery, spring isespecially rich inbeauty and in liturgicalcelebrations. Redbudsand dogwoods, daffodils

and azaleas have givenway to magnolia blossoms

and the heat of earlysummer. In the midst of such splendor wecelebrated the glorious feasts of Holy Week,Easter, and Pentecost. Now we prepare tohonor Christ in our own special Feast of theSolemnity of the Sacred Heart. With theBlessed Mother, we sing her Magnificat daily:our hearts indeed rejoice in God our Savior.

In the midst of today’s struggles anduncertainties we continue to celebratejoyfully the presence of the Risen Lordamong us. We thank God daily for thegoodness which surrounds us, particularlythe gift of community life. We celebrate thelife and death of Sr. Mary Wilfrid Huettel,OSB. We also rejoice in the gifts of ourSisters who will celebrate jubilees this year.Marking their 60 years of MonasticProfession are: Sr. Mary Grace Mecke, Sr.Emilie Schmitt and Sr. Mary Stella Williams.In October we will honor two GoldenJubilarians, Sisters Kathleen Gallas andEleanor Harrison. While celebrating the giftof fidelity and perseverance in religious lifewe also welcome Sara Burress into thenovitiate as she continues her journeytoward Monastic Profession.

We are aware that these are verydifficult times for all of us as we share inyour struggle to weather this economiccrisis. I would like to thank all of you whohave continued to contribute to the supportof our monastery and our corporateministries of Benedictine Manor and ourRetreat Center. Please know that you areall remembered in our daily prayers and atthe Eucharist.

SSiisstteerr JJaanneett MMaarriiee,, OOSSBB

Benedictine UpdateBenedictine UpdateVolume XXII, No. 1 Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama Summer, 2009

A Master PlanFor several years the Visioning and Planning Committee

has been leading a process for developing a Master Plan forthe monastery. The basic question has been: How will thebuildings and grounds be reconfigured to meet future needs?The Sisters first determined that they wanted to preserve the105 year old Ottilia Hall as the primary monastery building. Atthe same time the unused auditorium will be transformed intothe monastic dining room and kitchen. To make thesechanges, ArchitectureWorks of Birmingham (AW) was hired todevelop plans to update the buildings, replacing the worn-outand inefficient systems in the two buildings, while maintainingthe lovely doors, wood trimming, and classic windows.

After a feasibility study, AW drew up a schematic designthat the Sisters approved. Golden and Associates was hiredas the contractor so they could give accurate pricing for theproject. Now American City Bureau of South Barrington, IL, ishelping organize efforts to raise the necessary funds beforereconstruction can begin.

Environmental stewardship is important to the Sisters.Besides retaining a revered existing building and maximizingreuse of building components, other elements being includedare maximum use of daylight, high efficiency light fixtures,storm windows for thermal insulation, use of low-flow water-conserving plumbing fixtures, efficient heating and coolingsystems, responsible storm water management, andenvironmentally friendly interior materials.

Future planning will look at restructuring the RetreatCenter, deconstructing unused buildings, and landscapingaround the buildings. The natural setting of 200 acres will bemaintained, including lawns with flower gardens, woodedhillsides, and a small lake.

Before the plan can be implemented, the monastery must be cleared of allunnecessary items. Appropriate equipment and furniture will be recycledfor use. Unneeded materials and goods will be sold to raise money for thebuilding project. In this photo, Sisters Mary Vincent Beckman, MaryMcGehee, and Mary Adrian McLean meet to plan the Renovation Yard Sale,held this past May, and plan for the Auction to be held in September.

Sacred Heart Monastery

Page 2: Benedictine Update - Sacred Heart Monastery …€¦ · Sister Janet Marie, OSB Benedictine Update Volume XXII, ... Richter’s is a family business that has been in Cullman since

Only three times in our history hasSacred Heart Monastery hosted anAbbot Primate of the BenedictineOrder. The most recent occasionwas this past February. The currentAbbot Primate, Notker Wolf, was inCullman attending a meeting ofabbots at St. Bernard Abbey and tooktime to visit Sacred Heart to celebrateEucharist and dine with theCommunity. Following Mass, theAbbot Primate delighted thosegathered in the chapel by performingon his flute. Sr. Magdalena Craig onorgan and Sr. Elisabeth Meadows onflute joined him on one piece. TheAbbot Primate performed again afterlunch, offering several classical soloselections.

Besides being an accomplishedmusician (flute and guitar), the Abbot

Primate is a congenial, engagingpriest. He chatted at length with theSisters, listening attentively to eachwho spoke with him and seemingcomfortable with the group.

The Abbot Primate is a monk ofSt. Ottilian Abbey in Germany. In herrecent column in The AmericanMonastic Newsletter (February 2009issue), Sr. Lynn McKenzie explainedthe role of the Abbot Primate: inessence, he “legitimately representsthe whole Benedictine Confederationat the Holy See.” In addition to thisimportant role, the Abbot Primateserves as Abbot of Sant’Anselmo, theBenedictine University and College inRome. It was an honor and delightfor the Sisters to host the AbbotPrimate.

Page 2 Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama Summer, 2009

Sr. Janet Marie Flemming, Prioress, withAbbot Primate Noktor Wolf

Sr. Mary Wilfrid Huettel, O.S.B.,died February 16th, at home in theinfirmary of Sacred Heart Monastery.She was the Community’s oldestSister, just five months shy of herhundredth birthday. During her finalhours, the Community kept vigil ather bedside, and when the timedrew near Sr. Janet MarieFlemming, O.S.B., Prioress, andmost of the Sisters were with her topray and sing. Though confined to awheelchair the last few weeks of herlife, Sister continued her devotion toprayer, still attending Mass andVespers almost every day, up to twodays before her death.

Solemn Vespers of the Dead, ledby the Prioress, was sung onFebruary 17th in the Sacred HeartMonastery Chapel. Mass of theResurrection was celebrated onFebruary 18th by Reverend MarcusVoss, O.S.B., Monk of St. BernardAbbey, who also gave the homily.Sr. Treva Heinberg, O.S.B., formerPrioress, gave a reflection at the endof Mass. In attendance were: fromthe Diocese of Birmingham, BishopRobert Baker and Father KevinBazzel (a former student); Monksfrom St. Bernard Abbey: FathersKevin McGrath, Joel Martin, JohnO’Donnell, and Patrick Egan, andBrother Augustine Campion; and ahost of family members and friends.Burial was in Sacred HeartMonastery Cemetery, with Bishop

Baker and Sr. Janet Marie assistingFather Marcus in the prayers offarewell.

Born on July 19, 1909, toimmigrants from Breslau, Germany,Sr. Mary Wilfrid was the youngest ofthree siblings. Her father died in theflu epidemic of 1918 and her motherof cancer in 1921. Their pastor,wanting to keep the three childrentogether, brought them to Cullmanshortly after the mother’s death,placing the boys at St. BernardAbbey School and Lillie (the futureSr. Mary Wilfrid) at Sacred HeartAcademy. Lillie graduated from theAcademy in 1928, worked for a yearin her brother’s company inMemphis, and then returned to enterthe convent.

Educated at Florence StateTeachers College and Siena Collegein Memphis, Sr. Mary Wilfrid becamea master teacher, serving at almostall of the Community’s elementaryschools, often as principal as well,for a total of 54 years.

After her retirement from full-timeministry, Sister continued for twelveyears to substitute in classrooms atSacred Heart Elementary Schoolwhenever she was needed. Duringthese retirement years she servedthe Community in many ways, fromanswering the telephone to table-waiting. Always she was a cheerfulpresence at recreations andmeetings, even after she moved to

the Community’s infirmary in 2005.Sister is survived by her

Benedictine Sisters; nephews andnieces—William and Wilfrid Huettel,sons of her brother Wilfrid; and FredLee Huettel, Steve Huettel, TimHuettel, and Vicki Huettel Jones,children of her brother Fred; andmany grand nephews and nieces.

Sr. Mary Wilfrid Huettel Dies at Age 99

Sr. Mary WilfridHuettel, O.S.B.

Abbot Primate Visits Sacred Heart

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Summer, 2009 Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama Page 3

Beauty From the Inside OutThe monastery Chapel serves as

the central worship space for theSisters and guests. It is the heart ofthe Community. This year, thanks tothe many wonderful benefactors whosupport our ministries and facilities,the Sisters were able to purchase anew carpet for the monastery Chapel,which includes the BlessedSacrament Chapel, the Sacristy, theReconciliation Room, and the entirebody of the Chapel. The new carpetreplaced an almost twenty year oldcarpet that had seen its share of dailywear-and-tear along with several

large charcoal burns from mishapswith a faulty thurible (incense burner),and was in desperate need ofreplacement.

We are most grateful to MariaShultz and the staff atO.F. Richter’s & Sons forassisting us with thisgreat endeavor. Richter’sis a family business thathas been in Cullmansince 1947 and hasworked with us over themany years on ouradditions and interiordesigns. Their adviceand encouragementhelped to provide us withgorgeous carpet thathighlights the sanctuaryand choir stalls.

Those who pray in theChapel with us regularlyor when here on retreathave commented on howthe new carpet enhancesthe simple beautyof the Chapel.

Beauty held within is only enhancedwhen shared outwardly; so we inviteyou to visit the monastery to look atthe carpet that you so kindly helpedto provide.

Advent Vespers at Spring HillOn Sunday, December 14, 2008,

eight Sisters from Sacred HeartMonastery travelled to the Spring HillCollege campus in Mobile, AL to leadan Advent Vespers service at St.Joseph Chapel. The event was co-sponsored by Spring Hill College andthe Mobile Museum of Art to celebratethe “Illuminating the Word: The St.John’s Bible” exhibit at the museumfrom October 10, 2008 to April 12,2009.

Shortly after their arrival at thecollege, Sisters Janet Marie Flemming,Magdalena Craig, Marian Davis,Thérèse Haydel, Lynn MarieMcKenzie, and Tonette Sperando weregreeted by Dr. Timothy Carmody,Professor of Biblical Studies at SpringHill College. Fr. Robert Rimes, S.J.kindly celebrated Eucharist with themin the Jesuit Community’s privatechapel. Sisters Jane Bishop andMadeline Contorno, travellingseparately, met the rest of the group atthe Mobile Museum of Art where theywere given a private mid-afternoon tourof the St. John’s Bible exhibit.Following a graciously prepared mealat the home of Dr. and Mrs. Clifford

Pringle, the Sisters arrived at St.Joseph Chapel on Spring Hill’s campusfor Vespers.

Dr. Carmody welcomed theassembly and introduced Sr. JanetMarie as the Prioress of theCommunity at Sacred HeartMonastery. She thanked the Collegeand the Museum for their invitation tolead a Vesper service and introducedeach of the Sisters in attendance. Shealso briefly shared the history andconnections that the BenedictineSisters of Cullman have with theArchdiocese of Mobile, especiallybefore the Diocese of Birmingham wasestablished in 1969.

Sr. Janet Marie then introduced Sr.Thérèse, who spoke to those gatheredabout the primacy of Scripture,particularly the Psalms, in the life ofmonastic women and men.

Sr. Magdalena accompanied theVespers service on the organ while theother Sisters alternated with theassembly in chanting the psalms andcanticles for the Third Sunday inAdvent. When Vespers wasconcluded, the Sisters remained in thechapel to meet and talk with those who

attended the service.Dr. Carmody described the event in

these words: “The Advent SundayVespers led by the Benedictine Sistersof Cullman, AL, was not only acelebration of the coming of the Wordmade Flesh in preparation forChristmas, but also a celebration of theWord of God made "flesh" in the handwritten Bible that for two millennia hasbeen the heritage and gift to the worldof all Christians, but especially theBrothers and Sisters of the BenedictineOrder. The special Prayer that eveningbrought together religious and lay fromall over Alabama to join together inpraying and singing the words ofPsalms - the prayer of Jews for threemillennia and the prayer of Christiansfor two millennia. St. Joseph's Chapelresounded with joy and longing for theWord made Flesh each year anew, butin a special way this year as wecelebrated the St. John's Bible.”

Following Vespers, the Sisters ofMercy graciously welcomed theBenedictines to their convent near thecollege campus and provided overnightaccommodations.

Old layers of flooring were removed priorto installation of the new carpet The new carpet at Easter

Page 4: Benedictine Update - Sacred Heart Monastery …€¦ · Sister Janet Marie, OSB Benedictine Update Volume XXII, ... Richter’s is a family business that has been in Cullman since

Summer is traditionally the season in which Sisterstake a brief break from active ministry to gather as acommunity for a time of spiritual respite and to tend toCommunity business and planning. Each June, theSisters pause for their annual retreat, a week spent inprayerful silence under the guidance of a retreat director.Last summer the community was gifted with the leadershipof noted Scripture scholar Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB, fromMount St. Scholastica Monastery in Atchison, KS. ThisJune, Fr. Richard Walz of Subiaco Abbey in Arkansas willdirect the Sisters’ retreat. Each year, the retreatconcludes with a special Mass during which the Sistersrenew their monastic vows.

The Community will gather again in July for theirannual week-long summer meetings. These meetingsprovide a time for the community to focus upon businessmatters, plan for the future, and enjoy spending timetogether.

In addition to these annual Community events, Sistersoften participate in educational pursuits, Federationactivities, and related endeavors during the summer

months. This coming June, SistersTonette Sperando and VirginiaRohling will represent Sacred HeartMonastery as delegates to theFederation of St. Scholastica Pre-Chapter gathering at BenedictineUniversity in Lisle, IL. Sr. MaryMcGehee will serve as an alternatedelegate if needed. Also

representing theCommunity at thisgathering will be Sr.Janet MarieFlemming, asPrioress, and Sr.Lynn MarieMcKenzie, as amember of theFederation Council.At this meeting,participants will setthe agenda for theChapter meeting ofthe Federation to beheld in June, 2010.

Others travelingthis summer forBenedictine conferences include Sisters Magdalena Craigand Elisabeth Meadows who will travel to St. John’sAbbey in Collegeville, MN to attend the joint meeting ofBenedictine Musicians of the Americas and the MonasticLiturgy Forum. Sisters Marian Davis and Margaret MaryLiang will go to Rome for Deepening Monastic Roots: ARenewal Experience for English-Speaking BenedictineWomen (see News Briefs). Sisters Janet Marie Flemmingand Tonette Sperando will travel to Covington, KY, in Juneto represent Sacred Heart at the sesquicentennialcelebration of the founding of St. Walburg Monastery inCovington (see separate story).

Throughout these summer breaks for retreat, meetings,ministry preparation, and spiritual enrichment, the flow ofliturgy – the heartbeat of monastic life – never stops. Thecelebrations of Corpus Christi, Sacred Heart, Birth of Johnthe Baptist, Peter and Paul, St. Benedict , and of coursedaily Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours, anchor theactivities of the summer within the seasons of the liturgyas the Sisters continue always to seek God and “cherishChrist above all.” (RB 5:2)

Page 4 Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama Summer, 2009

Celebrating With Our Benedictine Family

Summertime at Sacred Heart

Sisters Janet Marie Flemming and Tonette Sperando will travel to Covington, KY, in Juneto represent Sacred Heart at the sesquicentennial celebration of the founding of St. WalburgMonastery in Covington. Sacred Heart has particularly close ties to St. Walburg. TheCovington community sent Sisters to minister in northern Alabama as early as 1881, andour Community was formed when eight Sisters from St. Walburg united in 1902 with eightfrom Holy Name and Mary Help Convent in Cullman to form Sacred Heart. Pictured hereare our eight founding Sisters fromSt. Walburg, including our firstPrioress, Mother Ottilia Haas. TheSisters of Sacred Heart rejoice withour Sisters in Kentucky as theycelebrate 150 years of Benedictinelife.

Clockwise from bottom left: Sisters VirginiaRohling and Tonette Sperando, Chapter Delegates,

are pictured with Sisters Lynn Marie McKenzie,Janet Marie Flemming, and alternate delegate

Sr. Mary McGehee.

Our eight foundresses from St. Walburg Monastery in Covington, KY

************************The Infirmary Chapel at Sacred Heart featuresstained glass windows representing the fourseasons, each with a brief quotation from the

Rule of Benedict. Pictured here is a detail fromthe “summer window” with its invitation to seekGod, a search which penetrates all seasons of

monastic life. The windows were designed by Sr.Emmanuel Pieper, OSB, of St. Walburg’s

Monastery in Covington, KY.

Page 5: Benedictine Update - Sacred Heart Monastery …€¦ · Sister Janet Marie, OSB Benedictine Update Volume XXII, ... Richter’s is a family business that has been in Cullman since

The outdoor stage area inthe front yard of the monasterygrounds, commonly called “TheColumns,” received a much neededmakeover during the winter months.Built in the late 1940’s by WillGusmus, the Columns onceprovided a staging area for SacredHeart Academy’s annual Mayfestival. Because of its beautifulsurroundings, it has become afavorite place for Sisters,retreatants, and guests to rest ortake pictures.

In recent years the stepssurrounding the structure had begunto deteriorate so badly that they hadbecome a safety hazard, makingrestoration efforts essential. Theproject began by removing theovergrown ivy from the back andsides; then the entire structure waspainstakingly pressure-washed fromtop to bottom. Jim and JamesSachs, brother and nephew ofSister Bernadette Sachs, replacedcement blocks wherever needed toreshape the steps and to fill in theopening at the back. To furthersupport the older masonry and togive the entire structure a unifiedappearance, all of the steps and theentire back were thickly cementedand given a rough, stucco-likeappearance.

The azalea and dogwoodblossoms of this past spring drewmany to the monastery grounds forphotographs, prompting Sr. ThérèseHaydel, who oversees maintenanceactivities at the monastery, to state“It is a relief to know that the stepsto the Columns are safe onceagain.”

Steps to “The Columns”Are Restored

The Year of Paul, which beganlast June 28 on the Solemnity ofSts. Peter and Paul, will soon drawto a close. The Benedictine Sistershave continued their celebration ofthis special year in a variety ofways. Catechetical efforts related tothe Year of St. Paul have continuedby Sisters in parish ministry, and Sr.Thérèse Haydel has given severalmore presentations on the Apostleto the Gentiles. In February, theNorthwest Deanery of the DiocesanCouncil of Catholic Women invitedSr. Thérèse to speak on St. Paulfor a Lenten Pilgrimage Day eventat St. Paul’s Church in Athens, AL.Sr. Thérèse also gave presentationson Paul at Our Lady Queen of theUniverse in Huntsville and to theleadership of the BirminghamCursillo Community. On May 9,2009, the Benedictine SistersRetreat Center welcomed Dr.Timothy Carmody, Professor ofBiblical Studies at Spring HillCollege in Mobile, AL, who led areflection day entitled “Paul’s Visionof Global Salvation: What All

Creation IsGroaning For.” Inaddition totheseministerialactivities, themonasticlibrary hasfeatured awide varietyof books onSt. Paulavailable forcheck-out bySisters and guests.

In his homilyopening the Pauline Year, PopeBenedict XVI challenged us: “Let usnot ask ourselves only: who wasPaul? Let us ask ourselves aboveall: who is Paul? What does he sayto me?” The Sisters of SacredHeart have deeply appreciatedjourneying this year with our retreatguests, with our diocese, and withthe Universal Church as we havepondered these questions andreflected upon the writings of St.Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles.

Guests gather at the newly-refurbished Columns

The Sacred Heart Sisters werehonored to host the annualConference of BenedictinePrioresses this past January 29 –February 4. Attendees includedleaders of women’s monasticcommunities from across the UnitedStates, Canada, Mexico, and theBahamas. The 52 participantsengaged in a full schedule ofbusiness meetings and planningsessions, as well as a two-dayretreat led by Sr. Irene Nowell,OSB.

A Southern-themed dinner withthe Sacred Heart community wasthe highlight of one evening, withNashville-based singer-songwriterKate Campbell providing musicalentertainment that was both

inspirational and humorous. The Sisters are grateful to many

who helped support the Communityin hosting the Conference:Chattanooga Bakery, Inc., Coca-Cola Distributors, Compass Bank,Discount Printing, Eva Bank,Modernistic Printers, MonasteryCandle Co., Our Lady of the ValleyCatholic Church, The Peanut Depot,Pepsi-Cola Distributing Co., SevenWinds Kitchen, and an anonymousdonor.

The combination of Southernand Benedictine hospitality wasmuch appreciated by theparticipants. In the words of onePrioress: “The hospitality wassuperb! Thanks y’all!”

Year of St. Paul comes to a Close

Sisters Host Prioressesfrom Across North America

Summer, 2009 Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama Page 5

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Page 6 Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama Summer, 2009

News BriefsWhile on sabbatical in

Pennsylvania, Sr. Sherrie L. Brainarddid extensive studies in the field ofComputer Technology. In February,she completed the course forCompTIA (Computing TechnologyIndustry Association) Network+Certification. In March, Sisterachieved MCP (Microsoft CertifiedProfessional) status when shesuccessfully fulfilled all therequirements for the Installing,Configuring, and AdministeringMicrosoft Windows XP Professionalcourse.

***********************************Sr. Elisabeth Meadows has

completed requirements for a Masterof Theological Studies degree fromSpring Hill College, a Jesuit institutionin Mobile. Sr. Elisabeth earnedhonors on both her written and oralcomprehensive exams. The degreewas conferred in May.

***********************************In February, Sr. Marian Davis,

Assistant Professor of English atStillman College, served as a panelistfor a discussion of the religious andmoral themes in the play “Doubt, AParable,” a Tony- and Pulitzer-winningdrama. The panel discussion washeld at the Bean-Brown Theatre inTuscaloosa and followed aperformance of “Doubt” by TheatreTuscaloosa. Joining Sr. Marian on thepanel were other professionals fromthe fields of academics, religion, andtheatre. Sr. Marian also recentlyserved as a judge for the AlabamaState Poetry Society poetrycompetition.

***********************************During the past year, Sr. Lynn

Marie McKenzie has been serving on

a legislative committee of the AlabamaLaw Institute. The committee hasbeen drafting proposed legislation onthe prevention of abduction of childrenin situations of contentious custodysituations.

***********************************Sisters Tonette Sperando,

Thérèse Haydel, and ElisabethMeadows attended a gathering of theFederation of St. Scholastica’s “55and Under” group. The gathering washeld in May at Mount St. ScholasticaMonastery in Atchison, KS.

***********************************In June, Sisters Marian Davis

and Margaret Mary Liang will departfor Rome to attend “DeepeningMonastic Roots: A RenewalExperience for English-SpeakingBenedictine Women.” They will bejoined by about 30 Sisters from theUnited States, Canada, and Australia.The annual month-long event, whichis sponsored by the Conference ofBenedictine Prioresses, offersparticipants the opportunity to exploretheir monastic heritage in thehomeland of Saint Benedict and SaintScholastica.

***********************************During the Lenten season, Sr.

Thérèse Haydel presented a lectureseries at Sacred Heart of JesusChurch in Cullman. Each of the foursessions focused on one of theGospel texts and the unique portrait ofJesus found within it.


Sr. Magdalena Craig traveled toOur Lady of Grace Monastery inBeech Grove, IN, this past April toattend a symposium of the AmericanBenedictine Formation Conferenceentitled Telling Our Stories: Embracingthe Challenge. Sr. Magdalena isVocation Director and Novice Directorfor the Sacred Heart Community, andserves as Chair of the InitialFormation Committee.


In SympathyWe join families and friends as we

remember those who have died andnow enjoy the fullness of the promiseof eternal life.

We remember Sr. Mary Wilfrid“Lillie” Huettel, ag ’28, who lived hermonastic profession for 78 years anddied peacefully at the Monasterysurrounded by the Community. Oursympathy goes out to her niece andnephews and their families. (Seestory in this Update.)

We also remember Norma JeanReynolds (formerly Sr. Mary Joan);Patrick Liang, brother of Sr. MargaretMary Liang; Carolyn Allen, Sister inlaw of Sr. Maurus Allen; MarieHarrison, sister in law of Sr. EleanorHarrison and mother of Jane HarrisonZanini, cg ’66 and Mary HarrisonStrickland, cg ‘64.

We pray for our brothers in Christ:Father John Owen and Father Ted

Hill of the Diocese of Birmingham;Father Thomas Schnur, OSB of St.Bernard Abbey.

Our Sisters send sympathy andprayers to the Hamel family at thedeath of Dr. Earl “Bud” Hamel; theThornton family at the death ofWilliam L. Thornton, Jr.; and theKlyce family at the death of WilliamKlyce.

We also remember our alumnae/iand their loved ones who have diedand extend our prayers andsympathy to their families: TheresaArndt Barnett, ag ’46; Katrina “Kitty”Garrison Knight; Barbara ReuterBugg, ag ’47 at the death of herhusband James; Theresa ClosDaniels, ag ’44, at the death of herhusband Joe.

May their souls and the souls ofall the faithful departed rest in peace!

Sisters Yen Le and Thu Do, of theCongregation of the Lovers of the HolyCross, spent Holy Week on retreat atSacred Heart. The two Sisters arecurrently studying at Spring HillCollege in Mobile. Lovers of the HolyCross is a Congregation founded andbased in Vietnam. While in Cullman,the two Vietnamese Sisters gave abrief presentation to the Community onreligious life in Vietnam and the historyof their community. They are picturedhere on Easter Sunday morning withSr. Janet Marie Flemming.

Save the date!Saturday, September 19

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Auction to benefit

renovation fund

Antique furniture,desks,

cedar chests,artwork

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Summer, 2009 Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama Page 7

Benedictine Manor UpdateThe Benedictine Manor community

continues to be invigorated by thediverse backgrounds and interests ofits residents, as well as by the mutual

respect and support that residentsoffer one another. Manor residentsfind their lives enriched by dailyencounters with other retirees and thecamaraderie of the community.Residents come from a variety ofbackgrounds, and they enjoy sharingtheir past experiences with oneanother in an environment of mutualsupport, yet with the freedom ofindependent living.

The Manor’s ministry is muchneeded in the Church and in society.It provides a unique service in whichmany of the challenges andresponsibilities of home-ownershipare alleviated, yet a spirit ofindependence retained. The Manorhelps provide a safe and comfortablesetting for retired individuals to

experience the opportunities affordedby independent living in a communalenvironment. As one residentexpressed succinctly “It (the Manorresidence) is part of the hundredfold,”while another said “This living is agreat picker-upper. We have it all!”

Retreat CenterOfferings

Summer/Fall 2009

Oblate Candidate Makes Final Oblation

[email protected] • 8-Day Intensive/Post-Intensive

Centering PrayerJune 22-29, 2009Contemplative Outreach Staff

• 5-Day Directed RetreatJuly 27-31, 2009Sr. Mary McGehee, OSB; Sr.Kathleen Gallas, OSB

• Healing GriefAugust 7-9, 2009Rev. Carl Malm

• Wellness RetreatAugust 21-23, 2009Sr. Mary McGehee, OSB

• Seeking God: The BenedictineWay of LivingAugust 21-23, 2009Sr. Magdalena Craig, OSB and Team

• Introduction to Centering PrayerSeptember 4-6, 2009Contemplative Outreach Staff

• Woman Spirit RisingSeptember 25-27, 2009Sr. Mary McGehee, OSB; Sr. PriscillaCohen, OSB; and WSR Team

• Intensive Centering PrayerOctober 23-25, 2009Contemplative Outreach Staff

• Advent Day of ReflectionDecember 2, 2009 (with ‘40 hourretreat’ option)Sr. Kathleen Gallas, OSB

• Advent Retreat: Adorning theHeartDecember 4-6, 2009Sr. Thérèse Haydel, OSB

• France: Paris and HistoricNormandyNovember 4-18, 2009Sr. Magdalena Craig, OSB

• Wales: A Land Beyond Time(including highlights ofSouthwestern England)September 22 - October 6 or 7, 2010Sr. Magdalena Craig, OSB

Marie Baker made her finaloblation as a Benedictine Oblate inSacred Heart Monastery Chapel onthe Feast of St. Benedict, March 21,2009 at Vespers. In the presence ofSr. Janet Marie Flemming, Prioressand Sr. Priscilla Cohen, OblateDirector and the MonasteryCommunity, Marie promised thefollowing: “I offer myself to God as aBenedictine Oblate of Sacred HeartMonastery, Cullman, Alabama, andpromise to serve God and all peopleaccording to the Rule of St. Benedictin so far as my state in life permits.”

Marie resides in Hattiesburg, MSand works as an academic advisorand a recruiter for the University ofSouthern Mississippi’s businessschool. She is married and herhusband Lance is currently serving asecond term in Iraq. She became aCatholic on April 11, 2009.

During her preparation period forfinal oblation, she has grown in herfidelity to prayer, study of the Rule ofSt. Benedict, and strives to spreadthe Benedictine charism in her dailylife. She sees the oblate way of lifeas responding to God’s invitation inthe words of St. Benedict: “What canbe sweeter to us, dear ones, than this

voice of the Lord inviting us?” Marieparaphrases this invitation in her ownwords: “The Lord is calling us to himthrough the Scriptures and if welisten, we will hear the sweet anddivine sonata that will make us dancethroughout our life.”

Benedictine Manor residents (from left) Lillian Williams, Florence Hollingsworth,Inez Kingsley, and Janie Salvagio enjoy

celebrating a birthday.

Sr. Janet Marie Flemming (center), Sr. Priscilla Cohen, and Marie Baker during

the Oblation ceremony.

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Benedictine Sisters916 Convent Road, NECullman, AL 35055(256) 734-4622E-mail: [email protected]

Page 8 Benedictine Sisters of Cullman, Alabama Summer, 2009

Not new to the BenedictineSisters of Cullman, AL is thepractice of wise financialstewardship. This discipline is notonly necessary, given the financialtimes we find ourselves facing, butis also expected by you, ourbenefactors. You expect us to useyour financial contributions in sucha manner as to allow us to continueserving the health care needs ofour Sisters; to attend to the day-to-day maintenance needs of thefacilities; to enhance the ministerialneeds of the Benedictine SistersRetreat Center, Benedictine Manor,and individual ministries; and toprovide a serene environment onour grounds. Staying true to ourfinancial discipline and meetingyour expectations are important tous. You can count on us to utilizeyour contributions in meaningfulways that enhance the spirit of St.Benedict among us.

We have been overwhelmed bythe generosity of so manybenefactors this year, given thechallenging economic conditionsthat so many are experiencing. Wehave seen a growth in participationwith our various appeals and prayeropportunities. Your financialsupport has allowed us to replaceseveral heating and cooling units inour guest facilities, to replace a hotwater tank for the monastery, andto attend to the never-endingsteam-heat leaks from our aged,galvanized radiator system.

As our renovation projectcontinues to develop, so too doesour capital campaign planning.With the assistance of Mr. CarlMeirose of American City Bureau,Inc., we are underway in organizingour campaign efforts. Please prayfor us and for our continued effortsto make a dream become a reality.The Sisters grow in excitement andanticipation over the newpossibilities that await us!

Thank you for always beingthere for the Sisters and forsupporting our ministerial efforts inserving those near and far.

A Note FromDevelopment Sr. Tonette Sperando, Devlopment Director

Want to Support Us?Here’s How:

Gift Options:• Cash, Check, or Credit Card • Bequests • Life Insurance

• Stocks & Bonds • Annuities • Charitable Trusts • Gifts-in-Kind

• PropertyWhen you meet to discuss your planswith your legal advisor you will need

the following legal name for the Sisters:

Benedictine Sisters of Cullman,Alabama or

Sacred Heart Monastery of Cullman,Alabama Foundation

Thank you for considering thisimportant and tax effective form ofsupporting the Benedictine Sisters!May God bless you richly for

your generosity to ourCommunity.

Sr. Tonette Sperando, OSBDevelopment Office

916 Convent Road, NECullman, AL 35055

(256) 734-4622e-mail: [email protected]

Benedictine Updateis published bi-annually by the

Benedictine Sisters of Sacred HeartMonastery in Cullman, AL.Editor: Benedictine Sisters

Contributors: Srs. Janet MarieFlemming, Tonette Sperando,

Mary McGehee, Elisabeth Meadows,Thérèse Haydel, Mary Ruth Coffman,

Priscilla Cohen, Eleanor Harrison, Sherrie Brainard, OSB, and

Barbara Gallagher, OSFPhotography: Srs. Regina Barrett,

Thérèse Haydel, Elisabeth Meadows,OSB, and Barbara Gallagher, OSF

Circulation: Sherri Arndt and Stephanie Cupp

Printed by:Alabama Web Press, Cullman, AL

Mission Statement We, the Benedictine Sisters of SacredHeart Monastery in Cullman, Alabama,compelled by the Gospel of Christ andinspired by the charism of St. Benedict,

commit ourselves to be a propheticwitness to all through a vowed life of

monastic prayer, community, and ministry.